Genealogy Data Page 44 (Pedigree Pages)

Genealogy Data Page 44 (Pedigree Pages)

Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Nicola Kay Burnell
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

   Lucy, Richard  
  Lucy, Peter    
    Witts, Herbert  
   Witts, Winifred   
     Branfield, Henry John
 b. 1850
    Branfield, Lucy
 b. ABT 1883
     Greatrex, Francis
 b. 1853
 d. JAN 1893

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   Unknown, Reginald  
  Unknown, Carol    
    Witts, Herbert  
   Witts, Dorothy   
     Branfield, Henry John
 b. 1850
    Branfield, Lucy
 b. ABT 1883
     Greatrex, Francis
 b. 1853
 d. JAN 1893

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   Haymes, Henry  
  Haymes, Cyril    
     Branfield, Henry
 b. 1821
 d. 1891
    Branfield, Henry John
 b. 1850
     Sandy, Sarah
 b. 1822
 d. BEF 1891
   Branfield, Ethel
 b. 1886
     Greatrex, William
 b. 1830
 d. 1871
    Greatrex, Francis
 b. 1853
 d. JAN 1893
     Unknown, Mary Ann
 b. ABT 1832

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   Haymes, Henry  
  Haymes, Laurel    
     Branfield, Henry
 b. 1821
 d. 1891
    Branfield, Henry John
 b. 1850
     Sandy, Sarah
 b. 1822
 d. BEF 1891
   Branfield, Ethel
 b. 1886
     Greatrex, William
 b. 1830
 d. 1871
    Greatrex, Francis
 b. 1853
 d. JAN 1893
     Unknown, Mary Ann
 b. ABT 1832

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   Bullock, Charles  
  Bullock, Peter    
    Haymes, Henry  
   Haymes, Doris   
     Branfield, Henry John
 b. 1850
    Branfield, Ethel
 b. 1886
     Greatrex, Francis
 b. 1853
 d. JAN 1893

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     Burnell, William
 b. ABT 1650
 d. 1706
     Burnell, William
 b. 1680
 d. 1730
      Unknown, Margaret
 b. ABT 1659
 d. 1722
   Burnell, William
 b. 1700
    Unknown, Anne  
  Burnell, Phillis
 b. 1728
     Shillingford, John
 b. ABT 1649
    Shillingford, John
 b. 1669
     Unknown, Phyllis
 b. ABT 1649
   Shillingford, Phillis
 b. 1703

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     Burnell, William
 b. ABT 1650
 d. 1706
     Burnell, William
 b. 1680
 d. 1730
      Unknown, Margaret
 b. ABT 1659
 d. 1722
   Burnell, William
 b. 1700
    Unknown, Anne  
  Burnell, John
 b. 1740
 d. BEF 1743
     Shillingford, John
 b. ABT 1649
    Shillingford, John
 b. 1669
     Unknown, Phyllis
 b. ABT 1649
   Shillingford, Phillis
 b. 1703

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   Cross, William  
  Cross, William
 b. 1762
     Burnell, Richard
 b. 1681
    Burnell, Thomas
 b. 1705
 d. 1738
     Unknown, Elizabeth
 b. ABT 1682
   Burnell, Mary
 b. 1733
    Unknown, Ann
 b. ABT 1700
 d. 1750

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     Burnell, William
 b. 1803
 d. 1866
     Burnell, James
 b. 1841
 d. 11 JUN 1901
      Biggs, Ann
 b. 1816
 d. 1896
   Burnell, Herbert
 b. 1869
     Price, William
 b. 1807
 d. BEF 1891
    Price, Harriet
 b. 1843
     Unknown, Eliza
 b. 1809
 d. BEF 1871
  Burnell, Reginald Horace
 b. 4 JUN 1894
     Axtell, Thomas
 b. 1810
    Axtell, Joseph
 b. 1836
     Axtell, Mary Ann
 b. 1813
   Axtell, Lucy
 b. 30 MAY 1869
 d. ABT 1940
    Unknown, Elizabeth
 b. 1840

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     Fincher, William 
     Fincher, William
 b. 1760
      Unknown, Ann 
   Fincher, Thomas
 b. 1809
    Smith, Zilpah
 b. 1771
  Fincher, William
 b. 1865
   Unknown, Mary   

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