History of 1st Baptist Church - 1883 - 1934

History of 1st Baptist Church, Wichita Falls, TX - 1883 - 1934

From old post card

Not sure of the source of this material - was in a collection of typed histories

It appears to have been written about 1934

In the early part of the year 1883 Rev. H.M. Burroughs, then a Missionary of the Convention, visited the village of Wichita Falls and vicinity, and finding a few Baptist people, called them together and organized the First Baptist Church in Wichita County. This little band, composed of eight of the early settlers, met in the little log cabin school house, where the Masonic Temple now stands, on the corner of Tenth and Scott streets. The charter members were: R. E. Huff, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. P. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchings, and probably Mrs. Allen Palmer. Mr. Huff is the only charter member now in the church.

Bro. Burroughs, the founder of the church, came up from Henrietta and served the church as pastor until 1885, when Rev. T. E. Jasper became pastor. Services were sometimes held in the homes of the members, and sometimes in the school house, and sometimes in the small two roomed courthouse, north corner of 8th and Lamar Streets. The Presbyterian congregation were the first to erect a building of their own. After it was completed a Union Sunday School was organized, and the little band of Baptists were invited to hold their preaching services in this church. This was their church home until the completion of their own church building. Baptisms in these early days were in the Wichita River on Crescent lake.

The Baptists early began to lay plans for the building of their own house of worship, and in 1886 the house was built on Indiana Avenue, near Tenth Street. The same year the church was incorporated with R. E. Huff, Capt. W. T. Coffield, and Dr. O. Eastland as trustees and incorporators. The new church was of red brick and had a high steeple tower. It cost $2500 and it was seated with opera chairs and would seat about 300 people.

Mr. R. E. Huff was the first Sunday School supt. Mr. O. C. Cutter, secretary, Dr. S. H. Burnside, director of music and Mrs. W. T. Coffield was organist. Dr. O. Eastland was church clerk for many years.

In January , 1887, Rev. J. C. White came to be pastor at a salary of $600 per year. The first church wedding was that of Miss Buena Doffield to Mr. John B. Hunt, December 7, 1887, ceremony by the pastor Brother White.

In the early part of the year 1891 the church records were destroyed by fire.

In April, 1901, the church purchased a pastor's home. This property was at the corner of Thirteenth and Lamar Streets. Bro. T. R. Bowles and family were the first to occupy this home.

It was not until July of 1901 that the church began to use electric lights.

In April, 1904, Bro. A. C. Burroughs, son of the founder of the Church was secured as pastor. It was during his pastorate that the new church on the Corner of Tenth and Austin was erected. These lots had been given to the church by the Town site company twenty four years before, but were considered too far out at that time. In 1906 they were bought again at a cost of $1500 . The new building was completed in December of 1906 at a cost of $21,000. The building was dedicated Dec. 23, 1906 by Dr. George W. Truett. At this service a report of the building committee was read, showing a total cost of lot and building at approximately $21,000 of which $15,000 had been provided for, leaving a deficit of $6,000. Dr. Truett preached one of his soul stirring sermons, after which he made an earnest appeal for subscriptions in order that the building might be dedicated. In just twenty minutes more then the necessary amount was subscribed. Rev. Burroughs, founder of the church, presented the congregation with a beautiful six piece silver communion service.

In 1908 a pastor's home was erected on the lot next to the church facing Tenth Street, at a cost of $2500.

The Church adopted the budget system of benevolence for the first time in 1911. City mission work was begun, and a mission called fourth street mission was built at the corner of Fourth and Travis Streets. This mission was later organized into a church and is now know as the Lamar Street Church.

In 1913 the Walnut Street mission was built, and is now the Lory Memorial church. Dr. Powers began his pastorate Sep. 9, 1917. In 1919 Mr. Charles Cook was employed as the pastor's assistant and director of music.

As early as 1913 the congregation began to feel the need of a larger building, but it was not until 1919 that definite steps were taken toward the erection of a new church building. A lot was purchased on the corner of 9th and Burnett, and a new Church building erected, the whole costing something over $440,000. The main auditorium has a seating capacity of 1500 and is equipped with a pipe organ. On June 26, 1921, Dr. George Truett came and preached the dedicatory sermon to a congregation that taxed the capacity of the new building.

On January 1, 1922 Mr. William Young of Mansfield, La. accepted a position as financial secretary of the church.

The Mexican Baptist Mission which is located on Flood street is fostered by this Church. Mrs. E. W. Carter has worked with this mission since its beginning and done a very wonderful work. The property is owned by the First Baptist church.

Sept. 25, 1927 was designated "Home coming day" and marked the 10th Anniversary of Dr. Powers' pastorate here.

At the beginning of the year 1934 the Church had 2,436 members, and an average Sunday School attendance of about 900.

Pastors who have served this church as follows:

H.M. Burroughs 1883-1885

T.T. Jasper 1885-1887

J.C. White 1887-1890

W.D. Beverly 1890-1891

I.H. Colman 1891-1892

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