Slide Shows


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Welcome to the Norin's Multiplex Theatre Complex. Please step up to our messy food counter and purchase a bag of our cold overpriced greasy high caloric popcorn from the young teeny bopper with the bad case of acne and then sit in one of our high backed stadium seating type chairs and try to ignore that little brat who keeps kicking the back of your seat and the twirp in front of you barking loudly on his damn cell phone.

You are about to preview six of our recently developed slide shows, and regardless of our other highly questionable services, we promise you won't be confronted with any loud, and violent previews.

These shows are best viewed on Internet Explorer.

I am experimenting with five SS formats. Let me know which style you like best.

Click here for Theatre One which now features assorted family pictures and some of our doughboy ancestors..
Click here for Theatre Two which now features some of my favorite pictures.
Click here for Theatre Three which now features Claremont Pooch Park Pups.
Click here for Theatre Seven which now features "Lovely Ladies (my aumts).
Click here for Theatre Five which now features our Mc Donald Family reunions.
Click here for Theatre Six which now features my grandkids.

Click here for Bill Norin's Home Page

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