None of the following information, partial or in total, may be used by
any person or organization, electronically or otherwise, for the
purpose of profiteering.
ABER, Matthew
who died Feb. 2, 1855
in his 33rd year of his age
ABER, Mathew
who died May 12, 1833 or 88
in his 36th year
his wife
Prudence died Sept. 21, 1875
in her 35th year.
ABER, Matthew
who departed this life
Dec. 10, 1817
in his 75th year.
Frederick Barr
Born April 10, 1849
Died April 21, 1908
no stone
Source: Death notice, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 22, 1908 Issue
(Contributor: Andy Hummell, [email protected])
William Barr, 18-3? (unable to read)
Margaret J. Barr
Died Sept. 21, 1907
aged 77 yrs, 3 mos, 28 days.
Mary G. Logan
wife of Fredrick Barr
died June 10, 1876
Age 24 years, 26 days.
In Memory of
Mary Margaret Beham, Died Sept. 22, 1854, Aged 85 years.
In Memory of
Anna Margaret Bruner
who departed life
Oct. 19, AD 1813
aged 6 years, 8 month.
Ephraim Brunner, Born Nov. 19, 1795, Died April 13, 1867
CARPENTER (both on one stone)
J.Murry, 1818-1890, Father
J. Murry, 1854-1877, Son.
COON ( also see KUHN as they are together in same
Susanne, wife of David Coon
Died June 28, 1850
Age 35 yrs, 11 mos.
In Memory of Elizabeth Coon
daughter of Sarah & James Coon
Age 22 years, 2 mos, 24 days.
In Memory of Michael Coon
who departed this life
January 30, 1820
Margaret, Widow of Archibald Coon, Died Nov 1, 18__?
Martha, wife of Archibald Coon
Died June 17, 1818
in the 38th year of her age.
John Curry (Unable to read)
In Memory of Jane
Wife of John Curry
(no dates)
Hugh Davidson, 1820-1902, Uncle
(All on one Stone)
Col. Hugh Davidson
Died July 3rd, 1820
in the 75th year of his age
Catharine M.
Wife of Col. Hugh Davidson
Died Feb. 10, 1818
in the 65th year of her age.
Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord
from henth forth yea saith the spirit
that they may rest from their labors and their
works do follow them.
On same stone
Mother / Father
Elias, died May 1, 1840
aged 60 years
Martha M.
died March 28, 1840
aged 40 years.
Elias Bedford Davidson, Born June 10, 1821, Died July 26, 1884
Dearest Brother thou hast left us,
and thy loss we deeply feel.
But this God that hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrys heal.
William M. Davidson
Died Dec. 18, 1870 or 1810 (hard to read)
32nd year of age.
Mary Agnes C. Davidson, Born Dec. 19, 1829, Died Nov. 28, 1872
Martha M. Davidson, 1825-1906, Aunt.
David Herron, 188th Pa. Inf.
Fredrich Holmes, July 12, 1876, Died Oct. 13, 1880
Annabella C. King, Born Dec. 2, 1817, Died Nov. 14, 1891
Hugh D. King
Who departed live
January 3, 1865
in his 61st year of his age.
Margaret King, Born Dec. 15, 1815, Died April 22, 1885
James King
Died August 14, 1851 (the 1 is in ?)
in his 37th year of his age
....( on one stone).........
Nancy King, Died March 13, 1831, in her 50th year.
Robert King, Died Oct.4, 1849, In his 80 years.
KIRK (also see McConnell)
(All on one stone)
James Kirk, Died Feb. 24, 1861, in his 79th year
Jane wife of James Kirk, Died March 28, 1865, in her 82nd year.
Samuel Kirk, Died Dec. 13, 1860, In his 37th year
William Kirk, Died Nov 14, 1864, In his 58th Year
Robert Kirk, Died 1826 in his 3rd year
KUHN (also see Coon, in same lot)
A. A. Kuhn, Died May 10th, 1866, in the 29th year of his age
Wife of George McAnelly
Died Oct. 8, 1862
Age 51
Dr. William McConnell, Died Feb. 19, 1854, in his 73rd year.
(on same stone is the Kirk Family) See Kirk.
Hugh McCready
Born 1763
Died June 26, 1821
no stone, (Contributor: Andy Hummell, [email protected])
Jane McCready (nee Lowrie), wife of Hugh
no stone
Sarah McJunkin, Died March 28, 1867, In her 93 year of her age
Mother, Mary E. McJunkin, 1844-1926
Nancy McJunkin, Born Nov. 30, 1835, Died April 14, 1894
Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
James McJunkin, 1824-1900
Rebecca Logan
Wife of
James McJunkin
Died June 16, 1853
in the 25year of her age.
Justin McJunkin (Cannot read)
William McJunkin Senr.
Who departed this life
May 20th, 1845
in the 76th year of his age
In Memory of Martha McJunkin
who departed Oct_____, age 32.
In Memory of David
Son of Josiah & Perthenia, 1812
In memory of the infant son of
Josiah & Perthenia McJunkin
Died 1854
MC MATH, (Source: Daniel E. McMunn, [email protected])
wife of
Matthew McMath
Died May 10, 1862(?)
In his 80 year of _____.
Our Sister, Eliza Mc Math
Died October 30, 1881
Aged 67 years
3mos, & 24 days.
MC MUNN, (Source: Daniel E. McMunn, [email protected])
Robert McMunn
Co. E 105th Pa.Inf.
Mary McMath
wife of William Miskimins
born August 17, 1835
died Nov. 28, 1863
Daughter of W&M Miskimins
Born Feb. 17, 1861, Died Dec. 21, 1863
Daughter of W&M Miskimins
Born Nov. 1862, Died March, 1864
ROBERISON (cannot read)
SAARNO (hard to read)
Born 1830, Died June 23, 1892
Dr. Samuel Schreiner
Died April 12, 1868
Age 46 yrs, 2 mos,& 2_? das.
Lucinda B.
Wife of Dr. Samuel Schreiner
Died May 20, 1865
Aged 37 yrs, 3 mos, 2 days.
James Shaw
Born Abt. 1843
Died December 5, 1878
no stone, (Contributor: Andy Hummell, [email protected])
Agner Shuster (cannot read)
STAYMATES (two different spelling but all
together in on plot)
Mother, Dorethy Stimates
Died Dec. 15, 1870
Aged 68 years, 5 mos, and 5 days.
David Staymates, March 27, 1824, Aug. 26, 1894
Jacob Stamates, Died January 13, 1858, in his 88th year
Wife of Jacob Stamates
Died Aug. 21, 1837
Aged 59 yrs, 2 mo, 9 days.
2 baby stones (unable to read)
Margaret Eleanor Summerhill (nee Armstrong)
Born 1825
Died 1851
no stone
no strong evidence, (Contributor: Andy Hummell, [email protected])
My husband and child
Wilson Todd
Died May 27, 1858, Aged 32 yrs &2 mos.
William W. Son of Wilson & Martha A. Todd
Died May 27, 1858, Age 5 mos & 6 days.
Hannah Mary Tomer (nee Summerhill), wife of Henry R Tomer
Born 1827
Died June 11, 1853
no stone?, (Contributor: Andy Hummell, [email protected])
_____ of J.& A. Walker
Died July 23, 1848
Aged 30 yrs, 1 mo & 3 days
_______of J. Walker
Died August 31, 1847
Age 24 yrs, 11 mos, 15 days.
Jane C.
______ of W. Wilson, Died Feb. 21, 18__?
Joseph Woods, 1822-1905
Rachel M. Woods, 1838-1905
Margaret, d: March 28, 1857, 55 Yr, 6 Mo, 10 Days,
w/o Christian, (nee HART), 2nd-great-grandmother of Gloria Pace,
(Source: "gloria pace", [email protected])
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