St. Peters Cemetery - Montague Co., Texas

St. Peters Cemetery - Montague Co., TX

copied by Thelma Rickard, July 23, 1988

Cemetery is located near Bowie, TX. Take Hwy. 59N from Bowie, go 3 miles to Hwy. 1758. Turn east on 1758, go 2 miles, turn north on dirt road. Go 4 tenths mile. On right side of the road. A small German cemetery.

Hint - Searching for Records
Many of our cemetery records are in the order that they are found in the cemetery. They were copied down as some one went up and down the rows. We keep them in this order because many times families are buried together even though they had different last names. Examples: Mother-in-laws, married children, married sisters, etc. Of course this makes your names hard to find. So, let your browser do the searching for you. After the file has loaded. Under "EDIT" use "FIND" (or "FIND in page..") and type in your surname. After you find the 1st reference to your name use "FIND AGAIN" to find the next reference. Happy Hunting!!

 From west to east:
 Row 1

 Andreasen, Diane Kay           Oct. 24, 1950                  Jan. 29, 1952
 Andreasen, Gladys L.           Mar. 3, 1918                   no date

 Andreasen, Sigurd J.           Jan. 9, 1908                   Feb. 8, 1984

 Andreasen, Axel S.             Nov. 18, 1904                  Mar. 25, 1985
                                Burgess Fry Funeral Home.

 Row 2
 Roth, Babetta                  Apr. 14, 1870                  Dec 28, 1922
                                Wife of Mike Roth.

 Roth, Mike                     Dec. 19, 1861                  Aug. 25, 1943
 Roth, Alvena                   1889                           1940

 Roth, George F.                1890                           1955

 Roth, Hermine K.               Oct. 21, 1900                  Jul 10, 1960
                                Married Dec. 28, 1922
                                (Husband John George Roth)
                                Owens Brumley Funeral Home

 Roth, John George              May 1, 1895                    Feb. 16, 1974
                                WAGR U.S. Army, WWI.
                                Owens Brumley Funeral Home.

 Roth, Katherine                1893                           1962
                                Owens Brumley Funeral Home.

 Roth, Hattie                   Oct. 11, 1907                  Mar. 13, 1977

 Roth, Leonard H.               May 26, 1903                   Feb. 25, 1966

 Row 3

 Roth, Georg                    Dec. 6, 1864                   Dec. 26, 1910
                                 2 tombstones. Other: GEB
                                6 Dec. 1864, d. 26 Dec 1910.

 Roth, Elizabeth                Aug. 31, 1866                  Oct. 6, 1944
                                2 tombstones. Other: same
 Roth, Baby                     only date: 1840

 Roth, Bertella M.              Jun. 26, 1899                  no date

 Roth, William M.               Jan. 19, 1903                  no date

 Row 4
 Unknown mother & child of migrant 
   family on their way west     1875
 Egenbacher, Leonhard           Aug. 18, 1886                  Aug. 6, 1911

 Sachtel, Ruthe Ganft Michael   Aug. 9, 1845                   Jun. 14,1884
 Conrad, Margarette (Mrs)       Aug. 24, 1855                  Mar. 2, 1928

 Hactel, Eugen John             Feb. 27, 1911                  Jan. 12, 1918
 Hachtel, Michel Leonard        Oct. 25, 1909                  Jan. 13, 1913

 Hachtel, Helene Brown          Sep. 17, 1883                  Apr. 17, 1968

 Hachtel, Eugen G.              Aug. 24, 1884                  Mar. 7, 1964
                                Husband of Helene Brown
                                Married Jan. 17, 1909.

 Row 5

 Kaiser, Louis                  Oct. 17, 1852                  Aug. 15, 1889
 Kaiser, Mira Katharine         Oct. 6, 1845                   Oct. 15, 1938
 Egenbacher, Johann             Feb. 2, 1856                   Mar. 1, 1928
 Egenbacher, Pauline Fauvon
      Johann                    Apr. 16, 1857                  Nov. 9, 1933

 Row 6
 Bubendorf, Louise              Sep. 1889                      Sep. 1890

 Bubendorf, W.E.                no date                        no date
                                Son of W.F. and Annie Holldtke
                                Footstone: WB

 Bubendorf, Gene Veve           Dec. 31, 1849                  Jun. 16, 1922

 Preuninger, Inf.               Feb. 27, 1913                  Feb. 27,1913
                                Hier Ruht Das am 27 Feb. 1913,
                                totgeb Sohnlein Von Wilh U. Maria
                                Preuninger Rhue Sanft (Here
                                lies the small son, stillborn on 27 Feb
                                1913 to Wilhelm and Maria

 Bubendorf, Albert              Nov. 17, 1882                  Mar. 16, 1914
 Bubendorf, Wilhelm             Nov. 6, 1880                   Jul. 8, 1921

 Preunenger, Inf.               Mar. 13
                                Hier ruht in Frieden das am 13
                                ten Marz totgeb Tochterlein
                                Von Welh U Marie
                                Preunenger Rhue Sanft (Here
                                lies in Freedom the small
                                daughter that was 13th of
                                March stillborn to
                                Wilhelm and Maria 

 Mierschin, Clara               Apr. 3, 1908                   Apr. 8, 1924

 Preuninger, Marie Gottun des                                  
      Wm.                       Oct. 4, 1874                   Nov. 10,1924

 Preuninger, William G.         Dec. 7, 1866                   Nov. 16, 1950

 Row 7

 Huth, George                   Jan. 19, 1851                  Nov. 24,1890
 Huth, Anna                     Oct. 18, 1847                  Mar. 6, 1934
                                Wife of George Huth.

 Huth, Fred H.                  Oct. 7, 1874                   Oct. 15,1956

 Huth, Anna Lee                 Apr. 16, 1905                  Aug. 13,1905

 Huth, C. Alfred                Oct. 28, 1885                  Aug. 12, 1970

 Row 8

 Husfeld, F.                    May 22, 1822                   Aug. 29,1894

 Husfeld, E.T.                  Aug. 19, 1822                  Jan. 11,1919
 Funeral Home marker - rusted,

 Husfeld, Herman F.             Jul. 6, 1855                   Aug. 12,1925
 Husfeld, Barbara               Jun. 4, 1865                   Oct. 6, 1945
                                Wife of Herman F. Husfeld.

 Seiler, Elsie                  Feb. 27, 1893                  Jan. 15,1926
 Husfeld, Margarette A.         May 27, 1894                   Jun. 5, 1962

 Husfeld, Fred H.               Jun. 2, 1896                   Jun. 7, 1975
                                Burgess Fry Funeral Home.

 Row 9
 Husfeld, Infant                1894                           1894
                                Infant son of Henry & Margaret

 Husfeld, Infant                1908                           1908
                                Infant daughter of Henry &
                                Margaret Husfeld.

 Husfeld, Margaret              Nov. 8, 1868                   Apr. 17,1935
 Husfeld, Henry                 Jul. 22, 1857                  Sep. 8, 1942

 Husfeld, Babette J.            Apr. 28, 1900                  Jan. 6, 1973

 Husfeld, Herman G.             May 20, 1900                   Mar. 21, 1974

 Row 10
 Mueller, Fritz Paul (Mrs)      1870                           1933
                                Funeral home marker only.

. . . End of St. Peters Cemetery

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