Mount Hope Plains Cemetery, Otisville, Orange Co., NY


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Located on Rte. 11, Village of Otisville, Orange Co., New York. Photographed Fall, 2001.

BAILLIE-HAMILTON Florence Maud Baillie-Hamilton, Died July 28, 1912. Stone of C. Daily and Albert Doty, left rear.

BAKER Fallen stone of Charles Albert Baker, Born Dec. 18, 1889, Died Apr. 25, 1889? If you know the correct date/s please let me know.

BANNISTER Left: Elijah Bannister, died Nov. 22, 1860, in the 83 year of his age. Right: Mary, wife of Elijah Bannister.

BANNISTER Elijah Bannister, died Nov. 22, 1860, in the 83 year of his age.

[BANNISTER] In memory of Mary, wife of Elijah Bannister, who died Jan. 26, 18__ in the ________ of her age. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, from here forth: yea saith the spirit. That they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them. Rev. XIV. 13 ". Stone in rear right, Eunice, wife of Jonathan, who died Aug. 23, 1828.

BEEMAN Marvin Beeman, Died July 1, 1876. Aged 70 Years. To left of Mary Case.

[BLAIN] Died 20 Oct. 1823, Sarah, wife of Rev. Wm. Blain in her 52'd year.

BOOTH - DE LILLO Stanley R. Booth, 1908 - 1978; His Wife, Katherine De Lillo, 1910 - 2000. This stone is to the right and near the Rysdyke stone, see below.

BROOKS Nathan S. Brooks, 1827 - 1890, "He Sleeps"; Frances A. Brooks, 1837 - ?. "At Rest". Stone in center rear, is Sidney SMITH. Small stone to top right says "Mother" [not the same plot]. This Brooks stone is to the left of Archibald CORWIN.

BROWN Arminda Brown, wife of Samuel Brown, 1831-1902. Samuel Brown, Co. L. 15 Regt. NY Cav., 1819-1899.

BROWN Mahala Brown. Died. Feb. 22, 1908, Aged 78 Years, 11 Mos, 4 (or 14) Days. Stone, after cleaning with soft plastic-bristle brush.

Right rear of cemetery where oldest graves are located.

[BURNS] Mira Emily, wife of Lawrence Burns, Died June 6, 1884, Aged 72 yrs 4 days. [b. ca June 2, 1812]

BURNS Lawrence Burns born Sept. 15, 1801, Died Sept. 26, 1878. Stone next to Mira Emily.

CASE Mary Case, His Wife, Died Mar. 30 1893, Aged 82 Years. [Wife of Marvin Beeman].

COCKRILL George H. Cockrill, 1880 - 1905.

COCKRILL Lillian Cockrill, Born June 9, 1896, Died Feb. 12, 1897. Charles A. Cockrill, Born Sept. 7, 1889, Died Nov. 4, 1898.

COCKRILL - HOLLEY Nessfield Cockrill, Born July 4, 1850, Died Nov. 5, 1915. His Wife, Josephine Holley, Born June 29, 1856, Died April 3, 1934. Ketcham stone center left.

COCKRILL - GREENLEAF - WOOLFREY Daughter, Anna Greenleaf Woolfrey, 1913 - 1973.
Mother, Carrie Cockrill Greenleaf, 1888 - 1975.
Father, Floyd Agustus Greenleaf, 1883 - 1927.

COLEMAN Mary Coleman who depearted this life March 29, 1803(?) In the 35th year of her life. Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected]

COLEMAN In Memory of Sarah, wife of William Coleman, was departed this life February 17, 1816 aged 45 years 3 months and 5 days. Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected]

COLEMAN Died Apr. 2, 1849 William Coleman in the 79th year of his age. Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected] [Search of Rootsweb reveals: Owen & Related Families - "1. William Coleman (John Coleman5, William Coleman4, John Coleman3, William Coleman Jr.2, William Coleman1) was born 01 JUN 1770, and died 1849 in Mount Hope, Orange Co., NY. He married Sarah K. Seely. Child of William Coleman and Sarah K. Seely is:+ 2 i. Abigail Coleman was born 04 JAN 1808, and died 31 OCT 1869. " JSF]

COMSTOCK Moses [M.] Comstock, Died Oct. ? 1871 (?21), Aged 62 y'rs. ? Mo's. This stone behind SHAND monument.

[COMSTOCK] Margaret, Wife of Moses M. Comstock. Died Oct. 18, 1882, Aged 80 Years.

UNKNOWN Near Comstock.

CONKLIN Harriet Conklin, Born ?Oct. 4, 1835; Died May 5, 1917. Located in rear of cemetery, left of center.

CONKLIN Beloved Mother, Rose M. Conklin, 1899 - 1985.

CONKLING In memory of Coe Conkling who died Sept. 15, 1816, aged 52 y'rs. 8 mo. & 6 d's.

[COOLEY] Mother, Christina Cooley, 1832 - 1900

COOLEY Brother, Henry Cooley, 1859 - 1930. With PURDY stones, see below.

COOLEY William Cooley, 1855 - 1928

COOLEY - KELLY Elvira Kelly, Wife of William Cooley, 1868 - 1940

CORWIN Archibald Corwin, 1809 - 1878; Abigail Corwin, 1815 - 1895. Double stone to right is Nathan S. BROOKS, and Frances A. Brooks, see above.

DAVIS James Davis, Born Mar. 22, 1805, Died May 23, 1875.
Frances, His Wife, Born Dec. 30, 1793, Died July 30, 1876.
See WOOD, below (same monument)

DECKER - LINCOLNCaroline Decker, Wife of Homer A. Lincoln, 1848 - 1915. To right of YOUNG, below.

DAY Left: In memory of Eunice, wife of Jonathan Day, who died Aug. 23, 1838, AE 77 y'rs. Stone on right, Hannah SHERWOOD, see below.

DE WITT FAMILY Rev. W. F. De Witt [b. 23 Oct 1804]died Jan 4, 1886, Aged 82 y'rs. Right, John Wesley De Witt, 1840-1906. Located right front of cemetery. Child's grave [Gracie Smith], lower left, see below. [Estate of William dated 1886 Orange County Surrogate Court Book 49 page 52. Source: email, 12/14/2001, DCML]

DE WITT Rev. W.F. De Witt, and son, John Wesley [son of W.F. and A. DeWitt]. See above.

DE WITT - SKINNER Adaline Skinner, Wife of Rev. W.F. De Witt, Died April 6, 1885, Aged 79 yrs. Back side of DeWitt Family monument.

Right rear of cemetery, DODGE family plot on left enclosed with iron pipe.

DODD - CLEMENCE John Dodd, 1833 - 1919. His wife, Mary A. Clemence, 1836 - 1919. Elizabeth Dodd, 1861 - 1918. [Winter of 1918 - 1919 experienced nationwide flu epidemic, in which my own grandmother died. JF]

DODGE "This is to mark the spot where lies the body of Benjamin Dodge, who died April 27, 1812, AE 58 yrs., 1 mo. & 8 d's. Perpetual care. Stone, lower left is another Dodge. Left rear: John LEE, son of Johathan and Nancy SEYBOLT? Two square, low stones in far left rear are KETCHAM graves.

DODGE - WOODWARD Elizabeth Woodward, relict (survivor) of Benjamin Dodge, Died Oct. 26, 1862, Aged 72 years, 5 months and 11 days. This beautifully carved, fallenstone within the Dodge family plot, next to Benjamin Dodge.

DUN__? - DECKER David Dun?, June ?, 1840 - ?May, 1912?. His wife, Mary E. Decker, May 12, 1842 - May 28, 1911.

George E. Force, Co. H, 27 Regt. N.J. Volunteers [Civil War] 1844 - 1916. On his right, his wife, Elizabeth Spears? 1839 - 1926.
Thomas Force
Jennie M., next to Thomas, Born April 18, ?, Died Oct. 16,18?.

GOLDSMITH Salem Goldsmith and his wife Mehetabell. Left: In memory of Salem Goldsmith who died Jan. 26, 1831, aged 48 y's. 11 mo. & 2 d's. "Sleep on my friend ....". Right: Mehetabell, wife of Salem Goldsmith, Died June 12, 1875, Aged 84 y's. 10 mo's. & 4 Days. "Gone but not forgotten."

GREEN - HALLOCK Oliver Green 1817 - 1904. Susan Hallock, His Wife, 1820 - 1905.

HALSTEAD - NAYLOR David Halstead, Jan. 24, 1829, May 2, 1896. His Wife, Susan A. Naylor, 1842 - 1920. Georgiana's grave in foreground.

HALSTEAD Georgiana, daughter of D [David or David and Susan A. Halstead]. Died ? 16, 1872. Stone rear right, WRITER.

HALSTEAD M. Louisa Halstead, Jan. 14, 1869 - Oct. 25, 1881
Caroline Halstead, Jan. 2, 1885 - Oct. 12. 1870.

HALSTEAD Oscar Halstead, Sept. 18,1832, Oct. 25, 1882. Also seen right rear, KETCHAM, WALLACE, HALSTEAD stone.

HATCH - MC NISH - BERTHOLF George S. Hatch, April 9, 1832 - Sept. 12, 1898; His Wife, Elizabeth J. McNish, Jan. 24, 1820 - Jan 31, 1887; Isabell Hatch, Wife of Samuel Bertholf, Oct. 14, 1856 - 1927

HILL Erected by the teachers and pupils of Orange County to the Memory of Benj. F. Hill. Died Sept. 29, 1870, Aged 29 years. The grave of William SMITH, and wife Margaret Niver, to the right of this monument, see below.

HILL - CAMPBELL - WRITER Donald, Infant Son of C. Theo & Frances Hill CAMPBELL.
Frances Hill Campbell, 1868 - 1942.
Cla__? Hill Writer, 1866 - 1926.

HILL - REED Harriet J. Reed, Wife of Benjamin Hill. Born Aug. 30, 1841. Died May 16, 1895. Enlargement of inscription

HOFFMAN - ROWE Alberta Rowe, July 27, 1896 - July 19, 1969; Charles H., Sept. 22, 1896 - Jan. 29, 1986

HOBART Investa J. Hobart, 1874 - 1925. Stone appeared to be newly cleaned.

HOLLEY Susan Holley, Dec. 18, 1829, Dec. 29, 1889?. Inscription above name, not legible to me. Enlargement of stone.

HORTON - VOETSCH Lillie Horton, Wife of Fred W. Voetsch. 1973. See SNEDECOR, below.

[HOSKING] Emily, Wife of David R. Hosking, 1855 - 1908; Elizabeth Ann, 1888 - 1889

HOSKING - ROWE - TREWARTHA John Hosking, 1815 - 1898; His Wife, Mary Ann Rowe, 1819 - 1864; Also His Wife, Ann Trewartha, 1819 - 1900. Stone on lower Far left: Mary Jane FURMAN, 1857 - 1900; Stone on lower left, close to large stone is "Mary H."; Stone, lower right: "A.T.H.". Across the drive on far right is HOLLEY/MITCHELL stone. Across the drive on the left is one of the many WRITER stones.

HOWE FAMILY - GRIFFIN - Edward P. Howe, 1835 - [no date]; Jemima A. Griffin, His Wife, 1841 - 1915; Marcene L. Howe 1860 - 1900; bottom line reads: "1897 Sadie 1897". Small stone, lower right is Sadie E. Howe and Margene L. Howe. See next two picture.

HOWE Sadie E. Howe, Died July 11, 1897, Aged 7 mos.; Margene L. Howe born [1860, d. 1900]. To the rear and left of Howe Family stone.

HOWE Theodore M. Howe, Husband, 1888 - 1936. This stone is right behind the large Howe family stone.

Rear of cemetery, with oldest headstones; many Revolutionary War veterans.

HULSE - BURNS Sidney M. Hulse, 1837-1903; His Wife, Sarah Ellen Burns, 1841 - 1896. [My second gr-grandparents, parents of Ella Jane Hulse, my grandmother's mother.] Two small stones to the left of this one are their children, Selah Corwin Hulse and Florence Louisa Hulse who both died in early childhood. To find these graves from right entrance, go to 1st center drive of the cemetery, about 50' in on left side of drive.

HULSE Selah Corwin, son of Sidney M. and Ellen Hulse died Feb. 6, 1877, aged. This stone to the left of Sidney Mapes Hulse and Sarah Ellen Burns. ["Ellen" is Sarah Ellen Burns, sometimes also called "Sarah Bevans Burns".]

HULSE Florence Louisa, Infant Daughter of Sidney M. & Ellen Hulse, died June 24, 1880, Aged 2 mos. and 14 days. "Suffer little Children to come unto Me". Stone to the left of Selah Corwin Hulse. [The only other child I have on record for Sidney and Sarah Ellen, is my great-grandmother, Ella Jane Hulse. She died after 1927, and is buried, I believe, in Jersey City, NY]

List of Interments for Plains/Mt. Hope Cemetery. (offsite)

KETCHAM - CORWIN Margaret B., Wife Of Amos Ketcham, 1843? - 1912; I.E. Ketcham, 1848 - [masonic symbol] - 1926; His Wife, S.R. Corwin, 1848 - 1931.

KETCHAM - HOLDEN Samuel S. Ketcham, Died Nov. 1, 1868, Aged 55 Years.
Catherine Holden, His Wife, Died July 2, 1891, Aged 65 Years.
Charles W. Ketcham, Died Dec. 18, 1888, Aged 38 Years.
Monuments behind this stone, each side, THORN.

LOCKWOOD Daniel E. Lockwood, Died ? 7, 1875.

LOEVEN Robert Loeven, Sr., Pvt. U.S. Army, World War 1; June 1, 1892 - Mar. 28, 1987. Military Placque.

[LOEVEN] Anna Eloise Loeven, Loving Wife of Robert Loeven; Mar. 17, 1898 - Mar. 23, 1989

MAPES Grave of Sarah Mapes to left of Ketchum monument. See full photo of her stone, below.

KETCHAM Amos Jr., Son of I.E. & S.J. Ketcham, died Oct. 23, 1875, ages 2 yrs. 10 mos. & 8 d's.

KETCHAM Prudence Ketcham, Died 8. April 1833, Prudence, Wife of Joseph Ketcham, aged 77 years 2 mo. 22 d's. "The clads of the valley encompass her head, The Marble reminds us a Mother is dead." The grave on the left, Brewster HELM, died Sept. 26, 1858, in the 79 year of his age.

KETCHAM - MULOCK Joseph Ketcham died June 4, 1854, Aged 71 yrs. 11 mos. 17 d's. Mary L. Mulock, Wife of Joseph Ketcham, died Dec. 31, 1860, Aged 77 yrs. 6 mos. 10 d's. Ern. SWEZY - L. KETCHAM, lower left.

KORTRIGHT - COX (prob.) "Heaven, now retains our treasure, earth, the lovely casket keeps, and the sunbeams love to linger, where our darling Anna sleeps. She sweetly sleeps." Unidentified. Next to Aaron W. Kortright (right), Frances Cox Kortright (left) plot. Fallen stone made of metal, with hinged, shell shaped "box" on top.

KORTRIGHT Large stone on left is Aaron W. Kortright, to his right is "Darling Anna"; to Anna's right are Frances E. Cox Kortright and Geo. D. Kortright, see next three pictures.

COX-KORTRIGHT Frances E. Cox Kortright, 1859-1925, to the right of "Darling Anna". Right rear, John VANSTRANDER, b. Feb. 5, 18__, d. Sept. 26, 1892; and Lucia S. WALKER [or Waller] to John's left. Lucia b. May 19, 1832, d. Sept. 15, 1902.

Frances E. Cox Kortright, 1859-1925.

KORTRIGHT Geo. D. Kortright 1859 - 1926. This stone to the right of Frances E. Cox Kortright.

KORTRIGHT - MIDDAUGH Aaron W. Kortright died Jul 11, 1894 at age 76yrs; his wife Hester Middaugh died Feb. 25, 1907 age 80 yrs. 8 mos. 8 days.

KORTRIGHT In memory of John Kortright who died 16 Feb. 1821 in his 63 year.

KORTRIGHT - LITTLE William Finn Kortright, Born July 6, 1826, Died Oct. 7,1860?; Louisa Little, his wife, Born Feb. 10, 1833, died Jan. 6, 1885. "He Giveth His Beloved Sleep". Left: Ida Louise Kortright, Born May 4, 1888, Died Jan 7, 1891; Miriam Kortright, Born May 5, 1894, Died Dec. 10, 1988. Lower right marker: "M.K."; Large Ketcham monument right background.

KORTRIGHT Julia Anna Kortright, Born April 26, 1856, Died Nov. 3, 1886. Warren P. Kortright, Born May 4, 1891, Died Jan 20, 1976. [I.L.K. marker on left; my very patient husband and dogs in background, and left of husband is the BOYD family marker.

KORTRIGHT - MC DOUGALL James Little Kortright, Born Sept. 14, 1858, Died Aug. 14, 1899; Alice Mc Dougall, His Wife, Born Oct. 8, 1865, Died Sept. 17, 1949.

KORTRIGHT MONUMENT William Finn Kortright and Ida Louise Kortright.

KYTE - MAPES Calvin F. Kyte M.D., 1850 - 1918; His Wife Carrie Mapes, 1844 - 1936.

MAPES - BALL Job Mapes, 1813 - 1905; his wife, Mary Ball, 1815-1871. On same monument, Carrie Mapes, 1844-1936, with husband Calvin E. Kyte, M.D., 1850-1918.

MILLS ? ____e Mills, Dec. 11, 1811 - Jun. 12. 1903. DOTY stone right rear.

MAPES - SWEEZY Sarah Mapes, wife of John W. Sweezy, born Sept. 24, 1821, died March 26, 1896.

MULOCK In Memory of Gabriel R. Mulock who died Oct. 15, 1846 aged 47 years 7 mo. 6 d.s (middle name, Reeve) . Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected]

MULOCK - PENNEY Prudence, wife of Gabriel R. Mulock died Aug. 1, 1858 aged 57 years 7 days. Gone but not forgotten. (Her maiden name was Penney). Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected]

MULOCK Daniel Mulock 1813 - 1887; His wife, Cynthia Mulock 1818 - 1897. (This husband and wife were cousins - her maiden name was Mulock). Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected]

MULOCK D. Charles Mulock 1847 - 1878. (His name was Daniel Charles but referred to [as] Charles and was the proprietor of the Middletown Foundry at 9 Academy St.).
Justus H. Mulock - 1850 - 1887 (Justus Hotchkiss)
S. Frances Mulock - 1845 - 1901(Sarah Frances). Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected]

MULOCK Mulock. George W. Mulock 1826 - 1871 (birth date could be 1825 according to my [Lenora] records). His wife Mary A. Mulock 1825 - 189(4) (her maiden name was Mulock they were 2nd cousins). Ella L. Gumaer 1854 - 1927 (this was their daughter who married Augustus R. Gumaer). Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected]

MULOCK In Memory of Jeremiah Mulock who departed this life Dec. 24, 1802 age 91 years 6 months. Also, the other picture is a distance picture of Jeremiah's grave and the taller white stone did not photograph well but we did write down the inscription, In Memory of Rebecca wife of William Mullock who died May 31, 1833 age 69 yrs. 8 mo. and 11 days. Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected]

[OSBORN] In Memory of Catherine wife of Daniel Osborn, who departed this life Aug. 15, 1838 aged 70 ye. 11 m. & 18 d's. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord".

OSBORN Eliza J. Osborn, Died June 9, 1882, Aged 64 y'rs 4 m's 16 d's. "___? my memory". Large momument in left rear, surname REED.

PALMER - HORTON PALMER: Wife, Sarah Horton, 1870 - 1960. Husband, Robert B., 1868 - 1938. Large monument behind this stone, HILL; to the right of that, SMITH.

PURDY Dora Viola Purdy, 1901 - 1901

PURDY Lucy Kelly Purdy, 1876 - 1924

PURDY Melvin Cuer Purdy, 1899 - 1918

PURDY Nathan Cuer Purdy, 1876 - 1951

QUACKENBUSH Avery G. Quackenbush, Feb. 2, 1847 - Oct. 10, 1913.
E. Caroline Quackenbush, Oct. 12, 1849 - Apr. 8, 1921.

QUACKENBUSH - FULLERTON Daniel P. Quackenbush, Died Jan. 26, 1883, Aged 78 Years. His Wife, Malinda Fullerton, Died Mar. 29, 1883, Aged 72 Years. "Not our will, but Thine, Oh Father."

QUACKENBUSH - LANCASTER Esther A. Quackenbush, July 7, 1852. Ella A. Lancaster, Sept. 30, 1862 - Nov. 4, 1926.

[RAYMOND] Metilda, Wife of Lancelot Raymond, Died, April 27, 1865, Aged 67 Years. This stone next to and right of "Little Mary". Stones rear right, RUMPH - ELDRIDGE (Susanna Rumph Eldridge, 1849 - 1909). Daniel E. Lockwood, lower right.

Little Mary "The Grave of Little Mary"; Unidentified, close to monument of Lancelot RAYMOND.

REED - WHEAT - TINNEY [no photo - will reshoot pic]
Jonah H. Reed, Born 1804, Died 1873
Roxanna Wheat, His Wife, Born 1812, Died 1896
Harrison Reed, Born 1838, Died 1896
Amelia E. Reed, Born 1836, Died 1860
Frances E. Reed Tinney, Born 1846 - Died 1871.

REED - RUSSELL Mary E. Reed, 1824 - 1901.
Mrs. Lydia E. Russell, 1833 - 1914. Children of J. & R. Reed.

REED Rose Reed, 1839 - 1915
Julia A. Reed, 1842 - 1911.
Behind this stone, dark stone of J. Terry Ketcham, 1867-1943; His Wife Myrtie E.; and Henry Ketcham.

RYSDYKE - BABCOCK George H. Rysdyke, 1835 - ?; Cathrine Babcock, His Wife, 1852 - 1908.


SEYBOLT Here lies the Body of John M. Seybolt who departed this Life February 11th 1797, Aged 70 Years.

[SEYBOLT] Sally, wife of John W. Seybolt, died Nov. 11, 1869, aged ? Rt. rear of cemetery.

SEYBOLT John W. Seybolt, died Aug. 24, 1849, Aged 58 yrs. 6 mos. & 4 d's. Low chisled stone above left is "Nath'l."CAMPBELL, 1732 - 1815. Same shaped stone, far right is Rhoda KETCHAM, b. 1762.

SEYBOLT Elizabeth, Daughter of John W. & Sally Seybolt, Died Dec. 17, 1800, Aged 4 yrs. 4 mos. & 11 d's. The large squared stone behind Elizabeth has two CAMPBELL stones; stone top left of this stone is Phoebe Campbell, 1737 - 1800.

SEYBOLT In Memory of Frederick Seybolt who departed this life April 10th 1812, Aged 50 years, 5 months and 4 days. Surname on white stone, far left is FLOYD.

SHAND - MAC NAIR, SHAND - HOLLEY, SCOTT Monument: Wife, Elizabeth Holley, 1901 - ; Husband Edward B. Shand, 1901 - 1972. Mother, Jennie Mac Nair, 1872 - 1945; Father, John S. Shand, 1871 - 1917. Grandmother, Elizabeth Scott, 1833 - 1909.

SHERWOOD In memory of Hannah Sherwood, Died Oct. 9, 1849, AE 74 yr's. 6 mo's. & ? d's.

SIMONS - KORTRIGHT Isaac V.T. Simons, 1853 - 1880. Emma M. Kortright, His Wife, 1857 - 1940.

SMITH Gracie, Our Little Gracie. Gracie, Daughter of N.B. and Nellie Smith, Died January 20th, 1878, Aged 3 years and 3 months.

Little Gracie Smith

SMITH - HUNT Charles H. Smith, May 11, 1879 - July 2, 1974; His Wife, Hattie J. Hunt, Sept. 5, 1874 - July 31, 1959. Perpetual Care.

SMITH - NIVER 1824 - William Smith - 1883.
His Wife, 1834 - Margaret Niver - 1870.

SNEDECOR - HORTON Snedecor: Mother, Anna G. Horton, 1876 - 1959. Father, Luther Oakley, 1870 - 1950.

STANTON In memory of Nathaniel Stanton, son of Joseph & Sarah Stanton, who died July 25, 1813, AE. 24 y's & 12 d's. "When those ......snatched .......?"

[STANTON] Sarah, wife of Joseph Stanton, Died Nov. 30, 1877, Aged 70 [or 79?] y'rs. 2 mo's. & 11 d's.

[STANTON] In memory of Rachel wife of Rufus Stanton who died Jan. 13, 1840, aged 80 y's & 11 mos.

STANTON In memory of Rufus Stanton, who died Feb. 27, 1832, aged 75 years.

STANTON Angenett, daughter of [looks like] Jonathan and ? Stanton, died March 2, 1811, AE 3 mon's. & 8 d's. This stone behind Rufus Stanton's stone.

STANTON Ira B. son of Jonathan & ?Mary Stanton, died ?Mar. 10, 1818, aged 2 yrs. 7 mos.

STRATTON Margaret E. Stratton, July 17, 1844 - July 3, 1911. Lena I. Stratton, Nov. 19, 1872 - Dec. 6, 1892.

SWEZY John W. Swezy died, Oct. 10, 1871, Aged 64 yrs, 6 mos. 25 days.

SWEZY - KETCHAM Ernestus Swezy, May 28, 1833 - March 19, 1896; Lamira Ketcham, His Wife, July 28, 1835, Sept. 23, 1912.

SWEZY - KETCHAM - MULOCK - MAPES - TRAVIS Left to right, Ernestus Swezy, Lamira Ketcham; Joseph Ketcham - Mary L. Mulock; Sarah Mapes, w/of J. Sweezy, and in back, right, TRAVIS.

THOMPSON Rev. Andrew Thompson, with large stone on left of Col. Benjamin WOODWARD, see separate pictures for each. Perpetual Care plot.

THOMPSON This is to mark the spot where lies the body of the Rev. Andrew Thompson, pastor of the first Presbyterian Church of Deerpark, who died Feb. 27, 1838, aged 56 years, 1 month &; 26 days.

THORN Andrew ?. Thorn, Died March ?, 1877?, Aged ?2 Yrs.

[THORN] Lucinda, Wife of Andrew Thorn. Died Sept. ? 1876. Aged ?55.

THORN Hellen Lavenia, daughter of A [?perhaps Andrew] and Lucinda Thorn, Died April 4, 1873, Aged 13 Y'rs. 9 Mo's. 11 d's.

THORNE Robert Thorne, Born July 17, 1812. Died Nov. 6, 1881.
Eliza Thorne, Born Aug 7, 1805. Died Oct. 15, 1873.
Monuments visible in this area, REED, WRITER.

TRAVIS - MILLER Mother, Florence M. Miller, 1896 - 1948. Father, George J. Travis, 1895 - 1958. American Legion marker.

TRAVIS Mother, Mary E., 1927 - 1988; Father, Walter J. 1924 - 1985. Military placque for Walter J., behind this stone. See below. Also shown in rear of this photo, graves of GREENLEAF, and CHRISWELL.

TRAVIS Walter J. Travis., CPL., U.S. Army, World War II, May 22, 1924 - Sept. 22, 1985.

UNKNOWN Alice Lavenia.

UNKNOWN "Willie E.", Born March (produced by rubbing). Located center front of cemetery. Off it's base, leaning against iron railing. I tipped it back to photo, then returned it to it's leaning position.

VAIL Fanny Vail, d. ? 16, 1856.

[VAIL] Rebecca, wife of Alsop Vail, Died March 18, 1875 in the 85 year of her age.

VAIL In Memory of Alsop Vail who died Dec. 27, 1861, AE 66 y's., 6 mo's. & 15 d's.

VAIL In memory of Cynthia M., daughter of Alsop & Rebecca Vail, who died Apr. 20, 1812, in the 25 year of her age.

VAIL Capt. Alsop Vail, War of 1812, 1761 - 1840. American Legion Veteran's marker above stone.

VAIL Frances Vail, Wife of Capt. Alsop Vail, 1757 - 1828.

VAIL In Memory of Elizabeth Vail who departed this life October the 25th AD 1816 in the 83d year of her age. "Leaving her example as a legacy to posterity. It is the promise of the Lord to be the widow's tender aid; As well as orphans sure reward Who trust alone in him as head." Stone behind and right: In Memory of Nathan KING who died January ? 1816.

Magnificent Pine Tree , the far right rear corner of the cemetery.

[VAN TYLE] Elizabeth wife of John VanTyle died March 6, 1865 Aged 86 yrs. 5 mos. & 1 d. Mary E. LANGTON and Ezekiel Langton to the right of her grave.

VREELAND Anna Mae, 1900 - 1988; Reuben B. 1900 - 1989.

WELLER - DRAKE Lewis E. Weller, 1851 - 1913. His Wife, H. Della Drake, 1849 - 1921. KETCHAM/HALSTEAD stone, right rear.

WIGGINS - WELLER Elizabeth A. Wiggins, wife of Daniel S. Weller, Born June 21, 1832. Died Dec. 12, 1891.

WIGGINS - MULOCK John Wiggins Born 1826 died 1904. His wife, Antoinette Mulock born 1831 died 1875. Photo/transcr. submitted by Lenora Mulock, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Email: [email protected]

[WELLER] Esther, wife of Daniel S. Weller, Died ? Stone off its base.

WELLER Daniel S. Weller, Born April ?3, 1824, Died Jan. 14, 1885. This stone to the right of Esther.
THORN, and WRITER monuments, right rear.

WOOD - TYRRELL Emma T. Wood, Wife of John H. Tyrrell, Died July 5, 1890, Aged 34 Y's. 1 Mo. 8 D's. On other side of monument, SAMUEL E. WOOD, Born May 1, 1858. See full monument, below.

WOOD MONUMENT Samuel E. Wood, Born May 1, 1858, Died Oct. 9, 1885;
William E. Wood, Born June 16, 1865, Died Sept. 7, 1865
J. Wesley Wood, Born Mar. 30, 1878, Died June 8, 1878.
Across the drive is the CORWIN monument.

WOODWARD In memory of Col. Benjamin Woodward who died at Beaver Brook Sullivan County, N.Y. May 11, 1841 AE. 61 y's. 2 mo's. & 12 d's. "A publick benefactor and the poor man's friend."

WRITER - KETCHAM - SEYBOLT Harriett Writer, wife of John L. Ketcham, Died August 20, 1870, aged 49 yrs. 2 mos. 29 d's. Maria Seybolt, Wife of John L. Ketcham, Died Oct. 8, 1876, Aged 59 years, 7 mos. 25 d's. Swezy/Ketcham stone, lower right.

WRITER - DECKER Aaron Writer, 1842 - 1911. Lorinda Decker, His Wife, 1841 - 1921. Stone of Florence Maud Baillie-Hamilton, right rear.

WRITER - PENNEY Lewis L. Writer, 1870 - 1963. Carrie E. Penney, His Wife, 1872 - 1963.

YOUNG - MUSK Rev. J. Wesley Young, Jan. 31, 1833 - Mar. 23, 1913. His Wife, Caroline M. Musk, Apr. 6, 1840 - May 24, 1923. Lower left: Caroline DECKER, wife of HOMER A. LINCOLN, 1848 - 1915. Left rear, MARTIN.

General view right rear of cemetery. Stone lower left [partial] says "Samuel - Died Mar.". Grey stone to right of trees is Elizabeth, wife of William YOUNG, died Feb. 1868.

YOUNG, William
Following is note from Allan Rauner, Northville, MI, July 27, 2003, [email protected] :

There should be a headstone for William Young there also. My cousin (Tom Shepstone) found the headstone and recorded the below transcription. The transciption reads:
" Here lies deposited the remains of William Young who departed this life Febry 22nd 1802, aged 52 years, 11 months and 10 days."
"Readers read as you pass by
So as you me, so once was I
So as I am, so must you be
Prepare for death and follow me."
William is my [A. Rauner's] paternal great, great great great, great grandfather

Cemetery Contact:
Mt. Hope Plains Cemetery Corp.
Box 2
Otisville, New York 10963

Thanks to Rootsweb for this free space. JF

�Joan Sholl Francis, 1999 - 2003. Email: [email protected]