Archer County Texas Tidbits

Archer County Texas Tidbits

From Wichita Daily Times May 29, 1907
Another large real estate deal, involving 12,000 acres of the
Jones ranch three miles north of Holliday, was closed
Wednesday by Jackson & Moore and Dr. C.C. Young.
The deal involves $190,000 or $16 per acre. The land was
purchased from J.A. Kemp & I.H. Kempner. It will be divided
into small tracts and sold to new settlers, the new owners

From Wichita Daily Times May 29, 1907
A colony of more than 25 Russian-German families is soon to
be established near Holliday. A party of those immigrants
left Tuesday for their homes in the Dakotas after purchasing
6,000 acres of land. Arrangements have already been made by
the group for the construction of a church, store, bank &
livery stable at Holliday.

From 1904 Texas Almanac
Archer Co. population 2,508
Property evaluation 1903 - $2,438,910 - prices range from
$3.50 to $10 an acre
Scholastic pop. 635 - 13 school districts
One railroad - Wichita Valley Line
Archer City - county seat - pop. 350

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