Not sure of the source of this material - was in a collection of typed histories
It appears to have been written about 1934
The first Revival meeting held in 1885 by the members of the Christian Church was held in the Presbyterian Church by Rev. Frank Rawlins and Rev. F. M. Bandy.
The First Christian Church of Wichita Falls was organized in 1888. The charter members were J. S. Suddith, J. L. Downing, John Keller, Mrs. John Keller, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Heath, Mr. H. M. Durrett, Mrs. O. T. Bacon, Mrs. C. E. Reid, I. Knight, Mrs. Kessinger, Mr. and Mrs. John Ground, J. S. Fore, and the Misses Burrus.
Charter members who are still living here and attending the Church are Mrs. O. T. Bacon, Mr. W. C. Heath, and Mr. I. Knight.
A preacher by the name of Woods was the first to minister to the congregation. The second preacher was a Mr. Bowen, who came from Seymour. In 1890 a lot on the corner of Ninth and Lamar was bought and a small frame church erected. The entire cost was $1500.00. The members gave $1,000 and $500 was borrowed from the Church Extension Fund at Kansas City. This loan was paid at the rate of $100 per year with the interest for five years. Rev. J. W. Holsapple was the first regular pastor of the new Church. Rev. George Sweeney of Taylor, Texas, dedicated the Church. H. M. Durrett was the superintendent of the Sunday School. The pulpit and chairs were donated by Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bacon. Miss Mattie Fore was one of the first Sunday School teachers. Mr. Holsapple preached from 1891 until the fall of 1894. He was gone two years but returned and preached until 1897. Immediately after he left, a meeting was held by H. M. Bandy at the close of which a new pastor, A. E. Ewell was called. He preached less Than two years and had to resign on account of his wife's health. Several years later, however, he returned and held a very profitable meeting.
The pastors who served the church from 1897 until 1912 were: A. L. Clinkenbeard, E. F. Bledsoe, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Felkner, Mr. Wyatt, A. J. Bush, and R. R. Hamlin.
In June 1912 Frank F. Walters accepted the call as pastor. Under his leadership the lot where the present church now stands was purchased and the church built. It was dedicated in 1914, free of all debt. The cost was about $45,000.00. Mr. Walters left on January 1st, 1917.
Mr. Percy Cross was the next pastor called, and Mr. J. Lem Keevil succeeded him in the fall of 1919. Mr. Keevil took sick in 1922 and Mr. Lanbreth Hancock was called to assist him. During his pastorate the Ladies Aid bought the lot on Travis next to the Church and erected a parsonage at a cost of $13,000. Mrs. T. T. Reese was then president of the Aid Society. The Aid also bought the pipo organ and had it installed.
Mr. Milo Atkinson was the next pastor serving the church from the middle of 1924 until the fall of 1925.
Dr. Floyd Allan Bash of Colorado Springs was then called in March, 1925, and served until November, 1929, when he accepted a call to Des Moines, Iowa.
Dr. Howard Thomas Wood began his pastorate on the first Sunday in February, 1930, and is still serving the Church. There is a Church enrollment of 950 members, with an average Sunday School attendance of about 420. This church has supported a living link missionary for a number of years. A community Sunday School is being conducted across the river by members of our Church, under the leadership of Mr. C. W. Gorin. About 75 children attend.
Mrs. R. E. Strange has been playing the organ for more than twenty-five years.
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