Birmingham Cemetery, Carrick, PA, Contributed Information

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 O'Hara Township, Allegheny County, PA

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Birmingham Cemetery
(a/k/a Zimmerman Cemetery, a/k/a Lorch's Cemetery,
a/k/a German United Protestant Evangelical Cemetery)
2511 Brownsville Rd. (Carrick)
Pittsburgh, PA 15210-4514

(PLEASE NOTE: Birmingham (Zimmerman) Cemetery's records are kept by the Birmingham United Church of Christ, 25 Carrick Ave, Pgh, PA 15210. The cemetery is managed by Legacy Estate Planning, Inc. Records for burials after 1922 are at the cemetery office and they will respond to mail requests and can be contacted by phone, 412-881-2201 or fax 412-881-0388. There are church and cemetery records on microfilm which can be accessed at the University of Pittsburgh Archives Service Center in Point Breeze. (Click here for cemetery map) -- Source: Rootsweb PAALLEGH Mailing List -- Nancy Long)

(Click here for) "Selected membership lists from the German Evangelical Church of Birmingham - now Birmingham United Church of Christ, contributed by Ruth Creech dcreech1@nc."r-nospam-"

***(Indicates information taken from burial records on AIS Microfilm 77:30a, Pt 6, Birmingham United Church of Christ, Burial reg. 1902-Jan 1975, contributed by Nancy C. Long, [email protected]

A transcription of years 1874-1877 Birmingham Cemetery Single Lot Purchases, from microfilm reel 77:30a part 6 at Archives Service Center, by Rich Cummings, [email protected]

(Note: Directions for entries contributed by Millie Crown, now deceased, for (Old Single Graves, Row 2):

"You can find this section by going down Kirk Avenue and left on what looks like Hopeland Way" -- Millie)

(Please: REMOVE "-nospam-" from E-Mail addresses to contact contributors)

Unless otherwise indicated, this entire listing was recorded and submitted by
Nancy C. Long,
and, her niece
  Jacquelyn Felix,
(Some photos are available, contact Nancy Long (above) for further info)

(Contributors Note: Because there is no way to define specific areas for several sections, we have marked them as Section D-E-F and Section C-D. For the area shown on the map as Old Singles, we used OS.)

(Additional contributors and some obituaries are listed at bottom of this page).

Posted: July 23, 2004   Last Update: March 19, 2013

Surname, First Name, Birthdate, Deathdate, Other (Links/Photos)

Abbott, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 58, (MC)
Abel ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 1, (MC)
Abel ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 1, (MC)
ABEL, Ethel A., 1907-1951, Mother, Section H
ABEL, Gilbert D., 1903-1976, Father, Section H
Abersold, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 37, (MC)
ACKERMAN, Ida, 1879-1974, Mother, Section H
ACKMAN, Arbella, 1869-1925, Mother, (same stone as Wilhelmina Boston, John Ackman, Esther Wolfe), Section H
ACKMAN, Charles W., 1851-1938, Father, Section H
ACKMAN, John, 1864-1948, Father, (same stone: Arbella Ackman, Wilhelmina Boston, Esther Wolfe), Section H
ACKMAN, WILBERT J., 1 yr, Sec H Lot 439, April 30, 1918, ***
ACKMANN, Iva, 1898-1929, Mother, Section H
ADAMS, Caroline, 1872-1952, Section B
ADAMS, Elizabeth, 1874-1952, Section B
ADAMS, GOLDIE MAY, 32 yrs, Row 1675, September 1, 1921, ***
ADAMS, Marie, Died May 27 1909, Section B
ADLER, Mary, 1854-1926, Mother, Section A
ADLER, Sebastian, 1851-1888. Father, Section A
ADRIAN, JACOB, 83 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 428, Aug. 22, 1918, ***
AHLBORN, MARGRET, 7 yrs, Sec C Lot 32, October 5, 1917, ***
AICHELE, Jakob, Geb am 7 Juli 1828-Gest am 12 Dec 1895, Sections C-D
AIKEN, Frieda Stiefvater, 1905-1987, Sister, (same stone as Walter Stiefvater), Section H
ALBRECHT, (no names or dates on stone), Sections D-E-F
ALDRIDGE I, Edward Albert, 1901-1922, Section H
Allen, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 46, (MC)
ALLEN, Thomas E., 1884-1927, Father, Section OS
ALSING, Siebert, 1882-1957, Husband, Section H
ALSTER, Albert, 1891-1971, Brother, Section H
ALSTER, ANNA, 14 mo, Sec H Lot 160, September 10, 1916, ***
ALSTER, Charlotte, 1887-1961, Sister, Section H
ALSTER, Emelia W., 1875-1943, Mother, Sections D-E-F
ALSTER, Katherina, 1852-1926, Mother, Section H
ALSTER, Marie E., 1907-1998, Wife, (same stone as William F. Hoelke, Elizabeth G. Hoelke, William H. Alster), Sections D-E-F
ALSTER, William F., 1874-1959, Father, Sections D-E-F
ALSTER, William H., 1903-1975, Husband, (same stone as William F. Hoelke, Elizabeth G. Hoelke, Marie E. Alster), Sections D-E-F
ALT, Nicholas, 1826-1908, Husband, Section A
ALTENBURGER, Adele, Geb 3 Mai 1869-Gest 2 Jan 1953, Mutter, Section 4
ALTENBURGER, Barbara, Geb 6 May 1832-Gest 21 Feb 1914, Mutter, Section 4
ALTENBURGER, Konrad A., Geb 24 Sept 1869-Gest 21 Juni 1924, Vater, Section 4
ALTENBURGER, Konrad, Geb 22 Juli 1837-Gest 19 Juli 1899, Vater, Section 4
ALTENBURGER, Mildred D., Aug 24 1897-June 4 1960, Daughter, Section 4
ALTENBURGER, Ulrich, Born 1873-Died 1911, Son, Section 4
AMBOS, John, 1864-1903, Father, Sections D-E-F
AMBOS, Sophia, see Sophia Ambos Simmen, Sections D-E-F
AMMAN, Catharine, 1840-1914, Mother, Section A
AMMAN, F. Martin, 1837-1875, Father, Section A
AMMAN, Fred M., 1858-1933, Father, Section A
AMMAN, Kate, see Kate Amman Undercoffer, Section A
AMMAN, Lillian C., 1897-1983, Sister, Section A
AMMAN, Mary A., 1889-1960, Mother, Section A
AMMAN, Wilhelmina, 1864-1940, Mother, Section A
AMMAN, William F., 1886-1957, Father, Section A
AMMANN, Elizabeth, 1846-1894, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Ammann), Sections C-D
AMMANN, Jacob, 1848-1901, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Ammann), Sections C-D
AMMANN, Mary S., 1863-1927, Sections C-D
ANDEREGG, Charles, 1871-1945, Father, (same stone as Josephine Anderegg), Section C-1
ANDEREGG, Josephine, 1877-1938, Mother, (same stone as Charles Anderegg), Section C-1
ANDERSON, CHAS, 29 yrs, Sec ? Lot 2, Jan. 9, 1919, ***
ANDREITIS, Stillborn, Row 1617, August 22, 1919, ***
ANDREWS, Albert W., 1881-1956, Father, Section C-1
ANDREWS, Mark, 1852-1913, Husband, Erected By His Wife, Ellie Hall Andrews, Section C-1
ANIS, ALBERT, 49 yrs, Sec H Lot 366, May 10, 1919, ***
APENRODT, MINNIE (?), 82 yrs, Sec F Lot 50, November 23, 1916, ***
Apitzsch, Moritz Robert, b. Sep. 16, 1912 d. May 21, 2000, (I)
Apitzsch, Rose Lipp, b. May 13, 1918 d. Feb. 6, 2008, (I)
APPEL, Amalie C., see Amalie C. Erdlen geb Appel, Section 4
APPEL, Emil E., 1881-1967, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
APPEL, Emma C., 1882-1964, Mother, Section 4
APPEL, Harry G., 1888-1950, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
APPEL, Ida Lach, 1890-1987, Mother, (Eastern Star symbol), Section 4
APPEL, John M., 1909-1971, Husband and Father, Section 4
APPEL, John, 1849-1929, Father, Section 4
APPEL, Laura M., 1878-1947, Daughter, Section 4
APPEL, Magdalena, 1853-1939, Mother, Section 4
APPENRODT, (stones for Mother, Brother, Brother-no names or dates), Sections D-E-F
APPENRODT, Ann J., 1886-1984, Wife, (same stone as Henry and Sophis Kustes), Section 4
APPENRODT, Bertha, 1864-1941, Section A
APPENRODT, Henry, 1823-1874, Father, (same stone as Ann and Sophia Kustes), Section 4
APPENRODT, Sophia Kustes, 1833-1899, Mother, Section 4
ARCH, JACOB, 60 yrs, Row 1558, January 11, 1918, ***
ARMBRUSTER, Robert, 1858-1915, Father, Section 4
ARRAS, Adam J., June 9 1828-June 26 1902, Father, Section H
ARRAS, Albert L., Apr 19 1870-May 6 1919, Section H
ARRAS, Elizabeth, 1845-1931, Mother, Section H
ARRAS, Elizabeth, Feb 4 1872-Nov 13 1901, Wife of Albert L. Arras, Section H
ARRAS, Margaret, 1875-1943, Daughter, Section H
ARRAS, Mary, 1879-1954, Daughter, Section H
ARTMAN, Anthony J., 1879-1962, Father, (same stone as Lillian Artman), Section H
ARTMAN, EDITH, 2 mos, Sec H Lot 67, May 30, 1917, ***
ARTMAN, Lillian A., 1885-1961, Mother, (same stone as Anthony J. Artman), Section H
ASCHENBRENNER, Anna K. E., 1868-1902, Section 4
ASZMAN, Bessie P., Apr 10 1885-Aug 1 1974, Mother, Sections D-E-F
ASZMAN, William, Born Dec 15 1878-Died June 8 1950, Enl. Aug 2 1899-Disc. May 1 1901, Sgt Co B 28th Inf, Sections D-E-F
ASZMANN, John J., 1843-1905, Husband, Sections D-E-F
AUEL, Anna K., 1872-1902, Section 4
AUEL, Conrad M., 1866-1942, Section 4
AUEL, Mary M., 1877-1972, Section 4
AUERSWALD, CHARLES, 86 yrs, Sec E Lot 94, Apr 1, 1929, ***
AUGUSTINE, Cyril M., 1908-1976, Husband, (Masonic symbol), Section C-1
AUGUSTINE, Margaret L., 1910-1997, Wife, Section C-1
AUGUSTINE, R. Kingan, 1941-1962, Son, Section C-1
AULENBACHER, Elizabeth M., 1862-1932, Mother, Section A
AULENBACHER, Jacob, 1855-1899, Father, Section A
AXTHELM, 3 days, Sec 4 Lot 338, Removed March 13, 1919, ***
AXTHELM, CARL, Sec 4 Lot 338, October 24, 1918, ***
AYERS, Charles, (no dates), (same stone as John, Katherine, Elmer, Lydia, Emma Ayers), Section 4
AYERS, Elmer, (no dates), (same stone as John, Katherine, Charles, Lydia, Emma Ayers), Section 4
AYERS, Emma, (no dates), (same stone as John, Katherine, Elmer, Charles, Lydia Ayers), Section 4
AYERS, John, (no dates), Father, (s/s Katherine, John, Elmer, Charles, Lydia, Emma Ayers & Lottie Norcott), Section 4
AYERS, Katherine, (no dates), Mother, (same stone as John, Elmer, Charles, Lydia, Emma Ayers & Lottie Norcott), Section 4
AYERS, Lydia, (no dates), (same stone as John, Katherine, Elmer, Charles, Emma Ayers), Section 4
AYMANN(?), WILLIAM J., 38 yrs, Sec H Lot 59, August 30, 1916, ***
Bachman, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 33, (MC)
Bachman, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 32, (MC)
BACHMANN, Gustav H., 1863-1939, Father, Section OS
BACHMANN, Sidonie, 1863-1930, Mother, Section OS
BACKER, JOHN, 24 yrs, Sec H Lot 544, January 30, 1919, ***
BADER, Mathilda, see Mathilda Bader Salmon, Section B
BAECKER, (large stone, no dates), Section C-1
Baeder, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 4, (MC)
BAEDER, JACOB, 84 yrs, Row 1607, March 9, 1919, ***
BAEHR, Fred, 1900-1903, Son, (same stone as Magdalena & William Baehr), Section H
BAEHR, Henry, 1873-1942, Father, Section OS
BAEHR, Magdalena, 1863-1949, (same stone as William & Fred Baehr), Section H
BAEHR, William, 1852-1903, (same stone as Magdalena & Fred Baehr), Section H
BAGNALL, Louisa, 1846-1932, Wife, Section 4
BAGNALL, William, 1847-1927, Husband, Section 4
BAILEY, JOHN, 58 yrs, Row 1631, January 26, 1920, ***
BAILEY, Louise Hess, Dec 31 1903-Mar 12 1976, Daughter, Section H
Bailey, Thos., Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 47, (MC)
BAIR, JOHN, 59 yrs, Row 1661, February 12, 1921, ***
BAKER, Caroline Held, Sept 17 1910-Aug 12 2002, Beloved, In God�s Hands, Section 4
BAKER, Ethel E., Born 1880-Died 1899, Our Darling, Section H
BAKER, Hazle D., Born Aug 18 1901-Died June 22 1906, (stone eroded), Section H
BALINSKI, Peter, 1918-1932, Son, Section OS
BARANICK, FRANK, 36 yrs, Row 1588, November 8, 1918, ***
BARCHFELD, Edith Allen, 1900-1990, Section 4
BARCHFELD, Edna E., 1896-1976, Daughter, Section 4
BARCHFELD, Edna R., 1885-1962, Mother, Section 4
BARCHFELD, Elizabeth M., 1916-1999, Daughter, Section 4
BARCHFELD, Elizabeth, 1867-1951, Mother, Section 4
BARCHFELD, Henry C., 1858-1930, (same stone as Rosina Barchfeld), Sections D-E-F
BARCHFELD, Herman C., 1888-1981, Father, Section 4
BARCHFELD, Rosina, 1859-1932, (same stone as Henry C. Barchfeld), Sections D-E-F
BARCHFELD, William F., 1889-1894, Son, Section 4
BARCHFELD, William, 1861-1930, Father, Section 4
BARD, Eliza Mae, no birth date-Mar 5 1936, Mother-handmade stainless steel marker in cross shape - in the woods, Section OS
BARKER, Infant, 20 days, Row 1574, October 11, 1918, ***
BARNES, Anna Marie, 1917-(no date), (same stone as Robert J. Barnes), Section H
BARNES, Robert J., 1915-1987, (same stone as Anna Marie Barnes), Section H
BARR, MARIE, 60 yrs, Sec C Lot 17, July 12, 1916, ***
BARRON, Mazie P., 1887-1959, Mother, Section H
BARTELS, Charles F., 1878-1932, Father, (same stone as Ida May Bartels), Section H
BARTELS, Ida May, 1884-1968, Mother, (same stone as Charles F. Bartels), Section H
BARTZ, CARLINA, 42 yrs, Sec C Lot 34, November 22, 1916, ***
BASHAAR, Louisa, see Louisa Fischer nee Bashaar, Section H
BASHOR, (no names or dates on stone), Sections D-E-F
BATZ, Anna B., Aug 1 1812-Mar 13 1872, Mother, Section 4
BATZ, Anna K., Geb D 1 Sept 1838-Gest D 19 Juni 1884, Mutter, Sections D-E-F
BATZ, Edwin C., 1885-1927, Son, Section H
BATZ, Elizabeth, 1859-1926, Mother, Section H
BATZ, Harry P., 1894-1921, Son, Section H
BATZ, Jonas, Geb D 27 Juni 1837-Gest D 20 Mai 1912, Vater, Sections D-E-F
BATZ, Leonard Otto, 1913-1929, Son, Section H
BATZ, Peter, 1854-1912, Father, Section H
BAUER, Edward C., 1882-1955, Father, Section H
BAUER, Elizabeth M., Oct. 1 1849-June 21 1929, Mother, Section B
BAUER, George W., Geb AM 15 Mai 1888-Gest AM 23 Jan 1891, Bruder, Section B
BAUER, Gustav, Nov 12 1861-Nov 10 1903, Section H,
BAUER, Harold P., 1910-1933, Son, Section H
BAUER, Henrietta E., 1889-1979, Mother, Section H
BAUER, Henry, 1886-1955, Brother, Section B
BAUER, Jacob L., Sept 17 1842-Mar 31 1897, Father, Section B
BAUER, Lena, 1876-1949, Sister, Section B
BAUMAN, Catherine, 1894-1924, Mother, Section H
BAUMAN, Elizabeth, 1898-2000, Wife, Section H
BAUMAN, Louis W., 1892-1967, Husband, Section H
BAUMANN, Florence, nee Glasser, 1886-1907, Section B
BAUMILLER, Charles, (same stone as Jacob, Elizabeth and sons Henry, Edward), Section H
BAUMILLER, Christ, 1856-1928, Husband, (same stone as George, Elizabeth, David Baumiller), Section H
Baumiller, Christy, old single lots, died Oct 17 1895, (unmarked), aged 2 years, (RC)
Baumiller, Daniel, section H, died march 2 1945, (unmarked), aged 60 years, (RC)
BAUMILLER, David, 1881-1955, Son, (same stone as George, Christ, Elizabeth Baumiller), Section H
BAUMILLER, Edward, (same stone as Jacob, Elizabeth and sons Charles and Henry), Section H
Baumiller, Eliza Brown, buried H614, died May 4 1907, (unmarked), aged 43 years, (RC)
BAUMILLER, Elizabeth Brown, 1857-1934, Wife, (same stone as Christ, George, David Baumiller), Section H
BAUMILLER, Elizabeth, (same stone as Jacob and sons Charles, Henry, Edward), Section H
BAUMILLER, George, 1861-1926, Brother, (same stone as Christ, Elizabeth, David Baumiller), Section H
BAUMILLER, Henry, (same stone as Jacob, Elizabeth and sons Charles and Edward), Section H
BAUMILLER, HENRY, 40 yrs, sec H Lot 661, April 13, 1919, ***
BAUMILLER, Irwin, Jan 17 1966, (same stone as John Baumiller), Section H
Baumiller, Jacob Buried H 614, died May 4 1907, (unmarked), aged 1 day, (RC)
BAUMILLER, Jacob, (same stone as Elizabeth and sons Charles, Henry, Edward), Section H
BAUMILLER, John, Mar 9 1936, (same stone as Irwin Baumiller), Section H
Baumiller, Lucy Brown, 1861-1937, (same stone as Charles C., Lillian M., Virginia A. Peasley), Section H, (Peasley stone), (RC)
BAUMILLER, MAY MARY, 32 yrs, Sec H Lot 614, December 11, 1918, ***
Baumiller, Myrtle Meads, section H, aged 71 years, (unmarked), wife of Daniel Baumiller, (RC)
BAUMILLER, Phillip, 1901-1925, Section H
BAUMILLER, PHILLIP, 59 yrs, Sec H Lot 614, March 16, 1917, ***
Baumiller, Stella, old single lots, August 31 1902, (unmarked), thirteen years old, (RC)
Baumiller, Valentine, old single lots, August 5 1884, (unmarked), aged 62 years, (RC)
BEA, Ella E., 1882-1970, Section C-1
BEA, Margaretha, May 9 1840-Feb 19 1903, (same stone as Martin Bea), Sections D-E-F
BEA, Martin, Oct 9 1845-Nov 6 1924, (same stone as Margaretha Bea), Sections D-E-F
BEA, Philip, 1880-1920, (Masonic symbol), Sections D-E-F
BEACH, Ruth E., 1889-1983, Our Beloved Friend, Section H
BEARZOTTI, Giacomo, 1882-1955, Section OS
BEATTY, Amanda T., 1884-1931, Wife, Section 4
BEATTY, Elizabeth M., Aug 17 1877-Mar 24 1902, Beloved Wife of W. R. Beatty, Section C-1
BECHTER, William George, 1873-1925, Son, Sections D-E-F
BECK, Louise M. Peppel, 1891-1979, Wife, Sections D-E-F
BECKER, Clara L., 1904-1986, (same stone as Harold R. Becker), Section H
BECKER, Elizabeth, 1879-1948, Sister, Section H
BECKER, Emma Mae, 1892-1941, Wife, Section OS
BECKER, George J., July 4 1888-May 10 1955, Enl. July 26 1918-Disc. Dec 12 1918, Pfc Co L 12th Bn IRC, Sections D-E-F
BECKER, Harold R., 1902-1963, (same stone as Clara L. Becker), Section H
BECKER, Ida Bisle, 1884-1919, Mother, Section H
BECKER, John, 1874-1943, Father, Section H
BECKER, KATHERINE, 80 yrs, Grave No 1478, Feb. 4, 1929, ***
BECKER, Lina, Jan 5 1862-Aug 28 1924, Section H
BECKER, Margaretta, 1852-1907, Mother, Section H
BECKER, Theobald, 1846-1926, Section H
BECKER, WALTER, 22 yrs, Sec F Lot 113, May 11, 1919, ***
BECKETT, Alice E., 1905 � (stone broken), (next to garage building), Section C-1
BEDDELION, ABRAHAM, 60 yrs, Row 1596, December 16, 1918, ***
BEEGLE, Mary, 1896-1926, Mother, Section OS
BEGGS JR., William R., 1913-1939, Father, Section OS
BEGGS, CATHRINA, 38 yrs, Row 1581, October 29, 1918, ***
BEGGS, William, 1880-1950, Father, Section OS
BEHRNSEN, See Hohn-Behrnsen, Section H
BELLMAN, MARY, 82 yrs, Row 1265, August 10, 1916, ***
BENDER, Charles A., July 30 1874-July 16 1966, Enl. June 20 1898-Disc. June 19 1901, Cook Co A 17th Inf, Section C-1
BENDER, Henry L., 1864-1934, (same stone as Lena A. Bender), Section H
BENDER, Hilda L., see Hilda L. McMahon nee Bender, Section C-1
BENDER, Ida A., 1874-1943, Section C-1
BENDER, Lena A., 1869-1938, (same stone as Henry L. Bender), Section H
BENNETT, Elsie I., see Elsie I. Storch nee Bennett, Section 4
BENNETT, Isabella C., nee Trautmann, 1925-1991, Section 4
BENTFEL, Eliz. F., (no dates), Grandmother, (same stone 7 names: Mary, John, Christina, Anna, Lillian, Ralph Russell and Eliz. F. Bentfel), Section H
BERANEK, Frank, 1918, (same stone as Lois Beranek), Section A
BERANEK, Lois, 1930, (same stone as Frank Beranek), Section A
BERCHER, Anna, see Anna Bercher Schramm, Section H
BERDELL, MARCELLA, 30 yrs, Row 1604, February 23, 1919, ***
BERGEMANN, Alma Reichenbach, 1879-1915, Section B
BERGER, Edward John, Jan 7 1925-Apr 15 1926, Beloved son of Harry F. and Lillian D. Berger, Section OS
BERGHEIMER, Anna C. 1854-1929, Mother, Section C-1
BERGHEIMER, Charles E., 1879-1920, Son, Section C-1
BERGHEIMER, Estelle, 1879-1955, Mother, Section C-1
BERGHEIMER, George P., Jan 17 1885-Mar 13 1886, Son, Section C-1
BERGHEIMER, Henry, 1851-1941, Father, Section C-1
BERGHEIMER, Ruth V., 1915-1963, Daughter, Section C-1
BERGHEIMER, William H., 1877-1965, Father, Section C-1
BERGMAN, ELISABETH, 60 yrs, Sec B Lot 43, March 26, 1919, ***
BERGMANN, Eliz., 1858-1919, Mother, Section B
BERGMANN, John, 1853-1909, Father, Section B
BERNHART, Elizabeth, 1861-1930, Wife, (same stone as John Bernhart), Section H
BERNHART, John, 1862-1913, Husband, (same stone as Elizabeth Bernhart), Section H
BERNSDORFF, Ferdinand, Geb 19 Sept 1831-Gest 14 Nov 1899, (same stone as Friederika Bernsdorff), Sections D-E-F
BERNSDORFF, Friederika, Geb 3 Marz 1833-Gest 20 Marz 1889, (same stone as Ferdinand Bernsdorff), Sections D-E-F
BESENY (SMITH), Sadie Alberta, 9/27/1924-3/14/2002, same stone as Elizabeth Blythe, Section OS
Best, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 28, (MC)
BEST, ELISABETH, 66 yrs, Sec D Lot 30, April 17, 1917, ***
BEST, Emma, see Emma Best Frey, Section A
BEST, HARNANDILE (?), 33 yrs, Sec D Lot 30, October 23, 1918, ***
BEVAN, Earl C. L., Aug 25 1895-July 15 1911, Our Son, Section H
BEVAN, Sidney, 1912-1974, Dad, Section H
BIBER, Anna Eva, 1868-1943, Wife, Section A
BIBER, Benjamin F., 1868-1915, Husband, Section A
BICKEL, Henry F., 1871-1941, Section H
BIEMER, Fred W., 1855-1936, Father, (same stone as Henrietta Biemer), Sections D-E-F
BIEMER, Henrietta, 1861-1960, Mother, (same stone as Fred W. Biemer), Sections D-E-F
BIER, Amanda M., 1853-1916, Mother, Section A
BIER, Christian, Nov 15 1844-Mar 8 1911, Father, Section H
BIER, Friedrich, Geb AM 5 Marz 1811-Geft AM 21 Mai 1891, Section A
BIER, George E., Oct 18 1891-Nov 21 1945, Enlisted July 25 1918- Discharged Sept 26 1919, Pvt Co A 18th Inf, Section A
BIER, Louis, Sr., 1849-1914, Father, Section A
BIER, Maria, Geb AM 25 Mai 1814-Geft __ ____183(?)9, Section A
BIER, OLIVA, 4 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 313, September 16, 1916, ***
BIER, Olivia, 1879-1912, Wife, Section 4
BILDSTEIN, Anna M., 1882-1963, Wife, Section 4
BILDSTEIN, Anton J., 1873-1945, Husband of Anna M. Young, Section 4
BINDER, Alma W., 1892-1981, Daughter, Section 4
BINDER, Andreas, Geb 6 Okt 1833- Gest 26 Sept 1913, Section B
BINDER, Edna C., 1891-1983, Daughter, Section 4
BINDER, Elisabetha geb Hetche, Geb 4 Sept 1833-Gest 21 Feb 1900, Section B
BINDER, Elizabeth M., 1867-1928, Mother, Section 4
BINDER, J. Albert, 1894-1918, Son, Section 4
BINDER, J. Godfrey, 1866-1925, Father, Section 4
BINDER, J.H., 24 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 51, September 26, 1918, ***
BINDER, John, Geb 11 Oct 1828-Gest 3 Aug 1886, Section B
BINDER, Louie M., 1900-1981, (same stone as William A. Binder), Section 4
BINDER, Walter H., 1889-1961, Son, Section 4
BINDER, William A., 1898-1960, In Gods Care, (same stone as Louie M. Binder), Section 4
BINGER, AMELIA, 37 yrs, Sec H Lot 58, Nov. 14, 1918, ***
BINGER, Arant H., Jan 19 1929-July 8 1968, A/B Air Force, Enlisted Aug 12 1952 Discharged Oct 1 1952, Section H
BINGER, Emilie Charlotte, 1881-1918, (same stone as Nicklaus Binger), Section H
BINGER, Henry J., 1903-1954, Husband, Section H
BINGER, Magdalena, 1873-1955, Section H
BINGER, Nicklaus, 1878-1948, (same stone as Emilie Charlotte Binger), Section H
BINGLER, H. F., July 11 1878-March 31 1954, Small stone with hand engraved metal plate, Section OS
BINSTED, Arthur J., 1885-1923, Father, Section OS
BIRKELBACH, H.L., Geb D 5 Sept 1822-Gest D 2 Dez 1892, Section B
BIRKELBACH, Philip, Geb D 29 Apr 1815-Gest D 21 Dez 1859, Unser Vater, Section B
BIRMINGHAM, Frank M., Jan 26 1902-Nov 12 1962, Pvt 583rd Tech Sch Sq Aus, Enl. Sept 22 1942 Disc. Feb 23 1943, Section H
BIRMINGHAM, Frank R., 1879-1931, Father, Section H
BISCH, FRED, 71 yrs, Sec H Lot 86, November __, 1917, ***
BISCHOFF, Audrey M., Feb 20 � Mar 10 1928, Infant Daughter, Section 4
BISCHOFF, Dorathea, Died April 15 1889, aged 59 yrs 5 mo 21 days, Mother, Section B
BISCHOFF, Emma, 1862-1906, (same stone as William Bischoff), Section H
BISCHOFF, Harry E., Dec 2 1891-Nov 20 1930, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
BISCHOFF, Iris, see Iris Bischoff George, Section 4
BISCHOFF, John M., Died Dec 2 1897, Aged 76 Yrs 11 Mos 14 Days, Father, Section B
BISCHOFF, Madaline, Mar 29 1865-May 2 1910, My Wife, Section B
BISCHOFF, William, 1869-1939, (same stone as Emma Bischoff), Section H
BISLE, Ida, see Ida Bisle Becker, Section H
BITTNER, Clara, see Clara Bittner Flohr, Section A
BITTNER, Freda A., 1884-1953, Niece, Section C-1
BLASHE, FRANK, 54 yrs, Row 1645, May 24, 1920, ***
BLECHSCHMIDT, Ben, 1873-1926, Son, Section H
BLECHSCHMIDT, Bernhardt, 1842-1902, Father, Section H
BLECHSCHMIDT, Ida A., 1843-1927, Mother, Section H
BLINN, Hermann, Aug 8 1886-June 17 1923, (same stone: William, Lena & Hermann Blinn), Section H
BLINN, Lena, Oct 8 1882-May 14 1968, (same stone: William, Lena & Hermann Blinn), Section H
BLINN, William, March 15 1914-Nov 20 1934, (same stone: William, Lena & Hermann Blinn), Section H
BLITZ, LOTTIE, 62 yrs, Row 1383, June 18, 1921, ***
BLOCHER, John C., 1843-1908, Father, (same stone as Sophia Blocher), Section C-1
BLOCHER, Sophia, 1851-1922, Mother, (same stone as John C. Blocher), Section C-1
BLOCK, SADDY, 64 yrs, Sec D Lot 25, October 6, 1918, ***
BLUEMETRITT, PAULINA, 63 yrs, Sec H Lot 554, July 9, 1917, ***
BLUM, Alma E., 1906-1977, Daughter, Sections D-E-F
BLUM, Anna Elisabeth, 1864-1945, Mutter, Sections D-E-F
BLUM, Carl E., 1891�1894, Sohn, (same stone as Jakob Blum), Sections D-E-F
BLUM, Christian, 1820-1899, Grandfather, Sections D-E-F
BLUM, Emma M., 1903-1999, Daughter, Sections D-E-F
BLUM, Freda L., 1898-1976, Daughter, Sections D-E-F
BLUM, JACOB, 73 yrs, Sec E, Lot 118, Feb 24, 1929, ***
BLUM, Jakob, 1855-1929, Vater, (same stone as Carl E. Blum), Sections D-E-F
BLUM, Martha M., see Martha M. Remy nee Blum, Sections D-E-F
BLUME, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1512, December 14, 1916, ***
BLUMENTRITT, Amalia, 1870-1931, Wife, Section H
BLUMENTRITT, Herman, 1850-1923, Vater, Section H
BLUMENTRITT, Max H., 1871-1933, Husband, Section H
BLUMENTRITT, Pauline, 1854-1917, Mutter, Section H
BLYTHE, Elizabeth, 1897-1935, same stone as Sadie Alberta Beseny (Smith), Section OS
BOBRING, John F., 1884-1948, Father, same stone as Mary E. Bobring, Section OS
BOBRING, Mary E., 1887-1958, Mother, same stone as John F. Bobring, Section OS
BOCK, Andrew, 1830-1903, Father, Section B
BOCK, Carolina K., 1834-1908, Mother, Section B
BOCK, Caroline, 1872-1939, Section B
BOCK, Louise, 1857-1933, Section B
BOCK, Phillip J., 1859-1898, Section B
BODENHAGEN, August, Nov 4 1859-Jan 16 1905, Section C-1
BODENHAGEN, Katharine, June 21 1858-Mar 7 1893, Section C-1
BODENHAGEN, Mary, Sept 9 1830-June 20 1892, Section C-1
BODENHAGEN, Phillip, Jan 18 1867-Dec 30 1906, Section C-1
BODENSTEIN, Clara, 1890-1962, Section B
BODENSTEIN, Louis, 1859-1903, (same stone as Margaretha Bodenstein), Section B
BODENSTEIN, Margaretha, 1861-1927, his wife, (same stone as Louis Bodenstein), Section B
BOEDECKER, George E., Mar 21 1924-, Our Baby, Section OS
BOEHMER, Caroline K., 1892-1978, Wife, (same stone as Paul C. Boehmer), Section H
BOEHMER, Dina, 1858-1933, Mother, Section H
BOEHMER, Harry, 1896-1905, Son, Section H
BOEHMER, John, 1848-1929, Father, Section H
BOEHMER, Paul C., 1890-1985, Husband, (same stone as Caroline K. Boehmer), Section H
BOERNER, Albert C., Feb 2 1888-Jan 31 1953, Son, Section 4
BOERNER, Christina, 1853-1927, Mother, Section 4
BOERNER, Edward, Jan 22 1895-Sept 22 1962, Sgt Utilities Det US Army, Enl. July 22 1918-Disc. May 21 1919, Section 4
BOERNER, Frieda D., 1889-1948, Mother, (same stone as Walter A. Boerner), Section 4
BOERNER, George, 1853-1927, Father, Section 4
BOERNER, George, 1881-1915, Son, Section 4
BOERNER, Gertrauda, Aug 6 1849-Aug 5 1930, Section A
BOERNER, Gertrude, 1887-1923, Section B
BOERNER, Gertrude, Oct 13 1883-Aug 4 1957, Daughter, Section 4
BOERNER, Katherine S., 1897-1987, Section B
BOERNER, Lena, 1856-1901, Section B
BOERNER, Nicholas, 1851-1927, Section B
BOERNER, Walter A., 1886-1949, Father, (same stone as Frieda D. Boerner), Section 4
BOERNER, William, 1892-1955, Section B
BOETTGE, Stillborn, Row 1412, December 5, 1918, ***
BOGNAR, HENRY, 58 yrs, Row 1707, July 11, 1922, ***
BOIES, Christine M., 1861-1947, Mother, Section H
BOIES, David H., 1861-1908, Father, Section H
BOJT, BISJI, 25 yrs, Row 1527, April 28, 1917, ***
BOLIN, Joseph, 1938-, (same stone as Ruth Bolin), Section H
BOLIN, Ruth, 1938-2004, (same stone as Joseph Bolin), Section H
BOLLMAN, Edwin W., 1892-1976, Husband, Section 4
BOLLMAN, Katherine, 1859-1952, Wife, Section 4
BOLLMAN, Stella B., 1895-1951, Wife, Section 4
BOLLMAN, William F., 1857-1912, Husband, Section 4
BOND, Grace G., 1907-1990, Section C-1
BONEYSTEELE, Margaret, 1856-1917, Sister, Sections C-D
BONEYSTEELE, MARGARET, 59 yrs, Row 1523, March 19, 1917, ***
BONHAJO, Valentine, Born July 3 1822 at Pfungstadt, Hesse-Darmstadt- Died in Pittsburgh, Pa, Dec 5 1887, Section A
BONHEYO, Annie K., June 1 1860-May 28 1877, Sister, Section A
BONHEYO, Christine, June 13 1836-Aug 29 1880, Mother, Section A
BONHEYO, Emma C., 1874-1953, (same stone as John A. Bonheyo), Section H
BONHEYO, John A., 1868-1939, (same stone as Emma C. Bonheyo), Section H
BONHEYO, John, 1832-1921, Father, Section A
BONHEYO, Laura E., Sept 18 1877-Feb 5 1879, Section A
BONHEYO, Lena, 1861-1940, Sister, Section A
BONHEYO, Mary A., Oct 29 1903-Dec 8 1943, Section H
BONHEYO, Milton J., 1906-1986, Husband, Section H
BORKOWSKI, C. MARY, 22 yrs, Row 1584, November 1, 1918, ***
BORN-DOSCH, Katherine F., 1842-1922, Mother, Section A
BORN, Anna, see Anna Born Stenger, Section A
BORN, Daniel, 1836-1871, Father, Section A
BOSSERT, HENRY, 25 yrs, Row 1551, November 11, 1917, ***
BOSSERT, Mary, 1868-1940, Mother, Section OS
BOSTON, Wilhelmina, 1889-1971, Mother, (same stone as Arbella Ackman, John Ackman, Esther Wolfe), Section H
BOTT, Beth, (no dates), (same stone: George, Elizabeth, Charles, Herbert, Beth Bott), Section H
BOTT, Caroline, 1858-1925, Mother, Section H
BOTT, Charles, (no dates), (same stone: George, Elizabeth, Charles, Herbert, Beth Bott), Section H
BOTT, Elizabeth, 1866-1947, Mother, (same stone: George, Elizabeth, Charles, Herbert, Beth Bott), Section H
BOTT, Emma C. M., 1898-1932, Daughter, Section H
BOTT, Frederick, 1866-1955, Father, Section H
BOTT, George, 1863-1927, Father, (same stone: George, Elizabeth, Charles, Herbert, Beth Bott), Section H
BOTT, Herbert, (no dates), (same stone: George, Elizabeth, Charles, Herbert, Beth Bott), Section H
BOTTNER, Gilbert G., 1917-2001, Tec 5 US Army World War II 28th Division, Section C-1
BOTTNER, Violet W., 1909-1994, Section C-1
BOTZ, Daniel, 1854-1917, Father, Section H
BOTZ, Elizabeth, 1863-1939, Mother, Section H
BOTZ, SAMEL, 65 yrs, Sec H Lot 334, September 30, 1917, ***
BOVA, Alice M., (no dates), (same stone as Samuel J. Bova), Section C-1
BOVA, Ellen R., 1917-1993, �ninny�, (same stone as Peter M. Bova, photo on stone), Section C-1
BOVA, Peter M., 1916-1992, Father, (same stone as Ellen R. Bova, photo on stone), Section C-1
BOVA, Samuel J., 1912-1995 (same stone as Alice M. Bova), Section C-1
BOVA, Samuel J., Jul 18 1912-Jul 4 1995, Tec 5 US Army, World War II, Section C-1
BOYER, Eileen D., 1909-1996, Sections C-D
BOYER, Robert Kerr, Jr., 1914-1995, Sections C-D
BRACK, Augusta Koegler, 1842-1931, Mother, Sections D-E-F
BRACK, Charles, 1845-1910, Father, Sections D-E-F
BRACKMANN, Caroline, 1835 (?)�1925, (stone eroded), Section 4
BRACKMANN, Ernest W., 1882-1943, Son, Section 4
BRACKMANN, George H., 1880-1964, (same stone as Lina L. Brackmann), Section 4
BRACKMANN, Henry, 1833(or 1838)-1905, Father, Section 4
BRACKMANN, Lina L., 1882-1972, (same stone as George H. Brackmann), Section 4
BRADLEY, William J., 1867-1905, Sections C-D
BRADNEY, William, 1852-1914, Section B
BRAKMAN, HENRY, 10 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 466, Jan. 9, 1919, ***
BRALLES, CATH, 56 yrs, Row 1682, October 22, 1921, ***
BRAND, Magdalena, see Magdalena Ditlmann Geborne Brand, Section C-1
BRASSER, Alfred, B. March 24 1896-D. Nov 30 1903, Brothers (same stone as William Brasser), Section H
BRASSER, Augusta, Born Febr 18 1859-Died April 19 1927, Mother, Section H
BRASSER, Gustave, Born August 12 1854-Died July 5 1918, Father, Section H
BRASSER, William, Born May 24 1894-Died June 20 1902, Brothers, (same stone as Alfred Brasser), Section H
BRAUN, Amelia Hehl, 1876-1933, Mother, (Eastern Star symbol), Section 4
BRAUN, Daniel J., 1881-1968, Father, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Frida L. Braun), Section 4
BRAUN, Daniel, 1846-1906, Father, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Julia Braun), Section A
BRAUN, EMMA, 49 yrs, Sec B Lot 57, June 23, 1917, ***
BRAUN, Frida L., 1855-1957, Mother, (Eastern Star symbol), (same stone as Daniel J. Braun), Section 4
BRAUN, Jacob, 1836-1906, Section B
BRAUN, Jacob, 1868-1931, Sections C-D
BRAUN, Jacobina, 1836-1910, Section B
BRAUN, Julia, 1846-1931, Mother, (same stone as Daniel Braun), Section A
BRAUN, Louis Carl, 1869-1942, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
BRAUN, Otto J., Jan 7 1879-Apr 22 1922, Section A
BRAUN, Wilhelm G., 1874-1904, Our Son, Section A
BREAUNINGER, Harry P., 1901-1929, Father--same stone as Harry P. Breauninger, Section OS
BREAUNINGER, Harry P., 1928-2008, Son--same stone as Harry P. Breauninger, Section OS
BREDNICH, Elizabeth, Nov 28 1812-Jan 5 1897, Mother, Section A
BREDNICH, John, Mar 8 1811-Mar 30 1866, Father, Section A
BREDNICH, Jr., John, 1846-1883, Section A
BREDNICH, Katherine, 1851-1873, Section A
BREEDON, Alonzo, July 17 1886-Mar 29 1981, Pfc US Army World War I, Section H
BREEDON, Bertha W., 1885-1943, Section H
BREEDON, Robert, Jan 1 1923-Aug 17 1933, Section H
BREEN, Mathilda, Mar 20 1864-July 6 1905, Sections D-E-F
BREIDING, Fred., May 30 1881-July 6 1881, (same stone as John Breiding), Sections D-E-F
BREIDING, Jacob, Dec 15 1850-Dec 26 1929, Father, (same stone as Minna Breiding), Sections D-E-F
BREIDING, John, Sept 2 1882-June 1 1889, (same stone as Fred Breiding), Sections D-E-F
BREIDING, Louise, 1879-1962, Sections D-E-F
BREIDING, Minna, Feb 3 1858-Jan 28 1934, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Breiding), Sections D-E-F
BREINIG, Hilda C., 1895-1996, (same stone as John Bee Breinig), Sections D-E-F
BREINIG, John Bee, 1896-1978, U S Army Infantry WW1, (same stone as Hilda C. Breinig), Sections D-E-F
BREISINGER, Amelia Hilberer, 1898-1986, Daughter, Section 4
BRENO, Emma D., 1864-1943, Section B
BRETHAUER, Albert James, Dec 19 1920-Dec 8 1952, Seaman 1/C U S Navy Enl. May 24 1944 Disc. Jan 10 1946, Section H
BRETHAUER, Elizabeth, 1863-1915, Mother, Section H
BRETHAUER, George, 1845-1916, Father, Section A
BRETHAUER, George, 1885-1952, Father, (same stone as Mary P. & Raymond Brethauer), Section 4
BRETHAUER, Gertrude, 1849-1926, Mother, Section A
BRETHAUER, John, 1860-1926, Father, Section H
BRETHAUER, Mary P., 1885-1945, Mother, (same stone as George & Raymond Brethauer), Section 4
BRETHAUER, Raymond, 1925-1926, Son, (same stone as Mary P. & George Brethauer), Section 4
BRETHAUER, Roy C., Sep 23 1925-Jan 3 1988, US Army World War II, Section 4
BRETHAUER, William, 1887-1930, Son, Section H
BREZGER, Carl, 1893-1917, Son, Section H
BREZGER, CARL, 23 yrs, Sec H Lot 232, August 26, 1917, ***
BREZGER, Charles, 1865-1924, Father, Section H
BREZGER, Sarah, 1866-1938, Mother, Section H
BRIDWELL, Harry A., 1886-1953, Brother, Section OS
BRILL, Elizabeth, 1850-1940, Mother, (same stone as Eliz. Brill Franz & Frank X. Franz), Section C-1
BRILL, Katharina, see Katharina Miller nee Brill, Section C-1
BRINCKO, John F., 1899-1995, Husband, Section C-1
BRINK, LENA, 72 yrs, Row 1418, April 17, 1917, ***
BRODESKA, JOHN, 27 yrs, Row 1536, August 17, 1917, ***
BROGAN, Ethel Hoffman, 1895-1936, Section B
BRONDER, Paul J., 1902-1969, Husband-Father, Section H
BRONSTETTER, Edward, 1882-1974, (same stone as Frances Bronstetter), Section C-1
BRONSTETTER, Frances, 1896-1976, (same stone as Edward Bronstetter), Section C-1
BRONSTETTER, Katherine, 1858-1932, Mother, Section C-1
BROOKS, John W., 1922-1923, Grandson, (same stone as Pearle Schramm Brooks), Section H
BROOKS, PEARL, 28 yrs, Sec H, Lot 411, Mar 31, 1929, ***
BROOKS, Pearle Schramm, 1900-1929, Daughter, (same stone as John W. Brooks), Section H
BROSSE, GUSTAVE, 63 yrs, Sec H Lot 477, July 7, 1918, ***
BROWN, Amelia, 1853-1925, Mother, Section 4
BROWN, Annie C., Feb 9 1857-June 29 1909, in her 52 year, Section B
BROWN, CHRIST, 53 yrs, Row 1576, October 19, 1918, ***
BROWN, Daniel, 1854-1927, Father, Section 4
Brown, David, buried in single lot # 1195, died May 20 1901, (unmarked), aged 79 years, (RC)
BROWN, EDWARD, 53 yrs, Row 1570, September 20, 1918, ***
BROWN, ELISABETH, 44 yrs, Sec H Lot 124, April 9, 1917, ***
BROWN, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Brown Baumiller, Section H
BROWN, Gertrude Margaret, 1876-1944, Mother, Section A
BROWN, GERTRUDE, 67 yrs, Row 1571, September __, 1918, ***
BROWN, Gilbert S., Sept 2 1894-Oct 6 1936, Pvt Ho Co 319th Inf, Enlisted Apr 28 1918 Discharged June 13 1919, Section H
BROWN, Jacob G., 1873-1905, Husband, Section 4
BROWN, James N., Oct 23 1920-Aug 5 1991, S Sgt US Army, World War II, Purple Heart, Section H,
BROWN, John J., 1896-1916, Son, Section 4
BROWN, JOHN J., 20 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 459, June 26, 1916, ***
BROWN, MARY, 26 yrs, Sec H Lot 125, Sept. 5, 1917, ***
BROWN, PHILIPINA, 64 yrs, Sec F Lot 79, January 6, 1917, ***
BROWN, Richard T., Nov 25 1917-April 4 1930, Section OS
Brown, Sarah Powell, buried H 614, died June 7 1909, (unmarked), aged 75 years, (RC)
BROWN, William Edward, 1864-1918, Father, Section A
BROWN, WM, 81 yrs, Sec F Lot 79, Feb 14, 1929, ***
BRUBACH, Anna C., 1882-1972, Section C-1
BRUBACH, Carolina, 1844-1914, Mother, Section C-1
BRUBACH, Charles, 1843-1914, Father, Section C-1
BRUBACH, Emelia, 1858-1944, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Brubach), Section H
BRUBACH, Jacob, 1854-1936, Father, (same stone as Emelia Brubach), Section H
BRUBACH, Louis, 1847-1919, Father, Section A
BRUBACH, LUDWIG, 71 yrs, Sec A Lot 53, February 4, 1919, ***
BRUBACH, Mena, 1850-1937, Mother, Section A
BRUBAKER, Louisa, 1884-1970, Wife, Section C-1
BRUBAKER, Norman M., Nov 16 1925-July 1 2006, Section C-1
BRUBAKER, Samuel P., 1883-1947, Husband, Samuel and Helen, Section C-1
BRUFF, James C., June 28 1909-May 16 1969, Pennsylvania Pfc Field Arty World War II BSM, Section H
BRUMM, Charles, 1861-1952, Father, (same stone as Salome Brumm), Section H
BRUMM, Phillip E., 1896-1946, Grave 24 Row 7, Section OS
BRUMM, Salome, 1868-1933, Mother, (same stone as Charles Brumm), Section H
BRUNBERG, Ernest F., 1867-1938, Father, Section OS
BRUNBERG, Jennie E., 1965-1951, Mother, Section OS
BRUNELL, Elizabeth nee Kuhlmann, 1909-1940, Wife, Section 4
BRUWELHEIDE, Ira W., June 5 1896-Mar 16 1987, Twin Sister, (Eastern Star symbol), Section 4
Bubenheim, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 27, (MC)
BUBENHEIM, Adam, 1867-1934, Father, (same stone as Emma Bubenheim), Section H
BUBENHEIM, Elizabeth, 1877-1940, Section H
BUBENHEIM, Emma, 1863-1946, Mother, (same stone as Adam Bubenheim), Section H
BUBENHEIM, L. Edgar, 1891-1959, (same stone as Margaret Bubenheim), Section C-1
BUBENHEIM, Margaret, 1894-1983, (same stone as L. Edgar Bubenheim), Section C-1
BUBENHEIM, Reinhart, 1869-1941, Section H
BUCCIARELLI, Infant, 14 days, Row 1700, April 29, 1922, ***
BUCHMANN, Jacob, June 12 1850-May 8 1904, Father, Section A
BUCHMANN, Katherine, see Katherine Buchmann Madden, Section A
BUCHNER, Anna M., 1878-1926, Section A
BUCHNER, C. L. Edward, Geb D 25 Mai 1873- Gest D 13 Dec. 1893, Ruhe in Frieden, Section C-1
BUCHNER, Elmer G, Geb D 19 Marz 1884-19 Dez 1888 (?), Schlumm re Sanft, Section C-1
BUCHNER, Harry C., Geb D 7 Apr 1876-Gest D 14 Okt 1878, Schlumm re Sanft, Section C-1
BUCHNER, Harry R., Geb D 1 Marz 1880-Gest D 7 Sept 1881, Schlumm re Sanft, Section C-1
BUCHNER, Ignatius, Sept 13 1841-May 6 1915, Father, (s/s Margaretha Buchner), �Ruhet in Frieden Liebe Eltern�, Section C-1
BUCHNER, Johanne, see Johanne Buchner Sielcken, Section C-1
BUCHNER, Lillie C., Geb D 5 Mai 1882-Gest D 29 Dez 1886, Schlumm re Sanft, Section C-1
BUCHNER, Louis F., 1874-1910, Section A
BUCHNER, Louis W., Geb D 24 Marz 1878-Gest D 1 Aug 1899, Ruhe in Frieden, Section C-1
BUCHNER, Ludwig C., am 17 Sept 1847-Gest D 17 Apr 1889, Geb In Bach Amt Marienberg, Herzogthum, Nassau, Ruhe Sanft, Section C-1
BUCHNER, Margaretha, June 30 1840-Sept 27 1909, Mother, (same stone as Ignatius Buchner), Section C-1
BUCHNER, Ruth, 1899-1928, Wife of Arthur J. Hughes, Section A
BUCHNER, Walter P., Geb D 16 Jan 1886-Gest D 23 Dez 1888 (?), Schlumm re Sanft, (stone eroded), Section C-1
BUCKMAN, Henry, 1854-1942, Uncle, Section OS
BUEHLER, Barbara Fitch, March 15 1900-April 12 1969, Mother, Section A
BUEHLER, FREDRICK, 66 yrs, Sec I Lot 39, May 8, 1918, ***
BUEHLER, Jacob, 1843-1925, Father, Section A
BUEHLER, Katherine, 1847-1923, Mother, Section A
BUEHLER, William, June 21 1892-Aug 8 1966, Husband, Section A
BUEHLERS, Removed November 27, 1918, ***
BUHLE, Emma L., Geb D 24 Jan 1870-Gest D 17 Nov 1876, (same stone as Jakob, Friedrich W., Katharina Buhle), Section B
BUHLE, Friedrich W., Geb D 22 Dez 1872-Gest D 14 Nov 1876, (same stone as Jakob, Emma L. & Katharina Buhle), Section B
BUHLE, Jakob, Geb D 22 Dez 1841-Gest D 26 Okt 1876, (same stone as Friedrich W., Emma L. & Katharina Buhle), Section B
BUHLE, Katharina W., geb Netting, Gest D 15 Okt 1897, (same stone as Jakob, Friedrich, & Emma L. Buhle), Section B
BUHLER, ESTHER, 1 day, Sec A Lot 36, May 3, 1917, ***
BUKONENICZ, JOS, 50 yrs, Row 1487, May 2, 1916, ***
BULL, Jessie C., 1900-1955, Mother, Section H
BURCHARDT, Ruth L. Klein, 1902-1922, Daughter, Section C-1
BURCHELL, Ellen L., 1919-1989, Mother -Same stone as James A. Burchell, Section OS
BURCHELL, James A., 1900-1959, Father -Same stone as Ellen L. Burchell, Section OS
BURGER, JOHN, 57 yrs, Sec H Lot 492, May 22, 1917, ***
BURHENN, Anna Elisabeth, 1822(?)-(stone eroded), Section B
BURKHARDT, Alexander Z., 1879-1948, Husband, Section C-1
BURKHARDT, Anna M., 1906-2005, Wife, (same stone as George H. Burkhardt), Section C-1
BURKHARDT, Charles, Gest 22 Nov 1899 (s/s Joseph Meier and Bernard Stoltz), (No 1, I.O.O.F. at top of stone), Section A
BURKHARDT, George H., 1902-1970, Husband, (same stone as Anna M. Burkhardt), Section C-1
BURKHARDT, Olive Laird, 1880-1960, Wife, Section C-1
BURNEY, Irene H., 1907-2003, Beloved Wife and Mother, Section H
BURNEY, Jr., Raymond Y., Born Feb 7 1933-Died In Service Oct 28 1951, Enlisted Oct 17 1950, Section H
BURNEY, Raymond Y., 1906-1952, Section H
BURRELL, Mathilda K., 1896-1990, Wife, Section 4
BURRELL, Nelson, 1890-1945, Husband, Section 4
BURREY, Bertha F., 1898-1926, Daughter, Section H
BUSCH, Clarence, 1882-1933, Father, (same stone: Elizabeth, Frederick, Clarence, Conrad Busch), Section H
BUSCH, Conrad, 1851-1925, Father, (same stone: Elizabeth, Frederick, Clarence, Conrad Busch), Section H
BUSCH, Elizabeth, 1852-1914, Mother, (same stone: Elizabeth, Frederick, Clarence, Conrad Busch), Section H
BUSCH, Frederick F., 1885-1906, Son, (same stone: Elizabeth, Frederick, Clarence, Conrad Busch), Section H
BUSCH, LOUISA, 81 yrs, Sec H Lot 469, Feb. 3, 1929, ***
BUSCHMANN, Robert, Born 1893-Died Nov 9 1918, Brother, Section A
BUSH, John, 1842-1908, Father, Section H
BUSH, Louisa, 1847-1929, Mother, Section H
BUSHMAN, ROBERT, 25 yrs, Row 1590, Nov. 12, 1918, ***
BUSSANG, Katherine, Mar 23 1855-Dec 12 1871, Sister, Section C-1
BUSSANG, Louis, 1864-1925, Section C-1
BUTEMAN, INFANT, 1 day, Row 1568, August 8, 1918, ***
BUTTERBACH, Elise, Born 1844-Died 1892, Our Mother, (same stone as Emma Butterbach), Section H
BUTTERBACH, Emma, Born 1897, Aged 3 mo., (same stone as Elise Butterbach), Section H
BUTTERBACH, Emma, see Emma Reinheimer nee Butterbach, Section H,
BUZIK, Andreas, 1873-1929, Husband, Section OS
BYLAND, Anna C., 1882-1967, Mother, (same stone as Louis E. Byland), Section 4
BYLAND, Louis E., 1883-1969, Father, (same stone as Anna C. Byland), Section 4
BYLAND, Louis F., Feb 14 1883-July 18 1969, Pennsylvania, Pvt Co L 16 Regt Inf, Spanish American War, Section 4
CALABRESE, Frank H., 1885-1935, Father, Section OS
CALDWELL, JAMES, 50 yrs, Row 1644, May 23, 1920, ***
CAMERON, Bertha M., Sept 15 1883-Jan 29 1957, Section 4
CAMPBELL, EDNA M., 11 yrs, Row 1589, November 9, 1918, ***
CAMPBELL, LYDIA, 32 yrs, Row 1586, November 6, 1918, ***
CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, 7 yrs, Row 1586, November 6, 1918, ***
CARNAHAN, Hazel, see Hazel Schaefer, wife of Frank S. Carnahan, Section H
CARNAHAN, John, 1931-, (same stone as George F. Shoaf III), Section H
CARNEY, Clara L., 1904-1958, Mother, Section H
CARTER, Cary R., 1946-1954, Son, Section OS
CARTWRIGHT, Joseph Ewing, 1908-1998, Husband, US Army WWII T/4 Hq & Hq Co ASFPRD, (same stone as Margaret Dipper Cartwright), Section 4
CARTWRIGHT, Margaret Dipper, 1918-(no date), Wife, (same stone as Joseph Ewing Cartwright), Section 4
Caspari, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 51, (MC)
CASSADY, Emma, 1872-1960, Wife, (same stone as Harry M. Cassady), Sections C-D
CASSADY, Harry M., 1868-1956, Husband, (same stone as Emma Cassady), Sections C-D
CHAMBERLIN, Mildred, see Mildred Chamberlin Lissfelt, Section A
CHAMBERS, FRED, 8 mos, Sec E Lot 23, November 9, 1918, ***
CHAPMAN, Bertha, 1890-1957, Mother, (same stone as William S. Chapman), Section H
CHAPMAN, David, Born Mar 18 1910-May 27 1943, Pvt Btry H 209th C A, Enlisted June 21 1941-Killed In Action, Section H
CHAPMAN, SELINA GENA (or LENA), 1 yr, Row 1550, October 28, 1917, Removed, ***
CHAPMAN, William S., 1886-1972, Father, (same stone as Bertha Chapman), Section H
CHENOWETH, John O., 1906-1957, Father, Section OS
Chenowott, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 70, (MC)
CHERRY, Elizabeth, 1856-1912, Aunt, Section H
Cherworth, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 71, (MC)
CHRISTIAN, A. O., 1877-1946, (same stone as Emma Christian), Section B
CHRISTIAN, August, 1870-1898, Section B
CHRISTIAN, Christina, 1844-1918, Section B
CHRISTIAN, Emma, 1879-1949, (same stone as A.O. Christian), Section B
CHRISTIAN, John M., 1868-1901, Section B
CHRISTIAN, Maria, 1873-1877, Section B
CHRISTIAN, Martin, 1847-1898, Section B
CHRISTIANSON, Claus, Oct 1 1842-Feb 24 1911, Father, Sections D-E-F
CHRISTIANSON, Katharina, Gebn Peppel, Feb 17 1839-May 8 1904, Sections D-E-F
CHRISTOFEL, Emma Schneider 1866-1952, Mother, Section C-1, (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
CHRISTOPHER, Bertha, 1892-1971, (same stone: Neil W., Bertha, Neil R., Christopher), Section H
CHRISTOPHER, Neil R., 1920-1954, (same stone: Neil W., Bertha, Neil R., Christopher), Section H
CHRISTOPHER, Neil R., Born Oct 14 1920-Died Dec 30 1954, Cpl 1045T AAF, Enlisted Sept 7 1942 Discharged Jan 15 1946, Section H
CHRISTOPHER, Neil W., 1886-1968, (same stone: Neil W., Bertha, Neil R., Christopher), Section H
CIOTTI, Antonio, 1867-1933, Section OS
CLARK, MARY SIEFER, 17 yrs, Row 1686, November 23, 1921, ***
CLARKE, Anna H., 1875-1950, Wife, Section 4
CLARKE, William, 1874-1947, Husband, Section 4
CLAUSENITZER, Robert M., Geb 17 Juni 1874-Gest 13 Aug 1898, Unser Sohn, Section H
CLAUSNITZER, BERTHA, 44 yrs, Row 1597, Jan. 1, 1919, ***
CLAUSNITZER, Ernest R., 1876-1936, Father, Section C-1
CLAUSNITZER, Hennritte, Geb 24 Sept 1843-Gest 4 Nov 1909, Unsere Muttter, Section H
CLAUSNITZER, Mary, 1869-1940, Mother, Section C-1
CLAUSNITZER, Robert M., Geb 17 Juni 1874-Gest 13 Aug 1898, Unser Sohn, Section H
CLOSS, Clara B., Oct 14 1891-July 13 1967, Mother, Section C-1
CLOSS, Grace Clara, Born February 22 1916-Died October 29 1997, Beloved Aunt, Section C-1
CLOSS, Harry J., Mar 26 1883-Oct 2 1939, Father, Section OS
CO_TSCH, SUSSANNA, 50 yrs, Sec H Lot 176, December 1, 1918, ***
COLLINGS, SARAH, 41 yrs, Sec B Lot 59, February 22, 1919, ***
COLLINS, Infant, 1 day, Row 1663, February 19, 1921, ***
COLLINS, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1035, March 3, 1917, ***
COLLINS, Robert J., Born Apr 8, 1924-Died Dec 24 1943, Enlisted Mar 22 1943- Discharged July 7 1943, Pvt 903rd Tny Gp B T C, Section A
COLTERJAHN (?), William Carl, Nov 10 1916-Jan 12 1917, Section 4
COLTERJAHN, Jennie S., May 4 1871-June 20 1956, Wife of Wm. Colteryahn, Section 4
COLTERJAHN, Katherine M., Dec 11 1863-July 17 1901, Wife of Wm Colterjahn, Gone But Not Forgotten, Section 4
COLTERJAHN, Wm., Dec 4 1856-June 29 1929, Section 4
COLTERYAHN, Charles L., 1886-1929, (same stone as Mary Colteryahn), Section H
COLTERYAHN, Clara M., March 22 1906-April 6 1997, Section 4
COLTERYAHN, Fred, 1889-1890, Brother, Sections D-E-F
COLTERYAHN, Frederick, 1847-1909, Father, Sections D-E-F
COLTERYAHN, Gertrude, 1863-1921, (same stone as Ludwig F. K. Colteryahn), Section H
COLTERYAHN, Helena Lucas, see Helena Colteryahn Lucas, Section 4
COLTERYAHN, Henry, 1883-1886, Brother, Sections D-E-F
COLTERYAHN, Johanna, 1836-1914, Mother, Section 4
COLTERYAHN, Katharina, 1857-1919, Mother, Sections D-E-F
COLTERYAHN, Ludwig F. K., 1860-1890, (same stone as Gertrude Colteryahn), Section H
COLTERYAHN, Martha K., 1908-1923, Daughter, Section 4
COLTERYAHN, Mary L., 1883-1972, (same stone as Charles Colteryahn), Section H
COLTERYAHN, Rudolph L., 1896-1924, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
COLTERYAHN, WILLIAM, 2 mo, Sec 4 Lot 447, January 14, 1917, ***
COMINOTTI, FRANK G., 6 mo, Row 1552, November 28, 1917, ***
Conlon, Alice M Welch Smith, b. Apr. 26, 1922 d. Apr. 14, 1991, (I)
Conlon, John K, b. May 13, 1918 d. Mar. 21, 1988, (I)
CONN, Gustave James, 1865-1927, Husband, Section 4
CONN, Mary, 1876-1962, Wife, Section 4
COOK, Catherine S., 1858-1921, Mother, Section B
COOK, Charles B., 1874-1968, (same stone as Ellen Nora Cook), Section H
COOK, Ellen Nora, 1881-1929, (same stone as Charles B. Cook), Section H
COOK, Frank, 1841-1918, Section A
COOK, FRANK, 74 yrs, Sec A Lot 31, September 26, 1918, ***
COOK, George W., 1856-1926, Father, Section B
COOK, J. Joseph, 1878-1903, Section A
COOK, Martin A., May 25 1924-Nov 9 1990, Tec 4 US Army World War II, Section B
COOK, Mary C., 1844-1926, Section A
COOK, Robert J, 1896-1966, Father, Section B
COOK, Susanna C., 1898-1988, Mother, Section B
COOK, Ursula E., 1904-1992, Section H
COOPER, Annie W., 1870-1921, Sections D-E-F
COOPER, Charles L., 1867-1937, Daddy, (same stone as Hilda W. Cooper), Section H
COOPER, Hilda W., 1891-1983, Beloved Mom, (same stone as Charles L. Cooper), Section H
COOPER, Howard D., 1888-1956, Father, Sections D-E-F
COOPER, Lawrence C., 1924-1978, MM3 US Navy, World War II, Section H
CORBETT, Caroline, see Caroline Corbett Schuette, Section A
CORCORAN, Dorothy, 1908-1988, Beloved Mother Nan, Section H
CORNINOTTER, FRANK GEO., 6 mo, Row 1552, November __, 1917, ***
COSATCH, Walter J., Sept 7 1897-Apr 14 1908, Section H
COTTRILL, Lucy V., (no dates), (same stone as Orville G. Cottrill), Section C-1
COTTRILL, Orville G., 1931-1985, �Absent from the body, present with the Lord�, (same stone as Lucy V. Cottrill), Section C-1
COUCH, Edna Jones, 1912-1995, Daughter, Beloved Mother of Thomas L. Couch, Jr. and Louise C. Fisher, Section C-1
COULTER, Albert C., 1883-1932, (same stone as Martha K. Coulter), Section H
COULTER, Martha K., 1884-1971, (same stone as Albert C. Coulter), Section H
COURTNEY, Andrew C., Aug 11 1900-July 26 1955, (same stone as Margaret J. Courtney), Section H
COURTNEY, Margaret J., March 15 1901-Oct 3 1946, (same stone as Andrew C. Courtney), Section H
COUSINS, EDITH F., 1 � yrs, Row 1598, Sept. 10, 1917, ***
COYNE, James F., Mar 14 1921-Jun 28 1997, US Army World War II, (next to garage building), Section C-1
CRAIG, Anna E., 1875-195(?), Section H
CRAIG, Herbert H., 1906-1907, Section H
CRAIG, Irene M., 1898-1899, Section H
CRAIG, James P., 1874-1949, Section H
CRAIG, Nevin, 1901-1905, Section H
CRAIG, Richard J., 1903-1903, Section H
CRAIG, Sara B., 1880-1934, See listing for Sara B. Craig Fezer, Section OS
CRAIG, Stewart M., 1897-1897, Section H
CRISSIE, Nancy C. Lee, see Nancy C. Lee Crissie, Sections C-D
CROOK, IVA, 21 yrs, Sec H Lot 283, June 14, 1918, ***
CROWE, Mary E., 1878-1947, Wife, Section 4
CROWE, Thomas J., 1878-1942, Husband, Section 4
CULLY, MARY, 70 yrs, Sec H Lot 539, October 6, 1918, ***
CUMMINGS, Arthur, 1898-1942, Father, 1st h/o Margaret, Section H, (RC)
CUNNINGHAM, Frank G., 1889-1947, Father, Section H
CUNNINGHAM, Helen A., 1892-1959, Mother, Section H
Cuper, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 66, (MC)
CUPER, Mary, 1894-1940, Wife--same stone as Petro Cuper, Section OS
Cuper, Peter, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 67, (MC)
CUPER, Petro, 1894-1967, Husband--same stone as Mary Cuper, Section OS
Curkowski, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 34, (MC)
CURKOWSKI, JOHN, 56 yrs, Row 1603, February 16, 1919, ***
DADIG, Alice Collins, Sep 26 1926 - _______, Section A
DADIG, Norman F., Mar 13 1925-Dec 26 1976, U S Army, World War II, Bronze Star Medal, Section A
DAGNOLL, WILLIAM, 3 yrs, Row 1520, February 20, 1917, ***
DAILEY, Bertha D., 1895-1920, Wife, (same stone as George Edward & Emma D. Dailey), Section 4
DAILEY, Emma D., 1888-1971, Wife, (same stone as George Edward & Bertha D. Dailey), Section 4
DAILEY, George Edward, 1892-1988, Husband, (same stone as Emma D. & Bertha D. Dailey), Section 4
DAMASCHKE, J. Henry, 1872-1927, Father, Section A
DAMASCHKE, Mathilda, 1876-1914, Mother, Section A
DAMASHKE, GUSTAVE, 78 yrs, Sec D Lot 23, January 12, 1917, ***
DARLING, Alberta E., 1917-2000, Wife, (same stone as Dorman D. Darling), Section H
DARLING, Dorman D., 1913-1971, Husband, (same stone as Alberta E. Darling), Section H
DAUGHERTY, Anna M., 1885-1965, Mother, Sections D-E-F
DAUGHERTY, Earl E., 1882-1936, Sections D-E-F
DAUGHTY, IRMA MARGARET, 3 yrs, Sec A Lot 24, Feb 23, 1929, ***
DAUM, Albert, 1871-1872 (same stone as Louis C. Daum), Section A
DAUM, Carolina, 1846-1909, Mother, (same stone as Louis R. Daum), Section A
DAUM, Harry M., 1884-1887, Section A
DAUM, John P., 1875-1895, Section A
DAUM, Louis C., 1869-1881 (same stone as Albert Daum), Section A
DAUM, Louis P., Jr., 1884-1913, Section A
DAUM, Louis R., 1834-1909, Father (same stone as Carolina Daum), Section A
DAUM, William, 1865-1891, Section A
DAVENPORT, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Hehl, Section 4
DAVENPORT, Fred A., 1870-1942, (same stone as Elizabeth Hehl), Section 4
DAVIS, Bertha Hagmeier, 1868-1953, Section B
DAVIS, C. H., 62 yrs, Row 1547, October 18, 1917, ***
DAVIS, Dorothy Elizabeth, 1913-1984, Sections D-E-F
DAVIS, Edwin J., Born Sep 6 1869-Died Jan 23 1919, Enlisted May 11 1898-Discharged Jul 1 1901, Pvt Co A 43rd U S Vol Inf Sections D-E-F
DAVIS, EDWIN, 52 yrs, Sec E Lot 79?, January 26, 1919, ***
Davis, Henry, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 59, (MC)
DAVIS, Isabella, Feb 22 1823-(no death date), Section H
DAVIS, John T., 1884-1945, Father, (same stone as Minnie E. Davis), Sections D-E-F
DAVIS, Joseph Clinton, 1910-1941, Son, Section OS
DAVIS, Joseph H., 1870-1932, Father, (same stone as Margaret A. Davis), Section B
DAVIS, Laura M., 1894-1940, Mother, Section B
DAVIS, LOUISA ___, 42 yrs, Row 1526, Aril 24, 1917, Moved, ***
DAVIS, Louisa, 1879 (?)-1917, Wife of Edward Davis, Mother, Section 4
DAVIS, Margaret A., 1874-1948, Mother, (same stone as Joseph H. Davis), Section B
DAVIS, Margaret Miles, 1874-1942, Mother, Section OS
DAVIS, MARTHA, 23 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 427, Nov. 14, 1918, ***
DAVIS, Minnie E., 1888-1974, Mother, (same stone as John T. Davis), Sections D-E-F
DAVIS, OLIVER, 55 yrs, Sec H Lot 34, January 7, 1918, ***
DAVIS, Wesley, Oct 31 1855-(no death date), Section H
DAVIS, WILLIAM E. L., 31 yrs, Row 1491, May 28, 1916, ***
DAWE, Albert, July 4 1875-Feb 14 1906, Husband, Section 4
DAWE, Anna A., 1894-1983, Wife and Mother, Section 4
DAWE, Charles W., 1863-1950, Father, Section 4
DAWE, Gilbert E., 1891-1967, Husband and Father, Section 4
DAWE, Herman, Aug 22 1837-Aug 7 1907, Father, Section 4
DAWE, Infant, Stillborn, Sec 4 Lot 318, June 26, 1917, ***
DAWE, Lillie, 1859-1941, Mother, Section 4
DAWE, Louisa, Jan 17 1840-Dec 15 1917, Mother, Section 4
DAWE, LOUSIA, 77 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 319, December 18, 1917, ***
DAWE, William J., 1867-1911, Husband, Section C-1
DAY, Clara K., 1876-1943, Section 4
DAY, David A., 1971-1996, Beloved Son, Section 4
DAY, John R., 1921-1997, Father, (same stone as Margaret A. Day), Section 4
DAY, Margaret A., 1923�(no date), Mother, (same stone as John R. Day, Section 4
DAYTON, Courtney H., 1912-1950, Father, Section OS
DAYTON, Margaret A., 1918-1951, Mother, Section OS
DEACONESS, Ella Marshall Fieger, 1873-1948, Section B
DECKENBACH, Heinrich, Geb 3 Dez 1869-Gest 18 July 1906, �Hier liege ich im rosengarten und werde euch erwarten�, Section H
DECKER, Anna Mae, 1897-1961, Wife, Section H
DECKER, Clifford J., 1895-1936, Husband, Section H
DECKLAR, Philippina, see Philippina Sutter geborne Decklar, Section A
DeCOSSY, Edwin Ferdinand, July 28 1881-Feb 9 1951, Son of Elizabeth Olnhausen, Section C-1
DEGEN, Louise, 1908-1980, (same stone as Richard Degen), Section H
DEGEN, Richard, 1903-1968, (same stone as Louise Degen), Section H
DEGENHARDT, Anna, 1879-1916, Mother, Section 4
DEGENHARDT, ANNA, 37 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 315, May 28, 1916, ***
DEGENHARDT, B. Ruth, Oct 26 1910-Nov 18 1979, Section 4
DEGENHARDT, Christina, 1847-1918, (same stone as George Degenhardt), Section H
DEGENHARDT, CHRISTINA, 72 yrs, Sec H Lot 490, Aug. 8, 1918, ***
DEGENHARDT, Eleanor S., 1918-1997, (Same stone: Eleanor, Hilda, Jacob, Lillie Degenhardt), Section 4
DEGENHARDT, George, 1845-1925, (same stone as Christina Degenhardt), Section H
DEGENHARDT, George, 1877-1924, Father, Section 4
DEGENHARDT, Hilda E., 1889-1981, (Same stone: Eleanor, Hilda, Jacob, Lillie Degenhardt), Section 4
DEGENHARDT, Jacob, 1881-1938, (Same stone: Eleanor, Hilda, Jacob, Lillie Degenhardt), Section 4
DEGENHARDT, Lillie C., 1887-1914, (Same stone: Eleanor, Hilda, Jacob, Lillie Degenhardt), Section 4
DEININGER, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Deininger Emmerich, Section H
DEISENROTH, SR., ALBERT G., 56 yrs, Sec C Lot 8, October 31, 1916, ***
DEITZ, SUSANNA, 79 yrs, Sec ? Lot 28, March 14, 1917, ***
DeLANEY, Beatrice Alice Gamrod, Mar 28 1910-Feb 26 1998, Beloved Mother, Section 4
DELAY, Charles H., 1914-1940, Son, Section H
DELECUS, LAWRENCE, 6 yrs, October 26, 1921, ***
DEPPLA, Caroline, 1861-1938, (same stone as Peter Deppla), Section H
DEPPLA, Peter, 1855-1900, (same stone as Caroline Deppla), Section H
DEUTENBERG, August, June 22 1867-July 17 1942, Father, Section H
DEUTENBERG, Geo. A., (no dates), Section H
DEUTENBERG, Louise S., 1906-1984, (same stone as Otto F. Deutenberg), Section H
DEUTENBERG, Margaret W., 1900-1979, In Loving Memory, Section H
DEUTENBERG, Otto F., 1906-1984, (same stone as Louise S. Deutenberg), Section H
DEUTENBERG, Wilhelmina, November 10 1870-April 3 1934, Mother, Section H
DEVERS, KATHRENA ELES., 76 yrs, Sec B Lot 44, November 5, 1916, ***
DEWALT, Adelia L., Nov 28 1880-Jan 1 1931, Section H
DEWALT, Edna, see Edna Dewalt Morgan, Section 4
DEWALT, George W., 1890-1962, Father, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Magdalena Dewalt), Section 4
DEWALT, Henry J., Sept 26 1879-Oct 29 1958, Section H
DEWALT, Magdalena, 1893-1984, Mother, (same stone as George W. Dewalt), Section 4
DEWALT, Mary E., 1868-1940, Mother, (same stone as Philip F. Dewalt), Section H
DEWALT, Philip F., 1867-1943, Father, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Mary E. Dewalt), Section H
DEWALT, William, 1857-1910, Husband, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
DEWEIN, Eva Catherine, see Eva Catherine Dewein Routh, Section C-1
DEXHEIMER, Elizabeth S., 1871-1941, Mother, Section H
DEXHEIMER, Max, 1866-1912, Father, Section H
DHUHOSH, HAROLD, 18 mos, Sec H Lot 510, March 12, 1918, ***
DICKMAN, ELISBETH, 45 yrs, Sec H Lot 682, September 12, 1918, ***
DICKMAN, Elizabeth, 1872-1918, Wife, Section H
DIEFENBACH, Jacob, 1847-1927, (Masonic symbol), Section B
DIEFENBACH, Maria, 1848-1902, Section B
DIEFENBACH, Maria, May 10 1862-July 24 1946, Sections D-E-F
DIEHL, Adam, Aug 17 1836-Dec 3 1907, Father, Section A
DIEHL, Albert, 1874-1928, Father, (same stone as Bertha J. Diehl), Section H
DIEHL, Amelia, 1859-1932, His Wife, (same stone as William H. Diehl) Section A
DIEHL, Bertha J., 1877-1927, Mother, (same stone as Albert Diehl), Section H
DIEHL, Caroline, see Caroline Schaney, wife of Philip Diehl, Section A
DIEHL, Emelie, Born Dec 17 1863-Died Jan 6 1868 (same stone as Sarah, Laura, Ida Diehl), Section A
DIEHL, Ida, Born June 23 1886-Died Sept 26 1886 (same stone as Sarah, Emelie, Laura Diehl), Section A
DIEHL, JOSEPH, 4 mo, Sec D Lot 35, February 14, 1917, ***
DIEHL, Julia L., 1888-1951, Section A
DIEHL, Laura, Born June 20 1881-Died June 5 1885 (same stone as Sarah, Emelie, Ida Diehl), Section A
DIEHL, Louis, 1869-1915, Husband, Section 4
DIEHL, Louis, 1899-1899, Section 4
DIEHL, Philip, Born July 21 1839-Died June 18 1885 (?), (same stone as Caroline Diehl Schaney), Section A
DIEHL, Philippina nee Sutter, Mar 30 1841-Jan 10 1916, Mother, Section A
DIEHL, Sarah, Born Sept 5 1862-Died June 28 1863 (same stone as Emelie, Laura, Ida Diehl), Section A
DIEHL, William A., 1885-1952, Section A
DIEHL, William H., 1857-1936, Father, (same stone as Amelia Diehl), Section A
DIETRICH, Viola, 1895-1930, Section H,
DIETZ, Caroline, 1875-1961, Section H
DIETZ, Chas. B., 1862-1894, (same stone as Mary McKinney Dietz, Frank U. Metz, William G. Mayburn), Section C-1
DIETZ, Elizabeth, 1848-1939, Mother, Section H
DIETZ, Elizabeth, 1888-1940, Section H
DIETZ, Elmer F., 1906-1950, Daddy, Section B
DIETZ, Emma L., 1873-1936, Wife, Section B
DIETZ, Fred C., 1874-1937, Dad, Section B
DIETZ, Fred, 1877-1946, Section H
DIETZ, Henrietta, 1859-1874, Sister, Section B
DIETZ, Henry, Co C 5 PA HV Art, Section B
DIETZ, Jacob, 1850-1908, Father, Section B
DIETZ, Jacob, June 29 1836-March 19 1912, Father, Section A
DIETZ, Louisa, 1852-1910, Mother, Section B
DIETZ, Louisa, see Louisa Dietz Wendell, Section C-1
DIETZ, Mary Mckinney, 1863-1950, (same stone as Chas. B. Dietz, Frank U. Metz, William G. Mayburn), Section C-1
DIETZ, Mary, 1830-1914, Mother, Section B
DIETZ, Minnie, 1877-1956, Mom, Section B
DIETZ, Nellie, see Nellie Dietz Ritt, Section C-1
DIETZ, Sr., George, 1843-1927, Father, Section H
DIETZ, Susanna, Dec 31 1843-March 11 1917, Mother, Section A
DIETZ, William J., 1917-1941, Son, Section 4
DIETZ, Wm. F. H., 1874-1936, Section B
DIGBY, George H., 1903-1955, Husband, Section H
DIPPER, Elizabeth, Aug 25 1860-July 22 1930, Mother, Sections D-E-F
DIPPER, Emma, see Emma Dipper Kuhlmann, Section 4
DIPPER, Fred W., 1889-1962, Father, Section 4
DIPPER, Jacob, Geb 28 Marz 1829-Gest 13 Marz 1891, Vater, Sections D-E-F
DIPPER, Magdalena, geb Windeknecht, Geb 15 Nov 1828-Gest 16 Mai 1896, Mutter, Sections D-E-F
DIPPER, Margaret, 1891-1956, Mother, Section 4
DIPPER, Margaret, see Margaret Dipper Cartwright, Section 4
DIPPER, Reinhardt, Jan 4 1857-Aug 9 1903, Father, Sections D-E-F
DIPPER, William J., 1883-1914, Son, Sections D-E-F
DIPPOLD, ELISEBETH, 46 yrs, Row 1625, October 26, 1919, ***
DITLMANN, Magdalena, Geborne Brand, Geb D 24 Mai 1814-Gest D 30 Okt 1890, Mutter von Wilh. Roth und Kath. Reining, Ruhe in Frieden, Section C-1
DITTMAR, Cath. A., 1851-1928, Mother, Section C-1
DITTMAR, John A., 1848-1922, Father, Section C-1
DLUEHOSH, Arthur C., 1901-1992, (same stone as Clara Dluehosh), Section A
DLUEHOSH, Clara Mary, 1922-1939, Section A
DLUEHOSH, Clara, 1902-1999, (same stone as Arthur C. Dluehosh), Section A
DLUEHOSH, Joseph, 1859-1939, Father, (same stone as Mary Dluehosh), Section A
DLUEHOSH, Mary, 1872-1962, Mother, (same stone as Joseph Dluehosh), Section A
DOERZBACHER, Blanche, 1912-1976, Mother, Section B
DOERZBACHER, Robert, 1910-1966, Father, Section B
DOERZSBACHER, CHAS, 63 yrs, 9 mo, Sec B Lot 38, July 26, 1916, ***
DOLENC, Ana Peternel, 1885-1923, In Loving Memory, Wife of Lawrence Dolenc, Section OS
DOLENC, Lawrence, 1877-1931, In Loving Memory--Husband of Ana Peternel Dolenc, Section OS
DOLLISH, Edward K., 1916-1935, Son, (same stone as Ignatius P., Lillian Dollish), Section H
DOLLISH, Ignatius P., 1889-1959, Father, (same stone as Lillian, Edward K. Dollish), Section H
DOLLISH, Lillian, 1887-1953, Mother, (same stone as Ignatius P., Edward K. Dollish), Section H
DOMAGALSKA, Franziska, see Franziska Sunder geb Domagalska, Section H
DONGES, HERMAN, 48 yrs, Row 1526, May 19, 1917, ***
DONNELLY, Fay E., 1921-1988, Mother, (same stone as William M. Donnelly), Section H
DONNELLY, William M., 1916-1984, Father, 8th Air Force, (same stone as Fay E. Donnelly), Section H
DORNAGALSKI, EMIL, 69 yrs, Row 1673, August 14, 1921, ***
DORNBURG, DOROTHEA E., 10 days, Sec 4 Lot 312, November __, 1917, ***
DORNBURG, Elizabeth, 1861-1938, Mother, Section 4
DORNBURG, Frank C., 1882-1961, Son, Section 4
DORNBURG, Herman, 1859-1913, Father, Section 4
DORNHEIM, Harry E., Rev., 1882-1965, Father, (same stone as Lillian M. Dornheim), Section H
DORNHEIM, Lillian M., 1887-1979, Mother, (same stone as Rev. Harry E. Dornheim), Section H
DORNING, MARGRET, 30 yrs, Sec H Lot 313, June 2, 1919, ***
Dorsheid, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 10, (MC)
DOSCH, Albert P V., Gest D 24 Aug 1887, Alt 4 Jahr 3 monate, 10 tage, Sohn von Victor Dosch und Katharina geborne Fischer, Section A
DOSCH, Katherine F., see Katherine F. Born-Dosch, Section A
DOUGHTY, Alberta, 1903-1952, Aunt, Section OS
DOWLING, Katherine S., 1883-1955, Mother, (same stone as William Dowling), Section H
DOWLING, William J., 1884-1958, Father, (same stone as Katherine S. Dowling), Section H
DRACH, JOHN H., 46 yrs, Sec A Lot 23, December 29, 1917, ***
DRACH, JOHN, 73 yrs, Sec A Lot 26, May 12, 1918, ***
DRACH, William C., Nov 24 1890-Jan 2 1962, Pennsylvania Co D, 135 Machine Gun Bn, World War I, P H, Section A
DRAKE, Henry J., 1882-1954, Husband, (same stone as Ida B. Drake), Section H
DRAKE, Ida B., 1880-1950, Wife, (same stone as Henry J. Drake), Section H
DRESING, ELSIE, 39 yrs, Row 1616, August 13, 1919, ***
DRESSLER, LUDWIG, died July 24, 1873, buried July 27, 1873, ***
DRESSLER, Ludwig, Geboren in Linningen (?) Reinpfalz Baiern, den Julli 1823, Gest den 24 Jul 1873, Alt 50 Jahre und 22 Tage, Section A
DREWES, Albert E., 1885-1956, Father, (same stone as Anna C., Albert H., Harold R. Drewes), Section H
DREWES, Albert H., 1912-1954, Son, (same stone as Albert E., Anna C., Harold R. Drewes), Section H
DREWES, Albert H., Born May 10 1912-Died Nov 29 1954, Tec 5 Ho Co 543rd Engr B & S Regt, Enlisted Aug 22 1942-Discharged Feb 13 1946, Section H
DREWES, Anna C., 1887-1962, Mother, (same stone as Albert E., Albert H., Harold R. Drewes), Section H
DREWES, Charles W., Feb 17 1885-Jan 24 1957, Father, Section H
DREWES, Elizabeth, Apr 17 1891-Feb 9 1946, Mother, Section H
DREWES, Harold R., 1913-1919, Son, (same stone as Albert E., Anna C., Albert H. Drewes), Section H
DREWES, HAROLD, 5 yrs, Sec H Lot 667, March 19, 1919, ***
DREYER, Christina C., (no dates), (same stone as Emma S. Dreyer), Section B
DREYER, Emma S., Gest im Alter von 4 Jahre, (same stone as Christina C), Section B
DRUM, EMMA, 7 mos, Row 1593, March 20, 1919, ***
DRYER, Albert F., 1866-1939, (same stone as Alice Dryer), Section H
DRYER, Alice, 1872-1930, (same stone as Albert F. Dryer), Section H
DRYER, Charles H., 24-Oct-55-April 1 1938, Section H
DRYER, Christina, 18 Juni 1837-29 Apr 1907, Mutter, Section B
DRYER, Donald D., 1932-1958, Son, Section H
DRYER, Elizabeth W., 1863-1948, Daughter, Section B
DRYER, Elizabeth, Born Jan 23 1839-Died Feb 28 1914, Mother, Section B
DRYER, Heinrich, 19 Feb 1836-3 Sept 1872, Vater, Section B
DRYER, Henry F., 1866-1953, Son, Section B
DRYER, John U., 1887-1962, Husband, Section H
DRYER, John, 1861-1953, Father, (same stone as Juliette Dryer), Section H
DRYER, Juliette, 1870-1937, Mother, (same stone as John Dryer), Section H
DRYER, Margaret, 1864-1952, Mother, (same stone as William Dryer), Section H
DRYER, Marie J., Sept 3 1867-Oct 18 1948, Section H
DRYER, Ruth M., 1914-1935, Daughter, Section H
DRYER, Sarah J., 1888-1964, Wife, Section H
DRYER, Walter H., Oct 9 1905-June 4 1988, Son, Section H
DRYER, William H., Born 20 Aug 1830-Died 22 Jan 1907, Father, Section B
DRYER, William, 1858-1896, Father, (same stone as Margaret Dryer), Section H
DUDT, Lucas, 1868-1916, Father, Section 4
DUDT, LUCAS, 48 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 229, November 29, 1916, ***
DUFF, WILLIAM, 27 yrs, Sec H Lot 124, Sept. 9, 1917, ***
DUNN, ELISEBETH, 42 yrs, Row 1593, Nov. 17, 1918, ***
DUNN, EMMA, 7 mos, Row 1593, March 20, 1919, ***
DUPPRE, Caroline, 1876-1955, Mother, (same stone as Peter Duppre), Section H
DUPPRE, Katherine, 1909-1958, Section C-1
DUPPRE, Peter, 1870-1941, Father, (same stone as Caroline Duppre), Section H
DWELE, David, Aug 16 1840-Aug 2 1912, (see also David H Twele), Section H
DWELE, Lina, Jan 17 1836-(no death date), (see also David H Twele, Section H
DWERLE, LENA, 81 yrs, Sec H Lot 189, January 24, 1917, ***
DWYER, Fred, 1882-1943, (same stone as Grace L. Dwyer), Section H
DWYER, Grace L., 1883-1964, (same stone as Fred Dwyer), Section H
DYER, Christina, Jan 21 1864-Apr 30 1930, Mother, Section H
DYER, JOSEPH, 31 YRS, Sec H Lot 573, July 26, 1916, ***
DYER, Lawrence Henry, Nov 6 1912-Nov 14 1973, Pennsylvania, EM 3 US Navy World War II, Section H
DYER, Marie C., Dec 8 1913-Sept 30 1991, Mother, Section H
DYKE, Joseph, Mar 12 1915-Jan 8 1995, Tec 5 US Army World War II, Section C-1
EBELING, Charles V., 1879-1934, Father, (same stone as Christina H. Ebeling), Sections D-E-F
EBELING, Christina H., 1880-1939, Mother, (same stone as Charles V. Ebeling), Sections D-E-F
ECKEL, B. H., 1911-1914, Section H
ECKEL, Christoph H., 1888-1963, Father, Section H
ECKEL, Sophie, see Sophie Eckel Schaffner, Section H
ECKHARDT, Anna E., 1887-1973, Daughter, Sections D-E-F
ECKHARDT, Carl L., 1898-1898, (same stone as Elizabeth G., Charles, Elsie Eckhardt), Sections D-E-F
ECKHARDT, Charles, 1859-1903, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth G., Carl L., Elsie Eckhardt), Sections D-E-F
ECKHARDT, Elizabeth G., 1865-1951, Mother, (same stone as Charles, Carl L., Elsie Eckhardt), Sections D-E-F
ECKHARDT, Elmer F., 1892-1962, Son, Sections D-E-F
ECKHARDT, Elsie, 1896-1902, (same stone as Elizabeth G., Charles, Carl L. Eckhardt), Sections D-E-F
ECKHARDT, George, Born Mar 4 1892-Died Jan 24 1935, Enlisted Apr 2 1918-Discharged Jun 13 1919, Pvt 1st CL Co M 319th Inf, Sections D-E-F
ECKHARDT, Lewis, Died Jan 8, 1908, Brother, Sections D-E-F
ECLESTON (?), JOHN, 65 yrs, Row 1622, September 22, 1919, ***
EDENBORN, Katherine, see Katherine Edenborn Walter, Section A
EDGINTON, BELA KIMBALL, Row 1621, Buried Lot 146 Sec H, September 4, 1937, ***
EDWARDS, Anna E., see Anna E. Kentzel, wife of Edward J. Edwards, Section H
EDWARDS, Lillian G., February 26 1906-July 10 1975, (same stone as Lillian G. Edwards), Section H
EDWARDS, Mae Stoerkel, 1910-1985, Section B
EDWARDS, Margaret A., 1888-1980, Mother, Section H
EDWARDS, Theodore H., January 15 1903-January 22 1951, (same stone as Lillian G. Edwards), Section H
EFLAND, Maria, see Maria E. Pfannkuch geb Efland, Section H
EGER, Jacob, 1884-1935, Father, Section H
EGGE, Eldrid, 1926-1927, Beloved daughter, Section OS
EGGER, Ellen M., 1909-1983, Wife, Section H
EGGER, James T., 1905-1956, Husband, Section H
EGLER, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1504, September 11, 1916, ***
EGLISDORF, (large Stone, no names or dates), Section C-1
EGOLF, Catherine A., 1854-1932, Mother, (same stone as William Egolf), Section H
EGOLF, William A., 1844-1893, Father, (same stone as Catherine A. Egolf), Section H
EHMER, Adolph, 1888-1932, Father, (same stone as His Wife Mollie Ehmer), Section H
EHMER, CHRISTIAN, 69 yrs, Sec H Lot 85, May 1, 1918, ***
EHMER, Lilly, (no birth date)-Died 1929, Erected by daughter Marie, (same stone as Val J. Ehmer), Section H
EHMER, Mollie, 1889-1963, Mother, (same stone as Adolph Ehmer), Section H
EHMER, Val J., (no birth date)-Died 1937, Erected by daughter Marie, (same stone as Lilly Ehmer), Section H
EHRGOTT, Carl C., Born Jan 29 1913-Died Nov 14 196_(?), Cpl 709th Tank BN Aus, Enlisted Mar 12 1942-Discharged Oct 31 1945, Section H
EHRGOTT, Emma P., 1891-1961, Sister, Section H
EHRGOTT, Katherina, 1867-1931, Mother, Section H
EHRGOTT, Ludwig, 1858-1920, Father, Section H
EICHHORN, Kate Saxer, see Kate Saxer Eichhorn, Sections D-E-F
EICHHORN, Margaret A., Sept 18 1831-Oct 25 1909, Mother, Sections D-E-F
EICHHORN, Philip, Geb AM 11 Mai 1832-Gest AM 23 Sept 1899, Geb in Gartenheim, Hessen, Father, Sections D-E-F, (2 markers, see below)
EICHHORN, Philipp, May 11 1833-Sept 23 1889, Father, Sections D-E-F, (2 markers, see above)
EICHNOL, Conrad W., Died Apr 15 1889, Aged 50 Y, 3 M, 18 D, Section C-1
EICHORN, Sophia, -, See listing for Sophia Herfner nee Eichorn, Section OS
EICKHORN, PETER, 75 yrs, Sec D Lot 37, February 12, 1918, ***
EIKEY, Louis, June 28 1879-May 8 1950, Dad There are 2 stones--one with just name and years, Section OS
EIKEY, Mary A., 1884-1948, Mother, Section H
EILER, A., Stillborn, Row 1546, October 8, 1917, ***
EILER, Anna Maria, 1865-1886, Section C-1
EILER, August, 1862-1943, Section C-1
EILER, Frederick Wm., 1878-1958, Father, Sections D-E-F
EILER, Frederick, 1873-1917, Husband, Section H
EILER, FREDERICK, 44 yrs, Sec H Lot 368, Sept. 1, 1917, ***
EILER, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1572, September 29, 1918, ***
EILER, Joseph, 1846-1877, Our Son, Section A
EILER, Maria H., 1827-1887, Mother, Section C-1
EILER, Monica H., 1862-1909, Section C-1
EILER, Nicholas H., 1857-1919, Section C-1
EILER, Nicholas, 1816-1893, Father, Section A
EILER, Philip, 1823-1890, Father, Section C-1
EILER, Philopena, 1818-1892, Mother, Section A
EILER, William, 1849-1893, My Husband, Section A
EISAMAN, George E., 1887-1910, Section H
EISAMAN, Hacke J., 1858-1932, Section H
EISAMAN, Katie, see Katie Miller, wife of Hacke J. Eisaman, Section H
EISELE, Magdalena, 1880-1966, Mother, (same stone as Rev. Richard O. Eisele), Section 4
EISELE, Rev. Richard O., 1880-1962, Father, (same stone as Magdalena Eisele), Section 4
EISELE, Vera M., 1906-1997, (same stone as Elsa L. Koerber), Section 4
EISENACH, Gustave, Aug __ 1852-June 9 1906, Sections C-D
EISENMANN, Elfreda, 1906-1988, Daughter, (same stone as John C. and Elizabeth Eisenmann), Section H
EISENMANN, Elizabeth A., 1882-1968, Mother, (same stone as John C. and Elfreda Eisenmann), Section H
EISENMANN, John C., 1876-1940, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth A. and Elfreda Eisenmann), Section H
EKHARDT, MARIE, 63 yrs, Sec E Lot 37, September 21, 1918, ***
ELICKER, Katharina, Geb D 6 Mai 1832-Gest D 27 Apr 1906, Frau von Peter Elicker, Sections D-E-F
ELICKER, Peter, Den 5 Aug 1827-Den 3 Dez 18__, Sections D-E-F
ELLSLAGER, ALMA, 36 yrs, Sec B Lot 47 �, February 6, 1919, ***
EMMERICH, Elizabeth Deininger, 1879-1942, (same stone as Ernst Emmerich), Section H
EMMERICH, Ernst, 1874-1916, (same stone as Elizabeth Deininger Emmerich), Section H
EMMERICH, ERNST, 42 yrs, Sec H Lot 179, October 18, 1916, ***
EMMERLING, Sophie L., July 5 1873-Dec 15 1875, Section B
EMMERLING, SOPHIE L., JULY 5, 1872-DEC. 15, 1875, (EF)
EMORY, Florence, 1937-no other date, Section OS
END, Amelia L., 1881-1955, Mother, (same stone as August H. End & O.J.K. Prinzler), Section B
END, August H., 1880-1949, Father, (same stone as Amelia L. End & O.J.K. Prinzler), Section B
ENDERLIN, Mary S., see Mary S. Enderlin Landefeld, Section A
ENDERLIN, Reinhold S., 1885-1935, Husband, (Masonic symbol), Section A
ENGEL, Charles E., Born July 22 1896-Died Oct 7 1918, Pvt Mtr Sup Tn 11th Div, Enlisted Sep 3 1918-Killed In Service, Section H
ENGEL, Charles J., 1885-1963, Husband, (same stone as Lillian B. Engel), Section A
ENGEL, CHARLES, 22 yrs, Sec H Lot 633, October 12, 1918, ***
ENGEL, Jacob H., 1876-1963 (same stone as Magdalena Engel), Sections C-D
ENGEL, Lena Foell, Apr 11 1863-July 23 1918, Mother, At Rest, Section H
ENGEL, LENA, 55 yrs, Sec H Lot 633, July 24, 1918, ***
ENGEL, Lillian B., 1886-1972, Wife, (same stone as Charles J. Engel), Section A
ENGEL, Magdalena, 1878-1957 (same stone as Jacob H. Engel), Sections C-D
ENGELMOHR, Dora E., 1870-1933, Section H
ENGELMOHR, George, Dec 26 1860-Dec 28 1936, Section 4
ENGELMOHR, Henry C., 1831-1896, Father, Section H
ENGELMOHR, Louise nee Neuenhagen, Sept 13 1869-April 3 1902, Section 4
ENGESSER, CARL, 82 yrs, Sec D Lot 24, December 24, 1916, ***
ENGESSER, Charles, 1834-1916, Section A
Engle, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 11, (MC)
ENGLEMOHR, Anna C., 1827-1907, Mother, Section H
ENGLEMOHR, Anna E., 1870-1941, (same stone: Anna, Henry, Helen, Hilda Engelmohr), Section H
ENGLEMOHR, Dora E., 1870-1933, Section H
ENGLEMOHR, Helen C., Age 1 yr 6 mo, (same stone: Anna, Henry, Helen, Hilda Engelmohr), Section H
ENGLEMOHR, Henry C., 1831-1896, Father, Section H
ENGLEMOHR, Henry F., 1862-1906, (same stone: Anna, Henry, Helen, Hilda Engelmohr), Section H
ENGLEMOHR, Hilda M., Age 8 mo 13 d, (same stone: Anna, Henry, Helen, Hilda Engelmohr), Section H
EPPELEIN, C. W., Oct 11 1842-Jan 17 1899, Father, Sections D-E-F
EPPELEIN, Maria, Sept 14 1848-Mar 7 1931, Mother, Sections D-E-F
EPPELEIN, Otto, 1877-1906, Husband, Section H
EPPLER, JOHN, Sec H Lot 30, Removed December 7, 1916, ***
ERBE, Anna C., 1863-1950, Mother, Section H
ERBE, Anna E., 1885-1952, Wife, (same stone as William C. Erbe), Section A
ERBE, Barthel N., 1889-1947, Brother, Section A
ERBE, Barthel, Geb D 23 Mai 1824-Gest D 5 Juli 1897, Section A
ERBE, Edw. L., Dec 17 1887-May 22 1931, F.& A.M., (Masonic symbol), Section A
ERBE, Emma I., Nov 13 1890-Aug 10 1954, O.E.S., Section A
ERBE, Gertrude E., 1886-1890, Section A
ERBE, Henry P., 1853-1905, Section A
ERBE, Henry P., 1882-1940, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section A
ERBE, Hilda C., 1891-1954, Sister, (Eastern Star symbol), Section A
ERBE, John H. A., 1850-1929, Father, Section H
ERBE, Katherine, 1808-1869, Mother, (same stone as Sebastian Erbe) Sections C-D
ERBE, Maria, Geb D 10 Oct 1826-Gest D 17 Jan 1889, Section A
ERBE, Mary A., 1855-1915, Section A
ERBE, Sebastian, 1804-1873, Father, (same stone as Katherine Erbe), Sections C-D
ERBE, William G., 1884-1961, Husband, (same stone as Anna E. Erbe), Section A
ERBEL, Katherine, 1856-1926, Mother, Section 4
ERBEL, Katherine, see Katherine Erbel Schmidt, Section 4
ERDLEN, Amalie C., Geb Appel Aug 24 1874-Aug 2 1910 At Rest, Wife, Section 4
ERMLICH, Selma, see Selma Ermlich Scheidemantel, Section B
ERSKINE, Frank, 1891-1934, (same stone: Frank, Louis, Minnie Pascal Erskine, David Pawlowski), Section H
ERSKINE, Louis, 1926-1942, (same stone: Frank, Louis, Minnie Pascal Erskine, David Pawlowski), Section H
ERSKINE, Minnie Pascal, 1894-1957, (same stone: Frank, Louis, Minnie Pascal Erskine, David Pawlowski), Section H
ERTMYER, MARIE, 59 yrs, Sec H Lot 676, Sept. 15, 1917, ***
ERXMEIER, Henry, 1855-1938, Father, (same stone as Marie Erxmeier), Section H
ERXMEIER, Marie, 1857-1917, Mother, (same stone as Henry Erxmeier), Section H
ESCHRICH, James N., 1899-1958, Husband, (same stone as Julia D. Eschrich), Section H
ESCHRICH, Julia D., 1899-1951, Wife, (same stone as James N. Eschrich), Section H
ESPY, Bella, 1860-1903, Section B
ESPY, C. Edward, 1871-1942, Section B
ESPY, Carl S., Born Feb 28 1814-Died Nov 29 1893, (same stone as Emma J.A.K. Espy), Section B
ESPY, Charles W., 1856-1925, Section B
ESPY, Emma J.A.K., Born July 13 1817-Died Nov 26 1891, (same stone as Carl S. Espy), Section B
ESPY, Fred, 1845-1887, Father, Section B
ESPY, MARIE, 66 yrs, Sec B Lot 49, February 15, 1917, ***
ESPY, William G., 1859-1919, Section B
ESPY, WILLIAM, 60 yrs, Sec B Lot 49, May 9, 1919, ***
ESPY. Mary, 1850-1917, Mother, Section B
EUEL, THOMAS, 72 yrs, Salvation Army, Row 1537, August 28, 1917, ***
EULER, Anna Elizabeth, 1835-1882, Mother, Section A
EULER, Charlotte, 1840-1913, Mother, Sections D-E-F
EULER, Elsie, 1901-1974, Section H
EULER, Emma, 1859-1862, (same stone as George Euler), Section A
EULER, George Henry, 1824-1918, Father, Priv Co C. 88 Reg. Pa Vol, Section A
EULER, George, 1863-1870, (same stone as Emma Euler), Section A
EULER, HEINRICH, 95 yrs, Sec D Lot 9, March 13, 1918, ***
EULER, Ludwig, 1839-1898, Father, Sections D-E-F
EURICH, Anna Frank, 1881-1960, Mother, Section OS
EVANOVICH, Diana G., 1949-__, In Loving Memory, (same stone as Estella H. Shaner), Section 4
EVANS, Catherine, 1884-1938, Wife, Section H
EVANS, Edna Marie, 1885-1976, (same stone as William Morgan Evans, & Anne A. & Conrad Gundlach), Section B
EVANS, Emma A., 1908-2004, Mother, (same stone as F. Harold Evans), Section 4
EVANS, F. Harold, 1906-1994, Father, (same stone as Emma A. Evans), Section 4
EVANS, MELVIN MARION, 15 yrs, Sec H Lot 368, May 26, 1917, ***
EVANS, William H., Sep 19 1923-Sep 27 2004, Pfc, US Army Korea, Section B
EVANS, William Morgan, 1882-1973, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Edna Marie Evans & Anne A. & Conrad Gundlach), Section B
EVERITT, Catherine, see Catherine Everitt Fahrenbach, Section H
EVERITT, Clarence J., Born Dec 29 1895-Died Nov 6 1934, Pvt Co C 813th Mach Gun Bn, Enlisted Feb 11 1918 Discharged Jun 12 1919, Section H
EVERITT, James W., Jan 22 1859-May 8 1899, Section H
EYERS, Henry, (no birth date)-Dec 10 1906, 102 PA Vol Inf, Section H
FAHRENBACH, Catherine Everitt, Dec 11 1870-June 18 1935, Section H
FAHRENBACH, Clayton E., Jan 27 1910-May 10 1925, Section H
FAHRENBACH, Phillip, Geb D 24 ____1828-Gest D 26 Nov 1863, Section B
FAHRENBACH, William H., Feb 9 1861-Feb 16 1928, Section H
FANSNAUGH (?), SUSAN, 83 yrs, Row 1497, July 12, 1916, ***
Farnsworth, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 49, (MC)
FARRELL, Bernard, 1858-1902, Father, Section H
FARRELL, Edna, 1890-1907, Daughter, Section H
FARRELL, Minnie, 1860-1935, Mother, Section H
FAULKNER, Eleanor, see Eleanor Faulkner Simmen, Sections D-E-F
FAY, Caroline, 1854-1930, Mother, Section H
FECKE (?), _____(possibly FECKE), March 25 1844-August 26 1900, Mother, (part of stone buried), Section 4
FECKE, William, Died Jan 21 1905, Aged 61 years, Brother, Section 4
FEHL, Catherine, see Catherine Wirth nee Fehl, Section H
FEHL, Elizabeth, Geb 1846-Gest 1926, (same stone as Johann Fehl), Section H
FEHL, Emma, 1878-1920, Mother, (same stone Margaret, Henry, Emma Fehl), Section H
FEHL, Henry, 1876-1943, Father, (same stone Margaret, Henry, Emma Fehl), Section H
FEHL, Johann, Geb 1843-Gest 1903, (same stone as Elisabeth Fehl), Section H
FEHL, John F., 1870-1948, Father, (same stone: Minnie Fehl, John F. Fehl, Catherine Wirth Nee Fehl), Section H
FEHL, Margaret, 1884-1941, Mother, (same stone Margaret, Henry, Emma Fehl), Section H
FEHL, Minnie, 1877-1927, Mother, (same stone: Minnie Fehl, John F. Fehl, Catherine Wirth Nee Fehl), Section H
FEICK, Charles, 1859-1941, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Feick), Section A
FEICK, Elizabeth, 1864-1950, Mother, (same stone as Charles Feick), Section A
FEICK, PHILIMAN (?), Stillborn, Row 985, January 30, 1917, ***
FEIGER, Bertha A., 1879-1957, Wife, Section 4
FEIGER, Charles W., 1864-1925, Father, Section B
FEIGER, Earl, March 8 1894-July 4 1955, Section B
FEIGER, George F., 1878-1917, Husband, Section 4
FEIGER, Harry D., 1862-1937, Husband, Section B
FEIGER, Katherine C., 1864-1939, Mother, Section B
FEIRST, CATHERINE, 67 yrs, Sec A Lot 9, Mar 23, 1929, ***
FELDNER, Carl, 1899-1955, Sections D-E-F
FELDNER, Clara, 1897 � (no date), Section C-1
FELDNER, Elizabeth, 1901-1905, Sections D-E-F
FELDNER, Esther C., 1902-1957, Wife, (same stone as William Feldner), Section C-1
FELDNER, Henry, 1861-1905, Father, Sections D-E-F
FELDNER, Jr., Henry, (no dates), (same stone as Kate Feldner), Sections D-E-F
FELDNER, Kate, (no dates), (same stone as Henry Feldner, Jr.), Sections D-E-F
FELDNER, William, 1897-1961, Husband, (same stone as Esther C. Feldner), �We Were Meant For Each Other�, Section C-1
FELLMETH, John A., (dates on stone buried), Father, Section H
FELTZMAN, Dorothy L., 1910-1999, (same stone as Frank E. Feltzman), Section C-1
FELTZMAN, Frank E., 1901-1980, (same stone as Dorothy L. Feltzman), Section C-1
FENCHEL, Maria Christina, see Maria Christina Hauch geb Fenchel, Section B
FERGUSON, Freda, 1892-1924, Mother, Section B
FERNAU, August V., 1870-1941, Husband, (same stone as Sadie Fernau), Section H
FERNAU, Sadie, 1873-1938, Wife, (same stone as August V. Fernau), Section H
FERRARO, William R., 1925-1983, Section H
FERRIER, Walter, 1865-1943, Section C-1
FETH, Sophia, Dec 1 1871-Dec 13 1927, Mother, Section H
FEZER, Christian, 1875-1949, Father, Section OS
FEZER, EMMA, 41 yrs, Row 1655, November 27, 1920, ***
FEZER, Sara B. Craig, 1880-1934, Rest in Peace, Section OS
FICKLEY, Margaret, Born Oct 18 182__-Died Feb 23 18 (96?), age 74 yrs, 4 mo, 5 da, Section C-1
FIEGER Frederick E., May 27 1856-Jan 6 1901, Father, Section C-1
FIEGER, B. Russell, 1915-1969, Father, (same stone as Charles R. Fieger), Section 4
FIEGER, Charles R., 1943-1978, Son (same stone as B. Russell Fieger), Section 4
FIEGER, Edward M., 1884-1953, Husband, Section 4
FIEGER, Ella Marshall Deaconess, see Ella Marshall Fieger Deaconess, Section B
FIEGER, Emma J., 1882-1923, Mother, Section 4
FIEGER, Emma L., 1884-1961, Wife, Section 4
FIEGER, Frederick E., Feb 11 1883-Jan 16 1942, Feiger Mausoleum, Section 4
FIEGER, Frederick E., May 27 1856-Jan 6 1901, (same stone as Mary B. & Mary E.Fieger), Section C-1
FIEGER, Frederick, Sept 30 1832- May 1 1901, Father, Section B
FIEGER, Harry C., 1876-1923, Father, Section 4
FIEGER, Harry C., 1907-1962, Beloved Husband & Father, (same stone as Ruth M. Fieger), Section 4
FIEGER, Josie A., 1886-1975, Wife, Section 4
FIEGER, Lulu B., 1883-1922, Feiger Mausoleum, Section 4
FIEGER, Magdalena, Sept 30 1836�Mar 10 1899, Mother, Section B
FIEGER, Mary B., Dec 27 1856-Dec 26 1928, Mother, (same stone as Frederick E. Fieger & Mary E. Feiger), Section C-1
FIEGER, Mary E., Oct 5 1886-Mar 16 1888, (same stone as Frederick & Mary B Fieger), Section C-1
FIEGER, Ruth M., 1911-(no date), Beloved Wife & Mother, (same stone as Harry C. Fieger), Section 4
FIEGER, William P., 1880-1919, Husband, Section 4
FIGER, Catharina, von Peter Kuckert, Geb April 4 (?) 1810-Gest Feb 11 1870(?), Section B
FIHNOFF (could be FINNOFF), Christina, Geb Dec 24 1827-Gest Juli 16 1887, Sections D-E-F
FIHNOFF (could be FINNOFF), Nicholas, Geb Jan 23 1838-Gest Juni 20 1891, Sections D-E-F
FINK, William H., 1870-1948, Father, Section OS
FINNIGAN, EDNA, 17 mo, Row 1684, November 17, 1921, ***
FISCHER, Anna, 1881-1884, (same stone: William, Anna, Christina Julius Fischer), Section H
FISCHER, Bertha, 1860-1911, Mother, (same stone as Christ Fischer), Section H
FISCHER, Christ, 1848-1917, Father, (same stone as Bertha Fischer), Section H
FISCHER, Christina Julius, 1815-1887, (same stone: William, Anna, Christina Julius Fischer), Section H
FISCHER, Elma E., 1891-(no date), Wife, (same stone as Frederick W. Fischer), Section H
FISCHER, Frederick W., 1896-1967, Husband, (same stone as Elma E. Fischer), Section H
FISCHER, Gottlieb, 1866-1955, Father, Section H
FISCHER, J. M., Co G (?) 5th PA H A, Section B
FISCHER, JOS., 61 yrs, Row 1704, June 12, 1922, ***
FISCHER, Louisa, nee Bashaar, May 24 1867-Apr 18 1923, Mother, Section H
FISCHER, William, 1887-1888, (same stone: William, Anna, Christina Julius Fisher), Section H
FISER, Edna A., 1897-1960, (same stone as George L. Fiser), Sections D-E-F
FISER, George L., 1891-1978, (same stone as Edna A. Fiser), Sections D-E-F
FISER, Milton L., 1916-1922, (same stone as Edward E. Kick), Sections D-E-F
FISHER, Anna E., 1871-1948, Mom, Section A
FISHER, Barbara, 1861-1942, (same stone as Philip Fisher), Section C-1
FISHER, CHRISTIAN, 67 yrs, Sec H Lot 95, May 9, 1917, ***
FISHER, Elizabeth A., see Elizabeth A. Fisher Semmelrock, Section C-1
FISHER, Eva, Died Jan 29 1890, Aged 69 Years, Section C-1
FISHER, GEO, 44 yrs, Row 1519, February 13, 1917, ***
FISHER, George L., Oct 12 1933-Jul 27 2005, Cpl US Army Korea, Section C-1
FISHER, George L., Oct 12 1933-July 27 2005, Married May 1, 1954, (same stone as Louise I. Fisher), �Together Forever�, Section C-1
FISHER, James O., 1866-1928, Dad, Section A
FISHER, Louise I., (no dates), (same stone as George L. Fisher), Section C-1
FISHER, MILDRED, 3 mos, Sec H Lot 205, October 16, 1918, ***
FISHER, Philip, 1857-1915, (same stone as Barbara Fisher), Section C-1
FITCH, Barbara, see Barbara Buehler, Section A
FITZGERALD, Viola, 1900-1934, Mother--same stone as Mary Shover, Section OS
FITZPATRICK, Henrietta, 1862-1929, Mother, (same stone as Henry Kauffeld), Section B
FITZPATRICK, HENRIETTA, 67 yrs, Sec B Lot 24, Apr 6, 1929, ***
FITZSIMMONS, Lena Lingenfelser, 1860-1932, Mother, Section 4
FLACH, ALBERT, 45 yrs, Sec H Lot 635, August 20, 1917, ***
FLACH, ANDREW, 69 yrs, Sec H Lot 635, December 19, 1918, ***
FLACHBARTH, Veronica, 1878-1937, Section OS
FLEISCHER, Susanna, 1869-1925, Mother, Section OS
Fleisher, (ashes), ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 24, (MC)
FLEMING, JOSEPH, 59 yrs, Row 1531, June 20, 1917, ***
FLOHR, Clara Bittner, 1860-1944, Mother, Section A
FOELL, JACOB, 41 yrs, Sec ? Lot 28, June 17, 1916, ***
FOELL, Jakob, Geb 31 Sept 1831-Gest 21 Feb 1891, Section A
FOELL, Lena, see Lena Foell Engel, Section H
FOELL, Pearl O., Jan 17 1888-Jan 10 1926, Mother, Section H
FOELL, Robert Glenn, Aug 9 1920-Jan 9 1922, Our Bobbie, Section H
FOELL, Wilhelmina, Mar 27 1836-Apr 16 1893, Mother, Section A
FOGGIN, Charles W., Son, (same stone as Christina Foggin), Section B
FOGGIN, Christina Emile nee Trimburt, 1876-1898, Niece, (same stone as Charles W. Foggin), Section B
FOLL, Christian, Dec 1 1803-May 24 1874, UnserVater, Section A
FORREST, Walter C., 1896-1950, Section OS
FORSBACH, Peter H., 1896-1958, Uncle, Section OS
FORSYTH, Clara, 1880-1959, Mother, Section 4
FORSYTH, Clarence P., Sr., 1882-1971, Father, Section 4
FOSSBACH, ANNA, 19 yrs, Row 1632, February 4, 1920, ***
FOSTER, Eliza, 1840-1931, Wife, Section A
FOSTER, William, 1845-1921, Husband, Section A
FOX, Catherine, Jan 11 1840-Jan 26 1920, Mother, Section C-1
FOX, Ida C., Dec 30 1877-March 4 1905, Forever With The Lord, Section C-1
FOX, John, Feb 14, 1842-Aug 22 1912, Father, Section C-1
FOX, Katie M., Jan 5 1872-March 9 1890, Asleep In Jesus, Section C-1
FRANK, August, 1859-1925, Father, Section H
FRANK, Charles H., Born Nov 11 1866-Died July 25 1900, Husband, Section H
FRANK, Elizabeth, 1862-1921, Mother, Section H
FRANK, ELSIE, 3 yrs, Sec H Lot 675, July 19, 1917, ***
FRANK, Ferdinand W., 1896-1924, Section H
FRANK, George F., 1890-1953, Father, Section H
FRANK, Henry G., 1881-1956, Father, Section OS
FRANK, Henry, 1858-1916, Father, Section H
FRANK, Horace J., 1916-1959, Husband, Section H
FRANK, Mabel E. M., 1890-1937, Mother, Section H
FRANK, Mary, 1861-1953, Mother, Section H
FRANK, PETER, 55 yrs, Row 1649, July 3, 1920, ***
FRANKE, Anna M., Sept 15 1919-May 22 1936, Section B
FRANKE, Carl C., Aug 24 1914-Nov 30 1933, Our Son, Section B
FRANKE, Christian, Oct 18 1825-July 28 1901, Father, Section B
FRANKE, Clara M., see Clara M. Franke Moore, Section B
FRANKE, Elizabeth, 1881-(no date), Wife, (same stone as William J. Franke), Section B
FRANKE, William J., 1879-1938, Husband, (same stone as Elizabeth Franke), Section B
FRANKLIN, Charles C., 1852-1902, Father, Section H
FRANKLIN, Margaret C. , March 22 1901-Aug 1 1901, Daughter, Section H
FRANKLIN, Margaret C., 1855-1902, Mother, Section H
FRANZ, Anna, 1858-1931, Mother, Section OS
FRANZ, DOROTHEA, 74 yrs, Sec H Lot 516, October 30, 1918, ***
FRANZ, Dorothea, Aug 27 1844-Oct 29 1918, Section H
FRANZ, Eliz. Brill, 1874-1968, (same stone as Frank X. Franz & Elizabeth Brill), Section C-1
FRANZ, Frank X., 1879-1940, (same stone as Eliz. Brill Franz & Elizabeth Brill), Section C-1
FRANZ, JACOB, 48 yrs, Sec H Lot 516, Aug. 17, 1918, ***
FRANZ, Jacob, Oct 23 1869-Aug 14 1918, Section H
FRANZ, Joseph, 1856-1925, Father, Section OS
FRANZ, Louis, Mar 18 1870-Oct 22 1902, Section H
FRAZER, HARRY, 18 yrs, Row 1695, February 16, 1922, ***
FRECKER, Agatha, see Agatha Frecker Senn, Section H
FREDERICK, Amelia W., Feb 22 1856-Nov 26 1926, Sister, Sections D-E-F
FREDERICK, Emma W., Apr 17 1826-Jan 17 1907, Mother, Sections D-E-F
FREDERICK, Nickolas J., Dec 4 1828-Dec 23 1877, Father, Sections D-E-F
FREDERICK, William, May 30 1867-Dec 10 1883, Brother, Sections D-E-F
FREGER, GEORGE, 38 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 224, January 8, 1917, ***
FRESE, Caroline, 1862-1930, Mother, Section OS
FREUND, Elsie, 1869-1921, Mother, Section 4
FREUND, George, 1869-1936, Father, Section 4
FREUND, Loretta P., 1897-1972, Mother, Section 4
FREUND, William, 1892-1923, Husband, Section 4
FREY, Alma, 1873-19--, Mother, (same stone as Alma, William, Paul Frey), Section H
FREY, ANNA M., 2 mos, Sec H Lot 612, July 2, 1918, ***
FREY, Emma Best, 1870-1951, Mother, (same stone as William A. Frey), Section A
FREY, Fern K., 1900-1952, Mom, Section A
FREY, Frederick, 1849-1918, Section B
FREY, FREDRICK, 68 yrs, Sec B Lot 54, March 20, 1918, ***
FREY, Friederich E., Geb 17 Nov 1820-Gest 23 Feb 1884, Section B
FREY, JOHN, 72 yrs, Sec B Lot 29, January 1, 1917, ***
FREY, Karolina K., Geb 23 Sept 1827-Gest 24 Juni 1884, Section B
FREY, Norman, Sr., 1896-1979, Pop, Section A
FREY, Paul E., 1908-1937, Son, (same stone: Alma, William, Paul Frey), Section H
FREY, Raymond, Born Feb 2 1897-Died Aug 5 1897, Section H
FREY, William A., 1866-1953, Father, (same stone as Emma Best Frey), Section A
FREY, William F., 1869-1937, Father, (same stone: Alma, William, Paul Frey), Section H
FREY, WILLIAM, 29 yrs, Sec H, Lot 450, May 16, 1917, ***
FREYER, ANNA, 3 yrs, Row 1690, January 24, 1922, ***
FRICKE, Elsie Kustes, 1904-1996, Mother, (same stone as William G. Fricke), Sections D-E-F
FRICKE, William G., 1901-1974, Father, (same stone as Elsie Kustes Fricke), Sections D-E-F
FRIDAY, Phillip, 1883-1971, Father, Section H
FRIDAY, Philomena, 1888-1951, Mother, Section H
FRIEDEL, Gustav, Sept 21 1845-Dec 30 1925, Section A
FRIEDEL, Katharina, Apr 24 1847-Dec 7 1917, Section A
FRIEDEL, KATHRINA, 70 yrs, Sec A Lot 4, December 10, 1917, ***
FRIEDMAN, Frederick, 1839-1897, Sections D-E-F
FRIEDMAN, Margaret, 1839-1918, Sections D-E-F
FRIEDMAN, MARGARET, 78 yrs, Sec F Lot 60, April 16, 1918, ***
FRIEDMAN, Peter C., 1873-1958, Uncle, Sections D-E-F
FRIEDRICHS, Charles, Geb 5 Apr 1822-Gest 21 Feb 1904, Vater, Ruhe Sanft, Section H
FRIES, Amelia, 1888-1980, (same stone: Peter Fries, Amelia Fries, Archie Hamilton), Section H
FRIES, Peter, 1886-1930, (same stone: Peter Fries, Amelia Fries, Archie Hamilton), Section H
FRIES, Peter, August 21 1918-Nov 9 197(?), Pennsylvania EM2 USNR World War II, Section H
Fritz, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 21, (MC)
FRITZ, ?, 2 hrs, Sec D Lot 1, March 14, 1917, ***
FRITZ, Alma M., 1895-1954, Section 4
FRITZ, Edna R. E., 1893-1988, Section 4
FRITZ, Elizabeth, 1872-1955, Section 4
FRITZ, Elizabeth, Oct 7 1837-April 14 1925, Mother, Section A
FRITZ, Floyd H., 1907-1942, Section 4
FRITZ, George, 1855-1914, Father, Section 4
FRITZ, Karl F., Oct 26 1843-March 16 1910, Father, Section A
FRITZ, Lorene C., 1897-1977, Section 4
FRITZ, Louis H., 1870-1914, Section 4
FRITZ, LOUISA, 49 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 48, October 20, 1918, ***
FRITZ, Louise, 1868-1918, Mother, Section 4
FRITZ, Peter, Lodge 486, (same stone as Charles Burkhardt, Joseph Meier, and Peter Stoltz), (I.O.O.F. at top of stone), Section A
FROEHLICH, Anna K. Schaub, 1895-1918, Daughter, Section H
FROEHLICH, ANNA, 23 yrs, Sec H Lot 462, Nov. 12, 1918, ***
FROETSHEL, LEONA, 28 yrs, Row 1524, April 8, 1917, ***
FROSCH, Anna Wehling, 1878-1936, Sister, Section B
FUCHS, Bertha, 1862-1929, Mother, Section H
FUCHS, Edward W., 1895-1980, Father, (same stone as Leavada Fuchs), Section H
FUCHS, George, 1865-1938, Father, Section H
FUCHS, George, Geb D 10 Sept 1802-Gest D 25 Mai 1882, Section B
FUCHS, Katharina, Geb D 22 Juli 1804-Gest D 20 Apr 1884, Section B
FUCHS, Leavada, 1894-1963, Mother, (same stone as Edward W. Fuchs), Section H
FUCHTEL, SARAH, 61 yrs, Sec I Lot 45, January 29, 1918, ***
FUNK, Dorothea M., 1906-1989, (same stone as Thomas J. Funk), Section 4
FUNK, Thomas J., 1905--, (same stone as Dorothea M. Funk), Section 4
FUSS, CHRISTIAN, 76 yrs, Sec H Lot 270, February 19, 1919, ***
FUSS, George C., 1876-1911, Husband, Sections D-E-F
FUSS, Helen C., August 5 1903-Dec 20 1975, Section H
GABEL, Daniel, 1868-1910, Section H
GABEL, Katharina Geb Kuhn, Geb 12 Feb 1869-Gest 22 Juli 1895, Section H
Gaber, Philippina Yates Baumiller, lot H678, buried November 27 1917, 57 years old, (RC)
GALLAGER, WILLIAM, 26 yrs, Row 1535, August 3, 1917, Removed, ***
Gallagher, Daniel, died jul 15 1965, (unmarked), aged 80 years, section H., (RC)
Gallagher, Lena (Selina) Brown, died sept 24 1930, (unmarked), section H, (RC)
GALLAGHER, W., Sec H Lot 227, Removed, ***
GALLENTINE, William, 1869-1939, Section OS
GALLICK, Arthur P., Dec 11 1910-Jan 18 1967, Father, (same stone as Sherry Lee Gallick), Section 4
GALLICK, Sherry Lee, March 1 1949-June 23 1969, Daughter, (same stone as Arthur P. Gallick), Section 4
GAMBACH, Anna, 22 Dez 1825- __ Juli 1868, Frau von John T. Gambach, Section A
GAMBLE, JOHN, 28 yrs, Row 1681, October 7, 1921, ***
GAMROCK (?), ALICE L., 34 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 437, June 30, 1916, ***
GAMROD, Albert, 1881-1921, Father, Section H
GAMROD, Beatrice Alice, see Beatrice Alice Gamrod-DeLaney, Section 4
GAMROD, Laura May, 1882-1923, Sister, Section 4
GARDNER, Donald E., D.D., 1893-1969, Husband, (same stone as Margaret Gardner), Section 4
GARDNER, Margaret, 1894-1978, Wife, (same stone as Donald E. Gardner), Section 4
Garloff, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 52, (MC)
GARRON, ANNIE, 16 mo, Row 1494, June 14, 1916, ***
GASPERIN, Dorathea, Feb 24 1920-Mar 3 1995, Beloved Mother, Section 4
GASSERT, Karl, 1880-1960, Father-same stone as Louise Gassert, Section OS
GASSERT, Louise, 1886-1939, Mother-same stone as Karl Gassert, Section OS
GASSMAN, A. L., 1875-1927, Section H
GAUB, Albert A., Sept 2 1858-Aug 3 1932, Section C-1
GAUB, Alma E., Born June 22 1884-Died May 24 1886, Section C-1
GAUB, Barbara, 1861-1924, Mother, Section H
GAUB, Carl J., Born Nov 22 1894-Died April 22, 1958, Sgt QMC US Army, Enlisted Dec 14 1917, Discharged Mar 20 1919, Section H
GAUB, Charles, 1857-1909, Father, Section H
GAUB, George, Nov 22 1859-Apr 8 1928, Section C-1
GAUB, Jacob, Born March 27 1844-Died May 13 1914 (same stone as Katherine Gaub), Section C-1
GAUB, Jacob, Geb 20 Jun 1810-Gest 10 Sept 1__8, Section C-1
GAUB, Katherine, Born March 1 1849- Died Feb 18 1904, (same stone as Jacob Gaub), Section C-1
GAUDO, MICHEL, 44 yrs, Row 1665, March 24, 1921, ***
GAULT, Emma Hink, 1890-1933, Loving Mother of Florence--Elmer--Delmas & Ralph, Section OS
GAUPP, Katherine Hilberer, 1863-1925, Mother, Section 4
Gearhart, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 18, (MC)
GEARHART, Blanche L., 1897-1927, Sister, Rest In Peace, Section OS
GEARHART, Herbert A., 1892-1942, Dad, Section OS
GEDEKOH, Annie, 1867-1876, Section A
GEDEKOH, Catherine, 1828-1905, Section A
GEDEKOH, Christian, 1822-1871, Section A
GEDEKOH, Harry C., 1869-1872, Section A
GEDEKOH, William, 1852-1872, Section A
GEDULDIGH, SUSANNA, 66 yrs, Row 1615, July 13, 1919, ***
GEESEY, Arthur F., Born Aug 1 1914-Died April 20 1960, RM 3/C US Navy, Enlisted Nov 16 1943-Discharged Feb 10 1945, Section H
GEIB, Adam, 1865-1930, Father, Masonic symbol, Section OS
GEIB, Barbara, 1873-1924, (same stone 5 names: William, Dorothy, William, Barbara, Raymond Geib), Section H
GEIB, Bertha, 1847-1929, Mother, Section C-1
GEIB, BERTHA, 81 yrs, Sec C Lot 11, Mar 16, 1929, ***
GEIB, Dorothy A., 1920- (no date), (same stone 5 names: William, Dorothy, William, Barbara, Raymond Geib), Section H
GEIB, Emma, Nov 9 1883-Feb 15 1885, Daughter, Section C-1
GEIB, Harry B., 1873-1941, Brother, Section C-1
GEIB, John, Dec 21 1857-Aug 30 1863, Son, Section C-1
GEIB, John, Nov 10 1830-Feb 18 1895, Vater, Section C-1
GEIB, Margaretta, Oct 14 1835-Dec 6 1870, Mutter, Wife of John Geib, Section C-1
GEIB, Phillip J., Mar 22 1863-Nov 16 1888, Son, Section C-1
GEIB, Raymond, 1904-1940, (same stone 5 names: William, Dorothy, William, Barbara, Raymond Geib), Section H
GEIB, William F., 1872-1933, (same stone 5 names: William, Dorothy, William, Barbara, Raymond Geib), Section H
GEIB, William J., 1917-2002, (same stone 5 names: William, Dorothy, William, Barbara, Raymond Geib), Section H
GEIBOLD, CHRISTINA, 57 yrs, Sec F Lot 97, Nov. 26, 1918, ***
GEIMER, Henrietta, 1852-1921, Section A
GEIMER, Louis, 1862-1932, Section A
Geiselhart, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 13, (MC)
GEISELHART, Fred, 1881-1923, Father, Section OS
GEISLER, WILHELMINA, 67 yrs, Sec H Lot 244, December 14, 1917, ***
GEISLER, Wilhelmina, see Wilhelmina Wahl Geisler nee Weber, Section H
GEISSER, HENRIETTA, 70 yrs, Row 1668, April 16, 1921, ***
GELZHEISER, Anna, 1894-1979, (same stone as George Gelzheiser), Section H
GELZHEISER, George, 1892-1979, (same stone as Anna Gelzheiser), Section H
GELZHISER, Elenora, July 13 1877-Nov 14 1948, Section H
GELZHISER, George, 1878-1951, Father, Section H
GEORGE, Iris Bischoff, June 5 1896-Dec 11 1989, Mother, (Eastern Star symbol), Section 4
GERDIG, JACOB, 41 yrs, Sec I Lot 40, Feb 14, 1929, ***
GERHOLD, George C., June 3 1896-Jan 13 1950, Pennsylvania Pvt 107 Field Arty 28 Div, World War I, Section H
GERLACH, Rosina, 1833-1895, Mother, Section C-1
GERMERODT, Anna Eliza, wife of Karl Leppla, Born Feb 5 1856-Died Jan 16 1889, �Here Rests in God, Fold her, O Father, in thine arms, and let her henceforth be a messenger of love between our human hearts, and Thee�, Section A
GERMROTH, Anna C., Born Oct 5 1820- Died Sept 16 1889, Mother, Section B
GERMROTH, Elizabeth, 1892-1930, Daughter, Section B
GERMROTH, Elizabeth, June 2 1858-Feb 8 1941, Mother, Section B
GERMROTH, George H., Born March __ 1883-Died Oct 2_ 1888, Section B
GERMROTH, Jo(h)nie, Born Feby 9 1881-Died Oct 26 1888, Section B
GERMROTH, Johann H., Geb Den 28 Aug 1856-Gest Den 26 ____ 1871, Sohn von J and C Germroth, Section B
GERMROTH, John G., Oct 15 1849-July 14 1912, Father, Section B
GERMROTH, John, Born June 15 1821-Died Apr 19 1890, Father, Section B
GERST, Babtist, Mar 29 1825-Dec 12 1890, Father, Section C-1
GERST, Bobby, 1926-1927, (same stone as Paul T. Gerst), Section 4
GERST, Catherine, Jan 8 1845-Feb 17 1922, Mother, Section C-1
GERST, Paul T., 1903-1946, Son, (same stone as Bobby Gerst), Section 4
GERST, William H., 1873-1952, Father, Section 4
GERST, William M., DDs., 1902-1940, Son, Section 4
GERSTNER, Conrad, 1867-1934, Husband, Section OS
Gerstner, Conrad, died may 2 1934, (unmarked), aged 69 years, section H., (RC)
Gerstner, Sarah Brown, died dec 8 1932, (unmarked), aged 65 years, section H, (RC)
GERSTNER, Sarah, 1864-1934, Wife, Section OS
GESCHWINDNER, Lena, 1844-1928, Wife, (same stone as Tobias Geschwindner), Section 4
GESCHWINDNER, Ottilie, see Ottilie Hofmann nee Geschwindner, Section 4
GESCHWINDNER, Tobias, 1844-1919, Husband, (same stone as Lena Geschwindner), Section 4
GEYER, LOUSIE, 44 yrs, Sec D Lot 15, June 11, 1919, ***
GEYER, RUTH, 1 yr, sec D Lot 15, June 11, 1919, ***
GIESERMAN, ANNA C., 2 yrs, Sec H Lot 589, February 16, 1917, ***
GIESMANN, Anna, 1914-1917, Section H
GIESMANN, Cecelia, 1887-1934, (same stone as George A., Charles Giesmann), Section H
GIESMANN, Charles, 1908-1927, (same stone as George A., Cecelia Giesmann), Section H
GIESMANN, George A., 1883-1950, (same stone as Charles, Cecelia Giesmann), Section H
GIESMANN, John G., 1892-1976, Sections D-E-F
GIESMANN, Lillian Weber, 1892-1971, Sections D-E-F
GILBERT, Hilda R., 1895-1952, (same stone as Walter R. Gilbert), Section H
GILBERT, Walter R., 1890-1977, (same stone as Hilda R. Gilbert), Section H
GILGEN, Gerhardt, (no dates), (same stone as John and Willie Gilgen), Section H
GILGEN, John, (no dates), (same stone as Willie and Gerhardt Gilgen), Section H
GILGEN, John, 1859-1927, Father, Section H
GILGEN, Pauline, 1860-1926, Mother, Section H
GILGEN, Willie, (no dates), (same stone as John and Gerhardt Gilgen), Section H
GILLMANN, Heinrich Peter, Geb AM 30 M�rz 1816-Gest AM 30 M�rz 1887, Christus ist mein leben und sterben mein gewinn, Section C-1
GILLMANN, Maria Margaretha, Geb AM 25 Sept 1823-Gest AM 28 Okt 1883, ehefrau von Heinrich Gillman, Trennung ist unser loos, wiedersehen unsere hoffnung, Section C-1
GLASS (NEE WINTER), Marie A., 1875-1942, Mother, Section OS
GLASSER, Albert J., Dec 28 1864-Apr 21 1925, 60 years, Brother, Section B
GLASSER, Alfa, Jan 26 1876-Mar 31 1951, 75 years, Wife, Section B
GLASSER, Christian, Jan 1 1824-Sept 9 1906, Father, Section B
GLASSER, Doretta, 1895-1977, Wife, Section H
GLASSER, Elizabeth, 1850-1924, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Glasser), Section H
GLASSER, Elizabeth, Jan 12 1832-Dec 28 1911, 80 years, Mother, Section B
GLASSER, Florence, see Florence Baumann nee Glasser, Section B
GLASSER, Frederick Philip, Jan 9 1872-Dec 24 1949, 78 years, Husband, Section B
GLASSER, Jacob K., 1883-1959, Husband, Section H
GLASSER, Jacob, 1850-1918, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Glasser), Section H
GLASSER, Louise H., Jan 28 1862-Sept 8 1953, 91 years, Sister, Section B
GLASZER, Jakob, Geb AM 2 Juni 1819-Gest AM 14 Aug 1874, Section B
GLASZER, Philappine, Geb AM 15 Juli 1819-Gest AM 19 Mai 1892, Section B
GLATZ, HILDA, 20 yrs, Sec D Lot 28, June 9, 1919, ***
GLAUSSER, Albert, Born March 27 1890-Died April 4 1890, Our Sohn, Sections D-E-F
GLAUSSER, Caroline, 1896-1975, Wife, (same stone as George H. Glausser), Section C-1
GLAUSSER, Elmer J., Born July 27 1895-Died Aug 1 1898, Our Sohn, Section C-1
GLAUSSER, Ernest L., 1897-1914, Son, Section C-1
GLAUSSER, George H., 1899-1957, Husband, (same stone as Caroline Glausser), Section C-1
GLAUSSER, Gottlieb, 1864-1920, Father, (same stone as Phillippina & Wilbert L.Glausser), Section C-1
GLAUSSER, Helen B., May 25 1901-April 17 1988, Aunt, Section C-1
GLAUSSER, Phillippina, 1869-1959, Mother, (same stone as Gottlieb & Wilbert L. Glausser), Section C-1
GLAUSSER, Ruth C., 1902-1927, Daughter, Section C-1
GLAUSSER, Wilbert L., 1913-1945, Son, (same stone as Gottlieb & Phillippina Glausser), Section C-1
GLAUSSER, Wilbert L., Born May 7 1913-Died May 27 1945, Enlisted May 16 1942-Killed In Action, Pfc Btry C 947th F A Bn, Section C-1
GLEIS, John, Co F 212 PA Inf, Section H
GLOCK, CHRISTINA, 75 yrs, Sec H Lot 252, May 14, 1916, ***
GLOCK, Christina, Dez 11 1848-Mai 11 1916, Mutter, Section H
GLOCK, Elizabeth, 1899-199?, Mother, (same stone as Freda M., Louis P., Elizabeth Glock), Section H
GLOCK, Freda M., 1919-1951, Daughter, (same stone as Freda M., Louis P., Elizabeth Glock), Section H
GLOCK, HARRY, 4 (?), Sec H Lot 254, Jan. 14, 1919, ***
GLOCK, Lewis P., June 17 1866-Nov 27 1909, Father, Hier Ruht, Section H
GLOCK, Louis P., 1893-1966, Father, (same stone as Freda M., Louis P., Elizabeth Glock), Section H
GLOCK, Mary, 1867-1953, Mother, Section H
GLOCK, Peter, Okt 26 1836-Marz 1 1894, Vater, Section H
GOCHNOUR, Charles L., 1909-1973, Father, Section H
GOCHNOUR, Ethel, 1914-(no date), Mother, (same stone as Terry C. Gochnour), Section H
GOCHNOUR, Nancy Lee, 1934-1945, Section H
GOCHNOUR, Terry C., 1941-1999, Son, (same stone as Ethel Gochnour), Section H
GOEDDEL, Charles, March 31 1871-Sept 9 1941, Father, Section H
GOEDDEL, Karolina, June 2 1874-Nov 28 1933, Mother, Section H
GOEDDEL, PHILLIP, 94 yrs, Sec ? Lot 48, Sept. 24, 1917, ***
GOELZ, Hilda L., 1894-1964, (same stone as Leonard, Hilda, John, Lizzie Goelz), Section H
GOELZ, John L., 1872-1927, (same stone as Leonard, Hilda, John, Lizzie Goelz), Section H
GOELZ, Leonard W., 1890-1960, (same stone as Leonard, Hilda, John, Lizzie Goelz), Section H
GOELZ, Lizzie, 1866-1959, (same stone as Leonard, Hilda, John, Lizzie Goelz), Section H
GOEMPEL, Rudolf, Feb??-3 Jul ??, Section H
GOERTLER, Anna A., 1897-1918, Daughter, (same stone as Frank J. Goertler), Section H
GOERTLER, ANNA, 21 yrs, Sec H Lot 683, October 9, 1918, ***
GOERTLER, Frank J., 1898-1911, Son, (same stone as Anna A. Goertler), Section H
GOETTEL, Daniel W., 1883-1937, Section A
GOETTEL, Hattie, 1889-1962, Mother, Section A
GOETTEL, MAGDELENA, 68 yrs, Sec F Lot 36, July 2?, 1917, ***
Goettle, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 50, (MC)
GOETZ, Barbara, see Barbara Goetz Simmen, Section H
GOLAM HOSSAIN, Behnam Rahimzadeh, 1920-1997, �Baba�, Section C-1
GOLDBACH, Alvena L., 1892-1989, Mother, (same stone as William F. Goldbach), Section H
GOLDBACH, Dorothy A., 1916-1972, Mother, Section H
GOLDBACH, ETHEL, 4 yrs, Sec H Lot 180, June 18, 1917, ***
GOLDBACH, GEO ADAM, 2 yrs, Sec H Lot 175, Aug. 21, 1918, ***
GOLDBACH, George, 1891-1966, Husband, (same stone as Wilhelmina Goldbach), Section H
GOLDBACH, George, 1915-1918, Son, Section H
GOLDBACH, Margaret, 1912-1914, Daughter, Section H
GOLDBACH, Wilhelmina, 1890-1963, Wife, (same stone as George Goldbach), Section H
GOLDBACH, William E., 1911-1973, Father, Section H
GOLDBACH, William F., 1887-1969, Father, (same stone as Alvena L. Goldbach), Section H
GOLDSTROHM, August C., 1854-1929, Father, (same stone as Pauline W. Goldstrohm), Section B
GOLDSTROHM, Pauline W., 1853-1941, Mother, (same stone as August C. Goldstrohm), Section B
GOLDSTROM, Edward C.C., Geb AM 21 Jul 1875-Gest AM 6 (?) Nov 1884, Sohn von August & Pauline Goldstrom, Section B
GOLDSTROM, Emma R.A., ______(?), von August & Pauline Goldstrom
GOLOMLE, PETER, 9 yrs, Row 1489, May 23, 1916, ***
GOLPHIN, Mathilda Nicklaus, 1875-1951, Section H
GORMAN, David W., 1890-1951, Father, Sections D-E-F
GORMLEY, HOWARD, 7 yrs, Sec H Lot 455, March 7, 1919, ***
GOSHORN, Joseph H., Born Jan 9 1907-Died July 18 1960, Tec 5 632nd Light Equip Engrs Aus, Enlisted June 8 1943 Discharged Jan 18 1944, Section H
GOSHORN, Margaret H., Oct 12 1907-July 26 2005, Section H
GOTTEL, Daniel, Juni 16 1846-Feb 16 1907, Vater, Sections D-E-F
GOTTEL, Magdalena, Apr 5 1849-Juli 21 1917, Mutter, Sections D-E-F
GOUGH, Albert, 1866-1961, (same stone as Catherine H. Gough), Section H
GOUGH, Catherine H., 1880-1966, (same stone as Albert Gough), Section H
GRACE, MICHEL, 46 yrs, Row 1656, December 5, 1920, ***
GRAF, OSCAR, 21, Sec I Lot 39, Jan. 15, 1919, ***
GRAFF, Anna C., 1871-1949, Wife, Section H
GRAFF, Christian C., 1853-1915, Father, Section H
GRAFF, Geo. W. M., March 24 1856-Nov 12 1904, Gone but not forgotten, Section H
GRAFF, George H., 1879-1966, Husband, Section H
GRAFF, George, 1868-1937, Section H
GRAFF, Martin, Co G 5th PA. H A, Section C-1
GRAFF, Mary L., 1858-1911, Mother, Section H
GRAFF, O.G., Stillborn, Row 1600, February 3, 1919, ***
GRAFF, Sophia A., 1878-1947, Wife, Section H
GRANT, Hilda E., 1911-2005, (same stone as Raymond M. Grant), Section C-1
GRANT, Raymond M., 1896-1979, (same stone as Hilda E. Grant), Section C-1
GRAUL, Andreas Carl, Feb 13 1858-Jan 28 1931, Husband, Section 4
GRAUL, Charles L., 1908-1909, Son, Section H
GRAUL, Christiana P., Jan 18 1826-Dez 19 1905, Mutter, Section 4
GRAUL, Eliza Jane, Sept 20 1863-Aug 13 1911, Wife, Section 4
GRAUL, Frederick, 1869-1948, Section H
GRAUL, Leopold G., 1864-1948, Father, Section H
GRAUL, Leopold L., Jan 28 1823-Maerz 10 1914, Section 4
GRAUL, Mary J., 1876-1944, Mother, Section H
GRAY, JAMES, 60 yrs, Row 1537, February 11, 1918, ***
GRAZIER, Henry, Born June 1 1877-Died Aug 17 1905, Husband, No. 119 Jr. O.U.A.M., Section H
GRAZIER, Katherine S., Born Oct 28 1875-Died May 16 1930, Wife, Section H
GREALISH, Irene M., 1890-1968, Wife, (same stone as Thomas Grealish), Section H
GREALISH, Thomas, 1878-1938, Husband, (same stone as Irene M. Grealish), Section H
GREAVES, DAVID, 8 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 228, July 16, 1918, ***
GREAVES, Lillian, 1890-1973, Wife & Mother, Section H
GREAVES, Walter, 1891-1931, Husband, Section H
GREEN, Anna Marie, 1885-1965, Mother, (same stone as Charles Budd Green), Section 4
GREEN, CHARLES B., 38 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 342, December 17, 1916, ***
GREEN, Charles Budd, 1878-1916, Father, (same stone as Anna Marie Green), Section 4
GREENE, Howard F., 1888-1968, (same stone as Mathilda M. Greene), Sections D-E-F
GREENE, Mathilda M., 1895-1984, (same stone as Howard F. Greene), Sections D-E-F
GREGG, Charles J., 1909-1996, (same stone as Natalie H. Gregg), Section 4
GREGG, Natalie H., 1912-2000, (same stone as Charles J. Gregg), Section 4
GREIN, CONRAD P., 66 yrs, Sec B Lot 25, April 3, 1918, ***
GREINER, Catherine E., Sept 26 1879-Sept 28 1960, Mother, Section H
GREINER, Henry, Died Aug 15 1895, Age 44 yrs, Father, Section H
GREINER, Louise, 1881-1933, Wife, Section H
GREINER, Mary, Died June 22 1912, Age 60 yrs, Mother, Section H
GRESENS, Charles G., 1840-1917, Father, Section 4
GRESENS, Charles H. F., 1867-1937, Son, Section 4
GRESENS, Florentine, 1835-1910, Mother, Section 4
GRESSEL, Ferdinand, 1838-1916, Father, (same stone as Theresia Gressel), Section 4
GRESSEL, FERDINAND, 68 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 316, July 2, 1916, ***
GRESSEL, Theresia, 1841-1927, Mother, (same stone as Ferdinand Gressel), Section 4
GRESSONS, CHARLES G., 78 yrs, Sec 4, Lot 33, November __, 1917, ***
GREVES, Elizabeth C., 1891-1977, Wife, (same stone as Nelson K. Greves), Section C-1
GREVES, Nelson K., 1888-1940, Husband, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Elizabeth C. Greves), Section C-1
Griffin, James L, Sr, b. May 8, 1914 d. Jun. 4, 1990, (I)
Griffin, James L, Jr, b. Feb. 22, 1955 d. Jan. 2, 2000, (I)
Griffin, Mercedes "Sis" Nath, b. Nov. 24, 1915 d. May 2, 2003, (I)
GRIMM, Blandina, Jan 28 1825-June 26 1908, Mother, Section A
GRIMM, Catherine, Mar 17 1864-July 14 1942, By the apples of your eyes, Arlene & Dick 1992, Section OS
GRIMM, FERDINAND, 83 yrs, Sec C Lot 16, June 25, 1919, ***
GRIMM, Maggie J., 1868-1949, (same stone as William Grimm), Section A
GRIMM, PHILLIP, 67 yrs, Sec E Lot 5, September 4, 1916, ***
GRIMM, Phillipp, Jan 30 1822-Aug 15 1900, Father, Section A
GRIMM, Stillborn, Sec E Lot 5, August 16, 1917, ***
GRIMM, William, 1866-1947, (same stone as Maggie J. Grimm), Section A
GRIMSLEY, Louise, 1876-1915, Daughter, Section H
GRINNI, Infant, Sec E Lot 51, November 5, 1918, ***
GRINNI, ROSA, 31 yrs, Sec E Lot 51, November 5, 1918, ***
GROSS, DORTHY ELES., 2 mo, Row 1514, January 11, 1917, ***
GROSS, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1522, March 11, 1917, ***
GROSS, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1626, November 6, 1919, ***
GROSS, Jacob, 1901-1955, Father, Section H
GROSS, MARY, 1 day, Row 1613, June 11, 1919, ***
GROSSMAN, Alfred E., 1883-1948, Husband, (Woodmen of the World Memorial), (same stone as Stella J. and Alfred Grossman), Section H
GROSSMAN, Alfred, 1915-1974, Son, (same stone as Alfred E. and Stella J. Grossman), Section H
GROSSMAN, Anna M., 1858-1935, Mother, (same stone as John G. Grossman), Section H
GROSSMAN, John G., 1856-1924 (or 1922), Father, (same stone as Anna M. Grossman), Section H
GROSSMAN, Stella J., 1882-1967, Wife. (same stone as Alfred E. and Alfred Grossman), Section H
GROTEFEND, REBBECCA, 74 yrs, Sec E Lot 53, September 19, 1918, ***
GRUNTZ, Catherine D. nee Schmidt, 1906-1938, Wife (same stone as Lucille Elizabeth Schmidt), Section 4
GUCKES, Elizabeth, 1850-1918, Mother, (same stone as Peter and Sadie Guckes), Section H
GUCKES, Otto H., 1881-1937, Father, Section OS
GUCKES, Peter, 1844-1923, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth and Sadie Guckes), Section H
GUCKES, Sadie, 1870-1911, Daughter, (same stone as Peter and Elizabeth Guckes), Section H
GUCKES, WILLIAM, 4 yrs, Sec H Lot 266, May 28, 1919, ***
GUDBUB (?), EVA MARTHA, 20 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 49, July 26, 1917, ***
GUE, Anna E., Aug 3 1867-Jan 25 1952, Sections D-E-F
GUE, Arthur E., 1875-1958, Husband, Sections C-D
GUE, Eli C., 1866-1916, (Masonic symbol), Sections D-E-F
GUE, ELI, 44 yrs, Sec E Lot 61, December 10, 1916, ***
GUE, Henrietta, 1877-1928, Wife, Sections C-D
GUENTHER, Caroline F., Born Nov 25 1845-Died Dec 29 1905, Section C-1
GUENTHER, Clementina, 1891-1976, Mother, Section H
GUENTHER, Elias, 1886-1928, Father, Section H
GUENTHER, Elias, Oct. 2 1847-Dec 20 1916, Father, Section C-1
GUENTHER, Elizabeth B., July 30 1845-Sept 10 1914, Mother, Section C-1
GUENTHER, Fred, (no other information on stone), Section H
GUENTHER, GEO, 81 yrs, Sec A Lot 51, November 22, 1918, ***
GUENTHER, Heinrich F. A., Born Oct 15 1838-Died July 11 1897, Section C-1
GUENTHER, JULIUS, 69 yrs, Sec C Lot 10, December 22, 1916, ***
GUENTHER, Walter P. 1911-2000, Father, Section H
GUNDACKER, Margaret, see Margaret Gundacker Huber, Section H
GUNDERMAN, ANNA MARIE, 51 yrs, Sec H Lot 595, Mar 10, 1929, ***
GUNDLACH, ANNA, 47 yrs, Sec B Lot 31, May 12, 1917, ***
GUNDLACH, Anne A., 1869-1917, (same stone as William Morgan Evans, Edna Marie Evans, Conrad Gundlach), Section B
GUNDLACH, Conrad, 1816-1883, (same stone as Anne A. Gundlach, William Morgan, Edna Marie Evans), Section B
GUNDLACH, Elizabeth, Geb D 4 Nov 1830-Gest D 21 Feb 1896, Section B
GUNDLACH, Maria F., Geb D 22 Feb 1872-Gest D 3 Marz 1890, Unsere Tochter, Section B
GUPKLER, ELISEBETH, 68 yrs, Sec H Lot 273, Aug. 25, 1918, ***
GUSSMAN, Harry, March 18 1885-Oct 5 1954, Corp Co A 3rd Inf Enlisted Aug 5 1917 Discharged April 4 1919, Section OS
GUTBUB, Charles, 1868-1915, Father, Section 4
GUTBUB, Eva M., 1897-1917, Daughter, Section 4
HAAS, Ernest, 1866-1890, Section A
HAAS, George, 1822-1898, Section A
HAAS, George, 1862-1885, Section A
HAAS, Helen M., 1914-1977, Wife, (same stone as Ralph H. Haas), Section C-1
HAAS, John, 1871-1943, Section A
HAAS, Phoebe, 1836-1899, Section A
HAAS, Ralph H., 1913-1981, Husband, (same stone as Helen M. Haas), Section C-1
HABEGGER, Carl S., 1887-1984 (?), Section C-1
HABEGGER, Eva K., 1893-1979 (?), Section C-1
HABERMEIER, Hans, 1874-1926, Father, (same stone as Lena Habermeier), Section H
HABERMEIER, Lena, 1883-1942, Mother, (same stone as Hans Habermeier), Section H
HAEGELE, Joseph, 1842-1919, Section H
HAEGELE, JOSEPH, 77 yrs, Sec H Lot 252, February 4, 1919, ***
HAEGELE, Maria A., 1845-1913, Section H
HAEHN, Carrie L., 1874-19__(no date on stone), (same stone as Louis C. Haehn), Section A
HAEHN, Louis C., 1873-1939, Husband (same stone as Carrie L. Haehn), Section A
HAGEMEYER, Infant, 1 hr, Sec B Lot 30, May 15, 1917, ***
HAGEN, Charles M., 1866-1957, Father, (same stone as Emma L. Hagen), Section 4
HAGEN, Charles M., Apr 15 1909-Dec 8 1987, 1st Lt. US Army Air Corps, Section 4
HAGEN, Emma L., 1872-1948, Mother, (same stone as Charles M. Hagen), Section 4
HAGEN, Mathilda M., 1898-1920, Section 4
HAGEN, Selma M., 1900-1958, Section 4
HAGERLING, A. Margaret, 1822-1902, Mother, Section C-1
HAGERLING, Barbara, 1859-1925, Mother, Section C-1
HAGERLING, Frederick W., 1819-1908, Father, Section C-1
HAGERLING, Helen E., 1900-1989, Section C-1
HAGERLING, John C., 1855-1929, Father, Section C-1
HAGGEN, Josephine, 1873-1949, Wife, Section OS
HAGMEIER, _____, Died Oct 28 1899-Age 27 days, Son of A J & Alice M Hagmeier, Section B
HAGMEIER, Albert J., 1870-1949, Father, Section B
HAGMEIER, Alice M., 1870-(no date), Mother, Section B
HAGMEIER, Anna K, 1847-1927, Mother, Section B
HAGMEIER, Bertha, see Bertha Hagmeier Davis, Section B
HAGMEIER, Bessie, see Bessie Hagmeier Rosales, Section B
HAGMEIER, Clarence W., 1884-1914, Son, Section B
HAGMEIER, Earnest George, Died Mar 31 1892, Age 1 yr 1 mo 18 days, son of George and Bertha Hagmeier, Section B
HAGMEIER, George J., 1845-1919, Father, Section B
HAGMEIER, George John, 1868-1927, Section B
HAGMEYER, GEORGE, 73 yrs, Sec B Lot 30, April 30, 1919, ***
HAHN, A. Matilda, see A. Matilda Hahn Werner, Section A
HAHN, Adam, 1842-1917, Husband, Section A
HAHN, ADAM, 75 yrs, Sec A Lot 41, December 13, 1917, ***
HAHN, Adele, see Adele Hahn Yorke, Section 4
HAHN, Amanda Louise, 1849-1938, Wife-Mother, Section A
HAHN, Anna Eva, Geb Den 24ten Feb 1809-Gest Den 13ten Apr 1891, Section A
HAHN, Bertha M., 1881-1961, Mother, Section C-1
HAHN, Carola, 1904-1996, Wife, (same stone as J. Alexander Hahn), Section C-1
HAHN, Catherine, 1873-1922, Mother, Section A
HAHN, Earl, June 16 1893-Sept 3 1902 �Sleep on little one � and take thy rest, God has called thee home � he thought it best�, Section A
HAHN, Frank, 1863-1938, Father, Section OS
HAHN, Harry W., Apr 9 1870-Feb 24, 1909, Section A
HAHN, Herman, 1867-1947, Father, Section A
HAHN, Herman, Geboren Den 5th April 1809-Gestorben Den 19th Dez 1876, Section A
HAHN, J. Alexander, 1900-1970, Husband, (same stone as Carola Hahn), Section C-1
HAHN, Jacob, 29 Juni 1833-1 Sept 1901, Ruhe in Frieden, Vater, Section A
HAHN, John F., 1903-1973, Son, Section C-1
HAHN, John, Nov 17 1834-Apr 13 1889, Section A
HAHN, Kath., 8 Nov 1864-15 Mai 1909, Tochter von Jacob & Kath. Hahn, Ruhe in Frieden, Section A
HAHN, Katharina, 1 Juli 1837-22 Marz 1918, Ruhe in Frieden, Mutter, Section A
HAHN, KATHRINA, 80 yrs, Sec A Lot 99-40-41, March 24, 1918, ***
HAHN, Margaret E., 1905-1982, Wife, Section C-1
HAHN, Matilda A., see A. Matilda Hahn Werner, Section A
HAHN, Philip, Died Jan 2 1895, Aged 57 years, Rest in Peace, Section A
HAHN, Removed October 25, 1918, ***
HAHN, Sophia, Apr 10 1837-July 31 1910, Section A
HAHN, Sr., John, Born Nov 17 1835-Died Apr 13 1889, Section A
HAHN, Thomas E., 1906-1975, Section C-1
HALE, Bertha Kiefer, 1888-(no date), Wife, (same stone as Clinton Philip Hale), Section 4
HALE, Clinton Philip, 1888-1966, Husband, (same stone as Bertha Kiefer Hale), Section 4
HAMILTON, Adah, 1884-1936, Section B
HAMILTON, Archie, 1904-1948, (same stone: Peter Fries, Amelia Fries, Archie Hamilton), Section H
HAMILTON, Elsie E., 1892-1967, Mother, Section B
HAMM, Charles, 1852-1924, (Masonic emblem), Section A
HAMM, David, 1834-1912 (on top of stone for William Hamm), Section A
HAMM, William, Jan 15 1840-Dec 15, 1902, Section A
HAMMEL, Caroline, 1870-1941, Section C-1
HAMMEL, Ottilie, see Ottilie Hammel Rose, Section C-1
HAMMEL, William F., 1870-1925, Section C-1
HAMMERBACHER, Sophia, 1863-1904, (same stone as George Weir & Henry Weir), Section A
HAMMERLE, Alice A., Apr 9 1921-Apr 25 1978, (same stone as Charles H. Hammerle), Section H
HAMMERLE, Anna, 1880-1924, Mother, (same stone as Henry J. Hammerle), Section H
HAMMERLE, Charles H., Apr 19 1905-May 17 1982, (same stone as Alice A. Hammerle), Section H
HAMMERLE, Henry J., 1879-1961, Father, (same stone as Anna Hammerle), Section H
HAMMOND, Walter L., 1881-1957, Father, Section OS
HAND, PHOEBE, 61 yrs, Row 1627, December 12, 1919, ***
HANEL, Adolph, 1858-1936, Father, Section H
HANEL, Anna, 1861-1939, Mother, Section H
HANEL, George W., Born May 4 1888-Died June 10 1928, Pvt Co M. 319th Inf, Enlisted Apr 2 1918 Discharged July 3 1919, Section H
HANES, MARIE, 58 yrs, Row 1557, January 4, 1918, ***
HANLON, Stella C., 1889-1922, Daughter, Section H
HANN, James O., April 28 1915-Sept 27 1954, PFC US Army World War II, Section OS
HANNO, Harvey W., Jan 26 1892-May 17 1949, 2nd Div. 329th Inf. Enlisted June 28 1918 Discharged Aug 13 1919, Section OS
HANS, Philippine Hess, Apr 6 1877-Mar 30 1942, Mother, Section H
HANSELMAN, Charlotte E., 1907-1961, Mother, Section B
HANSELMAN, Gertrude, 1870-1946, Mother, Section OS
HANSELMAN, Jacob L., 1895-1987, Father, (same stone as Margaret A. Hanselman), Section H
HANSELMAN, Leonhardt, 1866-1951, Grandfather, Section B
HANSELMAN, Margaret A., 1897-1964, Mother, (same stone as Jacob L. Hanselman), Section H
HANSELMAN, William Frederick, 1897-1966, Father, Section B
HANSELMAN, William, 1863-1926, Father, Section OS
HANSEN, Bertha L., 1880-19--, Wife, (same stone as Ferdinand M. Hansen), Section H
HANSEN, Ferdinand M., 1878-1948, Husband, (same stone as Bertha L. Hansen), Section H
HANSEN, H. Edward, 1847-1907, Father, (same stone as Rebecca M. Hansen), Section H
HANSEN, Rebecca M., 1845-1923, Mother, (same stone as H. Edward Hansen), Section H
HANSMAN, Alma, Died Nov 19 1948, Sister, Section 4
HANSMAN, Walter, Died Mar 26 1946, 50 Inf 20 Div World War I, Section 4
HAREN, Mathilda Wazenegger, 1898-1960, Section H
HARKINS, Ruth C., 1923-1967, In Loving Memory, Section H
HARPER, Mildred, see Mildred Harper Weltz, Section A
HARR, HELEN, 54 yrs., Sec H Lot 632, Aug. 3, 1918, ***
HARRIS, Ernest, 1883-1942, Father, Section H
HARRIS, Marion H., 1899-1985, (same stone as Richard L. Harris, Sr.), Section C-1
HARRIS, Richard L., Sr., 1896-1985 (same stone as Marion H. Harris), Section C-1
HARRIS, Sadie L., 1885-1942, Mother, Section H
HARSCH, Ada K., 1867-1930, (same stone as Carl H. Harsch), Section B
HARSCH, Carl H., 1865-(no date), (same stone as Ada K. Harsch), Section B
HARTDUNG, Emma F., 1857-1944, (same stone as Katherine Mondschein), Section B
HARTDUNG, Harold E., Mar 8 1916-(no date), (same stone as Margie M. Hartdung), Section B
HARTDUNG, Margie M., Nov 13 1916-(no date), Section B
HARTDUNG, Radna L., 1892-1963, (same stone as Ralph E. Hartdung), Section B
HARTDUNG, Ralph E., 1893-1975, (same stone as Radna L. Hartdung), Section B
HARTH, Harry A., 1892-1920, Husband, Section H
HARTH, Ida E., 1894-1907, Daughter, Section H
HARTH, Louisa, Dec 9 1880-March 3 1904, Section H
HARTH, Ludwig, 1844-1913, Father, Section H
HARTH, Maria A., 1854-1916, Mother, Section H
HARTH, MARIE ANNA, 63 yrs, Sec H Lot 551, May 26, 1916, ***
HARTLEP, Adele, 1859-1885, Mother, (same stone as Ludwig & Wilhelmina Hartlep), Section A
HARTLEP, Bertha, 1882-1895, (same stone as Lillie Hartlep), Section B
HARTLEP, Christina, 1855-1942, Mother, Section B
HARTLEP, Harrison M., 1888-1926, Firemen�s Memorial, Section B
HARTLEP, Lillie, 1878-1953, (same stone as Bertha Hartlep)
HARTLEP, Ludwig, 1814-1866, (same stone as Wilhelmina Hartlep), Section A
HARTLEP, Wilhelmina, 1815-1901, (same stone as Ludwig Hartlep), Section A
HARTLEP, William H., 1850-1942, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section B
HARTLIP, LILLIAN, 28 days, Sec D Lot 16, November 14, 1916, ***
HARTMAN, Adline, 1843-1916, Mother, (same stone as Henry S. Hartman), Section 4
HARTMAN, Anna K., 1871-1959, Mother, Section B
HARTMAN, ANNA, 2? Yrs, Sec B Lot 28, June 27, 1917, ***
HARTMAN, Charles G., 1881-1960, Son, (same stone as John G., Christina, Charles G. Hartman), Section H, (photo)
HARTMAN, Christina, 1856-1925, Mother, (same stone as John G., Charles G., Raymond Hartman), Section H, (photo)
HARTMAN, EMILIE, 42 yrs, Sec F Row 72, July 9, 1916, ***
HARTMAN, Esther, 1915-2001, (same stone as Ted Hartman), Section H
HARTMAN, Henry S., 1834-1878, Father, (same stone as Adline Hartman), Section 4
HARTMAN, Infant, Stillborn, Sec B Lot 28, June 27, 1917, ***
HARTMAN, John G., 1851-1907, Father, (same stone as Christina, Charles G., Raymond Hartman), Section H, (photo)
HARTMAN, Lillian, 1882-1965, Sections D-E-F
HARTMAN, Raymond, 1897-1986, Son, (same stone as John G., Christina, Charles G. Hartman), Section H, (photo)
HARTMAN, Robert E., 1866-1942, Section 4
HARTMAN, Ted, 1907-1978 (same stone as Esther Hartman), Section H
HARTMAN, WALTER, 30 yrs, Row 1575, October 19, 1918, ***
HARTMAN, William, 1887- ____, Sections D-E-F
HARTMANN, Amelia, 1874-1916, Wife, Sections D-E-F
HARTMANN, Charles, 1872-1963, Husband, Sections D-E-F
HARTMANN, Elia, 1874-1916, Wife, Sections D-E-F
HARTMANN, Francis, Born Apr 1 1835-Died Mar 26 1885, Enlisted May 1 1861-Discharged May 12 1864, Private, Co B 9th PA Res Infantry, Section B
HARTNER, Adam E., 1891-1950, Father, Section H
HARTNER, Henry, 1894-1926, Father, At Rest, Section H
HARTNER, Howard A., Mar 24 1926-Sep 29 1994, Cpl US Army World War II, Section H
HARTNER, Infant, Stillborn, Sec C Lot 5, January 25, 1918, ***
HARTNER, John A., 1862-1931, Father, (same stone as Rosina B. Hartner), Section H
HARTNER, KATHRINA, 61 yrs, Sec C Lot 5, February 12, 1919, ***
HARTNER, Margarette, 1899-1971, (same stone as Raymond Hartner, Section C-1
HARTNER, Oliver William, Born Dec 8 1900-Died Apr 7 1934, Pvt Co B 3rd MP, Enlisted Jul 24 1917 Discharged Aug 6 1919, Section H
HARTNER, Raymond O., Born Dec 9 1918-Died Oct 17 1944, Enlisted May 20 1943-Killed In Action, Pfc HO Co 36th Armd Inf, Section C-1
HARTNER, Raymond, 1897-1966, (same stone as Margarette Hartner), Section C-1
HARTNER, Robert E., Aug 29 1941-Jun 1 2005, SP4, US Army, Vietnam, Section C-1
HARTNER, Rosina B., 1865-1925, Mother, (same stone as John A. Hartner), Section H
HARTNER, Ruth C., 1896-1926, Mother, Section H
HARTUNG, Anna V., see Anna V. Hartung Mantz, Section A
HARTUNG, RAYMOND, 21 yrs, Row 1630, December 26, 1919, ***
HARVEY, Alfred M., 1868-1944, Father, (same stone as Emily V. Harvey), Section B
HARVEY, Emily V., 1866-1951, Mother, (same stone as Alfred M. Harvey), Section B
HASELSTEINER, Joseph, 1870-1939, Father, Section H
HASELSTEINER, Margaret, 1868-(no death date), Mother, Section H
HASIS, Augusta A., 1890-1928, Mother, Section H
HASIS, Brunhilda F., 1909-1930, Daughter, Section H
HASIS, EDMOND, 25 days (?), Sec H Lot 153-4, March 25, 1918, ***
HASIS, Elizabeth, 1866-1943, Mother, (same stone as Elmer E. Hasis), Section H
HASIS, Elmer E., 1900-1948, Son, (same stone as Elizabeth Hasis), Section H
HASIS, George C., 1889-1950, (same stone as Rose M. Hasis), Section H
HASIS, George, 1864-1913, Father, Section H
HASIS, Rose M., 1894-1951, (same stone as George C. Hasis), Section H
HASSEL, Andrew L., 1894-1940, Father, Section H
HASSEL, Anton, Aug 30 1859-Sept 19 1905, Father, Section H
HASSEL, Philippna, Sep 20 1864-Oct 31 1928, Mother, Section H
HASZELBART, _____esine Friederika, geborne _________, Geb 12 Januar 1816-Gest 10 August 1876, Section C-1
HASZELBART, F. August, 1854-1924, Brother, Section C-1
HASZELBART, Gottfried Ludwig, (stone eroded), Section C-1
HATHERLY, Mary E., Feb 16 1937-Aug 16 1988, (same stone as Paul A. Hatherly), Section H
HATHERLY, Paul A., Feb 15 1935-Nov 4 1976, (same stone as Mary E. Hatherly), Section H
HAUCH, ALBERT, 1859-1928, (eaf)
HAUCH, Albert, 1861-1952, (same stone as Theodore Hauch), Section B
HAUCH, CARL O., FEB. 11, 1901-MAY 3, 1966, Son, Section B, (EF)
HAUCH, EMMA BELL, MARCH 31, 1903-SEPTEMBER 1, 1988, Daughter, Section B, (EF)
HAUCH, ERNEST, GEB.D.2.SEPT.1821-GEST.D.9.JULI 1913, Section B, (EF)
HAUCH, FREDERICKA G., OCT. 8, 1877-JUNE 25, 1961, Mother, Section B, (EF)
HAUCH, Heinrich, Geb D 13 Juni 1853-Gest D 4 April 1880, Sohn von E. & M.C. Hauch, Section B
HAUCH, KATHERINE C., FEBRUARY 21, 1899-SEPTEMBER 11, 1988, Daughter, Section B, (EF)
HAUCH, Maria Christina, geb Fenchel, Geb D 5 Mai 1830-Gest D 19 Dez 1870, Gattin von Ernest Hauch, Section B
HAUCH, OTTO P., DEC. 18, 1868-JUNE 4, 1930, Father, SON OF ERNEST & MARIA C., Section B, (EF)
HAUCH, SOPHIA HELENA METZ (Netz), GATTEN VON (wife of) ERNEST, GEB.D.3.APRIL 1837-GEST.10.NOV.1883, Section B, (EF)
HAUCH, Theodore, 1859-1928, (same stone as Albert Hauch), Section B
HAUCH, THEODORE, 1861-1952, (EF)
HAUSMAN, ADOLPH, 48 yrs, Row 1579, October 27, 1918, ***
HAWKINS, Daniel G., 1887-1925, Section 4
HAWTHORNE, Gertrude, 1894-1935, Wife, Section OS
HAZELBECK, George M., July 27 1891-Oct 5 1951, Pennsylvania PFC 8 Infantry 9 Div World War I PH, Section OS
HEBBIG, George, Aug 26 1824-Apr 7 1897, Father, Sections D-E-F
HEBBIG, Louisa, Feb 17 1829-Sept 23 1890, Mother, Sections D-E-F
HECK, (or could be Nagel, no last name on stone), Elsie K., Jan 13 1901-Apr 23 1902, Daughter, Section H
HECK, Agatha, Dec 25 1830-Sept 25 1907, Section A
HECK, Annie, Nov 28 1859-Sept 8 1940, Mother, Section 4
HECK, Aurelia, see Aurelia Heck Matz, Section 4
HECK, Elizabeth K., 1876-1954, Mother (same stone as George A. Heck), Section A
HECK, Fred W., Oct 7 1869-Aug 20 1938, Husband, Section H
HECK, George A., 1874-1933, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth K. Heck), Section A
HECK, George, Aug 2 1830-Aug 9 1901, (symbol on stone), Section A
HECK, Hazel M., 1912-2007, Daughter, Section H
HECK, Henry A., Dec 12 1844-July 10 1910, Father, Section 4
HECK, Henry, 1878-1958, Husband, Section 4
HECK, Magdalena, Nov 21 1868-Mar 15 1944, Wife, Section H
HECK, Margaret Tyhurst, 1878-1946, Wife, Section 4
HECK, Muriel E., 1888-1922, Wife, Section 4
HECKEL, Rose H., 1884-1971, Wife, Section 4
HECKEL, William, 1871-1959, Husband, Section 4
HEDDERICH, Augusta, April 12 1844-Sept 30 1898, (same stone as Hazel Marie Hedderich), Sections D-E-F
HEDDERICH, Emma E., 1863-1946, Mother, (same stone as John Hedderich), Section H
HEDDERICH, Hazel Marie, Oct 4 1895 (same stone as Augusta Hedderich), Sections D-E-F
HEDDERICH, John C., 1857-1925, Father, (same stone as Emma Hedderich), Section H
HEDDERICH, John W., 1863-1950, (same stone as Mary Will Hedderich), Sections D-E-F
HEDDERICH, Mary Will, 1867-1942, (same stone as John W. Hedderich), Sections D-E-F
HEDDERICK, CAROLINA, 57 yrs, Sec F Lot 6, February 21, 1918, ***
HEDRICK, Anna L., 1902-1923, Daughter, Section 4
HEESON, Charles R., 1870-1910, Section C-1
HEHL, Amelia, see Amelia Hehl Braun, Section 4
HEHL, Caroline nee Neas, 1850-1914, Section A
HEHL, Elizabeth, 1870-1948, (same stone as Fred A. Davenport), Section 4
HEHL, Emma A., see Emma A. Urben nee Hehl, Section A
HEHL, Margaret A. nee Koegler, 1837-1875, Section A
HEHL, William F., 1837-1913, Father, Section A
HEICHE, WM., 52 yrs, Row 1595, December 8, 1918, ***
HEID, CHAS, 40 yrs, Row 1500, August 13, 1916, ***
HEIL, Anna K., Feb 7 1860-Aug 1 1911, (same stone as Jacob Heil), Sections C-D
HEIL, Caroline S., 1858-1938, Mother, (same stone as Frederick Heil), Sections C-D
HEIL, Elisabeth, Dec 29 1825-Sept 29 1909, Sections C-D
HEIL, Emma A., 1897-1987, Sections C-D
HEIL, Frederick, 1852-1918, Father, (same stone as Caroline S. Heil), Sections C-D
HEIL, FREDRICK, 65 yrs, Sec D Lot 19, July 29, 1918, ***
HEIL, Jacob, July 30 1856-Feb 22 1892, (same stone as Anna K. Heil), Sections C-D
HEIL, Jakob, Apr 13 1823-Feb 18 1899, Sections C-D
HEIN, Casper, 1872-1945, Section H
HEIN, FRED, 77 yrs, Sec H Lot 145, Jan. 7, 1919, ***
HEIN, Fredrick, 1841-1919, Father, Section H
HEIN, Margaret, 1846-1915, Mother, Section H
HEIN, Marie E., Born Sept 1 1885-Died July 12 1899, Section H
HEIN, Mary, see Mary Hein Valentine, Section H
HEIN, Maude S., 1873-1920, Section H
HEIN, Rebecca D., 1879-1950, Section H
HEINEMAN, Annie, 1871-1940, Mother, Section H
HEINEMAN, RAY, 26 yrs, Sec H Lot 207, October 17, 1918, ***
HEINEMAN, Robert, 1921-1939, Section H
HEINEMAN, Roy, 1892-1918, Section H
HEINEMAN, William C., 1865-1949, Section H
HEINEMANN, Anna B., 1846-1910, Mother, Section A
HEINEMANN, John, 1843-1924, Father, Section A
HEINEMANN, John, 1885-1884, Son, Section A
HEINEMANN, Mary K., 1875-1931, Daughter, Section A
HEINLEIN, Anna B., see Anna B. Hilf nee Heinlein, Sections D-E-F
HEINLEIN, George J., 1888-1963, Father, (same stone as Katherine Heinlein), Section H
HEINLEIN, Katherine, 1887-1948, Mother, (same stone as George J. Heinlein), Section H
HEINRICH, Caroline, 1848-1935, Mother, Section A
HEINRICH, Louis W., 1876-1919, Son, Section A
HEINRICH, LOUIS, 42 yrs, Sec A Lot 22, May 14, 1919, ***
HEINRICH, Louis, Born May 19 1838-Died Feb 18 1892, Age 53 yrs. 9 mos., Co A 5 WV Cavalry, Co I 67 PA Volunteers, Our Father, Section A
HELD, Barbara, 1878-1949, Mother, (same stone as William Held, Sr.), Section 4
HELD, Carline, Jan 17 1846-Sept 8 1913, Mother, Section 4
HELD, Caroline, see Caroline Held Baker, Section 4
HELD, Johannes, June 23 1828-Mar 8 1910, Father, Section 4
HELD, William Sr., 1878-1971, Father, (same stone as Barbara Held), Section 4
HELDT, Carolina, Nov 12 1888-Aug 12 1904, At Rest, Section H
HELF, Louise, 1871-1946, Mother, (same stone as Philip Helf), Section H
HELF, Philip, 1866-1938, Father, (same stone as Louise Helf), Section H
HELFER, Elizabeth, 1859-1938, Mother, Section H
HELFER, Marx, 1849-1922, Father, Section H
HELMLINGER, Katherine Pfaff, died Mch 23 1923, buried Mch 26 1923, age 82, Mausoleum, Section 1
HELMLINGER, Phillip C., died May 10, 1924, buried May 12, 1924, age 55, Mausoleum, Section 1
HENKEL, Adam, Died Dec 25 1872, Aged 49 yrs, Rest in Peace, Section A
HENKEL, Julia, Died Aug 14 1889, Aged 55 yrs, At Rest, Section A
HENNE, Charles E., 1857-1921, Father, (Masonic symbol F P A), (same stone as Charlotte Henne), Section 4
HENNE, Charlotte, 1868-1952, Mother, (same stone as Charles E. Henne), Section 4
HENNE, Fred, 1890-1942, Son, Section 4
HENNE, Harry C., 1888-1938, Son, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
HENNING, Adam, 1806-1891, Father, Section C-1
HENNING, Adam, 1850-1886, (same stone Adam John Mary Henning), Section H
HENNING, Anna M., 1816-1892, Mother, Section C-1
HENNING, Catherine, 1844-1896, Mother, Section C-1
HENNING, Celia Sophia, 1879-1881, Sister, Section C-1
HENNING, Charles, 1867-1896, Brother, Section C-1
HENNING, George Adam, 1843-1895, Father, Section C-1
HENNING, John, 1856-1910, (same stone Adam John Mary Henning), Section H
HENNING, Mary, 1858-1936, (same stone Adam John Mary Henning), Section H
HENSEL, August, (no dates), Father, Section B
HENSEL, Elizabeth, (no dates), Mother, Section B
HERBSTER, Albert J., Born July 14 1893-Died Dec 23 1963, Pfc Btry D 214th FA, Enlisted April 3 1918-Discharged June 7 1919, Section 4
HERBSTER, Amelia, 1898-1992, Section 4
HERBSTER, CAROLINE, 88 yrs, Sec B Lot 64, November 8, 1916, ***
HERCHE, WM, 52 yrs, Row 1595, December 8, 1918, ***
HERFNER, Sophia nee Eichorn, 1869-1929, Section OS
HERFNER, Thomas, 1865-1949, Father, Section OS
HERTEL, Charles, 1857-1921, Father, (same stone as His Wife, Christina Hertel), Section H
HERTEL, Christina, 1862-1927, Mother, (same stone as Charles Hertel), Section H
HERZBERGER, Harry W., Sr., Dec 20-1919-Oct 6 1992, Sgt US Army World War II, (next to garage building), Section C-1
HESS, Ann, 1869-1913, Mother, Section H
HESS, Henry, Dec 2 1872-Dec 10 1908, Father, Section H
HESS, Philippine, see Philipine Hess Hans, Section H
HESSINGER, Harry, 1855-1926, Father, Section OS
HESSINGER, Harry, 1893-1959, Father, Section 4
HETCHE, Elisabetha, see Elisabetha Binder geb Hetche, Section B
HEWITT, Darrell G., Father, Died July 9 1928, (same stone as Jack G. Hewitt), Section H
HEWITT, Jack G., Died May 23 1951, Son, (same stone as Darrell G. Hewitt), Section H
HEWITT, Stella I., Died Feb 3 1970, Mother, Section H
HEWITT, Virginia V., Died Dec 15 1997, Daughter, Section H
HICK, JACOB, 60 yrs, Row 1558, January 11, 1918, ***
HIL__, 1927-1930, Sections D-E-F
HILBERER, Amelia, see Amelia Hilberer Breisinger, Section 4
HILBERER, Katherine, see Katherine Hilberer Gaupp, Section 4
HILBERER, Matilda, see Matilda Hilberer Weyand, Section 4
HILBERER, Richard, 1863-1915, Father, Section 4
HILDABIDLE, Amy L., Aug 7 1957-Feb 6 1998, Section H
HILDABIDLE, Dorothy Z., May 7 1923-Dec 24 1977, Forever In Our Hearts, Section H
HILDABIDLE, George V., Nov 9 1918-Aug 4 1998, WWII 1941-1946, Section H
HILDABIDLE, Katherine Leibold, 1891-1952, Mother, Section H
HILF, Andreus, Geboren AM 20 Dez 1889-Gestorben AM 3 April 1892, Sohn, (no last name on stone, assumed to be Hilf), Sections D-E-F
HILF, Andrew, 1867-1944, Father, Sections D-E-F
HILF, Anna B. Nee Heinlein, 1869-1926, Mother, Sections D-E-F
HILF, Anna B., 1853-1946, Mother, (same stone as John C. Hilf), Section H
HILF, Anna Barbara, 1816-1896, Mutter, Sections D-E-F
HILF, Bertha, Geboren AM 21 Marz 1886-Gestorben AM 17 April 1892, Tochter, (no last name on stone, assumed to be Hilf), Sections D-E-F
HILF, Christian E., Born Nov 29 1891-Died Jan 20 1934, Enlisted Feb 26 1918-Discharged May 6 1919, Pvt Co C, 112th Inf Sections D-E-F
HILF, CLARA E., 17 yrs, Sec F Lot 4, June 6, 1918, ***
HILF, Clara Louise, 1900-1918, Tochter, Ruhe in Frieden, Sections D-E-F
HILF, Daniel, 1861-1926, Vater, �Das Gedach der Gerechten, Bleibt im Segen�, Sections D-E-F
HILF, Daniel, Geboren AM 26 Feb 1888-Gestorben AM 9 April 1892, Sohn, (no last name on stone, assumed to be Hilf), Sections D-E-F
HILF, Elizabeth A., 1918-1923, Daughter, Section H
HILF, Frederick W., 1895-1956, Sections D-E-F
HILF, Georg, Geboren AM 17 Ockt 1891-Gestorben AM 29 Jan 1892, Sohn, (no last name on stone, assumed to be Hilf), Sections D-E-F
HILF, John C., 1849-1934, Father, (same stone as Anna B. Hilf), Section H
HILF, Katharina Volk, 1860-1920, Mutter, �Ich liege und Schlafe und-Erwache�, Sections D-E-F
HILF, Leonhard, Geboren AM 12 Marz 1812-Gestorben AM 23 Feb 1884, Vater, Sections D-E-F
HILF, Leonhard, Geboren AM 7 April 1883-Gestorben AM 28 Dez 1885, Sohn, (no last name on stone, assumed to be Hilf), Sections D-E-F
HILL, David J., 1862-1938, Section A
HILL, Philomina Kustes, 1865-1933, Section A
HILLE, Albert, 1856-1938, Father, Section H
HILLE, Lillie E., 1857-1929, Mother, Section H
HILLER, Albert E., 1885-1927, Husband, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
HILLER, Alma, (no dates), (same stone as George & Helen Seibel & Erna Yorke), Section 4
HILLER, Rose K., 1888-1970, Wife, (Eastern Star symbol), Section 4
HILLERICH, Florence E., 1915-(no date), Wife, (same stone as Harry C. Hillerich), Section H
HILLERICH, Harry C., 1916-1984, Husband, (same stone as Florence E. Hillerich), Section H
HILLERICH, Harry C., Nov 5 1916-Feb 3 1984, SF3 US Navy, World War II, Section H
HIMDREDMARK (?), Infant of ALEX, 1 day, Sec H Lot 365, May 10, 1916, ***
HINCH, Alice G., June 18 1904-June 25 1970, Mother, Section C-1
HINCH, Emma Ruth, 1924-2000, Wife, (same stone as Harry H.Hinch), Section C-1
HINCH, Harry H., (no dates), (same stone as Emma Ruth Hinch), Section C-1
HINGOR, JOSEPHINE, 3 mos, Row 1582, October 31, 1918, ***
HINK, Emma, -, See listing for Emma Hink Gault, Section OS
HINKELMAN, MINNIE, 4 yrs, Row 1667, April 13, 1921, ***
HOELKE, Elizabeth G., 1887-1971, Mother. (same stone as William F. Hoelke, William H. Alster & Marie E. Alster), Sections D-E-F
HOELKE, William F., 1886-1949, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth G. Hoelke, William H. Alster & Marie E. Alster), Sections D-E-F
HOELKE, WILLIAM, 5 yrs, Sec F Lot 80, October 23, 1918, ***
HOELSCHER, William F., 1887-1941, Brother, Section OS
HOELTZEL, Dorothea, see Dorothea Hoeltzel Wolfram, Section H
HOELTZEL, Harry F., 1889-1962, Son, Section H
HOELTZEL, Henry, 1861-1935, Father, (same stone as Magdalena Hoeltzel), Section H
HOELTZEL, Magdalena, 1869-1949, Mother, (same stone as Henry Hoeltzel), Section H
HOELZEMAN, Catherine, 1869-1951, Mother, Section H
HOELZEMAN, Fred W., 1891-1954, Husband, Section H
HOELZEMAN, Henry, 1858-1931, Father, Section H
HOELZEMAN, Lena A., 1893-1968, Wife, Section H
HOELZLE, Anton, 1866-1954, Father--At Rest, Section OS
HOELZLE, Emma W., 1875-1937, Mother--At Rest, Section OS
HOENE, Christina, Sept 20 1848-April 8 1946, Section A
HOENE, JOHN, 70 yrs, Row 1634, February 16, 1920, ***
HOENE, John, Jan 9 1850-Feb 13 1920, Section A
HOFFMAN, ALBERT, 23 yrs, Sec B Lot 14, September 17, 1916, ***
HOFFMAN, Charles J., 1891-1957, Husband, Section H
HOFFMAN, Dorothy M., Sept 14 1931-Oct 13 1931, Section H
HOFFMAN, Ethel, see Ethel Hoffman Brogan, Section B
HOFFMAN, GEO, Sec B Lot 10, Jan. 22, 1919, ***
HOFFMAN, Henry J., Aug 31 1889-Dec 14 1966, Section H
HOFFMAN, Hilda H., 1891-1948, Section 4
HOFFMAN, HILDA, 29 yrs, Sec A(?) Lot 47, December 21, 1918, ***
HOFFMAN, Ida, 1886-1970, Wife, (same stone as William Hoffman), Section H
HOFFMAN, JACOB, 52 yrs, Sec H Lot 577, July 27, 1917, ***
HOFFMAN, Mattie, Feb 23 1901-Dec 25 1984, Mother, Jesus called her home on his birthday, Section H
HOFFMAN, P., 54 yrs, Sec C Lot 24, April 12, 1919, ***
HOFFMAN, Philip G., 1893-1951, Father -In Loving Memory, Section OS
HOFFMAN, Selma E., 1891-1945, Mother, Section A
HOFFMAN, William, 1882-1967, Husband, (same stone as Ida Hoffman), Section H
HOFFMANN, Alvin C. L., Dec 11 1895-July 28 1909, Section H,
HOFFMANN, Anna B., Dec 22 1855-June 23 1937, Section B
HOFFMANN, Anna, 1878-1949, Daughter, (same stone: Christian, Marie, Jacob, Anna, Charles Hoffman), Section H
HOFFMANN, Charles, 1870-1908, Son, (same stone: Christian, Marie, Jacob, Anna, Charles Hoffman), Section H
HOFFMANN, Christian, 1828-1908, Father, (same stone: Christian, Marie, Jacob, Anna, Charles Hoffman), Section H
HOFFMANN, Emma, 1868-1957, Section H
HOFFMANN, George, 1866-1919, Section B
HOFFMANN, Jacob, 1865-1917, Section H
HOFFMANN, Jacob, 1868-1927, Son, (same stone: Christian, Marie, Jacob, Anna, Charles Hoffman), Section H
HOFFMANN, John D., Oct 20 1854-July 21 1910, Section B
HOFFMANN, John, June 8 1824-Aug 21 1905, Father, Section B
HOFFMANN, Katherine, May 13 1830-Sept 30 1914, Mother, Section B
HOFFMANN, Marie, 1839-1923, Mother, (same stone: Christian, Marie, Jacob, Anna, Charles Hoffman), Section H
HOFMANN, Daisy E., 1881-1953, Mother, Section C-1
HOFMANN, Jacob, 1853-1927, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Wilhelmena Hofmann), Section 4
HOFMANN, John Edward, 1885-1928, Section 4
HOFMANN, John P., June 19 1911-Aug 6 1974, Section C-1
HOFMANN, John, Born May 17 1874-Died Aug 28 1954, Enlisted Jan 6 1897, Retired June 30 1923, M/Sgt US Military Academy, Section C-1
HOFMANN, Ottilie nee Geschwinder, 1871-1915, Section 4
HOFMANN, Wilhelmena, 1855-1900, (same stone as Jacob Hofmann), Section 4
HOFMEISTER, Albert C. L., 1868-1899, Section C-1., (funeral story below)
HOFMEISTER, Anna L., 1875-1950, Mother, (same stone as Carl C. Hofmeister), Section 4
HOFMEISTER, August F., Geb 24 Juli 1865-Gest 24 Juni 1903, Section 4
HOFMEISTER, Carl A., 1909-1978, Section 4
HOFMEISTER, Carl C., 1873-1954, Father, (same stone as Anna L. Hofmeister), Section 4
HOFMESTER, MARIE, 75 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 475, April 8, 1918, ***
HOHN-BEHRNSEN, Agnes C. 1887-1964, (same stone as George, Catherine B., Frederick B., Margaret A., Marion B.), Section H
HOHN-BEHRNSEN, Catherine B., 1910-1946, (same stone as Agnes C., George, Frederick B., Margaret A., Marion B.), Section H
HOHN-BEHRNSEN, Frederick B., 1866-1952, (same stone as Agnes C., George, Catherine B., Margaret A., Marion B.), Section H
HOHN-BEHRNSEN, George, 1884-1959, (same stone as Agnes C., Catherine B., Frederick B., Margaret A., Marion B.), Section H
HOHN-BEHRNSEN, Margaret A., 1892-1942. (same stone as Agnes C., George, Catherine B., Frederick, Marion B.), Section H
HOHN-BEHRNSEN, Marion B., 1867-1923, (same stone as Agnes C., George, Catherine B., Frederick B., Margaret A.), Section H
HOLFELDER, Infant, (same stone as Margaret & Albert Koerber), Section 4
HOLFELDER, Joseph, 1850-1915, Father, Sections D-E-F
HOLFELDER, Julia, 1850-1936, Mother, Sections D-E-F
HOLLERICH, Elizabeth, 1890-1956, Mother, (same stone as Joseph Hollerich), Sections D-E-F
HOLLERICH, Joseph, 1879-966, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Hollerich), Sections D-E-F
HOLSING, EDNA, 35 yrs, Sec A Lot 46, October 11, 1918, ***
HOLSTEIN, Anna Marie, May 25 1825-Jan 30 1909, Mother, Section C-1
HOLSTEIN, John Jacob, Feb 14 1812-Sept 13 1881, Father, Section C-1
HOLT, Florence A., 1898-1972, Section H
HOLT, Harry L., Born June 2 1898-Died June 7 1962, Seaman U.S. Navy Enlisted Jan 7 1918 Discharged Sept 20 1919, Section H
HOOKER, Clara B., 1868-1933, Mother, Sections D-E-F
HOOKER, Clyde W., 1889-1953, Husband, (same stone as Nellie M.Hooker), Section C-1
HOOKER, Joseph, 1864-1946, Father, Sections D-E-F
HOOKER, Nellie M., 1900-(no date), (same stone as Clyde W. Hooker), Section C-1
HOPKINS, Elizabeth E., 1907-1964, Mother, (same stone as William O. Hopkins), Section 4
HOPKINS, William O., 1912- (no date), Father, (same stone as Elizabeth E. Hopkins), Section 4
HOPPE, GERTRUDE, 74 yrs, Row 1651, July 26, 1920, ***
HOPSON, Alice Fieger, 1905-1946, Wife, Section 4
HOPSON, Charles E., 1904-1948, Husband, Section 4
HORN, Jacob, 1842-1916, Father, (same stone as Susanna Horn), Sections C-D
HORN, Susanna, 1843-1916, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Horn), Sections C-D
HORNUNG, Caroline, 1828-1909, Mother, Section H
HORNUNG, Lewis, 1860-1923, Son, Section H
HOUGH, Charles, Born Mar 11 1905-Killed Dec 3 1944, Pfc In Memoriam Killed in Action, Section H
HOUGH, Elmer W., 1907-1967, Brother, (same stone as Margaret C. Hough), Section H
HOUGH, John E., 1877-1935, Father, Section H
HOUGH, Margaret C., 1916-1971, Sister, (same stone as Elmer W. Hough), Section H
HOUGH, Margaret H., 1884-1960, Mother, Section H
HOWARD, Carolyn L., 1887-1973, Sister, Section H
HOWARD, Lillian K., 1893-1964, Daughter, (same stone as Henry F., William, Anna K. Lye), Section H
HOWARTH, Mary Alice, 1875-1877, Daughter of Jno. & Eliz. Howarth, �For Such Is The Kingdom of Heaven�, Section C-1
HOWE, Elizabeth, 1877-1950, Mother, (same stone as William T. Howe), Section H
HOWE, William T., 1876-1934, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Howe), Section H
HRALA, Albert B., 1925-1984, S1 US Navy World War II, Section C-1
HUBENTHAL, Babette, 1875-1960, Mother, (same stone as John F. Hubenthal), Section H
HUBENTHAL, Elisabeth geb Schmidt, May 10 1844-May 19 1910, Section H
HUBENTHAL, FRED, 70 yrs, Sec H Lot 341, December 13, 1917, ***
HUBENTHAL, John F., 1878-1966, Father, (same stone as Babette Hubenthal), Section H
HUBENTHAL, Kenneth G., July 3 1918-Sept 8 1991, Section H
HUBENTHAL, Maria, May 25 1909-Dec 25 1909, Section H
HUBER, Albert L., 1881-1928, Section 4
HUBER, ALBERT, 7 mos, Row 1639, March 21, 1920, ***
HUBER, Anna K., 1888-1982, Section 4
HUBER, Carl 1885-1947, Son, Section H
HUBER, Carl, 1850-1931, Father, (same stone as Eliza Huber), Section H
HUBER, Eliza, 1849-1930, Mother, (same stone as Carl Huber), Section H
HUBER, Emma M., 1882-1903, Section H
HUBER, Harold J., 1914�(no date), (same stone as Mary Huber), Section 4
HUBER, Herbert F., July 1913-Dec 2001, Section 4
HUBER, Margaret Gundacker, 1850-1930, Mother, �Auf Wieder Sehen�, Section H
HUBER, MARGARET, 8 mo, Row 1698, April 14, 1922, ***
HUBER, Mary (Hajduk), 1919�(no date), (same stone as Harold J. Huber), Section 4
HUBER, Ruth, see Ruth Huber Kimmel, Section 4
HUBERTHAL, DAISY, 38 yrs, Sec H Lot 340, October 21, 1918, ***
HUEBNER, Albert J., 1878-1948, Section 4
HUEBNER, Carolina, Oct 15 1865-July 12 1898, Mother, Section 4
HUEBNER, Christina, July 24 1840-April 6 1910 (same stone as John P. Huebner), Section 4
HUEBNER, Emma K., 1892-1986, Mother, Section 4
HUEBNER, Henry G., 1894-1940, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
HUEBNER, John H., 1859-1933, Section 4
HUEBNER, John P., May 12 1825-Feb 5 1902, (same stone as Christina Huebner), Section 4
HUEBNER, Louis K., Born Nov 28 1896-Died Apr 21 1942, Pvt 72nd Inf Enlisted Sept 6 1918- Discharged Jan 30 1919, Section 4
HUFF, CAROLINA, 60 yrs, Sec F Lot 46, December 3, 1917, ***
HUFSCHMIDT, Adela B., 1891-1962, Mother, (same stone as Arthur J. Hufschmidt), Section H
HUFSCHMIDT, Albert, Mar 27 1923-Nov 8 1992, (same stone as Elizabeth Hufschmidt), Section H
HUFSCHMIDT, Arthur J., 1885-1949, Father, (same stone as Adela Hufschmidt), Section H
HUFSCHMIDT, Elizabeth, (same stone as Albert Hufschmidt), Section H
HUGGANS, MARIE, 4 mo, Row 1554, December 2, 1917, ***
HUGHES, Bertha S., 1880-1959, Mother, Section H
HUGHES, David, 1878-1960, Father, Section H
HUGHES, Elizabeth, 1856-1924, Mother, Section H
HUGHES, Irene G., Sept 22 1974, Wife, (same stone as John T. Hughes, Jr.), Section H
HUGHES, Jackson D., 1843-1913, Husband, Section H
HUGHES, John T., Jr., Nov 7 1978, Husband, (same stone as Irene G. Hughes), Section H
HUGHES, Ruth Buchner, see Ruth Buchner, wife of Arthur J. Hughes, Section A
HUGHES, Theresa W., 1854-1926, Wife, Section H
HUGHES, Thomas H., 1856-1935, Father, Section H
HULSIZER, Joseph, 1890-1931, Husband, Section H
HUMPHREYS, Bonnie June, Dec 11 1921-June 20 1942, She was the sunshine of our home, Section H
HUNDERMARK, HERMAN, Sec H Lot 365, October 18, 1917, ***
HUNDREDMARK, ALAX, Stillborn, Sec H Lot 365, July 9, 1918, ***
HUNT, Elizabeth M., 1904-1968, Mother, (same stone as Philip G. Hunt), Section H
HUNT, Philip G., 1903-(no date), Father, (same stone as Elizabeth M. Hunt), Section H
HUNTERMARK, Albert G., 1892-1969, Husband, Section H
HUNTERMARK, V. Pearl, 1908-1996, Wife-Mother, Section H
HUSSER, Margaret L., 1874-1943, Wife, (same stone as Robert H. Husser), Section B
HUSSER, Robert H., 1870-1955, Husband, (same stone as Margaret L. Husser), Section B
HUSTWIT, Herbert, 1877-1944, Same stone as Maude Hustwit, Section OS
HUSTWIT, Maude, 1878-1945, Same stone as Herbert Hustwit, Section OS
HUSWIT, Bertha L., 1877-1950, Wife, (same stone as Thomas Huswit), Section 4
HUSWIT, Edward O., 1917-1945, Daddy, Section 4
HUSWIT, Thomas, 1875-1940, Husband, �To live in the hearts we leave behind, is not to die�, (same stone as Bertha L. Huswit), Section 4
HUTH, Albert A., 1892-1918, Son, Arconne, France, Section 4
HUTH, Fredericka, 1855-1939, Mother, Sections D-E-F
HUTH, Herman L., 1843-1917, Father, Section A
HUTH, HERMAN, 73 yrs, Row 1544, October 7, 1917, ***
HUTH, MRS., Row 1545, October 7, 1917, ***
HYNECHEAL (?), ELISEBETH M., 30 yrs, Sec H Lot 628, December 12, 1918, ***
Infant, Row 1555, December 7, 1917, ***
IRVIN, George M., 1875-1927, Husband, Section OS
Irwin, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 16, (MC)
Irwin, Geo, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 56, (MC)
ISCHER, Elma E., 1891-(no date), Wife, (same stone as Frederick W. Fischer), Section H
ISCHINGER, August F., 1864-1930, Section 4
ISCHINGER, Emma, 1874-1972, Section 4
ISTIK, Joseph E., May 12 1915-Oct 17 1989, Pfc US Army World War II, Section C-1
ISTIK, Joseph, 1915-1989, (same stone as Lillian Istik & Kennedy), Section C-1
ISTIK, Lillian, 1924-2003, (same stone as Joseph Istik � name Kennedy also on stone), Section C-1
IVERS, Frank, 1888-1908, (same stone as Bertha Kimmel), Section H
J__RLSON, ROBERT, 44 YRS, Sec H Lot 472, June __, 1919, ***
JACKISCH, August, 1852-1927 Section OS
JACKSON, August, 1852-1927, Section OS
JACKSON, Catherine, 1850-1904, Section A
JACKSON, Charles F., 1886-1938, Section A
JACKSON, HADDIE, 46 yrs, Row 1562, March 25, 1918, ***
JACKSON, Harry, 1878-1878, Section A
JACKSON, Marion F., 1849-1886, Section A
JACKY, Hilda, see Hilda Jacky Langenbacher, Section 4
JACKY, Margaretha Ruck, 1869-1921, Mother, Section 4
JACOB, Dorothy M., 1920, (same stone as Herbert G. Jacob), Section H
JACOB, Elisabeth, 1863-1938, Mother, (same stone as Louis Jacob), Section H
JACOB, Herbert G., 1917-, (same stone as Dorothy Jacob), Section H
JACOB, John, 1866-1951, Husband, (same stone: Lena, John, and Mary Jacob), Section H
JACOB, Katherine Schaub, 1872-1965, Wife, Section H
JACOB, Lena, 1870-1922, Wife, (same stone: Lena, John, Mary Jacob), Section H
JACOB, Louis, 1862-1932, Father, (same stone as Elisabeth Jacob), Section H
JACOB, Mary, 1877-1944, Wife, (same stone: Lena, John, Mary Jacob), Section H
JACOBS, Caroline, 1882-1944, Daughter, Section H
JACOBS, Christian, 1840-1914, Father, Section H
JACOBS, Christian, 1880-1958, Husband, (same stone as Emma R. Jacobs), Section H
JACOBS, CHRISTINA, 36 yrs, Sec H Lot 203, June 4, 1919, ***
JACOBS, Earl N., 1906-1984, (same stone as Rachel E. Jacobs), Section C-1
JACOBS, Emma R., 1879-1959, Wife, (same stone as Christian Jacobs), Section H
JACOBS, Infant, Stillborn, Sec H Lot203, December 5, 1916, ***
JACOBS, John H., 1918-1992, Sections C-D
JACOBS, Kathrine, 1845-1906, Mother, Section H
JACOBS, Margaret K., 1913-1993, Sections C-D
JACOBS, Rachel E., 1906-1978, (same stone as Earl N. Jacobs), Section C-1
JACOBS, Robert E., 1926-1981, Section C-1
JACQU___, _____, 28 YRS, Sec H Lot 208, February __, 1919, ***
JACQUART, Carrie L., (no dates), (same stone: Paul J., Paul P., Pearl A., Carrie L., Herman Jacquart), Section H
JACQUART, Charles J., 1897-1964, Brother, Section H
JACQUART, Herman L., (no dates), (same stone: Paul J., Paul P., Pearl A., Carrie L., Herman Jacquart), Section H
JACQUART, Herman, 1857-1916, Father, Section H
JACQUART, Louisa W., 1860-1945, Mother, Section H
JACQUART, Paul J., (no dates), (same stone: Paul J., Paul P., Pearl A., Carrie L., Herman Jacquart), Section H
JACQUART, Paul P., (no dates), (same stone: Paul J., Paul P., Pearl A., Carrie L., Herman Jacquart), Section H
JACQUART, Pearl A., (no dates), (same stone: Paul J., Paul P., Pearl A., Carrie L., Herman Jacquart), Section H
JAHN, Audrey May, 1922-1931, Daughter, Section H
JAHN, Caroline A., 1893-1970, Wife, (same stone as Ernest H. Jahn), Section H
JAHN, CHRISTINA, 74 yrs, Sec B Lot 32, Aug. 26, 1918, ***
JAHN, Ernest H., 1893-1965, Husband, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Caroline A. Jahn), Section H
JAHN, RUTH MARION, 2 yrs, Sec H Lot 285, January 3, 1917, ***
JAMES, Armie T., 1921-2004, (same stone as Virginia P.James), Section B.
JAMES, Armie T., Dec 23 1921-July 10 2004, 1st Lt US Army Air Forces World War II, Section B
JAMES, Virginia P., (no dates), (same stone as Armie T. James), Section B
JAN___K, Infant, Row 1710, August 22, 1922, ***
JARVELA, MIKE, 27 yrs, Row 1618, August 30, 1919, ***
JAY, Ray F., Mar 17 1897-Mar 31 1979, Wife, (same stone as Robert L. Jay), Section C-1
JAY, Robert L., Born Sept 18 1894-Died April 22 1968, Enlisted May 24 1917-Discharged May 21 1919, Cpl 109th Field Hospital, US Army, Section C-1
JAY, Robert L., Sept 18 1894-Apr 22 1968, Husband, (same stone as Ray E. Jay), Section C-1
JENKE, Ernst, 1841-1910, Father, Section H
JENKE, Evelyn C., 1907-1978, (same stone as Herman Jenke), Section H
JENKE, Herman G., 1909-1982, (same stone as Evelyn C. Jenke), Section H
JENKE, MARTHA, 27 yrs, Row 1650, July 14, 1920, *** (origially listed as YENKE), (RS)
JENKE, Pauline, 1840-1893, Mother, Section H
JENKINS, Bertha F., 1893-1956, Wife, Section 4
JENKINS, William, Dec 11 1888-Dec 10 1958, Section 4
JENNEY, DANIEL, 48 yrs, Row 1640, March 28, 1920, ***
JENNEY, WILLIAM, 3 yrs, Sec H Lot 547, December 21, 1918, ***
JENNY, Anna S., 1859-1928, Mother, (same stone: Rudolf J., Rudolf J., Anna S. Jacob J. Jenny), Section H
JENNY, Fred, 1880-1951, Husband, (same stone as Stella Jenny), Section H
JENNY, Jacob J., 1884-1962, Son, (same stone: Rudolf J., Rudolf J., Anna S. Jacob J. Jenny), Section H
JENNY, Jacob, 1856-1918, Father, Section 4
JENNY, JACOB, 61 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 311, February 4, 1918, ***
JENNY, Louise, 1860-1930, Mother, (same stone as Lucille Jenny), Section 4
JENNY, Lucille, 1891-1980, Daughter, (same stone as Louise Jenny), Section 4
JENNY, Rudolf J., 1850-1905, Father, (same stone: Rudolf J., Anna S. Jacob J. Jenny, Section H
JENNY, Rudolf J., 1891-1960, Son, (same stone: Rudolf J., Rudolf J., Anna S. Jacob J. Jenny), Section H
JENNY, Stella, 1892-1983, Wife, (same stone as Fred Jenny), Section H
JERROME, Hannah, 1877-1961, Wife, (same stone as Samuel Jerrome), Section H
JERROME, Samuel, 1874-1912, Husband, (same stone as Hannah Jerrome), Section H
JOHANNES, Christina, 1879-1950, (same stone as Henry Johannes), Section H
JOHANNES, Frederick, Dec 6 1846-Mar 9 1915, Father, Section B
JOHANNES, HENRY D., 3 wks (?), Sec H Lot 629, December 14, 1918, ***
JOHANNES, Henry, 1877-1961, (same stone as Christina Johannes), Section H
JOHANNES, Wilhelmina, Sept 14 1844-Mar 9 1916, Mother, Section B
JOHN, CHRISTINA, 74 yrs, Sec B Lot 32, August 26, 1918, ***
JOHNS, Elizabeth, 1881-1962, Section B
JOHNSEN, Evelyn W., 1912-1974, Wife, Section C-1
JOHNSON, Annie E., 1872-1920, Mother, (same stone as Charles F. Johnson), Section H
JOHNSON, Charles F., 1871-1931, Father,(same stone as Annie E. Johnson), Section H
JOHNSON, Magdalane, 1860-1939, Section B
JOHNSON, Martha G., 1907-1978, Daughter, Section H
JOHNSON, Thomas P., 1855-1926, Section B
JOHNSON, THORNTON F., 77 yrs, Row 1506, September 25, 1916, ***
JOHNSTON, JOHN, 58 yrs, Row 1643, May 18, 1920, ***
JOHNSTON, Minnie H., 1874-1953, Mother, (Eastern Star symbol), Section 4
JOHNSTON, William S., 1871-1917, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, 45 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 46, February 3, 1917, ***
JONAS, Anna E. M.D., Aug 16 1843-Apr 5 1910, Mother, Section H
JONAS, Helen A., 1887-1956, Section H,
JONAS, William A., 1873-1907, Section H
JONES BRIGMAN, Edith C., Jan 13 1892-Jan 3 1968, Mother, (same stone Jones Brigman: William, Edith, Mildred, John), Section H
JONES BRIGMAN, John J., Nov 2 1907-Feb 10 1964, Husband, (same stone Jones Brigman: William, Edith, Mildred, John), Section H
JONES BRIGMAN, Mildred E., Feb 7 1910-Oct 2 1985, Daughter-Wife, (same stone Jones Brigman: William, Edith, Mildred, John), Section H
JONES BRIGMAN, William F., Dec 30 1886-Feb 13 1924, Father, (same stone Jones Brigman: William, Edith, Mildred, John), Section H
JONES, Albert L., 1905-1920, �God Is Love�, Section 4
JONES, Amelia J., nee Schafer, 1888-1912, Wife, Section H
JONES, Bella Seddon, 1884-1941, Firemen's Memorial -Same stone as John Jones, Section OS
JONES, Bernice O., 1927-2001, (same stone as William C. Jones), Section C-1
JONES, Edna, see Edna Jones Couch, Section C-1
JONES, Edward G., Born April 2 1920-Died Nov 30 1943, Enlisted Oct 27 1941-Killed In Action, Sgt. Co A 168th Inf 34th Div, Section C-1
JONES, Edward W., 1884-1960, Husband, (same stone as Louisa M. Jones), We Were Meant For Each Other, Section C-1
JONES, ELMER, 9 mos, Row 1299, February 5, 1919, ***
JONES, EMMA, 8 months, Sec C Lot 2, Nov. 18, 1918, ***
JONES, John, 1882-1938, Firemen's Memorial -Same stone as Bella Seddon, Section OS
JONES, Louisa M., 1885-1967, Wife, (same stone as Edward W. Jones), Section C-1
JONES, Mary, 1880-1952, (same stone as Philemon Jones), Section H
JONES, Philemon, 1877-1951, (same stone as Mary Jones), Section H
JONES, Philimon, 1840-1902, Husband, Sections C-D
JONES, Philip L., 1881-1917, Husband, Section 4
JONES, PHILLIP, 35 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 309, Sept. 5, 1917, ***
JONES, William C., 1921-2002, (same stone as Bernice O. Jones) �Together We Worked and Played�, (Marriage symbol � 1946), Section C-1
JONES, WILLIAM H., 8 mos, Row 1?85, January 30, 1919, ***
JONES, William, 1869-1922, Son, Sections C-D
JONES, WM., 53 yrs, Row 1157, January 30, 1922, ***
JOST, HERMAN, 16 yrs, Sec H, May 23, 1918, ***
JUNG, ALVIN, Stillborn, Sec D Lot 19, May 7, 1919, ***
JUNG, CHARLES, 39 yrs, Sec I Lot 64, Nov. 16, 1918, ***
JUNGUSKEL, WILHELMINA, 82 yrs, Row 1660, January 23, 1921, ***
JUNKER, Elizabeth, 1829-1912, Mother, Section H
JUNKER, Frederick, 1859-1939, Father, Section OS
JUNKER, Henry, 1855-1905, Husband, Section H
JUNKER, John, 1846-1915, Father, Section H
JUNKER, LOUISA H., FEB. 13 1862-DEC. 18, 1925, My Mother, Section B, (EF)
JUNKER, Luise, 1850-1932, Mother, Section H
KAISER, Joseph, 1886-1973, Section H
KALBACHER, Charles, Dec 27 1826-Jan 19 1874, Father, Sections C-D
KALBACHER, Sophia, April 8 1836-May 25 1907, Mother, Sections C-D
KALBACK, Gustave, 1868-1954, Son, Sections C-D
KALBERER, Adolph G., 1883-1951, Father, Section 4
KALBERER, Cassandra L., 1884-1969, Mother, Section H
KALBERER, Catherine Louise, 1917-1935, Daughter, Section H
KALBERER, Clara E., 1908-1928, Daughter, Section 4
KALBERER, Frances M., 1914-1976, Daughter, Section H
KALBERER, Freda A., 1895-1970, Mother, (same stone as William J. Kalberer), Section H
KALBERER, George, 1851-1905, Father, Section H
KALBERER, Gustave, 1885-1955, Father, Section H
KALBERER, Henry C., 1800-1945, Section A
KALBERER, Joyce R., 1943-1968, Daughter, Section 4
KALBERER, Katherine, 1856-1933, Mother, Section H
KALBERER, Ken. W., 1938-1971, Son, Section 4
KALBERER, Ruth A., 1915-1993, Mother, (same stone as Walter A. Kalberer), Section 4
KALBERER, Stella E., 1884-1958, Mother, Section 4
KALBERER, Walter A., 1915-1993, Father, (same stone as Ruth A. Kalberer), Section 4
KALBERER, William J., 1893-1941, Father, (same stone as Freda A. Kalberer), Section H
KALKHOF FAMILY, Henry C., (no names or dates), Sections D-E-F
KALKREUTH, Christine, 1863-1950, Mother, (same stone as Werner Kalkreuth), Section 4
KALKREUTH, Werner, 1851-1922, Father, (same stone as Christine Kalkreuth), Section 4
KAMBACH, Anna M., 1893-1982, Section A
KAMBACH, Irene F., 1891-1975, Section A
KAMM (?), CHARLES, 63 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 306, October 12, 1918, ***
KAMM, Charles, 1855-1918, Husband, Section 4
KAMMERER, Freda L., 1894-1981, Wife, (same stone as Lawrence Kammerer), Section 4
KAMMERER, Karl, Geb D 9 Juni 1826, in Ober Schaffhausen, Grossh. Baden- Gest D 27 April 1895, Father, Section A
KAMMERER, Lawrence, 1891-1967, Husband, (same stone as Freda L. Kammerer), Section 4
KANELL, Anna C., 1881-1954, Mother, Section 4
KANELL, Peter, 1877-1915, Father, Section 4
KANIA, Jacob, 1884-1961, Father, Section H
KANIA, John, 1892-1976, Uncle, Section H
KANIA, Rose, 1888-1930, Mother, Section H
KAPPEL, Philipine, see Philipine Mueller geb Kappel, Section B
KARRENBAUER, Christina, 1853-1933, Mother, Section OS
KASICKY, EVA, 34 yrs, Row 1580, October 19 (or 29), 1918, ***
KASKY, John, 1888-1938, Husband, Section OS
KASS, JOHN, 68 yrs, Sec H Lot 487, May 22, 1917, ***
KAUFFELD, C.W., (no dates)
KAUFFELD, Henry, 1813-1867, Father, (same stone as Henrietta Fitzpatrick), Section B
KAUFMANN, Elizabeth W., 1875-1919, Mother, Section 4
KAUFMANN, John Jr., 1909-1999, Beloved Son, Husband, and Father, Sections D-E-F
KAUFMANN, Olive Cecilia Plappert, 1913-1997, Beloved Daughter, Wife, and Mother, Sections D-E-F
KAUSS, Bertha L., 1870-1955, Mother, Section H
KAUSS, Harry G., 1871-1945, Father, Section H
KEEBLER, Helen V., 1892-1972 (same stone as Herbert W. Keebler), Section 4
KEEBLER, Herbert W., 1891-1959, (same stone as Helen V. Keebler), Section 4
KEHRER, Lillian M., 1888-1912, Mother, Section H
KEIB, Albert, 1864-1928, Father, (same stone as Louisa Keib), Section H
KEIB, Charles, Dec 17-1856-July 31 1921, Section H
KEIB, Christena, Mar 13 1859-Apr 28 1930, Section H
KEIB, Lena Linnert, 1861-1937, Mother, (same stone as William Keib), Section 4
KEIB, Louisa, 1870-1948, Mother, (same stone as Albert Keib), Section H
KEIB, Rev. Edward A., 1915-1950, Section 4
KEIB, Sophia, 1891-1964, Mother, (same stone as William C. Keib), Section 4
KEIB, William C., 1886-1970, Father, (same stone as Sophia Keib), Section 4
KEIB, William, 1861-1927, Father, (same stone as Lena Linnert Keib), Section 4
KEIB, WILLMENIA, 76 yrs, Sec 4, Lot 17, January 14, 1917, ***
KEIL, Alfred G., 1875-1930, Father, Sections D-E-F
KEIL, Anna M., 1879-1930, Mother, Sections D-E-F
KEIL, Walter R., 1904-1941, Husband of Ruth F. Findley, Sections D-E-F
KELLER, Alfred, 1903-1905, (same stone as Katherine L. Keller), Section H
KELLER, Arthur A., 1886-1908, Son, Section 4
KELLER, Dorothea, den 10 Aug 1810-den 21 Dez 1883 (same stone as Jacob Keller), Vater and Mutter, Section B
KELLER, ELIZABETH, 59 yrs, Row 5, Grave 4, Mar 5, 1929, ***
KELLER, Frances L., 1893-1965, Wife, (Eastern Star symbol), Section 4
KELLER, Frieda R., 1888-1972, Daughter, (Eastern Star symbol), Section 4
KELLER, Herman F., 1857-1933, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
KELLER, Jacob, Geb den 18 (?) Mai 1803-Gest den 5 Feb 18__(?), (same stone as Dorothea Keller), Vater and Mutter, Section B
KELLER, Katherine L., 1889-1890, (same stone as Alfred Keller), Section H
KELLER, Katherine, 1866-1942, Mother, (same stone as Philip A. Keller), Section H
KELLER, Minnie M., 1861-1911, Mother, Section 4
KELLER, Philip A., 1856-1935, Father, (same stone as Katherine Keller), Section H
KELLER, William C., 1892-1964, Husband, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
KELLNER, Jennie C., 1892-1968, (same stone as Fred C. Pfannkuch), Section C-1
KELLNER, William, 1898-1950, Section C-1
KEMLER, Anna M., (dates unreadable), Section B
KEMLER, George, 1851-1884, Section B
KEMLER, Johann, Germany 1813, America 1844, Here 1882, Father, Section B
KEMLER, Margareth, 1849-1871, Section B
KEMLER, Mary, Feb 1 1857-Dec 3 1946, Section B
KEMLER, Veronika, 1845-1871, Section B
KENNEDY, Carns R., 1895-1951, Husband, Section H
KENNY, BLANCH, 34 yrs, Sec H Lot 597, Nov. 23, 1918, ***
KENTZEL, Anna E., 1891-1961 (or 1964), Wife of Edward J. Edwards, Section H
KENTZEL, Anna Elizabeth, 1857-1937, (same stone as Philip Kentzel), Section H
KENTZEL, Philip, 1852-1896, (same stone as Anna Elizabeth Kentzel), Section H
KERNEN, Louis, 1870-1905, Father, Rest In Peace, Section H
KESSLER, Lucy A., 1872-1934, Mother, Section H
KESSLER, Marie L., Aug 3 1881-Aug 12 1905, Section H
KESSLER, William, 1885-1932, Husband, Section H
KESTEN, Casper B., 1855-1930, Father, Section OS
KESTEN, Christina E., 1856-1944, Mother, Section OS
KESTNER, Albert, 1859-1929, Section C-1
KESTNER, Anna W., Nov 8 1882-Mar 3 1939, Daughter, Section C-1
KESTNER, Charles, Mar 30 1853-Apr 12 1914, Father, Section C-1
KESTNER, Chas. A., 1886-1892, (same stone as Emma L. Kestner), �Weep not, Father and Mother for me, for I am waiting in glory for Thee�, Section C-1
KESTNER, Christian, Born Feb 8 1857-Died May 14 1896, Section H
KESTNER, Edmund W., 1880-1958, Husband, Section C-1
KESTNER, Elizabeth, Dec 3 1865-Jan 25 1955, Mother, Section C-1
KESTNER, Emma L., 1877-1879, (same stone as Chas. A. Kestner), Section C-1
KESTNER, Floyd C., 1888-1982, (same stone as Margaret Kestner), Section C-1
KESTNER, Freda J., 1891-1964, (same stone as William G. Kestner), Section H
KESTNER, Howard Henry, Jan 1 1890-June 18 1904, �A place is vacant in our hearts, that never can be filled�, Section C-1
KESTNER, Johanna, June 21 1824-May 25 1881, Mother, Section C-1
KESTNER, Katherine, 1859-1933, Section C-1
KESTNER, Lena F., Dec 24 1852-Feb 24 1924, Mother, Section C-1
KESTNER, Margaret, 1887-1959, (same stone as Floyd C. Kestner), Section C-1
KESTNER, Mary, July 30 1862-Aug 2 1883, My Wife, Section C-1
KESTNER, Mary, see Mary Kestner Schrader, Section H
KESTNER, Roy J., 1893-1907, At Rest, Section C-1
KESTNER, Wilhelm, July 27 1825-May 15 1884, Father, Section C-1
KESTNER, William G., 1888-1952, (same stone as Freda J. Kestner), Section H
KESTNER, William, Dec 25 1857-Apr 10 1928, Father, Section C-1
KESTNER, Wm. E., Nov 20 1886-Feb 29 1892, �A precious one from us has gone, a voice we loved is stilled.� , Section C-1
KICK, Charles A., 1863-1913, (same stone as Elizabeth Kick), Sections D-E-F
KICK, Edward E., 1895-1930, (same stone as Milton L. Fiser), Sections D-E-F
KICK, Elizabeth, 1868-1915, (same stone as Charles A. Kick), Sections D-E-F
KICK, Jr., Charles A., 1900-1960, (same stone as Martha Weber), Sections D-E-F
KICK, Regina, 1892-1975, (same stone as William J. Kick), Sections D-E-F
KICK, William J., 1891-1978, (same stone as Regina Kick), Sections D-E-F
KIEFER, Anna, 1860-1947, (same stone as John Kiefer), Section H
KIEFER, John, 1857-1905, (same stone as Anna Kiefer), Section H
KIEFER, Louis C., 1874-1935, Husband, "In the Garden", Section H
KIEFER, Ludwig H., 1862-1951, Vater, (same stone as Magdalena Kiefer), Sections D-E-F
KIEFER, Magdalena L. 1869-1936, Mutter, (same stone as Ludwig H. Kiefer), Sections D-E-F
KIEFER, Marie Horne, 1873-1963, Wife, Abide with Me, Section H
KIEFER, Mayme M., 1886-1961, (same stone as Michael G. Kiefer), Section 4
KIEFER, Michael G., 1880-1929, (same stone as Mayme M. Kiefer), Section 4
KIENZLE, Charles W., 1867-1935, Father, Section 4
KIENZLE, Elizabeth I., 1876-1947, Mother, Section 4
KIESSLING, Fredrick, 1863-1946, (same stone as Margaret, Marie, George Kiessling), Section H
KIESSLING, George, 1903-1965, (same stone as Margaret, Marie, Fredrick Kiessling), Section H
KIESSLING, Howard, 1906-1989, (same stone as Loretta Kiessling), Section H
KIESSLING, Loretta, 1916-1994, (same stone as Howard Kiessling), Section H
KIESSLING, Margaret, 1868-1952, (same stone as Marie, Fredrick, George Kiessling), Section H
KIESSLING, Marie, 1896-1977, (same stone as Margaret, Fredrick, George Kiessling), Section H
KILLGALLON, William E., 1924-1985, Pvt US Army World War II, Section C-1
Killian, Geo, & John, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 60, (MC)
KIMBERLY, JOSEPH, Row 1620, August 31, 1919, ***
KIMBERLY, Nancy J., 1856-1941, Mother, Section 4
KIMBERLY, Samuel P., 1894-1933, Son, Section 4
KIMBERLY, William H., 1875-1965, Son, Section 4
KIMBESLY, Stillborn, Row 1599, Sept. 10, 1917, ***
KIMMEL, Bertha, 1883-1956, (same stone as Frank Ivers), Section H
KIMMEL, Ruth Huber, 1917-1986, Section 4
KING, Mary, see Mary King Wiesmann, Section H
KINSON, Anna C., 1879-1930, Mother, Section OS
KINSON, Harry, 1871-1952, Father, Section OS
KIRBY, Anna, see Anna Kirby Waterman, Section C-1
KIRK, Clifford C., Born Feb 24 1911-Died Nov 27 1959, Pfc MP 91st Inf Div, Enlisted Sept 20 1943 Discharged Nov 18 1945, Section H
KIRK, Ethel M., 1902-1966, Section H
KIRK, Eva, (no dates), (same stone as John E. Kirk), Section C-1
KIRK, George O., 1868-1934, Father, Section H
KIRK, George T., 1896-1900, Our Son, Section H
KIRK, John E., 1925-1987, (same stone as Eva Kirk), Section C-1
KIRSCHMAN, GRACE MAY, 20 mo, Sec E Lot 85, January 15, 1917, ***
KIRSHMAN, EDWARD, 28 yrs, Sec H Lot 20, February 3, 1919, ***
KIRSHMAN, ELIZABETH, 69 yrs, Sec E Lot 85, March 19, 1919, ***
KIRST, Charles H., no birth date-July 17 1953, "Fiddels", Section OS
KIRST, Willa Mae, Mar 25 1913-Dec 24 1963, Section A
KIRSTEIN, Betty J., (no dates), Section B
KIRSTEIN, Robert J., Tec 5 US Army World War II, Apr 11 1918-Feb 18 1989, Section B
KISTLER, EDGAR, 2 yrs, Sec H Lot 569, March 17, 1919, ***
KITTERMAN, Grace B., 1912-1980, Mother, (same stone as Roy W. Kitterman), Section H
KITTERMAN, Roy W., 1914-1964, Father, (same stone as Grace B. Kitterman), Section H
KIVNICK, FRANK, 38 yrs, Row 1530, June 14, 1917, ***
KLAES, Bertha C., Mar 30 1882-July 20 1966, (same stone as Lillis H. Schiedel), Sections D-E-F
KLAES, Emma, see Emma Klaes Schiedel, Section H
KLAES, Henrietta, July 25 1848-Mar 4 1933, Mother, (same stone as John Klaes), Sections D-E-F
KLAES, John, Jan 30 1849-Apr 14 1922, Father, (same stone as Henrietta Klaes), Sections D-E-F
KLEIN (?), Johanna Fredericke, Geb Feb 19, Section A
KLEIN, Adam, 1853-1936, Father, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Anna K. Klein), Section 4
KLEIN, Amalia, 1824-1886, (same stone as Anna A. Rossman), Section B
KLEIN, Anna K., 1862-1932, Mother, (same stone as Adam Klein), Section 4
KLEIN, Anna, see Anna Klein Zarski, Section 4
KLEIN, Carl F., 1858-1883, Section A
KLEIN, Carolina, Nov 19 1827-Aug 26 1903, Mother, Section B
KLEIN, Caroline Roth, 1888-1957, Mother, (same stone as Fred R. Klein), Section H
KLEIN, DOROTHA, 66 yrs, Row 1696, March 13, 1922, ***
KLEIN, Edward E., 1886-1905, Section A
KLEIN, Edwin Conrad, Section A
KLEIN, Elizabeth Jane, 1897-1993, Section C-1
KLEIN, Emil C., 1881-1938, Father, Section H
KLEIN, Emil, 1880-1949, Section H
KLEIN, Emma, 1869-1928, (same stone as Michael Klein), Section H
KLEIN, Fred R., 1884-1935, Father, (same stone as Caroline Roth Klein), Section H
KLEIN, Frederick C., 1849-1876, Section A
KLEIN, Friedrich Christoph, Geb Oct 18(?) 1849-Gest Dec 12 (?) 1876, Section A
KLEIN, Ida Young, 1881-1915, Mother, Section H
KLEIN, Johann Christoph, Geb 15 April 1852-Gest 25 Oct 1863, Section A
KLEIN, John C., 1822-1904, Father, Section A
KLEIN, John C., 1852-1863, Section A
KLEIN, John Christopher, 1872-1964, Father, Section C-1
KLEIN, John L. W., Oct 30 1895-March 1 1963, Pennsylvania Pfc Co A 29 Engineers World War I, Section C-1
KLEIN, Louisa M., 1879-1884, Section A
KLEIN, Lucy Willis, 1872-1933, Mother, Section C-1
KLEIN, Margaret E., 1817-1869, Mother, Section A
KLEIN, Margaretha Elizabeth, Geb Aug 20 1817-Gest Nov 12 1869, Section A
KLEIN, Michael, 1860-1940, (same stone as Emma Klein), Section H
KLEIN, Rebecca, 1851-1903, Mother, Section A
KLEIN, Rudolph C., Geb 23 Feb 1864-Gest 3 Apr 186__, Section A
KLEIN, Rudolph Robert, Geb 24 Apr 1866-Gest 16 Feb ____, Section A
KLEIN, Ruth L., see Ruth L. Klein Burchardt, Section C-1
KLENKE, Katherine, Oct 18 1833-Oct 23 1930, Wife, Sections D-E-F
KLINE, HERMAN, 57 yrs, Row 1518, February 6, 1917, ***
KLINGER, HEDWIG, 38 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 309, May 26, 1917, ***
KLINGLER, Hedwig H., Born Mar 10 1879-Died May 23 1917, Mother, At Rest, Section 4
KLINGLER, Peter, 1875-1949, Father, Section 4
KLINKNER, Katherine E., 1869-1933, Mother, Section A
KLINZING, Elizabeth, 1846-1928, Section 4
KLINZING, Elizabeth, 1866-1938, Mother, (same stone as William Klinzing), Section 4
KLINZING, Frederick T., 1882-1962, Son, Section 4
KLINZING, Ida, 1874-1957, Wife, Section 4
KLINZING, Karl G., 1872-1931, Husband, Section 4
KLINZING, Pvt. Harry K., 1888-1969, Co J 9th Bn Tr Ctr World War I, Section 4
KLINZING, Sebastian, 1843-1923, Father, Section 4
KLINZING, William, 1861-1906, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Klinzing), Section 4
KLIPP, August, 1850-1909, Section H
KLOPPENBURG, LOUSIE, 4 months, Sec H Lot 454, Aug. 11, 1918, ***
KLOSE, KARL, 1 day (Removed) Row 1652, August 22, 1920, ***
KLOSS, Bertha C., 1918-1989, Sister, Sections C-D
KLOSS, Edward Frederick, Oct 3 1913-Dec 2 1991, Tec 4 US Army World War II, �A Good Hearted Man�, Sections C-D
KLOSS, Fred, 1871-1945, Father, Section OS
KLOSS, Herman J., 1910-1989, Son, Section OS
KLOSS, Infant Daughter, Feb 27 1968-Feb 27 1968, In loving memory of our infant daughter William and Diane Kloss, Section OS
KLOSS, Katharine, 1878-1963, Mother, Section OS
KLOTZBAUGH, G. Stuart, 1891-1957, Section OS
KLOTZBAUGH, Marie T., 1894-1982, Beloved Mother, God�s word was cherished in her soul, and beauty flowered there, Section 4
KLUMPP, Barbara, Jan 4 1860-Mar 22 1888, Sister, Section 4
KLUMPP, Barbara, May 5 1830-Feb 2 1906, Mother, Section 4
KLUMPP, CHARLES, 56 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 478, April 10, 1918, ***
KLUMPP, Frank J., Oct 5 1867-Dec 3 1914, Section 4
KLUMPP, Karl, Jan 28 1828-Dec 26 1882, Father, Section 4
KLUMPP, Minnie, Jan 19 1870-Apr 23 1900, Section 4
KNEIPP, Catherine, 1867-1938, Mother, Section OS
KNESEL, Robert W., 1866-1925, Father, Section 4
KNESEL, Wilhelmina, 1866-1934, Mother, Section 4
KNOBEL, Savilla D., 1887-1963, Wife, Section C-1
KNOBEL, William C., 1889-1970, Husband, Section C-1
KNOBLE, Stillborn, Sec H Lot 544, January 23, 1918, ***
KNOELL, Annie M., 1867-1924, Section A
KNOELL, JACOB, 83 yrs, Sec C Lot 3, February __, 1919, ***
KNOELL, Louis, 1840-1902, Father, Section A
KNOELL, Wilhelmina, 1838-1899, Mother, Section A
KNOLL, Gottlieb, 1876-1941, Father, (same stone as Marie Knoll), Section H
KNOLL, Marie, 1876-1976, Mother, (same stone as Gottlieb Knoll), Section H
KNOLLE, William B., 1848-1918, Husband, Section A
KNOLLE, WM., 70 yrs, Sec D Lot 7, March 3, 1918, ***
KNOTT, Edith E., 1914-1916, Sections C-D
KNOTT, EDITH, 2 yrs, Row 1499, August 1, 1916, ***
KNOTT, Elizabeth, 1882-1957, Mother, same stone as John T. Knott, Section OS
KNOTT, John T., 1873-1941, Father, same stone as Elizabeth Knott, Section OS
KNOTT, Phillip I., 1908-1919, Sections C-D
KNOTT, PHILLIP, 11 yrs, Row 1608, March 9, 1919, ***
KOCH, Katharina, see Katharina Schramm geborne Koch, Section H
KOEGLER, Augusta, see Augusta Koegler Brack, Sections D-E-F
KOEGLER, Margaret, see Margaret A. Hehl nee Koegler, Section A
KOEHLER (?), Donald, no date-no date, Grandson--same stone as Margaretta Koehler, Section OS
KOEHLER, Berthold, 1861-1937, Father, Section OS
KOEHLER, Margaretta, 1861-1829, Mother--same stone as Grandson--Donald, Section OS
KOELSCH, Caroline, see Caroline Koelsch Witt, Section 4
KOELSCH, Karl, 1869-1922, Husband, Section 4
KOENEN, Carolina, 19 Nov 1838-30 Marz 1901, Ruhe In Frieden, Section C-1
KOENIG, Elizabeth A., 1832-1919, Mother, Section A
KOENIG, JOHN, 68 yrs, Row 1605, February 27, 1919, ***
KOERBEL, Fred, 1866-1931, Father, (same stone as Margaret Koerbel), Section 4
KOERBEL, Margaret, 1872-1948, Mother, (same stone as Fred Koerbel), Section 4
KOERBER, Albert, 1882-1883, (same stone as Margaret Koerber & Infant Holfelder), Section 4
KOERBER, Bertha H., 1885-1941, Sister, �Asleep In Jesus�, Section 4
KOERBER, Elsa L., 1903-1990, (same stone as Vera M. Eisele), Section 4
KOERBER, John C., 1896-1950, Husband, Section 4
KOERBER, John, 1855-1928, Vater �Hier Ruht In Gott�, Section 4
KOERBER, Margaret, 1889-1890, (same stone as Albert Koerber & Infant Holfelder), Section 4
KOERBER, Marie, 1858-1919, Mutter, �Hier Ruht In Frieden�, Section 4
KOERBER, MARIE, 60 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 426, April 14, 1919, ***
KOERBER, Richard H., 1960-1962, Son, Section 4
KOHLER, Bertha, 1867-1936, Mother, (same stone as Martin Kohler), Section 4
KOHLER, Elmer C, Born Jan 29 1890-Died Mar 5 1893, (stone eroded), Section 4
KOHLER, Martin L., July 29 1895-Sept 9 1952, Sgt Hdqrs Troop 83rd Div, Section 4
KOHLER, Martin, 1860-1945, Father, (same stone as Bertha Kohler), Section 4
KOHLER, Sec 4 Lot 50, Removed March 21, 1918, ***
KOHLER, Ursula, Born Jan 30 1858-Died May 22 1889, (stone eroded), (same stone as Elmer G. (or C) Kohler, Section 4
KOHNERT, Charlie, 1842-1908, Sections D-E-F
KOHNERT, Christina, 1840-1909, Sections D-E-F
KOMM, Carl A,, Sr., Feb 18 1899-Jan 27 1996, Father, (same stone as Marie P. Komm), Section H
KOMM, Marie P., Feb 23 1906-Dec 31 1991, Mother, (same stone as Carl A. Komm, Sr.), Section H
KONDI, YASICK, 27 yrs, Row 1501, September 4, 1916, ***
KONKA, JOSEPH J., 14 mos, Sec A Lot 45, October 27, 1918, ***
KOPF, John, 1846-1939, Section OS
KOPF, Sophie, 1851-1923, Section OS
KOPPENBURG, LOUSIA, 26 yrs, Sec H Lot 457, May 11, 1918, ***
KOPPITZ, John, 1801-1882, (same stone as Katherine Koppitz), Section B
KOPPITZ, Katherine, 1822-1905, (same stone as John Koppitz), Section B
KORB, Edward F., Jr., Nov 24 1913-Mar 26 1936, Son, Section A
KORB, Emma, see Emma Korb Streifler, Sections D-E-F
KORB, Fredrick, Jan 20 1812-Feb 13 1894, Father, Section C-1
KORB, Frieda B., 1893-1977, Sections D-E-F
KORB, Henry, Dec 11 1859-Mar 2 1896, Brother, Section C-1
KORB, Jacob, 1845-1913, Father, Section C-1
KORB, KATHARINA, 71 yrs, Sec C Lot 2, April 23, 1917, ***
KORB, Katherine, 1846-1917, Mother, Section C-1
KORB, Louis, 1852-1938, Father, (same stone as Mary Roemhild Korb), Sections D-E-F
KORB, Mary Roemhild, 1865-1938, Mother, (same stone as Louis Korb), Sections D-E-F
KORB, Mary, 1878-1963, Sections D-E-F
KORB, Rose, 1868-1939, Section C-1
KORB, Sophia B., 1858-1918, Mother, Section H
KORB, SOPHIA, 60 yrs, Sec H Lot 664, November 7, 1918, ***
KORB, William, 1869-1914, Section C-1
KORBE, MARIE, 4 days, Row 1692, February 3, 1922, ***
KORDING, Anna C., 1885-1941, Mother, (same stone as Ferdinand Kording), Section B
KORDING, Ferdinand, 1874-1948, Father, (same stone as Anna C. Kording), Section B
KOSBY, MARGARET, 1 yr, Row 1566, April 28, 1918, ***
KOUNTZ, Albert G., 1881-1956, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section C-1
KOUNTZ, Frieda J., 1884-1979, Mother, Section C-1
KOUNTZ, Norma K., 1920-1948, Wife, (same stone as Rev. Albert G. Kountz), Section C1
KOUNTZ, Rev. Albert G., 1916-1948, Husband, (same stone as Norma K. Kountz), Section C-1
KOVACIC, Bridget Mary and Kara Diane, Feb 25, 1967, Infant daughters of Bogdan and Mary Kovacic, Section 4
KRAEUTER, Clara Seddon, 1892-1936, Section H
KRAEUTER, Infant, Stillborn, Sec H Lot 542, August 7, 1916, ***
KRAEUTER, Lucy, 1906-1944, (same stone as William H. Kraeuter), Sections D-E-F
KRAEUTER, William H., 1900-1984, (same stone as Lucy Kraeuter), Sections D-E-F
Kramer, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 68, (MC)
Kramer, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 69, (MC)
KRAMER, BLANCH, 64 yrs, Sec H Lot 113, Nov. 17, 1918, ***
KRAMER, Elizabeth, 1899-1937, Mother, (same stone as Elmer F. Kramer), Section H
KRAMER, Elmer F., 1897-1956, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Kramer), Section H
KRAMER, Fred L., 1873-1915, Section H
KRAMER, John H., 1875-1940, Father--same stone as Katherine Kramer, Section OS
KRAMER, John H., 1875-1940, Father, Section OS
KRAMER, Katherina, 1885-1974, Mother, Section OS
KRAMER, Katherine, 1885-1974, Mother--same stone as John H. Kramer, Section OS
KRAUSE, PAUL, 39 yrs, Sec H Lot 236, November 12, 1916, ***
KRAUSS, Albert P., Born Nov 9 1886-Died April 6 1951, Enlisted May 26 1918-Discharged March 22 1919, Sgt Med Det 5 Med Dept, Section B
KRAUSS, C. Frederick, 1879-1954, Father, (same stone as Cora E. Krauss), Section B
KRAUSS, Clara H., 1884-1972, Wife, (same stone as George Edw. Krauss), Section B
KRAUSS, Cora E., 1880-1956, Mother, (same stone as C. Frederick Krauss), Section B
KRAUSS, George Edw., 1882-1938, Husband, (same stone as Clara H. Krauss), Section B
KRAUSS, George, 1856-1936, Father, (same stone as Sophia Krauss), Section B
KRAUSS, Sophia, 1860-1937, Mother, (same stone as George Krauss), Section B
KREBSER, William, 1886-1915, Husband, At Rest, Section H
KREIN, Elizabeth, (no birth date)-Died Sept 14 1945, Mother, Section H
KREIN, Howard, 1858-1900, Father, Section H
KRENZ, Anna B., 1874-1945, Wife, (same stone as Charles H. Krenz), Section 4
KRENZ, Charles H., 1889-1952, Husband, (same stone as Anna B. Krenz), Section 4
KRESS, Katharina, (stone eroded), Section B
KRESS, Ulrich, Born Sep 12 1815-Died Sep 10 1886, Age 66 yrs 8 mths 25 days, Section B
Kristan, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 31, (MC)
KRISTAN, Louis, 1900-1926, Husband, Section OS
KRUG, Fredericke, 1847-1927, Wife, Section A
KRUG, Henry, 1832-1911, Husband, Section A
KRUGH, Albert G., 1871-1947, Father, Section H
KRUGH, Jennie, 1871-1939, Mother, Section H
KRUMM, Jakob, Gest. 25 Oct 1899, Im Alter Von 72 Jahre 5 Monat 8 Tage, In Friede, Vater, Section A
KRUMM, Johana, Gest.18 Juni 1894, Im Alter Von 68 Jahre 5 Monat 20 Tage, In Friede, Mutter, Section A
KUBIAK, Dorothy Rectanus, 1915-1989, Daughter & Mother, Section C-1
KUCHERT, Peter, Geb Oct 14 1810-Gest Jan 17 1869, Section B
KUCHLER, Anna C., 1893-1965, Sections C-D
KUCHLER, Marlene J., 1935-1950, Section OS
KUCKERT, Catharina, see Catharina Figer von Peter Kuckert, Section B
KUCKERT, Johann N., Sept 27 1819-May 7 1879, Section B
KUCKERT, Katharine, June 11 1833-Jan 3 1906, Section B
KUDER, Albert, Aug 29 1872-Sept 28 1952, Father, Section 4
KUDER, Alberta, Sept 21 1908-Dec 3 1977, Artist-Musician, �All those who knew her loved her�, Section 4
KUDER, Katherine, July 25 1902-Dec 3 1980, Medical Doctor,�Saintly, silently, she served the sick and eased the misery of millions�, Section 4
KUDER, Katie, May 12 1870-Jan 28 1927, Mother, Section 4
Kuffner, Mary, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 14, (MC)
KUHLMANN, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Brunell nee Kuhlmann, Section 4
KUHLMANN, Emma Dipper, 1885-1926, Mother, Section 4
KUHLMANN, Henry E., 1884-1939, Father, Section 4
KUHN, Arabella, 1885-1968, Section H
KUHN, Catherine, Born Aug 15 1839-Died May 3 1917, Mother, Section H
KUHN, Charles, Born Nov 19 1871-Died Aug 17 1952, Father, Section H
KUHN, Jacob, 1876-1963, Section H
KUHN, Karl, Geb 28 Nov 1838-Gest 21 May 1884, Hier Ruht In Gott, Section H
KUHN, KATHARINA, 77 yrs, Sec H Lot 378, May 6, 1917, ***
KUHN, Katharina, see Katharina Gabel geb Kuhn, Section H
KUKERT, Daniel, (stone eroded), Section B
KULLMAN, George, 1855-1926, Section OS
KUNKEL, LILA, 6 yrs, 21 days, Sec D Lot 39, July 24, 1916, ***
KUNKEL, MARTHA, 60 yrs, Row 1709, July 26, 1922, ***
Kunzler, Alma, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 57, (MC)
KUPPLER, HELEN, 4 mos, Sec H Lot 293, October 30, 1918, ***
KURNER, Christina, 1874-1941, Wife, (same stone as Harry D. Kurner), Section H
KURNER, Harry D., 1868-1962, Husband, (same stone as Christina Kurner), Section H
KUSIAN, Charles, 1881-1959, (same stone as Clara Kusian), Section 4
KUSIAN, Clara, 1876-1959, (same stone as Charles Kusian), Section 4
KUSTERMAN, Anna, 1892-1914, Daughter, Section 4
KUSTERMAN, Ursula, 1858-1924, Mother, Section 4
KUSTES, Adam, Geb 9 Feb 1833-Gest 21 Feb 1894, (Masonic symbol), Section A
KUSTES, Albert F., 1875-1947, Father, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Elizabeth Kustes), Sections D-E-F
KUSTES, Chauncy A., June 26 1900-June 11 1907, Gone But Not Forgotten, Sections D-E-F
KUSTES, Elizabeth, 1847-1907, Mother, Section A
KUSTES, Elizabeth, 1879-1953, Mother, (same stone as Albert F. Kustes), Sections D-E-F
KUSTES, Elsie, see Elsie Kustes Fricke, Sections D-E-F
KUSTES, Georg H., Geb 1 Sept 1836-Gest 1 Marz 1904, Sections D-E-F
KUSTES, Herbert W., Jan 8 1909�Mar 15 1925, Gone But Not Forgotten, Sections D-E-F
KUSTES, Jacob, 1839-1900, Father, Section A
KUSTES, Katharina, Geb 14 Apr 1839-Gest 29 Aug 1917, Sections D-E-F
KUSTES, Mildred H., 1903-1903, (same stone as Minnie K. E. Kustes & Violia C. Kustes), Sections D-E-F
KUSTES, Minnie K. E., 1888-1889, (same stone as Violia C. Kustes & Mildred H. Kustes), Sections D-E-F
KUSTES, Philomina, see Philomina Kustes Hill, Section A
KUSTES, Sophia, see Sophia Kustes Appenrodt, Section 4
KUSTES, Stella M., 1894-1969, Mother, Section 4
KUSTES, Violia C., 1898-1899, (same stone as Minnie K. E. Kustes & Mildred H. Kustes), Sections D-E-F
KUSTUS, Anna, Aug 9 1862-Aug 21 1899, Sister, Section A
KUSTUS, KATHRINA, 78 yrs, Sec E Lot 120, August 31, 1917, ***
KUSTUS, WILLIAM, 38 yrs, Sec E Lot 30, September 1, 1916, ***
LACH, Johanna, 1868-1952, Mother, (same stone as Nikolaus Lach), Section H
LACH, Melsenia, 1894-1947, Mother, Section B
LACH, Nicholas C., 1892-1961, Father, Section B
LACH, Nikolaus, 1866-1942, Father, (same stone at Johanna Lach), Section H
LACH, Valentine G., Born Dec 26 1893-Died Aug 9 1940, Pvt Co K 317th Inf Enlisted Mar 31 1918- Discharged June 13 1919, Section H
LACHER, Alma K., 1896-1970, (same stone as Gustave H. Lacher), Section H
LACHER, Carl J., 1904-1948, Section H
LACHER, Gustav, July 14 1874-Oct 11 1915, Father, Section H
LACHER, Gustave H., 1897-1952, (same stone as Alma K. Lacher), Section H
LACHER, Mary, Jan 1 1872-June 10 1954, Mother, Section H
LACKEY, Lillian M., 1892-1959, Mother, Section OS
LACKEY, Robert J., Dec 8 1891-Dec 11 1942, Wagr Sup Co 319th Inf Enlisted Mar 2 1918 Discharged June 13 1919, Section OS
LADNER, Edward, 1873-1942, same stone as Emilia Ladner, Section OS
LADNER, Emilia, 1877-1953, same stone as Edward Ladner, Section OS
LAHR, Jacob, 1854-1923, (same stone as Christ L. and Emma Reinhart, William Lahr), Section H
LAHR, William, 1892-1925, (same stone as Christ L. and Emma Reinhart, Jacob Lahr), Section H
LAIRD, Olive, see Olive Laird Burkhardt, Section C-1
LAMANNA, August, Jr., June 3 1921-Dec 28 2001, �Augie�, (same stone as Dorothy Lamanna), Section C-1
LAMANNA, Dorothy, Feb 21 1921-Dec 12 2005, �Draga�, (same stone as August Lamanna, Jr.), Section C-1
LANDEFELD, Albert, 1900-1901, Section 4
LANDEFELD, Anna M. E., 1868-1935, Section 4
LANDEFELD, Bertha G. , 1888-1969, Daughter, Section 4
LANDEFELD, Elsie B. Stolte, 1892-1932, Mother, Section 4
LANDEFELD, Henry F., 1898-1970, Husband, Section 4
LANDEFELD, Henry, 1865-1926, Section 4
LANDEFELD, Homer Roy, 1923-1944, Lost At Sea, Section 4
LANDEFELD, Katherine M., 1878-1955, Wife, Section 4
LANDEFELD, Mary S. Enderlin, 1894-1972, Wife, Section A
LANG, Anna M., 1862-1949, (same stone as George J. Lang), Section 4
LANG, George J., 1862-1931, (same stone as Anna M. Lang), Section 4
LANG, Jacob, Feb 21 1935-Apr 5 1900, Corp Co B 5 Pa Cav, Civil War, Sections C-D
LANG, Johanna Baum, 1833-1912, Section H
LANG, John, Died 1915, (same stone as Agatha Lang), Section H
LANG, John, no birth date-Died 1915, (same stone as Agatha Lang), Section H
LANG, MICHEL, 38 yrs, Row 1587, November 8, 1918, ***
LANGE, Agatha, (no birth date)-Died 1949, (same stone as John Lang), Section H
LANGENBACHER, Frank C., Born Sept 24 1894-Died Dec 12 1968, lst Sgt Btry E 2nd FA, Enlisted May 20 1914-Discharged June 27 1919, Section 4
LANGENBACHER, Hilda Jacky, Born May 22 1897-Died Jan 4 1990, Wife, Section 4
LANGKAMP, Mary V., 1870-1958, Mother, (same stone as Philip H. Langkamp), Section H
LANGKAMP, Philip H., 1868-1934, Father, (same stone as Mary V. Langkamp), Section H
LANZETTEL, DANIEL, 76 yrs, Sec ? Lot 10, Nov. 13, 1918, ***
LAPP, Chas. D., 1859-1899, Father, Section B
LAPP, Jessie M., 1885-1935, Daughter, Section B
LAPP, Leah B., see Leah B. Lapp Sellers, Section B
LAPP, Mary A., 1860-1945, Mother, Section B
LARIMER, Dolores M., 1919-1939, Daughter, Section 4
LARIMER, Frank I., 1875-1927, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
Lasola, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 19, (MC)
LATHER, Catherine, (?)-1925, Mother, Section H
LATHER, John, 18?-1902, Father, Section H
LATNER, John, 1875-1915, Son, Section H
LAUER, Elizabeth, July 25 1833-Oct 13 1904, Mother, Section B
LAUER, Fred. H., Geb 23 Oct 1865-Gest 16 Jan 1904, Our Brother, Section B
LAUER, Georg, Geb 6 Jan 1819-Gest 24 Feb 1892, Unsere Unkel, Section B
LAUER, Grace L., 1907-2003, (same stone as Louis H. Lauer), Section C-1
LAUER, Heinrich, Geb 10 Sept 1860-Gest 14 Feb 1892, Our Brother, Section B
LAUER, J. George, Geb18 Sept 1791-Gest 16 M?rz 1883, Section B
LAUER, Katherine, June 26 1867-Aug 12 1908, Section B
LAUER, Louis H., 1894-1979, WW I Veteran, 319th Infantry, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Grace L. Lauer), Section C-1
LAUER, Louise, Geb 16 Sept 1787- Gest 23 June 1882, ere Frau von George Lauer, Section B
LAUER, Philip, 1856-1915, Father, Section C-1
LAUER, Phillip F., 1895-1918, Brother, Section B
LAUER, PHILLIP, 23 yrs, Sec B Lot 15, April 9, 1918, ***
LAUER, Phillip, Aug 2 1821-July 15 1886, Father, Section B
LAUER, Sophia, 1861-1943, Mother, Section C-1
LAUTH, Christine E., 1905-1981, Mother, Section H
LAWSON, Emma F., 1882-1923, Sections D-E-F
LAWSON, John, 1886-1934, Sections D-E-F
LEAKE, JOHN, 64 yrs, Row 5, Grave 3, Feb 22, 1929, ***
LECHNER, Cpl. Herbert F., 1891-1918, Son, Section 4
LECHNER, Frederick J., 1862-1928, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
LECHNER, HERBERT, 28 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 13, October 14, 1918, ***
LECHNER, Howard F., Born Nov 12 1895-Died June 28 1959, Pvt Co F 4th Engrs Tng. Regt, Enlisted May 27 1918-Discharged Dec 27 1918, Section 4
LECHNER, Katherine, 1865-1930, Mother, Section 4
LEE, Nancy C., Crissie, June 25-1859-April 4 1908, Sections C-D
LEFFEL(or LEFFER), ROSINA, 57 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 36, March 17, 1919, ***
LEGLEITNER, Ada J., 1891-1983, Mother, (same stone as Harold Legleitner), Section H
LEGLEITNER, Ada L., (no birth date)-1967, Daughter, (same stone: Fred H, Elizabeth, Ada L. Legleitner), Section H
LEGLEITNER, Elizabeth, (no birth date)-1957, Mother, (same stone: Fred H, Elizabeth, Ada L. Legleitner), Section H
LEGLEITNER, Fred H., (no birth date)-1921, Father, (same stone: Fred H, Elizabeth, Ada L. Legleitner), Section H
LEGLEITNER, H. W., 1863-1915, (Masonic symbol), Section H
LEGLEITNER, Harold F., 1887-1973, Father, (same stone as Ada J. Legleitner), Section H
LEHRSCHOLL, Elizabeth, Oct 11 1836-Jan 20 1909, Mother, Sections D-E-F
LEHRSCHOLL, Gustav, Feb 25 1824-Aug 26 1902, Father, Sections D-E-F
LEHRSCHOLL, Mathilda, see Mathilda Lehrscholl Lochinger, Section C-1
LEHRSCHOLL, Sergt. G., Co C 5 PA H.A., (stone eroded), Sections D-E-F
LEIBOLD, Christina, 1863-1918, Mother, (same stone as Frederick Leibold), Sections D-E-F
LEIBOLD, CHRISTINA, 53 yrs, Sec F Lot 97, November 26, 1918, ***
LEIBOLD, Frederick, 1854-1926, Father, (same stone as Christina Leibold), Sections D-E-F
LEIBOLD, George, Born May 29 1888-Died May 20 1984, Pvt Co A 26th Inf, Enlisted Jul 24 1918-Discharged Apr 12 1919, Section H
LEIBOLD, Katherine, see Katherine Leibold Hildabidle, Section H
LEIBOLD, Mathilda H., 1900-1960, Mother, (same stone as Nicholas Leibold), Section H
LEIBOLD, Nicholas, 1893-1933, Father, (same stone as Mathilda H. Leibold), Section H
LENG, Johan M., 1828-1910, Vater, Section B
LENG, Magdalena B., 1835-1910, Mutter, Section B
LENGER, John C., Nov (?) 1921, Co K 328 Inf, (stone eroded), Section H
LENGERER, KATHERINA, 4 mo, Sec H Lot 497, August 2, 1917, ***
LENON, BERNARD, 5 wks, Sec H Lot 30 (?), April 8, 1918, ***
LENZ, Charles F., 1877-1944, Sections D-E-F
LEONARD, LEWIS, Stillborn, Row 1567, Aug. 5, 1918, ***
LEONARD, MICHEL ROBERT, 14 m, 15 d, Row 1488, May 10, 1916, ***
LEPPLA, Anna Eliza, see Anna Eliza Germerodt, Section A
LEPPLA, Caroline, 1861-1938, Section H
LEPPLA, Edward F., Aug 9 1887- Jan 30 1895, Section H
LEPPLA, Eli. Kon., Geb 24 Oct 1824-Gest 16 Nov 1900, Section A
LEPPLA, Harry, 1871-1921, Brother, Section A
LEPPLA, Heinrich, Geb 24 April 1824-Gest 29 Juli 1874, Section A
LEPPLA, Henry, 1848-1924, Father, Section A
LEPPLA, Margaret, 1850-1925, Mother, Section A
LEPPLA, Peter, 1855-1900, Section H
LESKER, Grace F., 1907-1995, Wife, (same stone as Howard M. Lesker), Section 4
LESKER, Howard M., 1901-1976, Husband, (same stone as Grace F. Lesker), Section 4
LESNY, John, 1894-1956, Father, (same stone as Mary Lesny), Sections C-D
LESNY, Mary, 1899-1982, Mother, (same stone as John Lesny), Sections C-D
LESTER, James J., Dec 1 1921-Feb 10 1941, "Just Asleep", Section H
LESZCZEWSKI, Joseph J., Jul 25 1911-Dec 6 1986, US Army, Section C-1
LEUTHKE, Bertha M., 1885-1964, (same stone as Fred H. Leuthke), Section H
LEUTHKE, Fred H., 1872-1958, (same stone as Bertha M. Leuthke), Section H
LEWIS, Beryl G., 1904-1965, (same stone as R.W.Lewis, Sr.), Section 4
LEWIS, DAVID, 42 yrs, Sec H Lot 392, December 30, 1916, ***
LEWIS, Elizabeth, 1876-1958, Mother, (same stone as William Lewis), Section H
LEWIS, James, Born June 3 1879-Died Apr 26 1942, Pvt TR C 15th Cav, Enlisted Dec 21 1917 Discharged June 25 1919, Section H
LEWIS, LESTER W., 43 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 468, Mar 20, 1929, ***
LEWIS, Sr., R. W., 1893-1978, (same stone as Beryl G. Lewis), Section 4
LEWIS, Violet May, 1927-1992, Section 4
LEWIS, William H., Aug 20 1883-July 15 1969, Father, (same stone as Zilphia Lewis), Section H
LEWIS, William, 1877-1916, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Lewis), Section H
LEWIS, Zilphia, Aug 10 1885-Jan 16 1978, Mother, (same stone as William Lewis), Section H
LICHTEIKER, Fred, 1880-1926, Section H
LICHTEIKER, Theresia Weltz, 1867-1938, Mother, Section A
LICKENBAUCH, Theressa Mondy, 1891-1945, Section H
LIEBAU, Caroline, 1864-1920, Section 4
LIEBAU, Sr., Theodore, 1861-1947, Father, Section 4
LIESEGANG, Joseph, 1887-1946, Brother, Section 4
LIESEGANG, Karl, 1853-1931, (same stone as Louisa Liesegang), Section 4
LIESEGANG, Louisa, 1858-1938, (same stone as Karl Liesegang), Section 4
LIETZEL, GEO, 58 yrs, Sec D Lot 36, March 29, 1918, ***
LIMBACH, Adam, 1863-1930, Father, Section H
LIMBACH, Fred J., 1889-1964, Father, Section H
LIMBACH, Lillian, 1894-1946, Mother, Section H
LIMBACH, Maria, 1838-1909, Grandmother, Section H
LIMBACH, Mary, 1869-1931, Mother, Section H
LINDNER, Henry, 1869-1935, Section B
LINDNER, Johannes Wilhelm, Geb 21 September 1817-Gest 2 September 1878, Section B
LINDNER, Maria Elisabeth, Geb 8 June 1827-Gest 9 October 1901, Section B
LINDNER, William G., 1883-1916, Husband, Section B
LINDNER, WILLIAM, 32 yrs, Sec B Lot 44, June 9, 1916, ***
Lindstrom, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 25, (MC)
LINGENFELSER, Charles F., 1886-1974, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Mary Lingenfelser), Section 4
LINGENFELSER, Lena, see Lena Lingenfelser Fitzsimmons, Section 4
LINGENFELSER, Mary, 1889-1963, (Eastern Star symbol), (same stone as Charles F. Lingenfelser), Section 4
LINK, Albert, July 14 1920-Feb 11 1985, Tec 5 US Army World War II, Section H
LINK, ORRELIA, 3 yrs, Sec C Lot 23, February 24, 1917, ***
LINN, Jennie, 1858-1927, Sister, Section H
LINN, Katherine, 1857-1939, Sister, Section H
LINN, Myrtle M., 1888-1969, Niece, Section H
LINNERT, ?ICK, 62 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 306, November __, 1917, ***
LINNERT, Arthur J., 1885-1949, Son, Section 4
LINNERT, J. T., Infant, 1 day, Lot 9, May 8, 1916, ***
LINNERT, Lena, see Lena Linnert Keib, Section 4
LINNERT, Reinhold, 1848-1943, Father, (same stone as Theresa Linnert), Section 4
LINNERT, ROBERT J., 14 days, Sec B Lot 9, May 17, 1916, ***
LINNERT, Theresa, 1855-1913, Mother, (same stone as Reinhold LInnert), Section 4
LINNERT, Walter E., 1883-1944, Section 4
LIPS, Christian, 1816-1899, Father, Section B
LIPS, Christian, 1860-1907, Father, (same stone as Sarah Jane Lips), Section H
LIPS, HARRY CUSIC, 30 yrs, Sec H Lot 593, April 15, 1917, ***
LIPS, Katherine F., 1858-1910, Section B
LIPS, Kunigunde, 1821-1895, Mother, Section B
LIPS, Marie, 1897-1945, Section OS
LIPS, Sarah Jane, 1861-1946, Mother, (same stone as Christian Lips), Section H
LISFELD, Henry P., 5 Sept 1836-18 April 1904, Vater, Section B
LISFELD, Magda geb Steinhauer, 15 Mai 1845-6 Mai 1899, Mutter, Section B
LISSFELT, Henry, 1863-1923, Section A
LISSFELT, John Frederick, Dec 7 1886-Apr 16 1965, Section A
LISSFELT, Katharina, geborne Miller, Gest D 19 Juli 1889, Im Alter von 75 Jahr & 4 Mon, Unsere Mutter, Section B
LISSFELT, Mary, 1860-1921, Section A
LISSFELT, Mildred Chamberlin, Aug 1 1898-July 24 1985, Section A
LITSCHEL, Susanna, see Susanna Schuller geb Litschel, Sections C-D
LITZEL, Maria K., Feb 3 1838-April 16 1906, Sections C-D
LLOYD, Myrtle E., 1902-1927, Section H
LOADMAN, Blanch, 1880-1880, (same stone as Edward L. Trout), Section A
LOADMAN, Christopher, Born Mar 18 1845-Died Aug 28 1898, Section 4
LOADMAN, Eleanora, 1884-1980, (same stone as John W. Loadman), Section 4
LOADMAN, John T., 1873-1945, Father, Section A
LOADMAN, John W., 1875-1934, (same stone as Eleanora Loadman), Section 4
LOADMAN, John, 1843-1902, Father, Section A
LOADMAN, Margaret, 1848-1922, Mother, Section A
LOADMAN, Mary Jane, Born Jan 1 1846-Died Sept 21 1914, Section 4
LOADMAN, Sarah A. E., Dec 19 1872-Aug 28 1916, Daughter, Section 4
LOADMAN, SARAH, 43 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 331, August 30, 1916, ***
LOBAUGH, Charles, 1868-1955, Father, (same stone as Mary Lobaugh), Section H
LOBAUGH, Mary, 1876-1954, Mother, (same stone as Charles Lobaugh), Section H
LOCHBAUM, Fred L., 1883-1937, Section H
LOCHBAUM, George, Aug 16 1845-May 24 1902, Father, Section H
LOCHINGER, Esmerelda Elizabeth, October 31 1899-November 14 1992, Daughter, Section C-1
LOCHINGER, John A., June 26 1876-March 22 1958, Father, Section C-1
LOCHINGER, John D., 1902-1948, Husband, Section C-1
LOCHINGER, Mathilda Lehrscholl, October 26 1876-February 12 1962, Mother, Section C-1
LOEFFEL, Alexander, 1856-1915, Father, (same stone as Rosina & John Loeffel), Section 4
LOEFFEL, Frederick, Born Nov 6 1891-Died Aug 18 1961, Pvt 315th FA US Army, Enlisted April 27 1918-Discharged July 21 1919, Section 4
LOEFFEL, John, 1887-1909, Son, (same stone as Alexander & Rosina Loeffel), Section 4
LOEFFEL, Rosina, 1862-1919, Mother, (same stone as Alexander & John Loeffel), Section 4
LOEFFERT, Adam, 1857-1913, Section H
LOEFFERT, Catherine M., 1921-(no death date), (same stone as Edward Loeffert), Section H
LOEFFERT, Edward A., 1883-1972, Section H
LOEFFERT, Edward, 1919-1959, (same stone as Catherine M. Loeffert), Section H
LOEFFERT, Elsie J., 1886-1941, Section H
LOEFFERT, John, 1891-1919, Section H
LOESEL, Augusta, 1870-1927, Mother, Section 4
LOESEL, Emil, 1868-1955, Father, Section 4
LOESEL, Gizella E., 1901-1984, (same stone as Herbert T. Loesel), Section 4
LOESEL, Herbert T., 1903-1971, (same stone as Gizella E. Loesel), Section 4
LOEW, Anna F., Aug 3 1888-Mar 16 1980, (same stone as Samuel L. Loew), Section H
LOEW, Clara C. Dec 7 1916-May 5 2000, Section H
LOEW, Samuel L., Aug 26 1889-Jan 15 1936, (same stone as Anna F. Loew), Section H
LOGAN, Hilda, 1888-1967, Mother, (same stone as Joseph Logan), Section 4
LOGAN, James, 1931-1956, Section B
LOGAN, Joseph, 1882-1942, Father, (same stone as Hilda Logan), Section 4
LONG, FRED J., 35 yrs, Sec A Lot 30, August 4, 1917, ***
LONG, Fred W., 1852-1915, Section A
LONG, MARGRET, 65 yrs, Sec D Lot 30, July 20, 1918, ***
LORCH, Albert T. , 1880-1943, Husband, Section 4
LORCH, Bertha, 1879-1954, Wife, Section 4
LORCH, Carl P., 1871-1939, Father, (same stone as Minnie Lorch), Section 4
LORCH, Charlotte and Isabelle, Born April 1900-Died July 1900, Section A
LORCH, Elizabeth, 1861-1939, Sister, Section A
LORCH, Gustav, 17 Januar 1869-29 Maerz 1899, Unser Prediger, Section 4
LORCH, Gustav, Dec. 22 1842-Mar. 2 1899, Father, Section 4
LORCH, Isabelle, see listing for Charlotte and Isabelle Lorch, Section A
LORCH, Louis, 1832-1920, Father, Section A
LORCH, Mathilde, Sept. 22 1846-June 6 1885, Mother, Section 4
LORCH, Minnie, 1872-1958, Mother, (same stone as Carl P. Lorch), Section 4
LORCH, Sarah, 1834-1918, Mother, Section A
LORCH, Sarah, 1863-1943, Sister, Section A
LORCH, SARAH, 83 yrs, SecA Lot 34, January 7, 1918, ***
LORSON, Bertha, 1885-1943, Wife, (same stone as Michael Lorson), Sections D-E-F
LORSON, Michael, 1882-1946, Husband, (same stone as Bertha Lorson), Sections D-E-F
LOSTETTER, Carolina, 1856-1913, Mother, Section H
LOTT, Charles, 1865-1944, Husband, Section H
LOTT, Elizabeth, 1868-1947, Daughter, Section H
LOTT, Eva, 1869-1954, Wife, Section H
LOTT, Frederick, 1859-1902, Section H
LOTT, Sophia, see Sophia M�hlhause nee Lott, Section H
LOTT, Ursula, 1837-1924, Mother, Section H
LOTZ, Elizabeth C., see Elizabeth Schade Lotz, Section H
LOTZ, Emmy W., 1875-1963, Wife, (on Weber-Lotz stone), Sections D-E-F
LOTZ, Henry, 1870-1947, Husband, (on Weber-Lotz stone), Sections D-E-F
LOVELESS, Red Key, (no birth date)-Mar 2 1949, Section H
LOW, Julia A., 1850-1902, Mother, Section H
LOWRY, Daisy F., 1881-1946, Same stone as Lewis F. Lowry, Section OS
LOWRY, Daisy F., 1881-1946, Section OS
LOWRY, Lewis F., 1880-1926, Same stone as Daisy F. Lowry, Section OS
LOWRY, Lewis F., 1880-1926, Section OS
LUCAS, Helena Colteryahn, Jun 2 1910-Apr 12 1988, 2Lt US Army World War II, Section 4
LUDEWIG, AUGUST, 66 yrs, Sec D Lot 21, March 25, 1917, ***
LUDEWIG, MARGRET, 36 yrs, Sec H Lot 21, Nov. 18, 1918, ***
LUDWIG, Anna, 1897-1918, (same stone: Otto, Henriette, Augusta, Anna, John, Bertha Ludwig), Section H
LUDWIG, ANNA, 19 yrs, Sec H Lot 78, October 13, 1918, ***
LUDWIG, Augusta, 1859-1915, (same stone: Otto, Henriette, Augusta, Anna, John, Bertha Ludwig), Section H
LUDWIG, Bertha, (no dates), (same stone: Otto, Henriette, Augusta, Anna, John, Bertha Ludwig), Section H
LUDWIG, Henriette, 1860-1895, (same stone: Otto, Henriette, Augusta, Anna, John, Bertha Ludwig), Section H
LUDWIG, John, (no dates), (same stone: Otto, Henriette, Augusta, Anna, John, Bertha Ludwig), Section H
LUDWIG, Otto, 1860-1930, (same stone: Otto, Henriette, Augusta, Anna, John, Bertha Ludwig), Section H
LUETTE, Alice C., 1910-(no date), Section C-1
LUETTE, Clara Emma, 1875-1944, Mother, (same stone as John A. Luette), Section C-1
LUETTE, John A., 1874-1967, Father, (same stone as Clara Emma Luette), Section C-1
LURTY, Clara, 1870-1955, Section A
LURTY, Walter Weber, Jr., 1929-1958, Section A
LURTY, Walter, 1869-1949, Section A
LURTY, William M., 1906-1966, Section A
LUX, Lina geb Morgenstern, Aug 1 1866-July 23 1901, Hier Ruht In Frieden, Section H
LYE, Anna K., 1867-1938, Mother, (same stone as William, Henry F. Lye and Lillian K. Howard), Section H
LYE, Henry F., 1904-1947, Son, (same stone as William, Anna K. Lye and Lillian K. Howard), Section H
LYE, William, 1865-1944, Father, (same stone as Anna K., Henry F. Lye and Lillian K. Howard), Section H
LYNCH, John E., Jul 29 1915-Mar 9 1978, CY US Navy World War II, Sections D-E-F
M�HLHAUSE, Sophia, nee Lott, 1855-1915, Mother, Section H
M�LLER, Christina, Feb 19 1852-Apr 20 1912, (same stone as Jakob M�ller), Section H
M�LLER, Gustav, 1842-1915, Father, Section 4
M�LLER, Jakob, Oct 11 1841-Dez 15 1907, (same stone as Christina M�ller), Section H
M�LLER, Rose, 1848-1926, Mother, Section 4
MAAS, Dorothy, 1922-1981, Mother, Section C-1
MAAS, Edward C., 1916-1995, Father, Section C-1
MAC-DINE, Thos. R., May 15 1885-Nov 28 1908, Section B
MACHER, Hilda, 1878-1941, Section OS
MADDEN, 24 yrs, Sec D Lot 6, May 30, 1919, ***
MADDEN, Katherine Buchmann, 1894-1919, Daughter, Section A
MADDEN, Stillborn, Sec D Lot 6, May 23, 1919, ***
MADSON, ANNA, 38 yrs, Row 1612, April 19, 1919, ***
MAGEL, Lawrence, 1885-1954, Husband, Section H
MAGEL, Tillie, 1887-1966, Wife, Section H
MAHER, Helen M., Oct 18 1896-June 5 1954, Mother, Section H
MAILE, Caroline, 1844-1914, Mother, Section H
MAKRAY, Albert, 1868-1936, Father--same stone as Cornelia Makray, Section OS
MAKRAY, Cornelia, 1870-1946, Mother--same stone as Albert Makray, Section OS
MAKSUT, SALIN, 23 yrs, Row 1528, May 26, 1917, ***
MALIFA, MARY, 4 months, Row 3, Grave 28, Mar 20, 1929, ***
MALKUS, Anna S., 1888-1956, Wife, Section H
MALKUS, Edward J., 1883-1943, Husband, Section H
MALLARD, Caroline E., 1903-1978, Wife, Section 4
MALLARD, Walter C., 1902-1950, Husband, Section 4
MALLWITZ, Hedwig, 1898-1967, Niece, Section H
MALTBY, Ida B., 1868-1947, Wife, Section OS
MANDARINO, Anna C., 1909-1988, Mother, (same stone as Stephen Mandarino), Section C-1
MANDARINO, Arthur P., May 9 1936-Feb 19 2001, Son, VFW, USAF Ret, Section C-1
MANDARINO, Stephen, 1895-1956, Father, (same stone as Anna C. Mandarino), Section C-1
MANDEL, Joseph, Died 1940, Husband, Section 4
MANG, Anna C., 1885-1971, Wife, (same stone as Julius R. Mang), Section H
MANG, Anna H., 1909-1981, Daughter, Section H
MANG, Julius R., 1875-1932, Husband, (same stone as Anna C. Mang), Section H
MANGOLD, Amelia T., 1851-1921, Mother, Section A
MANGOLD, George R., 1845-1905, Father, (symbol-�1861-1865, Three Year Volunteers�), Section A
MANIS, Walter, Died Oct 13 1953, Husband, Section 4
MANIUS, CARL, 15 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 344, July 18, 1918, ***
MANIUS, CHRISTIAN, 19 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 344, July 18, 1918, ***
MANN, LeEtta Loadman, 1914-1945, Section OS
MANNSZ, Barbara E. (ERZGRABER), Geb D Feb 18 1822-Gest D Dec 4 1894, Wife, Section C-1, (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
MANNSZ, HENRY Geb.D. 31 March 1827 Gest.D. 6 Oct. 1893, Section C-1, (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
MANNTZ, Anna Marie Louise, 1878-1879 dau, (Rear center of Cemetery), (JW)
MANNTZ, Claudia Rosine, 1882-???? dau, (Rear center of Cemetery), (JW)
MANNTZ, Claudine (UTZ), 1851- 1895 Wife, (Rear center of Cemetery), (JW)
MANNTZ, Emma, 1876-1879 dau, (Rear center of Cemetery), (JW)
MANNTZ, Henry Jr. b. 28 Jan. 1849 d. 24 Dec. 1918, (Rear center of Cemetery), (JW)
MANNTZ, HENRY, 69 yrs, Sec D Lot 33, December 27, 1918, ***
MANNTZ, Matilda C., 1880-1884 dau, (Rear center of Cemetery), (JW)
MANTZ, Anna V. Hartung, 1861-1927, wife of Henry A. Mantz, (same stone as Henry A. Mantz), Section A
MANTZ, Annie, 1881-1934, Mother, Section C-1
MANTZ, August, 1875-1927, Father, Section C-1
MANTZ, Catherine, 1895-1981, (same stone as John N. Mantz), Section H
MANTZ, Helen, 1904-1922, Daughter, Section C-1
MANTZ, Henry A., 1858-1933, (same stone as Anna V. Hartung Mantz), Section A
MANTZ, John N., 1894-1950, Husband, (same stone as Catherine Mantz), Section H
MANTZ, Mary L., 1866-1931, Mother, Section A
MANZ, JOHN, 57 yrs, Sec D Lot 12, March 4, 1917, ***
MARQUART, Anna, 1871-1954, Mother, Section H
MARQUART, Carl M., 1913-1935, Son, Section H
MARQUART, Christ., 1868-1953, Father, (same stone as Math. Senzel), Section H
MARQUART, George K. M., 1897-1911, Son, Section H
MARQUART, William C., 1899-1906, Son, Section H
MARSCH, Albert O., Born Nov 8 1872-Died Nov 29 1897, Section H
MARSCH, John L., 1880-1961, Father, Section H
MARSCH, John L., Born May 27 1812-Died May 17 1906, J.L.L.L. M. No 230, Section H
MARSCH, Louisa, Born Sept 19 1861-Died July 21 1834, Section H
MARSH, Frances M. A., September 25 1912-August 23 1997, �Francie�, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, In My Father�s House There Are Many Mansions�, Section H
MARSHALL, Charles W., 1919-1998, Son, (same stone as Darwin F., Lillian M., Emlyn), Section C-1
MARSHALL, Darwin F., 1894-1970, Father, (same stone as Charles W., Lillian M., Emlyn), Section C-1
MARSHALL, Ella, see Ella Marshall Fieger Deaconess, Section B
MARSHALL, Emlyn E. (Skip), 1916-1966, (same stone as Darwin F., Charles W., Lillian M.), Section C-1
MARSHALL, Lillian M., 1898-1968, Mother, (same stone as Darwin F., Charles W., Emlyn), Section C-1
MARSHALL, Robert J., Oct 17 1925-Apr 13 1987, US Navy, Section C-1
MARSHALL, William F., 1867-1928, Father, Section OS
MARSTELLER, Emma L., 1883-1932, Mother, Section H
MARTIN, Anna S., 1884-1936, Mother, Section H
MARTIN, Della G., 1879-1930, Mother, Section H
MARTIN, George B., 1876-1937, Father, Section H
MARTIN, HENRY, 53 yrs, Row 1553, December 2, 1917, ***
MARTIN, Leroy, July 13 1878-Aug 11 1927, Firemen�s Memorial, Section H
MARTIN, WILLIAM, 51 yrs, Sec H Lot 253, Jan. 3, 1919, ***
MASKEN, PAULINE, Stillborn, Row 1516, January 19, 1917, ***
MASON, Agnes L., 1872-1968, Wife, (same stone as George H. Mason), Section A
MASON, George H., 1864-1934, Husband, (same stone as Agnes L. Mason), Section A
MASSENTHAL, Stillborn, Row 1648, June 6, 1920, ***
MATHEWS, INFANT, Stillborn, Row 1594, Nov. 19, 1918, ***
MATHIAS, Jacob E., Born Oct 13 1894-Died Nov 3 1941, Pvt 1st CL 28th Co MP Enlisted July 18 1918-Discharged May 19 1919, Section H
MATTHIAS, Edna Mae, Aug 3 1907-May 25 1934, Mother, Section H
MATTHIAS, Harry H., Born June 2 1907-died Aug 11 1961, Pvt 240th Chem Comp Co Aus, Enlisted Aug 22 1942 Discharged Feb 22 1944, Section H
MATTHIAS, Jacob E., Oct 13 1894-Nov 3 1941, (same stone as Rose A. Matthias), Section H
MATTHIAS, John, 1856-1921, Father, Section H
MATTHIAS, Minnie, 1865-1936, Mother, Section H
MATTHIAS, Rose A., Aug 31 1900-Dec 10 1997, (same stone as Jacob E. Matthias), Section H
MATTHIS, Catherine L., 1905-1992, Mother, (same stone as Frederick Matthis), Section H
MATTHIS, Elizabeth, 1871-1926, Mother, Section H
MATTHIS, Frederick, 1861-1910, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Matthis), Section H
MATTHIS, Frederick, 1897-1949, Father, (same stone as Catherine L. Matthis), Section H
MATTHIS, John U., 1936-1952, Son, Section H
MATTHIS, Ulrich, Born June 2 1824-Died Apr 21 1899, Section H
MATY, Mary, 1880-1944, Mary, Section H
MATZ, Aurelia Heck, 1886-1977, Mother, (same stone as Emory Matz), Section 4
MATZ, Emory, 1880-1951, Father, (same stone as Aurelia Heck Matz), Section 4
MAUERER, ELISEBETH, 90 yrs, Sec B Lot 47, April 16, 1918, ***
MAXWELL, E. A., Dec 16 1844-Mar 28 1902, Section H
MAYBURN, William G., 1851-1922, (same stone as Chas. B. Dietz, Mary McKinney Dietz, Frank U. Metz), Section C-1
MAZICK, ALBERT, 17 mo, Row 1693, February 13, 1922, ***
MAZZACAVALLO, Bentivolio, 1877-1940, Husband, Section OS
MAZZACAVALLO, Mary, 1873-1944, Section OS
McBRIDE, Elisa K., 1884-1973, Section 4
McBRIDE, Marie, 1908-1999, Daughter, Section 4
McCALLISTER, William L., 1899-1965, (same stone as Wilma M. McCallister), Section 4
McCALLISTER, Wilma M., 1905-1990, (same stone as William L. McCallister), Section 4
McCARTHY, Margaret, 1866-1948, Mother, Section C-1
McCAULSKY, Edward A., Apr 12 1884-May 1 1948, (same stone as Elizabeth L. & June A. McCaulsky), Section C-1
McCAULSKY, Elizabeth L., June 15 1891-Aug 28 1961, (same stone as Edward A. & June A. McCaulsky), Section C-1
McCAULSKY, June A., May 29, 1929-(no date), (same stone as Edward A. & Elizabeth L. McCaulsky), Section C-1
McCLEAN, Catherine F., Mother, 1905-1990, Section C-1
McCLORY, John J., Jan 11 1923-Mar 21 1985, PFC--US Army--World War II, Section OS
MCCLUNE-WEBER, James, 1862-1931, (same stone: McClune-Weber: James, Mary, Ruth, Paul, Relda), Section H
MCCLUNE-WEBER, Mary, 1878-1967, (same stone: McClune-Weber: James, Mary, Ruth, Paul, Relda), Section H
MCCLUNE-WEBER, Paul, 1915-2003, (same stone: McClune-Weber: James, Mary, Ruth, Paul, Relda), Section H
MCCLUNE-WEBER, Relda, 1920-2000, (same stone: McClune-Weber: James, Mary, Ruth, Paul, Relda), Section H
MCCLUNE-WEBER, Ruth, 1906-1925, (same stone: McClune-Weber: James, Mary, Ruth, Paul, Relda), Section H
McCONNELL, MARTHA, 37 yrs, Row 1713, November 25, 1922, ***
McKEE, Bert, Born Feb 10 1890-Died Apr 14 1955, Cpl Co F 309th Engrs, Enlisted July 21 1918-Discharged July 18 1919, Section 4
McKENNA, JAMES, 57 yrs, Row 1492, June 4, 1916, ***
McKINNEY, Mary, see Mary McKinney Dietz, Section C-1
MCLAUGHLIN, Nathan C., 1901-1956, Section OS
McMAHON, David L., May 24 1898-Mar 9 1980, (same stone as Dorothy McMahon, Sections D-E-F
McMAHON, Dorothy, June 11 1898-Sept 7 1974, (same stone as David L. McMahon), Sections D-E-F
McMAHON, Hilda L. nee Bender, 1904-1933, Mother, Section C-1
MCMILLIN, Elizabeth, 1880-1969, Wife, Section H
MCMILLIN, William H., Born Jan 23 1873-Died Dec 5 1947, Pvt Co H 15th Inf. Enlisted Aug 8 1898 Discharged May 16 1899, Section H
McNEIL, JAMES, 55 yrs, Row 1646, June 1, 1920, ***
McQUILLEN, MILDRED, 11 yrs, Row 1549, October 27, 1917, ***
McROBERTS, John, 1863-1926, Section B
McROBERTS, Minnie, 1864-1934, Section B
McVITTY, Elizabeth T., 1898-1987, Faithful in loving service to family, friends and church, Section 4
Mehring, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 29, (MC)
Mehring, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 30, (MC)
MEICHEL, WILLIAM, 69 yrs, Sec H Lot 613, July 23, 1917, ***
MEIDER, GRACE, 1 day, Sec H Lot 29, January 11, 1917, ***
MEIDER, Henrietta, 1881-1926, Same stone as Philip Meider, Section OS
MEIDER, Henrietta, 1881-1926, Section OS
MEIDER, Kathleeen A., April 25 1947-May 10 1947, Daughter, Section H
MEIDER, Philip, 1882-1974, Same stone as Henrietta Meider, Section OS
MEIDER, Philip, 1882-1974, Section OS
MEIER, Joseph, No 2, Gest 8 Nov 1911 (same stone as Charles Burkhardt and Bernard Stoltz), (No 2, I.O.O.F. at top of stone), Section A
MEISE, Dorothea, 1847-1936, (same stone as John Meise, Sr.), Section 4
MEISE, John, 1875-1955, Son, Section 4
MEISE, Lizetta L., 1888-1966, (same stone as William C. Meise), Section C-1
MEISE, Lois M., 1917-1984, Section C-1
MEISE, Mary, 1878-1960, (same stone as Sophia Meise), Section 4
MEISE, Sophia, 1880-1961, (same stone as Mary Meise), Section 4
MEISE, Sr., John, 1849-1903, (same stone as Dorothea Meise), Section 4
MEISE, William C., 1884-1962, (same stone as Lizetta L. Meise), Section C-1
MEISTER, Elenora C., Sept 20 1854-Feb 19 1904, (same stone as Stephan Meister), Section 4
MEISTER, Stephan, Nov 22 1844-Nov 5 1929, (same stone as Elenora C. Meister), Section 4
MELBER, John, 1874-1941, Father, Section H
MELLER, Amelia C., 1868-1954, Section B
MELLER, Charles, 1826-1911, Section B
MELLER, Charles, Jr., 1857-1934, Section B
MELLER, Henry, 1850-1912, Brother, Section B
MELLER, Mary, 1828-1899, Wife of Charles Meller, Mother, Section B
MELLOR, Emma L. F., 1872-1955, God is Love, Section C-1
MELLOR, George T., 1876-1952, Jesus Saves, Section C-1
MELLOR, Helen Emma, Feb 26 1887-Aug 27 1911, Section H
MELONEY, Effie C., 1882-1944, Mother, Section 4
MELTON, Ethel R., 1906-1963, Mother, Section H
MELTON, William O., Born April 6 1896-Died March 12 1951, Section H
MENSER, JOSEPH, 18 yrs, Sec H Lot 217, Mar 23, 1929, ***
MENZEL, Mary, Born Sept 30 1872-Died Oct 21 1943, Mother, Section H
MERCER, MILDRED LOUISA, 7 days, Sec F Lot 48, July 7, 1916, ***
MESTA, Elizabeth D., 1892-1939, (same stone as Frederick L. Mesta), Section H
MESTA, Frederick L., 1887-1958, (same stone as Elizabeth D. Mesta), Section H
METTING, (no names on stone), Section H,
METTING, Fred W., 1899-1961, (same stone as Freda A. Metting), Section A
METTING, Freda A., 1901-1965, (same stone as Fred W. Metting), Section A
METZ, Frank U., 1847-1905, (same stone as Chas. B. Dietz, Mary McKinney Dietz, Frank U. Metz, William G. Mayburn), Section C-1
METZ, MARIE, 80 yrs, Sec B Lot 37, April 4, 1917, ***
METZ, MARTHA, 18 yrs, Sec H Lot 283, June 24, 1917, ***
METZ, Sophia Helena, see Sophia Helena Hauch geb Metz, Section B
METZGAR, HAROLD, 13 mos, Row 1623, October 2, 1919, ***
METZGAR, VIOLIA R.E., 8 mos, Sec H Lot 168, March 17, 1918, ***
METZGER, Anna M., 1893-1983, (same stone as Jacob C. Metzger), Together Forever in the Lord, Eleanor & Viola, Section H
METZGER, Edward A., 1904-1926, Son, Section OS
METZGER, Jacob C., 1891-1924, (same stone as Anna M. Metzger), Together Forever in the Lord, Eleanor & Viola, Section H
MEUSSNER, Anna C., 1887-1957, Wife, (Eastern Star symbol), (same stone as John H. Meussner), Section A
MEUSSNER, Helen T., 1910-2004, Section A
MEUSSNER, John H. (Jack), 1912-1994, Section A
MEUSSNER, John H., 1879-1942, Husband, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Anna C. Meussner), Section A
MEY, Eva, 1907-1932, Wife, Section OS
MEY, Margaret L. (Leidorf), b: Jul 4, 1882 d: May 9, 1970, Row 3 Grave 49, (JKM)
MEY, Margaret, 1882-1970, Mother--same stone as Philipp Mey, Section OS
MEY, Philip, b: Nov 8, 1878 d: Dec 15, 1952, Row 3 Grave 50, (JKM)
MEY, Philipp, 1878-1952, Father--same stone as Margaret Mey, Section OS
Meyer, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 53, (MC)
MEYER, Albert K., 1903-1971, (same stone as Sadie F., Karl, Henry G., Cath. Young Meyer), Section H
MEYER, Albert, 1866-1866, (same stone as Heinrich Meyer), Section B
MEYER, Augusta Schmitz, 1862-1944, Mother, Section H
MEYER, Auguste, Geb. Mai 16 1839, (same stone as F. Anton Meyer), Section C-1
MEYER, Bessie, Aug 27 1884- Sept 16 1893, Section B
MEYER, Cath. Young, 1868-1917, (same stone as Sadie F., Karl, Albert K., Henry G. Karl), Section H
MEYER, Catherine, 1872-1958, Mother, (same stone 5 names: Catherine, Jacob, Karl, Josephine, George Meyer), Section H
MEYER, Christian, 1853-1940, (same stone as Helena Reinhold Meyer), Sections D-E-F
Meyer, Edna P., b. Jul. 27, 1927 d. Jul. 17, 2003, (I)
MEYER, F. Anton, Geb. Juni 7 1837-Gest. Feb 14 1910, (same stone as Auguste Meyer), Section C-1
MEYER, Fred W., Feb 25 1849-Nov 19 1917, Section B
MEYER, FRED, 68 yrs, Sec B Lot 57, November __, 1917, ***
MEYER, GEORGE E., JULY 10 1882-MARCH 13, 1911, Our Son, Section B, (EF)
MEYER, George, 1907-1927, (same stone 5 names: Catherine, Jacob, Karl, Josephine, George Meyer), Section H
MEYER, GUSTAVE A, SEPT.4.1884-OCT.29.1889, SON OF JOHN P. & AMELIA C., Section B, (EF)
MEYER, Heinrich, 1869-1870, (same stone as Albert Meyer), Section B
MEYER, Helena Reinhold, 1857-1939, (same stone as Christian Meyer), Sections D-E-F
MEYER, Henry G., 1915-1986, (same stone as Sadie F., Karl, Albert K., Cath. Young Meyer), Section H
MEYER, Jacob, 1865-1918, Father, (same stone 5 names: Catherine, Jacob, Karl, Josephine, George Meyer), Section H
MEYER, JACOB, 43 yrs, Sec H Lot 403, October 18, 1918, ***
MEYER, JACOB, 56 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 228 �, February 19, 1917, ***
MEYER, JACOB, Sec H Lot 228 Removed October 17, 1917, ***
MEYER, JOHN P., MAR. 30, 1859-JAN. 7, 1889, Husband, Section B, (EF)
MEYER, JOHN, FEB.20 1831-SEPT.23, 1885, Father, Section B, (EF)
MEYER, Josephine, 1900-1932, (same stone 5 names: Catherine, Jacob, Karl, Josephine, George Meyer), Section H
MEYER, Karl, 1872-1947, (same stone as Sadie F., Albert K., Henry G., Cath. Young Meyer), Section H
MEYER, Karl, 1898-1902, (same stone 5 names: Catherine, Jacob, Karl, Josephine, George Meyer), Section H
MEYER, KATHARINA, 48 yrs, Sec H Lot 639, June 26, 1917, ***
MEYER, Mary A., Dec 19 1853-March 13 1905, Section B
MEYER, MILDRED, 14 yrs, Sec B, March 26, 1919, ***
MEYER, Rudolph H., Sept 24 1909-May 6 1934, Section OS
MEYER, Sadie F., 1874-1926, (same stone as Karl, Albert K., Henry G., Cath. Young Meyer), Section H
MEYER, Sophia, Born Sept 3 1841-Died Aug 13 1921, Our Mother, Section B
MEYER, SOPHIA, SEPT. 3, 1841-AUG.13, 1921, Mother, (EF)
MEYERS, Charles, 1876-1946, Father, (same stone as Lottie Meyers), Section H
MEYERS, ELIZ., 3 yrs, Row 1658, January 10, 1921, ***
MEYERS, Estella E., 1890-1941, Mother, Section 4
MEYERS, Henry E., 1888-1942, Father, Section 4
MEYERS, IDA, 12 yrs, Sec B, Nov. 17, 1918, ***
MEYERS, Infant, Stillborn, Sec 4 Lot 228, May 26, 1918, ***
MEYERS, Lottie, 1890-1969, Mother, (same stone as Charles E. Meyers), Section H
MICHAEL, Elizabeth E., 1867-1926, Mother, (same stone as Melvern F., Joseph G., Howard S. & Ruth K. Michel), Section 4
MICHAELS, Alfred T., 1926-1986, Daddy, Section H
MICHAELS, Emma C., 1892-1960, Mother, Section H
MICHEL, Carrie W., 1874-1950, Wife, Section H
MICHEL, Catharine, Mar 30 1836-June 20 1906, Mother, Section H
MICHEL, Charles A., 1892-1951, Husband, Section H
MICHEL, Charles R., Sept 18 1920-Feb 27 1922, Section H
MICHEL, Charles, 1868-1938, Father, (same stone as Emma B. Michel), Section H
MICHEL, Emma B., 1870-1952, Mother, (same stone as Charles Michel), Section H
MICHEL, Fred, 1869-1913, Husband, Section H
MICHEL, Glenn R., 1899-1914, (same stone as Hazel M. Michel), Section H
MICHEL, Hazel M., 1896-1898, (same stone as Glenn R. Michel), Section H
MICHEL, Howard S., 1893-1958, Husband, (same stone as Melvern F., Joseph G., Elizabeth E., Ruth K. Michel), Section 4
MICHEL, Joseph G., 1866-1934, Father, (same stone as Melvern F., Elizabeth E., Howard S., Ruth K. Michel), Section 4
MICHEL, Melvern F., 1898-1949, Son, (same stone as Joseph G., Elizabeth E., Howard S., Ruth K. Michel), Section 4
MICHEL, Ruth K., 1899-1976, Wife, (same stone as Melvern F., Joseph G., Elizabeth E., Howard S. Michel), Section 4
MICHEL, Sr., William, Dec 16 1830-Nov 1 1903, Father, Section H
MIDNIGHT, Anna K., 1846-1922, Mother, Section C-1
MIKUT, Emma, 1895-1981, Section H
MIKUT, John Thomas, Born June 3 1895-Died June 25 1969, Pfc Co B 111th Inf Enlisted Feb 23 1918 Discharged May 4 1919, Section H
MILES, Ezra A., 1867-1945, Father, Section OS
MILHOLLAND , Jack R. , Born Sept 20 1905-Died Jan 30 1945, Pvt 25th TR BN QM R T C, Enlisted Dec 12 1942 Discharged Feb 17 1943, Section H
MILHOLLAND, Stella, 1883-1927, Mother, Section 4
MILITZER, Herman, 1863-1941, Father, (same stone as Katharine Militzer), Section H
MILITZER, Katherine, 1874-1945, Mother, (same stone as Herman Militzer), Section H
Miller, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 22, (MC)
MILLER, Alice M., 1895-1918, Wife, Section H
MILLER, ALICE, 21 yrs, Sec H Lot 202, June 17, 1918, ***
MILLER, Amelia M., 1877-1939, Mother-same stone as Charles W. Miller, Section OS
MILLER, Anna L., 1872-1910, wife of Albert G. Miller, Section C-1
MILLER, Anna M., July 2 1845-Sept 11 1910, Mother, (same stone as Marg. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, August C., 1881-1945, Father, Section H
MILLER, August W., 1865-1907, (same stone as George H., Otto F. & Edna M. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Carl P., 1906 - 1946, Father; Old Section Row 8; Grave 24, (DS)
MILLER, Caroline M., nee Schafer, 1883-1939, Mother, Section H
MILLER, Catherine, Born Mar __ 1829-Died Sept 2 1889, (same stone as Charles C. Miller) Section A
MILLER, Charles A., 1863-1912, (same stone as Charles & Wilhelmina Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Charles C., Born Feb 17 1863-Died July 16 1896, (same stone as Catherine Miller), Section A
MILLER, Charles W., 1873-19__, Father-same stone as Amelia M. Miller, Section OS
MILLER, Charles, 1835-1908, Father, (same stone as Wilhelmina & Charles A. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Charlotte M., 1877-1965, Mother, (same stone as William Miller), Section 4
MILLER, Christ Jacob, July 13 1900-July 23 1945, Pvt US Marine Corps--Enlisted Oct 18 1918--Discharged Nov 24 1919, Section OS
MILLER, Christ. M., 1891-1891, (same stone as Marg. C., Lawrence H., Fred. M. Miller), Children of Henry & Louisa Miller, Section C-1
MILLER, Christina C., 1873-1915, Section B
MILLER, Christopher, 1858-1945, Husband, (same stone as Minnie Ruehling Miller), Section H
MILLER, Clyde E., 1901-1940, Son, Section H
MILLER, Dolores M., 1925-, (same stone as William J. Miller Jr.), Section H
MILLER, Edna M., 1891-1914, (same stone as George H., Otto F. & August W. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Edna W., 1904-1992, Daughter, Section H
MILLER, Elizabeth, 1874-1961, Mother, (same stone as John Miller), Section 4
MILLER, Elmer G., 305 ___orps, Oct __ 1_1_(stone eroded), Section H
MILLER, Emma, 1884-1938, Mother, Auf Wiedersehen, Section H
MILLER, Ernest H., 1879-1962, Father, Section H
MILLER, Fred. M., 1889-1890, (same stone as Marg. C., Lawrence H., Christ M. Miller), Children of Henry & Louisa Miller, Section C-1
MILLER, Frederick Wm., 1868-1903, Husband, Section A
MILLER, Frederick, July 20 1843-Aug 29 1896, Father, Section C-1
MILLER, FREDRICK, 5 mos, Sec H Lot 250, April 10, 1918, ***
MILLER, George C., 1881-1934, Son, Section 4
MILLER, George H., 1876-1901, (same stone as Otto F., August W. & Edna M. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, George J., 1897-1970, Husband, Section 4
MILLER, Gustav P., 1875-1949, Son, Section 4
MILLER, Harry J., Feb 20 1930-Jan 24 2007, Dad, Together Forever, May 26, 1951, (same stone as Pat Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Henry C., 1855-1923, Father, Section 4
MILLER, Henry H., 1863-1932, (same stone as Louise E. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Howard W., 1881-1925, Father, Section H
MILLER, JACOB, 41 yrs, Sec H Lot 496, April 24, 1918, ***
MILLER, Jakob C., 1841-1902, (same stone as Katharina Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, John M., 1852-1927, Father, Section A
MILLER, John P., Born March 6 1859-Died March 5 1883, (same stone as Rachel Miller), Section A
MILLER, John, 1868-1924, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Miller), Section 4
MILLER, John, 1871-1946, Father, Section H
MILLER, JOHN, 25 yrs, Row 1541, Sept. 20, 1917, ***
MILLER, JOHN, 28 yrs, Sec H Lot 287, October 12, 1918, ***
MILLER, JOHN, 39 yrs, Sec H Lot 641, May 13, 1917, ***
MILLER, Julia A., 1859-1925, Mother, Section 4
MILLER, Julia A., 1882-1942, Mother, Section H
MILLER, Katharina Geb Brill, 1843-1878, (same stone as Jakob C. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Katharina, see Katharina Lissfelt Geborne Miller, Section B
MILLER, Katie, 1862-1937, Wife of Hacke J. Eisaman, Section H
MILLER, Lawrence H., 1892-1894, (same stone as Marg. C., Fred. M., Christ M. Miller), Children of Henry & Louisa Miller, Section C-1
MILLER, Lena, 1880-1970, Mother, Section H
MILLER, Lizzie, 1859-1878, Sisters, (same stone as Kate Seidel), Section C-1
MILLER, Louisa M., 1854-1938, Mother, Section A
MILLER, Louise E., 1869-1963, (same stone as Henry H. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, MARCIDES, 13 months, Sec H Lot 202, Aug. 5, 1918, ***
MILLER, Marg. C., 1888-1893, (same stone as Lawrence H., Fred. M., Christ M.Miller), Children of Henry & Louisa Miller, Section C-1,
MILLER, Marg., 1872-1878, Daughter, (same stone as Anna M. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Margaret A.R., June 2 1962, Daughter, Section 4
MILLER, MARIE, 10 days, Sec F Lot 59, May 24, 1918, ***
Miller, Mary, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 5, (MC)
MILLER, Minnie Ruehling, 1858-1930, Wife, (same stone as Christopher Miller), Section H
MILLER, Otto F., 1873-1902, (same stone as George H., August W. & Edna M. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Otto P., 1877-1964, (same stone as Susie B. Miller), Section H
MILLER, Pat, (no dates), (same stone as Harry J. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, Rachel, Born Feb 25 1861-Died Oct 18 1863, (same stone as John P. Miller), Section A
MILLER, Samuel, Born Mar 16 1866-Died Feb 27 1895 (same stone as Simon Miller), Section A
MILLER, SARAH, 68 yrs, Row 1564, April 6, 1918, ***
MILLER, Simon, Born June 2 1816-Died Dec 16 1880, (same stone as Samuel Miller), Section A
MILLER, SOPHIA, 3? yrs, Sec H Lot 496, June 24, 1917, ***
MILLER, Susie B., 1880-1963, (same stone as Otto P. Miller), Section H
MILLER, WHILIMINA, 79 yrs, Sec H Lot 94, January 1, 1918, ***
MILLER, Wilhelmina, 1838-1917, Mother, (same stone as Charles & Charles A. Miller), Section C-1
MILLER, William J. Jr., 1920-1979, (same stone as Dolores M. Miller), Section H
MILLER, William, 1870-1917, Section B
MILLER, William, 1870-1962, Father, (same stone as Charlotte M. Miller), Section 4
MILLER, William, 1889-1981, Brother, Section H
MILLER, WILLIAM, 47 yrs, Sect B Lot 28, Sept. 23, 1917, ***
Milligan, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 26, (MC)
MILTIADES, Dorothea Lucille, 1916-1977, Daughter, Section H
MINETTI, Charles A., 1887-1934, Husband, Section OS
MINSINGER, Caroline, 1828-1922, Section C-1
MINSINGER, George, 1850-1929, Section C-1
MINSINGER, George, 1850(?) - (date eroded), Husband, Section H
MINSINGER, Gottlieb, 1816-1896, Section C-1
MINSINGER, Johnny, Born Mar 20 1889-Died Apr 21 1889 (?), Section C-1
MINSINGER, MARIE, 69 yrs, Sec H Lot 591, May 17, 1918, ***
MINSINGER, Mary E. (or F.), 1850-1918, Section H
MITCHELL, FRIDA, 21 yrs, Row 1666, March 28, 1921, ***
MITCHELL, John, 1899-1966, (same stone: William Mitchell, John Mitchell, Pemle Mitchell), Section H
MITCHELL, Pemle, 1899-(?), (same stone: William Mitchell, John Mitchell, Pemle Mitchell), Section H
MITCHELL, William, 1923-1990, (same stone: William Mitchell, John Mitchell, Pemle Mitchell), Section H
MOCKO, JOS, 54 yrs, Row 1685, November 22, 1921, ***
MOEHRING, Dorothea, Oct 11 1855-Dec 5 1925, Mother, Section OS
MOEHRING, Henry, Sept 18 1848-Aug 21 1934, Father, Section OS
MOELLER, Amelia, 1858-1935, Section B
MOELLER, Caspar, Geb 26 June 1832-Gest 18 Oct 1887, Unsere Vater, Section A
MOELLER, Catharina Bertha, ___August 1852(?) � 5 Sept 1862 (?), (stone eroded), (same stone as Mathilde Moeller), Section B
MOELLER, Clarence E., 1886-1923, Section B
MOELLER, Elizabeth, Geb 18 Sept 1833-Gest 5 Juli 1887, Unsere Mutter, Section A
MOELLER, Elsie, 1884-1952, Section B
MOELLER, Joseph, 1856-1887, Section B
MOELLER, Mathilde, (stone eroded), (same stone as Catharina Bertha Moeller), Section B
MOELLER, Walter J., 1879-1915, Section B
MOESLEIN, Clara A., 1892-1928, Mother, Section H
MOGAN, John M., 1887-1936, (same stone as Marie Mogan), Section H
MOGAN, Marie, 1890-(no date), (same stone as John M. Mogan), Section H
MOGLE, THEODORE, 52 yrs, Sec A Lot 21, December 5, 1918, ***
MOHAN, Helen, 1895-1941, Mother-Same stone as Lt or L.T. James Mohan, Section OS
MOHAN, James, 1926-1953, Son -same stone as mother Helen Mohan, Section OS
MONDSCHEIN, Anna W., 1864-1894, (same stone as August E.W. & Lucy M. Mondschein), Section B
MONDSCHEIN, August E. W., 1824-1896, (same stone as Lucy M. & Anna W. Mondschein, Section B
MONDSCHEIN, Katherine, 1830-1903, (same stone as Emma F. Hartdung), Section B
MONDSCHEIN, Lucy M., 1867-1895, (same stone as August E.W. & Anna W. Mondschein), Section B
MONDY, Joseph P., 1888-1924, Husband, Section H
MONDY, Theressa, see Theressa Mondy Lickenbauch, Section H
Moore, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 42, (MC)
Moore, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 43, (MC)
MOORE, Anna, Jan 3 1872-Nov 15 1926, Mother, Section OS
MOORE, Clara M. Franke, May 20 1911-May 8 1945, Our Daughter, Section B
Moore, Frank, Old Single Graves, Row 43, Gr 43, (MC)
MOORE, Katherine, 1880-1935, Section H
MORGAN, Edna Dewalt, 1893-1934, Mother, Section 4
MORGAN, Henrietta M., 1920-1962, At Rest, Section H
MORGAN, John E., 1895-1966, Husband, (same stone as Loretta O. Morgan), Section 4
MORGAN, Loretta O., 1907-1983, Wife, (same stone as John E. Morgan), Section 4
MORGAN, MARY E., 5 (months?), Row 1540, Sept. 12, 1917, ***
MORGAN, Robert H., 1920-1997, At Rest, Section H
MORGENSTERN, Albert J., June 27 1907-Mar 14 1991, (same stone as Stella O. Morgenstern), Section H
MORGENSTERN, Anna, 1872-1943, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Morgenstern), Section H
MORGENSTERN, Elmer H., 1897-1984 (same stone as Esther M. Morganstern), Section A
MORGENSTERN, Esther M., 1900-1972, (same stone as Elmer H. Morganstern), Section A
MORGENSTERN, J., Stillborn, Sec H Lot 410, November 24, 1916, ***
MORGENSTERN, Jacob, 1868-1949, Father, (same stone as Anna Morgenstern), Section H
MORGENSTERN, Jr., Elmer H., Feb 2 1922-Oct 14 1922, Section A
MORGENSTERN, Lina, see Lina Lux geb Morgenstern, Section H
MORGENSTERN, SR., JACOB, 72 yrs, Sec H Lot 409, February 24, 1917, ***
MORGENSTERN, Stella O., Oct 7 1913-Aug 15 1991, (same stone as Albert J. Morgenstern), Section H
MORGENSTIEN, ROSE, 24 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 433, December 14, 1918, ***
MORITZ, Philippine, 1839-1895, wife of John Moritz, Section B
MORRIS, Annie Eppelein, 1881-1957, Section H
MOSEBACH, Augusta, 1870-1919, Wife, Sections D-E-F
MOSEBACH, AUGUSTA, 48 yrs, Sec F Lot 113, May 11, 1919, ***
MOSEBACH, Peter, 1864-1951, Husband, Sections D-E-F
MOSTLER, Freda H., 1892-1967, (same stone as Walter G. Mostler), Section H
MOSTLER, Walter G., 1890-1944, (same stone as Freda H. Mostler), Section H
MOTER, Anna B., Feb 25 1878-Feb 28 1878, Daughter, Section A
MOTER, Elizabeth, Died 1865, Grandmother, Section A
MOTER, Elizabeth, Feb 25 1844-July 28 1906, Mother, Rest in Peace, Section A
MOTER, James G., 1864-1925, Son, Section A
MOTER, John P., May 28 1866-Aug 4 1867, Son, Section A
MOTER, Michael, Mar 11 1842-Oct 2 1925, Father, Rest in Peace, Section A
MOTER, Rachel E., Apr 22 1875-July 5 1875, Daughter, Section A
MOTER, Sarah A. M., Mar 25 1871-Dec 14 1871, Daughter, Section A
MOTER, Sarah R., Aug 15 1873-Oct 4 1874, Daughter, Section A
Mottman, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 3, (MC)
MOTTMAN, Adam, 1857-1923, Father, Section OS
Mower, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 41, (MC)
MOXLEY, Ralph, Sept 26 1897-May 23 1972, Pennsylvania Pvt US Army World War I, Section H
MUELLER, Emma S., 1905-1996, (same stone as Ralph Mueller, Sr.), Section A
MUELLER, Philipine geb Kappel, 7 Jan 1828-17 Dez 1907, Section B
MUELLER, Ralph, Sr., 1905-1941, (same stone as Emma S. Mueller), Section A
MUHLHAUSE, Adam, Born 1853-Died 1937, Father, Section H
MUHLHAUSER, Adam C., 1886-1958, Husband, (same stone as Louise M. Muhlhauser), Section H
MUHLHAUSER, Louise M., 1891-1988, Wife, (same stone as Adam C. Muhlhauser), Section H
MULLER, FRED, 52 yrs, Sec F Lot 99, March 31, 1919, ***
MULLER, Maria, Geb d 3 Juni 180_-Gest d ___ -- 1872, ___ von Conrad Muller, (stone eroded), Section C-1
MULLINS, June F., 1920-2006, Sister, Section C-1
MUROCHKA, JOHN, 54 yrs, Row 1505, September 17, 1916, ***
MURPHY, GEORGE, 3? Yrs, Sec E Lot 79, June 14, 1917, ***
MURPHY, Louise, 1885-1963, Sections C-D
MURRAY, Clyde L., 1878-1921, Firemen�s Memorial, Section A
MURRAY, CLYDE, 43 yrs, Row 1676, September 18, 1921, ***
MURRAY, Mildred S., 1914-1972, Mother, Section 4
MUSTALLER, Ruth V., 1923-1934, Section H
MUTSCHLER, Clarence, 1913-1931, Son, Section H
MUTSCHLER, Elizabeth, 1885-1944, Mother, Section H
MYNERT, Jeremiah, 1891-1902, son, Section A, (Source: Internet)
NAGEL, (or could be Heck, no last name on stone), Elsie K., Jan 13 1901-Apr 23 1902, Daughter, Section H
NAGEL, Anna K., see Anna K. Nagel Peppel, Section A
NAGEL, August, Jan 27 1869-Nov 30 1900, Husband, Section H
NAGEL, Jacob, Aug 26 1860-Nov 3 1914, Section A
NAGEL, Katherine Reich, April 21 1839-April 7 1892, Mother, Sections D-E-F
NANZ, Charles F., 1858-1924, Father, Section A
NATAL, JOSEPH, 35 yrs, Row 1515, January 12, 1917, ***
NEAS, Caroline, see Caroline Hehl nee Neas, Section A
NEAS, Catharine, Born June 19 1827-Died Feb 14 1900, Our Mother, Section A
NEAS, Henry J., Born Oct 2 1828-Died Dec 10 1889, Our Father, Section A
NEDIMEYER, JOSEPH, 45 yrs, Row 1511, November 11, 1916, ***
NEEB, Arthur C., 1890-1934, Son, Section A
NEEB, Catherine P., 1859-1945, Mother, Section A
NEEB, Harry C., 1886-1957, Son, (Masonic symbol), Section A
NEEB, Violet M., 1894-(no date shown), Daughter, Section A
NEEDHAM, Elizabeth, 1869-1934, Mother, (same stone as James Needham), Section A
NEEDHAM, James, 1853-1923, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Needham), Section A
NEELD, Freda S., 1900-1982, Section 4
NEELD, Richard E., 1894-1938, Section 4
NEFF, Margaret, 1838-1906, Section H
NEHER, Edward Isaac, 1867-1918, Father, Section H
NEHER, Marie Elizabeth, 1870-1958, Mother, Section H
NEIDHARD, Elisabeth, Geb 27 Jan 1860-Gest 26 Okt 1900, Section H
NEIDHARDT, John P., Geb 9 Apr 1857-Gest 6 Aug 1923, Vater, Section H
NEIDHARDT, Katherina, Born Dec 14 1869-Died May 21 1949, Section H
NEIMINS, FREDRICK, 7 mos, Row 1521, March 2, 1917, ***
NEIPORT (?), Infant, Stillborn, Sec E Lot 81, December 5, 1916, ***
NEIPORT, Edward F., 1912-1956, Husband, Sections D-E-F
NEIPORT, Infant, Stillborn, Sec E Lot 81, January 31, 1919, ***
NEIPORT, Infant, Stillborn, Sec E Lot 81, November __, 1917, ***
NEMENZ, Andreas, 1888-1969, Father, (same stone as Rosa Nemenz), Sections C-D
NEMENZ, Andrew, 1911-1979, (same stone as Pauline Nemenz), Sections C-D
NEMENZ, Friedrich W., 29 Juli 1916 ___- Marz 1917, Suhnchen, Sections C-D
NEMENZ, John, Died Mar 28 1918, Age 4 weeks old, Infant son of Andreas and Rose Nemenz, Sections C-D
NEMENZ, Pauline, 1914-1996, The spirit returns unto the Lord, (same stone as Andrew Nemenz), Sections C-D
NEMENZ, Rosa, 1891-1974, Mother, (same stone as Andreas Nemenz), Sections C-D
NEMENZ, Rose, see Rose Nemenz Olson, Sections C-D
NETTING, Katharina W. See Katharina W. Buhle Geb Netting, Section B
NEUBALON(?), ESTER, 7 yrs, Sec B Lot 41, November __, 1917, ***
NEUENHAGEN, Henry, 1867-1938, Father -same stone as Katherine Neuenhagen, Section OS
NEUENHAGEN, Jonas, 1837-1903, Father, Section 4
NEUENHAGEN, Katherine, 1869-1941, Mother -same stone as Henry Neuenhagen, Section OS
NEUENHAGEN, Louise, see Louise Engelmohr nee Neuenhagen, Section 4
NEUENHAGEN, Margaret, 1839-1927, Mother, Section 4
NEUHAHN, Anna M., 1848-1924, Mother, Section B
NEUHAHN, Jr., Wm., 1872-1918, Section B
NEUHAHN, Wm., 1841-1920, Father, Section B
NEUHAN, WILLIAM, 46 yrs, Sec B Lot 41, April 10, 1918, ***
NEUMAN, Charles, 1884-1957, Section OS
NEUMAN, Mary L., nee Posnaur, 1885-1940, Sections D-E-F
NEUMAN, Oscar W., 1887-1957, Section OS
NEWMEYER, EMMA, 46 yrs, Row 1601, February 10, 1919, ***
NEWMEYER, Ollie S., 1879-1930, (Feiger Mausoleum), Section 4
NICKEL, Agnes Elben (?), Born Dec 14 1827-Died July 29 1895, Mother, Wife of Martin Nickel, Rest in Peace, Section A
NICKEL, George W., 1881-1945, (same stone as Pearl A. Nickel), Section H
NICKEL, Martin M., Born Sept 14 1826-Died Feb 9 1899, Section A
NICKEL, Mary, 1861-1915, Section H
NICKEL, Mors, 1853-1928, Father, Section H
NICKEL, Pearl A., 1889-1977, (same stone as George W. Nickel), Section H
NICKLAUS, Bertha, 1867-1950, Mother, Section H
NICKLAUS, Charles H., 1871-1927, Our Son, Section H
NICKLAUS, Charles, Born May 7 1838-Died May 29 1898, Our Father, Section H
NICKLAUS, David C., 1873-1949, Section H
NICKLAUS, Edward P., 1880-1953, Husband, (same stone as Martha Nicklaus), Section H
NICKLAUS, Elizabeth, Born Oct 3 1848-Died Mar 12 1923, Our Mother, Section H
NICKLAUS, Harry Wm., Born April 14 1878-Died Dec 7 1900, Our Son, Section H
NICKLAUS, John, 1869-1937, Father, Section H
NICKLAUS, Martha, 1881-1959, Wife, (same stone as Edward P. Nicklaus), Section H
NICKLAUS, Mathilda, see Mathilda Nicklaus Golphin, Section H
NICKLAUS, Walter C., 1883-1938, Our Son, Section H
NILLES, James Hugh, 1908-1970, Husband, (same stone as Sarah Jane Nilles), We Were Meant for Each Other, Section C-1
NILLES, Sarah Jane, 1912-1956, Wife, (same stone as James Hugh Nilles), Section C-1
NIXON, WALTER, 16 yrs, Sec H Lot 190, July 27, 1916, ***
NIZIOL, Mildred O., July 21 1921-July 30 1987, (same stone as Walter J. Niziol), Section H
NIZIOL, Walter J., July 1 1918-Sep 5 1983, Tec 4 US Army World War II, Section H
NIZIOL, Walter J., July 1 1918-Sept 5 1983, (same stone as Mildred O. Niziol), Section H
NOBLE, WM, 6 yrs, Sec E Lot 101, Nov. 24, 1918, ***
NOBS, John J., 1890-1912, Sections D-E-F
NOBS, Karl N., 1895-1948, Sections D-E-F
NOBS, Lena, 1884-1957, Sections D-E-F
NOBS, Loretta, Geb 1898, Alt 23 Tage, Sections D-E-F
NOCK, Dorothy, 1905-1910, Section H
NOLL, Katherine Yeckel, Jan 17 1874-July 26 1902, Wife of H.L.Noll, Gone But Not Forgotten, Section 4
NOLL, Katherine, 1845-1925, Mother, Section C-1
NOLL, Louis, 1844-1936, Father, Section C-1
NOLL, Margaret E., 1873-1949, Daughter, Section C-1
NOLL, William, Born July 15 1902, Age 5 months, Section 4
NORCOTT, Lottie, (no dates) (see stone for John, Katherine, Elmer, Charles, Lydia, Emma Ayers), Section 4
Notek, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 38, (MC)
NOTTER, JR., WM. H., 62 yrs, Row 1529, April 27, 1917, ***
NULLMYER, Catherine B., Died Feb 6 1863 in the 21 year of her age, Wife of H C Nullmyer, Section A
NUNANZ (?), JOHN, 4 wks, Row 1563, March 28, 1918, ***
NURNBERGER, Annie, ____- 1944, Mother, (same stone as Emil Nurnberger), Section A
NURNBERGER, Emil, 1848-192__, Father, (same stone as Annie Nurnberger), Section A
NUSSER, John, Co G, 377 PA Vol, Aug 28 1922 (?), Section A
O'FARRELL, Augusta E., 1901-1952, (same stone as James O'Farrell), Section H
O'FARRELL, James, 1885-1958, (same stone as Augusta E. O'Farrell), Section H
O�HARE, Jack E., 1928-1984, (same stone as Virginia O�Hare), Section H
O�HARE, Virginia, 1931-1999, (same stone as Jack E. O�Hare), Section H
OEHLING, Anna M., 1882-1965, Mother, (same stone as Frederick Oehling), Section 4
OEHLING, August J., 1883-1963, Father, Section 4
OEHLING, Dorothy, see Dorothy Oehling Thomas, Section 4
OEHLING, Frederick, 1881-1971, Father, (same stone as Anna M. Oehling), Section 4
OEHLING, George, 1875-1960, Father, Section 4
OEHLING, John G., 1849-1921, Father, (same stone as Margaret A. Oehling), Section 4
OEHLING, Lawrence, 1874-1956, Brother, Section 4
OEHLING, Margaret A., 1848-1931, Mother, (same stone as John G. Oehling), Section 4
OEHLING, Mildred, see Mildred Oehling Tranter, Section 4
OEHLING, Nora M., 1885-1930, Mother, Section 4
OEHLING, Rose D., 1887-1948, Mother, Section 4
OEHLING, William A., 1910-1965, Section 4
OELSCHLAGER, CASPER, 75 yrs, Row 1485, May 2, 1916, ***
OESTERLE, Anna B., 1890-1972, Mother, Section H
OESTERLE, Christian, Geb 14 Juni 1855-Gest 23 Nov 1934, Section H
OESTERLE, John G., 1888-1918, Section H
OESTERLE, JOHN G., 30 yrs, Sec H Lot 338, December 27, 1918, ***
OESTERLE, Walter, Born Dec 15 1898-1967,(Handwritten on paper marker in front of John Oesterle stone), Section H
OESTHEIM, George T., Aged 1 mo, Our Son, Section B
OESTHEIM, L., Aged 4 mos, Son, (same stone as Lena Oestheim), Section B
OESTHEIM, Lena, Aged 1 mo. 20 da, Daughter, (same stone as L. Oestheim), Section B
OESTHEIM, Walter G., Aged 2 mos., Our Son, Section B
OESTREICH, Andreas, Apr 22 1843-June 8 1893, Father, Section B
OESTREICH, Christine, June 7 1846-June 21 1907, Mother, Section B
OESTREICH, Edward G., 1870-1922, Father, (same stone as Mary Oestreich), Section B
OESTREICH, Elisabetha, ____von Johann Oestreich, Geb d 13 Sep 1813 (or 1814)-Gest d 22 Feb 1872, (stone eroded), Section B
OESTREICH, Elizabeth C., Oct 19 1883-Oct 17, 1904, Our Daughter, Section B
OESTREICH, Helene R. A., 1868-1906, My Wife (same stone as William Oestreich, Jr.), Section A
OESTREICH, Johann(es?), (stone eroded), Section B
OESTREICH, John A., Apr 8 1866-Aug 27 1939, Husband, (same stone as Josephine C. Oestreich), Section B
OESTREICH, JOHN EDW., 22 yrs, Sec B Lot 33, April 21, 1918, ***
OESTREICH, John Edward, 1895-1918, At Rest, Section B
OESTREICH, Josephine G., Dec 3 1865-May 13 1947, Wife, (same stone as John A. Oestreich), Section B
OESTREICH, Mary E., 1874-1951, Mother, (same stone as Edward G. Oestreich), Section B
OESTREICH, William J., 1858-1925, Section A
OESTREICH, William, Jr., 1901, (same stone as Helene R. A. Oestreich), Section A
OESTRICH, PAUL, 72 yrs, Row 1708, July 26, 1922, ***
OHLEGER, Henry Louis, Born April 10 1888-Died Aug 3 1963, Enlisted May 5 1918-Discharged Nov 25 1918, Pvt Dev Bn U.S.Army, Sections D-E-F
OHLEGER, Joseph J., Born July 30 1890-Died Sept 26 1945, Enlisted July 30 1918-Discharged Jan 17 1919, Pvt Co E, 211th Engrs, Sections D-E-F
Ohler, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 20, (MC)
OHLSLAGER, JOHN C., 15 mo, Sec B Lot 41, August 2, 1917, ***
OHNSMAN, Charles, 1867-1957, (same stone as Mary Ohnsman), Section B
OHNSMAN, Mary, 1869-1960, (same stone as Charles Ohnsman), Section B
OLNHAUSEN, (?), 6 months, Sec H Lot 140, July 15, 1916, ***
OLNHAUSEN, Agatha, Oct 9 1863-May 7 1932, Section C-1
OLNHAUSEN, Anna, 1880-1953, Mother, Section H
OLNHAUSEN, Caroline, July 12 1827-Jan 17 1886, My Wife, Section C-1
OLNHAUSEN, Charles E., 1884-1959, Father, Section H
OLNHAUSEN, Charles J., 1913-1959, Son, Section H
OLNHAUSEN, Christian H., 1856-1907, Father, Section 4
OLNHAUSEN, Christian, Dec 23 1822-May 6 1903, Section C-1
OLNHAUSEN, Clara C., 1884-1968, Wife, Section 4
OLNHAUSEN, Edna J. C., 1888-1893, Sister, Section 4
OLNHAUSEN, Edwin Ferdinand, see Edwin Ferdinand DeCossy, Section C-1
OLNHAUSEN, Elizabeth, Nov 19 1844-Aug 25 1928, Section C-1
OLNHAUSEN, Emma F., 1866-1908, Mother, Section 4
OLNHAUSEN, Gilbert H., 1890-1959, Husband, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
OLNHAUSEN, Gotthold C., Oct 9 1857-Mar 20 1905, Brother, Section C-1
OLSON, Harry Walter Philip, May 2 1909-Nov 30 1992, Father, (same stone as Rose Nemenz Olson), Sections C-D
OLSON, Rose Nemenz, Jan 14 1913-(no other date), Mother, (same stone as Harry Walter Philip Olson), Sections C-D
ORR, KATHARINE L. SEXAUER, MAR.9, 1898-JUNE 25, 1962, Wife, (same stone as Merle L. Orr), Section C-1, (EF)
ORR, MERLE L., AUG.16, 1886-JUNE 25, 1962, Husband, (same stone as Katharine L. Sexauer Orr), Section C-1, (EF)
ORSHMAN, JOSEPHINE, 72 yrs, Sec ? Lot 11, Sept. 16, 1917, ***
ORTHWEIN, Anna M., Born Mar 26 1836-Died Mar 9 1914, Mother, Section H
ORTHWEIN, Henry, Born Nov 28 1828-Died Sep 16 1898, Father, Section H
ORTHWEIN, Henry, Mar 18 1862(?)-Jan 25 1906, (stone eroded), Section H
OSCHMAN, August, Died Dec 29 1890, Aged 41 Y. 1 M. 25 D., Section A
OSCHMAN, Caroline W., 1860-1927, Mother, Section H
OSCHMAN, Charles W., 1885-1968, Son, Section H
OSIOL, Gary R., 1951-1986, Married June 26, 1976, (same stone as Rosemarie Osiol), Section C-1
OSIOL, Rosemarie, 1953 � (no date), (same stone as Gary R. Osiol), Section C-1
OSTHEIM, Elizabeth, 1847-1931, Mother, (same stone as Lorenz Ostheim), Section B
OSTHEIM, Lawrence, 1881-1947, Husband, Section B
OSTHEIM, Lorenz, 1840-1927, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Ostheim), Section B
OTT, Carl William, 1908-1909, (same stone as Clara Schmidt Ott), Sections D-E-F
OTT, Clara Schmidt, 1879-1938, (same stone as Carl William Ott), Sections D-E-F
OTT, Clara, 1876-1906, Mother, Section 4
OTT, Gustav, 1877-1939, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
OTT, Robert C., 1931-1936, Son, Section 4
OTTEN, John L., Nov 5 1933-Nov 29 1984, Father, Married Jan 1953, (same stone as LaVerne M. Otten), Section C-1
OTTEN, John Lawrence, Nov 5 1933-Nov 29 1984, Sgt US Army Korea, Section C-1
OTTEN, Laverne, May 5 1933-Apr 30 2006, Mother, (same stone as John L. Otten), Section C-1
OTTERBACH, Christina Louisa, see Christina Louisa Schmidt nee Otterbach, Section B
OTTERBEIN, Anna, 1873-1954, Mother, (same stone as August Otterbein), Section H
OTTERBEIN, August, 1868-1956, Father, (same stone as Anna Otterbein), Section H
OVERSTREET, Freda E., Dec 8 1895-July 26 1970, (same stone as Walter L. Overstreet), Section H
OVERSTREET, Walter L., Mar 23 1888-May 16 1959, (same stone as Freda E. Overstreet), Section H
OWEN, JOHN, 5 mo, Sec H Lot 271, August 9, 1917, ***
OWEN, JOHN, Stillborn, Sec H Lot 271, January 29, 1919, ***
OWEN, Robert, 1927-1931, Son, Section OS
PALM, Emma, (no birth date)-Died Nov. 12 1925, Section H
PALM, Henry, (no birth date-no death date), (same stone: Henry, Katie, Johanna Palm, Section H
PALM, Johanna, Died Apr. 7, 1928, (same stone: Henry, Katie, Johanna Palm), Section H
PALM, Katie, Died Oct. 12, 1923, (same stone: Henry, Katie, Johanna Palm), Section H
PALMER, Wm. A., 1853(?)-1935, Father, Section H
PASCHEL, MARIE, 52 yrs, Sec H Lot 29, February 24, 1918, ***
PASTORIUS, Dorothy G., 1905-1987, (same stone as William P. Pastorius), Section H
PASTORIUS, William P., 1901-1966, (same stone as Dorothy G. Pastorius), Section H
PATTERSON, ELISEBETH, 43 yrs, Sec C Lot 23, March 27, 1918, ***
PATTON, Andrew, 1886-(no date), (same stone as Eleanora Patton), Section 4
PATTON, Eleanora, 1888-1946, (same stone as Andrew Patton), Section 4
PAUL, Anna M., 1869-1936, Section 4
PAUL, CONRAD, 56 yrs, Sec D Lot 29, Aug. 29, 1918, ***
PAUL, Gustav A., 1895-1960, Brother, Section 4
PAUL, John J., March 9 1888-Dec 30 1955, Pennsylvania, Mess Sgt Co M 111 Infantry World War I PH, Section 4
PAULI, Christine, 1860-1928, Mother, Section 4
PAULI, Edward, 1898-1967, Section 4
PAULI, Karl, 1859-1947, Father, Section 4
PAULSEN, Beatrice Riech, Feb 12 1900-Apr 24, 1940, Section A
PAWLOSKI, David, 1919-, (same stone: Frank, Louis, Minnie Pascal Erskine, David Pawlowski), Section H
PEASLEY, Charles C., 1928-1996, (same stone as Lillian M., Virginia A., Lucy Baumiller Peasley), Section H
PEASLEY, Charles C., Feb 12 1928-Nov 2 1996, US Army, World War II, Section H
PEASLEY, Lillian M., 1895-1937, (same stone as Charles C., Virginia A., Lucy Baumiller Peasley), Section H
PEASLEY, Viginia A., 1924-1937, (same stone as Charles C., Lillian M., Lucy Baumiller Peasley), Section H
PEEGER, THRESA, 69 yrs, Row 1624, October 4, 1919, ***
PEELOR, James M., Apr. 4, 1851-Died May 14 1932, (same stone as Lida W. Peelor), Section H
PEELOR, Lida (Lydia) Ward Dithridge, b. Sep., 1857 d. Oct. 13, 1951, (same stone as James M. Peelor), Section H
PENTEN, Bertha, 1853-1923, Mother, (same stone as Ernest, Max, William Barron Penten), Section H
PENTEN, Ernest, 1858-1918, Father, (same stone as Bertha, Max, William Barron Penten), Section H
PENTEN, Max, 1865-1910, (same stone as Ernest, Bertha, William Barron Penten), Section H
PENTEN, William Barron, 1884-1911, (same stone as Ernest, Bertha, Max Penten), Section H
PEPPEL, Anna K. Nagel, Nov 10 1862-Sept 28 1944, Wife, Section A
PEPPEL, Casper William, 1891-1922, (Masonic symbol), Husband, Sections D-E-F
PEPPEL, Casper, 1863-1946, Father, Sections D-E-F
PEPPEL, Katharina, see Katharina Christianson gebn Peppel), Section D-E-F
PEPPEL, Katherine, 1864-1919, Mother, Sections D-E-F
PEPPEL, KATHRINE, 55 yrs, Sec F, April 15, 1919, ***
PEPPEL, Louise, see Louise M. Peppel Beck, Sections D-E-F
PERZACK, JOHN, 38 yrs, Row 1578, October 24, 1918, ***
PETERS, Albert L., 1885-1960, Section B
PETERS, Anna Margaretha, 1838-1929, Mother, Section 4
PETERS, Anna Marie, 1892-1925, Mother, Section H
PETERS, Edna L., 1899-1995, Section H
PETERS, HARRY, 52 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 453, Sept. 3, 1917, ***
PETERS, Henry, 1865-1917, Son, Section 4
PETERS, Infant, 3 days, Sec H Lot 295, January 30, 1919, ***
PETERS, James, 1863-1915, Father, (same stone as Mary Peters), Section H
PETERS, John G., 1860-1922, Son, Section 4
PETERS, Mary, 1861-1939, Mother, (same stone as James Peters), Section H
PETERS, Nora M., 1883-1969, Section B
PFAFF, Katherine, see Katherine Pfaff Helmlinger, Mausoleum, Section 1
PFANNKUCH, (assumed), Catherine E., (small stone, no dates) Section A
PFANNKUCH, (assumed), Sebastian, (small stone, no dates), Section A
PFANNKUCH, (assumed), William, (small stone, no dates), Section A
PFANNKUCH, Andrew, 1871-1911, At Rest, Section C-1
PFANNKUCH, Christoph, Geb 19 Sept 1843-Gest 5 Feb 1894, Ruhe Sanft, Section H
PFANNKUCH, Fred C., 1877-1937, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Jennie C. Kellner), Section C-1
PFANNKUCH, Maria E., Geb 7 Juli 1845-Gest 31 Marz 1900, Geb Efland, Section H
PFANNKUCH, S., Co C 7th PA Inf, Section A
PFEIL, Andreas, Geb Nov 6 1847-Gest Jan 28 1887, (same stone as Sophia Pfeil), Section B
PFEIL, Harry Karl, G Juni 27 1883, G Apr 14 1884, (assumed surname/same stone as Andreas & Sophia Pfeil), Section B
PFEIL, K. Ferdinant, G Sept 19 1872-G Aug 19 1873, (assumed surname/same stone as Andreas & Sophia Pfeil), Section B
PFEIL, Sophia, Geb July 26 1849-Gest Nov 24 1920, (same stone as Andreas Pfeil), Section B
PFLEGHAR, Mary, 1892-1965, Mother, Section H
PFLUEGER, Jessie M., 1900-1937, Mother, Section 4
PHILLIPS, Emma, Born June 20 1857-Died Aug 30 1895, wife of Fred Phillips, Sections C-D
PISTORIUS, Joseph, 1857-1929, Father, Section 4
PISTORIUS, Sophia, 1865-1949, Section 4
PITTEROFF, Emily, 1896-1958, Mother, Section OS
PLAPPERT, Caroline, 1890-1957, Mother, Sections D-E-F
PLAPPERT, Olive Cecilia, see Olive Cecilia Plappert Kaufmann, Sections D-E-F
PLAPPERT, William John, 1893-1970, Beloved Husband and Father, Sections D-E-F
PLOCH, Margaret, Mother, (same stone as William Ploch), Section H
PLOCH, William, Father, (same stone as Margaret Ploch), Section H
POELLET, ALBERT W., 2 yrs, Row 1534, July 16, 1917, ***
POHLE, Herman, 1843-1922, Father, Section H
POHLE, Louise, 1844-1921, Mother, Section H
POISTER, Cora, see Cora Poister Schuette, Section A
POLIC, William C., Apr __ 1906-May 22 1984, US Army World War II, (next to garage building), Section C-1
POLLOCK, Robert J., 1883-1939, Corp. 9th Co. 3rd Bn 154th D. B., Section H
POPEY, Emma T., 1877-1950, Mother, Section H
PORT, Barbara, 1883-1935, Wife, Section H
PORT, Emil J., 1908-1938, Husband, Section H
PORT, Isabel G., 1907-1985, Wife, Section H
PORT, John, 1878-1951, Husband, Section H
POSNAUR, Alma H., 1889-1959, Sister, Sections D-E-F
POSNAUR, August, 1882-1903, Brother, Sections D-E-F
POSNAUR, Lisette, 1861-1914, Mother, Sections D-E-F
POSNAUR, Mary L., see Mary L. Neuman nee Posnaur, Sections D-E-F
POSNAUR, Rudolf, 1851-1902, Father, Sections D-E-F
POTH, Jacob, Jr., Sept 21 1856-Nov 19 1908, Father, Section H
PRAEGNER, Frank X., 1873-1937, Section A
PRAEGNER, Johan S., Sept 5 1840-Dec 5 1908, Father, Section A
PRAEGNER, Maria, June 4 1844-Apr 21 1924, Mother, Section A
PREISCH, RICHARD, 55 yrs, Sec H Lot 107, March 2, 1918, ***
PREISS, Emma, 1898-1973, Wife, (same stone as Harry Preiss), Section C-1
PREISS, Harry, 1897-1960, Husband, (same stone as Emma Preiss), Section C-1
PRICE, ANNA E., 5 yrs, Sec F Lot 78, October 17, 1916, ***
PRICE, Elmer, Died 1913, Father, (same stone as Margaret Price), Section H
PRICE, James, 1889-1892, Brother, Sections D-E-F
PRICE, Margaret E., 1842-1892, Mother, Sections D-E-F
PRICE, Margaret, Died 1948, Mother, (same stone as Elmer Price), Section H
PRICE, Ottilia, 1869-1906, Mother, Sections D-E-F
PRICE, Thomas, 1866-1952, Father, Sections D-E-F
PRICE, William, 1830-1896, Father, Sections D-E-F
PRIESTER, Elizabeth, 1867-1933, (same stone as George Priester), Section A
PRIESTER, George, 1864-1925 (his wife, Elizabeth on same stone), Section A
PRIETZSCH, August F., 1875-1964, Father, Section 4
PRIETZSCH, August W., 1899-1971, Father, Section 4
PRIETZSCH, Frederick W., Born April 27 1894-Died April 1 1970, Pvt Btry C 364th FA BN Enlisted April 12 1943 Discharged Jan 6 1945, Section H
PRIETZSCH, Gertrude E., 1870-1959, Mother, (same stone as Richard E. Prietzsch), Section H
PRIETZSCH, Margaret P., 1899-1973, Mother, Section 4
PRIETZSCH, Richard E., 1862-1918, Father, (same stone as Gertrude E. Prietzsch), Section H
PRIETZSCH, Richard E., Oct 6 1909-Sept 1 1990, Section H
PRIETZSCH, Wilhelmina, 1876-1927, Mother, Section 4
PRINZLER, Edward A., Geb D 4 Juli 1842-Gest D 21 Mai 1881, Section B
PRINZLER, Md, O. J. K., 1835-1917, Grandfather, (same stone as August H. & Amelia L.End), Section B
PRINZLER, OSCAR, 81 yrs, Sec B Lot 53, January 18, 1917, ***
PRITCHARD, Harold E., 1899-1953, Husband, Section 4
PRITCHARD, Helen J., 1900-1961, Wife, Section 4
Prochazka, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 48, (MC)
PROCHAZKA, Julie, Oct 14 (?) 1880-Feb (?) 1927, Section OS
PUNZAK, Carol, 1917-1997, Section 4
PUNZAK, Emil G., 1910-1997, Section 4
QUEL, Elisa, 1864-1917, Mother, Section H
QUEL, ELISA, 52 yrs, Sec H, Lot 560 January 13, 1917, ***
QUEL, Geraldine V., 1893-1918, Mother, Section H
QUEL, GERALDINE, 25 yrs, Sec H Lot 560, December 4, 1918, ***
QUEL, John W., 1889-1967, Father, Section H
QUINN, John J., 1897-1928, Husband, (Masonic symbol), �Gone, but not forgotten�, Section 4
RACE, Howard E., 1876-1946, Brother, (same stone as W. Arthur Race), Sections D-E-F
RACE, Nicholas, Oct 4 1842-July 6 1901, Section 4
RACE, W. Arthur, 1885-1949, Brother, (same stone as Howard E. Race), Sections D-E-F
RADICK, JOHN, 38 yrs, Sec H Lot 15, June 3, 1918, ***
RADOSEVICH, Mata, 1900-1944, Section OS
RALL, HENRIETTE, 49 yrs, Sec H Lot 129, January 2, 1917, ***
RAMMERER, ANNA, Sec A Lot 13, October 14, 1917, ***
RANGE, (Large Stone, Masonic symbol, no names or dates), Section C-1
RANGE, Edna Marie, 1890-1913, Daughter, Gone But Not Forgotten, Sections D-E-F
RANGE, George, 1864-1919, Father, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Wilhelm Range), Sections D-E-F
RANGE, MARGRET, 52 yrs, Sec E Lot 117, November 1, 1918, ***
RANGE, Martha, 1866-1918, Mother, Sections D-E-F
RANGE, Wilhelm, 1889, Son, (same stone as George Range), Sections D-E-F
RANPACK, HERMAN, 21 yrs, Row 1637, March 17, 1920, ***
RAPP, ELISEBETH, 27 yrs, Sec H Lot 461, February 12, 1919, ***
RAPP, Elizabeth, 1892-1919, Section H
RASE, Anna M., Sept 16 1858-Sept 28 1879, Section B
RASE, Anna Sabina, March 17 1830-April 20 1912, Section B
RASE, CHARLES, 46 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 470, March 10, 1919, ***
RASE, Eliza, ____4, 1862-____22, 1865, (same stone as John, Emilia, & Frank Rase), Section B
RASE, Emilia, ___ 10 1860-___10 1870, (same stone as John, Frank & Eliza Rase), Section B
RASE, Frank, Oct 22 1868-Oct 23 18_8, (same stone as John, Emilia & Eliza Rase), Section B
RASE, John E., Jan 27 1865-Oct 21 1941, Section B
RASE, John, ____-1865, (same stone as Emilia, Frank & Eliza Rase), Section B
RASE, John, Jan 14 1832-Sept 1 1902, Section B
RASE, Martha J., Feb 26 1868-April 15 1923, Section B
RASE, William A., May 6 1867-May 24 1906, Section B
RATH, Elizabeth Wagner, 1872-1940, Sister, Section 4
RATHMANN, Cath. E., Dec 8 1842-Nov 4 1921, Section 4
RATHMANN, Val., Sept 25 1839-Oct 15 1901, Section 4
RATTER, David, 1863-1890, (same stone as John & Mary Weiss), Section B
RAUENBUEHLER, Bernhardt, May 20 1820-April 16 1868, Father, Co D 58th Ohio Inf, Section B
RAUENBUEHLER, Wilhelmina, Dec 11 1834-Feb 22 1921, Mother, Section B
RAUH, PETER, 67 yrs, Sec C Lot 33, September 24, 1918, ***
RAUSCH, Anna, 1871-1950, Mother, Section OS
RAUTH, Katharina Margaretha, (stone eroded), Section C-1
RAYMOND, Michael F., Born Jul 29 1864-Died Oct 15 1931, Pvt Co H 18th PA Inf, Enlisted Apr 27 1898-Discharged Oct 22 1898, Section H
RAYNOR, Amanda M., 1886-1960, (same stone as Paul E. Raynor), Sections D-E-F
RAYNOR, Paul E., 1885-1957, (same stone as Amanda M. Raynor), Sections D-E-F
REBER, August, Born April 26 1883-Died Feb 12 1886, Sections D-E-F
REBER, Christ, Born June 2 1859-Died Sept 16 1907, Sections D-E-F
REBER, Christian, Born June 20 1833-Died March 29 1885, Father, Sections D-E-F
REBER, Wilhelm, Born March 29 1877-Died Sept 15 1888, Sections D-E-F
RECTANUS, Dorothy, see Dorothy Rectanus Kubiak, Section C-1
RECTANUS, Elizabeth, 1880-1964, (same stone as Katharin E. Rectanus), Sections D-E-F
RECTANUS, Jacob, Geb D 3 Feb 1849-Gest D 28 Juni 1892, Vater, Sections D-E-F
RECTANUS, Katharin E., 1875-1956, (same stone as Elizabeth Rectanus), Sections D-E-F
RECTANUS, Katharina, Geb D 14 Nov 1848-Gest D 14 Sept 1913, Mutter, Sections D-E-F
RECTANUS, Marie, 1887-1977, Mother, (same stone as William Rectanus), Section C-1
RECTANUS, Mina, 1877-1929, Sister, Sections D-E-F
RECTANUS, William, 1882-1937, Father, (same stone as Marie Rectanus), Section C-1
REDLINGER, Fredericka, Nov 4 1865-June 29 1937, Mother, (same stone as Julius M. Redlinger), Section H
REDLINGER, Julius M., April 24 1862-April 4 1946, Father, Same stone as Fredericka Redlinger, Section H
REESE, Dorothy Louise, 1912-1913, Our Daughter, Section 4
REGER, Clara, 1883-1911, Section A
REGER, John T., 1866-1909, Section A
REGER, WILLIAM, 32 yrs, Row 1496, July 9, 1916, ***
REICH, Anna E., 1868-1955, Mother, Section A
REICH, Emma H., 1888-1971, Mother, (same stone as John G. Reich), Section H
REICH, Gustave A., 1859-1928, Father, Section A
REICH, John G., 1887-1960, Father, (same stone as Emma H. Reich), Section H
REICH, Katherine, see Katherine Reich Nagel, Sections D-E-F
REICHE, PAUL, 30 yrs, Sec H Lot 94, February 13, 1918, ***
REICHENBACH, Bertha D., April 7 1878-Nov 18 1967, Mother, Section C-1
REICHENBACH, Caroline, 1847-1902, Mother, Section C-1
REICHENBACH, Charles D., 1895-1979, (same stone as Kathryn K. Reichenbach), Section A
Reichenbach, George Washington, b. Feb. 22, 1872 d. Sep. 2, 1962, (I)
REICHENBACH, John H., July 8 1876-Aug 21 1938, Father, Section C-1
REICHENBACH, John Herbert, 1898-1915, Section C-1
REICHENBACH, John, Co C 87 PA Inf., Section C-1
REICHENBACH, John, Father, (stone eroded), Section C-1
REICHENBACH, Kathryn K. (Kramer), 1913-2007, (same stone as Charles D. Reichenbach), Section A
REICHENBACH, Louise C., 1907-1911, Section C-1
Reichert, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 54, (MC)
REICHERT, Karl, 1884-1952, Husband, Section OS
REID, A. Mable, 1891-1898, Section H
REID, Archibald, 1831-1887, Father, (same stone as Margret Reid), Sections D-E-F
REID, Edward A., 1855-1924, (Masonic symbol), Sections D-E-F
REID, James, 1861-1926, Father, Section H
REID, Katherine, 1894-1930, Same stone as Wilbert J. Reid, Section OS
REID, Margret, 1834-1907, Mother, (same stone as Archibald Reid), Sections D-E-F
REID, Rosanna, 1867-1935, Mother, Section H
REID, Wilbert J., 1885-1969, Same stone as Katherine Reid, Section OS
REIHNER, Jacob, 1840-1912, Sections C-D
REIHNER, Mary, 1849-1931, Sections C-D
REIN, Marie, 1866-1952, (same stone: Herman, Emma F., Gertrude Steinhauser and Wilhelm, Maria Rein), Section H
REIN, Wilhelm, 1862-1927, (same stone: Herman, Emma F., Gertrude Steinhauser and Wilhelm, Maria Rein), Section H
REINHARDT, PHILLIP, 55 yrs, Sec H Lot 498, January 2, 1918, ***
REINHART, Christ L., 1898-1980, (same stone as Emma Reinhart, William Lahr, Jacob Lahr), Section H
REINHART, Emma, 1906-1990, (same stone as Christ L. Reinhart, William Lahr, Jacob Lahr), Section H
REINHART, Magdalene, 1856-1938, Mother, (same stone as Phillip Reinhart), Section H
REINHART, Phillip, 1863-1917, Father, (same stone as Magdalene Reinhart), Section H
REINHEIMER, ADAM, 58 yrs, Sec H Lot 178, July 30, 1916, ***
REINHEIMER, Annie E., Born Aug 24 1868, Died March 5 1910, D of R, Section 4
REINHEIMER, Charles, 1916-1934, (same stone as Charles Reinheimer), Section H
REINHEIMER, Emma C., geb 10 Mai 1892-gest 10 Juli 1901, Section H
REINHEIMER, Emma, nee Butterbach, Born Mar 9 1872-Died Nov 27 1904, Section H
REINHEIMER, Ernest J., Nov 22 1894-May 11 1966, Pennsylvania Pfc 10 Co Trans Corps World War I, Section 4
REINHEIMER, Frederick, Nov 18 1853-Mar 24 1926, Father, (same stone as Sophia Reinheimer), Section H
REINHEIMER, Friedericka, 1870-1950, Section H
REINHEIMER, George C., 1891-1944, Section H
REINHEIMER, George, 1868-1943, Section H
REINHEIMER, Harry, 1884-1950, (same stone as Sarah Reinheimer), Section H
REINHEIMER, Jacob, Born Jan 22 1860, Died June 11 1911, I O O F, Masonic symbol, B P O E , Section 4
REINHEIMER, Sarah, 1892-1946, (same stone as Harry Reinheimer), Section H
REINHEIMER, Sophia, Oct 18 1854-June 5 1924, Mother, (same stone as Frederick Reinheimer), Section H
REINHEIMER, Willa M., 1901-1982, Section 4
REINHEIMER, William, 1912-1918, (same stone as Charles Reinheimer), Section H
REINHEIMER, WILLIAM, 8 yrs, Sec H Lot 441, December 3, 1918, ***
REINHOLD, Helena, see Helena Reinhold Meyer, Sections D-E-F
REINSTEIN, Dorothy A., 1891-1980, (same stone as Marie O. Reinstein), Section H
REINSTEIN, Fred W., 1852-1923, Father, (same stone as Marie Reinstein), Section H
REINSTEIN, Marie L., 1860-1940, Mother, (same stone as Fred W. Reinstein), Section H
REINSTEIN, Marie O., 1900-1994, (same stone as Dorothy A. Reinstein), Section H
REINSTEIN, William P., March 2 1893-Oct 25 1970, Pennsylvania Pvt HQ Co 163 Infantry World War I, Section H
REISS, Albert J., 1885-1970, (same stone as Elizabeth K. Reiss), Section H
REISS, Clara E., 1874-1948, Section B
REISS, Elizabeth K., 1887-1977, (same stone as Albert J. Reiss), Section H
REISS, William F., 1872-1945, Section B
REKAR, Eleanor, 1848-1925, Mother, Section H
REMY SR, John, 1886-1954, Section OS
REMY, Frieda, 1910-1913, Daughter, (same stone as Martha M. Remy nee Blum), Sections D-E-F
REMY, Martha M., nee Blum, 1888-1940, Mother, (same stone as Frieda Remy), Sections D-E-F
REO, Clara H., 1892-1952, Mother, (same stone as Joseph T. Reo), Section H
REO, Joseph T., 1889-1953, Father, (same stone as Clara H. Reo), Section H
RERZACK, JOHN, 38 yrs, Row 1578, October 24, 1918, ***
RETENAUER, Elizabeth A., 1891-1986, (same stone as Philip C. Retenauer), Section C-1
RETENAUER, Philip C., 1899-1990, (same stone as Elizabeth A. Retenauer), Section C-1
RETHAGE, HOWARD WM, 29 yrs, Sec H Lot 638, Apr 3, 1929, ***
RETHAGE, Howard Wm., 1899-1929, Husband, Section H
RETHAGE, John, 1871-1953, Father, Section H
RETHAGE, Louisa, 1875-1915, Mother, Section H
RETHARGE, LOUISA, (Moved?) to Sec H Row 1496, October 13, 1917, ***
REUHL, Elizabeth, 1850-1884, Sections D-E-F
REUHL, Jacob, 1847-1919, Sections D-E-F
REUHL, JACOB, 72 yrs, Sec E Lot 110, March 23, 1919, ***
REUTENAUER, Elizabeth, 1863-1922, Mother, At Rest, Section H
REUTENAUER, PHILLIP, 58 yrs, Sec H Lot 400, January 4, 1917, ***
REUTENAUER, Philp, 1858-1917, Father, At Rest, Section H
Rhode, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 35, (MC)
RICHARDSON, Bessie C., 1890-(no death date), (same stone as Robert Earl Richardson), Section H
RICHARDSON, Robert Earl, 1889-1966, (same stone as Bessie C. Richardson), Section H
RICHTER, Rosemarie E., May 7 1916-Feb 10 1984, Beloved Wife, Section H
RICHTER, William F., Feb 18 1917-Mar 27 1983, M Sgt US Army, World War II, Section H
RICKENBACH, Jackob F., 1855-1915, Husband, Section B
RICKENBACH, Margaret, 1870-1942, Wife, Section B
RICKENBACH, Walter W., 1895-1960, Son, Section B
RIEBEL, Adolph O., 1886-1964, Section 4
RIEBEL, Anna, 1856-1939, Mother, (same stone as Daniel Riebel), Section 4
RIEBEL, Daniel, 1852-1932, Father, (same stone as Anna Riebel), Section 4
RIEBEL, Harry, Born Dec 15 1895-Died Sept 10 1955, Pvt HQ Co 111th FA BN, Enlisted Feb 4 1918-Discharged June 2 1919, Section 4
RIECH, Beatrice, see Beatrice Riech Paulsen, Section A
RIEFFER, Adam, June 14 1843-Jan 3 1897, Father, Section C-1
RIEFFER, Juliana, Jan 7 1847-April 3 1925, Mother, Section C-1
RIEGEL, Frederick, 1860-1923, Father, (same stone as Minnie Riegel), Section H
RIEGEL, Minnie, 1866-1931, Mother, (same stone as Frederick Riegel), Section H
RIEGLER, Christina, 1863-1928, Section OS
RIES, Christian, 1860-1939, Father, (same stone as Christina Ries), Sections C-D
RIES, Christina, 1863-1935, Mother, (same stone as Christian Ries), Sections C-D
RIES, David A., 1862-1930, Father, Sections D-E-F
RIES, Magdalena, 1862-1938, Mother, Sections D-E-F
RIES, William J., 1864-1912, Husband, Section H
RIESBECK, Dorathea, Apr 22 1840-Aug 7 1913, Mother, Section H
RIESBECK, John A., 1884-1941, Husband, Section A
RIESBECK, Katherine A., 1890-1964, Wife, Section A
RIESBECK, Ruth Lillian, 1917-1991, Section A
RINGEISEN, Henrietta A., 1900-1977, Mother, Section H
RINGHEISEN, Phillip, 1827-1914, Father, Sections D-E-F
RINGHEISEN, Phillipena, 1832-1905, Mother, Sections D-E-F
RINGLEY, WILLIAM, 62 yrs, Row 1653, October 26, 1920, ***
RIPLEY, Vera H., 1898-1986, Daughter, Section B
RISCH, Frank J., Sept 14 1862-Jan 26 1901, Father, Section A
RITT, Herbert E., 1910-1934, (same stone as John Wendell, Louisa Dietz Wendell, Isaac Newton Ritt, Nellie Dietz Ritt), Section C-1
RITT, Isaac Newton, 1882-1919, (same stone as John Wendell, Louisa Dietz Wendell, Nellie Dietz Ritt, Herbert E. Ritt), Section C-1
RITT, Nellie Dietz, 1887-1931, (same stone as John Wendell, Louisa Dietz Wendell, Isaac Newton Ritt, Herbert E. Ritt), Section C-1
RITTIGER, Clara E., Jan 20 1886-Nov 5 1970, Mother, Sections D-E-F
RITTINGER, Lawrence J., 1917-1985, Father (same stone as Lois J. Rittinger), Section C-1
RITTINGER, Lois J., (no dates), Mother, (same stone as Lawrence J. Rittinger), Section C-1
ROBERTSON, JOHN, 53 yrs, Row 1705, June 26, 1922, ***
ROCKENBACH, JACOB, 66 yrs, Row 1542, September 29, 1917, ***
ROCKENBACH, MRS., Row 1543, ***
ROCKENBAUCH, Jacob, 1850-1917, Father, (same stone as Selome Rockenbauch), Section A
ROCKENBAUCH, Selome, 1860-1958, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Rockenbauch), Section A
RODE, ELISEBETH, 44 yrs, Sec H Lot 350, April 24, 1917, ***
RODE, Margaret, 1872-1917, Mother, (same stone as Robert Rode), Section H
RODE, Robert, 1872-1932, Father, (same stone as Margaret Rode), Section H
RODEMAN, OTTO, 52 yrs, Row 1633, February 15, 1920, ***
RODENICK, WILLIAM, 56 yrs, Row 1517, February 2, 1917, ***
RODGERS, Clara, 1885-1929, Wife, Section C-1
RODGERS, CLARA, 43 yrs, Sec C Lot 35, Feb 21, 1929, ***
ROEHLING, Chas., Died Nov 10th 1874, age 51 years, 8 mo & 5 D, Section A
ROEHN, Louis, Born Feb 24 1845-Died Sept 1 1907, Father, (same stone as Louisa Roehn) Sections C-D
ROEHN, Louisa, Born Oct 4 1848-Died Feb 15 1916, Mother, (same stone as Louis Roehn), Sections C-D
ROELB, ANNA, 48 yrs, Sec I Lot 16, April 13, 1918, ***
ROEMER, Elizabeth, 1860-1950, Mother, Section 4
ROEMHILD, A. Margarethe, Geb 14 Nov 1817-Gest. 1 Juni 1890, Ruhe In Frieden, Section C-1
ROEMHILD, August E., 1883-1889, Section C-1
ROEMHILD, August, 1850-1919, Father, Section C-1
ROEMHILD, Clara K., 1890-1961, Section C-1
ROEMHILD, Elizabeth M., 1893-1972, Section C-1
ROEMHILD, George W., 1888-1892, Section C-1
ROEMHILD, Mary, see Mary Roemhild Korb, Sections D-E-F
ROEMHILD, Wilhelmina A. M., 1885-1957, Section C-1
ROEMHILD, Wilhelmina, 1851-1948, Mother, Section C-1
ROESSLER, Christopher, 1855-1902, Father, Section 4
ROESSLER, Mary B., 1856-1941, Mother, Section 4
ROGAL, JOSEPH, 52 yrs, Row 1602, February 13, 1919, ***
ROGERS, Charles F., 1892-1945, Husband, Section H
ROGERS, Glenn C., 1949-1949, Our Little boy, Section H
ROGERS, Meta E., 1901-1989, Section H
Rogge, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 6, (MC)
ROHDE, VIRGINIA, 6 mos, Row 1614, June 23, 1919, ***
ROLLIN, Antonette, 1883-1929, Mother, Section H
ROLLIN, Emil T., 1909-1987, Son, Section H
ROLLIN, Leopold, 1873-1926, Father, Section H
RONTEN, ERNEST, 60 yrs, Sec H Lot 471, January 30, 1918, ***
ROOF, Henrietta R., 1910-1987, (same stone as John E. Roof), Section C-1
ROOF, John E., 1907-1992, (same stone as Henrietta R. Roof), Section C-1
RORNEHILD, AUGUST, 68 yrs, Sec C Lot 30, May 8, 1919, ***
ROSALES, Bessie Hagmeier, 1893-1940, Section B
ROSE, Amelia B., 1862-1949, Section B
ROSE, Henry A., 1859-1940, Section B
ROSE, Marchalneil, 1903-1984, (same stone as Ottilie Hammel Rose), Section C-1
ROSE, Ottilie Hammel, 1903-2003, (same stone as Marchalneil Rose), Section C-1
ROSENBERGER, Edward, 1891-1950, Husband, Section H
ROSENBERGER, Hildegarde, 1897-1984, Wife, Section H
ROSENKRANZ, Freda M., Born June 8 1892-Died Jan 5 1906, Section C-1
ROSENKRANZ, Pauline C., 1869-1946, Mother, Section C-1
Rosey, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 9, (MC)
ROSEY, Emil, 1882-1929, Section OS
ROSS, Bertha, (one date)-Jan 16 1959, Section H
ROSS, Charles, September 17 1895-August 14 1954, Ohio Cook Co K 332 Inf 83 Division World War I, Section H
ROSSFELD, Caroline, Born May 19 1841-Died Sept 14 1904, Section H
ROSSFELD, John, Born Dec 11 1833-Died Sept 28 1899, Section H
ROSSMAN, Anna A., 1875-1966, (same stone as Amalia Klein), Section B
ROSSMAN, Conrad, 1845-1934, Father, Section B
ROSSMAN, George J., 1888-1968, Son, Section B
ROSSMAN, Rosalia K., 1849-1933, Mother, Section B
ROTH, Ernest L., 1891-1941, Father, Section H
ROTH, Louisa, 1865-1938, Mother, Section H
ROTH, Minnie, 1893-1968, Mother, Section H
ROTH, William, 1850-1906, Father, Section C-1
ROTHHAAR, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Trautmann geb Rothhaar, Section B
ROTHHAAR, John W., 1871-1934, Father--same stone as Senia Rothhaar, Section OS
ROTHHAAR, Senia, 1875-1952, Mother--same stone as John W. Rothhaar, Section OS
ROUTH, Edward, Born April 26 1862-Died Sept 27 1897, Section C-1
ROUTH, Eva Catherine Dewein, Born Feb 6 1821-Died May 3 1894, Beloved wife of Henry Routh, Our Mother, Section C-1
ROUTH, Henry, Born Oct 22 1828-Died Sept 14 1898, Our Father, Section C-1
ROUTH, Jacob, Born Dec __ 1851 (?)-Died Aug 27 1880, son of H & E K Routh, (stone eroded), Section C-1
ROUTH, Peter, 1851-1918, Section C-1
ROWBOTTOM, Sadie E., see Sadie E. Rowbottom Saxer, Sections D-E-F
ROWLANDS, Albert, 1881-1965, (same stone as Sadie Rowlands), Section H
ROWLANDS, Sadie, 1890-1961, (same stone as Albert Rowlands), Section H
RUBY, John A., July 28 1898-Jan 1 1937, Section OS
RUCK, Margaretha, see Margaretha Ruck Jacky, Section 4
RUDEL, Edward, 1878-1952, (same stone as Mazie Rudel), Section H
RUDEL, Mazie, 1876-1955, (same stone as Edward Rudel), Section H
RUEBEL, CARL, 12 yrs, Sec H Lot 669, December 5, 1917, ***
RUEBEL, Christina, 1866-1946, Mother, (same stone as Nickolaus Ruebel), Section H
RUEBEL, NICHLOS, 55 yrs, Sec H Lot 668, January 23, 1918, ***
RUEBEL, Nickolaus, 1862-1918, Father, (same stone as Christina Ruebel), Section H
RUECKEISEN, Justus H., 1789-1858, Vater, Section C-1
RUEHLING, Caroline, 1835-1922, Section H
RUEHLING, CLARA, 28 yrs, Sec H Lot 158, August 7, 1916, ***
RUEHLING, Frances E., 1877-19(no date), Wife, (Eastern Star symbol), (same stone as William F. Ruehling), Section H
RUEHLING, George E., 1872-1946, Section H
RUEHLING, MARIE, 13, Sec H Lot 513, Jan. 19, 1919, ***
RUEHLING, Minnie, see Minnie Ruehling Miller, Section H
RUEHLING, Otto R., Nov 8 1913-Oct 31 1954, Section H
RUEHLING, Rose M., 1875-1943, Section H
RUEHLING, Sara Bell, Born 1878-Died 1906, Sections C-D
RUEHLING, WILLIAM C., 43 yrs, Sec H Lot 513, August 10, 1917, ***
RUEHLING, William F., 1873-1957, Husband, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Frances E. Ruehling), Section H
RUEPPEL, August, 1852-1916, Father, Section 4
RUEPPEL, Clara, 1864-1951, Mother, Section 4
RUEPPEL, Herman, 1886-1895, Son, Section 4
RUEPPEL, Julius A., Sept 1 1892-June 6 1970, Pennsylvania, Pfc 302 Repair Unit MTC World War I, Section 4
RUEPPEL, Margaret, 1904-1980, Section 4
RUETTGER, George, Sept 1833-April 1880, Father, Sections D-E-F
RUHLAND, CATHERINA, 3 wks, Sec 4 Lot 429, December 20, 1917, ***
RUHLANDT, Alfred F., 1895-1922, Husband, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
RUHLANDT, Christopher G., 1861-1924, Father, Section 4
RUHLANDT, Clara L., 1891-1918, Wife, Infant Katherine, Section 4
RUHLANDT, John G., 1904-1961, Son, Section 4
RUHLANDT, Margaretha, Aug 22 1832-Oct 26 1908, Mother, Section B
RUHLANDT, MRS. CLARA L., 26 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 429, January 14, 1918, ***
RUHLANDT, Sophia G., 1869-1942, Mother, Section 4
RUHLANDT, Wilhelm, Nov 12 1817-Nov 9 1902, Father, Section B
RUHLANDT, William C., Born Sept 18 1892-Died Nov 20 1951, Pvt Co D 28th Inf, Enlisted July 24 1918-Discharged Sept 26 1919, Section 4
RUPP, Karl H., 1894-1948, Father, same stone as Paula Rupp, Section OS
RUPP, Paula A., 1898-1943, Mother, same stone as Karl Rupp, Section OS
RUPPERT, Margretha, Aug 1 1809-Nov 22 1881, Grandmother, Section A
RUPRECHT, Thomas, Geb den 17 April __06-Gest den 7 Juli 1863, 5_ Jahr 2 Monat und 25 Tage, (rest of stone eroded), Section C-1
RUSKE, Bertha J., 1874-1924, Daughter, Section A
RUSKE, Edward P., 1880-1885, Section A
RUSKE, Elizabeth R., 1852-1927, Mother, Section A
RUSKE, William G., 1842-1915, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section A
RUSKE, William L., 1879-1936, Brother, Section A
RUSSELL, Anna C., 1913-1914, (same stone 7 names: Mary, John, Christina, Anna, Lillian, Ralph Russell and Eliz. Bentfel), Section H
RUSSELL, Christina C., 1881-1964, Mother, (same stone 7 names: Mary, John, Christina, Anna, Lillian, Ralph Russell and Eliz. Bentfel), Section H
RUSSELL, Frank M., 1890-1965, (same stone as Merlda M. Russell), Section H
RUSSELL, John N., 1871-1937, Father 14th Pa Inf Reg, (same stone 7 names: Mary, John, Christina, Anna, Lillian, Ralph Russell and Eliz. Bentfel), Section H
RUSSELL, Lillian C., 1917-1919, (same stone 7 names: Mary, John, Christina, Anna, Lillian, Ralph Russell and Eliz. Bentfel), Section H
RUSSELL, Mary L., 1903-1995, Daughter, (same stone 7 names: Mary, John, Christina, Anna, Lillian, Ralph Russell and Eliz. Bentfel), Section H
RUSSELL, Merlda M., 1887-1982, (same stone as Frank M. Russell), Section H
RUSSELL, Ralph, 1922-1924, (same stone 7 names: Mary, John, Christina, Anna, Lillian, Ralph Russell and Eliz. Bentfel), Section H
RYAN, Charles H., 1906-1958, Brother, Section OS
RYNICH, MIKE, 40 yrs, Row 1671, June 25, 1921, ***
S�NDER, Franziska, Geb Domagalska, Geb D 13 Sept 1846-Gest D 16 Juni 1895, Section H
SALING, Bertha, 1883-1909, Section 4
SALING, Christina, 1857-1919, Section 4
SALING, CHRISTINA, 63 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 332, May 7, 1919, ***
SALING, Elizabeth B., 1884-1957, Section 4
SALING, Frank F., 1881-1958, Section 4
SALING, Frank, 1847-1904, Father, Section 4
SALING, Katie, 1877-1898, Section 4
SALMESTRELLI, Luigi, 1879-1953, Section OS
SALMON, Mathilda Bader, Feb 25 1876, Section B
SALTZMAN, Casper, 1874-1938, (same stone as Lucy Saltzman), Section B
SALTZMAN, JOHN, 47 yrs, Sec B Lot 35, April 14, 1917, ***
SALTZMAN, Lucy, 1874-1953, (same stone as Casper Saltzman), Section B
SALTZMAN, MARGARET, 6 __, Row 1699, April 20, 1922, ***
Saltzman, Sophia, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 63, (MC)
SALZMAN, GEO, 8 yrs, Sec B Lot 35, Jan. 3, 1919, ***
SALZMANN, Caroline, 1873-1943, Wife, Section H
SALZMANN, Louisa, 1902-1903, Section H
SALZMANN, Wilhelm, 1866-1929, Husband, Section H
SAMMEL, Edward, 1867-1941, Father, Section OS
SAMS, WILDA (?), 53 yrs, Row 1712, October 7, 1922, ***
SANDER, Heinrich, 1862-1931, Father, Section B
SANDER, Magdalene, Born Mar 21 1845-Died Jan 12 1915, Sections D-E-F
SANDERS, Alice, 1892-(no date), Wife, (same stone as Stone A. Sanders), Section C-1
SANDERS, Marie, 1865-1932, Mother, Section B
SANDERS, Stone A., 1886-1949, Husband, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Alice Sanders), Section C-1
SAUERBURGER, Elizabeth M., 1876-1952, Mother, Section H
SAUERBURGER, Elsa M., 1917-1954, Wife, Section H
SAUERBURGER, F. J., 1879-1928, Father, Section H
SAUERBURGER, Francis E., 1905-1994, �Fiddy�, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Hilda M. Sauerburger), Section 4
SAUERBURGER, Hilda M., 1912-2006, (Eastern Star), (same stone as Francis E. Sauerburger), Section 4
SAUTTER, Ludwig, Okt 20 1864-Okt 30 1907, Ruhe In Frieden, Section H
Savoczak, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 39, (MC)
SAXER, Anthony P., Mar 7 1849-Aug 10 1914, Sections D-E-F
SAXER, George W., Nov 22 1877-March 1 1878, Sections D-E-F
SAXER, Kate Eichhorn, Sept 23 1858-Sept 7 1907, Sections D-E-F
SAXER, Sadie E. Rowbottom, Nov 15 1882-Feb 29 1908, Sections D-E-F
SAXER, Willie E., July 31 1884-Sept 19 1887, Sections D-E-F
SAYENGA, Emma, 1869-1951, (same stone as Jacob Sayenga), Section H
SAYENGA, Jacob, 1866-1935, (same stone as Emma Sayenga), Section H
SCAMBERT (?), ALBERTINA, 69 yrs, Row 1503, May 7, 1919, ***
SCANDROL, Belle, 1853-1891, Mother, Sections C-D
SCANDROL, Paul, 1842-1906, Father, Sections C-D
SCANDROLL, LOUIS, Sec C Lot 22, June 6, 1917, ***
SCANLBERT, ALBERTINE, 69 yrs, Row 1503, May 7, 1919, ***
SCHADE LOTZ, Elizabeth C., May 11 1872-Apr 26 1908, Section H
SCHADE, Christine M., 1849-1933, Sections D-E-F
SCHADE, Edward C., 1871-1895, (same stone as Robert K. Schade), Section H
SCHADE, Frederick A., 1850-1885, Sections D-E-F
SCHADE, Harry J., 1876-1942, Brother, (same stone as Selma E. Schade), Section H
SCHADE, John J., Dec 7 1845-Nov 18 1897, Father, Section H
SCHADE, Margaret, Sep 18 1849-May 3 1924, Mother, Section H
SCHADE, Robert K., 1879-1908, (same stone as Edward C. Schade), Section H
SCHADE, Selma E., 1881-1911, Sister, Section H
SCHADEL, EDITH, 9 mos, Sec 4 Lot 450, January 3, 1917, ***
SCHADER, JOHN, 63 yrs, Row 1642, April 24, 1920, ***
SCHAEFER, Anthony, (same stone as Hazel Schaefer, wife Elizabeth, son George), Section H
SCHAEFER, Elizabeth, Wife, (same stone as Hazel Schaefer, Anthony Schaefer, son George), Section H
SCHAEFER, Frank A., 1891-1963, Section 4
SCHAEFER, Frederick W., 1856-1939, Husband, Section B
SCHAEFER, GEORGE, 63 yrs, Sec H Lot 524, May 14, 1916, ***
SCHAEFER, George, Son, (same stone as Hazel Schaefer, Anthony, Elizabeth Schaefer), Section H
SCHAEFER, Hazel, Wife of Frank S. Carnahan, (same stone as Anthony Schaefer, wife Elizabeth, son George), Section H
SCHAEFER, HENRIETTE, 1 yr, Sec 4 Lot 32, April 23, 1918, ***
SCHAEFER, Henry J., 1889-1908, Section 4
SCHAEFER, LAURENCE, 1 � yrs, Sec H Lot 524, September 29, 1916, ***
SCHAEFER, Wilhelmina F., 1863-1923, Wife, Section B
SCHAEFFER, JACOB, 76 yrs, Row 1706, July 4, 1922, ***
SCHAFER, Adolph, 1868-1927, Section H
SCHAFER, Amelia J., see Amelia J. Jones nee Schafer, Section H
SCHAFER, Amelia, 1872-1950, Mother, Sections D-E-F
SCHAFER, Anna Marie, Died Jan 1 1897, Aged 63 years, Sections D-E-F
SCHAFER, Arrilla, Nov 27 1870-Apr 21 1915, Wife, Section H
SCHAFER, Bebeana, Geb 28 Feb 1829-Gest 3 Nov 1902, (same stone as Georg N. Schafer), Section H
SCHAFER, Blanche J., 1884-1953, Wife, Section A
SCHAFER, Caroline M., see Caroline M. Miller nee Schafer, Section H
SCHAFER, Catherine, 1881-1945, Wife, (same stone as Edward Schafer), Section H
SCHAFER, Charles, 1854-1933, Husband, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Emelia B. & Mary C. Schafer), Section H
SCHAFER, Daniel, 1876-1963, Husband, Section A
SCHAFER, Edward, 1876-1949, Husband, (same stone as Catherine Schafer), Section H
SCHAFER, Edward, 1898-1912, Son, Section H
SCHAFER, Emelia B., 1858-1912, Wife, (same stone as Charles & Mary C. Schafer), Section H
SCHAFER, Georg N., Geb 22 Feb 1822-Gest 29 Juni 1903, (same stone as Bebeana Schafer), Section H
SCHAFER, George, Jan 30 1849-Jan 1 1914, Father, Section B
SCHAFER, Gottfried, 1867-1926, Father, (Masonic symbol), Sections D-E-F
SCHAFER, Harry G., 1893-1978, Section A,
SCHAFER, Henry, Sept 29 1823-Oct 12 1876, Husband, Sections D-E-F
SCHAFER, Lida M., 1863-1936, Mother, Section H
SCHAFER, Mary C., 1869-1931, Wife, (same stone as Charles & Emelia B. Schafer), Section H
SCHAFER, RUTH MARION, 4 weeks, Sec H Lot 524, December 21, 1916, ***
SCHAFER, Salome, Dec 13 1851-March 14 1910, Mother, Section B
SCHAFER, Valentine, Died June 5 1890, Aged 53 years, Sections D-E-F
SCHAFER, Walter F., June 16 1881-Apr 19 1912, Son, Section H
SCHAFFNER, Sophie Eckel, (no birth date)-Dec 2 1933, Section H
SCHAKE, Large Stone, no names or dates
SCHANBERGER, LOUSIA, 48 yrs, Row 1636, March 1, 1920, ***
Schaney (Schavey?), ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 65, (MC)
SCHANEY, Caroline, Born Feb 9 1844-Died Oct 26 1888 (?), Wife of Philip Diehl, (same stone as Philip Diehl), Section A
SCHANEY, Charles, 1892-19__, Husband, Section OS
SCHANEY, GEO, 77 yrs, Sec H Lot 321, Feb 4, 1929, ***
SCHANEY, George J., 1898-1957, Husband, Section OS
SCHANEY, George, 1852-1929, Father, (same stone as Mary and Katherine Schaney), Section H
SCHANEY, Katherine T., 1883-1920, Sister, (same stone as George and Mary Schaney), Section H
SCHANEY, Marie, 1884-1939, Wife, Section OS
Schaney, Marie, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 64, (MC)
SCHANEY, Mary, 1863-1936, Mother, (same stone as Katherine T. and George Schaney), Section H
SCHARDT, Emma, 1863-1918, Mother, Section H
SCHARDT, EMMA, 54 yrs, Sec H Lot 529, January 16, 1918, ***
SCHARDT, Philip, 1863-1923, Father, Section H
SCHAUB, Anna K., see Anna K. Schaub Froehlich, Section H,
SCHAUB, Emma M. 1899-1917, Daughter, Section H
SCHAUB, EMMA, 17 yrs, Sec H Lot 467, May 22, 1917, ***
SCHAUB, Jacob, 1869-1915, Husband, Section H
SCHAUB, John D., 1848-1931, (same stone as Mary G. Schaub), Section A
SCHAUB, Katherine, see Katherine Jacob Schaub, Section H
SCHAUB, Marie C., 1895-1944, Section A
SCHAUB, Mary G., 1852-1927, (same stone as John D. Schaub), Section A
SCHAUBERGER, BERTHA, 5 yrs, Row 1641, April 9, 1920, ***
SCHAUBERGER, PHILIP, 55 yrs, Row 1662, February 13, 1921, ***
SCHAUS, Aurelia C., 1854-1944, Mother, Section H
SCHAUS, Catherine M., Oct 4 1913-Nov 9 1973, Daughter, Section H
SCHAUS, Celia, 1882-1954, Mother, Section H
SCHAUS, Christian, 1875-1914, Father, Section H
SCHAUS, John E., 1876-1953, Son, Section H
SCHEDEL, Margarete, Apr 8 1824-Sept 20 1904, Mother, Sections D-E-F
SCHEER, Fred, 1862-1929, Brother, Section 4
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Albert, 1875-1931, Section B
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Carl Hilbert, 1885-Jan. 1955, (same stone as Selma Scheidemantel), Section B
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Charles L., 1871-1921, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Dorathea (Koppitz), 1851-1929, Section B
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Ernest, 1883-1907, Section B
Scheidemantel, George Albert, b. 1875 d. 1931, (I)
Scheidemantel, Johann Peter, b. Nov. 2, 1829 d. Apr. 16, 1884
, (I)
SCHEIDEMANTEL, M. Elizabeth, 1873-1927, Mother, (Eastern Star symbol) Section 4
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Marie A. (Fath), 1903-1983, (same stone as Ralph E. Scheidemantel), Section 4
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Micheal, 1845-1888, Section B
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Peter, Geb D 2 Nov 1829-Gest D 16 April 1884, Section B
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Ralph E., 1898-1955, (same stone as Marie A. Scheidemantel), Section 4
SCHEIDEMANTEL, Selma Ermlich, 1886-Apr., 1977, (same stone as Carl Hilbert Scheidemantel), Section B
SCHEIDERLEIN, G. Albert, 1866-1949, Father, Sections D-E-F
SCHEIDHAUER, Annie E., 1869-1927, Mother, Section 4
SCHEIDHAUER, Elmer J., 1893-1918, Section 4
SCHEIDHAUER, ELMER, 25 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 29, Dec. 29, 1918, ***
SCHEIDHAUER, Philip, 1861-1938, Father, Section 4
SCHELBLE, JOHN JACOB, 60 yrs, Sec C Lot 20, November __, 1917, ***
SCHELLER, Anna S., 1856-1915, Section 4
SCHELLER, Karl, 1856-1906, Section 4
SCHENCK, Bertha P., 1877-1943, Mother, Section C-1
SCHENCK, Carl, 1908-1921, Section C-1
SCHENCK, Charles F., 1878-1929, Father, Section C-1
SCHENCK, Wilbert A., 1912-1931, Section C-1
SCHENK, HENRY, 63 yrs, Sec B Lot 39, November 1, 1918, ***
SCHENKEL, OSCAR, 59 yrs, Sec H Lot 292, Jan. 7, 1919, ***
SCHERER, Martin J., 1873-1919, Father, Section 4
SCHERER, MARTIN, 46 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 304, July 2, 1919, ***
SCHERNITZAUER, CATHRINA, 58 yrs, Sec B Lot 35, December 22, 1918, ***
SCHERTZINGER, Catherine, (no dates), Section C-1
SCHIBIK, Anna, 1866-1932, Mother--same stone as Gotthart Schibik, Section OS
SCHIBIK, Gotthart, 1866-1938, Father--same stone as Anna Schibik, Section OS
SCHIEDEL, Emma Klaes, Mar 13 1887-July 20 1972, Mother, (same stone as Martin L. Schiedel), Section H
SCHIEDEL, Lillis H., Nov 26 1910-Dec 10 2000, (same stone as Bertha C. Klaes), Sections D-E-F
SCHIEDEL, Martin L., Nov 4 1883-Feb 18 1951, Father, (same stone as Emma Klaes Schiedel), Section H
SCHIETINGER, Gottlieb, 1855-1902, Father, Section 4
SCHIETINGER, Gustav F., 1884-1973, Section 4
SCHIETINGER, Margaretha, 1857-1922, Mother, Section 4
SCHIETINGER, Mary Ellen, 1886-1958, Wife, Section 4
SCHILLING, Elizabeth, 1910-1983, Wife, Section C-1
SCHINDEHETTE, J. G., 1847-1930, (same stone as P.V .Schindehette), Section B
SCHINDEHETTE, P. V., 1858-1930, (same stone as J.G. Schindehette), Section B
SCHLARP, Audrey, 1906-1931, Section OS
SCHLERNITZAUER, Catherine, 1860-1918, Mother, Section B
SCHLERNITZAUER, Peter, 1860-1909, Father, Section B
SCHLOTE, Charles A., 1880-1965, Husband, Rest In Peace, Sections D-E-F
SCHLUTER, Albert B., Feb 4 1886-Nov 14 1899, Sections D-E-F
SCHLUTER, Henry J., Aug 24 1881-Aug 6 1884, (no last name on stone, assumed to be Schluter), Sections D-E-F
SCHLUTER, Martha V. B., Nov 3 1855-June 20 1894, My Wife, Sections D-E-F
SCHLUTER, Sr., Henry J., July 17 1845-Dec 19 1912, Sections D-E-F
SCHMEZER, Helene, 1880-1939, Mother-same stone as John Schmezer, Section OS
SCHMEZER, John, 1872-1944, Father-same stone as Helene Schmezer, Section OS
SCHMEZER, Wilhelm, 1907-1929, Father, Section OS
SCHMIDT, Albert G., 1903-1959, Husband, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
SCHMIDT, Bertha J., 1879-1948, Wife, (same stone as Philip Schmidt & Wilma Katherine Schmidt), Sections D-E-F
SCHMIDT, Bertha K., 1872-1957, Mother, Section 4
SCHMIDT, Carolina, 1878-1953, Mother, (same stone as Louis R. Schmidt), Section 4
SCHMIDT, Carolina, June 25 1856-Oct 24 1907, Mother, Section B
SCHMIDT, Catherine D., see Catherine D. Gruntz nee Schmidt, Section 4
SCHMIDT, Catherine, 1848-1934, Mother, Sections D-E-F
SCHMIDT, CHARLES, 32 yrs, Row 1585, November 5, 1918, ***
SCHMIDT, Christina Louisa nee Otterbach, 1831-1906, Mother, Section B
SCHMIDT, Clara, see Clara Schmidt Ott, Sections D-E-F
SCHMIDT, Edna, 1911-1999, (same stone as William Schmidt), Section H
SCHMIDT, Elisabeth, see Elisabeth Hubenthal geb Schmidt, Section H
SCHMIDT, Ernest L., 1875-1960, Father, (same stone as Matilda Schmidt), Section H
SCHMIDT, Frank William, 1858-1925, Husband, Section B
SCHMIDT, FREDERICKA, 63 yrs, Row 1565, April 22, 1918, ***
SCHMIDT, Frieda, 1897-1900, Daughter, Section H
SCHMIDT, George L., 1898-1920, Son, Section 4
SCHMIDT, George, 1838-1911, Father, Sections D-E-F
SCHMIDT, Henrietta, 1856-1915, Sister, Section B
SCHMIDT, Henriette E., Apr 3 1902-Aug 1 1982, Section H
SCHMIDT, Henriette, 1870-1941, Mother, (same stone as Theodor Schmidt), Section H
SCHMIDT, Henry W., 1893-1967, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Wilma J. Schmidt), Section 4
SCHMIDT, Henry William, 1828-1887, Father, Section B
SCHMIDT, Henry William, Born Sept 6 1899-Died Dec 25 1968, Pvt 3rd Co 1st Tng. Bn. 154th D8 Enlisted Nov 7 1918 Discharged Jan 2 1919, Section H
SCHMIDT, Herman August, Born Aug 18 1907-Died Dec 31 1965, Enlisted July 9 1942-Discharged Aug 30 1945, SK 2/C U S Navy, Section C-1
SCHMIDT, Infant, Stillborn, Sec H Lot 200, April 3, 1919, ***
SCHMIDT, J. William, Dec 2 1861-Mar 6 1912, Father, Section A
SCHMIDT, John P., 1895-1938, Son, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
SCHMIDT, JOHN, 75 yrs, Sec B Lot 53, December 30, 1916, ***
SCHMIDT, John, Feb 3 1847-Mar 10 1924, Father, Section B
SCHMIDT, Joseph N., 1889-1950, Son, Section 4
SCHMIDT, Katharina, Feb 2 1841-Mar 14 1926, Mutter, Section A
SCHMIDT, Katherine Erbel, 1883-1986, Wife, (same stone as Morris Aaron Schmidt), Section 4
SCHMIDT, KATHRINA, 74 yrs, Sec H Lot 67, July 3, 1918, ***
SCHMIDT, Kathryn Succop, 1913-1972, Section C-1
SCHMIDT, Louis R., 1868-1955, Father, (same stone as Carolina Schmidt), Section 4
SCHMIDT, Louis, 1869-1901, Husband, Sections D-E-F
SCHMIDT, Louis, 1874-1926, Father, Section 4
SCHMIDT, Louisa K., 1888-1904, Daughter, Sections D-E-F
SCHMIDT, LOUSIA, 71 yrs, Sec B Lot 53, January 9, 1917, ***
SCHMIDT, Lucille Elizabeth, 1913-1915, Sister, (same stone as Catherine D. Gruntz), Section 4
SCHMIDT, Ludwig, Geb D 18 Juni 1828-Gest D 30 Marz 1891, Vater, Section B
SCHMIDT, Ludwig, July 9 1834-July 9 1902, Vater, Section A
SCHMIDT, Magdelena, Frau von Ludwig Schmidt, Geb. D.18 Aug 1829-Gest. D 25 Dez 1881, Mutter, Hier Ruhr in Gott, Unter der Erde lst Schlaf. Uber der Erde lst Traum. Aber Dort Ober lst Selickeit., Section B
SCHMIDT, Margaretha, Born Nov 1842-Died Jan 1907, Mother, (same stone as Peter Schmidt), Section H
SCHMIDT, Maria, 1869-1942, Mother, Section 4
SCHMIDT, Matilda, 1881-1959, Mother, (same stone as Ernest Schmidt), Section H
SCHMIDT, Morris Aaron, 1887-1955, Husband, (same stone as Katherine Erbel Schmidt), Section 4
SCHMIDT, Nicholas J., 1891-1969, Son, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
SCHMIDT, Nicolaus G., 1863-1933, Father, Section 4
SCHMIDT, Peter, Born Nov 1833-Died June 1894, Father, (same stone as Margaretha Schmidt), Section H
SCHMIDT, Philip, 1878-1914, Husband, (same stone as Bertha J. Schmidt & Wilma Katherine Schmidt), Sections D-E-F
SCHMIDT, Raymond E., 1893-1952, Husband, Section 4
SCHMIDT, Theodor, 1872-1938, Father, (same stone as Henriette Schmidt), Section H
SCHMIDT, Walter W., 1882-1925, Section OS
SCHMIDT, William, 1901-1947, (same stone as Edna Schmidt), Section H
SCHMIDT, William, Aug 6 1833-Dec 5 1897, Pvt Co 1 74 PA Inf (next to garage bldg), Section C-1
SCHMIDT, Wilma J., 1895-1965, (Eastern Star, IOOF symbol), (same stone as Henry W. Schmidt), Section 4
SCHMIDT, Wilma Katherine, 1906-1907, Daughter, (same stone as Bertha J. Schmidt & Philip Schmidt), Sections D-E-F
SCHMINKE, Peter, 1827-1895, Sections D-E-F
SCHMITT, Adolph, 1864-1931, Father, Section OS
SCHMITT, Christ N., 1891-1955, Husband, (same stone as Marie I. Schmitt), Sections C-D
SCHMITT, Marie I., 1909-1973, Wife, (same stone as Christ N. Schmitt), Sections C-D
SCHMITT, William, July 23 1896-Aug 20 1924, Quarter Master Corps, Camp Stuart, Newport News, Virginia, Section OS
SCHMITZ, Augusta, see Augusta Schmitz Meyer, Section H
SCHMITZ, Nicholas, 1857-1902, Father, Section H
SCHMOUTZ, Antonia H., 1871-19--, Mother--same stone as William J. Schmoutz, Section OS
SCHMOUTZ, William J., 1866-1937, Father--same stone as Antonia H. Schmoutz, Section OS
SCHMUTH, HENRY, 58 yrs, Sec H Lot 124, August 12, 1917, ***
SCHNEE, Anton P., 1869-1944, Father, (same stone as Martha A. Schnee), Section 4
SCHNEE, Martha A., 1876-1949, Mother, (same stone as Anton P. Schnee), Section 4
SCHNEE, Walter J., 1904-1952, Father, Section 4
SCHNEIDER, Anna E., 1865-1943, Wife, (same stone as Frederick Schneider), Section A
SCHNEIDER, Barbara, Nov. 8 1833 � May 1 1908, Mother, Section A
SCHNEIDER, Charles F., Apr 23 1865-Dec 13 1883, Brother, Section A
SCHNEIDER, Dorethea, Oct 14 1836-Aug 13 1890, Mother, Section A
SCHNEIDER, Elizabeth F., 1856-1936, Sister, Section A
SCHNEIDER, Elizabeth, 1867-1947, Wife, Section 4
SCHNEIDER, Elizabeth, August 3 1859-April 6 1941, Section A
SCHNEIDER, Emelie, Born Feb 3 1869-Died Apr 8 1930, Daughter, Section 4
SCHNEIDER, Emma, 1858-1916 Mother, Section C-1, (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
SCHNEIDER, EMMA, 57 yrs, Front Lot 4, May 18, 196?, ***
SCHNEIDER, Emma, see Emma Schneider Christofel, Section C-1
SCHNEIDER, Frederick, 1860-1941, Husband, (same stone as Anna E. Schneider), Section A
SCHNEIDER, George, 1866-1914, Husband, Section 4
SCHNEIDER, Heinrich, 18 Sept 1802-2_(?) Sept 1851, Section B
SCHNEIDER, Ida M., 1859-1922, Section A
SCHNEIDER, Jacob, May 29 1830-Oct. 20 1914, Father, Section A
SCHNEIDER, Jacob. W., 1855-1916, Section A
SCHNEIDER, John P., Feb 22 1830-Mar 25 1905, (Masonic symbol, GAR, F-L-T), Section A
Schneider, John, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 61, (MC)
SCHNEIDER, John, 1869-1928, Father, Section OS
SCHNEIDER, Louis, 1860-1929 Father, Section C-1, (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
SCHNEIDER, LOUIS, 68 yrs, Front Lot 4, Feb. 4, 1929, ***
SCHNEIDER, Louis, Born Apr 30 1835-Died Oct 16 1919, Father, Section 4
SCHNEIDER, Margaret, 1842-1917 Mother, Section C-1, (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
SCHNEIDER, MARGARETHA, 77 yrs, Front Lot 4, March 20, 1917, ***
SCHNEIDER, Mathilda, Oct 14 1870-May 12 1960, Section A
SCHNEIDER, William C., Jan. 18, 1830 d. Nov.18, 1899 Father, Section C-1, (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
SCHOLER, August E., 1906-19--, Husband, (same stone as Catherine Scholer), Section H
SCHOLER, August, 1872-1948, Father--same stone as Margaretta Scholer, Section OS
SCHOLER, Catherine E., 1893-1952, Wife, (same stone as August E. Scholer), Section H
SCHOLER, Margaretta, 1880-1935, Mother--same stone as August Scholer, Section OS
SCHOLLER, Anna, Feb 17 1881-Jan 6 1952, Mother, (same stone: Anna Scholler, Ferdinand Scholler, Michael Scholler), Section H
SCHOLLER, Ferdinand, May 18 1871-Mar 4 1930, Father, (same stone: Anna Scholler, Ferdinand Scholler, Michael Scholler), Section H
SCHOLLER, Michael, Dec 1 1906-July 9 1947, Son, (same stone: Anna Scholler, Ferdinand Scholler, Michael Scholler), Section H
SCHOLZ, JOHN, 63 yrs, Row 1629, December 19, 1919, ***
SCHORR, Isidor, 1855-1931, Sections D-E-F
SCHORR, Wilhelmina, 1857-1913, Sections D-E-F
SCHOTT, Carl, June 1830-July 1888, Father, Sections D-E-F
SCHOTT, Elizabeth, June 1834-April 1902, Mother, Sections D-E-F
SCHRADER, John, 1857-1929, Father, Section H
SCHRADER, Mary Kestner, 1866-1947, Mother, Section H
SCHRAMM, Alfred, Aug 12 1870-Aug 10 1913, Vater, Pastor Der Deutsch Ver. Evang Kirche Von Pittsburgh, S.S. Hier Ruht In Gott, Section 4
SCHRAMM, Anna Bercher, 1881-1942, Wife, Section H
SCHRAMM, Carl, Geb 6 Sept 1835-Gest 4 Jan 1897, Vater, Section H
SCHRAMM, Charles, (no dates), (same stone: Louis, Walter, Charles Schramm), Section H
SCHRAMM, Christ, 1837-1900, Father, Section H
SCHRAMM, Christy, 1883-1886, Brother, Section A
SCHRAMM, Fred C., 1877-1922, Brother, Section H
SCHRAMM, Fred, 1877-1922, Brother, Section H
SCHRAMM, George C., 1875-1951, Husband, Section H
SCHRAMM, Hon. Gustav L., 1898-1959, Husband, Section 4
SCHRAMM, Katharina, Geb 5 Aug 1837-Gest 23 Oct 1914, Mutter, Section H
SCHRAMM, Katharina, geborne Koch, Geb 5 Aug 1837-Gest 23 Oct 1914, Mutter, Section H
SCHRAMM, Louis, (no dates), (same stone: Louis, Walter, Charles Schramm), Section H
SCHRAMM, Louise H., 1888-1977, Wife, Section 4
SCHRAMM, Ludwig, 1895-1910, Husband, Section H
SCHRAMM, MARIE, 76 yrs, Sec H Lot 411, June 12, 1917, ***
SCHRAMM, Mary, 1842-1917, Mother, Section H
SCHRAMM, Pearle, see Pearle Schramm Brooks, Section H
SCHRAMM, Sophie L., Oct 4 1873-Feb 3 1957, Mutter, Friend of Children, Hier Ruht In Gott, Section 4
SCHRAMM, Walter, (no dates), (same stone: Louis, Walter, Charles Schramm), Section H
Schreiber, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 2, (MC)
SCHREPFER, Harry, Born Apr 19 1889-Died Mar 23 1939, Private Headquarters Fort Ben. Harrison Enlisted June 27 1918 Discharged Dec 18 1918, Section H
SCHRICKER, Charlotte A., 1910-1994, Daughter, Sections D-E-F
SCHRICKER, Harold J., 1908-1989, (same stone as Margaret K. Schricker), Section C-1
SCHRICKER, John A., 1883-1911, Sections D-E-F
SCHRICKER, Margaret K., 1908-1992, (same stone as Harold J. Schricker), Section C-1
SCHRODER, Adam, Geb 28 Feb 1841-Gest 29 Jan 1892, (same stone as Marie A.E. Schroder), Section H
SCHRODER, Infant, 1 day, Row 1520, June 9, 1917, ***
SCHRODER, Marie A. E., Geb 14 May 1842-Gest 13 Dec 1919, (same stone as Adam Schroder), Section H
SCHROEDER, Adam, Oct 8 1858-Nov 5 1891, Section H
Schroeder, Chas, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 55, (MC)
SCHROEDER, Elizabeth, 1863-1935, Mother, Section H
SCHROEDER, Gerald P., age 5 months, Grandson�s, (same stone as Gustav, Philomena, and infant baby Schroeder), Section H
SCHROEDER, Gustav, 1858-1930, Father, (same stone as Philomena, Gerald P., and infant baby Schroeder), Section H
SCHROEDER, Hartman, 1862-1943, Father, I.O.R.M. (with picture of Indian Chief face and T.O.T.E.), Section 4
SCHROEDER, Infant Baby, Died 1925, Grandson�s (same stone as Gustav, Philomena, and Gerald P. Schroeder), Section H
SCHROEDER, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1508, October 29, 1916, ***
SCHROEDER, Philomena, 1868-1899, Mother, (same stone as Gustav, Gerald P., and infant baby Schroeder), Section H
SCHROEDER, Sophia S., 1863-1941, Mother, Section 4
SCHU, Sarah Loy, 1876-1941, Mother, Section OS
SCHUETTE, Anna A., Feb 22 1863-July 29 1873, Section A
SCHUETTE, Caroline Corbett, Feb 7 1852-Nov 18 1924, Section A
SCHUETTE, Cora Poister, April 14 1873-Aug 17, 1954, Section A
SCHUETTE, Elizabeth, Nov 6 1868-Oct 29 1944, Section A
SCHUETTE, Frederick, Jan 1 1821-Jan 15 1893, Father, Section A
SCHUETTE, Henry, June 18 1853-Nov 23 1872, Section A
SCHUETTE, Lois C., April 8 1907-June 27 2002, Section A
SCHUETTE, Louise, July 11 1832-May 29 1907, Mother, Section A
SCHUETTE, Ruth E., Aug 20 1904-Mar 28 1905, Section A
SCHUETTE, William H., Oct 31 1874-Sept 26 1957, Section A
SCHUETZ, Albert, 1859-1920, Father, Section 4
SCHUETZ, Caroline, 1865-1933, Mother, Section 4
SCHUETZ, Edna M., 1889-1956, Section 4
SCHUETZ, Edward G., Jan 17 1877-Feb 6 1901, Section A
SCHUETZ, Herman C., Aug 4 1879-Nov 11 1908, Section A
SCHUETZ, Hilda L., 1893-1974, Section 4
SCHUETZ, Karl W., Jan 3 1862-May 22 1879, Section A
SCHUETZ, Marie C., Dec 30 1837-Sept 10 1907, Mother, Section A
SCHUETZ, Wilhelm, April 24 1834-June 16 1904, Father, Section A
SCHUFER, WM., 52 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 477, October 21, 1918, ***
SCHULER, Conrad W., Feb 23 1866-Nov 26 1946, Section H
SCHULLER, Susanna, Gest 29 Okt 1918 in Ihrem 51 Lebens Jahre, Von Haschab Siberburger (?), Geb Litschel, Verehlicht mit Johann Schuller im Jahre 1886, (other writing on stone), Sections C-D
SCHULTZ, Helena, 1854-1878, Section A
SCHULTZ, LOUIS, 37 yrs, Row 1598, Jan. 10, 1919, ***
SCHULZ, Emma, 1863-1942, Mother, Section H
SCHULZ, Otto, 1861-1927, Husband, Section H
SCHULZ, Rosa, Jan 6 1894-Feb 27 1934, Daughter, Section H
SCHUMACHER, Henry, 1840-1926, Husband, Section H
SCHUMACHER, Paulina, 1838-1905, Wife, Section H
SCHUMAKER, EDW, 4 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 38, September 26, 1918, ***
SCHUMANN, Caroline, 1849-1923, Mother, Section H
SCHUMANN, Emma H., 1878-1960, Mother, Section H
SCHUMANN, George, 1869-1941, (same stone as Margaret Schumann), Section A
SCHUMANN, Hazel M., 1902-1956, (same stone as Robert W. Schumann), Section H
SCHUMANN, John, 1844-1918, Father, Section H
SCHUMANN, JOHN, 73 yrs, Sec H Lot 555, Aug. 11, 1918, ***
SCHUMANN, Margaret, 1873-1949, (same stone as George Schumann), Section A
SCHUMANN, Robert W., 1930-1931, (same stone as Hazel M. Schumann), Section H
SCHWARM, Wallace B., 1873-1915, Section A
SCHWARTZ, Catherine, 1845-1915, Mother, Section 4
SCHWARTZ, Clara Louisa, 1881-1962, Mother, (same stone as John Leonard Schwartz), Section 4
SCHWARTZ, EDW, 45 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 310, Jan. 8, 1919, ***
SCHWARTZ, Edward L., 1873-1919, Son, Section 4
SCHWARTZ, Emma M., 1878-1909, Daughter, Section 4
SCHWARTZ, John Leonard, 1879-1950, Father, (same stone as Clara Louisa Schwartz), Section 4
SCHWARTZ, Laura J., 1907-1995, (same stone as Paul H. Schwartz), Section 4
SCHWARTZ, Lizzie M., 1875-1954, Daughter, Section 4
SCHWARTZ, Louis E., Born Nov 2 1888-Died Apr 16 1955, Pvt Co.B 319th Inf, Enlisted Apr 2, 1918-Discharged June 12, 1919, Section 4
SCHWARTZ, Paul H., 1908-1997, (same stone as Laura J. Schwartz), Section 4
SCHWARZEL, George J., 1934-1996, Section C-1
SCHWARZEL, George, 1879-1953, Father, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Marie Schwarzel), Section C-1
SCHWARZEL, Hazel, 1907-1988, Mother, (same stone as George Schwarzel, Jr.), Section C-1
SCHWARZEL, Johann Georg, Geb 19 April 1849 (?)-Gest 28 Oct 18__, Alt ___Jahr 6 Mo 9 Tage, Section C-1
SCHWARZEL, Jr., George, 1906-1971, Father, (same stone as Hazel Schwarzel), Section C-1
SCHWARZEL, Katharina, Geb 2 April 18___-Gest __ April 18__, Alt 39 Jahre 1 Tage, Section C-1
SCHWARZEL, Marie, 1879-1939, Mother, (same stone as George Schwarzel), Section C-1
SCHWEIG, Jacob, 1861-1898, Father, (same stone as Mary Schweig), Section H
SCHWEIG, Mary, 1863-1957, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Schweig), Section H
SCHWEIG, Walter, 1896-1908, At Rest, Section H
SCHWEIN, EMILY, 21 days, Row 1510, November 10, 1916, ***
SCOTT, Eva, 1893-1943, Mother, Section H
SCOTT, John E., 1891-1963, Father, Section H
SEAMON, Harry E., 1882-1938, Husband, Section OS
SEAMON, Martha, 1897-1962, Wife, Section OS
SEDDON, Eli J., 1908-1964, (same stone as Lena and James Seddon), Section H
SEDDON, James, 1880-1968, Husband (same stone as Lena and Eli J. Seddon), Section H
SEDDON, Jesse, 1861-1915, Father, Section H
SEDDON, Lena, 1886-1961, Wife, (same stone as James and Eli J. Seddon), Section H
SEDDON, Mary A., 1868-1932, Mother, Section H
SEIB, Catherine, 1905-1947, Sister, At Rest, Section H
SEIB, Heinrich, 1867-1908, Father, At Rest, Section H
SEIB, Karoline, 1863-1932, Mother, At Rest, Section H
SEIBEL, Charles, 1861-1952, (same stone as Jane Anne Seibel), Section H
SEIBEL, George, (no dates), (same stone as Alma Hiller, Erna Yorke & Helen Seibel), Section 4
SEIBEL, Helen, (no dates), (same stone as Alma Hiller, Erna Yorke & George Seibel), Section 4
SEIBEL, Jane Anne, 1865-1908, (same stone as Charles Seibel), Section H
SEIBERT, Matilda C. 1846- 1869 (left of Mary), (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
SEIBERT, Emma C., 1877-1878 (dau), (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
SEIBERT, Georg H., 1873-1877 (son), (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
SEIBERT, J. Henry, 1875-1900 (son), (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
SEIBERT, John 1842- 1923 (Large stone figure, woman with raised hand) right of driveway, front of cemetery, (JW)
SEIBERT, John H., Jan 18 1856-Mar 8 1921, Father, Section B
SEIBERT, Laura A.O., 1880-1881 (dau), (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
SEIBERT, Mary (Anna Marie MANNTZ) b. 25 April 1851. d. 1899 (Mrs. John Henry SEIBERT, left of John, 1st wife), (JW)
SEIDEL, Kate, 1865-1885, Sisters, (same stone as Lizzie Miller), Section C-1
SEIFERT JR., Albert, 1924-1947, He is at Rest in Heaven, Section OS
SEIFERT, Albert H., Dec 31 1888-Apr 9 1944, Private CO D 6th Inf 5th Div Enlisted July 24 1918 Discharged July 26 1919, Section OS
SEIFERT, JOHN, 2 yrs, Sec H Lot 586, Jan. 4, 1919, ***
SEIFERT, MARGARET, 72 yrs, Row 1669, May 6, 1921, ***
SEIFERT, PAULINE, 1 day, Row 1611, April 2, 1919, ***
SEITZ, Catharine, 1839-1906, (same stone as Charles Seitz), Section B
SEITZ, Charles, 1831-1906, (same stone as Catharine Seitz), Section B
SELIGMAN, Fred, 1856-1927, (same stone as Margaretha Seligman), Section H
SELIGMAN, Margaretha, 1867-1944, (same stone as Fred Seligman), Section H
SELLERS, Emory R., 1889-1961, Father, (same stone as Hilda L. Sellers), Section H
SELLERS, George E., 1871-1939, Father, (same stone as Leah B. Lapp Sellers), Section B
SELLERS, Hilda L., 1892-1974, Mother, (same stone as Emory R. Sellers), Section H
SELLERS, Leah B. Lapp, 1874-1923, Mother (same stone as George E. Sellers), Section B
SELTZER, John, 1852-1941, Father, Sections C-D
SELTZER, Lillian A., 1894-1964, Daughter, Sections C-D
SELTZER, Mary R., 1858-1920, Mother, Sections C-D
SEMMELROCK, Alice D., May 26 1898-March 15 1900, Section C-1
SEMMELROCK, Anna M., Aug 15 1868-Dec 8 1948 (same stone as John F. Semmelrock), Section C-1
SEMMELROCK, Elizabeth A. Fisher, April 16 1832-June 24 1875, Section C-1
SEMMELROCK, Etta, Dec 28 1867-Nov 1 1869, (same stone as Hermann & Freddie Semmelrock), Section C-1
SEMMELROCK, Freddie, Apr 8 1859-Oct 31 1859, (same stone as Hermann & Etta Semmelrock), Section C-1
SEMMELROCK, Hermann, May 1 1857-Oct 20 1859, (same stone as Freddie & Etta Semmelrock), Section C-1
SEMMELROCK, John F., Nov 1 1865-May 24 1934, (Masonic symbol, (same stone as Anna M. Semmelrock), Section C-1
SEMMELROCK, M. Elizabeth, Died Aug 9 1973, Section C-1
SEMMELROCK, Wilhelm, June 27 1826-April 27 1888, Section C-1
SENN, Agatha Frecker, 1859-1946, Wife, Section H
SENN, Elisabeth, 14 Marz 1834-11-Sep-01, Mutter, (same stone as John Senn), Section H
SENN, Fred, 1863-1942, Father, Sections D-E-F
SENN, Isaac, 1869-1911, Father, (same stone as Olga Senn), Section H
SENN, John, 1859-1927, Husband, Section H
SENN, John, 26 Juni 1819-16-Nov-02, Vater, (same stone as Elisabeth Senn), Section H
SENN, Kate, 1863-1930, Mother, Sections D-E-F
SENN, Olga, 1872-1925, Mother, (same stone as Isaac Senn), Section H
SENN, Stella W., 1892-1930, Wife, Sections D-E-F
SENNE, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1829-1906, Section C-1
SENNE, Henrietta, 1840-1934, Section C-1
SENNE, Minnie C., 1872-1959, Aunt, Section C1
SENZEL, Math., 1845-1926, (same stone as Christ. Marquart), Section H
SENZELL, Jacob W., Sept 20 1892-Dec 9 1935, Pvt M C USA Enlisted July 24 1918--Discharged July 12 1919, Section OS
SETH, Charles, Nov 25, 1875-Mar 26, 1910, Section A
SEUSER, (Presumed), Christina, (no dates), (same stone as Johannah, John, Peter, Henrietta, William), Section H
SEUSER, (Presumed), Henrietta, (no dates), (same stone as Christina, John, Johannah, Peter, William), Section H
SEUSER, (Presumed), Johannah, (no dates), (same stone as Christina, John, Peter, Henrietta, William), Section H
SEUSER, (Presumed), John, (no dates), (same stone as Christina, Johannah, Peter, Henrietta, William), Section H
SEUSER, (Presumed), Peter, (no dates), (same stone as Christina, John, Johannah, Henrietta, William), Section H
SEUSER, (Presumed), William, (no dates), (same stone as Christina, John, Johannah, Peter, Henrietta), Section H
SEUSER, Elizabeth, 1879-1955, Sister, Section H
SEUSER, Katherine A., 1836-1908, Mother, Section H
SEUSER, Melena, 1881-1926, Sister, Section H
SEUSER, William J., 1834-1910, Father, Section H
SEWELL, FRANK, 24 yrs, Row 1532, June 25, 1917, ***
SEXAUER, ALBERT L., MAR. 6, 1870-JULY 24, 1947, (same stone as Elizabeth L. Sexauer), Section C-1, (EF)
SEXAUER, ELIZABETH L., AUG.19, 1872-SEPT.25, 1959, (same stone as Albert L. Sexauer), Section C-1, (EF)
SEXAUER, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Sexauer Sturm, Section C-1
SEXAUER, GUSTAV A., JR., FEB. 23, 1871-JAN. 28, 1950, Father, (EF)
SEXAUER, Katharine L., see Katharine L. Sexauer Orr, Section C-1
SEXAUER, LOUISA C. HELMLINGER JAN. 7, 1868-FEB. 26, 1948, Mother, (EF)
SEYBOLD, Emilie, 1864-1932, Mother--same stone as Wilhelm G. Seybold, Section OS
SEYBOLD, Ferdinand, 1826-1909, Father, Sections D-E-F
SEYBOLD, Katherina, 1835-1875, Mother, Sections D-E-F
SEYBOLD, Wilhelm G., 1861-1940, Father--same stone as Emilie Seybold, Section OS
SHADEMAN, Anna Marie, 1830-1920, Grandmother, Section 4
SHANER, Estella H., 1916-1921, In Loving Memory, (same stone as Diana G. Evanovich), Section 4
SHANER, William A., 1918-1983, Pvt US Army World War II, Section 4
SHANNON, Emma M., 1873-1944, Mother, Section B
SHANNON, Wm. T.M., 1872-1914, Father, Section B
SHAW, Edna Hein, 1893-1922, Wife, Section H
SHENKLE, Magdalena, 1872-1902, Section H
SHERER, CHARLES, 32 yrs, Row 1647, June 5, 1920, ***
SHIBLEY, Elsie C., 1888-1958, (same stone as J. W. Alfred Shibley), Sections C-D
SHIBLEY, J. W. Alfred, 1895-1952, (same stone as Elsie C. Shibley), Sections C-D
SHOAF, George F. III, 1939-1948, Brother, (same stone as John Carnahan), Section H
SHOAF, JAMES, 35 yrs, Sec E Lot 84, October 30, 1918, ***
SHOAF, Lyda A., 1857-1912, Wife of Peter Shoaf, Section H
SHOEMAKER, Edith, 1918-2001, (same stone as Richard L. Shoemaker), Section H
SHOEMAKER, Richard L., 1914-(no death date), (same stone as Edith Shoemaker), Section H
SHOOK, Douglas C., 1907-1964, Husband, Section 4
SHOUP, Katherine, 1868-1930, Wife, Section H
SHOUP, RUTH, 22 yrs, Sec H Lot 663, October 20, 1918, ***
SHOVER, Mary, 1876-1954, Grandmother--same stone as Viola Fitzgerald, Section OS
SHRAGER, Ben, 1900-1972, Husband of Ruth, Section 4
SHULER, ADAM, 52 yrs, Row 1490, May 25, 1916, ***
SHULER, SUSANNA, 51 yrs, Row 1583, November 1, 1918, ***
SIEBERT, FREDRICK, 35 yrs, Sec H Lot 575, October 30, 1918, ***
SIEBERT, J. Henry, 1875-1900, Section C-1
SIEGEL, Christian, 1831-1893, Father, Section B
SIEGEL, Elizabeth, 1864-1872, Section B
SIEGEL, Emma M., 1873-1953, Daughter, Section B
SIEGEL, Johanna, 1844-1917, Mother, Section B
SIEGEL, JOHANNA, 73 yrs, Sec B Lot 45, January 10, 1917, ***
SIEGWARTH, Charles, 1865-1943, (same stone as Charlotte Siegwarth), Section H
SIEGWARTH, Charlotte, 1869-1927, (same stone as Charles Siegwarth), Section H
SIELCKEN, Edward A., Geb D 18 Jan 1895-Gest D 24 Mar 1896, Schlumm re Sanft, Section C-1
SIELCKEN, Edward A., Geb D 19 Dez 1856-Gest D 22 Juli 1915, Ruhe in Frieden, Section C-1
SIELCKEN, Ethel J., Geb D 14 Marz 1898-Gest D 25 Marz 1899, Schlumm re Sanft, Section C-1
SIELCKEN, Johanne Buchner, Geb D 7 Jan 1855-Gest D 22 Oct 1915, Ruhe in Frieden, Section C-1
SIFFEL, HELLMUTH, 56 yrs, Sec H Lot 458, Sept. 28, 1917, ***
SILBERMANN, Selma, 1877-1929, Section OS
SILL, Carrie Bucy, 1895-1950, Mother, Section H
SILL, James Henry, 1885-1926, Father, Section H
SILLMAN, Lillian M., 1892-1973, Wife, (same stone as Richard A. Sillman), Sections C-D
SILLMAN, Richard A., 1891-1970, Husband, (same stone as Lillian M. Sillman), Sections C-D
SILVERTON, CARRIE, 29 yrs, Row 1577, October 20, 1918, ***
SIMMEN, Albert, 1875-1942, Father, Sections D-E-F
SIMMEN, Barbara Goetz, 1870-1930, Mother, Section H
SIMMEN, Charles, 1863-1914, Father, Section H
SIMMEN, Eleanor Faulkner, 1879-1942, Mother, Sections D-E-F
SIMMEN, Katherine, 1873-1960, Sister, Sections D-E-F
SIMMEN, Rose, 1877-1946, Sister, Sections D-E-F
SIMMEN, Ruth, 1916-1946, Sister, Sections D-E-F
SIMMEN, Samuel, 1845-1891, Father, Sections D-E-F
SIMMEN, Sophia Ambos, 1837-1902, Mother, Sections D-E-F
SIMMEN, Sophia Marie, 1871-1889, Sister, Sections D-E-F
SIMMING, MARIE, 2 days, Sec H Lot 648, September 8, 1918, ***
SIMMONS, A. Katherine, 1869-1951, Mother, (same stone as Charles Simmons), Section 4
SIMMONS, Adam, 1850-1918, Father--same stone as Margaret Simmons, Section OS
SIMMONS, ADAM, 68 yrs, Row 1569, September 15, 1918, ***
SIMMONS, Anna Catherine, 1894-1927, Wife of William E. Simmons, Mother of Raymond, Muriel & William, Section 4
SIMMONS, Charles, 1869-1957, Father, (same stone as A. Katherine Simmons), Section 4
Simmons, Charlotte Brown, buried sept 6 1931, (unmarked), H194, (RC)
SIMMONS, Ernest F., 1895-1930, Son, Serg Co M 329th Inf, Section 4
SIMMONS, Howard F., 1902-1957, Father, (same stone as Mary A. Simmons), Sections C-D
SIMMONS, IDA MAY, 1 � yrs, Row 1561, March 16, 1918, ***
SIMMONS, Infant, 1 day, Row 1513, January 1, 1917, ***
SIMMONS, JAMES, 8 mo, Row 1670, June _, 1921, ***
SIMMONS, John R., Dec 30 1911-May 23 1978, Pfc US Army World War II, Section 4
SIMMONS, Margaret, 1865-1934, Mother--same stone as Adam Simmons, Section OS
SIMMONS, Mary A., 1907-1994, Mother, (same stone as Howard F. Simmons), Sections C-D
SIMMONS, Stillborn, Sec 4 Lot 32, Aug. 16, 1918, ***
SIMMONS, Walter, 1905-1952, Son, Section 4
SIMMONS, William E., 1893-1928, Son, Section 4
SIMMONS, WM. J., 45 yrs, Row 1559, January 14, 1918, ***
SIMON, Charles, Died April 27 1896, Aged 52 yrs, Rest in Peace, Sections C-D
SIMON, Mary C., 1881-1959, Mother, Section OS
SIMS, Catherine, 1842-1912, Section B
SINEWAY, Henry P., 1914-1966, Father, Section H
SINEWAY, Mary K., 1911-1997, Mother, Section H
SIPPEL, CHRIST, 2 � yrs, Sec H Lot 458, July 29, 1918, ***
SIPPEL, Emma, 1862-1935, Mother, Section H
SIPPEL, Hellmuth F., 1861-1917, Husband, Section H
SITTIG, CLARA ELES., 67 yrs, Sec H Lot 417, November 5, 1916, ***
SITTIG, Clara Elizabeth, Geb 27 Apr 1840-(no death date), Section H
SITTIG, Friedrich Wilhelm, Geb 22 Apr 1841-Gest 19 Marz 1894, Section H
SLICKER, CATHERINE, 51 yrs, Row 894, July 8, 1916, ***
SLOAN, Beatrice, 1890-1952, Mother, Section H
SMITH (BESENY), Sadie Alberta, 9/27/1924-3/14/2002, same stone as Elizabeth Blythe, Section OS
Smith, B., Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 15, (MC)
SMITH, Bernard John, Aug 10 1892-Aug 14 1924, Bugler--Co G 38th U.S.Inf.--Enlisted Oct 6 1917--Discharged Aug 1 1920, Section OS
SMITH, Bernard John, Born Aug 10 1891-Died Aug 14 1924, Bugler, Co C, 38th US Inf, Enlisted Oct 6 1917-Discharged Aug 1 1920, Section OS
SMITH, Carrie E., 1883-1953, Wife, Section B
SMITH, CHARLOTTE, 46 yrs, Row 1711, September 24, 1922, ***
SMITH, Chester B., 1878-1944, Husband, Section B
SMITH, Dora R., 1867-1934, Mother, Section B
SMITH, EDWARD LEROY, 25 days, Row 1714, December 7, 1922, ***
SMITH, Elizabeth, 1870-1912, (same stone: Elizabeth, William, Peter, Minnie Smith), Section H
Smith, Enoch, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 62, (MC)
SMITH, ENOCH, 59 yrs, Row 2, Grave 62, Feb 17, 1929, ***
SMITH, Fred S., 1862-1936, Father, Section B
SMITH, Fred�k, Co E 155 (?) PA Inf, Section B
SMITH, Frederick, 1839-1908, Father, Section B
SMITH, GILBERT, 8 yrs, Sec H Lot 679, Nov. 15, 1918, ***
SMITH, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1560, February 20, 1918, ***
SMITH, Mary A., 1839-1913, Mother, Section B
SMITH, Minnie E., 1893-1968, (same stone: Elizabeth, William, Peter, Minnie Smith), Section H
SMITH, MRS. CLYDE, 20 yrs, Row 1619, August 30, 1919, ***
SMITH, Olive M., 1913-1985, Mother, (same stone as Phillip C. Smith Sr.), Section H
SMITH, Peter, 1863-1941, (same stone: Elizabeth, William, Peter, Minnie Smith), Section H
SMITH, Sr., Phillip C., 1908-1976, Father, (same stone as Olive Smith), Section H
Smith, William A., b. Feb. 26, 1917 d. May 26, 1996, (I)
SMITH, William C., 1892-1937, (same stone: Elizabeth, William, Peter, Minnie Smith), Section H
SNELSIRE, Sandra E., 1952-1999, (same stone as Thomas J. Snelsire), Section C-1
SNELSIRE, Thomas J., (no dates), (same stone as Sandra E. Snelsire), married May 2 1974, Section C-1
SNITZER, Alphadore H., 1892-1976, (Masonic symbol), Section C-1
SNITZER, Edith S., 1895-2000, Section C-1
SNYDER, Infant, 1 day, Row 1664, March 20, 1921, ***
SNYDER, WILLIAM, 76 yrs, Row 1596, February 13, 1919, ***
SOHR, ADAM, 26 yrs, Row 1591, Nov. 12, 1918, ***
SOMARCIK, Gertrude H., July 12 1925-July 5 2005, (same stone as John A. Somarcik), Section C-1
SOMARCIK, John A., (no dates), (same stone as Gertrude H.Somarcik), Section C-1
SORG, Salomea, 15 Oct 1799-13 Marz 1873. Grossmutter, Section A
SPEICHER, Charles, 1883-1942, Father, Section H
Speiknagel, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 17, Gr 8, (MC)
SPETH, Joseph O., 1882-1948, Father, Section OS
SPETH, OTTO, 5 yrs, Sec H Lot 119, November __, 1917, ***
SPIEGEL, C. Clarence, 1905-2003, Father, (same stone as Ionia K. Spiegel), Section 4
SPIEGEL, Elizabeth, 1878-1934, Mother, (same stone as John C. Spiegel), Section 4
SPIEGEL, Ionia K., 1906-2004, Mother, (same stone as C. Clarence Spiegel), Section 4
SPIEGEL, Ionia K., 1938-1953, Daughter, �Asleep in Jesus�, Section 4
SPIEGEL, John C., 1877-1925, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Spiegel), Section 4
SPIEHL, Elizabeth, 1900-1922, Daughter, Section A
SPIEHL, Katherine, 1865-1944, Mother, Section A
SPIEHL, Philip, 1847-1928, Father, Section A
SPIELMAN, Frederick A., Died April 1892, Infant Brother, Section H
SPIELMAN, Henrietta C., 1864-1907, Mother, Section H
SPIELMAN, John, 1854-1920, Father, Section H
SPREHER, Alvin C., 1883-1944, Husband, Section H
SPREHER, Emil H., Feb 16 1864-Dec 14 1925, Section H
SPYERS, CARRIE, 47 yrs, Sec H Lot 64, March 24, 1919, ***
STAIB, Margaret, 1855-1923, Mother, Section OS
Starb, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 8, (MC)
STAUDE, Amelia, 1863-1930, Mother, Section 4
STAUDE, Elizabeth, 1833-1905, Grandmother, Section 4
STAUDE, Herman, 1862-1935, Father, Section 4
STAUDE, Valentin, Geb 28 Maerz 1827 -Gest 24 Dec. 1898, Section 4
STAUDE, Valentine, 1827-1898, Grandfather, Section 4
Steele, Edward J, b. Apr. 1, 1927 d. Jan. 15, 1995, (I)
STEGNER, Albert L., 1896-1964, (same stone as Marie M. Stegner), Section H
STEGNER, Marie M., 1895-1977, (same stone as Albert L. Stegner), Section H
STEGNER, Martin, Sept 24 1857-Oct 1 1904, Section H
STEGNER, Sophia, July 12 1858-July 22 1928, Section H
STEINHAUER, Magda, see Magda Lisfeld geb Steinhauer, Section B
STEINHAUSER, Emma, 1890-1969, Mother, (same stone 5 names: Herman, Emma F., Gertrude Steinhauser and Wilhelm, Maria Rein), Section H
STEINHAUSER, Gertrude, 1909-1929, Daughter, (same stone 5 names: Herman, Emma F., Gertrude Steinhauser and Wilhelm, Maria Rein), Section H
STEINHAUSER, Herman, 1887-1959, Father, (same stone 5 names: Herman, Emma F., Gertrude Steinhauser and Wilhelm, Maria Rein), Section H
STEINKE, Charles, 1887-1957, Son, Section H
STEINKE, Esther, 1910-1911, Our Babies Esther and Robert, (same stone Esther and Robert), Section H
STEINKE, Louis A., 1873-1959, Husband, Section H
STEINKE, Mary, 1853-1908, Mother, Section H
STEINKE, Mathilda W., 1872-1956, Wife, Section H
STEINKE, Robert, 1910-1911, Our Babies Esther and Robert, (same stone Esther and Robert), Section H
STEINKE, William, 1839-1929, Father, Section H
STEINKE, William, 1887-1946, Son, Section H
STEINMAN, John G., Born 1920-Died 1930, Our Son, Section H
STENGER, Anna Born, 1862-1905, Mother, Section A
STENGER, John D., 1892-1912, At Rest, Section A
STENGER, Margaretta B., 1869-1909, At Rest, Section A
STENGER, Wilbert H., 1894-1913, At Rest, Section A
STERFVATER, MILDRED, Sec H Lot 342, October 16, 1917, ***
STEVENSON, Minnie L., 1892-1965, Mother, Sections D-E-F
STEWART, James, (stone eroded), Sections D-E-F
STEWART, WILLIAM, 64 yrs, Sec E Lot 87, February 27, 1919, ***
STIEFVATER, Frieda, see Frieda Stiefvater Aiken, Section H
STIEFVATER, Walter, 1909-1981, Brother T/Sgt WW II, (same stone as Frieda Stiefvater Aiken), Section H
STOCKER, CARRIE, 27 yrs, Sec H Lot 141, December 17, 1918, ***
STOCKER, CHRIST, 37 yrs, Sec H Lot 141, January 26, 1918, ***
STOCKLINE, Viola M., 1916-1990, Section H
STOEHR, Marie, Jan 9 1866-Feb 21 1925, Mother, Section H
STOERKEL, Mae, see Mae Stoerkel Edwards, Section B
STOFFT, George W., 1859-1937, Father, Section B
STOFFT, Mary C. G., 1861-1931, Mother, Section B
STOLTE, Elsie B., see Elsie B. Stolte Landefeld, Section 4
STOLTZ, Bernard, 1934 (same stone as Charles Burkhardt and Joseph Meier), (I.O.O.F. at top of stone), Section A
STONE, Silva K., 1900-1975, Mother, Section H
STORCH, Albert C., Apr 1 1886-Feb 13 1976, Father, Section 4
STORCH, Alma C., Sept 24 1922-Feb 4 1941, Our Beloved Daughter, �She was as meek and gentle as a lamb�, Section 4
STORCH, Cecelia M., 1879-1945, Mother, (same stone as Valentine Storch), Section C-1
STORCH, Elizabeth, 1845-1914, Mutter, �Was Gott Thut, Das Ist Wohlgethan�, Section 4
STORCH, Elsie I., nee Bennett, 1883-1924, Mother, Section 4
STORCH, Florence A., 1892-1945, (same stone as Karl D. Storch), Section 4
STORCH, Frederick C., 1876-1953, Father, Section 4
STORCH, Karl D., 1899-1964, (same stone as Florence A. Storch), Section 4
STORCH, Norma E., Aug 6 1891-May 30 1952, �To live in the hearts we leave behind, is not to die�, Section 4
STORCH, Valentine, 1845-1911, Vater, �Ruhe In Frieden�, Section 4
STORCH, Valentine, 1879-1957, Father, (same stone as Cecelia M. Storch), Section C-1
STORCH, William B., 1881-1917, Brother, Section 4
STORCH, WILLIAM, 35 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 45, June 26, 1917, ***
STORMBERG, ?, 25 YRS, Sec H Lot 64, July __, 1917, ***
STOUT, CYRUS, 53 yrs, Row 1657, December 7, 1920, ***
STOUT, Monroe, 1905-1960, Father, Section H
STRACHAN, Ida Swager, 1878-1949, Wife, Section H
STRAGLER, MARIE, Sec H Lot 299, October 24, 1918, ***
STRAND, Martha J., 1908-1931, Section H
STRECKER, Anna E., 1895-1970, Mother, (same stone as Frederick P. Strecker), Section H
STRECKER, Frederick P., 1894-1922, Father, (same stone as Anna E. Strecker), Section H
STREIFLER, Augusta L., 1866-1931, Mother, (same stone as Lorenz Streifler), Section H
STREIFLER, Catherine P., 1896-1898, Daughter, Section H
STREIFLER, Emma Korb, 1864-1923, Mother, Sections D-E-F
STREIFLER, Henry, 1862-1929, Father, Sections D-E-F
STREIFLER, HENRY, 66 yrs, Sec F Lot 96, Mar 27, 1929, ***
STREIFLER, Lorenz, 1869-1934, Father, (same stone as Augusta L. Streifler), Section H
STREYLE , John W., Born April 18 1892-Died Feb 11 1957, Pvt 1st BN Conv Cr US Army Enlisted May 26 1918 Discharged Feb 25 1919, Section H
STREYLE, Annie M., Mar 28 1856-Mar 14 1905, Mother, Section H
STREYLE, Annie M., Mar 28 1856-Mar 14 1905, Mother, Section H
STREYLE, Elisabeth K., Apr 3 1873-Feb 22 1912, Mother, Section H
STREYLE, Elisabeth K., Apr 3 1873-Feb 22 1912, Mother, Section H
STROECH, Arthur G., 1911-1944, (same stone as Elsie Stroech), Section H
STROECH, Elsie G., 1909-1929, (same stone as Arthur G. Stroech), Section H
STROECH, Herman G., 1880-1946, (same stone as Martha A. Stroech), Section H
STROECH, Martha A., 1881-1965, (same stone as Herman T. Stroech), Section H
STROMP, Margaret C., 1915-2001, (same stone as Ralph A. Stromp), Section C-1
STROMP, Ralph A., 1914-1995, (same stone as Margaret C. Stromp), Section C-1
STUBERSHORDT, KARL, 18 yrs, Sec H Lot 159, October 13, 1918, ***
STUCHENBERG, HENRY, 79 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 48, February 23, 1917, ***
STUCKENBERG, Friedericka, 1843-1916, Mother, Section 4
STUCKENBERG, Heinrich, 1837-1917, Father, Section 4
STURGES, Martha A., 1887-1946, Mother, Section OS
STURM, Anton, 1876-1965, same stone as Frank Sturm, Section OS
STURM, ELIZABETH SEXAUER, 1897-1946, Mother, Section C-1, (EF)
STURM, Frank, 1883-1958, same stone as Anton Sturm, Section OS
STURM, Frederick E., 1908-1969, Son, Section H
STURM, Friedrich, 1845-1909, Father, Section H
STURM, Friedrich, 1872-1914, Brother, Section H
STURM, Gertrude E., 1885-1977, Mother, Section H
STURM, Henry, Oct 14 1873-April 2 1946, Father, Section H
STURM, J. Frederick, 1883-1924, Father, Section H
STURM, Louis, 1878-1953, Father--same stone as Louis--son, Section OS
STURM, Louis, 1919-1923, Son--same stone as Louis Sturm--father, Section OS
STURM, Margarethe, Nov 26 1879-May 27 1925, Mother, Section H
STYLES, JAMES, 40 yrs, Row 1599, January 31, 1919, ***
SUCCOP, Kathryn, see Kathryn Succop Schmidt, Section C-1
SUDOR, Annamarie, 1926-1984, Mother, Section C-1
SUDOR, Walter L., Sep 16 1922-Jun 27 1996, Sgt US Army World War II, Section C-1
SULLIVAN, DAVID, 28 yrs, Row 1678, September 24, 1921, ***
SURBLED, Lillian G., 1908-1969, Section 4
SURBLED, William B., Jun 13 1910-Jun 17 2003, S/Sgt US Army, World War II, Section 4
SUTTER, Ada M., May 28 1866-Oct 13 1912, Section H
SUTTER, Anna C., Sept 22 1845-Jan 20 1902, Mother, Section A
SUTTER, Emelia Caroline, Apr 7 1906-Sept 16 1974, Section 4
SUTTER, Emelia, 1856-1942, Mother, (same stone as Louis Sutter), Section A
SUTTER, Emma C., 1876-1927, Mother, (Eastern Star symbol), Section 4
SUTTER, George L., 1874-1948, Father (Masonic symbol), Section 4
SUTTER, George, 1867-1944, Section H
SUTTER, George, Jr., Born May 13 1894-Died Oct 12 1937, Private Co B General Headquarters, Enlisted July 31 1918-Discharged July 1 1919, Section H
SUTTER, Louis, 1852-1926, Father, (same stone as Emelia Sutter), Section A
SUTTER, Mary A., 1886-1959, Section H
SUTTER, Peter, Geb D 2 Juni 1813-Gest D 10 Nov 1888, (same stone as Philippina Sutter geborne Decklar), Section A
SUTTER, Philippina, Geborne Decklar, Geb D 7 Jan 1818-Gest D 11 Dez 1886 (same stone as Peter Sutter), Section A
SUTTER, Philippina, see Philippina Diehl nee Sutter, Section A
SWAGER, Crate S., 1869-1927, Husband, Section H
SWAGER, Ida, see Ida Swager Strachan, Section H
SWANSON, Theresa, 1893-1919, Wife � Infant, Gone, But Not Forgotten, Section 4
SWARTLING, Hugo, 1884-1936, Section 4
SWARTLING, Lillie M., 1891-1939, Section 4
SWEITZER, Emma C., 1911-1983, Mother, (same stone as Richard C. Sweitzer), Section H
SWEITZER, Richard C., 1905-1964, Father, (same stone as Emma C. Sweitzer), Section H
Tagmeir, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 23, (MC)
TARR, Carrie A., 1898-1902, Section C-1
TARR, JR., LEVI, 35 yrs, Sec H Lot 286, August 17, 1916, ***
TATE, Clara E., 1884-1939, Mother, (same stone as John N. & Hazel M. Tate), Section B
TATE, Hazel M., 1917-1939, Daughter, (same stone as Clara E. & John N. Tate), Section B
TATE, John N., 1876-1946, Father, (same stone as Clara E. & Hazel M. Tate), Section B
Tausig, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 40, (MC)
TAYLOR, BERTHA, 17 mos, Sec H Lot ?96, March 24, 1917, ***
TEGTMEIER, Mary E., 1880-1956, Same stone as Walter C. Tegtmeier, Section OS
TEGTMEIER, Walter C., 1887-1932, Same stone as Mary E. Tegtmeier, Section OS
TEGTMEIER, William H., 1885-1948, Husband, Section OS
TESCH, Henry L., 1901-1968, Father, (same stone as Mae A. Tesch), Section C-1, (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
TESCH, Mae A., 1911-1994, Mother, (same stone as Henry L. Tesch), Section C-1, (Front Center section of Cemetery), (JW)
TEUFEL, Christina, July 25 1848-July 9 1903, Section B
THEIS, Anna, Jan 31 1908-July 23 1909, Our Darling, Section H
THEIS, CARLINA, 79 yrs, Sec H Lot 240, January 21, 1918, ***
THEIS, Carolina, 1839-1918, Mutter, Section H
THEIS, Daniel, 1841-1922, Vater, Section H
THEIS, Jacob, Oct 6 1884-Apr 22 1950, Father, Section H
THEIS, Rose J., June 26 1887-Sept 3 1951, Mother, Section H
THEOBALD, Albert P., Jan 29 1904-Nov 19 1982, Father, (same stone as Emillie E. Theobald), Section H
THEOBALD, Ella J., April 3 1940-June 2 1940, Our Darling, Section H
THEOBALD, Emilie E., June 29 1900-Mar 19 1980, Mother, (same stone as Albert P. Theobald), Section H
THOMA, Anna M., 1855-1925, Section A
THOMA, Joseph, 1849-1928, Section A
THOMAS, Dorothy Oehling, 1913-1966, Section 4
THOMAS, Mary J., 1882-1972, Mother, Section H
THOMAS, Veryl V., May 19 1907-Dec 23 1932, Husband, Section H
THOMPSON, JOHN, 6 days, Row 1694, February 15, 1922, ***
THRASH, Alberta Williams, 1914-1996, (same stone as Marion Merrill Thrash), Section C-1
THRASH, Marion Merrill, 1916-1987, (same stone as Alberta Williams Schricker), Section C-1
THROM, Bertha Gribbin, 1877-1945, (same stone as Emma Louise Throm), Section H
THROM, Emma Louise, 1869-1926, (same stone as Bertha Gribbin Throm), Section H
TICHY, Adolph, 1873-1927, Brother, Section H
TICHY, John, 1846-1916, Father, Section H
TICHY, JOHN, 70 yrs, Row 1507, October 18, 1916, ***
TICHY, Katharine, 1850-1915, Mother, Section H
TILLETT, J. Albert, 1882-1936, Husband, Section H
TOBBER, ANNA, 29 yrs, Sec F Lot 7, Nov. 17, 1918, ***
TOBESY, CATHERINE, 1 day, Row 1570, October 5, 1921, ***
TOBESY, FLORENCE, 1 day, Row 1570, October 5, 1921, ***
TOLBERT, Anne, 1889-1918, (same stone as William H. Tolbert), Sections D-E-F
TOLBERT, J. A., August 3 1861-February 7 1936, Father, (same stone as J.A. Tolbert), Sections D-E-F
TOLBERT, J. A., January 10 1865-April 9 1942, Mother, (same stone as J.A. Tolbert), Sections D-E-F
TOLBERT, William H., 1888-1968, (same stone as Anne Tolbert), Sections D-E-F
TORCH, Carol Ann, May 11 1941-Apr 19 1952, Daughter, Section C-1
TORCH, John W., Born Aug 30 1901-Died April 24 1969, Enlisted Oct 6 1942-Discharged June 23 1945, Pvt ERC AUS, Section C-1
TORCH, Shirley A., Aug 18 1918-Mar 9 2006, Section C-1
TRANTER, Mildred Oehling, 1915-2002, Section 4
TRAPP, Emma F., 1893-1972, Wife, (same stone as Joseph E. Trapp), Section H
TRAPP, Joseph E., 1890-1960, Husband, (same stone as Emma F. Trapp), Section H
TRAUTMAN, Elizabeth, 1849-1904, At Rest, Section A
TRAUTMAN, Margaretha, 1844-1879, Mother, Section B
TRAUTMAN, Peter, 1838-1917, Father, Section B
TRAUTMAN, PETER, 78 yrs, Sec B Lot 7, January 6, 1917, ***
TRAUTMANN, Albert, 1871-1951, Father, (same stone as Carolina Trautmann), Section 4
TRAUTMANN, Carolina, 1874-1950, Mother, (same stone as Albert Trautmann), Section 4
TRAUTMANN, Daniel, Geboren Den 24 Mai 1834-Gestorben Den 10 Marz 1877, (same stone as Elizabeth Trautmann), Section B
TRAUTMANN, Elizabeth, Geb Rothhaar, Geboren Den 11 Sept 1839 (or 1838)-Gestorben Den 16 Sept 1906, (same stone as Daniel Trautmann), Section B
TRAUTMANN, Elmer M., 1899-1987, (Masonic symbol), Section 4
TRAUTMANN, Gizella S., 1898-1983, Section 4
TRAUTMANN, Henry A., 1896-1955, Pfc Con Co. 11 B L Air Serv, World War I, Section 4
TRAUTMANN, Isabella C., see Isabella C. Bennett nee Trautmann, Section 4
TRAUTMANN, Johannes D., Geboren Den 12 Marz 1876-Gestorben Den 6 Aug 1876, (same stone as Wilhelm Adam Trautmann), Section B
TRAUTMANN, Mildred V., 1903-1980, Section 4
TRAUTMANN, Wilhelm Adam, Geboren Den 25 Sept 1874-Gestorben Den 28 Marz 1875, (same stone as Johannes D. Trautmann), Section B
TREGER, WILLIAM, 39 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 225, April 1, 1919, ***
TRENDELBURG, RUDOLPH, 63 yrs, Sec H Lot 616, January 29, 1919, ***
TRENT, G__ EDW, 2 mo, Row 1672, August 27, 1921, ***
TRENT, MARTHA, 43 yrs, Row 1672, July 10, 1921, ***
TRENT, SAMUEL, 65 yrs, Row 1701, May 15, 1922, ***
TRESS, Amelia, 1861-1938, Mother, (same stone as Frederick Tress), Section B
TRESS, Elizabeth, Sept 4 1827-Dec 12 1905, In her 79 year, Mother, Section B
TRESS, Elmer W., 1885-1943, Brother, Section B
TRESS, Frederick, 1861-1906, Father, (same stone as Amelia Tress), Section B
TRESS, Norman F., Born Feb 15 1892-Died Jan 27 1950, Enlisted Apr 2 1918-Discharged June 12 1919, Pfc Co C 319th Inf, Section B
TRIMBURT, Christina Emile, see Christina Emile Foggin nee Trimburt, Section B
TRIPLETT, Loretta M., 1912-1987, Mother, (same stone as Samuel H. Triplett), Section H
TRIPLETT, Samuel H., 1910-1987, Father, (same stone as Loretta M. Triplett), Section H
TROETCHEL, ADOLPH, 23 yrs, Sec H Lot 670, December 27, 1916, ***
TROETSCHEL, Adolph, 1892-1916, Brother, Section H
TROETSCHEL, Albert A., 1890-1942, Husband, Section H, (photo), (NL)
TROETSCHEL, Albert A., Born April 21 1890-Died Nov 29 1942, Enlisted Oct 5 1917-Discharged July 15 1919, Pfc Co 1 19th Engrs, Section H, (photo), (NL)
TROETSCHEL, Edward, 1892-1956, Uncle, Section B
TROETSCHEL, Emma, 1855-1928, Mother, Section H
TROETSCHEL, Robert G., 1932-1988, Pfc US Army Korean War (wrongfuly engraved "World War II" - (JT)), Section H, (photo), (NL)
TROETSCHEL, Robert G., March 8 1932-July 21 1988, (Masonic symbol), Section H, (photo), (NL)
TROETSHEL, LEONA, 38 yrs, Row 1524, April 8, 1917, ***
TRON, B. James, 1930-1992, Husband, (same stone as Ruth R. Tron), Section 4
TRON, Benjamin H., 1893-1971, (same stone as Minnie Tron), Section 4
TRON, Minnie, 1896-1979, (same stone as Benjamin H. Tron), Section 4
TRON, Ruth R., (no dates), Wife, (same stone as B. James Tron), Section 4
TROUT, Edward L., 1918-1920, (same stone as Blanch Loadman), Section A
TRUDEL, Elizabeth, 1856-1932, Mother, Section H
TRUDEL, Ulrich, 1855-1919, Father, Section H
TURNEY, Paul, April 15 1894-March 19 1952, Father, Section OS
TUTERN, PHOLOMINA, 39 yrs, Sec H Lot 240, March 8, 1917, ***
TWELE, David H., (no dates), Co. K. 74 PA. Inf, (see also David Dwele and Lina Dwele, Section H), Section H
Twigger, Albert W., died may 9 1954, (unmarked), aged 42 years, single lots above section H., (RC)
TWIGGER, Albert W., May 26 1911-May 9 1954, PFC Det of Patients Aus Enlisted Jan 21 1944 Discharged Sept 4 1944, Section OS
Twigger, Thomas E., died mar 15 1924, (unmarked), aged 37 years, H 599, (RC)
UDOVITCH, ESTER, 4 mo, Row 1691, January 27, 1922, ***
UEBEL (?), VALENTINE, 69 yrs, Row 1702, June 7, 1922, ***
ULMER, Geo. F., Co D 123 PA Inf, Section B
ULMER, John, April 20 1844-June 29 1891, Ruhe in Frieden, Section C-1
ULMER, Maria Luise, 1849-1929, Mother, Section B
ULMER, Mary, Jan 2 1850-Nov 16 1915, Ruhe in Frieden, Section C-1
ULMER, Matth., Geb 6 Jan 1845-Gest 24 Nov 1877, Section B
ULMER, Matthew A., 1887-1953, Section B
ULRICH, Margaretha, 1836-1926, Mother, Section C-1
UNDERCOFFER, Kate Amman, 1863-1896, Daughter, Section A
UNRUH, Franz Wm., 1855-1937, Father, (same stone as Maria Unruh), Sections D-E-F
UNRUH, Heinrich, Alter 4 Tage, (same stone as Johannes Unruh), Sections D-E-F
UNRUH, Johannes, Geb 27 April 1885-Gest 8 May 1890, (same stone as Heinrich Unruh) Sections D-E-F
UNRUH, Katharina, Geb 21 Oct 1889-Gest 5 Juli 1891, Sections D-E-F
UNRUH, Maria, 1859-1898, Mother, (same stone as Franz Wm. Unruh), Sections D-E-F
UNRUH, Maria, Geb 26 May 1887-Gest 11 May 1890, Sections D-E-F
URBEN, Emma A. Nee Hehl, 1866-1905, Section A
VACLAVIK, Emma, 1865-1938, Mother--same stone as Joseph Vaclavik, Section OS
VACLAVIK, Joseph, 1869-1934, Father--same stone as Emma Vaclavik, Section OS
VALENTINE, Mary Hein, 1875-1945, Wife, Section H
VALENTINE, Orson W., 1862-1932, Husband, Section H
VALENTINE, Orson W., 1901-1945, Husband, (Masonic symbol), Sections D-E-F
VANDREY, Madeline, Aug 10 1844-Mar 26 1922, Mother, Section H
VAUGHAN, LOUIS, 13 days, Row 1493, June 5, 1916, ***
VENTER, Minnie C., 1855-1940, Tante �Im Grab Ist Ruhe�, Section 4
VEOTSCH, ANNA, 78 yrs, Row 1606, March 2, 1919, ***
VETTER, CAROLINA, 53 yrs, Sec F Lot 41, November __, 1917, ***
VETTER, Caroline, 1864-1917, Wife, Sections D-E-F
VETTER, Clara I., 1867-1936, Section B
VETTER, EDW, 33 yrs, Sec C Lot 4, August 16, 1916, ***
VETTER, Edward T., 1883-1916, Son, Section C-1
VETTER, Frederick A., 1862-1912, Husband, Sections D-E-F
VETTER, Henrietta, 1839-1909, Mother, Section C-1
VETTER, John, Gest D 12 Oct 1886, Alter 64 Jahre 6 mon, Sections D-E-F
VETTER, Sophia, 1859-1943, Wife, Section C-1
VETTER, Theodore C., 1855-1920, Husband, Section C-1
VETTER, William A., 1890-1929, Husband, Sections D-E-F
VETTER, William, 1866-1907, Section C-1
VETTERL, Amilia J., 1887-1968, Sister, Section H
VIEHL, Henrietta, 1845-1907, Sections D-E-F
VIEHL, Minnie, 1886-1910, Sections C-D
VIEHMANN, Apollonia, 1 Mai 1833-15 Feb 1909, Section B
VIEHMANN, John, 17 April 1832-9 Dez. 1901, Section B
Viviemie Kristof, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 12, (MC)
VOETSCH, Gottlieb, Feb 22 1844-Apr 3 1897, Father, Section A
VOETSCH, Katharine, Oct 13 1850-Dec 5 1898, Mother, Section A
VOGA, FRANK, 44 yrs, Row 1533, July 15, 1917, ***
VOGEL, Caroline, 1841-1902, Section H
VOGEL, FRED, 74 yrs, Row 1689, January 24, 1922, ***
VOGELEY, Anna S., 1859-1932, Wife, Sections D-E-F
VOGT, Charlotte, 1822-1905, Mother, Section B
VOLK, Adam, Geb 11 Jan 1845-Gest 8 Sept 1909, Section 4
VOLK, Katharina, Geb 15 Jan 1849-Gest 28 Juni 1902, Section 4
VOLK, Katharina, see Katharina Volk Hilf, Sections D-E-F
VOLLBERG, Anna, 1870-1955, Mother, Section H
VOLLBERG, Edna P., 1892-1958, Wife, Section H
VOLLBERG, Louise H., 1850-1903, Mother, Section H
VOLLBERG, William B., 1889-1969, Husband, Section H
VOLLBERG, William, 1855-1938, Father, Section H
VONDREY, Eleanora, 1884-1955, Mother, (same stone as Henry Vondrey), Section H
VONDREY, Henry, 1882-1956, Father, (same stone as Eleanora Vondrey), Section H
WACIK, ANTHONY, 5 mos, Row 1638, March 15, 1920, ***
WADDELL, Elizabeth M., May 20 1903-Dec 20 1981, Mother, (same stone as Peter H. Waddell), Section H
WADDELL, Peter H., Oct 20 1898-Dec 10 1968, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth Waddell), Section H
WAESCH, Harold A., 1894-1972, 2nd h/o Margaret Cummings, Section H
WAESCH, Margaret Cummings, 1902-1967, Mother, w/o, (1)Arthur Cummings; (2)Harold A., Section H
WAGNER, Adeline MANNTZ, 1876-1953 dau, (Rear center of Cemetery), (JW)
WAGNER, Anna M., Geb D 6 Marz 1822-Gest D 7 Dez 1891, Mutter, Ruhe in Frieden, Section A
WAGNER, August, 1859-1935, Father, (same stone as Marie Wagner), Section 4
WAGNER, Barbara, Died Nov 16 1880, Aged 74 Yrs, Mother, Sections D-E-F
WAGNER, Barbara, Geb 14 Okt 1813-Gest 13 April 1863, Unser Mutter, Dead but not forgotten, Section A
WAGNER, Bertha, 1856-1909, Mother, Section H
WAGNER, Charles, Died July 27 1927, Aged 80 Yrs, Son, Sections D-E-F
WAGNER, Conrad, 1863-1945, Father, Section A
WAGNER, Elizabeth, 1869-1944, Mother, Sections D-E-F
WAGNER, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Wagner Rath, Section 4
WAGNER, Erasmus, Geb D 11 Oct 1815-Gest D 5 Oct 1901, Vater, Ruhe in Frieden, Section A
WAGNER, Ferdinand, 1845-1928, Father, Section H
WAGNER, Freda ____, 1905-1907, Section C-1
WAGNER, George, March 11 1846-Jan 28 1921, Section 4
WAGNER, Gottlieb, Geb 6 April 1798-Gest 17 Jan 1863, Unser Vater, Dead but not forgotten, Section A
WAGNER, Helen A., 1893-1980, (same stone as Wm.J.E. Wagner), Section 4
WAGNER, Henry, 1866-1905, Husband, Section A
WAGNER, HENRY, 38 yrs, Sec C Lot 33, March 25, 1917, ***
WAGNER, J. Adam, Aug 28 1826-Dec 22 1895, Father, Section A
WAGNER, John, Born Oct 9 1845-Died July 26 1890, Brother, Section A
WAGNER, Joseph, Born Jan 7 1893-Died Nov 14 1938, Private Co F 9th Infantry Enlisted Aug 13 1918 Discharged June 28 1919, Section H
WAGNER, Katharina, July 23 1830-Jan 13 1906, Mother, Section A
WAGNER, Konrad, 1874-1951, Father, Sections D-E-F
WAGNER, Louis, 1870-1936, Father, Section H
WAGNER, Louise T., Oct 25 1870-Dec 12 1960, Mother, Section H
WAGNER, Margaret, Oct 18 1850-March 11 1923, Section 4
WAGNER, Marie, 1867-1932, Mother, (same stone as August Wagner), Section 4
WAGNER, Mary A., 1845-1927, Section H
WAGNER, Peter, 1836-1909, Vater, Ruhe Sanft., Section C-1
WAGNER, Walter C., Born Aug 22 1893-Died Feb 8 1920, Pvt V C 305th Rmt Dep Enlisted Oct 5 1917 Discharged Jan 7 1919, Section H
WAGNER, William N., Sept 30 1890-Dec 11 1967, Pvt 330 Infantry World War I, Section H
WAGNER, Wm. J. E., 1891-1975, (same stone as Helen A. Wagner), Section 4
WAHL Adam, Sr., 1847-1908, Father, At Rest, (same stone as Wilhelmina Wahl Geisler nee Weber), Section H
WAHL GEISLER, Wilhelmina, 1850-1918, nee Weber, Mother, At Rest, (same stone as Adam Wahl Sr.), Section H
WAHL JR., Adam, 1872-1903, At Rest, Section H
WAHL SR., Adam, 1847-1908, Father, At Rest, (same stone as Wilhelmina Wahl Geisler Nee Weber), Section H
WAHL, Charles G., 1875-1949, At Rest, Section H
WAHLSETER, George, 1863-1934, Father, Section H
WAHLSTER, Minna, 1869-1945, Mother, Section H
WALANT, DAN, 36 yrs, Row 1609, March 22, 1919, ***
WALDECK, Mary M., Jan 22 1864-Dec 11 1892, Beloved wife of Henry Waldeck, Section C-1
WALKER, Arthur J., 1908-1998, (same stone as Marie W. Walker), National Assn. of Letter Carriers Emblem, Section H
WALKER, Bessie A., Apr 13 1864-Feb 8 1916, (same stone: Bessie, John & Emma Walker), Section H
WALKER, Emma, Oct 20 1870-Jan 9 1929, (same stone: Bessie, John & Emma Walker), Section H
WALKER, John G., Mar 13 1864-Oct 18 1939, (same stone: Bessie, John & Emma Walker), Section H
WALKER, Marie W., 1907-1993, (same stone as Arthur J. Walker), Section H
WALKER, William, 1877-1899, Section B
WALTER, Adam, Geb 24 June 1859-Gest 7 Sept 1892, Alter 33 Jahr 3 Mo 14 Da, Section H
WALTER, Edward O., 1865-1926, Section A
WALTER, Elizabeth, 1863-1939, Section A
WALTER, FLORNCE, 26 yrs, Sec I Lot 47, November 2, 1918, ***
WALTER, George, 1822-1899, Section A
WALTER, Harry, 1862-1901, Section A
WALTER, Katherine Edenborn, 1831-1923, Section A
WALTER, Katie E., 1884-1886, Asleep, Section A
WALTERS, Infant, 1 day, Row 1680, September 24, 1921, ***
WARNICK, Edward M., 1975-19--, (same stone as Frieda M. Warnick), Section H
WARNICK, Frieda M., 1893-1958, (same stone as Edward M. Warnick), Section H
WATERMAN, Anna Kirby, 1877-1950, (same stone as John W. Waterman), Section C-1
WATERMAN, John W., 1872-1935, (same stone as Anna Kirby Waterman), Section C-1
WATERMAN, Katherine, 1854-1933, (same stone as William Waterman), Section C-1
WATERMAN, William, 1844-1921, (same stone as Katherine Waterman), Section C-1
WATERS, MRS. CARLIN, 33 yrs, Sec E Lot 5, August 6, 1916, ***
WATSON, Alma, 1894-1934, Mother, Section 4
WATSON, John C., July 6 1872-Feb 25 1951, (same stone as Mammie M. Watson), Section H
WATSON, Mammie M., Oct 16 1872-Oct 13 1946, (same stone as John C. Watson), Section H
WATSON, William J. Jr. , Born Aug 1 1891-Died July 12 1953, Cpl Co E 19th Engrs Rwy Enlisted May 24 1917 Discharged April 26 1919, Section 4
WAZENEGGER, Mathilda, see Mathilda Wazenegger Haren, Section H
WAZENEGGER, William, Born June 29 1896-Died Nov 21 1948, Pvt Engrs Development BN Enlisted Sept 2 1918 Discharged Jan 3 1919, Section H
WEBER-GUCKES, Elizabeth, 1873-1941, Mother, (same stone as Joseph and William), Section H
WEBER-GUCKES, Joseph, 1871-1939, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth and William), Section H
WEBER-GUCKES, William, 1878-1926, Uncle, (same stone as Elizabeth and Joseph), Section H
WEBER, Alice V., 1872-1921, (on Weber-Lotz stone), Sections D-E-F
WEBER, Anna Elizabeth, 1880-1890, (same stone as Carl Milton & Carl Robert, children of Joseph & Sophia Weber), Section 4
WEBER, Anna K., 1871-1918, Sister, Section C-1
WEBER, Anna S., Feb 29 1908-Jan 22 1909, Section 4
WEBER, ANNA, 47 yrs, Sec C Lot 29, December 4, 1918, ***
WEBER, Carl Milton, 1885-1887, (same stone as Anna Elizabeth & Carl Robert, children of Joseph & Sophia Weber), Section 4
WEBER, Carl Robert, 1893-1894, (same stone as Carl Milton & Anna Elizabeth, children of Joseph & Sophia Weber), Section 4
WEBER, Conrad, 1864-1939, Father, Section OS
WEBER, Emily, June 24 1899-Nov 19 1948, Mother, Section H
WEBER, Eugene C., Born Aug 24 1895-Died July 7 1896, Sections D-E-F
WEBER, Eva M., 1827-1891, Section B
WEBER, Frederick, Born Apr 19 1870-Died Apr 20 1898, Section H
WEBER, Gotlieb, Co H 88th PA Inf, Section B
WEBER, HAZEL, 24 yrs, Sec H Lot 108, January 30, 1919, ***
WEBER, Henrietta E., 1861-1877, Section B
WEBER, Henry A., 1870-1905, Section B
WEBER, Henry, 1851-1888, Father, (on Weber-Lotz stone), Sections D-E-F
WEBER, Herbert F., 1909-1928, Son, Section 4
WEBER, JAMES, 3 yrs, Sec F Lot 98-99, April 27, 1919, ***
WEBER, John F., 1897-1950, Brother, Sections D-E-F
WEBER, John M., 1822-1896, Section B
WEBER, JOHN, 51 yrs, Sec C Lot 29, November 19, 1916, ***
WEBER, Joseph, Jan 8 1844-May 11 1909, Section 4
WEBER, Katherine, 1855-1932, Mother, Section OS
WEBER, Lena E., 1886-1906, Daughter, (on Weber-Lotz stone), Sections D-E-F
WEBER, Lena, 1851-1887, Mother, (on Weber-Lotz stone), Sections D-E-F
WEBER, Lillian, see Lillian Weber GIESMANN, Sections D-E-F
WEBER, Margaret M., 1869-1956, Mother, Section 4
WEBER, Martha, 1864-1946, (same stone as Charles A. Kick, Jr.), Sections D-E-F
WEBER, Milton G., Mar 23 1908-Feb 21 1988, Section 4
WEBER, ROSINA, 60 yrs, Sec E Lot 109, February 18, 1917, ***
WEBER, Simon, 1862-1934, Father, Section 4
WEBER, Sophia, April 19 1854-July 22 1931, Section 4
WEBER, Wilhelmina, see Wilhelmina Wahl Geisler nee Weber, Section H
WECKER, Theo., 1863-1933, Father, Section OS
WECKLER, Christina, 1869-1929, Mother, Section 4
WECKLER, CHRISTINA, 60 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 425, Mar 20, 1929, ***
WECKLER, Louis J., 1866-1949, Father, Section 4
WEGE, Ellen, 1880-1951, Section H
WEGE, Large Stone, no names or dates, Sections D-E-F
WEGE, William, 1877-1910, Section H
WEGMAN, WILLIAM, 57 yrs, Row 1525, April 10, 1917, ***
WEHER (?), EDWARD, 50 yrs, Sec H, Lot 681, March 19, 1918, ***
WEHLING, Anna, see Anna Wehling Frosch, Section B
WEHLING, Charles H., 1874-1968, Brother, Section B
WEHLING, Henrietta, 1849-1921, Mother, Section B
WEHLING, Jr., William, 1869-1925, Brother, Section B
WEHLING, Sr., William, 1845-1902, Father, Section B
WEIDER, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1573, October 10, 1918, ***
WEIH, Albert, 1887-1953, Sons, (same stone as George Weih), Section H
WEIH, Anna, 1848-1918, Mother, Section H
WEIH, Emil, 1875-1943, Son, Section H
WEIH, George, 1885-1948, Son, (same stone as Albert Weih), Section H
WEIH, John, 1878-1944, Son, Section H
WEIL, ANNA, 69 yrs, Sec H Lot 383, November 7, 1918, ***
WEIMANZ, JOHN, 4 wks, Row 1563, March 28, 1918, ***
WEINZERL, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1431, July 20, 1918, ***
WEIR, Elizabeth M., 1884-1947, Mother, (same stone as Henry E. Weir), Section A
WEIR, George, 1906-1922, (same stone as Henry Weir & Sophia Hammerbacher), Section A
WEIR, Henry E., 1883-1948, Father, (same stone as Elizabeth M.), Section A
WEIR, Henry, 1905-1908, (same stone as George Weir & Sophia Hammerbacher), Section A
WEIS, GUSTAVE, 54 yrs, Sec F Lot 85, July 29, 1918, ***
WEIS, PAUL, 5 wks, Sec H Lot 320, June 8, 1917, ***
WEISS, Anna C., 1876-1927, (same stone as Fred C. Weiss), Section H
WEISS, Anna Kath., Mar 21 1851-May 3 1909, Mother, Gone But Not Forgotten, Section B
WEISS, Christian J., 1858-1939, Father, (same stone as Katherine W., Paul, Lena Weiss), Section H
WEISS, Conrad G., 1897-1974, Father, Section 4
WEISS, Dorethea, Geb AM 7 Feb 1833-Gest AM 24 Juni 1884, Gattin von Gottlieb Weiss, (same stone as Gottlieb Weiss), Section B
WEISS, Eleanor E., 1901-1979, Mother, Section H
WEISS, Fred C., 1871-1949, (same stone as Anna C. Weiss), Section H
WEISS, George, May 6 1844-Oct 16 1919, Father, Section B
WEISS, Gottlieb, Geb Sept 30 1830-Gest Ock 22 1885, (same stone as Dorethea Weiss), Section B
WEISS, John, 1863-1939, (same stone as David Ratter and Mary Weiss), Section B
WEISS, Katherine W., 1860-1942, Mother, (same stone as Christian J., Paul, Lena Weiss), Section H
WEISS, Lena, 1893-1983, (same stone as Christian J., Katherine W., and Paul Weiss), Section H
WEISS, Mary, 1868-1950, (same stone as David Ratter and John Weiss), Section B
WEISS, Paul, 1895-1938, (same stone as Christian J., Katherine W., and Lena Weiss), Section H
WEITZEL, ANNA BARBARA, 75 yrs, Sec H Lot 626, Mar 14, 1929, ***
WEITZEL, Beryl D., 1928-1964, Section 4
WEITZEL, MARTIN, 69 yrs, Sec H Lot 626, July 1, 1916, ***
WELLING, A. A., 1850-1919, Father, (same stone as E. A. Welling), Sections D-E-F
WELLING, August, 1889-1968 (same stone as Freda Welling & Frederick Welling), Sections D-E-F
WELLING, E. A., 1854-1927, Mother, (same stone as A. A. Welling), Sections D-E-F
WELLING, Freda, 1893-1974 (same stone as Frederick Welling & August Welling), Sections D-E-F
WELLING, Frederick, 1912-1919 (same stone as Freda Welling & August Welling), Sections D-E-F
WELLING, ROBERT H. J., 17 days, Sec E Lot 23, January 31, 1917, ***
WELLINGER, ANNA MARGARETHA, FEB.4, 1841-AUG.20, 1913, (same stone as John G. Wellinger), Section C-1, (EF)
WELLINGER, F. W., MAR. 14, 1875-NOV.11, 1879, (same stone as Katie Wellinger), Section C-1, (EF)
WELLINGER, JOHN G., JULY 3, 1839-MAY 7, 1910, (or 1918) (same stone as Anna Margaretha Wellinger), Section C-1, (EF)
WELLINGER, KATIE, JUNE 29, 1882-JAN. 19, 1885, (same stone as F.W. Wellinger), Section C-1, (EF)
WELLSTEIN, Jacob, June 11 1823-Jan 5 1891, Father, (same stone as Lena Wellstein), Section A
WELLSTEIN, Lena, April 16 1835-May 5 1885, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Wellstein), Section A
WELSBACHER JR., Louis Paul, 1939-1945, Son, Section OS
WELSH, 2 yrs, Sec H Lot 401, July __, 1919, ***
WELSH, Laura, 1915-1952, Daughter, Section OS
WELTZ, Emil, 1861-1912, Father, Section H
WELTZ, Herbert A., July 21 1893-April 2 1959, Father, Section A
WELTZ, Mildred Harper, Oct 1 1893-March 26 1953, Mother, Section A
WELTZ, Theresia, see Theresia Weltz Lichteiker, Section A
WENDELL, John, 1809-1895, (same stone as Louisa Dietz Wendell, Isaac Newton Ritt, Nellie Dietz Ritt, Herbert E. Ritt), Section C-1
WENDELL, Louisa Dietz, 1822-1903, (same stone as John Wendell, Isaac Newton Ritt, Nellie Dietz Ritt, Herbert E. Ritt), Section C-1
WENGER, John, 1889-1956, Brother, Section OS
WERLING, Andrew P., 1858-1926, Father, Section H
WERLING, Caroline, 1858-1943, Mother, Section H
WERLING, John J., Born April 6 1898-Died Nov 14 1948, Landsman Shipfitter US Navy Enlisted April 30 1918 Discharged Sept 30 1921, Section H
WERNER, A. Matilda Hahn, May 10 1875-April 25 1935, Rest in Peace, Section A
WERNER, C. Henry, Dec 4 1843-July 1 1901, Father, Section C-1
WERNER, Carolina, June 11 1847-Aug 21 1899, Mother, Section C-1
WERNER, Caroline, July 18 1824-May 28 1911, Mother, Section A
WERNER, Eliz., 1845-1932, Mother, Section H
WERNER, Elizabeth M., 1866-1947, Mother, Section H
WERNER, Ewald E., 1897-1954, Father, Section OS
WERNER, HARRY, 39 yrs, Sec ? Lot 28, Nov. 21, 1918, ***
WERNER, Ida Marie, 1846-1922, Grandmother, Section H
WERNER, J. Henry, 1871-1924, Father, Section H
WERNER, John N., Dec 14 1864-Oct 5 1940, Rest in Peace, Section A
WERNER, Joseph, Sr., Feb 17 1817-Dec 29 1906, Father, Section A
WERNER, MARGRET E., 38 yrs, Sec C Lot 40, January 12, 1917, ***
WERNICK, Catharina E., Born June 4 1835-Died Mar 16 1901, Wife of H. Wernick, Section H
WERNICK, Heinrich, Born June 1 1833-Died Aug 22 1896, Section H
WERTEL, Mary, 1870-1948, Mother, Section OS
WERTMAN, Frank, 1849-1921, Father, Section 4
WERTMAN, MARIE, 65 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 228, January 22, 1918, ***
WERTMAN, Mary, 1852-1918, Mother, Section 4
WESER, Joseph E., Mar 4 1851-Jan 22 1923, Father, Section OS
WESER, Maria, Aug 13 1845-May 26 1923, Mother, Section OS
WESLAGER, Annie, 1885-1966, Wife, (same stone as William Weslager), Section H
WESLAGER, Edward, 1906-1981, Husband, (same stone as Margaret Weslager), Section H
WESLAGER, Margaret, 1907-1998, Wife, (same stone as Edward Weslager), Section H
WESLAGER, William, 1880-1956, Husband, (same stone as Annie Weslager), Section H
WESS, Anna M., 1906-1984, Mother, Section 4
WESS, Fred, 1867-1932, Father, Section 4
WESS, Harry F., 1899-1936, Father, Section 4
WESS, Minnie, 1871-1956, Mother, Section 4
WETZEL, Louis, Born July 22 1858-Died Nov 24 1906, Aged 48 yrs 4 mos & 2 ds, Husband, Erected by the Woodmen of the World, Section B
WEYAND, Christian A., 1863-1945, Father, Section H
WEYAND, Henry F., 1888-1922, Son, Section H
WEYAND, Katherine A., 1864-1935, Mother, Section H
WEYAND, MATHILDA, 27 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 341, March 30, 1919, ***
WEYAND, Matilda Hilberer, 1892-1919, Mother, Section 4
WHELAN, Margaret N., 1898-1936, Wife, Section H
WHELAN, Richard M., Born Nov 28 1898, Died Nov 1 1934-Pvt 1st Cl 24th Co Med Corps, Enlisted Jul 7 1917 Discharged May 1 1919, Section H
WHILHELN, MILDRED, 21 yrs, Sec D Lot 33 �, September 8, 1918, ***
WHILREHN, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1555, December 7, 1917, ***
White, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 7, (MC)
WHITE, HUGH, 68 yrs, Row 1659, January 16, 1921, ***
WIEMER, Andrew, 1874-1934, Husband, Section H
WIEMER, John George, 1846-1928, Father, Section H
WIEMER, Margaretta, 1845-1918, Mother, Section H
WIEMER, MARGRET, 73 yrs, Sec H Lot 586, September 22, 1918, ***
WIEMER, Sarah, 1875-1920, Mother, Section H
WIENEKE, LUDWICK, 79 yrs, Sec E Lot 59, June 19, 1916, ***
WIESMANN, Frank F., 1891-1934, Husband, Section H
WIESMANN, Mary King, 1895-1933, Wife, Section H
WIETHOLDER, John F., (no dates), Father, (same stone as Louise E. Wietholder), Section H
WIETHOLDER, Louise E., (no dates), Mother, (same stone as John F. Wietholder), Section H
WILBUR, Anna S., June 14 1853-Oct 4 1940, Mother, Section OS
WILHELM, Bertha Anna, 1883-1964, Wife, Section H
WILHELM, Carl H., Born Dec 27 1921-Died Sept 30 1966, Sgt 92nd Depot Repair So Aus Enlisted Jan 12 1943 Discharged Dec 11 1945, Section H
WILHELM, Dorretta W., 1879-1966, Daughter, Section A
WILHELM, EMILIN (?), 43 yrs, Sec E Lot 85, December 10, 1918, ***
WILHELM, George W., 1907-1933, Husband--Resting in God, Section OS
WILHELM, Henry, 1886-1934, Husband, Section H
WILHELM, John P., July 17 1836-April 17 1914, Father, Section A
WILHELM, Mildred E., 1896-1918, Granddaughter, Section A
WILHELM, PAUL, 7 mos, Sec H Lot 322, Jan. 7, 1919, ***
WILHELM, Wilhelmina, Oct 14 1848-Mar 25 1934, Mother, Section A
WILKE, (No names or dates on stone), Sections D-E-F
WILL, ELESEBETH, 42 yrs, Sec ? Lot 50, November 5, 1916, ***
WILL, Mary, see Mary Will Hedderich, Sections D-E-F
WILLER, FRED O., 52 yrs, Sec H Lot 555, Mar 12, 1929, ***
WILLIAMS, Alberta, see Alberta Williams Thrash, Section C-1
WILLIAMS, Elsie, Nov 18 1929-Mar 30 1966, Mother, (same stone as Jesse Williams), Sections D-E-F
WILLIAMS, Jesse, Mar 3 1954-Sept 29 1981, Son, (same stone as Elsie Williams), Sections D-E-F
WILLIAMS, Maupance, January 5 1894-March 30 1952, Pennsylvania Pvt 5 Co 155 Depot Brig World War 1, Section H
WILLIS, Annie M., 1872-1960, Mother (same stone as William Willis), Section C-1
WILLIS, Lucy, see Lucy Willis Klein, Section C-1
WILLIS, MARSHALL, 4 wks(?), Sec D Lot 2, Jan. 7, 1919, ***
WILLIS, Mary A., May 9 1835-Apr 16 1900, Mother, Sections C-D
WILLIS, Thomas, May 20 1835-May 22 1914, Father, Sections C-D
WILLIS, William, 1866-1956, Father (same stone as Annie M. Willis), Section C-1
WILLOME, Clara Emma, 1878-1960, Sections C-D
WILLOME, JOHN GEORGE SR., - d: 29 June, 1896. Born Switzerland, 28 Apr, 1850. Husband of Mary Caroline Burhenn, (MNH)
WILLOME, John, April 27 1850-June 29 1896, Father, Sections C-D
WILLOME, Katherine A., see Katherine A. Winter nee Willome, Sections C-D
WILLOME, MARY CAROLINE (BURHENN)- Mar 13 1855-Feb 12 1929, Mother, Sections C-D, ***(73 yrs., bur: Feb. 15, 1929), m Dau.of Ewald Burhenn & Anna Eliz. Rigge. Wife of John G. Willome Sr., (MNH)
WILLSTEIN, Charles, 1867-1932, Father, Section A
WILLSTEIN, Lena, 1870-1960, Mother, Section A
WILSON, ELVIA, 1 � yrs, Row 1498, July 19, 1916, ***
WILSON, George M., 1908-1999, Section H
WILSON, Joseph, 1886-1957, Father, Section OS
Wilson, Joseph, died nov 9 1957, (unmarked), buried Section 7A Row 13, aged 60 years, (RC)
WILSON, Robert C., 1870-1919, Section H
Wilson, Robert, died March 24 1930, (unmarked), aged 1 year, H678, (RC)
WILSON, Thelma I., 1912-1990, Section H
WILTSHIRE, John T., 1885-1922, Father, Sections D-E-F
WILTSHIRE, Katherine E., 1887-1954, Mother, Sections D-E-F
WIMLER, Thresa, Oct 12 1869-Apr 14 1945, Mother, Section A
WIND, Caroline, 1874-1952, Mother, (same stone as Jacob, Theresa, Peter, George Wind), Section H
WIND, George, 1899-1903, (same stone as Jacob, Caroline, Theresa, Peter Wind), Section H
WIND, Jacob, 1869-1934, Father, (same stone as Theresa, Caroline, Peter, George Wind), Section H
WIND, Peter, June 30 1909, (same stone as Jacob, Caroline, Theresa, George Wind), Section H
WIND, Theresa, May-Aug 1901, (same stone as Jacob, Caroline, George, Peter Wind), Section H
WINDEKNECHT, ANDREW, 52 yrs, Row 1687, December 29, 1921, ***
WINDEKNECHT, Ernest F., 1868-1909, Father, (same stone as Louise F. Windeknecht), Sections D-E-F
WINDEKNECHT, Henry E., Born Aug 9 1892-Died July 27 1949, Enlisted Aug 26 1918-Discharged Mar 19-1919, Private 7th CO 2nd BN 155th DL, Sections D-E-F
WINDEKNECHT, Irma L., 1896-1967, Sections D-E-F
WINDEKNECHT, Jacob, Aug 28 1838-May 25 1907, Father, (same stone as Louisa Windeknecht), Sections C-D
WINDEKNECHT, Louisa, July 19 1843-Sept 2 1934, Mother, (same stone as Jacob Windeknecht), Sections C-D
WINDEKNECHT, Louise F., 1870-1915, Mother, (same stone as Ernest F. Windeknecht), Sections D-E-F
WINDEKNECHT, Magdalena, see Magdalena Dipper geb Windeknecht, Sections D-E-F
WINDEKNECHT, Martin, Geb 3 Aug 1825-Gest 11 Nov 1903, Vater, Section A
WINDEKNECHT, Wilhelmina, Geb 15 Dec 1822-Gest 21 Oct 1897, Mutter, Section A
WINKLER, HERBERT, 13 yrs, Sec H Lot 250, June 18, 1918, ***
WINOWICH, Alva, 1909 - 1997, s/s Nicholas, located to the rear of mausoleum & new columbarium, (DS)
WINOWICH, Nicholas, 1950 - (living), s/s Alva, (DS)
WINTER, Anna M., Geb 15 Nov 1839-Gest 22 Mar 1925, Mother, Section H
WINTER, Johannes, Geb 25 Dez 1841-Gest 30 Mai 1902, Vater, Section H
WINTER, Johannes, Geb 3 Marz 1825-Gest 18 Jan 1891, Unser Vater, Sections C-D
WINTER, John, 1860-1935, (same stone as Katherine Winter), Section C-1
WINTER, Katherine A. nee Willome, 1876-1907, Sections C-D
WINTER, Katherine, 1868-1940, (same stone as John Winter), Section C-1
WINTER, Maria, Geb 8 Sept 1828-Gest 10 Nov 1893, Unsre Mutter, Sections C-D
WINTERHALTER, Anna E., 1877-1964, (same stone as Otto C. Winterhalter), Section H
WINTERHALTER, Otto C., 1875-1920, (same stone as Anna E. Winterhalter), Section H
WINTERSGILL, LUCY (?), 23 yrs, Sec H Lot 438, Jan. 10, 1919, ***
WIRTH, Bernette, 1917-1978, Wife, (same stone as Joseph Wirth), Section C-1
WIRTH, Catherine, 1900-1926, nee Fehl, (same stone: Minnie Fehl, John F. Fehl, Catherine Wirth nee Fehl), Section H
WIRTH, Joseph, 1914-1984, Husband, Together Forever, (same stone as Bernette Wirth), Section C-1
WISE, Gertrude C., 1904-1956, Mother, Section 4
WISE, Irvin E., 1911-1968, Father, Section 4
WISE, KATHRINA, 42 yrs, Sec H Lot 633, June 23, 1918, ***
WISSENBACH, Lonny R., 1972-2006, Section 4
WITT, Caroline Koelsch, 1869-1945, Wife, Section 4
WITT, Harry D., 1884-1975, Father, Section C-1
WITT, Lillian L., 1887-1966, Mother, Section C-1
WITTEK, Andreas, 1873-1932, Vater--"Ruhe in Frieden"--N B C symbol on stone, Section OS
WITZ, ELISBETH, 53 yrs, Sec D Lot 11, November 10, 1918, ***
WITZ, Elizabeth Lobaugh, May 3 1899-Dec 24 1973, Section H
WITZ, Gilbert Henry, Dec 7 1893-April 8 1975, Section H
WITZ, Henry, Geb D 25 Dez 1825-Gest D 14 Marz 1895, Vater, Section A
WITZ, Margaret, Geb D 6 Marz 1823-Gest D 21 Juni 1915, Mutter, Section A
WOLBER, (___)harin B., Geb 10 Nov 186?-Gest 13 Sept 1905, Section H
WOLBER, Johann G., Geb 18 Jan 1859-Gest 4 Aug 1912, Section H
WOLF, ANNA, 23 yrs, Sec H Lot 442, October 24, 1918, ***
WOLF, GUSTAVE H., 13 mos, Sec H Lot 457, June 3, 1918, ***
WOLF, Heinrich, 1846-1909, Father, Section H
WOLF, Infant, 2 days, Row 1674, August 23, 1921, ***
WOLF, Infant, Stillborn, Sec H Lot 442, March 18, 1918, ***
WOLF, Margaretha, 1852-1917, Mother, Section H
WOLF, MARGRETH, 65 yrs, Sec H Lot 457, July 12, 1917, ***
WOLFE, Esther, 1908-1927, Daughter, (same stone: Arbella Ackman, Wilhelmina Boston, John Ackman), Section H
WOLFF, Bernard, 1844-1922, At Rest, Section A
WOLFLSLAGE, 2 mos, Sec H Lot 336, June 28, 1919, ***
WOLFRAM, Dorothea Hoeltzel, 1893-1934, Daughter, Section H
WOODFILL, Oliver L., 1918-1958, S/Sgt Co D 727th M P Bn, (behind bldg/Section C-1
WOZNIK, MARTIN, 43 yrs, Row 1628, December 14, 1919, ***
WUEBBELING, Fred H., 1843-1917, Father, Section 4
WUEBLING, FREDRICK, 74 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 430, May 10, 1917, ***
WUNDERLICH, ANDREW, 26 yrs, Sec H Lot 197, Aug. 6, 1918, ***
WUNDERLICH, ANNA, 32 yrs, Sec H Lot 197, Sept. 16, 1917, ***
WUNDERLICH, BARBARA, 66 yrs, Sec H Lot 197, Feb 5, 1929, ***
WUNDERLICH, FRANK, 29 yrs, Sec H Lot 107, Nov. 16, 1918, ***
WUNDERLICH, John N., 1863-1908, Father, Section H
WUNDERLICH, JOHN, 44 yrs, Sec H Lot 197, May 7, 1908, ***
WUNDERLICH, KATHRINA, 25 yrs, Sec H Lot 197, Jan. 22, 1919, ***
WURST, Elizabeth A., 1901-1966, (Eastern Star symbol), (same stone as William E. Wurst), Section 4
WURST, William E., 1898-1996, (Masonic symbol), (same stone as Elizabeth A. Wurst), Section 4
Wyseck, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 36, (MC)
Yates, John, buried march 22 1951, (unmarked), 66 years old, H678, (RC)
Yates, Robert, buried in old singles lot # 1251, buried February 22 1906, (unmarked), 50 years old, (RC)
YEAGER Elizabeth L., 1855-1924, Section H
YEAGER, Gustave F., Jr., Born Aug 19 1921-Sept 18 1944, Pfc Co 6 16th Inf 1sr Div, Enlisted Nov 20 1942-Killed in Action, Section H
YEAGER, Gustave, 1883-1967, Father, (same stone as Mathilda Yeager),� Loved�, Section H
YEAGER, Mathilda, 1899-1978, Mother, (same stone as Gustave Yeager),� Loved�, Section H
YECKEL, Katherine, see Katherine Yeckel Noll, Section 4
YECKEL, MARGRETH, 3 wks, Sec H Lot 319, July 23, 1917, ***
YEKEL, Augustina, 1853-1930, Mother, Section H
YEKEL, Elizabeth, 1871-1873, Daughter, Section B
YEKEL, Emma, 1869-1874, Daughter, Section B
YEKEL, Herman F. J., 1854-1926, Father, Section H
YEKEL, Karolina, 1849-1935, Mother, (same stone as William Yekel), Section B
YEKEL, William, 1845-1912, Father, (same stone as Karolina Yekel), Section B
YEKEL, William, 1880-1881, Son, Section B
YENKE, Catherine, 1882-1948, Mother (same stone as William Yenke), Sections D-E-F
YENKE, William, 1881-1948, Father, (same stone as Catherine Yenke), Sections D-E-F
YOOS, Dorathea, 1890-1908, Section B
YORKE, Adele Hahn, 1906-1994, Section 4
YORKE, Erna, (no dates), (same stone as Alma Hiller, George & Helen Seibel), Section 4
YOST, Caroline, July 5 1828-April 13 1872, Mother, Section B
YOST, Edward D., 1878-1955, Brother, Section B
YOST, Elizabeth K., 1857-1947
YOST, Fredrich, Aug 6, 1856-Nov 3, 1875, Brother, Section B
YOST, Henry, 1853-1926, Father, Section B
YOST, Infant, Stillborn, June 24, 1916, ***
YOST, Philip, Feb 10 1821-July 23 1894, Father, Section B
YOUCH, JOHN, 70 yrs, Row 1688, January 14, 1922, ***
YOUCK, MAGDELENA, 65 yrs, Row 1654, November 17, 1920, ***
Young, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 44, (MC)
Young, ?????, Old Single Graves, Row 2, Gr 45, (MC)
YOUNG, Albert W., 1881-1953, Father, (same stone as Ida M. Young), Section 4
YOUNG, Beatrice L., Sept 1 1891-Sept 1 1935, Mother, Section H
YOUNG, Cath., see Cath. Young Meyer, Section H
YOUNG, Charles L., 1873-1903, Son, (Masonic symbol), Section B
YOUNG, Charles, 1849-1930, Father, Section B
YOUNG, Charles, 1879-1918, Section C-1
YOUNG, Christian H., 1875-1934, (same stone as Katherine M. Young), Section H
YOUNG, Clara C., 1914-1997, (same stone as Clarence C. Young), Section H
YOUNG, Clarence E., (no dates), PHM2 US Navy World War I, Section H
YOUNG, Clarence E., 1912-1975, (same stone as Clara C. Young), Section H
YOUNG, Clarence E., no birth date-no death date, PHM2 US Navy World War I, Section H
YOUNG, Conrad W., Oct 18 1886-June 17 1960, Section H
YOUNG, Edward J., 1877-1914, Father, (Masonic symbol), Section H
YOUNG, ELISEBETH, 64 yrs, Sec C Lot 17, April 14, 1918, ***
YOUNG, Elizabeth F., May 17 1867-Dec 5 1933, Section H
YOUNG, Elizabeth, 1850-1921, Mother, Section B
YOUNG, Ellis W., June 28 1907-Dec 26 1972, Pennsylvania Captain US Army World War II, Section H
YOUNG, Emma, 1882-1971, Section C-1
YOUNG, Fred, 1831-1907, (same stone as Wilhelmina Young), Section B
YOUNG, George H., 1886-1953, Section C-1
YOUNG, George, 1845-1926, Father, Section C-1
YOUNG, Helen G., 1901-1910, Daughter, Section H
YOUNG, Henry C., Oct 3 1875-Sept 15 1949, Father, Section H
YOUNG, Ida M., 1883-1957, Mother, (same stone as Albert W. Young), Section 4
YOUNG, Ida, see Ida Young Klein, Section H
YOUNG, Katharina, 1852-1928, Mother, Section C-1
YOUNG, Katherine M., 1882-1948, (same stone as Christian H. Young), Section H
YOUNG, Lena M., 1878-1964, Mother, Section H
YOUNG, Louise, 1862-1925, Sections C-D
YOUNG, MARIE, 26 yrs, Sec H Lot 141, December 18, 1917, ***
YOUNG, Mary E., Oct 17 1885-Nov 24 1953, Mother, Section H
YOUNG, Minnie, 1884-1965, Section C-1
YOUNG, Wilhelmina, 1843-1899, (same stone as Fred Young), Section B
YOUNG, William J., June 24 1885-Aug 31 1922, Section H
YOUNG, William L., July 6 1910-June 14 1942, Son, Section H
YOUNG, William, 1874-1948, Section C-1
YUNG, FLOYD, 5 wks, Sec B Lot 47, February 4, 1918, ***
ZAHN, Barbara A., 1829-1906, Mother, Section A
ZALEWASKI, ANNA, 27 yrs, Row 1592, Nov. 14, 1918, ***
ZANKEL, Infant, Stillborn, Row 1556, December 30, 1917, ***
ZARSKI, Anna Klein, 1885-1968, Wife, Section 4
ZARSKI, Ernest B., 1883-1974, Husband, Section 4
ZEHER, Edwin P., 1900-1962, Son, Section H
ZEHER, Herbert, 1905-1925, Son, Section H
ZEHER, Magdalena, 1867-1952, Mother, (same stone as William Zeher), Section H
ZEHER, William, 1862-1939, Father, (same stone as Magdalena Zeher), Section H
ZEIFEL, HOWARD, Stillborn, Sec B Lot 55, August 30, 1918, ***
ZEIGLER, JOHN, 59 yrs, Row 1610, March 22, 1919, ***
ZEILER, (?), Asleep in Jesus, Section H
ZEILER, Alice E., Mar 27 1916-Jan. 10 1990, Daughter, Section C-1
ZEILER, AUGUST, 79 yrs, Row 1415, November 8, 1919, ***
ZEILER, Barbara, 1879-1929, Mother, Section 4, (photo), (CZ)
ZEILER, BEULAH MAY, 15 yrs, Row 1548, October 25, 1917, ***
ZEILER, CARRIE, 76 yrs, Sec H Lot 5, February 1, 1919, ***
ZEILER, Charles F., 1873-1946, Father, (same stone as Emma M. Zeiler), Section C-1
ZEILER, Charles, 1817-1881, Father, (same stone as Wilhelmina Zeiler), Section 4, (photo), (CZ)
ZEILER, Chas, Co E 77th PA Inf, Section 4, (photo), (CZ)
ZEILER, EMILY, 15 yrs, Sec H Lot 112, May 23, 1916, ***
ZEILER, Emma M., 1879-1973, Mother, (same stone as Charles F. Zeiler), Section C-1
ZEILER, Frederick F., 1868-1941, Father, Section 4, (photo), (CZ)
ZEILER, Harold Vincent, Mar 13 1921-Feb 3 1944, S/Sct US Army Enlisted Mar 1943 Killed in Action, Section OS
ZEILER, Irvin O., 1906-1943, Son, Section 4, (photo), (CZ)
ZEILER, Robert F., 1908-1967, Son, Section 4, (photo), (CZ)
ZEILER, Roy W., 1897-1965, Son, Section 4, (photo), (CZ)
ZEILER, Wilhelmina, 1827-1899, Mother, (same stone as Charles Zeiler), Section 4, (photo), (CZ)
ZEITLMANN, Anna, July 17 1865-Aug 26 1926, Section H
ZEITLMANN, Frederick E., Mar 15 1863-Aug 28 1912, Section H
ZIEGLER, Bertha, 1901-1903, Daughter, (same stone as Henry W. Ziegler & Louisa Ziegler), Sections D-E-F
ZIEGLER, Elisabeth, Geb 9 Sept 1836-Gest 9 Mai 1900, Mutter, Sections D-E-F
ZIEGLER, George, Born Sept 2 1824-Died May 9, 1878, Section A
ZIEGLER, Henry W., 1872-1959, Father, (Masonic Symbol), (same stone as Louisa Ziegler & Bertha Ziegler), Sections D-E-F
ZIEGLER, Jacob, Geb 8 Juli 1837-Gest 11 Marz 1910, Vater, Sections D-E-F
ZIEGLER, Katherine C., 1899-1970, Daughter, Sections D-E-F
ZIEGLER, Louisa, 1875-1950, Mother, (same stone as Henry W. Ziegler & Bertha Ziegler), Sections D-E-F
ZIEGLER, Wilhelmina, July 23 1877-Oct 16 1956, Sections D-E-F
ZIEGLER, Wilhelmmena, Born Dec 19 1827-Died Mar 2 1879, wife of George Ziegler, Section A
ZIMMER, ELISEBETH, Stillborn, Sec H Lot 573, February 3, 1919, ***
ZIMMERMAN, Abraham, 1849-1924, Father, Section C-1
ZIMMERMAN, Anna Maria, 1856-1913, Mother, Section C-1
ZIMMERMAN, Heinrich R., 1883-1883, Section C-1
ZIMMERS, Emma, Died Oct 23 1940, Sister, Section 4
ZINSER, Charles, 1849-1909, Father, Section 4
ZINSER, Clara M., 1882- (no date), Sister, Section 4
ZINSER, MARIE N., 61 yrs, Sec 4 Lot 462, June 27, 1916, ***
ZINSER, Mary K., 1855-1916, Mother, Section 4
ZITZMAN, August, 1878-1930, Uncle, Section C-1
ZITZMAN, Charles J., 1885-1946, Father, Section C-1
ZITZMAN, William, 1850-1922, Father, Section C-1
ZITZMANN, Emma, Born Nov __ 1849-Died Dez 29 189(9?), Section C-1
ZITZMANN, Maggie H., Born Aug 14 1868-Died Mai 3 1892, Section C-1
ZORN, Christina, Jan 21 1821-Sept 23 1896, Section B
ZUCK, Katherine W., 1898-1993, (same stone as William Zuck), Section 4
ZUCK, William, 1897-1969, (same stone as Katherine W. Zuck), Section 4
ZWINGGI, Frank J., 1847-1896, At Rest, Sections D-E-F
ZWINGGI, Harry, Dec 18 1887-Aug 17 1936, same stone as Hilda E. Zwinggi, Section OS
ZWINGGI, Hilda E., Nov 21 1891-Dec 24 1974, same stone as Harry Zwinggi, Section OS
ZWINGGI, Katharina, 1857-1914, At Rest, Sections D-E-F
??ACECK, LILLIAN JUDY, 9 mo, Row 1509, October 30, 1916, ***
_______, Edith B.C., 1916-1917, Section 4
_______, Edith, Daughter, 1913-1920, (same stone as ________William), Section 4
_______, Frances J., June 4 1899-Jan 26 1900, Section 4
_______, George F, Section H
_______, Mary A., 1862-1912, (same stone as Nickolaus _______), Sections D-E-F
_______, Nickolaus, 1845-1904, (same stone as Mary A. _______), Sections D-E-F
_______, William A., Jr, Section H
_______, William, Son, 1906-1963, (same stone as ________Edith), Section 4


Large Attendance at the Obsequies of A. C. L. Hofmeister Yesterday Afternoon.
The funeral of Albert C. L. Hofmeister, late member of common council from the Twenty-sixth ward, took place yesterday
afternoon. Owing to the many organizations of which Mr. Hofmeister was a member, and the esteem in which he was held by
those who knew him, the obsequies were attended by hundreds of persons. During the services at the German Evangelical
Protestant church on Jane street 2,000 persons were in attendance, and an equal number stood outside, being unable to gain

At 2 o'clock simple services were held at the family residence, 58 South Eighteenth street, after which the intimate friends
of Mr. Hofmeister were admitted. Three carriages were loaded with floral tributes. Mr. Hofmeister's office chair, covered
with white roses, was a contribution from the employes and members of the firm in which he was associated. A beautiful
co????? was sent by the Allegheny County Brewers' association. The Iroquois Rifle club gave a floral piece representing a
target with guns at rest. A like piece was a tribute tendered by the Pittsburgh's Rifle club. The offering of the members
of the city councils was a large floral emblem, bearing the city seal, and modestly trimmed with the city's new colors,
gold and black. Another piece told its own story. It was marked "husband." At least a half dozen other offerings had
been sent by friends.

As the funeral procession moved away to the church on Jane street 80 carriages followed. The organizations that were in
line were the Germania lodge, Free and Accepted Masons; Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order, South Pittsburgh senate;
Iroquois Rifle club, Birmingham Turnverin, members of the city councils, members of the Lotus club and the boards of
directors representing the different brewing firms.

The services at the church and at the cemetery were conducted under the auspices of Germania lodge, F. and A. M. The
pallbearers selected from the lodge were Daniel BRAUN, John ROHRKASTE, Harry CARLE, Henry LISFELDT, Albert LAUFFER and
George HAUSMAN. The ceremony was quite impressive, and was in German, being conducted by Rev. Gustave Lorch, pastor of
the church Mr. Hofmeister attended.

As the casket was carried from the church the choir sang an anthem, and when outside the soft afrains of "Nearer My God to
Thee" by a band were heard. The funeral procession then moved to Zimmerman's cemetry in Baldwin township, where a prayer
was offered at the grave, and short services conducted by Germania lodge followed.
(Source: Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, March 6, 1899; Norm Meinert, Webmaster)

Obituaries found on-line

KLEIN-On Thursday, January 22, 1931, at 1:20 pm Michael Klein, husband of Margaret Suttner Klein aged
70 years. Father of Margaret, Hilda and John Klein; brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Kilvetter, Adam and Henry
Klein. Services Sunday at 2 pm at the family home, 301 Birmingham avenue, Carrick, Pittsburgh via Carrick
car to Birmingham avenue. Friends of the family and members of the German Military Association are
invited. Interment in Zimmerman's Cemetery.
(Source: Pittsburgh Post Gazette 23 January 1931, Patty Godesky, [email protected])

METTING-Of 142 Moordale street, Overbrook, on Monday, January 18, 1937 at 1:20 am., Oscar, son of Fred J and
Charlotte Walkenhouse Mettings in his 27th year. Friends received at the Funeral Home of John D. Schaub Sons,
425 Brownsville road (opposite Mt. Oliver Harris). Services on Wednesday at 2 pm. Friends invited. Interment in
Zimmerman Cemetery.
(Source: Pittsburgh Post Gazette 19 January 1937, Patty Godesky, [email protected])

Additional Contributors List:

(CZ) = Carol Zeiler, [email protected]
(DS) = Delli Speers, [email protected]
(eaf) =
[email protected]
(EF) = Elizabeth Fischer, [email protected]
(I) = Internet
(JKM) = Jaren K. Mey, [email protected]
(JT) =
Joy Troetschel[email protected]
(JW) = Jeanne Will, [email protected]
(MC) = Millie Crown, Hawaii (deceased)
(MNH) = Mary Neff Hurst, [email protected]
(NL) = Nancy Long,
[email protected]
(RC) = Rich Cummings, [email protected]
(RS) =
Ralph Spickerman, [email protected]

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