Liberty Cemetery, Clay Co., Texas

Liberty Cemetery, Clay Co., Texas

Hint - Searching for Records
Many of our cemetery records are in the order that they are found in the cemetery. They were copied down as some one went up and down the rows. We keep them in this order because many times families are buried together even though they had different last names. Examples: Mother-in-laws, married children, married sisters, etc. Of course this makes your names hard to find. So, let your browser do the searching for you. After the file has loaded. Under "EDIT" use "FIND" (or "FIND in page..") and type in your surname. After you find the 1st reference to your name use "FIND AGAIN" to find the next reference. Happy Hunting!!

Clay Co. Map - Arrow to Liberty Cemetery

"L" on this map indicates location of Liberty Cemetery

See search hint - if you have trouble finding your person

Hickey, Flavia L.                                      4 January 1873 - 24 January 1960
Hickey, George A.                                     24 September 1875 - 19 December 1964
Hickey, Vernon                                        1899 - 1900
Hickey, Rexie                                         1897 - 1898
Curtis, Willie (Dau. of W. W. and T. A.)              21 March 1891 - 28 March 1899
Curtis, Lelar Bell (Dau. of W. W. and T. A.)          24 July 1889 - 18 February 1895
Curtis, Frank McConnell (Son of W. W. and T. A.)      28 July 1899 - 14 July 1900
Morton, Manervia J. (Wife of Joshua Morton)           30 October 1831 - 7 June 1893
Massey, Raymon (Son of J. J. and Carrie)               1 September 1896 - 22 January 1897
Gardner, David A. (Son of B. A. and M. E.)            13 August 1880 - 30 January 1899
Williams, Robert B.                                   22 August 1837 - 30 July 1899
Dean, Alvin Coy (Son of John and Mary)                26 August 1897 - 16 September 1898
Dean, Clide Nirth (Son of John and Mary)               3 August 1895 - 30 June 1897
Dean, William Alton                                    7 April 1887 - 8 June 1890
Parson, John R.                                       15 August 1852 - 1 January 1900
Parson, Nancy (Wife of John R. Parson)                27 August 1854 - 8 August 1937
Parsons,___(Sand Stone Difficult to Read)              1 September 1896 - 3 January 1903
Parsons, Penn Peyton (Sand Stone Difficult to Read)    3 June 188? - 1 August 1891
Vandiver, Fred (Son of B. F. and Mollie)              10 July 1899 - 30 April 1918
Ballma?, (Wife of John Ballma?) (Stone Broken)         8 September 1844 - 28 February 1891
Crain, J. N. (Husband of S. C. Crain)                 29 June 1854 - 28 April 1908
Crain, Sarah C. (Wife of J. N. Crain)                  1 August 1841 - 6 January 1913
Ireland, A. T. (Husband of S. C. Ireland)             23 February 1823 - 18 December 1887
Honea, Elizebeth                                      17 November 1836 - 10 April 1883
Williamson, Mary A. (Wife of W. W. Williamson)        11 September 1830 - 17 April 1883
Williamson, J. M.                                     1853 - 1924
Blalack Louiza                                        22 April 1806 - 13 December 1886
Barker, Cordellia (Wife of O. F. Barker)              21 December 1870 - 5 November 1918
Rolan, Oma (Wife of C. F. Rolan)                      17 June 1882 - 30 June 1917
Baker, Mary E.                                        1869 - 1958
Baker, Mary E. (Dau. of J. H. and M.)                 1903 - 1905
Johnson, (Inf. Son of Elwood and Annie Lou            One Date Only - 13 June 1932
Joplin, (Inf. Dau. of George and Lillie)              10 July 1917 - 10 July 1917
Godfrey, John Wayne                                   16 August 1924
Godfrey, Lila Lynetta                                 27 February 1932
Godfrey, Lila P.                                       3 January 1889
Godfrey, James M.                                     12 November 1878 - 15 October 1968
Godfrey, James Edwin                                  23 January 1931 - 2 February 1936
Godfrey, Sarah Darlene (Dau. of Clifford and          1934 - 1939
                        Klieta Mae)
Jopling, Bob Lee (Son of G. W. and M. S.)              2 June 1893 - 29 September 1894
Hahn, M. S. (Mother)                                  20 July 1855 - 22 June 1923
Mathews, S. H. (Son of I. T. and C. A.)               19 March 1889 - 18 February 1890
George, Forest Q. (Son of D. L. and E. E.)             1 December 1893 - 11 October 1894
George, (Inf. Son of H. A. and Lilly)                 15 February 1920 - 15 February 1920
James, Nannie E. (Wife of T. L. James)                 3 September 1845 - 2 June 1883
Trimble, Josephine (Sand Stone About Gone)            11 August ? - ? September 1883
Henderson, M. L. (Sand Stone)                         No Dates
Duval, John Ben                                       1832 - 1912
Goza, Rev. D. P.                                      24 July 1845 - 2 October 1904
Goza, Mary E. (Wife of D. P. Goza)                     5 December 1848 - 10 February 1919
Smith, Nancy                                          15 October 1824 - 26 March 1882
Smith, Sarah A.                                       16 August 1865 - 24 April 1884
Smith, Martha E.                                      28 July 1855 - 8 April 1924
Smith, A. J.                                           6 January 1851 - 13 February 1920
Godfrey, B. W.                                        23 June 1846 - 5 September 1894
Farar, James S.                                       11 October 1842 - 18 October 1919
Farar, Martha A.                                      13 October 1843 - 5 March 1908
Farar, Rex, (Son of J. S. and M. A.)                  17 April 1886 - 2 September 1894
Bridgwater, Emma                                      20 April 1885 - 28 February 1945
Bridgwater, Georgana                                  25 June 1852 - 2 June 1930
Bridgwater, Henry A.                                  21 February 1856 - 3 September 1933
Sincleair, E. T.                                      18 March 1880 - 7 September 1901
Sincleair, W. R.                                      20 November 1869 - 22 February 1899
Sincleair, Della                                      14 October 1874 - 16 October 1899
Garret, W. C.                                          3 October 1834 - 18 November 1884
Henderson, Margaret M.                                31 July 1825 - 28 March 1907
       (Married John H. George 1 January 1845)
Walker, Alice (Wife of W. J. Walker)                  14 August 1860 - 24 October 1884
Duval, Amanda                                         1845 - 1928
Miller, G. L.                                         29 January 1852 - 30 June 1882
Miller, Johnnie (Son of S. J. and A. L.)               1 March 1877 - 12 June 1884
Holder, J. H.                                          1 June 1861 - 8 November 1909
Harris, N. G.                                         10 May 1851 - 1 March 1921
Harris, Elizabeth D.                                  12 October 1817 - 12 April 1896
Harris, S. B.                                         10 May 1860 - 19 April 1928
Harris, Hester                                         1 January 1876 - 19 August 1914
Kerr, Geo. W.                                        _1? June 1835 - 2 March 1888
Coker, C. A.                                          12 June 1848 - 26 March 1932
Coker, Henrietta                                      23 May 1848 - 27 January 1928
Coker, May L.                                          6 May 1886 - 15 September 1966
Coker, Walter K.                                       3 February 1886
Graham, Nora L.                                       1892 - 19
Graham, John R.                                       1880 - 1946
Newton, Thomas H. (Son of A. B. and N. P.)            10 June 1886 - 19 June 1894
Graham, Joel                                           2 February 1878 - 14 August 1927
Graham, Henrietta                                     15 August 1849 - 27 February 1918
       (Wife of Jesse Graham. Spelling Correct)
Graham, Jessie (Spelling Correct)                     11 March 1850 - 24 March 1921
White, Climmie (Wife of M. T. White)                  21 July 1871 - 5 August 1923
White, M. T.                                          23 April 1872 - 9 July 1937
White, Henry                                          22 September 1895 - 6 November 1920
Gray, Mary L. (Wife of Allen Gray)                    11 April 1820 - 19 February 1896
Gray, Mary A. (Stone Broken)                           7 February 1847 - 13 October 1886
Monroe, A. B. (Husband of S. M. Monroe)                3 May 1853 - 11 March 1886
Ferguson, Johnny Marie (Dau. of W. A. and M. F.)       2 June 1907 - 9 April 1907
Ferguson, J. C. (Father)                              20 June 1849 - 26 November 1919
Ferguson, M. J. (Mother)                              31 July 1854 - 23 December 1884
Jackson, Nelia F. (Wife of P. A.)                      2 November 1879 - 30 January 1911
Barker, Wm.                                           13 July 1825 - 10 February 1906
Dabbs, Mary J. (Aged 85 Years)                        No Dates
Dabbs, W. C. (Aged 56 Years)                          No Dates
Dabbs, James R.                                       16 November 1869 - 16 December 1897
Aufill, Sarah Jane (Wife of J. T. Aufill)             (Aged 57 Years) - 1 September 1912
Dick, M. C.                                           10 March 1839 - 14 August 1889
Hunsaker, Omer                                        1867 - 1889
Perkins, Mary E. (Wife of W. H.)                      10 December 1832 - 2 June 1901
Perkins, William H.                                    6 December 1830 - 6 September 1883
Carpenter, ________(Mason)                            One Date Only - 12 September 1882
       (Initials at end of grave - E. F. C.)
Hood, Sarah J. E.                                     11 January 1836 - 11 May 1882
Conner, Ellen Elizabeth                                3 July 1885 - 25 April 1886
Conner, James F.                                      16 January 1811 - 6 February 1886
Walhe__?, Annie J. (Aged 31 Yrs., 5 Mos., 6 Days)      3 June 1854 - 9 November 1888
Kerr, R. S.                                           No Dates
Cappleman, J. F.                                      No Dates
Mahaffey, Attic D.                                    23 October 1900
Mahaffey, Ira G.                                      23 May 1896 - 17 October 1967
Stephenson, Gordon D.                                 27 August 1898 - 30 May 1965
(Texas, PFC 1960 Ord. Depot CO AVN WW II)
Stephenson, Fay                                       1901 - 1936
Stephenson, Vernon B. (Son of A. J. and M. E.)        11 May 1910 - 8 August 1910
Stephenson, Mollie D.                                 1872 - 1935
Stephenson, A. J.                                     1868 - 1942
Stephenson, W. A.                                     1904 - 1945
Campbell, John J.                                     23 December 1863 - 13 September 1915
McDaniel, Louisa                                      13 August 1824 - 12 January 1919
Weathersby, Darling                                   1830 - 1908
Weathersby, Lucinda                                   1842 - 1927
Watkins, Daniel W. (Son of W. A. and J. F.)            9 May 1881 - 9 December 1906
Watkins, William                                       2 April 1846 - 12 October 1926
Watkins, Joseph Wm.                                   1883 - 1941
White, Francis E.                                     12 December 1903 - 24 July 1929
White, Lucinda                                        24 November 1879
White, George W.                                      24 November 1881 - 15 June 1953
Jackson, Colene                                       28 October 1933 - 13 March 1934
Bolding, Mrs. Bertha                                   8 February 1894 - 10 February 1967
Gray, Alonzo                                          1857 - 1936
Gray, Margaret                                        1852 - 1939
Jones, George E. (Son of J. T. and Susan)              4 January 1878 - 10 January 1903
Farar, Mary J. (Wife of Wm. K. Farar)                 27 March 1844 - 21 May 1905
McGaha, Rosa (Wife of Isaac McGaha)                   21 September 1871 - 8 June 1916
Broom, Robert B.                                      1863 - 1936
Broom, Sarah Olive (Mother)                           20 March 1875 - 11 October 1965
Broom, Ivie Edith                                     16 July 1899
Broom, John Wesley                                    26 September 1894 - 25 January 1967
Jackson, Dollie (Photograph embedded in stone)        1881 - 1968
Jackson, Abner (Abb)(Photograph embedded in stone)    1879 - 1948
Jackson, Augusta (Gus)                                1903 - 1919
Jackson, Ora                                          1911 - 1913
Hesterly, H.                                          1846 - 1912
Jackson, Roy                                          One date only - 1902
Jackson, J. C.                                        May 3, 1848 - 8 August 1929
Jackson, Abner                                        8 April 1835 - 20 September 1921
Jackson, Eva Jewel                                    1909 -- 1909
Rodden, M. A. (Wife of J. A. Rodden)                   6 February 1848 - 17 August 1912
Rodden, J. A.                                          7 February 1841 - 16 August 1910
Hawkins, L. N.                                        10 December 1838 - 19 January 1892
Leuelling, Manda S. (Wife of B. M. Leuelling)         15 September 1870 - 17 May 1893
       (Aged. 23 Years)
Robinson, Sarah (Wife of W. B. Robinson)               1 August 1813 -, 24 February 1896
Robinson, Sarah                                       19 July 1855 - 3 March 1880
Farmer, Lee Andrew (Son of A. J. and M. I.)           16 September 1885 - 25 June 1889
       (Aged 3 Yrs, 9 Mos. 9 Days)
Evans, L. J. (Wife of F. M. Evans)                     5 September 1852 - 16 March 1881
Walker, Rev. W. C.                                    15 February 1823 - 22 March 1899
Walker, Caroline P. (Wife of W. C. Walker)            31 May 1823 - 16 February 1915
Walker, Nannie E. (Dau. of W. C. and C. P.)           22 March 1868 - 5 April 1901
Walker, Emma E. (Dau. of W. C. and C. P.)             22 November 1865 - 23 May 1882
Kendall, Lizzie A. (Wife of L. C. Kendall)            12 February .1859 - 11 April 1881
Wagner, William M. (Has Two Stones)                   16 October 1846 - 28 December 1927
       (Pvt. Co. G1 Regt. Tenn. Cav. , Confederate States Army)
Wagner, Annie J.                                      1854 -1888
Wagner, Luther M.                                     27 May 1881 - 2 June 1881
Wagner, Mary E. (Stone Broken)                        29 October 1882 - 31 October 1882
Wagner, Addison M.                                     2 August 1873 - 29 March 1894
Wagner, Martha B.                                      ? April 1888 - - ? April 1888
Wagner, ___(Inf. Dau. of W. J. and L. A.)              5 October 1884 - 5 October 1884
Walker, Jahu (Son of W. J. and L. A.)                 26 August 1901 - 30 August 1901
Sewell, I. J.                                         1866 - 1939
Sewell, Addie                                         1871 - 1953


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