Not sure of the source of this material - was in a collection of typed histories
It appears to have been written about 1934
Current Picture (2006) of St. Paul Luthern Church - 11th and Holliday Streets - Wichita Falls
The first missionaries who came here in the interest of
organizing a Lutheran Church were Rev. Hier of Dallas, and Rev.
F. Schulenburg of Ft. Worth. The pastor called here was Rev. G.
L. Mehlhorn, who was called by the Mission Board of the Southern
District of the Missouri Senate. On August 19, 1894 Rev. Melhorn
was installed in the small Presbyterian Church on Jalonic Street
by Rev. Schulenburg of Ft. Worth. The church was then only a
mission post. On December 2, 1894 Rev. Mehlhorn preached his
first sermon and the little group organized themselves into the
Evangelical Lutheran St. Paul's Congregation.
The first elders were August Hendrich, H. Fischer, and Henry
Luecke. The first trustees were E. Bauch, C. H. Schulz, and
Herman Jentsch. The following were the first officers; E. Bauch,
secretary; Louis Luecke, treasurer; John Hirschi, collector. On
January 24, 1896 Rev. Mahlhorn died and was buried here. Then
the Mission Board called Rev. F. M. Rudi and he was installed on
September 6, 1896. In September 1901 he was followed by Rev. G.
A. Obenhause. A new church was built on the corner of Eleventh
and Holliday at a cost of $3,044, and this was dedicated on July
31, 1904 under Rev. Obenhause.
On December 11, 1904 Rev. E. Deffner was installed. In April
1907 the first parsonage was built at a cost of $1,000.
On September 24, 1911 Rev. C. M. Beyer was called.
On April 26, 1919 the congregation celebrated the twenty-
fifth anniversary of the Church. Speakers were President S.
Studtmann of Riesel, Texas, and Rev. H. C. Gaertner of Malone,
Texas. In January 1919, the Church declared itself self-
sustaining, independent of the Mission Board.
In June 1919 the old parsonage was sold and the present
parsonage built at 1413 Eleventh Street at a cost of $8,000.
In 1917 the first Adult Bible Class was organized, and also
the first branch of the Walther League began its work.
On April 21, 1927 the new Church Building was dedicated.
Speakers were the former pastor, Rev. Obenhause, and Prof. Paul
Bente of the Ft. Wayne, Indiana College. The Church cost
In 1927 the Missionary Society was organized with a
membership of 105.
November 1, 1931 the congregation celebrated the twenty-
fifth, anniversary of Rev. Beyer's work in the ministry, and the
twentieth anniversary of his work with the local church.
Practically during all the years the congregation has
conducted a Christian Day School with teachers from the various
seminaries of the Church.
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