History of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church 1907 - 1934

History of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church - Wichita Falls, TX 1907 - 1934

Not sure of the source of this material - was in a collection of typed histories

It appears to have been written about 1934


The mother Church is at Friberg, where it was organized in 1893. As the people from the Friberg community began to move in to Wichita Falls they wanted a church of their own denomination here. Accordingly in 1907 Rev. R. E. Farley who was pastor at Friberg, came in and organized a Methodist Episcopal Church here on October 19. Regular services were held in the Court house for two years. Charter members were: Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bentley, Theresa and Martha Bentley: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cook, O. S. Cook: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clarke, Mattie and Malissa Clarke, Allen Darnell, Hartwell LaGrone, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reed, Elbert, Iva, W. Bennett, and Ada Reed: Mrs . Lena Trueblood, and Miss Faye Trueblood.

The corner-stone for the new church building on the corner of Seventh and Lamar, was laid April 14, 1909, by Rev. Wm. Fielder, President of Ft. Worth University. Frank Kell of this city made the address. Others who took part on the program were: Rev. Wisdom, pastor of the M.E. Church at Friberg: Rev. Morrow, pastor of the First Methodist Church here: Rev. Fry, pastor of the First Baptist Church: Rev. Bush, pastor of the First Christian Church; Mr. McAbee, the builder, and Mr. Gohlke. A large crowd was in attendance in spite of dust and wind. The Times of April 9, 1909 says: "And the North Methodist Church is now building a $35,000 institutional Church building in two separate compartments, one of which will be occupied by the Y.M.C.A. and will be modern in every respect."

The Times of May 10, 1909 : says: "A storm and cyclone that hit the city between eight and nine o'clock P. M. on May 8, blew down the north and south back walls of the Methodist Church which is under construction on the corner of Seventh and Lamar, but they carried tornado insurance to the amount of $10,000 which covered damages."

November 20, 1909 was the last Sunday that this organization met in the Court House. The Austin Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church met on November 24 in the new Church building. The conference was officially opened with the evening service. On the Thursday following, the City's union Thanksgiving service was held in this Church with a sermon by Bishop Quail.

Bishop Quail dedicated the Church on Sunday, November 28, at 10:30 A. M. At the rate of $600 a minute for 22 minutes funds were raised to the extent of over $14,000. This amount being confined almost altogether to the membership and immediate friends of the Church. This was accomplished in spite of the fact that a heavy rain was falling. The Y. M. C. A. end of the building was supposed to pay $8,000, but at the time of the dedication only $1,100 had been raised.

The oldest members who are now in the Church are Dr. and Mrs W. W. Swarts who joined in 1908. Members who were present at the dedication service in 1909, and who are still attending this Church are: Mr. And Mrs. J. Houston Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bachman, Mrs. O. W. Corkhill, John Dollard, Mrs. Al Friberg, Floyd Friberg, Mrs. W. L. Keys and Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Swarts.

The membership of the Church is now 278, with an average Sunday School attendance of about 160. The Church plant is valued at $30,000 and the parsonage at $3,000.

Pastors who have served this Church.

R. E. Farley 1907-10

H. C. Wharton 1911

Jos. E. Coe 1912-13

C. C. Smith 1914-15

C. C. Brannon 1916

A. D. Rice 1916

H. F. Draper 1917-13

P. E. Bingman 1919

T. S. Pittinger 1920-21

Ira L. Crabtree 1922

Leslie Miller 1923-28

A. F. White 1928-29

J. R. Caffyn 1930

W. D. King 1930

C. E. DeWitt 1931

Bruce B. Corbin 1932-33

H. A. Morton 1934

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