1890 Wichita Co., Texas Reconstructed Census

1890 Wichita Co. Texas Reconstructed Census

From the files of Walter & Mary Speakman

Since the 1890 census was destroyed by a fire, the Speakmans went through the Wichita County Records and listed everyone that was mentioned in 1890, each name and the references were put on a 3 X 5 index card. Mary Speakman was a professional genealogist and when she retired she donated her card file of this reconstructed census to the North Texas Genealogical Association.

These cards were transferred to computer & put on the web by Fred Maier. After the name you will find a letter of the alphabet, this letter refers to the source of the name. A list of the sources is below. We have no further information on this list of names. If you would like to find more information, you will have to go to the original source (court house, etc.) Note that some of the names have more than one source.

Key to the Records Used

A: Minutes of the Commissioners Court
B: Deputation Records
C: Attachment Lien Records
D: Bill of Sale Record
E: Mechanics Lien Record
F: Register of Prisoners in the City Jail
G: Jurors Time Book
H: Grandjury Minutes
I: Records of Election Returns
J: Probate Minutes Record
K: Wichita Herald Vol 8 # 29 - 17 Apr 1890
L: Minute Book #1 - Wichita Falls, TX
M: Record of Marks & Brands Vol 1
N: Deed Records
O: File of Louise Kelly, Wichita Co. Historian

 NAME                   SOURCE OR REFERENCE

 Abbott, H              K- 1st Baptist Church, Iowa Park,
                        Charter Member 1890; Also N -
                        Deed Record Vol. R - Page 430

 Abbott, H. (Mrs)       K- 1st Baptist Church, Iowa Park,
                        Charter Member 1890
 Abendroth, E.W.        L - Pg 43
 Adair, T.M.            K - Brand recorded in 1887
 Ahlwandt, A.J.         N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 238
 Ahlwandt, Amelia       N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 238
 Ahlwandt, Lena B.      N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 238
 Ahlwart, A.            E - Vol. 1 - Page 138
 Akens, J.G.            A - Vol. 1 - Page 532
 Akers, George T.       K - Wife: Martha Akers -
 (1839-1924)            Daughters: Julia, May,
                        Ethel, Ida, Pearl - Note:
                        Youngest daughter was several
                        years old in 1899.
                        From MO to Iowa Park Nov. 1890
 Akers, James S.        O - Arrived 1880 - 1st County
 (1841-1920)            Judge 1882
                        O - County Tax Assessor 1898 -
                        Son: W.H. (d. 1902) - Also K -
                        1880 - 1st County Judge 1882 -
                        County Tax Assessor 1898 - Also A
                        - Vol. 1
                        Page 525 - Also M
 Akers, Martha
 (1841-1903)            K - Husband: George T.Akers
 Akin, L.E.             A - Vol. 1 Page 527
 Akins, J.S.            A - Vol. 1 Page 495
 Alexander, Kate        K - Marr. G.A. Kenny 13 Oct 1890
 Alhwardt, A.           A -Vol. 1 Page 539

 Allen, ___             K - Children: William W. Allen b.
                        Irene (1877 Mar. 1901); R.B.;
                        Dan; - Family came to Allendale &
                        Wichita Falls 1890
 Allen, Albert          J - Vol. 1 Page 183
 Allen, Bill            F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Allen, C.C.            K - 1890 Petition for Road
 Allen, Dan             F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 Allen, Elbert          K - Bondsman 1890
                        N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 613
                        - Also J - Vol. 1 Page 185

 Allen, J. Sanford      K - First Baptist Church, Iowa
                        Park, TX
                        Charter Member 1890
 Allen, J.S. (Rev)      N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 573
 Allen, Mattie E. (Mrs) N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 243
 Allen, W.              H - Vol. 1 Page 66
 Alred, W.D.            A - Vol. 1 Page 474
 Alred, W.S.            A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Alred, Wm.             A - Vol. 1 Page 475
 Alsbrook, T.J.         N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 130
 Alston, Joe            F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 Alverson, P.A.         N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 357
 Alvord, Julias (Alvoid U.S. Census 1890 R 102 B 174,
 ?)                     Wichita Co.
                        P.O. Wichita Falls
 Alvord, Julius         N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 109
 Alvord, Ree (Mrs)      N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 109
 Alwart, A.F.           E - Vol. 1 Page 138
 Amel, Ben              F - Vol. 1 Page 3

 Ancell, Charles F.     K - Died 1941 age 68, to Wichita
                        Co. 1889
                        Brother of George Ancell

 Ancell, George Britton K - Died 1933 age 69, to Wichita
                        Co. 1882
                        Bought land 1890; Marr. Della
                        Carter 10 Aug 1890, d. 1898;
                        Brother of Charles Ancell
 Anderson, A (?) D.     G - Vol. 2 Page 64
 Anderson, A.D.         N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 29

 Anderson, Albert       K - Marr. Amanda Friberg 26 Nov
                        Daughter of Friberg, John
 Anderson, B.G.         K - 11 Nov 1889
                        Was paid $9.00 by City Council
                        for hog killed by City Marshall -
                        Also G -
                        Vol. 2 Page 46 & 47 - Also K -
                        Page 5 B.G. Anderson was in the
                        Sunday and honored the Democrat
                        with a brief call. - Wichita
                        Democrat - Also K - Page 8,
                        Announcement for sheriff
 Anderson, Bertha       N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 29

 Anderson, E. & Co.     K - Page 8, Ad for New Shoe Shop,
                        7th St near Ohio
 Anderson, G.Y.         G - Vol. 2 Page 61
 Anderson, Otto         N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 172
 Anderson, S.C.         N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 173

 Anderson, W.T.         K - Marr. Cora White 26 Dec 1890
                        by J.C. White, MG

 Anderson, William D.   K - 1885 family from Gonzales to
                        Wichita Falls
                        City Secretary 1892 - c1900
 Anderson, William D.   K - 1885 family from Gonzales to
 (Mrs)                  Wichita Falls
 Andrews, E.D.          N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 634
 Anglin, E.M.           N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 336
 Anis, Jim              H - Vol. 1 Page 67

 Anthony, __ Norwood    (1868-1947); Husband: William L.

 Anthony, S.W. (Doctor) K - Married 1887, several
                        Practicing Thornberry; To Wichita
                        Falls 1887
 Anthony, S.W. (Mrs)    K - Married 1887
 Anthony, William L.    (1867-1948) Wife: ___ Norwood,
                        Worked for city street dept for
                        many years - Married when came to
                        several children - To Wichita
                        Falls in 1887

 Arbuthuol, Samuel W.   US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. F 28th Reg Iowa Inf. 15
                        Aug 1862 to 8 Feb 1864, 1 yr 5 mo
                        days; P.O. Iowa Park. Disability
                        encurred: Loss of use of left
 Arbuthuot, S.W.        N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 178
 Armstrong,             K - Page 8
                        Claim Agent Armstrong of the
                        Denver, was in the city last
 Armstrong, S.          A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Arnold, J.P.           A - Vol. 1 Page 496 & 521

 Arthur,                K - child?(C.W.) Married Feb.
                        1911, To W.F. 1890
 Ashley, John W.        N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 311

 Ashton,                K - Page 8 Prof. Ashton of Iowa
                        Park was in city Thurs.
 Ashton, Ann C.         N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 441
 Ashton, George W.      N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 441
 Atkin, J.P.            N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 6
                        Also L, page 63 & 65
 Atkinson, J.H.         N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 571
 Atkinson, J.J.         N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 264
 Atkinson, John         N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 632
                        Also G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 51 & 64

 Avis, F. Piner         K - 6 years - On same card with
                        James David & Minnie
 Avis, James D.         N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 111

 Avis, James David      K - Wife: Minnie - Moved to W.F.
                        in 1885
                        1891 Grocery; Marr. Minnie Ollie
                        Bush in 1885
 Avis, Minnie           K - Husband: James David
 Babb, E.P. (Mrs)       N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 321
 Babb, J.T.             N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 196
                        Also K - The carpenter and
                        contractor, will build you a
                        house quick
                        and cheap.
 Babb, M.S.             N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 262
 Babb, Mary S.          N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 24
 Babb, Pattie           K - Husband: Theodore A.
 Babb, T.A.             N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 321
                        Also G - Vol. 2 Page 46 & 47 -
                        Also K - Page 8 Announcement for
 Babb, Theodore A.
 (Dot)                  K - Wife: Pattie; Married 1875
                        In March 1890 lived at 13th and
                        Lamar in W.F. Had water well
                        Three children of six born in
                        W.F. Four died in W.F. Thomas
                        1894 High School
 Bacon, Drusie          N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 279
 Bacon, O.T.            H - Vol. 1 Page 49, 53 & 74
                        Also L - Page 15, 18 & 60 - Also
                        K - Page 8 - Mayor O.T. Bacon
                        went to Ft. Worth Monday on the
                        early train.
 Bacon, Otis T.         N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 287
                        Also A - Vol. 1 Page 498 - Also B
                        - Vol. 1 Page 8; Also K - Mayor
                        July 29, 1889 - 1892; Also H -
                        Vol. 1 Page 41; Also L - Page 16
                        & 53
 Badgers, P.            L - Page 53

 Baker, J.B.            J - Vol. 1 Page 185; Also K -
                        Bondsman 1890
 Baker, J.J.            K - To Electra area 1885
 Baker, M.R. (Mrs)
 (Hinkle)               J - Vol. 1 Page 181
 Baker, Sarah E.        N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 303

 Baker, Wm. C.          K - Marr. Alice Stone 17 May 1890
                        by J.A. Quinn, MG
 Baldridge, Paschal     (1859-1942) - To Clara Community
 Irving                 in 1890
                        There were two or three children,
                        possibly two daughters and one
 Bale, J.C. (Mrs)       N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 376
 Bale, Milton T.        N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 376
 Ball, John B.          N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 624
 Ball, Lucretia         N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 359
 Ball, W.C.             G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 51, 52 & 56
                        Also K - Page 3 - Ad: Plumb &
                        Ball Real Estate & Insurance;
                        L - Page 33, 34, & 37
 Ball, Wm. Charles      N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 393
 Ballow, A.E.           N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 282
 Ballow, W.H.           N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 282
 Ballow,                K - Pennock & Templeton
                        These names were on a petition
                        for sidewalks in front property
                        on Indiana
 Bancroft, Thomas       F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Banta, Henry R.        N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 35
 Banta, J.H. (d. 28 Jan K - Wife: Nancy E.; File on Land
 1916)                  1877
                        Children in 1880: Rella C. 13
                        years of age, Henry R. 11,
                        Loucinda 10,
                        Henrietta 8, Martin L. 5
 Banta, Nancy E.
 (1847-1917)            K - Husband: J.H.
 Bardwell, M.D.         N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 349
 Barge, J.A.            H - Vol. 1 Page 49

 Barnes, M.J.           K - Marr. Lelia Bradley 17 Sep
                        1890 by Beverly, W.D. MG
 Barwise, Carrie R.     N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 89
 Barwise, F.H.          G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 56 & 59
                        Also N - Deed Record Vol. S -
                        Page 89

 Barwise, Frank         K - Wife: Carrie Craig; Married 9
                        Oct 1884
                        Sons: Thomas M.; Burton; sons
                        born in W.F.; left for Memphis in
                        or 1891; Also H - Vol. 1 Page 71
 Barwise, J.H.          N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 228
                        Also A - Vol. 1 Page 529; Also G
                        - Vol. 2 Page 57; J - Vol. 1 Page
                        L - Page 41
 Barwise, J.H. Jr.      A - Vol. 1 Page 531

 Barwise, Joseph H.     K - Wife: Lucy Hansel; To W.F. in
                        County Judge 1890; Children:
                        J.H., Jr. (Lawyer, Co. Attny),
 Barwise, Lucy A. (Mrs) N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 404

 Barwise, Myron (Mr)    K - Page 5 Mr. Myron Barwise and
                        wife, will
                        occupy the new house which Judge
                        Barwise is now building near __J.
                        Van Dyke's residence in the
                        southern part of the city.
 Barwise, Myron H.      N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 180
 Barwise, T.H.          A - Vol. 1 Page 519
 Barwise, Thomas H.     N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 4

 Barwise, Thomas Henry  K - (1855- ) - Wife: Effie Rowe
                        In 1889 settled on "School Land"
                        near Electra on a farm
 Barwise, Tom           A - Vol. 1 Page 474

 Bateman, R.D.          K - Wife: Martha J. Taylor known
                        as Mattie
                        Mattie, daughter of A.J. Taylor;
                        Married 1882; Moved to near
                        in 1881 and still there in 1890;
                        Also A - Vol. 1 Page 482

 Bates, Henderson       H - Vol. 1 Page 46, 51, 57, 58,
                        59, 60 & 61
                        Also N - Deed Record Vol. S -
                        Page 80

 Bates, Henderson       K - Negro, Pictured with others
                        here in 1890
                        Picture, n.d. in 12 May 1957
                        Times; Barber here for many years

 Bates, Richard         K - Marr. ___ Bridges Jane 22 Aug
                        1890 by
                        E.W. Foster, County Judge
 Bateson, James         N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 156
                        Also A - Vol. 1 Page 528; Also L
                        - Page 70; Also G - Vol. 2 Page
                        61 & 62
 Bateson, Jas (?)       G - Vol. 2 Page 46
 Bateson, Jimmy         K - In photographs of 1885 - 1900

 Bauch, Karl Emil, Sr.  K - (1861-1941) Wife: Minnie
                        Ehler (b. Germany);
                        1888 to W.F. - Leather Shop; Son:
                        Bauch, K. Emil, Jr. (1889 - )
 Bayles, Peter          H - Vol. 1 Page 76

 Bayze, Heck (B)        K - In 1890's Negro Cowboy on
                        Burnett Ranch
 Bean, Charles W.       N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 91
                        Resided in W.F. in 1890 - See:
                        History of North & South Texas by
                        Pg. 119 Vol. 2
 Bean, Charles          N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 68

 Bean, Chas.            G - Vol. 2 - Page 49, 50 & 51 - H
                        - Vol. 1 Page 71
 Bean, Chas. W.         B - Vol. 1 Page 114
 Bean, J.H.             N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 250
 Bean, O.W.             G - Vol. 2 Page 46 & 47
 Bean, Otis W.          K - Wife: Jennie Butler
 (1832-1900)            (1845-1915)
                        To W.F. in July 1884; Sons: Bert
                        J. (1868-1942) Married 1896,
                        Alderman 1909; Charles W. (1866-
                        ) Mayor W.F. 1900-1904;
                        Daughter: Nine (1881-1965) marr.
                        Sherrod; St. Clair
 Beard, J.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 518
 Beard, Julia D.        N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 525
 Beck, Norman A.        E - Vol. 1 Page 74
 Belcher, W.R.          H - Vol. 1 - Page 48
 Bell, A.J.             N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 516
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 495, 525 & 527
 Bell, Lizzie C. (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 516
 Bell, S.T.             G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 50 & 51
 Benham, Andrew         N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 465

 Bennett, E.T.          A - Vol. 1 Page 523; G - Vol. 2
                        Page 46, 47 & 48

 Bennett, Eliza (Mrs)   K - Widow, In 1880's to Specht
                        Daughter: Hattie S. Bennett
                        married S.M. Daniel in 1890;
                        Son: Eugene (older than daughter)
 Bennett, Hattie (Miss) Resided in Wichita County in 1890
                        See: History of North & West
                        Texas by Capt. B. B. Paddock Ed.
                        Vol. 1
                        Page 501
 Bentley, W.E.          In W.F. in 1889; Died in 1948
 Four sisters & two
 brothers survived
 Benton, E.J.           N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 244
 Benton, Lottie H.      N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 154
 Bergess, Oliver        G - Vol. 2 Page 43
 Berry, P.J.            N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 584
 Berry, R.D.            H - Vol. 1 Page 57
 Bery, J.J.             N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 184
 Bessier, A.            G - Vol. 2 Page 58, 63 & 64
 Beven, George T.       N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 562
 Beven, Ruth I. (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 563
 Beverly, W.D.          K - Baptist Preacher
 Bevins, George         E - Vol. 1 Page 101

 Bills, C.J.            K- Page 7, Attorney & a
                        Counsellor at Law
                        Special Attention to Criminal
                        Defense, Room 12, Collins
 Bills, Cincinnatus J.  N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 296

 Bills, J.G.            G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57, 61, 62 &

 Bills, J.L. Sr.        K - To Burk area 1885, School in
                        W.F. 1893
 Bingesser, Chas.       N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 374

 Bingham, Benita E.     K - Married J.A. Scrutchins 29
                        Jan 1890

 Bingham, Hill          K - Page 1 Left for Georgia on
                        Sunday's train,
                        and rumor hath it that he will
                        either bring Mrs. Hill back with
                        or "wear his life away" in the
 Bingham, W.H.          N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 253
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 531& 534 - K -
                        Pg. 7 - Bingham & Keyes,
                        Attorneys and
                        Counsellors at Law. Office: Front
                        room over Wichita Drug House.
                        Page 8 -
                        Announcement for County Attorney.
 Bissier, Fred          G - Vol. 2 Page 47
 Black, George Melville O - (1886- ) Washington, IA, was
 (Dr.)                  he here in 1890?
                        came to town lot sale & bought 2
                        lots - on one built & op. drug
                        In Sept . 1932 lived in Denver,

 Black, J.T.            M - Also N - Deed Record Vol. S -
                        Page 69
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Black, J.W.            N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 69
 Blackmore, H.J.        G - Vol. 2 Page 47
 Blakemore, H.J.        G - Vol. 2 Page 46 & 47
                        K - (1828-1913), Wife d. 1912, To
                        W.F. in 1886 from AL, Both buried
                        in Riverside
 Blakemore, J.H.        G - Vol. 2 Page 57, 61 & 62
 Blankenship, John      H - Vol. 1 Page 78 & 79
 Blaser, J.H.           K - MG. 8-1890 (Marriage ?)
 Blaser, Joe            M
 Bledsoe, E.M.          A - Vol. 1 Page 532 & 533

 Bond, Chas.            F - Vol. 1 Page 2; H - Vol. 1
                        Page 56 & 57
 Bondbarger, A.L.       A - Vol. 1 Page 487
 Boothe, N.P.           N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 241
 Booton, W.C.           N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 139
 Bowers, Isaac (1846- ) K - Wife: Letetia (1847- )
                        9 Mar 1876 Farm in Burk area;
                        Children in 1880 census: David L.
                        (Still farming in 1932); Lily M.
                        (7), Isaac N. (8); Zula L. (5);
                        Horace C. (2)
 Bowers, J.F.           N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 207

 Bowman, H.W.           E - Vol. 1 Page 107 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 48
 Boyd, J.B.             N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 164
 Boyd, J.P.             N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 342
                        B - Vol. 1 Page 10 - D - Vol. 1
                        Page 207 - E - Vol. 1 - Page 69
                        K - Announcement: Attorney at Law
                        & Real Estate Agent.

 Boyd, L.M. (Mrs)       K - Here in 1882 and continously
                        until death
 Boyles, Pete           F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Bracken, Jno.          H - Vol 1 Page 49
 Bradley, Ed            G - Vol. 2 Page 61 & 62
 Bradley, J.A.          G - Vol. 2 Page 49 & 51

 Bradley, James A.      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. E. Inf. No State Sept
                        1861 to Sept 1862, Post office
                        Also Rem. of Mrs. Martha Bradley,
                        pg. 3 Kemp Library, W.F. - Mr.
                        Bradley died 1923. Children:
                        Louis (Washington), Mrs. Betty
                        (Ft. Worth), Mrs. Lee Moore
                        (W.F.), Mrs. Emma Maricle (W.F.),
                        Ed (W.F.)
 Bradley, James
 Augustine              K - (1840-1923) Wife: Martha
                        Came to W.F. in 1882, three
                        daughters & two sons with them -
                        all born in
                        MO. - Daughters: Katie O. married
                        1886 to W. Lee Moore, Emma
                        married in
                        1902 to P.C. Maricle, Betty;
                        Sons: Ed, Louis A.

 Bradley, James M.      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. J or I 12th Reg. Ky.
                        Cav. Aug 1863 to Aug. 1864,
                        Post office: Clara

 Bradley, Lelia         K - Marr. M.J. Barnes 17 Sept
 Bragg, A.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 242
 Bragg, W.H.            N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 457
                        K - Ad: Dry Goods, Next to
                        Panhandle Bank
 Braswell, U.S.         N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 483
 Brave, Paddy           F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Braw, Paddy            F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Bray,                  A - Vol. 1 Page 495
 Brickley, H.           K - M.G. 5-1890 (Marriage ?)
 Brickriede, A.W.       K - 1890 near Iowa Park

 Bridges, Jane          K - Marr. Richard Bates 22 Aug
 Britt, Fannie          H - Vol. 1 Page 73
 Britt, Handy           H - Vol. 1 Page 73

 Britt, Handy           K- Marr. Fanny Jones 3 July 1890
                        by A.A. Brown, (JP)
                        - Name may possibly by reversed,
                        could by Handy, Britt
 Brittain, Martha D.    N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 516
 Brooks, J.T.           N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 601
 Brooks, W.B.           N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 235
 Brooks, Willie B.
 (Mrs)                  N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 15
 Brothers, Ellie (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 48
 Brothers, Fore         A - Vol. 1 Page 488
 Brothers, W.E.         N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 228
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 486, 532 - D -
                        Vol. 1 Page 208, 213 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 42
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 41, 42, 43, 44,
                        45, 46, 47 - J - Vol. 1 Page 177,
                        K - Page 3, Ad: Brothers &
                        Joline: Real Estate & Land
                        Agents, Page 7,
                        Ad: Director of Panhandle
                        National Bank - L - Page 15
 Brothers, William      K - (1843-1914) Second Wife:
 Edmondson              Eleanor Bell
                        Married 1889 - Came to Burk area
                        in 1879 - Children by 1st wife:
                        Maggie (1890- ); George Jackson
                        (1882- ) - Several children by
                        wife - 1882-1890 Co. Clerk -
                        1889-1891 Alderman
 Brotherton, Doc        H - Vol. 1 Page 73
 Brotherton, Tom        H - Vol. 1 Page 76
 Brown, A.A.            N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 196
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 474, 537 - K -
                        Justice of Peace 10-1890;
                        11-1890; 3-1890;
 Brown, A.H.            N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 339
 Brown, C.A.            N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 222
 Brown, Chas. A.        N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 18

 Brown, Chas.           F - Vol. 1 Page 5 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 67

 Brown, Clarence        K - Page 1 One of the Fall's
                        popular resturant men,
                        went to the Fort Thursday
 Brown, H.H.            E - Vol. 1 Page 81

 Brown, Harry           K - Son: William R. b. 1886 in
                        W.F. and was killed in
                        1909 train wreck. Home still in
 Brown, J.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 585
 Brown, J.W.            A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Brown, James B.        N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 324

 Brown, Joseph A.       K - Wife: Fannie McCormick - Son:
                        Ira D. b. 1887,
                        eldest of 10 children - In 1890
                        moved from farm near Beverly Dr.
                        to 12th
                        & Burnett

 Brown, Kate            K - Marr. John T. Ryan 31 Aug
 Brown, Sarah J. (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. Q - Page 585

 Brown, T.M.            K - Wife: Emma Kildow marr. 1 Aug
                        1886 - Farmed near
                        Iowa Park
 Brown, W.W.            K - Wife: Laura J. Bachman marr.
 (1862-1929)            in 1885
                        In 1885 moved from Bowman to farm
                        nearer W.F. On Wichita Falls
                        Board for many years

 Browning, ___          K - Farmer in Burk are "early"
                        from 1880's Not on 1880
                        census - Daughter: Ada, marr.
                        R.M. ''Bob' Waggoner 20 Dec 1892

 Browning, F.M.         G - Vol. 2 Page 42, 61, 62, 63 -
 Brubaker, Aaron        H - Vol. 1 Page 47
 Brubaker, C.           N - Deed Record Vol. S - Page 176

 Brubaker, Christian W. K - Came to Iowa Park in 1886 or
                        Wife: (records not clear as to
                        whether this is 2nd or 3rd in
                        Children: Miles Lehman (Marr.
                        1890), Aaron L., Abraham L.,
                        (Martha) - All born by 1890

 Brubaker, Miles L.     K - Lived in Iowa Park area marr.
                        Nettie M. Hooks
                        27 April 1890 by Scarborough,
                        William J.P.
 Bryan, C.M.            N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 570
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 41, 42, 53, 54,
                        55 - K - Page 5, Item: Take
                        Warning -
                        I wish to be understood that
                        after this week I will arrest
                        violating the ordinance relating
                        to keeping streets and alleys of
                        city clean. This ordinance will
                        hereafter be strictly enforced.
                        15 April
                        1890 - C.M. Bryan, City Marshall
                        - L - Page 34, City Marshall -
                        L - Page 45, 48, 50, 53, 60, 75
 Bryan, Charlie         H - Vol. 1 Page 49, 73, 74

 Bryan, Chas.           H - Vol. 1 Page 63, 65, 66, 67,
 Bryan, G.H.            K - Red River Farm 1890
 Bryan, Mattie (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 570

 Bryant, Byron H.       K - Marr. Lula Chandler 14 Jan
                        1890 by E.W. Foster,
                        County Judge
 Bryant, C.M.           K - W.F. Police 5 April 1890
 Bryant, Charles        K - W.F. City Marshall 1881-1906

 Bullion, Ed            H - Vol. 1 Page 42, 43, 44, 45,
 Bullock, Rebecca S.    N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 409
 Bunt, J.T.             E - Vol. 1 Page 126
 Burgess, R.L.          H - Vol. 1 Page 50, 51
 Burgess, W.H.          A - Vol. 1 Page 500, 526, 531
                        N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 614
                        - J - Vol. 1 Page 190 - K - Page
                        Announcement: For tax assessor -
                        L - Page 62

 Burgess, William Henry K - (1839-1892) Wife: F____ C___
                        (1844-1926) To W.F.
                        in 1884, Commissioner Pct. 1
                        1887, Tax Assessor 1892, Son:
                        Burgess, R.L.,
                        Daughters: Kate (1880-1964),
                        Fannie - Marr. Ike A. Farris 8
                        June 1899

 Burnett, Clabe C.      K - Marr. Laura Farmer 25 Dec
                        1890 by S.C. Riddle, MG,
                        She was Stepdaughter of Ensign
                        Rexford of Burk Area, Son: Will
 Burnett, J.J.          N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 589

 Burnett, S.B.          N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 204
                        - G - Vol. 2 Page 62

 Burnett, Thomas L.     K - Daughter: Annie V. - Brand
                        Recorded 1889
 Burno, John            F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Burnside, __ (Dr)      L - Page 56
 Burnside, A.C.         N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 569

 Burnside, A.O.         A- Vol. 1 Page 531 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 43
 Burnside, A.O.         H - Vol. 1 Page 71, 74
 Burnside, Al           H - Vol. 1 Page 49, 54
 Burnside, Mary M.      N - Deed Record Vol. R - Page 225

 Burnside, S.H.         N - Deed Record Vol. P - Page 569
                        K - Page 7,
                        Announcement: Wichita Falls, TX,
                        Physician & Surgeon (Assistant
                        Ft. W. & D.C. Railway) Office
                        over Spot Cash Dry Goods House,
                        Hours: 9 to 12 am and 2 to 4 pm.
                        Calls promptly made from office
                        by lay
                        or residence at night. - L - Page
 Burnside, Samuel H.    K - ( - 1918) Wife: Mary Grice
 (Dr)                   marr. 1887
                        Came to W.F. 1884
 Burnside, Will (Dr)    K - Came to W.F. in 1883 or 84
                        Came with brother, Burnside, S.H.

 Burnsides, A.O.        H - Vol. 1 Page 41, 42, 44, 45,
                        46, 51, 57, 63, 66, 67
 Burnsides, Al          H - Vol. 1 Page 53, 56
 Burras, J.A.           G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 48

 Burris, J.R.           A - Vol. 1 Page 525 - H- Vol.1

 Burrow, Mollie D.      K - Marr. Magor J. Davis
 Burrows, J.R.          A - Vol. 1 Page 495
 Burtis, Mattie E.      H - Vol. 1 Page 41
 Butcher, A.D.          K - Farm 1889 near Iowa Park
 Butcher, Annette       N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 271
 Butcher, D.W.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 563
 Butcher, I.W.          G - Vol. 2 Page 64
 Butler, A.J.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 274
 Butler, Albert         H - Vol. 1 Page 73
 Butler, Will           H - Vol. 1 Page 73

 Byman, Gus             K - Arrived in 1885 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 44, 45
                        Wife Ida Friberg (1861-1949) dau.
                        of John Friberg - O - Farmer in
                        area by 1886, sons; Elmer J. (b.
                        Friberg 1886, d. 1954), E.E.,
                        daughters; Mary, Mabel, Anna
 Bynum, M.B.            A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Bywaters, B.A.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 483
 Cabiness, B.F.         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 73
 Cabiness, M.J.         N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 130
 Cain, Joseph H.        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 510

 Cain, Mike Boyd        K - (1878-1965) Arrived 1890 Farm
                        SW Iowa Park
                        Marr. 1900 - Oil Later
 Cain, N.J.             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 510
 Calkins, D.J.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 196
                        D - Vol. 1 Page 208 - J - Vol. 1
                        Page 179 - K - Page 5, Agents for
                        Archer, Bayllor & Clay Counties -
                        K - Director, City National Bank
                        1891, Weigher 1889 - K - Page 7
                        Ad: Farm Implements - L - Page 32
 Calkins, E.C. (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 198
 Calkins, H.P.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 196
 Calkins, Laura E.
 (Mrs)                  N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 196

 Cameron, R.A. (Gen)    K - Page 1 The jolly immigation
                        agent of the Denver,
                        accompanied the Vernon excursion
                        up the road yesterday
 Cameron, Wm. & Co.     K - Page 2 Ad: Lumber

 Cameron, Wm.           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 377 -
                        L - Page 50,65,76
 Campbell, John         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 404
 Campbell, L.C.         K - To farm 1890
 Canfield, Delia A.
 (Mansfield)            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 356
 Canfield, Delia A.     N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 195

 Canfield, H.T.         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 356 -
                        G- Vol. 2 Page 42
                        L - Page 41

 Canfield, Henry Titus  K- (1841-1916) To Wichita Co.
                        1881 Postmaster Wichita
                        Falls (1898 to 1907) - Wife:
                        Delia A. Mansfield (Marr. 1864) -
                        3 Girls,
                        2 Boys - Grace marr. 1896, Belle
                        marr. 1888 to E.F. Jalonic - Both
                        Canfields and 2 dau. lost in
                        Galveston storm in 1900 - Resided
                        in Wichita
                        Falls in 1890 see: History of
                        North & South TX by Paddock Vol.
                        1 Page

 Cann, J.M.             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 178 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 518,
                        519, 529 - B - Vol. 1 Page 17
 Cann, W.A.             L - Page 71
 Cannon, J.F.           E - Vol. 1 Page 100
 Cannon, Jose           F - Vol. 1 Page 3

 Cannon, Joseph F.      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. F 7th Tenn Cav. Aug 20,
                        1862 - Oct 20, 1863 - P.O. Iowa
                        Park -
                        He re-enlisted in Co. E 46 Inf.
                        MO for 6 months
 Cannon, Josh           F - Vol. 1 Pa ge 3
 Cannon, Sam            H - Vol. 1 Page 51, 56, 63, 64

 Cannon, W.S.           K - Marr. Mrs. May B. Zachary
                        8/19/1890 by
                        S.C. Riddle, M.G.
 Cantwell, Joe          F - Vol. 1 Page 1

 Carey, James           K - Marr. Mrs. Mary Dotey
                        4/10/1890 by
                        E.W. Foster, County Judge
 Carnes, J.C.           A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Carr, Ettie A. (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 323
 Carr, L.T.             N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 583
 Carr, Leander T.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 118

 Carr, Luander T.       US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. A. 1st Reg. Ind. Heavy
                        Art. 10 Apr 63 to 10 Jan 66 - 2
                        yr. 9 mo.
                        P.O. Iowa Park - Disability
                        incurred: Piles & defective
                        hearing - 26 yr.
 Carriel ?, D.P.        A - Vol. 1 Page 538

 Carrigan, A.H.         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 161 -
                        B - Vol. 1 Page 11 -
                        D - Vol. 1 Page 210 - E - Vol. 1
                        Page 91 - K - Ad: Miller &
                        Attorneys at Law

 Carrigan, Alfred H.    K - Arrived at WF 1888 - City
                        Attorney 1889 -
                        Marr. Lucy Barwise in 1901
 Carroll, C.W.          A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Carroll, Frank         H - Vol. 1 Page 56
 Carter, J.P.           G - Vol. 2 Page 64
 Carter, J.W.           G - Vol. 2 Page 64
 Carter, John W.        A - Vol. 1 Page 532

 Carter, John William   K - b. during Civil War - d.
                        1910- Eight Children -
                        Daughters; Allie (b. 1883 Beaver
                        Creek), Mary Ethel (b. Mar 1890
                        Beaver Creek - d. 1951), Nora
                        (Marr 1892 to Thos. Ancell), Maud
                        1899 C.B. Ancell), Della (Marr
                        1890 G.B. Ancell) - Son; Tom - To
                        Creek early 1880's
 Carver, W.A.           M -

 Cary, Dan              K - Item: Contractor Dan Cary
                        returned from a trip to
                        Fort Worth Monday
 Case, George A.        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 496

 Case, J.W.             K - Marr. Lelia Ann Thompson
 Casey, Marlin          H - Vol. 1 Page 72

 Castleberry, W.H.      A. - Vol. 1 Page 521 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 44, 45
 Castleberry, William   US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
 H.                     B. 176
                        Cpl. Co. D 85th Reg, IL Inf. 18
                        Jul 62 - 1 Jun 65 : 2 yr 10 mo 28
                        day -
                        P.O. Clara - Disability Army
 Cates, W.H.            N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 117

 Cauble, Hiram M.       US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. F 58th Reg, Ind. Inf. :
                        Oct 64 - May 65 - 7 mo. - P.O.
                        Falls - N - Deed Record Vol. R
                        Page 367
 Caulkins, D.J.         K - 1890 Owned mill & Elevator
 (Calkins ?)            Stockholder
                        CN Bank open 3/1890
 Causey, S.E.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 68
 Cauthron, C.W.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 164
 Cavin, William         F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Chancy, Lizzie (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 29
 Chancy, Lizzie         A - Vol. 1 Page 492

 Chandler, Lula         K - Marr. Byron H. Bryant

 Chelton, J.L.          To Beaver Creek 1887 - Stayed -
                        Wife: R.__(1867-1942)
                        - Children: Egbert L. (age 2)
                        Rado (age1) Mary Lou (age 4)
 Cheney, J.B.           L - Page 32
 Cheney, T.J.           L - Page 32
 Chilton ?, J.L.        A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Chilton, J.L.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 210

 Chilton, W.J.          K - Marr. Henrietta Banta
                        8/20/1890 by J. Harlson, M.G.
                        Methodist - She was dau. of J.H.
                        Banta, Beaver Creek
 Christian, S.A.        M
 Christian, Wm.         G - Vol. 2 Page 46

 Chumney, Enicke        K - In Electra area "one of
                        earliest" - Niece Lucy
                        marr. 1900 George B. Ancell
 Claborn, William       F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 Claborne, D.C.         F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Claer, Max             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 603
 Claer, William
 Frederick              N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 603
 Claiborn, D.C.         A - Vol. 1 Page 501

 Claiborne, D.C.        K - Item: Nov. 1889 hired for
                        hauling dead dogs by
                        city Council
 Claiborne, Wit         H - Vol. 1 Page 73
 Claibourne, D.C.       A - Vol. 1 Page 537
 Clapp, W.D.            G - Vol. 2 Page 64

 Clapp, William         G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 50, 51, 52 -
                        K - Arrived in WF 1883
                        with dau. & son-in-law Saule -
                        Son, George had two shoe shops in
                        - 1896 Robber wore a pair
 Clark, C.H.            A - Vol. 1 Page 521
 Clark, Charles H.      K - To Iowa Park 1890, Marr. 1902
 Clark, E.P.            A - Vol. 1 Page 521
 Clark, Tom             F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Clasbey, K.M. (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 36

 Clasbey, S.J.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 36 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 56
 Clasby, S.J.           G - Vol. 2 Page 57
 Clayton, W.T.          A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Cliff, Will            H - Vol. 1 Page 59, 74
 Clift, C.M.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 493
 Clift, Eulalia T.      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 250

 Clift, William         K - (1840-1913) To WF in latter
                        1880's from England
                        (in obit) - Daughters: Nellie,
                        Anna (later Mrs. Chas. T. Price)
                        Son: Walter (adopted)
 Closby, S.J.           G - Vol. 2 Page 45

 Cloud, J.M.            K - Son: Grover C. Dau. - Mrs.
                        W.R. Hammond b. 1893 -
                        Settled in Wichita County in 1888

 Cloud, T.H.            K - Came to WF in 1888 Son -
                        James Madison (1850-1925)
                        Dau. Emilie Reimann Cloud
 Cobb, C.P.             A - Vol. 1 Page 500

 Cobb, Ed (Mrs)         K - Page 8 Item: Mrs. Ed Cobb has
                        been ill for the past
                        several days.
 Cobb, Ed               H - Vol. 1 Page 62

 Cobb, J.H.             K - Page 5 Item: Another building
                        and loan association
                        organized. Mr. Cobb, attorney and
                        member of the board.

 Cobb, Major Robert     K - (1836-1914) To WF in 1884
                        Wife: d. 1927 - Three
                        dau. And two sons in WF in 1890
 Cobb, R. Jr.           A - Vol. 1 Page 498
 Cobb, R. Jr.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 55
 Cobb, R.               N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 481
 Cobb, Robert           A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Cobb, Robert, Maj.     L - Page 43

 Cobb, Robt. Sr.        K - Page 7 Announcement: Attorney
                        at Law. Office on
                        Indiana Ave.
 Cobb, Virginia (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 481
 Cobb, W.E.             H - Vol. 1 Page 81
 Coble, C.P.            A - Vol. 1 Page 472, 477, 515

 Coble, Cornelius.P.    K - 52 yrs old in 1890 - Wife:
                        Mary G. Bullard
                        (45 years of age in 1890) -
                        Children: Leara (23 yrs old),
                        William (21 yrs
                        old), Mattie A. (19 yrs old),
                        Cornelius (16 yrs old), Robert
                        (11 yrs old)
                        - 1877-1899 Ranch at Tocasana on
                        W. corner of Wichita County
 Cockrell, A.S.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 309
 Cockrell, S.E.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 309
 Coffield, M.A. (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 378
 Coffield, Mattie E.    N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 231

 Coffield, S.T.         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 104 K
                        - Announcement:
                        Physician and Surgeon, Wichita
                        Falls, Office at Roberts' Drug
 Coffield, Samuel       K - (1841-1913) Marr. In LA in
 Thomas (Dr)            1873 - Dau. Evelyn
                        b. 1889 in WF, Kathleen, Annette,

 Coffield, W.T.         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 312 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 481,
                        494, 532 - G - Vol. 2 Page 61, 62
                        - J - Vol. 1 Page 177
 Coffield, Waller       H - Vol. 1 Page 68

 Coggins, W.I.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 461 -
                        E - Vol. 1 Page 124
 Cole, H.A. (Dr)        A - Vol. 1 Page 521
 Cole, M                N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 273
 Cole, Mils             G - Vol. 2 Page 59

 Cole, Sidney S.        K - Marr. Pauline A Hugel
                        1-13-1891 by
                        J.P. Dimmitt M.C.
 Cole, Wm. H.           A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Cole, Wm.              H - Vol. 1 Page 47

 Collier, _____         K - Came to WF in 1884 Son: Frank
                        (1877-1953) - Dau.
                        Was Mrs. Harvey L. West of AZ -
                        Mrs. Collier built 3 story
                        Mansion Hotel
                        at 12th and Ohio

NOTE CORRECTION:I am a descendant of Rhoda Collier West of Phoenix, Arizona.
 Her brother was Frank Collier, a Mayor of Wichita Falls. The mother of Frank and
 Rhoda was my great grandmother Sarah Margaret Collier. There is an error in the
 listing of Frank's sister. She is listed as Mrs. Harvey L. West. NO. She married Harry
 L. West in Colorado Springs. 
Anne Tartaul

 Collier, Mrs.          A - Vol. 1 Page 533

 Collier, S.M. (Mrs)    E - Vol. 1 Page 134 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. Q Page 481
 Collier, S.M. (Widow)  E - Vol. 1 Page 118
 Collins, Ed            F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Collins, John          F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Collins, T.N. or T.H.  N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 195
 Collins, Waller E.     H - Vol. 1 Page 68
 Collins, Walter        H - Vol. 1 Page 55
 Combs, Dora M.         K - Marr. R.I. Flippin 8/20/1890

 Congar, George D.      K - Married Ella Lee Dixon
                        10/19/1890 by
                        J.W. Rogers, MG
 Conger, Geo. D.        G - Vol. 2 page 43
 Conner, Rena O.        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 91

 Cook William (J?)      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. (J?) 7th Reg. W. Va.
                        Cav. July 6,64 - Aug 1,65 P.O.
                        Disability incurred: Cramp &
                        Neuralgia. Discharged at close of
 Cook, J.               L - Page 37

 Cook, J.C.             G - Vol. 2 Page 59, 60, 61, 62,
                        63 - L - Page 67
 Cook, William I.       N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 534

 Cooke, _____           A - Vol. 1 Page 532 - Constable
                        Precinct 5
 Corbitt, John          F - Vol. 1 Page 1

 Coridon, Hannah        K - Marr. Charles E. Lawless
 Cornworth, R.W.        K - To Iowa Park area in 1890

 Correll, David P.      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Added as a US Soldier. P.O. WF
 Corridon, Thos.        A - Vol. 1 Page 517

 Corridon, Tom          K - Trustee of 1st school 1888
                        Iowa Park
                        Son: Tom, Jr. born 1889
 Corriell, D.P.         A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Cosby, S.J.            G - Vol. 2 Page 44

 Cottrell, M.G.         K - In 1890 Road Overseer - Dau.
                        Addie (Marr. 1897)
                        1890 to Iowa Park from Clay
                        County - A - Vol. 1 Page 532 -
                        also M
 Cowan, J.I.G.          G - Vol. 2 Page 59, 60

 Cox, A.S.              E - Vol. 1 Page 80 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. Q Page 481

 Cox, J.A.              A - Vol. 1 Page 477, 495, 517 - K
                        - In Dec. 1888 to
                        Dagett - To WF in 1890 - Still
                        here in 1895 - Children: J.V.
                        b. 1880, Ernest A. b. 1877 in GA
                        d. 1951, E.L., two dau.
 Cox, Kissie            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 9

 Cox, S.E. (Mrs)        E - Vol. 1 Page 81 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. R Page 378
 Craig, David           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 427
 Craig, Jim             K - Page 1
 Crain, C.B.            G - Vol. 2 Page 58, 59, 61, 62
 Cram, Gus              N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 79
 Cramm, Gus             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 321
 Crampton, Doc          H - Vol. 1 Page 47

 Crane, ____            Children: Henry Claud (b. 1890 in
                        WF), Johnny
 Crane, C.H.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 209

 Crawford, B.F.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 383
                        -G - Vol. 2 Page 50, 63
 Crawford, Willie       H - Vol. 1 Page 57
 Creamer, C.A.          A - Vol. 1 Page 521
 Crenshaw, Charles      E - Vol. 1 Page 99

 Criswell, Archibald    K - (1833-?) Widower in 1880 In
                        WF 1878 - Farm 1880 -
                        Deputy Sheriff 1882-1890
 Crites, J.S.           A - Vol. 1 Page 496

 Crites, O.H.           ( - 1944) Marr. 1885 IL, To Iowa
                        Park area Wife:
                        Ellena Pratt (1868-1944) -
                        Children: 3 dau. & 1 son - K -
                        children, 1888 to Iowa Park from
                        IL, In 1901 bought large house
 Crockett, W.R.         A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Cronin, John           F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Crook, James           F - Vol. 1 Page 3

 Crowley, C.D.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 10 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 474
 Crowley, John          F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Crowley, S.D.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 10
 Crumpton, Doc          G - Vol. 2 Page 51

 Crutchfield, Joe       K - In 1890's Black cook for
                        Burnett Ranch

 Culbertson, W.A.       K - Marr. Mattie E. Warren
                        12/17/1890 by
                        L.L. Naugle, MG
 Culey, Tom             F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Cullins, James         F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 Culver, W.L. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 571
 Culver, W.W., Jr.      N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 357
 Cummings, J.H.         H - Vol. 1 Page 55

 Cummins, J.H.          H - Vol. 1 Page 70 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. R Page 409

 Cummins, W.R.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 365 -
                        N - Deed Record
                        Vol. S Page 145 - G - Vol. 2 Page

 Cunningham, J.M.       K - Marr. Frances Sullivan
                        1/21/1891 by S.B. Thomas, JP
 Curby, S.S.            A - Vol. 1 Page 474, 475
 Curry, Jane            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 588
 Curry, M.N.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 588
 Curtis, S.I.           A - Vol. 1 Page 504

 Cutter, O.C. (Mrs)     K - Page 5 Obituary of Al
                        Eastland - Mrs. Cutter listed
                        as sister in obituary

 Cutter, O.C.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 193 -
                        G - Vol. 2
                        Page 46, 47, 64

 Dale, Elba A.          K - In 1890 - Iowa Park later
                        (1908) Electra - Marr.
                        Virginia M. Hooke 9/28/1890 by
                        Albert Freeman, MG Methodist

 Dale, Zenis P.         K - Wife: Mamie A. Weidman
                        (1863-1938) Marr. July 19,
                        1888 - In 1889 moved to Iowa Park
                        to a farm - In 1938 ywo dau. & 1
 Dalton, Jasper         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 133
 Daly, J.W.             L - Page 40
 Daniel, Hattie
 (Bennett) (Mrs)        see: Daniel, S.M.

 Daniel, Samuel M.      Resided in Wichita Co. in 1890
                        See: History of North &
                        West Texas by Capt. B.B. Paddock
                        Ed. Vol. 1 Page 500

 Daniel, Samuel         K - Marr. Hattie S. Bennett
                        11/23/1890 by S.A. Elam, JP
                        Prec. #4 - To Wichita Co. early
                        1880's farm 4 mi. SE Burkburnett
 Daniel, T.W.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 326

 Daniel, Thomas Wilburn K - May 1889 to Gilbert Creek
                        area Then moved to Ipecht
                        Colony Land in fall 1890 - Sons:
                        Bud (1883-1952), Will (1881-1962)
                        1903 - Dau. Mary Etta (1878-1942
                        marr. 1897 to J.W. Donehoo)
 Daniels, Allen         H - Vol. 1 Page 58
 Daniels, Pink          A - Vol. 1 Page 481, 495
 Daniels, S.M.          A - Vol. 1 Page 477
 Darnell, Allen         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 430

 Darnell, I.R.          K - Live WF 1889-1891 Wife: Mae
                        Carter (Sister to Mrs.
                        McGregor) - N - Deed Record Vol.
                        Q Page 638
 Darnell, May C.        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 638
 Darnell, R.L.          K - Page 4 See: Hague, J.J.

 Darnell,               K - Page 8 Item: Judge Darnell
                        has sold his residence
                        property on Lamar Ave.
 Darwin, P.K.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 135

 Daugherty,             K - Page 3 Publisher & Proprietor
                        of Wichita Herald.
                        See Matheny
 Daugherty, Carrie      (1878-1943) To WF in 1890

 Daugherty, F.T.        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 457 -
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 49
                        K - Page 4 Publisher & Proprietor
                        of Wichita Herald see A.D.
                        Matheny -
                        L - Page 16, 18
 Daugherty, Frank       K - (1855-1908) - City Clerk 1889
 Tuttle                 - To WF 1888
 Daugherty, W.H.        H - Vol. 1 Page 49
 Daugherty, William
 Harry                  K - (1870-1960) - To WF 1888
 Davee, Jack            F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Davidson, S.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 514

 Davis, A. Mace         H - Vol. 1 Page 59 - K - Bro. Of
                        F.M. & M.J.) Deputy
                        Sheriff in 1890

 Davis, A.M.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 171 B
                        - Vol. 1 Page 13
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 53, 54, 55, 56,
 Davis, C.H.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 171

 Davis, F.M.            N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 495 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 471,
                        501, 516 - B - Vol. 1 Page 7 - H
                        - Vol. 1 Page 46 - K - Page 7
                        Wichita Co. Texas - L - Page 4

 Davis, Francis Newton  K - To WF in 1882 - Several
                        Children: Nina
                        (1879 - ), Burchell E., Daisy,
                        John Floyd, Royal Flood b. WF

 Davis, Frank Marion    K - (1848-1900) Second wife:
                        marr. 1882 Mrs. Maggie
                        Alpha Morris (1852-1905) of the
                        Burk area - Sheriff 1882-1890 -
                        4 Morris children between 13 & 19
                        yrs., 4 Davis sons by wife #1 -
                        ages between 10 & 14 yrs., 2
                        Morris-Davis sons by wife #2
 Davis, J.H.            H - Vol. 1 Page 53

 Davis, M.J.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 115 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 516,
                        533 - H - Vol. 1 Page 56 - K -
                        Page 7 Deputy Sheriff Wichita Co.
                        Texas -
                        L. Page 50 Dept. Marshall
 Davis, Mace            H - Vol. 1 Page 41
 Davis, Maggie A.       N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 176

 Davis, Magor J.        K - Deputy Sheriff - Marr. Mollie
                        D. Burrow 10/22/1890
                        by J.H. Barwise, County Judge
 Davis, Majr.           H - Vol. 1 Page 41
 Davis, Neal            H - Vol. 1 Page 62

 Davis, Sarah Jane      K - Widow (1830-1903) - 1880
                        settled on farm NW of
                        Burkburnett - Dau. Lillis Davis
                        1867-1946 marr. 1894 and in 1899
                        A.A. Morgan
 Davis, Tom             F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Davison, A.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 61

 Day, Thomas B.         US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. T 36th Reg. Ind. Inf.
                        P.O. WF - Note: The Company could
                        be L
                        or J.

 Day, Thomas R.         US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Listed as Sargent, nothing more
                        P.O. WF Precenct 1

 Day, W.C.              M - & N - Deed Record Vol. S Page
 Day, Wm.               G - Vol. 2 Page 44

 Day,                   K - 2 bro. With several other
                        families. In 1883 called
                        Day's Switch School - Days sold
                        out to I.L. Fawlkes and name

 Dean, Tom              (1857 AL - d. 1947) Wife: Caldona
                        Reves, marr. 1882
                        Fannin Co., Children: Sidney,
                        Willie (dau.) - 1889 to Specht
                        Rancher to 1898 - All buried at

 Deaton, J.A.           K - Children: Oscar S.
                        (1881-1965), Jennie Lee
                        (1877- ) in 1892 marr. J.W.
                        Brown, Lena marr. 1904, Leon L.,
                        Ernest H. (1896-1952)
 Degges, R.F.           G - Vol. 2 page 56
 Deggs, Bob             H - Vol. 1 Page 51
 Deggs, Robert          H - Vol. 1 Page 71
 Denny, Kate (George)
 (Mrs)                  See: L.C. Denny
 Denny, L.C.            A - Vol. 1 Page 500 - also M

 Denny, Leslie C.       Resided in Wichita Co. in 1890
                        See: History of North &
                        West Texas by Capt. B.B. Paddock
                        Ed. Vol. 2 Page 155

 Denny, Leslie Combs    K - (1854-1948) Wife: Eliza
                        Kathrine (1866-1949) marr.
                        1881 - Children: Gertrude b.
                        1886, Lottie, Maggie, Emma, L.C.
                        Earl L., Ida, Kathryn, S.L. marr
                        1899 - Note: in 1889 or 1888
                        bought 500
                        ac. 4/16/1889 and came to
                        "Denny's Community" near Iowa
 Denny, S.L.            Bro. Of L.C. Denny
 Deparis, P.            H - Vol. 1 Page 65, 74
 Deskins, W.K.          F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Devine, William        F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Dickerson, A.          A - Vol. 1 Page 522
 Dickson, C.R.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 429
 Dilley, W.S.           K - marr. Emma Foster 1/1/1891
 Dillon, James          F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Dimmitt, J.P.          K - M.G. 8-1890 - 10-1890
 Dimmitt, S.L.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 40

 Dimuke, W.W.           K - In Dec. 1889 pd. for Dep.
 Dismecke, Geo.         A - Vol. 1 Page 488
 Dismukes, George W.    N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 228

 Dixon, ___             K - To WF in 1888 - Children:
                        Ella (1872-1952),
                        J.B. ( - 1908), Sallie B. marr.
                        1899, another girl who was later
                        Mrs. E.A. Haley

 Dixon, Ella Lee        K - marr. George D. Congar
 Dixon, J.B.            M -
 Dockal, Joe            M -

 Dodge, David           K - (1827-1904) to WF 1882 Sons:
                        John marr. In 1888
                        Local Contractor; Kossuth B.

 Dodge, Henry D.        K - (1862-1950) - Came to Iowa
                        Park area 1888 - In 1882
                        arrived with father - H.D. left
                        and returned in 1888 but no
                        mention of father or name
 Dodge, John S.         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 587

 Dodson, M.             A - Vol. 1 Page 531, 532 - G -
                        Vol. 2 Page 45,
                        49, 51, 52

 Dodson, Monroe         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 78 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 44, 55
                        K - (1857-1927) Wife: Serena
                        (1864- ) In fall of 1878 family
                        to Red River
                        near present Burkburnett - Sons:
                        Almiris F. (1870-1918), Aaron
                        (1875- ),
                        James (1873- ), Nelson
                        (1882-1936) Charles S.
                        (1888-1920), Dau.:
                        May Belle (1879 - 1942) - Also US
                        Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102 B.
                        Pvt. Co. D. 60th Reg. Ill. Inf. 2
                        Feb '65 to 9 Aug 1865 6 mo. 7 day
                        Disability: Catarrah of head and
                        throat, and bronchitis 25 yr.
                        Gilbert, Wichita Co. - U.S.
                        Census Wichita Co. 1880 pg 9:
                        Farmer, see
                        Dodson family
 Dodson, T.             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 13
 Dollins, C.M.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 322
 Dollins, L.E.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 322

 Donehoo, James W.      K - (1874 - ) To Wichita county
                        1888 farm -
                        marr. 1897
 Donovan, Walter        L - Page 64

 Dorsey, Frank M.       K - Killed 2/25/1896 bank robbery
                        - To WF 1890 - Wife:
                        Rhoda A. Norvell Dorsey - Sons:
                        Frank J.; Joe
 Dotey, Mary (Mrs)      K - Marr. James Carey 4/10/1890

 Douglas, L.P.          K - Marr. In 1895 - 1890 He &
                        mother settled on farm
                        east of present site of Electra -
                        Mother: Mrs. Amanda England

 Douglass, L.P.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 251 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 502
 Dowlen, V.A.           G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 48, 5657, 58
 Dowlin, V.A.           G - Vol. 2 Page 46
 Downen, V.A.           G - Vol. 2 Page 48
 Downing, C.E.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 52
 Downing, J. Layton     K - Arr. Late 1885 died 1931
 Downing, J.L.          G - Vol. 2 Page 42

 Downing, W.H.          K - Wife: Nannie Gentry - Arr.
                        late 1885, marr. in
                        1889, died 1926, also Page 2
                        Superintendent, M.E. Church
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 493
 Downs, C.A.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 490

 Du Val, Nellie (Miss)  Marriage records Wichita Co. Vol.
                        1 Page 106 Date 1890:
                        marr. Frank Vaughn Nov. 25, 1890
                        - K - Nellie Du Val married Frank
                        Vaughn 11/25/1890
 Dudley, A.D.           A - Vol. 1 Page 504

 Duff, Josie C.         K - marr. T.B. (Turner) Page
 Duffer, L.W.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 619
 Duke, J.B.             A - Vol. 1 Page 537
 Duncan, J.E.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 108

 Duncan, James Elmer    K - (1869-1943) Arr. June 1883 -
                        Never married
 Duncan, Jim            H - Vol. 1 Page 64

 Duncan, R.J.           K - Page 8 Item: Supt. R.J.
                        Duncan of the Denver,
                        passed up the road Thursday
 Dunn, James C.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 157

 Dunn, Jas. H.          K - Page 6 - Graduate of Medical
                        Department University
                        of New York City. Forty six years
                        experience. Has opened an
                        Store in the city of Wichita
                        Falls. In the Tompkins Building,
                        near the
                        postoffice, Indiana Ave.
 Dunn, Leroy            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 50
 Dunn, William          A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Dunn, Wm. A.           L - Page 34
 Dunnington, Phil       G - Vol. 2 Page 48
 Durrett, ____          L - Page 50
 Durrett, H.M.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 304
 Dustin, Theron E.      N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 354
 Dykes, E.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 2

 Dykes, E.P.            G - Vol. 2 Page 42, 56, 57, 58,
                        63 - L - pg. 29
 Eagan, John            F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Earl, James            A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Earl, Jim              A - Vol. 1 Page 537

 Earls, E.J.            K - (1864-1916) Wife: Mrs. Ann
                        Taylor marr. 7/3/1886,
                        Stepson: Will Taylor b. 1880, In
                        1881 to WF, Drove stage many
                        years for
                        Geo. Soule to about 1892 - wife
                        arr. In WF in 1884 with stepson

 Earp, Arthur S.        K - (1876-1965) Mother & Father
                        to Wichita Co. 1885

 East, E.H.             J - Vol. 1 Page 191 - K - Page 1
                        E.H. East & Co.
                        Real Estate advertisement
 East, E.H.             K - Bondsman 1890

 Eastland, Al           A - Vol. 1 Page 504 - K - page 5
                        Obituary: Died last
                        Sunday morning after being sick
                        only a day or two with pneumonia.

 Eastland, E.O. (Dr)    K - County Health Officer 5/1887
                        - 9/1890

 Eastland, O.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 107 -
                        K - Page 5 Obituary:
                        Dr. O. Eastland bro. Of Al
                        Eastland who died. Also: Board of
                        Examiners: The board of medical
                        examiners fo the 30th judical
                        dist. Of TX
                        is ordered to convene in the
                        office of Dr. O. Eastland, in
                        Wichita Falls,
                        at 10 am April 30, 1890 - O.
                        Eastland M.D., President - Also K
                        - Page 7 -
                        Ad: Physician, Surgeon and
                        Accoucher, Wichita Falls, Texas.
                        Office- Room
                        1- upstairs brick building SW
                        corner Ohio Ave & 7th St.
                        Residence 7th st.
                        opposite Panhandle National Bank.
 Eavans, John           F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Eberhart, (Brothers)   A - Vol. 1 Page 492
 Eberhart, J.S.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 417
 Eberhart, W.H.         N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 35

 Edgin, G.W.            K - To farm in Wichita Co. about
 Edwards, Carrie L.
 (Mrs)                  N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 477
 Edwards, E.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 568
 Edwards, H (Mrs)       N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 568

 Edwards, J.F.          A - Vol. 1 Page 487, 488, 494 - G
                        - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57
                        L - Page 73
 Edwards, James F.      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 477
 Edwards, Jos. F.       L - Page 15

 Edwards, Joseph F.     K - Left WF 1894 Real Estate - WF
                        City Council paid him
                        1/4/1890 for "plow evener" - N -
                        Deed Record Vol. R Page 535

 Edwards, Ulysses S.    K - (1864-1956) Three Children -
                        To WF Jan. 20, 1888
                        Ranch work, Livery Stable, Hunt
                        Grain Co. to 1935

 Elam, S.A.             A - Vol. 1 Page 531, 533 - K -
                        Justice Peace #4 11-1890
 Elam, S.H.             A - Vol. 1 Page 523

 Elliott, J. Frank      K - ( -1917) Wife: Lula West
                        (1862-1957) marr 1889
                        Lot A, Block 131, Orig. Townsite
                        bought Dec. 21, 1889 5th & Lee
 Elliston, J.S.         N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 23

 England, Jodie         K - with cousin L.P. Douglas 1890
                        to Beaver Switch
 English, Stephen       N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 441

 Ervin, John B.         US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. C. 84th Reg Ill. Inf.
                        1963 served 3 mo. - no dates -
                        P.O. WF
 Estabrook, L. (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 181

 Estabrook, Lucy        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        This name was added and listed as
                        a nurse. P.O. WF
 Estes, Will            K - Here in 1887
 Evans, A.R.            G - Vol. 2 Page 46
 Evans, B.C.            A - Vol. 1 Page 521
 Evans, E.L.            K - Farm 1890
 Evans, Ed              A - Vol. 1 Page 474

 Evans, G.S.            A - Vol. 1 Page 496, 521 - N -
                        Deed Record Vol. Q
                        Page 63
 Evans, J.B.            A - Vol. 1 Page 523

 Evans, J.R.            A - Vol. 1 Page 484 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. R Page 206
 Evans, M.L.            A - Vol. 1 Page 532

 Evans, Mark            L - Page 38 - K - Page 4 - of
                        Fort Worth who will erect
                        a big mill and elevator here, is
                        in town.
 Evans, R.E.            E - Vol. 1 Page 70, 71
 Evans, Thomas          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 469
 Evans, Uri             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 275
 Evans, V.R.            G - Vol. 2 Page 62

 Ewell, G.H. Jr.        K - marr. Nellie B. Withers
                        10/28/1890 by
                        John C. White, MG

 Faber, Valentine       N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 296 -
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 41
 Fallen, Jack           F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Fallon, Jack           F - Vol. 1 Page 2

 Fant, W.S.             K - 1st dep. 3/6/1890 in City
                        Nat. Bank

 Farmer, Bob            Wichita Co. Comm. Court Minutes
                        Vol. 1 Page 483 Date:
                        April 5, 1890: Paid $2.50 for
                        wash bill for pauper.

 Farmer, Laura          K - marr. Clabe C. Burnett
                        12/25/1890 Stepdaughter of
                        Ensign Rexford of Burk area
 Farra, Bob             L - Page 34, 51
 Farrar, Harriet        H - Vol. 1 Page 73
 Farris, Bob            H - Vol. 1 Page 45
 Farror, Bob            A - Vol. 1 Page 488
 Fassett, A.F.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 195

 Fassett, Adelbert S.   K - (1846-1908) 1888 to WF,
                        Member of City Council
                        several times
 Faut, Nelson           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 229
 Fay, Wm.               H - Vol. 1 Page 78, 79

 Fecher, John L.        O - A farm family Rt. 1 - Miss
                        Mary A. Fecher of Rt. 1
                        WF born WF May 11, 1890 died Oct.
                        1, 1945 - her 1945 obit lists 3
                        and 4 brothers (Louis, Albert,
                        Frank A., William)

 Ferguson,              K - Page 6 Ad: Ferguson &
                        Tankersly Grocers
 Ferguson, B.N.         A - Vol. 1 Page 533

 Ferguson, Ben N.       K - (1838-1931) Wife: Susan
                        Elizabet Myers (1840-1921)
                        To Wichita Co. 5/4/1888 Ranch 6
                        mi. S. of present site of Iowa
                        Wichita Co. Commissioner Dist. 3
                        - Son: William R. (1875- ) Dau.:
                        (1878-1935), Lillie (1880-1957),
                        Pearl (1882-1961) - Also Resided
                        Wichita Co. in 1890 See: History
                        of North & South Texas by Paddock
                        Pg. 360 Vol. 1

 Ferguson, S.Y.         A - Vol. 1 Page 486 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 49, 50 - K - In
                        1886 start grocery in WF, Marr.
                        1893 - H - Vol. 1 Page 57
 Ferguson, Wm.          H - Vol. 1 Page 51

 Ficklin, ____          K - Arr. 1878 - Son: L.W. in
                        school in 1880's, still
                        here in 1932 - Sister's first
                        marriage license 7/13/1882 marr.
                        County cowboy
 Ficklin, L.A. (Mrs)
 (Hicklin?)             K - marr. M.C. Holton 3/10/1890
 Ficklin, Luke          A - Vol. 1 Page 488
 Ficklin, T.A.          H - Vol. 1 Page 70

 Field, John Walker     K - (1853-1908) Wife: Gillie R.
                        Daniel, Dau.: Gillie,
                        Sazie - Arr. In WF 1882 or 83
                        surveyor or engineer for WF RR___
 Fields, (Mr)           A - Vol. 1 Page 525
 Fields, J.W.           A - Vol. 1 Page 522

 Findley, D.S.          K - Page 5 Item: Mr. D.S. Findley
                        passed a day or two
                        in WF last week. Mr. Findley is
                        from Seymour, and says that it
                        will make
                        a great town.

 Finehold, ___          K - To WF in 1884 Children: Emma
                        (1877 in Germany -
                        d. 1958 WF), ____ later Mrs. Jno.
                        Hollowell, ____ later Mrs. J.R.
                        Sons: H.L., Carl - Note: Mrs.
                        Hollowell and Mrs. Martin did not
                        remain in WF
 Finn, John             F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Firgott, G.H.          G - Vol. 2 Page 49
 Fisher, M.F. (Mrs)     M -
 Fisher, Mary           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 215

 Fisher, William M.     K - ( - 1919) Nov. 1888 to Iowa
                        Park area, built
                        first house there then farm near
                        Electra area - Dau.: Grace marr.
                        Jennings 5/20/1895, Nellie -
                        Sons: Jim (James A.), "Doc"
                        Arthur b. 1887

 Fisher, William        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. D 10th Reg. Ind. Inf.
                        Aug 6, 1861 to Sept. 28, 1864 - 3
                        22 dy. P.O. Iowa Park

 Fisher, Wm.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 215 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 497

 Fleming, J.T.A.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 490 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 44,
                        61, 62 - O - (1851 VA-1920) Wife:
                        Sarah A. (1829-1901), Dau: Jennie
                        (marr. 1904), Owned land & sho in
                        WF by 1890 - K - (1851-1920),
                        Jennie D. marr. 6/14/1904 to A.D.
                        Magner, In 1890 owned 1300 ac.
                        West of
                        Charlie and Mercantile Business
                        in WF, 1890 WF School Board - L -
                        Page 41
 Fleming, Mike          F - Vol. 1 Page 1, 3
 Fleming, T.A.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 354

 Fleming, W.S.          K - bro. Of J.T.A. Fleming - Son:
                        J.D., 1890 arrived to
                        farm J.T.A.'s acreage

 Fleming,               K - Page 4 Ad: Fleming & Oliphint
                        - Dealers in Real
                        Estate, Office on Ohio Ave.
 Flemons, Emma          K - marr. E.L. Ramsey 3/17/1890
 Flin, John             F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Flinn, Jerry           F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Flippen, E.J.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 335

 Flippen, Ira           K - Charter member Mar 1890 First
                        Baptist Church,
                        Iowa Park
 Flippen, J.H.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 335
 Flippen, W.B.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 336

 Flippin, R.I.          K - marr. Mrs. Dora M. Combs
                        8/20/1890 by
                        J. Sanford Allen, MG
 Flood, W.W. (Major)    K - 1883-early 1890's Lawyer
 Flood, Wm. W.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 107
 Flowers, Eva           K - marr. J.A. Thomas 11/4/1890
 Flynt, J.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 412
 Flynt, M.E. (Mrs)      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 412
 Foiley, Tom            F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Foley, Chas.           F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Ford, Emma             K - marr. Tobe Sheppard 2/8/1890

 Ford, Henry            K - Bought land on Holliday Creek
                        1885 - Weathered
                        drouth. Paid out tract and in
                        time worth $250,000.

 Ford, O.S.             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 515 -
                        A - Vol. 1
                        Page 496, 517

 Fore Brothers          K - Page 6 Ad: Livery Feed and
                        Sale Stable on Ohio Ave.
 Fore, J.L.             H - Vol. 1 Page 47

 Fore, J.S.             A - Vol. 1 Page 493 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 46 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 43

 Fore, John Silas       K - ( - 1931 WF) To Wf late
                        1880's - Wife: Mary
                        Phillips Moody marr. 1889

 Fore, John             G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57 - J - Vol.
                        1 Page 190 - K -
                        Page 5 Item: The new livery
                        stable being built on the corner
                        of 7th St.
                        and Scott Ave. by Messrs John &
                        William Fore will be a fine
                        capable of accommodating a large
                        number of horses and carriages.
 Fore, Mary (Mrs)       N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 636

 Fore, William          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 363 -
                        G - Vol. 2 page 49,
                        50, 52 - K- Page 5 See: Item John
 Foreman, J.A.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 14

 Forgy, J.R.            K - marr. Henrietta Forgy
                        4/3/1890 by A.A. Brown, J.P.
 Forrest, J.M.          E - Vol. 1 Page 139

 Foster, E.W.           A - Vol. 1 Page 471, 492, 515,
                        527 - J - Vol. 1 Page
                        176 - N - Deed Record Vol. P Page
                        243 - K - Page 6 Ad: Foster &
                        Land & Loan Agents - Also K -
                        County Judge 1888-Aug. 1890

 Foster, Ed             K - b. 1870 - To WF 1887 - marr.
                        1896 Worked on farms
                        and ranches in WF and Henrietta
                        area - 1907 Specht Land - 1921
                        near Electra
 Foster, Emma           K - marr. W.S. Dilley 1/1/1891
 Foster, Hattie M.      N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 309
 Foster, W.E.           A - Vol. 1 Page 529

 Fox, George            K - Former Ft. Sill interpreter -
                        marr. A cousin of
                        Mrs. S.H. Burnside whom she
                        visited in Spr. Of 1885 on
                        Burnett St.
 Franks, John L.        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 522
 Freeman, A.            A - Vol. 1 Page 533

 Freeman, Albert        K - M.G. Iowa Park Methodist
                        9-1890 marr. E.A. Doles
                        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 598 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 516
 Freeze, W. E.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 475
 Freiberg, V.E.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 396
 Freize, W.E.           A - Vol. 1 Page 516
 Fresbie, L.W.          A - Vol. 1 Page 514

 Frey, ____             K - To WF 1883 left about 1904 -
                        Son: Fred M.
                        b. Palestine in 1877, Two Dau.

 Frey, Fred             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 615 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 61
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 67, 70 - K - Page
                        6 Ad: Wines, Liquors and Cigars
                        7th St.
 Frey, Lena             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 615
 Friberg, E.V.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 162

 Friberg, George Ed     K - (1864-1923) son of John
                        Friberg - Wife: Annie Bard
                        (1866-1939) Several Children,
                        Arr. 1885

 Friberg, John          K - (1830-1906) - Arrived in 1885
                        - Wife: Mary Andree
                        ( - 1916), Son: Emil Victor
                        (1868-1957) marr. Trudie Bard
                        1898 - Friberg
                        Community 1 mi. NW of WF - Also M
                        - Also History of North & South
                        Texas by
                        Paddock Pg. 386 Vol. 2: Father of
                        Will and J.E., wife of Mary
                        Also - US Census Wichita Co, 1890
                        R.102 B. 176: Co F. Pvt. 113th
                        Reg. Ill.
                        Inf. 1 Sept 1862 to 2 June 1865 2
                        yr 8 mo 2 dy P.O. WF - Also -
                        Record Vol. 1 Page 13 #129
                        Wichita Co. TX 76 yr 7 mo 23 dy
                        Died May 30,
                        1906 4:15 am, H.S. Warring, MD -
                        Also - N - Deed Record Vol. S
                        Page 106
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 64

 Friberg, William M.    K - (1859-1913) Son of John
                        Friberg, Wife: Kate Bard,
                        Arrived 1885
 Fribery, John          G - Vol. 2 Page 64

 Frieburg               K - Page 4 Ad: Palace Market,
                        Frieburg & Ulen
 Frieze, W.E.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 264
 Frieze,                A - Vol. 1 Page 530
 Frisbie, L.W.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 630
 Frisbie, Mary          N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 25
 Fugatt, G.             H - Vol. 1 Page 49
 Fugit, G.W.            H - Vol. 1 Page 68
 Fugitt, G.M.           H - Vol. 1 Page 42
 Funk, P.S.             G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 47, 64
 Funk, Perry S.         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 397
 Futrell, John A.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 308

 Gallagher, Michall     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. M Reg. 10 Mo. Cav.
                        Enlisted List 1862 to Mar. 1865 3
                        yr service
                        P.O. Dallas, TX
 Gallant, Jno. W.       N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 218
 Gallant, John W.       D - Vol. 1 Page 204-5
 Galliger, Mike         H - Vol. 1 Page 59
 Ganges, George         F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Gannon, E.M.           F - Vol. 1 Page 3

 Gant, L. C.            K - Page 5 - Item: Another
                        Building and Loan
                        Association organized, Mr. Gant,
                        board of director member.
 Gardner, W.H.          A - Vol. 1 Page 504

 Garner, John Daniel    K - (1844-1934) In WF 1881-1916 -
                        Wife: Elizabeth Ann
                        Schoonover (1858-1949) - To
                        Electra in 1916
 Geiger, R.M. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 563

 Gentry, ____           K - Wife: Bettie - Arr. In WF
                        1884 - Dau.: Lizzie;
                        Nannie marr. W.H. Downing in 1889
 Gentry, Frank          H - Vol. 1 Page 44, 50, 63, 73

 Gentry, Pike           A - Vol. 1 Page 487 - F - Vol. 1
                        Page 1, 2 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 46

 George, ___            K - In Iowa Park area in 1890
                        from Tenn. - Children:
                        Will F.; Corinne marr. 1891,
                        several others
 Gibson, G.W.           M -

 Giddings, Geo. A.      G - Vol. 2 Page 42 - K -
                        Announcement: For County
 Giddings, Geo. A.      N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 87
 Giddins, George A.     A - Vol. 1 Page 538
 Gilbert, Mollie        H - Vol. 1 Page 41
 Gilbert, W.S.          A - Vol. 1 Page 488
 Gilbreath, J.E.        L - page 53
 Gill, Sam              H - Vol. 1 Page 62
 Gilliam, J.B.J.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 619
 Gilliam, J.W.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 165
 Gillis, Bruce (Parents K - In school 1890 - 1888 to
 also)                  Burnett Red River
                        Ranch, Sunshine Hill in Electra
                        area, 1904 marr. Lyda Lee,
                        Sister: ____
                        (later Mrs. Audie Burch of

 Gladden, Thomas L.     K- 1889 - for 3 years Supt. of WF
 Glenn, J.G.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 605
 Glenn, Mattie          K - marr. Webb Johnson 11/10/1890
 Goetze, Ernest         K - (1843-1936) - Wife: Emma
 Ehregott               Rosalie, Children: (All
                        b. before 1890) Max (1873- ),
                        Paul, Karl, Freida, Lina - 1885
                        farm in
                        Sunshine Hill NE Electra from
 Golarch, John          F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Gooden, Morris         H - Vol. 1 Page 58
 Goodloe, J.C.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 483
 Goodloe, M.J.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 483
 Goodwhine, C.C.        A - Vol. 1 Page 533

 Gorman, Charles        K - marr. Carrie B. Kent
                        10/26/1890 by M.H. Kerr, MG
                        Presbyterian - N - Deed Record
                        Vol. Q Page 375

 Gorman, Charlie        K - (1863-1944) To WF "early in
                        life" stayed until 1927
 Gorman, O.J.           L - Page 74
 Gorsline, E.B.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 574
 Gould, Dan             H - Vol. 1 Page 42

 Gouldy, J.H.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 318 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 516
                        K - Page 4 Item: The new ad of
                        J.H. Gouldy appears in our
                        columns this
                        week. As will be seen. Mr Gouldy
                        intends going into the land, loan
                        insurance business. Also Page 5,
                        Ad: Land Loan & Insurance Agent,
                        on North 7th St.

 Gowan, J.I.G.          K - Page 1 Manager of New Saddle
                        Shop of WF, was in
                        Bowie last Sunday and Monday,
                        visiting his family and many
                        - Bowie Cross Timbers.
 Grady, Joe             F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 Graef, Carl            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 206
 Graef, Charles         M -
 Graef, Mary            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 206
 Granberry, W.M.        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 367
 Granberry, Wm.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 84

 Grant, L.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 331 -
                        K - 3/6/1890 made
                        deposit in City National Bank,
                        one of organizers - also Page 5
                        L.C. grant,
                        vice-president City bank in the
                        city Sunday and honored the
                        Democrat with
                        a brief call - Wichita County
                        Democrat - also page 7 Ad: Vice
                        City National Bank - A - Vol. 1
                        Page 532, 538 - G - Vol. 2 Page
                        56, 57
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 67
 Grant, William         F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Grauh, L.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 28
 Graves, A.J.           G - Vol. 2 Page 48, 63
 Gray, (Mrs)            A - Vol. 1 Page 525
 Gray, J.L.             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 307
 Gray, Nannie L.        N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 22
 Grayson, Jno.          H - Vol. 1 Page 59
 Green, C.J.            N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 465
 Green, Delia           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 185

 Green, John A.         K - marr. Sarah L. Martin
                        8/28/1890 by J.P. Dimmitt, MG
 Green, Joseph          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 185

 Greenlease, ___        K - 1888 to WF - One small son,
                        adopted son Oran L.
                        Clark (1880-1954) (In 1893 became
                        foster-son of J.G. Hardin of Burk
 Greenlease, Mary E.    N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 635
 Greenlease, Walter A.  N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 67
 Greenlee, J.F.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 199

 Griesemer, A.C.        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 158 -
                        K- Item: For sale
                        four lots in block 208, Nos.
                        7,8,9 &10 at $900.
 Griffin, M.C.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 138
 Griffin, N.R.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 138
 Grison, R.N.           F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Grubbs, C.J.           A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Grubbs, J.D.           A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Guess, George          H - Vol. 1 Page 58
 Gwinn, Andy            J - Vol. 1 Page 183

 Hackett, Edmond        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Rank Waggoner Co. C. 3rd Reg.
                        N.H. Inf. 22 July 1861 to Sept.
                        1862 1 yr
                        2 mo P.O. WF - E - Vol. 1 Page

 Hague, J.J.            K - Page 4 J.J. Hague and R.L.
                        Darnell, of Tippecanoe
                        Co, Indiana who have recently
                        moved to this county, have
                        purchased 500
                        acres near town and will improve
                        it at once.

 Haigh, J.J.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 321 -
                        K - Wife: (Sister of
                        Mrs. Allen Darnell) - Ranch in WF

 Hairston, Cabell       K - Wife: P-H. died Nov. 3, 1890
                        - N - Deed Record
                        Vol. R Page 539
 Hairston, J.W.         K - M.G. 2-1890
 Hairston, P.H. (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 135
 Hairston, P.H.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 539

 Hairston, P.S.         K - Page 5 Item: Another Building
                        and Loan Association
                        organized. P.S. Hairston
                        traveling agent of the company,
                        Building & Loan Association of
                        New Orleans.

 Halbrook, James H.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Sgt. Co. H 10th Reg. Tenn. Cav.
                        April 1863 to Aug 1865 2 yr 4 mo.
                        P.O. WF
 Hale, J.C.             A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Hale, Jeannetta        K - marr. T.A. Tucker 8/3/1890
 Hale, T.E.             A - Vol. 1 Page 533

 Hales, Robert A.       K - To WF about 1889 - Dau.:
                        Minnie May marr.
                        Vic Stampfli Dec. 1899

 Hales, Wm.             K - marr. Miss S.E. Queen
                        9/18/1890 by W.D. Beverly, MG

 Haley, J.R.            K - marr. to _____Dec. 17, 1890
                        by S.B. Thomas Pr. #1
 Hall, J.H.             C - Vol. 1 Page 6
 Hall, R.D.             G - Vol. 2 Page 42

 Hall, Riduro D.        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. D 1st Reg. ??? rifle 28
                        Apr 1861 to 15 June 1865 1 yr 5
                        24 dy P.O. WF Remarks: He made
                        1st Leut. Jan 1862
 Hames, A.S.            K - County Attorney 1889-1890
 Hamilton, J.T.         K - Settled in Beaver Creek 1889
 Hammin, H.H.           A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Hamner, Bob            H - Vol. 1 Page 57
 Hancock, Frank Selem   H - Vol. 1 Page 66
 Hancock, M.C.          H - Vol. 1 Page 81
 Hancock, Melvin        H - Vol. 1 Page 62, 63, 64
 Hancock, Salem         H - Vol. 1 Page 69

 Hancock, W.S.          A - Vol. 1 Page 527 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. S Page 162
 Handcock, W.S.         A - Vol. 1 Page 492
 Hannah, John           F - Vol. 1 Page 4

 Harden, J.G.           A - Vol. 1 Page 495, 529, 531,
 Hardesty, F.B.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 105

 Hardesty, Frank        K - Wife: Lillie Butcher - Dau.:
                        Joyce, Son: R.W.
                        To Iowa Park area 1890 - 1895 to
                        WF - Drowned Little Wichita 1906
 Hardesty, Tom          H - Vol. 1 Page 43
 Hardin, J.C.           A - Vol. 1 Page 471

 Hardin, J.G.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 268 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 477,

 Hardin, John B.        K - Age 35 in 1890 - Wife: Mary
                        C. Funk marr. Jan 20,
                        1887, she arr. 1885 to teach
                        school, he arr. Nov. 1879 - In
                        1890 County
                        Commissioner Pct. 2 - Burk area
 Hardin, John G.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 397

 Hardy, R.C.            J - Vol. 1 Page 194 - K -
                        Bondsman 1890
 Hargis, Jerry V.       N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 609
 Harington, Mike        F - Vol. 1 Page 1

 Harlson, J.            K - M.G. Methodist 8/1890 - marr.
                        H. Banta of Beaver
                        Creek March 1890 - Also Minister
                        of the Gospel, N.W. Texas Conf.
                        Church So. - Marriage record Vol.
                        1 Page 95 1890 Wichita Co.

 Harris, A.H.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 286 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 486
                        L - Page 34, 63

 Harris, Alfred Holton  K - (1828-1900) Came to WF in
                        1880 - Wife: Mary
                        Elizabeth Nesbitt (1836-1913),
                        Dau.: Mattie H. (1858- ), Lottie
                        1940) Mrs. Earl Van Dorn, Bettie
                        S. (1869- ), Son: William T.
                        (1866- )
                        - Niece of Mrs Harris: Ella Myers
                        (1875- )
 Harris, B.H.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 258
 Harris, F.O.           A - Vol. 1 Page 518
 Harris, Frank O.       N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 609
 Harris, Hamp           H - Vol. 1 Page 52, 61
 Harris, M.E. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 286

 Harrison, ____         K - Wife: Mary E. Came to WF in
                        1883, Deputy County
                        Clerk several terms, Justice of
                        the Peace
 Harrison, J.A.         A - Vol. 1 Page 504
 Hart, John             H - Vol. 1 Page 44

 Hastings, Emma         K - marr. Frederick Chas Meir
 Hathaway, Frank        H - Vol. 1 Page 50
 Hawk, J.S.             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 229
 Hawk, N.M.             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 229
 Hawkins, E.J. (Miss)   K - marr M.T. White 8/17/1890
 Hawkins, I.A. or S.A.? N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 268
 Hawkins, I.P. or S.P.? N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 268

 Hawkins, Simon Peter   K - (1849-1930) Came to Burk area
                        1879 - Wife: Sarah
                        Hardin (1852-1936), Eight
                        Children: Eliza 20 yrs old in
                        1890, Simon G. 18
                        yrs., John 16 yrs. marr. in 1903,
                        Mattie T, (1876-1947), W.L. marr.
                        1909, Delia marr. J.I. Staley,
                        G.S., & another dau.
 Hayes, Harry           A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Hayes, R.L.            G - Vol. 2 Page 42
 Haynes, A.E.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 475
 Haynes, I.C.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 475

 Haynes, Isaac C.       K - (1825-1891) buried in Iowa
                        Park - Dau.: Kate (1864-
                        1955) Teacher in Iowa Park 1890,
                        Emma ( -1953), Jodie ( -1941 age
                        - To Wichita County March 1883
 Haynes, Louis C.       N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 80

 Haynes, O.C.           K - Page 1 O.C. Haynes of
                        Seymour, accompanied by Mrs.
                        Haynes, her mother and sister,
                        passed a day or 2 in the Falls
                        last week.
                        The party enroute to Ft. Worth,
                        where Mrs. Haynes relatives will
                        for their home in Tennessee. They
                        have been visiting in Seymour for

 Head, J.               E - Vol. 1 Page 107 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 48
 Hearn, Charlie         H - Vol. 1 Page 66, 69
 Heath, H.A.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 162
 Heath, L.J. (Mrs)      N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 162
 Heath, W.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 193

 Heath, William C.      K - (1849-1937) Wife: ____ dcsd
                        1892, Remarried 1892,
                        Had 6 children by second wife,
                        Dau.: Zuda marr. T.B. Noble, Son:
                        (later in Ark.)
 Heath, William         J - Vol. 1 Page 183

 Heath, Zebidee W.      K - Wife: Alma - In 1888 to WF to
                        farm J. Howard place
                        W of WF with son. Got controlling
                        interest of flour mill. - Son:
                        Zeb. Jr.
                        in WF many years
 Heath, Zudie (Miss)    K - Page 1
 Hedges, Chas.          C - Vol. 1 page 6
 Heigel, J.L.           G - Vol. 2 Page 64

 Heiserman, Gottlieb    K - 1886 settled in Clara
                        Community - Wife: Anna, Son:
                        Edd, Dau.: Minnie (later Mrs.
                        A.J. Waeth), another dau., One of
                        families brought by Col. Specht,
                        one of 2 families who stayed

 Hellen, George I.      K - First in WF in 1883 - Wife:
                        Emma Hooker d. 1900
                        marr. 1890, either in Wichita or
                        Clay Co. in 1890

 Henderson,             K - Page 7 Announcement:
                        Henderson & McCrory, Attorneys
                        at Law, will practice in the
                        various courts of the State.
                        Office on
                        Ohio Ave.
 Henderson, A           A - Vol. 1 Page 525

 Henderson, N.          A - Vol. 1 Page 477, 494, 527 - N
                        - Deed Record Vol. P
                        Page 264 - H - Vol. 1 Page 67 - L
                        - Page 64

 Henderson, Nat         K - (1859-1942) To WF 1883 Law,
                        Engineer - Mother: Mrs.
                        Alexander Henderson (1831-1915),
                        Father died in 1888 - Sister:
                        Annie, in
                        WF 1880's marr. 1915 died WF 1944
                        age 89
 Hendrick, Albert       K - ( -1946) Son of August
 Frederick              Hendrick - marr.
                        Mary _____ 11/25/1890 by W.P.
                        Skeen, County Judge - Mary b.

 Hendrick, Albert       K - To WF 1883 - Brother of
                        August - Wife: Alwine
                        Schmidt, one dau.

 Hendrick, August J.    K - To WF 1884 - Bro. Of Albert -
                        Wife: Minnie, five
                        sons (farmers), one dau.
 Hendricks, August      N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 201

 Hendricks, W.F.        K - Page 7 Announcement: Dentist,
                        Wichita Falls, Texas.
                        Terms reasonable and all work
                        warranted. Office in Collins

 Henry, Augustine       US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. A 73rd Reg. Penn. Inf.
                        19 April 1861 to 20 July 1861
                        3 mo. 27 Sept 1861 to Jan 1865 3
                        yr 8 mo. P.O. WF
 Henry, E.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 1

 Herod, N.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 189 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 497
 Herrod, N.C.           A - Vol. 1 Page 527

 Hester, G.L. (Mrs)     K - Charter member 1-1890 Pres.
                        Ch. Iowa Park
 Hickey, B.F.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 129

 Hickey, Ben F. Sr.     K - (1848-1894) Son: B.F. Jr.
                        (1876-1957) left WF,
                        Dau.: Lottie May marr. 1895 -
                        1884-86 Supt. of WF schools -
                        1889-1894 Postmaster
 Hickey, Benjamin F.    F - Vol. 1 Page 188
 Hickey, Lottie (Miss)  K - Page 1
 Hickman, J.H.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 264
 Higesman, William      F - Vol. 1 Page 5

 Higgins, Bob           K - Page 8 Bob Higgins of Seymour
                        was in the city
                        this week.
 Hill, Elizabeth (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 232
 Hill, Ella             H - Vol. 1 Page 41
 Hill, Pat              H - Vol. 1 Page 76
 Hill, R.D.             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 59

 Hill, Richard          K - 1885 to Specht Colony from
                        Dallas - With his
                        sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett
 Hill, T.M.             A - Vol. 1 Page 518

 Hinkle, C.P.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 243 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 63
                        J - Vol. 1 Page 181
 Hinkle, M.J.           J - Vol. 1 Page 181
 Hinkle, Maria J. (Mrs) J - Vol. 1 Page 181

 Hinkle, Maria J.       K - Widow of B.D. Hinkle who died
                        12/18/1889 Sons:
                        Wm. C.; C.P.; M.J. - Dau.: Mrs.
                        M.R. Hinkle Baker
 Hinkle, S.S. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 245
 Hinkle, William C.     J - Vol. 1 Page 181
 Hinklr?, C.P.          G - Vol. 2 Page 63
 Hirschi, J.R.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 184

 Hirschi, John          K - Oct. 1886 on "Iowa Park Rd."
                        marr. 1888 or 89
 Hobbs, W.H.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 51
 Hocki, Joe             F - Vol. 1 Page 1

 Hodges, S.H.           K - In 1888 to WF - Wife: Belle
                        Avis (1867-1946) marr.
                        1887, Children: May (1888-June
                        1890); Houston (Dec. 1890-1939)
 Hoge, E.N.             E - Vol. 1 Page 70

 Hoge, E.W.             N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 258 -
                        K - (also given as
                        Hodge in paper) City secretary
                        4/12/1890 - 10/1890 - A - Vol. 1
                        Page 505
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 49, 53, 74 - L
                        Page 37, 47 , 50, 56, 58, 65, 69,
 Holbrock, T.F.         E - Vol. 1 Page 78
 Holbrook, J.H.         E - Vol. 1 Page 76
 Holbrook, S.C.         E - Vol. 1 Page 72
 Holbrrok, M.H.         E - Vol. 1 Page 77
 Holden, W.H.           A - Vol. 1 Page 519
 Holder, W.H.           A - Vol. 1 Page 474
 Hollenbeck, W.         F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Holt, Samuel M.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 525

 Holton, M.C.           K - marr. Mrs. L.A. Ficklin
                        (Hicklin?) 3/10/1890
 Holtzerman, ____       K - To Specht Colony Land 1880's
 Hooks, R.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 415

 Hooks, Robert          K - To Iowa Park 1886 - Wife:
                        Virginia Victoria -
                        Children: Nettie M.; Virginia M.
                        both marr I.P. 1890, Dan E.; Tom;
                        W. Gardner; Lawrence F.; Bessie;
                        Frank - All children born before
 Hooks, V.V.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 236
 Hope, Thos.            N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 565

 Hopkins, J.W.          K - marr. Minnie Weeks 2/5/1890
                        by D.J. Powell, L.C.

 Hopkins, James         US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. G 14th Reg. Kan. Cav. 29
                        Jan 1864 to 25 June 1865 P.O.
                        Iowa Park
                        - Disability Pneumonia
 Hopkins, Maggie        K - marr. E.C. Stirman 2/5/1890
                                                          494 - G - Vol. 2
 Horn, C.A.             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 130 - Page 42 - J -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 477,              Vol. 1 Page 179 -
                                                          L - Page 69, 74
 Horn, Charles A.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 106
 Horn, M.L. (Mrs)       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 106
 Houston, E.A.M. (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 604
 Houston, J.M. & Co.    K - Page 3 Ad: Drygoods
 Houston, J.M.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 226

 Houston, W. Bryan      K - Lawyer 1880's - After 1890
                        Attended reception Jan.

 Houston, W.B.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 15 -
                        K - Page 7
                        Announcement: Attorney at Law and
                        Dist Atty, special attention to
 Houston, W.P.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 254
 How, Alex              F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Howard, Ellen (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 275
 Howard, Jno.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 269

 Howard, John           K - (1845-1903) - Wife: Ottie (d.
                        1911 at about 66 yrs
                        of age), Dau.: Esther (marr. Dr.
                        Wade H. Walker 1908) - About 1883
                        to WF
                        from NY - farm west of town - US
                        Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102 B.
                        176 -
                        Pvt. No Company listed 18th Reg.
                        NY Art. Nov. 63 to July 1865 1 yr
                        6 mo
                        P.O. Wic. Falls - F - Vol. 1 Page
 Howard, W.J.           K - Pg. 1 Ad: E.H. East & Co.

 Howard, William J.     History of Northern & Western
                        Texas by Paddock Vol. 2
                        Page 684: He came to Wichita
                        Falls in 1880. His was the 13th
                        family in the
                        county and he was the 1st J.P. He
                        had his office in a tent with
                        Robert E.
                        Huff. He was elected Sheriff in

 Howard, William James  K - (1844-1918) To WF 3/6/1881 -
                        Wife: Louisa Caroline
                        Davis (1846-1918) marr. 1865
                        Sister of F.M. Davis - Dau.:
                        Texas Anna
                        (1877-1932) marr. 1896; Josephine
                        (1888- ); Irene (? - ); Sons:
                        (1885-1952); Arthur (1872-1946);
                        William J., Jr. (1885-1952);
                        Charlie C.
 Howson, L.M.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 113
 Howson, Mary E.        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 431

 Hudson, C.H.           B - Vol. 1 Page 11, 15 - E - Page
                        124 - N - Deed Record
                        Vol. S Page 238
 Huff, Lizzie B.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 409

 Huff, R.E. (Mrs)       K - page 8 Item: Wanted a good
                        cook, apply to
                        Mrs. R.E. Huff

 Huff, R.E.             A - Vol. 1 Page 529 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 63 - L - Page 15

 Huff, Robert E.        K - (1857-1939) - Wife: Elizabeth
                        Burroughs marr. 1885,
                        Sons: William E. (Jr. high school
                        1906), Arthur B. (b. 1890- ) -
                        May 1882 - N - Deed Record Vol. P
                        Page 186 - E - Vol. 1 Page 115 -
                        K - Page 7 Announcement: Attorney
                        at Law and Land Agent
                        Also Ad: President, Panhandle
                        National Bank & Director
 Huff, T.A.             G - Vol. 2 Page 44, 56
 Huff, Thomas A.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 185
 Hugel, Pauline A.      K- marr. Sidney S. Cole 1/13/1891

 Hughes, A.A.           K - ( -1917), Bachelor, Lawyer -
                        WF 1890 N - Deed
                        Record Vol. S Page 113
 Hule, J.C.             A - Vol. 1 Page 477

 Humphreys, G.U.        Wichita Falls Directory 1894 Page
                        31 - Listed under
                        boot & shoe Manufacturer, and
                        located on Indiana near 8th St. -
                        Memoirs of Mrs. Rebecca E.
                        Humphreys, Kemp Library WF: He
                        settled here in
                        WF in 1882. He opened a shoe shop
                        in a tent Wife: Rebecca E. Craft.
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 78-79 - L - Page
                        15 - K - page 2 Ad: Boot & Shoe
                        Indiana Ave.

 Humphreys, George U.   K - (1839-1901) - Wife: Rebecca
                        Elizabeth Craft (1850-
                        1939), Six Children, To WF 1883,
                        Member 1st board of Alderman in
                        WF 1889
 Humphries, A.J.        G - Vol. 2 Page 61, 63

 Humphries, Andy J.     K - marr. 1886 shortly after to
                        WF - City Marshall
                        1916, Died 1917
 Humphries, G.U.        H - Vol. 1 Page 58
 Hunch, Baek            F - Vol. 1 Page 2

 Hunt Brothers          K - Page 6 Ad: Grain & Commission
 Hunt, C.A.             A - Vol. 1 Page 504

 Hunt, J.C.             G - Vol. 2 Page 54 - L - Page 73
                        - G - Vol. 2 Page 54
                        K - Page 2 Superintendent,
                        Presbyterian Church

 Hunt, James C.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 547 -
                        K - Page 5 - James C.
                        Hunt will visit his Virigina home
                        soon, taking with him a carload
                        of Texas
                        ponies, which he will dispose of
                        at popular prices.

 Hunt, James Callaway   K - To WF 1885 Bachelor - marr.
 Hunt, Walter Lee       (1877-1947) Lived in WF 60 yrs.

 Hunter, Sam            F - Vol. 1 Page 1 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 51, 54, 55, 56, 58,
                        60, 61, 62, 84
 Hunter, Texana         H - Vol. 1 Page 84
 Hunter, W.M.           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 113
 Hyde, Belle (Mrs)      N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 186
 Hyde, R.W.             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 77
 Hyde, Richard W.       History of Northern & Western
 (Capt.)                Texas by Paddock
                        Vol. 2 Page 161: Born Rutherford
                        Co. Tenn. In 1840. Son of Jordan
                        W. &
                        Melinda (Davis) Hyde. He was
                        Confederate Vet. 7th Mou. Cav.
                        Co. K under
                        Gen. Price. Married Sarah Isabel
                        Powers. He had a prior marriage
                        to Miss
                        Colona Wearin. Resided in Wichita
                        Co. 1890. - K - (1840- ), Wife:
                        Sarah Isabel, 1889 to Iowa Park,
                        1893 established store in Iowa

 Ingersall, D.W.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 243 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page
                        44, 45
 Ingle, R.W.            G - Vol. 2 Page 60
 Inglish, Stephens      A - Vol. 1 Page 518
 Irvine, Doc            H - Vol. 1 Page 67

 Jackson, John L.       K - (1868-1943) marr. 1895 - 1890
                        to Iowa Park for a
                        short time then to WF - Real
 Jacobs, Annie (Miss)   K - Page 1
 Jaline, Chas.O.        H - Vol. 1 Page 67

 Jalonic, E.F.          K - Wife: Belle Canfield (dau. of
                        H.T. Canfield) - Four
                        children, two drowned with
                        parents in Galveston 1900.

 Jalonic, Isaac         K - Large Landowner - One of
                        organizers of City
                        National Bank, opened 3 -1890

 Jalonick               K - Page 4 Ad: Jalonick &
                        Jalonick will buy, sell or
                        exchange business & residental
                        property. Office in the rear of
                        National Bank.

 Jalonick, E.F.         G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 47, 61, -
                        Vol. 1 Page 46, 47
                        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 114
 Jalonick, Ed           H - Vol. 1 Page 71
 Jalonick, I.           H - Vol. 1 Page 72
 Jalonick, Isaac        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 216
 James, A.J.            H - Vol. 1 Page 67

 James, A.S.            K - Page 7 Ad: Attorney at Law.
                        Office on Indiana Ave.
                        in "Wichita Light" Building. -
                        also K - Page 8 - Announcement:
                        For County
 James, Ashbey S.       G - Vol. 2 Page 52

 James, Ashby S.        K - bro. of John G. James - Wife:
                        Mattie Dunnington
                        marr. 1885 - Wichita County
                        Attorney 1888-1890 - Left WF in
                        1893 -
                        E - Vol. 1 Page 115 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. P Page 333
 James, Clara W.B.      N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 40

 James, D.W.            N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 36 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 520

 James, Frank           K - In WF about 2 years - Horse
                        trader, Livery Stable -
                        Lft for Dallas about 1890. Judge
                        Carrigan (came in 1888) knew him
                        they both stayed at "Bob's Hotel"
                        7th & Ohio. Some say that his
                        wife Ann
                        was here and left with him.

 James, Jno. G.         K - page 7 Ad: President, City
                        National Bank - Capital
                        stock $50,000. This bank opened
                        its doors for business March 6th,
                        1890 and
                        will be pleased to serve you at
                        all times.

 James, John G.         K - Here 1883 - Wife: Clara -
                        Pres. Panhandle Natl.
                        Bank, WF 1884 - 3/6/1890 opened
                        City National Bank. - N - Deed
                        Vol. Q Page 460
 James, Josephine       N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 319
 James, Martha J.       N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 36
 James, Richard         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 191
 Jandin, S.             H - Vol. 1 Page 63, 81

 Jenkins, S.H.          G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 47, 48 - L -
                        Page 17
 Jenne (?), Frank       G - Vol. 2 Page 44

 Jenne, Frank T.        K - Died 1926 - In Jan. 1886 he &
                        Richard C. Jenne,
                        brother, arrived in WF. Bought
                        about 1700 acres six miles north
                        of WF -
                        Friberg Community.
 Jenne, Frank           G - Vol. 2 Page 45
 Jenne, Frank           G - Vol. 2 Page 50
 Jentsch, August

 Jentsch, Hermann       K - (1856 - ) Wife: Pauline
                        (1861-1948) Two or three
                        children - To Wichita County to
                        farm about April 1882 about 7 mi.
                        south of WF
 Jeune, Frank           G - Vol. 2 Page 50
 Johns, Frank           H - Vol. 1 Page 44
 Johnson, A.J.          H - Vol. 1 Page 48
 Johnson, C.S.          G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57, 62

 Johnson, Hathan J.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        P.O. WF pct #1 - Nothing more

 Johnson, J.H.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 242 -
                        L - Page 75
 Johnson, Mattie        H - Vol. 1 Page 58
 Johnson, N.J.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 12

 Johnson, Webb          K - marr. Mattie Glenn
                        11/1/0/1890 by A.A. Brown, J.P.
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 57
 Johnson, Willis E.     N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 256

 Joline, Charles Oliver K - (1853-1903) Wife: Carrie
                        Eichelberger marr. 1882,
                        Dau. 2 Katharine & Blanche - 1889
                        to WF

 Joline, Chas. O.       N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 450 -
                        K - Page 3 Ad:
                        Brothers & Joline, Real Estate &
                        Land Agents. - L - Page 49, 56

 Jolley, W.H.           K - Page 8 Item: W.H. Jolly went
                        down the Denver
 Jolonick, E.F.         G - Vol. 2 Page 46

 Jones, A.A. (Dr)       K - Wife: Lucy Cleveland Sons:
                        Oral A.; Lester - To
                        Allendale, Wichita Co., May 1890,
                        To WF 1901
 Jones, Dick            F - Vol. 1 Page 1

 Jones, Fanny           K - marr. Handy Britt (poss.
                        Britt Handy) 7/3/1890.
 Jones, G.S.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 77
 Jones, Henry           F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Jones, J.A.            L - Page 66, 70
 Jones, J.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 365
 Jones, J.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 512
 Jones, J.F.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 512

 Jones, J.P.            K - Four Daughters - Sons: F.R.
                        (Mike) b. 1892; Roy A.
                        b. 1898; Rolla; J.R. b. 1896
 Jones, James           K - Dau. Attie (1881- ) marr 1901
 Montgomery             - In 1886 farmed
                        near Harrold and Beaver Creek -
                        Children at school at Beaver
                        Creek -
                        Defeated in 1890 as Dist. Atty.
                        By O'Fiel
 Jones, Luzetta         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 332

 Jones, Morgan          K - Page 8 Item: President Morgan
                        Jones was in the city
 Jones, Sam             L - 48, 74
 Jones, T.A.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 420

 Jones, T.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 332 -
                        N - Deed Record
                        Vol. R Page 461
 Jones, T.M.            A - Vol. 1 Page 493
 Jones, Thos. B.        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 314
 Jones, Tom B.          H - Vol. 1 Page 81
 Jones, Tom             H - Vol. 1 Page 62

 Jones, W.S.            K - marr. Maggie Sherrod
                        11/23/1890 by
                        D.J. Powell, L.C.
 Jones, Will            F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 Jordan, M.I. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 288
 Jordan, M.J. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 321
 Jordan, W.S.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 288

 Kahn, Alex             K - ( -1914) Wife: __ Cauble, to
                        WF 1889

 Kahn, Hank C.          K - 11/1889 paid for putting
                        glass in city hall - N -
                        Deed Record Vol. Q Page 410 - E -
                        Vol. 1 Page 136

 Kahn, Hank             A - Vol. 1 Page 493 - K - Page 1
                        has bought a new
                        delivery wagon for use of the
                        O.K. paint shop and will
                        doubtless be doing
                        a driving business.
 Kasey, Jack            F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Kay, James W.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 164
 Kay, T.S.              A - Vol. 1 Page 477
 Kay, V.S.              G - Vol. 2 Page 54

 Kean, A.C.             N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 312 -
                        K - Son: Walton C.
                        (1880- ), Dau: ___ (later marr.
                        Frank Daugherty) - A - Vol. 1
                        Page 484,
                        515, 516, 531 - L - Page 41, 49,
                        56, 62
 Kean, F.C.             N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 122
 Kean, Mary A. (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 378
 Keanan, John           F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Kearn, A.C.            A - Vol. 1 Page 471
 Keller, __             L - Page 50
 Keller, Charlotte      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 193
 Keller, Fannie (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 5

 Keller, J.F.           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 193 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 484
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 47, 61, 63 -
                        K - Elected Alderman 4/9/1891 and
 Keller, J.T.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 144
 Keller, M.E. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 112
 Keller, M.E.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 284
 Keller, Toney          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 284
 Keller, Tony           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 112

 Keller, Will           G - Vol. 2 Page 44, 49, 50, 51,
                        61 , 62

 Keller, Wm.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 264 -
                        K - Ad: Keller's
                        Barber Shop, Wm. Keller,
 Kelley, John           F - Vol. 1 Page 1, 5

 Kelly, John            US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. C 69th NY Inf. Feb 64 to
                        May 66 P.O. WF - Also US Census
                        Co. 1880 Pg 2 2-4 June: See Kelly
                        Family - A Vol. 1 Page 532
 Kemble, Henry A.       N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 255
 Kemp, Flora A.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 224

 Kemp, J.A.             A - Vol. 1 Page 481, 532 - L -
                        Page 56 - K - Item:
                        Another building & loan
                        association organized. Mr. J.A.
                        Kemp, vice-
                        president and member of the board

 Kemp, Joseph A.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 161 -
                        K - Ad: Director of
                        Panhandle National Bank - L -
                        Page 49

 Kemp, Joseph Alexander K - (1861-1930) Wife: Flora
                        Anderson - Arrived Spring
                        1883, Children (by 1890): Emma
                        Sibyl (1885- ); Mary Jewel (1888-
                        Flora Charlotte (1890- )

 Kemp, Thomas H.        K - ( -1917) bro. of J.A. - to WF
 Kendall, (Dr)          H - Vol. 1 Page 73 - L - Page 56

 Kendall, O.J. (Dr)     L - Page 48 - A - Vol. 1 Page 538
                        - N - Deed Record
                        Vol. R Page 570

 Kendall, O.J. (MD)     K - County Heath Officer 8/1890
                        One of organizers of
                        City Nat. Bank opened 3/6/1890

 Kendall, O.J.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 565 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 527,
                        530 - K - Page 7 Announcement:
                        Physician & Surgeon, WF, TX -
                        Office on
                        Ohio Ave between 7th & 8th office
                        hours 9 to 12 am & 1:30 to 4 pm
 Kennedy, Ella A.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 51

 Kennedy, J. (Judge)    K - (1824-1908) in Iowa Park -
                        1888 to Texas with group
                        org. Iowa Texas Land Co., bought
                        land about 11 miles west of
                        Wichita Falls
                        and started Iowa Park
 Kennedy, J.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 51
 Kennedy, Jesse         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 203
 Kennedy, Rozella (Mrs) N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 576
 Kennedy, W.J.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 576
 Kenner, Udora (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 206
 Kenner, W.H.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 206
 Kenney, William        F - Vol. 1 Page 1

 Kenny, G.A.            K - marr. Kate Alexander
                        10/13/1890 by A.A. Brown, J.P.

 Kent, Carrie B.        K - marr. Charles Gorman

 Kent, D.D.             K - Wife: Louisa M. (d. 6/4/1890)
                        Sons: T.J. (29),
                        Charles W. (18), Howard R. (11),
                        Dau.: Carrie B. (23), Susan (20)
                        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 304 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 60
 Kent, Louisa M. (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 304
 Kerbo, J.M.            M -
 Kern, Charles          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 292

 Kerr, M.H.             K - Presbyterian Minister 10/1890
                        - 11/1890
 Kerr, M.J. (Rev)       K - Presbyterian Church
 Kessinger, Harry       A - Vol. 1 Page 493

 Kessinger, W.H.        L - Page 45, 47, 48, 50, 53, 65,
                        75, 76

 Keyes, C.D.            N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 292 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 532
                        K - Announcement: Bingham &
                        Keyes, Attorneys & Councellors at
                        Law. Office,
                        front room over Wichita Drug
                        Store. Also City Attorney
                        10/2/1889 to
                        4/9/1892- L - Page 32, 68
 Keyes, Chas. D.        L - Page 35
 Keys, Billy            H - Vol. 1 Page 55, 69
 Keys, Charles D.       N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 195
 Keys, E.J. (Mrs)       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 164
 Kilbl, Frank           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 631
 Kildon, F.D.           A - Vol. 1 Page 472
 Kildow, F.D.           A - Vol. 1 Page 477, 531

 Kildow, Ferren D.      K - 1885 Farm near Iowa Park -
                        Son: P.G., Dau.: Nannie
                        marr. 1896, another dau. marr.
 Kildron, F.D.          A - Vol. 1 Page 515, 527
 Killian, S.A.          G - Vol. 2 Page 44, 45
 Killion, S.A.          L - Page 45, 56
 Kincaid, W.E.          A - Vol. 1 Page 501
 King, J.P.             E - Vol. 1 Page 75
 King, J.W.             E - Vol. 1 Page 73
 King, Joe              F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 King, Peet             F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 King, Pete             H - Vol. 1 Page 51
 Kinkade, W.I.          G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57, 58
 Kinkade, W.I.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 314

 Kinkade, Wm. J.        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. B Reg. 26th of Ky. Inf.
                        Served 1 Nov 61 to 15 Feb 64 2 yr
                        3 mo
                        15 dys Also Co. B 26th Reg. Ky.
                        V.V. 27 Jan 64 to 10 July 1865 6
                        mo -
                        P.O. WF
 Kirkpatrick, M.M.      G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57
 Kissinger, W.F.        A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Klesinger, Harry       L - Page 31
 Knight, B.?            L - Page 67

 Knight, I.             B - Vol. 1 Page 12 -G - Vol. 2
                        Page 43 - Knight, I.
                        (1858-1951) Wife: Sarah Hamrick
                        (1862-1946) Children: probably
                        one or two
                        sons - 1883 to Wichita County
 Knight, J.             H - Vol. 1 Page 55

 Knoght, I. (Bud)       K - (1858- ) To WF in 1883 -
                        Dau.: Maude (1874- ),
                        Sons: Earl (1881- ); Charlie;
 Knorr, Geo.            A - Vol. 1 Page 494
 Knott, F.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 358
 Knott, F.P.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 195
 Knott, G.Q.            J - Vol. 1 Page 189
 Knott, Ge. T.          G - Vol. 2 Page 64
 Knott, Geo. T.         G - Vol. 2 Page 42 - L - Page 41

 Knott, George T.       K - On WF School board 1890 - N -
                        Deed Record Vol. Q
                        Page 579

 Knott, W.A.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 265 -
                        K - Comm. Ct. 1883

 Koch, Mike F.          K - marr. Miss Earl Walker
                        1/30/1890 by
                        S.C. Riddle, M.G.

 Kolp, A.J.             N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 85 -
                        K - bro. of D.C. -
                        together they laid out Iowa Park
                        - marr. Lucy P. Dimmitt June 6,
                        Wichita County
 Kolp, D.C. Jr.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 276

 Kolp, D.C.             K - (1840 Iowa - 1910 Spokane) -
                        Sons: D.C. Jr. marr.
                        1899 in Wichita Co.; Charles F.
                        1947 Electra age 70 died, Dau.:
                        Mrs. G.D.
                        Beard (d. 1910 Wash.) - In 1888
                        laid out town of Iowa Park & sold
                        two lots. - N - Deed Record Vol.
                        Q Page 395
 Kolp, E.A.             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 580

 Kolp, E.R.             K - Iowa Park, petition for road
                        early in 1891 - N -
                        Deed Record Vol. P Page 210
 Kolp, Fannie E.        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 595
 Kolp, J.E. (Mrs)       N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 395

 Krajca, ___            K - To WF 1888 Dau.: Catherine b.
                        Czechoslovakia to WF
                        age 5 in 1898 marr. to brother of
                        Mrs. Jim Marlow C.H. Mataska,
                        b. 1882 in WF, Mary, two other

 Krajca, John           Wife: Annie - Arr. In 1880's -
                        stayed - Children: Celia
                        A. marr. 1904, Katie marr. 1898
 Krajea, Frank          M -
 Kruse, Wm. H.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 204
 Lackey, C.R.           L - Page 45

 Lamb, J.H.             A - Vol. 1 Page 496 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 52
 Lang, J.J.             G - Vol. 2 Page 45

 Langford, P.P.         A - Vol. 1 Page 498, 531 - B -
                        Vol. 1 Page 7
                        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 197 -
                        D - Vol. 1 Page 203 - E - Vol. 1
                        Page 94
                        K - Page 8, Announcement: for
                        County Treasurer
 Langford, Pierce       K - (1861-1950) to WF 1886,
 Poindexter             bachelor until 1906
 Langford, W.W.         E - Vol. 1 Page 70

 Laning, Angelina (Mrs) K - Charter Mem. 1st Bap. Ch.
                        Iowa Park 3/1890
 Lankford, W.M.         E - Vol. 1 Page 79
 Larkin, Oscar          H - Vol. 1 Page 70
 Lasker, M              N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 240
 Laukhuf, ______ (      Wife: Lena ( -1952) - Sons: Will;
 -1951)                 Albert - Two
                        dau. - Arrived in 1888

 Laukhuf, John William  K - (1861-1951) - Dau.: Emma
                        marr. 1908; another dau.,
                        Three sons - To WF 1888, Died WF

 Lawless, Chas. E.      K - marr. Hannah Coridon 5/5/1890
                        by H. Brickley, M.G.
                        Witnesses: David & Mary Lawless

 Lawless, David         K - Wife: Mary Lawless - Witness
                        of marr. of Chas. E.
                        Lawless 5/5/1890
 Layne, J.T.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 64

 Layne, Mattie (Mrs)    K - Charter member Jan. 1890
                        Presbyterian Church of
                        Iowa Park
 Le Brone, Dolly (Mrs)  K - 1890 lived Park-Twist Corner
 Leach, Price           H - Vol. 1 Page 66 - L - Page 56
 Lear, Sallie           H - Vol. 1 Page 73

 Leary, (Mrs)           K - Page 1 returned from Ft.
                        Worth where visiting
 Leary, J.T.            L - Page 33

 Lee, ____              K - 1890 to Electra area - Dau.:
                        Lyda b. Kent Co., TX
                        marr. Bruce Gillis 4/12/1904

 Lee, A.H.              N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 227 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 497,

 Lee, Aaron H.          US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. E 1st Reg. Ill. Cav.
                        July 7, 61 to Oct. 11, 1861 3 mo
                        4 dy -
                        P.O. Iowa park - Disability
                        incurred: Gunshot wound in Rt.
 Lee, J.F.              A - Vol. 1 Page 514

 Lee, J.P.              F - Vol. 1 Page 5 - A - Vol. 1
                        Page 516
 Lee, J.T.              N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 316
 Lee, Lillian E. (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 316

 Lee, M.E. (Mrs)        K - Charter Member March 1890
                        First Baptist Church of
 Iowa Park
 Lee, M.F.              A - Vol. 1 Page 475, 532
 Lee, Thad S.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 174

 Lee, Thomas L.         US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. C 40th Reg. N.Y. Inf.
                        service 14 June 61 to 26 June 64
                        3 yr
                        12 dy - P.O. WF
 Legg, J.B.             L - page 67

 Libbey, ___            K - 11/30/1889 paid $7.50 for 2
                        benches in city hall
 Libbey, E.J.           G - Vol. 2 Page 48, 49, 51
 Lightsey, A.D.         G - Vol. 2 Page 47

 Ligon, George L.       K - marr. Ida May Smith 8/15/1890
                        Sanford Allen, M.G.
 Lihane, Jno. F.        H - Vol. 1 Page 48
 Linn, W.I.             G - Vol. 2 Page 55
 Litter, Geo.           A - Vol. 1 Page 492
 Livengood, A.W.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 318
 Livengood, J.A. (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 318
 Livingston, Jno.       L - Page 34

 Livingston, John       J - Vol. 1 Page 189 - K - Wife:
                        ____ d. Dec. 3, 1889,
                        Son: George 28, Dau,: Nora M. 10

 Lloyd, W.A.            K- marr. Minnie White 10/3/1890
                        by N.C. Shaw, M.G.
 Lockwood, J.D.         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 395
 Loe, John              F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 Loftis, J.L.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 340

 Logan, Carrie S. (Mrs) K - marr. C.E. Pesterfield
 Lombardi, C.           A - Vol. 1 Page 521

 Long, Isiah            US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. A 20th Reg. Neb. Cav
                        1861-1865 4 yr 1 mo 4 dy P.O. WF

 Longbine, F.W.         G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 47, 48 -K -
                        Farm on Red River 1889
 Longbine, T.W.         A - Vol. 1 Page 532

 Longley, Tom (Uncle)   K - ( -1908 in WF) to Wichita Co.

 Lory, Jacob J. (Judge) K - (1839- ) to WF 1887 - Later
                        realestate, banking -
                        Pres. N. Bank of Commerce
 Losee, H.              A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 Lovell, Mary M.        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        This name was added to original
                        census as a widow of US soldier -
                        P.O. WF
 Loving, Chap           H - Vol. 1 Page 50
 Lucas, G.W.            H - Vol. 1 Page 42
 Lucas, Katie (Mrs)     H - Vol. 1 Page 42

 Lusk, R.K.             K - to WF 1889 Wife: Molie O.
                        (1853-1945), Dau.: Annie
 Luther, J.W.           E - Vol. 1 Page 92
 Luther, John W.        H - Vol. 1 Page 41
 Luther, John           F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Lyle, E.G.             C - Vol. 1 Page 8
 Lynch, __              F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 Lynch, Frank           F - Vol. 1 Page 1

 Lynch, R.O.C.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 161 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 522
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 64 - K - Page 8
                        Ad: Hardware Dealer 7th St. - L -
                        page 50

 Lynch, S.D.            G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 50 , 52, 64 -
                        K - Page 3 Ad:
                        Wichita Drug House 7th St. Agent
                        - Also Ad: Page 7 Wichita Drug
 Lyons, Dan             F - Vol. 1 Page 3

 Lytle, Wm.             K - Page 5 Item: Mr. Wm. Lytle's
                        family have been sick
                        with the measles this week.
 Maberly, W.O.          A - Vol. 1 Page 484
 Magner, John           F - Vol 1 Page 3
 Malhaway, Frank        H - Vol. 1 Page 63
 Mallabar, William      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 442
 Maloney, Barney        F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Mance, J.H.            A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Manley, F.             K - Brand recorded 1886

 Manley, Richard        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. B 18th Reg. Ill. Inf.
                        Served May 28,61 to June 29, 62 1
                        yr 1mo
                        1dy P.O. WF

 Marcus, M.             A - Vol. 1 Page 501, 533 - G -
                        Vol. 2 Page 44, 54
                        L - Page 59

 Marcus, Morris A.      K - ( -1905) - Sons: Morris A.
                        (1877-1948) marr. in
                        1902; Abe ( - 1923), Dau.: Adelle
                        grad. HS in 1905; Rachel marr.
                        Hattie marr. 1898; Fannie marr.
                        1892 Mittenhall
 Marshall, R.B.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 158

 Martin, G.H.           A - Vol. 1 Page 488 - G- Vol. 2
                        Page 46 - L - Page 65
 Martin, Geo. H.        G- Vol. 2 Page 56, 57
 Martin, Geo. W.        G- Vol. 2 Page 48
 Martin, Geo.           G- Vol. 2 Page 50
 Martin, Hary           F - Vol. 1 Page 5

 Martin, Jas. L.        K - Page 8 Ad: Representing the
                        Palace Music House of
                        Waxahachie, TX. I will call on
                        the citizens of WF on Sat. April
                        12th -
                        will be at Bellevue Hotel.
 Martin, Sarah L.       K - marr. John A. green 8/28/1890
 Martin, William        F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Marty, P.              F - Vol. 1 Page 4

 Mason, J.M.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 309 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 44

 Mason, Jeramire M.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. H 2nd Reg. Pa. HK
                        Service Mar. 62 to Jan. 1864 1 yr
                        10 mo
                        P.O. WF
 Mason, Kate            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 309

 Massey, W.T.           J - Vol. 1 Page 185 - K -
                        Bondsman 1890

 Mataska, Joseph        K - Wife: Francis - Son: Charles
                        H. b. before 1888,
                        Dau.: Sophia b. 1881 Mrs. J.B.
                        Marlow in 1898, ____ later Mrs.
                        Ed Dackle,
                        Iowa Park Rd. - To WF 1888, Ranch
                        Work - Also (no reference) Wife:
                        b. Moravia, Austria, Four
                        Children: Charles H. b. TX marr.
                        1898, Sophia b.
                        TX marr. 1898, two other dau. -
                        To WF 1888
 Matheney, ___          L - Page 40

 Matheny,               K - Page 3 - Publisher &
                        Proprietor of Wichita Hearld,
                        See Daugherty.

 Matheny, A.D.          K - (1857-1937) In WF 1883 to
                        April 1908 - Dau.: Maude
                        marr. 1908; Maytha - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. Q Page 457 - A - Vol.
                        1 Page
                        533, 538 - K - Page 4 Publisher &
                        Proprietor of Wichita Herald. See
 Matheny, A.D.          L - Page 69

 Mathis, T.U.           K - May 1890 Hide & Animal
 Mathis, T.V.           A - Vol. 1 Page 494
 Mathney, A.D.          L - Page 60

 Matthews, A.R. (Dr)    K - Practicing Physician 1890 In
                        Beaver Creek - Beaver
                        Switch area

 Matthews, J.W.         K - marr. Sallie Powell 10/6/1890
                        by A.B. Trimble, P.C.
                        Daughter of D.J. Powell Methodist
                        preacher at Beaver Creek and Iowa

 Mayfield, J.S.         A - Vol. 1 Page 481, 516 - N -
                        Deed Record Vol. P
                        Page 415 - E - Vol. 1 Page 69 - L
                        - Page 15, 45, 56, 64
 McAdoo, M.             L - Page 73
 McAlister, Jerome      N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 157
 McAllister, E.H.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 140
 McAllister, J.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 140

 McAllister, J.M.       K - In 1890 hired by Co. for road
 McAtee, Jno.           A - Vol. 1 Page 521
 McCall, James          F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 McCauley, Eula (Mrs)   K - Page 1

 McCauley, J.H.         G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 51 - J - Vol.
                        1 Page 190 -
                        K - (1839-1909) Wife: Mary T.
                        McDonald (sister of Capt. Bill
                        McD), Sons:
                        Will d.1910 age 40; Don, Dau.:
                        Dorothy marr. 4/16/1903 Frank
                        Eula marr. 11/20/1899 A. Rhea
                        Duke - Locted in Wichita County
                        in 1884.
                        L - Page 50, 65

 McCauley, Thomas       US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. A 31st Reg. N.Y. Inf.
                        Dec 64 nothing further - P.O. WF
 McClain, Mary (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 20
 McClam, J.H.           A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 McClasson, Henry C.    History of Northern & Western
                        Texas by Paddock Vol. 2
                        Page 285 - Born Green Co., KY Aug
                        13, 1844. Parents: Rev. John H. &
                        Anne (Toms) McGlasson, Marriages:
                        1st Mary Elizabeth Rogers, 2nd
                        Eugenia B.
                        Carter, 3rd Mrs. Sallie Bush
                        Collens, Children: Ida, Mrs.
                        William Spohn;
                        Bettie, Mrs. John H. Hardin;
                        Mamie, Mrs. J.G. Leary; Katie F.,
                        Mrs. Oscar
                        Newby; Lou E., Mrs. L. Frith;
                        Frank M.; Miss Laura -
                        Step-children: Mrs.
                        Winnie Moore; Mr. Ross Collins of
                        WF - see source for further info
                        resided in WF in 1890.
 McClellan, William     K - Came to WF in 1889 b. 1860 d.
 Andrew                 age 82, Water
                        well driller

 McCleskey, E.A.        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 481 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 495
 McCleskey, Martha A.   N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 481
 McCloskey, E.A.        K - Arr. In Iowa Park 1887

 McConkey, J.L.         K - Arr. 1888 - in 1890 got farm
                        of his own
 McCook, O.H.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 191

 McCrory, W.P.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 15 -
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 67, 71
                        K - Item: Another building & loan
                        association organized. Mr.
                        secretary & board member.

 McCrory,               K - Page 7 Announcement:
                        Henderson & McCrory, Attorneys
                        at Law, Office on Ohio Ave.
 McCur, Thomas          F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 McCutchen, E.G.        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 226

 McCutchen, W.A.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 190 -
                        N - Deed Record
                        Vol. Q Page 503 - A - Vol. 1 Page
                        514 - D - Vol. 1 Page 212 - G -
                        Vol. 2
                        Page 49, 51 - K - page 7, Ad:
                        Cashier & Director Panhandle
                        National Bank
                        K - Item: Another building & loan
                        association organized. Member of
                        of directors.

 McCutcheon, William A. K - ( -1938) To WF 1883 - Wife:
                        Evelyn G. Rooney
                        Sons: Clarence M. graduated from
                        High School 1906; William L. b.
                        1889 WF
                        d. 1959 - Bank and real estate -
                        left in 1907
 McDavid, Jon           F - Vol. 1 Page 4

 McElroy, Nat G.        K - 1874 Ranch, frieghting -
                        around area long time
 McElroy, R.D.          A - Vol. 1 Page 475

 McElroy, W.D.          K - 1874 Ranch, frieghting -
                        around area long time

 McFall, S.O.           K - in 1888 to WF - Son: R.L.
                        "Bob" 1877-1950
                        Dau.: Ida marr. 1903
 McFalls, S.G.          A - Vol. 1 Page 501, 522
 McFalls, Samuel G.     N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 110
 McGee,                 F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 McGehee, J.A.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 281
 McGintey,              F - Vol. 1 Page 3

 McGlasson, H.C.        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 102 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 494
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 59, 63 - K - Page
                        6 Ad: Foster & McGlasson land &

 McGlasson, Henry C.    K - (1844-1926) To WF 1888 -
                        Wife: ___ Bush of Montague
                        Co., was married 3 times - seven
                        children, two stepchildren living
                        in 1906
                        Son: Frank W. d. 1949 age 66,
                        Dau.: Katie (Mrs Oscar Newby) d.
                        Aug 1907
                        in MO
 McGregor, A.J.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 251

 McGregor, W. Morrell   K - (1869-1946) to WF 1886 -
                        Banker - Wife: Kate Carter
                        (1871-1959) marr. July 25, 1890
                        in Palo Pinto County
 McGregor, W.M.         L - Page 35

 McGregor, Wm. M.       N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 565 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 516

 McGregor, Wm.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 291 -
                        L - Page 54
 McHam, Elizabeth       K - widow Arr. Oct. 10, 1889 -
 Barnett (Mrs)          Farm - Sons:
                        Tom W. (1874-1960); E.B.
                        (1871-1952); Robert (1877-1950);
                        Fort (1885-1963)
 McHugh, Ania ? Belle
 (Mrs)                  A - Vol. 1 Page 518
 McHugh, C P(?)         A - Vol. 1 Page 517
 McHugh, C.B.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 257

 McKay, J.S.            K - Page 5 Item: Mr. McKay of
                        Watseka, IL who owns
                        large landed items here, returned
                        to his IL home. He will return at
                        date & hopes to bring large
                        number of his friends.
 McKay, Sam'l           A - Vol. 1 Page 522
 McKenna, P.W.          H - Vol. 1 Page 74
 McKenny, Peter         H - Vol. 1 Page 42
 McKinney, Pat          F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 McLain, Mary M. (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 326
 McLaughlin, Joe        H - Vol. 1 Page 78, 79
 McLeod, Paul           A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 McLeroy, R.D.          A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 McMan, Tom             F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 McMurtry, L.B.         L - Page 34

 McMurtry, Lee Boon     K - (1841-1908) - Wife: Catherine
                        Burns marr 1867,
                        Dau.: Grizzelle marr. & lived
                        elsewhere by 1908; Avon; Casette
                        d. before
                        1908 - In 1883 to Wichita Co.
                        near Burk area - Sheriff Wichita
 McPhail, John          A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 McTier, A.J.           H - Vol. 1 Page 78, 79
 Mearler?, J.L.         G - Vol. 2 Page 49
 Mearles, J.L.          G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 50, 59, 60
 Mears, J.L.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 140
 Mears, Joe L.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 396
 Mears, Mary E. (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 105

 Measles, J.L.          G - Vol. 2 Page 60 - K - Wife:
                        Rowena Robertson marr.
                        1887, Children: (by first husband
                        of Mrs. Robertson - he died in
                        Jerome Robertson (18); John
                        Robertson (11); Pearl Robertson
                        (9) - Mrs.
                        Measles was first woman to hold
                        office as County Tax Assessor in
                        Feb. 1916
                        L - Page 64
 Measles?, J.L.         G - Vol. 2 Page 59
 Meir, Frederick        K - marr. Emma Hasting 3/4/1890
 Charles                by E.W. Foster,
                        County Judge
 Mercer, J.D.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 145

 Mertins, C. August     K - marr. Anna Roesler 8/31/1890
                        by J.H. Blaser, M.G.
 Mevis, Anna            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 91
 Mevis, E.L.            N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 513

 Michan, John           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 171 -
                        N - Deed Record Vol.
                        S Page 172 - G - Vol. 2 Page 47,
                        49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59,
                        61, 63
 Miehan, John           G - Vol. 2 Page 49
 Millen, John           F - Vol. 1 Page 4

 Miller, Geo. E.        K - Page 7 Announcement: Miller &
                        Carrigan Attorneys
                        at Law

 Miller, George E.      N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 350 -
                        K - To WF from Graham
                        - died in 1925 in FW - 1886-1890
                        District Attorney 30th Dist.
                        Court -
                        1898 Judge 30th Dist. Court
 Miller, J.             A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Miller, J.K.           A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 Miller, John           US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. H 68th Reg. Ill. Inf.
                        Service July 62 to Mar 66 3 yr 8
                        P.O. WF - E - Vol. 1 Page 134

 Miller, L.T.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 268 -
                        J - Vol. 1 Page 185
                        K - Page 7 Ad: Lawyer & Land

 Miller, Levin F.       US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Col. 33rd Reg. Ind. Inf. Enlisted
                        April 20, 1861 discharged Sept.
                        27, 1864
                        Service 3 yr 7 mo 7 dy P.O. WF -
                        This is the same Miller as found
                        Northern & Western Texas by
                        Paddock. There the middle initial
                        is T.
                        See that listing.

 Miller, Levin T. (Col) K - Wife: Sarah - Dau. Mary King
                        Miller (16), Son: Fred
                        S. Miller - November 1882 to WF

 Miller, Levin T.       Northern & Western Texas by
                        Paddock Vol. 2 Page 1 -
                        Born in Preble Co., OH in 1838.
                        Parents: Levin & Frances (Buell)
                        He saw service in Civil War from
                        Ind. Married Sarah Hichens in
                        Ind. In
                        June 1865. She died in WF May 26,
                        1904. Children: Fred S. Miller
                        and Mary
                        who died at Colo. Springs Sept.
                        1903. Resided in WF in 1890.
 Miller, Mary (Miss)    K - Page 1
 Millhouse, C.D.        A - Vol. 1 Page 522
 Millhouse, T.S.        A - Vol. 1 Page 522
 Mills, C.P.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 92

 Mills, George          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 453 -
                        K - b. KY 1867-1946
                        Wife: Annie Mae Harp Mills - One
                        Dau. - In Iowa Park 1890
 Mills, William         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 453
 Mims, L.C.             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 89
 Mitchell, Frank        F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Moberley, William      K - (1838-1919) - Wife: Myrtle J.
 Oldham                 (1837-1890),
                        Son: Wiliam C., Dau. Katie marr.
                        1892 - To Wichita Co. 1886 farm
                        present site of Iowa Park -
                        Parents & Katie were charter
                        members Jan. 1890
                        Presbyterian Church of Iowa Park
 Moberly, M.J. (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 308

 Moberly, W.O.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 308 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Monroe, Barney         F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Monroe, John           L - Page 39
 Moody, Milande Lindley K - (d. 1907 age 80) - Husband
 (Mrs)                  died before 1907
                        Dau.: Nancy in WF in 1907, Son:
                        Walter, four other children were
                        - In Sept. 1882 came with family
                        to WF from GA. Many years on farm
                        WF and Iowa Park
 Mooney, Barney         F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Moore, A.              N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 356
 Moore, E.L.            F - Vol. 1 Page 4

 Moore, Izaak (Dr)      K - Practiced in WF 1883-1894 -
                        Dau.: Virginia grad
                        HS 1893
 Moore, J.R.            F - Vol. 1 Page 3

 Moore, John            K - 1889 started ranch between WF
                        & Burk - Dau.: Nellie
                        marr. 1900 - Also - Northern &
                        Western Texas by Paddock Vol. 2
                        Page 391 -
                        Born: Madison Co., IL July 1850.
                        Parents: Major Franklin & Talitha
                        (Elliott) Moore. He was a framer-
                        stock raiser who lived in Wichita
                        since 1889. Marr. Sarah J.
                        Daugherty, July 1877. She died
                        Mar. 30, 1902.
                        Children: Mrs. Nellie Sides;
                        James F.; Amy; Oda Abel; Sidney;
                        Sybil; and
                        Hazel. Resided in Wichita Co. in
 Moore, Lee             G - Vol. 2 Page 57, 62
 Moore, Maggie H.       N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 365
 Moore, Myrtle (Miss)   K - Page 1
 Moore, R.H.            A - Vol. 1 Page 534

 Moore, R.M. (Butler)   K - (1857-1937) - Son: Mark H. in
                        1908 an M.D. - To
                        Wichita Co. 1882 or 1883 - Farm
                        WF - Sheriff 1891-94 - To CA
                        about 1917

 Moore, R.M.            A - Vol. 1 Page 531, 539 - B -
                        Vol. 1 Page 12 -
                        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 455 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 47 - H - Vol.
                        Page 78, 79 - K - Page 8
                        Announcement: For Sheriff - L -
                        Page 34
 Moore, Robert R.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 256

 Moore, S.L.            A - Vol. 1 Page 494 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 49, 50, 51, 52,
                        54 - L - Page 34
 Moore, Sampson L.      N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 4
 Moore, T.S.            F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Moore, Virgie (Miss)   K - Page 1

 Moore, W. Lee          K - (1858-1935) - Wife: Katie
                        Bradley marr. 1888 - One
                        Son - Arr. In WF Jan. 19, 1884 -
                        Died here

 Moore, W.L.            A - Vol. 1 Page 493 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 46, 48 -
                        L - Page 41
 Moorehead, (Mrs)       L - Page 40
 Moran, James           F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Morehead, Joseph P.    J - Vol. 1 Page 190
 Morehead, Mary M.      K - Son: James Robert - widow of
 (Mrs)                  James P. died
                        Jan. 27, 1890
 Morehead, Mary M.      J - Vol. 1 Page 190

 Morgan, George E.      N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 340 -
                        K - marr. Mamie Rowe
                        11/27/1890 by J.W. Walkup, J.P.
                        Pr. #7

 Morgan, J.W. (Rev)     K - In Burkburnett area - First
                        pastor Baptist Church
                        at Nesterville or Gilbert

 Morris, J.C.           K - The 7 of them arr. in WF 1890
                        - Four boys and one
                        girl - Fred was age 16 - G - Vol.
                        2 Page 64
 Morrison, J.O.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 420

 Morrison, J.Q.         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 349 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Morrison, James O.     N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 635

 Morrison, James Q.     K - (1835-1905) - Wife: 2nd Mary
                        Jane Goodwin Reese
                        (1835-1909) - There were several
                        children but in 1890 probably
                        married and
                        lived elsewhere - To WF in 1884 -
                        Mayor of WF 1892-93 - Also -
                        Northern &
                        Western Texas by Paddock Vol. 2
                        Page 87 - Born: near Selma,
                        Dallas Co., AL
                        Aug 1835. Parents: William
                        Allison & Mary Eliz. (Gilmer)
                        Morrison. Served
                        Southern forces in Civil War.
                        Marriages: 1. Miss Eliza A.
                        Matthews, died
                        MS 1874 2. Mrs. Mary J. (Goodwin)
                        Reese in 1876. Children: Thurstan
                        Samuel Elbert; and Mrs. Lola
                        Kelly. Mary Reese children: Susan
                        McFarland); Emma (Mrs. Bland);
                        Dixie; Emphraing & Thomas Reese.
                        Morrison came to WF in 1884,
                        elected Mayor in 1892, died Aug.
                        31, 1905.
                        Resided in WF in 1890.

 Morrison, M.J. (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 349 -
                        N - Deed Record
                        Vol. R Page 420
 Morrow, E.J.           K - Brand recorded in 1885
 Muir, F.C.             L - Page 56, 57

 Mullins, F.M.          K - Page 4 Dr. F.M. Mullins who
                        has been in the city
                        for a day or two operating on
                        several patients troubled with
                        diseases of
                        the nose, eye and throat, left
                        for home Monday morning. The
                        Doctor has
                        acquired quite a reputation in
                        the line of diseases he treats.

 Mullins, J.V.          K - Page 8 Judge J.V. Mullins of
                        Seymour was in the
                        city last week.

 Munkres, __            K - Children listed: Oscar
                        Munkres b. 7/2/1890 Beaver
                        Creek; John; Effie; Lucile; Ethel
 Munro, W.P.            L - page 69
 Murphy, Dan            F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Murrey, R.             F - Vol. 1 Page 3

 Myers, Caren L.        K - 1st Postmaster of Beaver
                        Switch, Helped to
                        establish 8/14/1889 - cousin of
                        L.P. Douglas
 Myers, F.M.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 402

 Myers, Jim             K - Page 8 Item: Jim Myers was
                        over from Seymour a day
                        or two last week.
 Myers, Jno.            H - Vol. 1 Page 54
 Myers, John            H - Vol. 1 Page 51, 56, 59
 Myers, Mary J. (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 278
 Mynatt, J.D.           A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 Nance, J.J.            K - Page 1 Ad: The new furniture
                        man! - L - Page 65
 Napier, E.L.           G - Vol. 2 Page 57, 59
 Napier, Edward         K - To WF 1885 - Wife: Caroline
 Lawrence               Marlow (her husband
                        died 1878, she marr. Napier 1879)
                        - Five Marlow children: Mattie
                        (1868- ); Robert E. (1871- );
                        Laura; J.B. 'Jim' (1873- ); ____
                        was Mrs. C.H. Watson - Four
                        Napier Children:Horace; E.W.; Amy
                        Ruth; and
                        ____ - to WF 1885 filed school
                        land (Westover Hill Dist) - Also
                        - no
                        reference - Wife: Carolyn
                        Whitaker Marlow, Children: Robert
                        E. Marlow
                        (1871-1944); James B. Marlow
                        (1873-1952); W.T. Marlow; Laura
                        Mattie Marlow (1868-1942); E.W.
                        Napier; Horace Napier; Amy Ruth
                        another dau. - To Wichita Co.
 Naugle, L.L.           K - M.G. 12/17/1890
 Neal, A.               N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 554
 Neely, W.W.            A - Vol. 1 Page 505, 531

 Nelson, __             K - To WF 1882 - Dau.: Emma (with
                        parents in 1882 marr.
                        Jones and moved to Holliday in
                        1910); Mattie (b. WF 1884 marr.
                        Morgan) -
                        Re. 1940 Celebration
 Nelson, Chas.          F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Nelson, J.J.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 161
 Nelson, P.E.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 110
 Nelson, T.J.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 110
 Nelson, W.A.           A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Nevelle, W.            F - Vol. 1 Page 4

 Newby, A.              N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 161 -
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 57

 Newby, Augustus        K - To WF 1881 - 1907 Director of
                        First National Bank
                        of Burk - 1907 resigned as Pres.
                        Of Wichita Cotton Oil Co.
 Newby, Gus             H - Vol. 1 Page 55, 63
 Newby, M.              K - to WF 1881, bro. of Augustus
 Nichles, J.L.          G - Vol. 2 Page 51
 Nichols, J.L.          A - Vol. 1 Page 537

 Nicholson, C.H.        K - 1890-1903 Grain merchant in
 Nickles, J.L.          K - Page 8 Ad: The Boss Grocer

 Nix, P.D.              G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57, 58, 59,
                        60, 64
 Nlpier, Ed.            J - Vol. 1 Page 179
 Nordling, C.A.         A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 Norwood, __            Farmer - to area about 1880,
                        after census - Sons:
                        Daniel; John Harvey (1874-1947)
                        WF - Four dau.: Cora; Dora; Ida;
 Norwood, C.A.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 134

 Norwood, George W.     K - (1847-1932) - Wife: ___ marr.
                        in 1860's she died
                        1942 age 89 - Three Sons: Dave;
                        Samuel Houston (1882-1966); ____
                        - Four
                        Dau.: Lee marr. in 1903; Dora;
                        Cora - To Wichita County 1879
                        farm 12 mi.
                        W of WF.

 Norwood, H.J.          K - (1841-1918) Ten Children:
                        Thomas P. (1872-1951) one
                        of 1st mail carriers in WF
                        (1908-1937); E.C. (1874- ); J.G.
                        - To Wichita
                        Co. Dec. 1889 farm on Wichita
                        River 18 mi. below WF

 Norwood, J.L.          K - Page 1 Proprietor of New
                        Saddle Shop

 Norwood, L.J.          1882 to farm 12 mi. W. of WF -
                        Mrs. Norwood died there
                        in 1942
 Norwood, M.E.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 134

 O'Brien, John          US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        No Company listed. Other comments
                        "Old Penn." Feb. 28, 1861 to
                        Sept. 64
                        4 yr 6 mo 3 dy P.O. WF - Note:
                        The other names on this page have
                        a check
                        mark by the name listed, this man
                        has an 'o'.
 O'Connor, (Mrs)        H - Vol. 1 Page 48
 Odam, A.               A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Oechsner, Nick         K - Brand recorded in 1886
 O'Fiel, J.J.           L - Page 62, 74

 O'Fiel, Jonathan James K - (1850-1914) 1890-94 Dist.
                        Attorney 30th Dist Ct. -
                        In WF 10 or 12 years
 O'Kelly, S.A.          A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Oliphant, J.H.         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 490

 Oliphint,              K - Page 4 Ad: Fleming & Oliphint
                        Dealers in Real
                        Estate, office on Ohio Ave.

 Oliver, J.W.           G - Vol. 2 Page 44 - L - Page 67
                        - K - Ad: Contractor &
                        Builder - Also K - Coffin Maker
                        1889-1890. - A - Vol. 1 Page 474,
                        493, 501, 516, 533, 538
 Oliver, Jeff B.        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 324
 Oliver, Jeff           H - Vol. 1 Page 59, 78, 79
 Oneal, William         F - Vol. 1 Page 4

 O'Neill, William       US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. M 7th Reg. Mich. Cav.
                        P.O. WF

 O'Reilly, Myles        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 569 -
                        K - Bachelor. Here by
                        1890. Died 1927 leaving an estate
                        of $125,000. Builder.
 O'Reily, Myles         A - Vol. 1 Page 514
 Orr, A.R.              N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 368
 Osborn, William        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 522
 Osborne, William       K - Deposit CNB March 1890

 Ousley, W.A.           K - Page 8 Ad: Fine Stallions at
                        M.J. Stevens' livery

 Outlaw, C.R.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 303 G
                        - Vol. 2 Page 46, 47,
                        56, 57, 59
 Outlaw, Charles R.     N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 159
 Outlaw, Mattie (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 303
 Owen, John A.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 218
 Owens, W.T.            A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Owsley, W.A.           D - Vol. 1 Page 211

 Pace, O.D.             K - Iowa Park - N - Deed Record
                        Vol. S Page 168

 Pace, T.B. (Turner)    K - marr. Jasie C. Duff 5/5/1890
                        by W.C. Shaw, M.G.
 Pace, U.P.             A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Page, T.B.             E - Vol. 1 Page 83, 93
 Paris, Phil D.         H - Vol. 1 Page 59
 Parish, D.             H - Vol. 1 Page 59

 Parish, H.I.           K - To area in 1870's - Parents
                        of Elmer H. Parish
 Parish, James E.       K - Arrived early 80's - Five
 (Jerry)                sons, three dau. -
                        Homer born 1890 - Ranch near
                        Tenth St. bridge - Family was

 Parker, ______         K - Family came to WF spring 1890
                        - Son: Charlie E.
                        (1887- ), Dau's: Margaret and
                        ____, One other child - Four in
                        all -
                        32 years Wichita County Clerk
                        License Bureau
 Parker, J.W.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 359

 Parker, Walter A.      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. M Reg 17 Ill. Vol-Cav.
                        Feb 15, 1864 to Nov. 23, 1865 1
                        yr 9 mo
                        8 dy P.O. Iowa Park - Disability
                        incurred, Internal injury.
                        at close of war.

 Parker, Walter         Tex. Handbook Vol. 2 Page 902 -
                        This man is called
                        "Sheep" Parker. He succeeded F.M.
                        Wattenberger as ferry operator. -
                        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 605 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Parkey, Jas. R.        K - Page 5 See M.G. Parkey
 Parkey, L.J.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 578

 Parkey, M.G.           K - Page 5 Item: Lost - two
                        letters, one directed to
                        M.G. Parkey and the other to Jas.
                        R. Parkey, at Wichita Falls.
                        Finder who
                        returns them to the Hearld will
                        be suitably rewarded. Letters are
                        registered. M.G. Parkey.
 Parkey, Peter          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 578
 Parks, S.L.            F - Vol. 1 Page 2

 Parmer, A.H.           J - Vol. 1 Page 191 - K - Page 4
                        Item: has bought a car
                        load of young mules which he will
                        sell after they have grown. This
                        doubtless prove a valuable
                        investment, as mules bring a good
                        price in
                        this country.

 Parmer, Allen H.       O- (1848-1927) To Wichita Co.
                        fall of 1882 -
                        questionable where in 1890 -
                        probably WF address - Ranch in
                        Archer Co, in
                        WF late 1880's - Mgr. Ranch -
                        Wife died in WF March 3, 1889
                        (Susie James)
                        - He did not leave WF until 1905
                        - Remarried 1892.
 Parmer, Allen          H - Vol. 1 Page 67
 Parmer, T.M.           G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57

 Parrish, W.F.          K - To Wichita Co. in 1890 - Dau.
                        Nellie (1877 in Milam
                        Co., TX and died in WF 1955) -
                        Also: no reference (Not Wyett F.
                        arrived in 1918) Dau. Nellie
                        (1877-1955) - To Wichita Co. 1890
                        Milam Co.

 Paterson, Ready        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. M 5th Reg. Tenn. Cav.
                        Sept 18, 1863 to Aug 14, 1865 -
                        P.O. WF -
                        Disability Encurred - Back Hurt.
 Patterson, A.          A - Vol. 1 Page 496
 Patterson, M.M. (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 400
 Patterson, R.          A - Vol. 1 Page 521
 Patterson, Tom         F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Patterson, W.B.        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 400
 Patton, J.M.           G - Vol. 2 Page 60

 Patton, L.W.           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 380 -
                        K - Page 1 - I have
                        now in stock a car load of chairs
                        just in from Milwaukee, Wis., and
                        I can
                        guarantee them to be the best
                        chairs now on the market. I can
                        also save
                        you money on chairs. - Page 8
                        Item: For wall paper go to L.W.
                        Patton, WF.
                        - Page 8 Carpets, Carpets! Yes I
                        have them. Call and see for
 Patton, R.A.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 320
 Payton, J.T.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 625

 Penn, George W.        K - ( - 1913 in WF) to WF in 1889
                        - Three dau., one
                        was Mrs. John Lindsay, another
                        Lula Mae (1878-1954) marr. W.R.

 Penn, John H.          US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. D 2nd Reg. Ark Cav.
                        Service Oct. 6, '63 to Aug. 20,
                        1865 1 yr
                        11 mo 14 dy P.O. WF

 Penner, Charles        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 219 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 494
 Penner, E.I. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 281
 Pennock, O.H.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 200

 Pennock,               K - along with Ballow & Templeton
                        - These names were on
                        a petition for sidewalks in front
                        property on Indiana
 Perie, John            A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 Perlman, Louis         K - Page 5 Ad: City Bakery,
                        Indiana Ave. Proprietor.

 Perrigo, E.J. (Dr)     K - Arr. early 1881 with bro. in
                        law N.H. Redding -
                        Perigo St. named for him on his

 Perrinton, William H.  US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        He was added to Census as US
                        Soldier - P.O. WF

 Perry, E.L.            K - Page 7 Ad: Cashier, City
                        National Bank - see Jno.
                        G. James - K - Cashier in City
                        National Bank opened 3/6/1890

 Pesterfield, C.E.      K - Marr. Mrs. Carrie S. Logan
                        3/6/1890 by
                        A.A. Brown, J.P.
 Peters, J.E.           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 553
 Peters, Mary M.        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 553

 Peterson, C.A.         (1857-1948) To Iowa Park in 1890
                        - Had four sons and
                        two dau.

 Peterson, James        F - Vol. 1 Page 2 - C - Vol. 1
                        Page 8
 Peterson, John         G - Vol. 2 Page 44, 45
 Petty, C.              A - Vol. 1 Page 521

 Peveler, Wm.           K - Page 5 Item: Wm. Peveler, of
                        Seymour, passed
                        through the Falls on e day last
                        week, en route to Ft. Worth,
                        where he goes
                        on a business trip a day or two.
 Phillips, J.W.         G - Vol. 2 Page 54

 Phillips, John W.      K - To WF in 1880's - Wife:
                        Susannah S. - Experiment
                        Station - Dau. married 1889.

 Phillips, John         K - Page 7 Announcement:
                        Physician, Surgeon and
                        Accoucher. Wichita Falls, Tex.
                        Offers his professional services
                        to the
                        public. Office at Dunlap's Drug
                        Store. Residence on Scott Ave.
 Pickett, A.T.          A - Vol. 1 Page 531
 Pickett, R.T.          A - Vol. 1 Page 534
 Piggott, Lewis G.      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 483
 Pike, Gentry           F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Pike, J.C.             N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 277
 Pike, J.J.             K - Arr. 1883 - in Wf to 1947
 Pike, M.A.             N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 277

 Pillow, W.G.           E - Vol. 1 Page 95 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 48, 49, 50, 51

 Pinkerton, R.C.        K - To Beaver Creek 1887 - Three
                        Dau. & two sons -
                        Dau.: Mrs R.J. Bradley & Mrs.
                        Cunningham, Electra - wife died
                        in 1942
 Pitzer, J.M.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 413
 Pitzer, Mary           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 413

 Pitzer, S.A.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 413 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Pitzin, J.M.           E - Vol. 1 Page 121
 Pitzin, S.A.           E - Vol. 1 Page 121

 Plumb, H.              K - Page 3 Ad: Plumb & Ball Real
                        Estate & Insuranc

 Plumb, Henry           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 291 -
                        K - Page 5 Item:
                        Another Building & Loan Assc.
                        Organized. Mr. Plumb is a member
                        of the
                        board of directors.
 Poole, J.A.            N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 456
 Posey, Andrew          H - Vol. 1 Page 64

 Potter, M.             K - 1881-1906 on Wichita Co. Burk
                        B. Ranch

 Powell, D.J. (Rev)     K - Beaver Creek 1882-1900 -
                        Wife: Sarah - Children:
                        J.A.; Mollie; Ada W. marr. 1899;
                        Mary; Sarah marr. 1890; Ed D.
                        marr. 1904
 Powell, E.M.           G - Vol. 2 Page 62
 Powell, R.F.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 375

 Pratt, J.L. (Dr)       K - 1888 to Specht Colony - In
                        1900 built home in
                        Iowa Park
 Pratt, Julia A.        K - marr. R.S. Sims 10/9/1890
 Prenitt, O.S.          G - Vol. 2 Page 51
 Presler, J.M.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 263
 Preston, Mary E.       K - marr. Alvin Warren 11/6/1890

 Preuitt, O.S.          G - Vol. 2 Page 59 - K - Page 1
                        Ad: Groceries
 Prewitt, Ellen         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 385

 Prewitt, O.S.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 385 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 50
 Price, Benjamin        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 202
 Priest, Joe            H - Vol. 1 Page 62, 65
 Pruett, O.S.           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 442
 Pruitt, O.S.           G - Vol. 2 Page 63
 Pryor, Ike T.          D - Vol. 1 Page 207

 Purinton, W.W.         K - Page 5 Item: If you have any
                        land or town property
                        you want to sell, give it to W.W.
                        Purinton, the Real Estate man. -
                        Page 7 Ad: Real Estate Agent
                        office on Ohio Ave.

 Putnam, Joel           K - Wife: Mary - Iowa Park -
                        bought 400 ac. Tract and
                        moved there 1890
 Queen, E.S. (Miss)     K - marr. Wm. Hales 9/18/1890
 Quinn, J.A.            K - M.G. May 1890
 Rack (Rock)?, W.E.     N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 424
 Ragsdale, T.E.         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 185

 Ralston, James         N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 368 -
                        K - With Mrs Kate
                        Ralson charter members Jan. 1890
                        Presbyterian Church of Iowa Park
 Ralston, Jim           A - Vol. 1 Page 517
 Ralston, Katie         N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 368

 Ramsey, E.L.           K - marr. Emma Flemons 3/17/1890
                        by W.D. Beverly, M.G.
 Ramsey, Robert E.      N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 185

 Randolph, G.H.         K - Wife: Julia I. - Three boys &
                        three girls - one
                        son: Fred L. born Aug. 1884 in WF

 Randolph, R.L. (Pete)  K - (1859-1935) Arr. early 1890's
                        - First Constable
                        Prct. 1 in WF - Sheriff 1909

 Rankin, Edward         K - Marr. Donna Robinson
                        11/5/1890 by A.A. Brown, J.P.
 Rassman, M.            H - Vol. 1 Page 78, 79
 Raulins, J.A.          L - Page 29
 Rawlins, James         G - Vol. 2 Page 50
 Records, E.J.          A - Vol. 1 Page 492

 Redding, N.H.          G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 50, 51 - N -
                        Deed Record Vol. S
                        Page 62

 Redding, Nathan H.     K - (1843-1935) Wife: Lucy
                        Catherine Johnson died 1934
                        age 80; marr. 1872; Son: Enos;
                        Dau.: Lillian; Amy L. (Mrs C.B.
 Redding, V.H.          G - Vol. 2 Page 50
 Redman, George W.      B - Vol. 1 Page 8

 Redmon, George W.      N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 408 -
                        E - Vol. 1 Page 70

 Redmond, M.M.          K - To WF 1885 - Wife: Ollie -
                        Son: Walter Houston
                        Redmond (b. 1866 in Seymour)

 Reed, C.E.             A - Vol. 1 Page 527 - D - Vol. 1
                        Page 203 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. P Page 55

 Reed, J.M.             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 317 -
                        J - Vol. 1 Page 176 -
                        K - Wife died Nov. 1888, probate
                        filed Jan. 13, 1890 - Son: Joseph
                        8 yrs;
                        Dau.: Emma 5 yrs - G- Vol. 2 Page
                        49, 51, 52

 Reed, J.V. (Mrs)       K - Charter member First Baptist
                        Church Iowa Park
                        March 1890
 Reed, J.W.             A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Reed, John W.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 236
 Reed, Mattie           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 124

 Reese, T.T.T.          K - (1871-1952) Nineteen years
                        old in 1890 - to WF 1885
                        with mother, Mrs. J.Q. Morrison -
                        1900-1920 w/City Nat. Bank -
                        marr. in 1903

 Reid, C.E.             N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 32 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 471,
                        497, 531, 538 - B - Vol. 1 Page
                        7, 10 - E - Vol. 1 Page 69 - K -
                        Page 7
                        Clerk of District Court of
                        Wichita County - Page 8
                        For County Clerk

 Reid, Charles E.       K - (1850-1905) to WF 1883 -
                        Second county clerk,
                        served 17 years - Dau.: Etta Mae
                        (1879-1948) marr. 1903
 Reid, Ettie (Miss)     K - Page 1
 Reid, J.M.             N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 255

 Reid, Walter A.        Northern & Western Texas by
                        Paddock Vol. 1 Page 509:
                        Arrived in WF 1883 age 8 yr.
                        Father, Chas. E. Reid born in
                        Greenup, KY,
                        Aug. 2, 1850. Walter was deputy
                        clerk of County & District Court
                        for 10
                        years before taking fathers job
                        as Court Clerk. Resided in WF in

 Reilly, Hugh           K - (1857-1939) to WF 1883 - Left
                        in 1916 - marr. 1891
 Renee, Jim             H - Vol. 1 Page 45

 Rexford, E.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 274 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 49,
                        50, 51, 52, 54

 Rexford, Ensign        K - (1841-1915) - Wife: Mrs. ____
                        Farmer - Son: Burke,
                        Dau. Lou (later Mrs Ben Nix) -
                        1879 settled on Gilbert Creek
 Rhodes, A.C.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 431
 Richardson, J.C.       A - Vol. 1 Page 474, 488
 Richlick, Frank        F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Richlick, John         D - Vol. 1 Page 206
 Riddle, S.C. (Rev)     K -Page 2 M.E. Church South
 Riddle, S.C.           K - M.G. 1/1890; 8/1890; 12/1890
 Rigeby, J.B.           G - Vol. 2 Page 58
 Rigsbee, E.S.          M -
 Rigsbee, J.B.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 359
 Rigsbee, L.I.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 359

 Riley, T.J.            K - marr. here in 1890 - In 1883
                        with Denver Railraod
                        for 45 years. Retired Roadmaster.

 Ripp, A.P.             K - Feb 1882 to Beaver creek, WF
                        in 1890's

 Rippy, A.C.            K - 1885 to Electra or Beaver
 Rippy, A.P.            A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Risley(?), M.O.        G - Vol. 2 Page 64
 Robbecke, F.A.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 449
 Robbecke, M.E.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 449
 Roberts, J.M.          F - Vol. 1 Page 1

 Roberts, Tom W.        K - 1880 census Burnett Ranch -
                        Marr. B. Burnett's
                        sister - Ranch & home in Wichita

 Robertson, _____       K - Son: Walter b. WF 1888 d.
                        July 1965 - son lived in
                        WF all his life

 Robinett, (Mrs)        A - Vol. 1 Page 502 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 65
 Robinson, Dona         K - marr. Edward Rankin 11/5/1890
 Robinson, H.L.         L - Page 74

 Robinson, H.P.         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 448 -
                        K - Page 1 - of
                        Benvenue, Texas, is in the city
                        in the interest of his
                        photograph business.

 Robinson, N.A.         A - Vol. 1 Page 494 - B - Vol. 1
                        Page 9 - K - May 12,
                        1890 named hide and animal
                        inspector also Page 1 - Since the
                        big fire you
                        can find N.A. Robinson at
                        Dunlap's Drug Store, where you
                        can get all kinds
                        of Sewing Machine goods.- N -
                        Deed Record Vol. S Page 657 - G -
                        Vol. 2
                        Page 49, 51, 64 - L - Page 34
 Robinson, Ned          F - Vol. 1 Page 2

 Rock, W.E.             K - Page 8 Ad: Intelligence
                        Office. Office with
                        Clasbey, Ballow & Co. on Indiana
 Rodgers, A.E.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 227

 Rodgers, R.D.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 227 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 474
 Rodgers, R.W.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 227

 Roesler, Anna          K - marr. C. August Mertins
 Rogers, J.W.           K - M.G. 10/1890
 Rogers, R.D.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 10
 Rogers, R.W.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 10
 Rosenaur, F.R.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 296
 Rosenaym, F.R.         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 155

 Ross, William          US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. I 4th Reg. W.Va. Cav.
                        Service July 1863 to July 1865 2
                        P.O. WF - also F - Vol. 1 Page 4
 Rosson, J.G.           G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 50, 51, 55
 Roussel, Paul          H - Vol. 1 Page 53

 Rowe, George C.        K - ( -1919) Wife: Anna
                        (1858-1949) - 1890 to
                        Electra Area to operate J.H.
                        Barwise farm. Later was on
                        Waggoner Ranch.

 Rowe, Mamie            K - marr. George E. Morgan

 Rucks, S.C.            K - Marr. Adeline Shafer
                        12/14/1890 by S.C. Riddle,
                        M.G. - also L - Page 37

 Ruddy, T.E.            K - To farm 1889 from Ireland -
                        Farm located about 6
                        miles E of WF - Sons: Sam
                        (b.1898-1945) school in WF; John;
                        Joseph -
                        Two daughters.
 Rudy, John             F - Vol. 1 Page 4

 Russell, Nelson P.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        This name added to census as a
                        U.S. Soldier - no additional
                        information -
                        P.O. WF
 Russell, Paul          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 452

 Russell, Tom           G - Vol. 2 Page 47 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 46
 Rutherford, Bell       H - Vol. 1 Page 66, 69

 Rutherford, R.D.       K - Charter member First Baptist
                        Church Iowa Park
                        March 1890
 Rux, Chartee           H - Vol. 1 Page 59
 Ryan, (Mrs)            L - Page 50

 Ryan, John T.          K - marr. Kate Brown 8/31/1890 by
                        W.P. Beverly,
                        M.G. Baptist
 Salis, John            A - Vol. 1 Page 514
 Samuells, Anderson     F - Vol. 1 Page 2

 Sanders, ____          K - Four daughters, Sons: Sanford
                        W. (Sandy) (b. WF
                        1886 d. 5/1948 WF); W.T.
 Sanders, Frank         G - Vol. 2 Page 57
 Santer(S)?, C.A.       G - Vol. 2 Page 61
 Sarns, Sams(?)         A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Saunders, Frank        G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 51, 52
 Saxton, John           F- Vol. 1 Page 1

 Sayles, John           US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. H 4th Reg. Mich. Inf.
                        Service 1864 to 15 June 1865 P.O.
                        Park, disability encurred shot
                        thru foot. Remark: Discharged
                        from hospital

 Scarborough, Ben F.    N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 618 -
                        K - Page 8 Ad: For
                        County Attorney
 Scarborough, C.D.      G - Vol. 2 Page 42, 54
 Scarborough, Charles   US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
 D.                     B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. J 1st Reg. Minn. Art.
                        Enlisted 13 Feb 1865 to Sept 1865
                        - 8 mo.
                        P.O. WF
 Scarborough, William   K - Justice fo Peace 4/1890

 Scarborough, Wm.       N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 497 -
                        A- Vol. 1 Page 496
 Scarborrough, William  A - Vol. 1 Page 529
 Scarborugh, Wm.        A - Vol. 1 Page 481
 Scott, Frank           F - Vol. 1 Page 4

 Scott, J.S.            K - Page 1 of Archer City passed
                        through town Tuesday
                        en route to Fort Worth.

 Scrutchins, J.A.       K - Marr. Benita E. Bingham
                        1/29/1890 by
                        S.C. Riddle, M.G.

 Scurry, Edgar          K - (1857- ) Arr. 1890 to
                        practice law - County Judge
 Searcy, Cris           H - Vol. 1 Page 43
 Seelinger, J.          A - Vol. 1 Page 537

 Seelinger, Jacob       K - Page 4 Ad: Undertaker, shop
                        on Ohio Ave. opposite
                        Soule's livery stable
 Selinger, Oscar        H - Vol. 1 Page 72

 Shafer, Adeline        K - marr. S.C. Rucks 12/14/1890 -
                        N - Deed Record
                        Vol. Q Page 635
 Shannon, Mike          F - Vol. 1 Page 3

 Shaw, H.C.             N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 340 -
                        K - Page 2 Rector,
                        Episcopal Church
 Shaw, W.C. (poss.
 N.C.)                  K - M.G. 5/5/1890 & 10/3/1890
 Shay, Thos.            A - Vol. 1 Page 538
 Shay, Tom              H - Vol. 1 Page 74
 Shepherd, Emma         H - Vol. 1 Page 73
 Shepherd, Tobe         H - Vol. 1 Page 73

 Sheppard, Tobe         K - marr. Emma Ford 2/8/1890 by
                        J.W. Hairston, M.G.
 Sherrod, Maggie        K - marr. W.S. Jones 11/23/1890
 Shey, John             F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Shock, F.              L - Page 58, 67
 Short, Eliza           N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 222
 Showers, S.            F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Simmons, Geo.          G - Vol. 2 Page 64

 Simmons, George        K - (1843-1928) Wife: Mary E.
                        (1850-1922) - Two Dau.:
                        Carrie (d. WF 1964 age 87); Emma
                        - Bought property in 1889, family
                        it until 1947 - N - Deed Record
                        Vol. S Page 258

 Simmons, J.S.          G - Vol. 2 Page 46, 47 - A - Vol.
                        1 Page 505
 Simmons, Mary E.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 258
 Simmons, W.A.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 229

 Simpson, R.F. & Co.    K - Page 3 Ad: see under Wolf,
                        D.T. - K - Page 7 Ad:
                        The Leading Druggists

 Simpson, R.F.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 124 -
                        L - Page 32, 48, 50,
                        65, 67
 Sims, J.G.             N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 491

 Sims, R.S.             K - marr. Julia A. Pratt
                        10/9/1890 by
                        J.P. Dimmitt, M.G.
 Sims, S.J. (Mrs)       N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 491
 Singleton, S.H.        E - Vol. 1 Page 124

 Singleton, S.H.        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 46 -
                        K - Bondsman 1890
 Singleton, Sallie J.   N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 135
 Sitton, J.W.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 320
 Skeen, R.E.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 126
 Skeen, T.N.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 323

 Skeen, W.P.            K - (1845-1904) to WF in 1888 -
                        Wife: Emily O'Field
                        marr. in 1866; Six Children:
                        William E. (1871-1914); Virgil G.
                        ( - 1917);
                        John C. ( -1911); Titus; Adeline;
                        Thomas D. - W.P. was Lawyer,
                        County Judge in Nov. 1890, served
                        thru 1894, also 1898-1904, died
                        office 12/23/1904. - also K -
                        Page 8 Ad: For County Judge - A-
                        Vol. 1
                        Page 531

 Skeen, William P.      Northern & Western Texas by
                        Paddock Vol. 2 Page 562 -
                        He was county judge and Lawer
                        here in Wichita Co. 1888. He
                        practiced law
                        in WF until 1890 - Sons: Virgil
                        G. & William E., merchants in WF.
                        W.P. died Dec. 23, 1904
 Skein, W.P.            A - Vol. 1 Page 534

 Skinner, A.A.          K - Charter Member Jan. 1890
                        Presbyterian Church of
                        Iowa Park

 Skinner, Allen         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 2 - H
                        - Vol. 1 Page 76

 Slaten, Nettie (Mrs)   K - (1860-1951) Arr. in WF Nov.
                        1888 - Husband died in
                        1885, Dau.: Edith (Jan. 1881)
 Sledge, Thos.          A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Sledge, Tom            L - Page 47, 53, 58, 60, 67

 Smith, ___             K - Came with Stearns to WF 1883
                        or 84 - In 1908 he
                        marr. Rhoda Stearns - Son: Tom
                        (1882- )
 Smith, Ballard         F - Vol. 1 Page 1
 Smith, Bill            F - Vol. 1 Page 3
 Smith, C.J.            H - Vol. 1 Page 48
 Smith, C.L.            F - Vol. 1 Page 5
 Smith, Cam             H - Vol. 1 Page 61, 63

 Smith, David M.        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. F 22nd Reg. Iowa Inf.
                        Service 15 May 1862 to 10 Nov.
                        1864 1 yr
                        5 mo 25 dys. P.O. Iowa Park -
                        Disability Incurred: Hemorrhage
                        of bowel
                        from chronic diarrhea contracted
                        in the Army.
 Smith, F.              H - Vol. 1 Page 59
 Smith, F.H.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 325

 Smith, Frank           F - Vol. 1 Page 5 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 62, 65

 Smith, H.H.            A - Vol. 1 Page 505 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 56,57,58, 59,
                        61, 62

 Smith, Ida May         K - marr. George L. Ligon

 Smith, J.C.            K - To Burk area 1890 - Wife:
                        ____ (Sister of Mrs. F.M.
                        Davis #2) - Sons & Dau.: Jess
                        (1881- ); J. Frank (1885-1949);
                        Leonard; Lula
 Smith, J.K.B.          A - Vol. 1 Page 474

 Smith, J.K.P.          A - Vol. 1 Page 521 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 50
 Smith, J.P.            G - Vol. 2 Page 45

 Smith, James Knox Polk K - (1845-1931) - Wife: Mary Ann
                        Schulz (1850-1902) -
                        Sons: Albert J.; Charles H.
                        (1873-1959); Tom (1882 - ); Fred
                        K. (1878-
                        1943) - Dau.: Daisy. - also K -
                        Sons: Fred K. (1878-1943) sheriff
                        '25 '26; Charles H.; Thomas J.;
                        Albert J. - Dau. Daisy
 Smith, Marietta Duff   K - (1849-1918) To WF in 1885 -
 (Mrs)                  Hus: A.J. d. in
                        1886 - Dau.: Mae Bird Smith
                        teacher in WF marr. J.C. Hunt
                        1895 - Son:
                        Clyde D. in school in 1890 d. in
 Smith, Martin A.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 322

 Smith, Normand J.      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        The Captain is across from wifes
                        name. From MO. There is nothing
                        P.O. WF Wife: Frances A.

 Smith, R.L.            K - To WF 1880's - marr. Minnie
                        C. Cunningham 6/19/1889
                        Son: Charles S. 1892-1941 - Dau.:
                        Hattie marr. Tom McHam 1908
 Smith, W.              H - Vol. 1 Page 49
 Smith, W.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 495
 Smith, W.F.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 481
 Smith, W.P.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 134
 Smith, W.R.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 107
 Snead, W.G.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 11
 Snell, W.H.            M -

 Snodgrass, Joe         G - Vol. 2 Page 50 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 54, 55, 58, 69

 Snow, ____             K - Came in 1880's to Clara -
                        Dau.: Bridie Beatrice
                        b. in Clara , marr. 1911

 Snow, ______           K - To Clara Community in 1888's
                        - Dau.: Maye (1884-
                        1957) marr. T.M. hughes 1910 in
                        Iowa Park their daughter Mrs.
                        Frank Wood;
                        Sons: Roye; L.E.; J.W.; C.L.
 Snow, J.T.             A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 Snow, W.H.             A - Vol. 1 Page 531, 533 - N -
                        Deed Record Vol. P
                        Page 208
 Snow, Walter           K - Specht Col. 1888
 Snyder, T.B. (?)       A - Vol. 1 Page 522

 Snyder, Troylus B.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. B 10th Reg. Ohio Cav.
                        Service 1 Feb 1864 to 24 July
                        1865 1 yr
                        5 mo 24 dys P.O. WF - Diasbility
                        Incurred: Measles deaf from right
                        from said disease
 Somers, C.T.           N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 210
 Somers, Sallie L.      N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 210
 Sommons, ____          A - Vol. 1 Page 494
 Sonter (?), C.A.       G - Vol. 2 Page 58
 Sonter, C.A.           G - Vol. 2 Page 44, 58, 62

 Sonter, Charles A.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Last name may be Souter. Pvt. Co.
                        S 10th Reg. Ill. Cav. Service 29
                        1864 to 21 Aug 1865 1 yr 5 mp 21
                        dys P.O. WF - Diasbility: Bloody
                        dispesia (this not clear) Note:
                        enlisted under the name of Chas.
                        Moffard (last name not clear, it
                        may be spelled differently)
 Sontes (?), C.A.       G - Vol. 2 Page 62
 Soule, Geo. A.         J - Vol. 1 Page 188

 Soule, George Alonzo   K - (1840-1913) To WF 1883 - Ran
                        Stages through 1890's
                        Wife: Lilla Clapp - Son: W.A.
                        (Bert) marr. in 1902 - Dau.: Etta
                        (1873- );
                        Maude - Foster Dau.: Lillian
                        Olene Davis arr. Nov. 1888 marr.
                        Soule 1902.
 Soule, L.A. (Mrs)      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 433

 Soule's Livery Stable  K - Page 4 Ad: See Seelinger,

 Souter, C.A.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 442 -
                        K - Page 8 Ad:
                        Jeweler - Seventh Street
 Souter, M.F. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 442

 Sowers, C.T.           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 178 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 533
 Sowers, Sallie L.      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 178

 Sparks, Dick           K - b. 1860's 1890: Negro ranch
                        worker - In 1880 S.B.
                        Burnett - 1890 either Burnett or
                        Waggoner Ranch. Retired to

 Specht, H.             K - Page 7 Ad: V.P. & Dir.
                        Panhandle Nat. Bank -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 476

 Specht, Herman (Col.)  K - Arr. in 1886 with 13 families
                        - Wife: Clara - only
                        2 families of the 13 remained
                        after a year.
 Specht, Herman         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 497

 Speed, L.E.            A - Vol. 1 Page 495 - M - A -
                        Vol. 1 Page 497, 525
 Speed, Sarah           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 31
 Spellman, George       N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 608

 Spencer, Willie        K - To Iowa Park in 1888 - Marr.
                        1881 - Several
                        children - six in 1894 - Sent to
                        prison in 1894. - A - Vol. 1 Page
                        477, 517, 519 - G- Vol. 2 Page
                        44, 45 - K - Page 5 Ad: Rosco,
                        the Great
                        Kentucky Stallion! Service $15

 Staber, ___            K - To Specht Colony 1886 - Son:
                        Fred (1885-1958) Three
                        Dau.: Eugenia(1887-1967); Lida;
 Stafford, ____         A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 Stafford, L.P.         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 543 -
                        A- Vol. 1 Page 486
 Stafford, Mattie P.
 (Mrs)                  N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 543
 Stafford, W.P.         A - Vol. 1 Page 523
 Stamfli, Victor E.     K - (1874-1950) To WF 1889 -
 (Vic)                  marr. in 1899 -
                        Famous Bakery
 Stamps, F.H.           K - Minister 8/1890
 Staten, Nettie (Mrs)   N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 200
 Staton, Jno. F.        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 47

 Staton, John T.        K - (1865-1915) to Wichita Co.
                        1886 - Wife: Bell Newby
                        marr. 1879 - Sons: Roscoe
                        (1883-1966); Roy; Claude; William
                        P. -
                        Dau.: Mabel

 Stayton, Robert Bascom K - To WF 1887 - Wife: Susan
                        Andes - Son: Burton b.1891

 Stearnes, H.E.         G - Vol. 2 Page 59, 60, 61, 62,

 Stearns, ___           K - To WF 1883 - Sons: C.A. "Gus"
                        (1874-1943); J.L.
 Stearns, Geo.          H - Vol. 1 Page 64
 Stearns, H.E.          L - Page 34, 41

 Stearns, J.F.          L - Page 15, 59 - K - Wichita
                        Falls City Council paid
                        him on Jan. 4, 1890 for building
                        bridge across 7th Street.

 Stearns, Jas. F.       K - Page 5 Ad: Contractor &
 Stearns, Jas.          A - Vol. 1 Page 516

 Stearns, T.G.          K - To Beaver Creek about 1880 -
                        Son: Don F. (b. 1871
                        or before) marr. Ada W. Powell
                        12/13/1899 - Dau.:
                        _____(Grandmother of
                        Astronaut Gordon Cooper)
 Steorns, J.W.          A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Stephens, A.W.         A - Vol. 1 Page 486
 Stere(?), E.T.         G - Vol. 2 Page 50
 Sterens, E.T.          G - Vol. 2 Page 51

 Sterman, Maggie (Mrs)  K - widow of E.C. Sterman died
                        9/30/1890 - Son: Bonham
                        (5) - Dau.: Mary C. (died in
 Sterman, Warren        K - bondsman in 1890
 Sterman, William W.    K - bondsman in 1890

 Stevens                K - Page 7 Ad: Livery Stable,
                        Indiana Ave.
 Stevens, A.W.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 381
 Stevens, Cassie A.     N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 276

 Stevens, E.T.          A - Vol. 1 Page 505 - E - Vol. 1
                        Page 69 - D - Vol. 1
                        Page 213 - G - Vol. 2 Page 49,
                        61, 63
 Stevens, Hally Belle
 (Miss)                 K - Page 1
 Stevens, M.J. (Mrs)    E - Vol. 1 Page 69

 Stevens, M.J.          D - Vol. 1 Page 213 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. S Page 214
                        K - Page 8 Ad: M.J. Stevens'
                        Livery Stable in WF - L - Page 50
 Stevens, N.M.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 414

 Stevens, T.G. (Lish)   K - in photo of 'Pioneers' in
 Stevens, Will          H - Vol. 1 Page 52, 60, 64
 Stewart, J.S.          A - Vol. 1 Page 516
 Stewart, J.T.          A - Vol. 1 Page 515

 Stewart, Joe           A - Vol. 1 Page 537 - G- Vol. 2
                        Page 46, 47, 64 -
                        L Page 32, 50, 56, 67, 76

 Still, William         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 21 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 484
 Stimpson, Charles      K - (1866-1951 in WF) in 1887 to
 Henry                  Wichita Co. -
                        Employed ranch of Charlie W. Ward
                        - marr. 1897

 Stine, P.M.            K - Page 8 Item: Judge P.M. Stine
                        of Henrietta was in
                        town this week.

 Stinnett, A. Sid.      K - Here in 1890 , Society -

 Stipe, J.H.            K - To WF Denver Bldg. - Son born
                        in 1895

 Stirman, E.C.          K - Marr. Maggie Hopkins 2/5/1890
                        by D.J. Powell, L.C.

 Stirman, W.W.          K - In Wichita Co. by 1890 -
                        marr. March 1880 - eight
                        children - rural mail carrier 23
                        yrs to 1930

 Stocking, H.W.         N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 2 - L
                        - Page 74
 Stocking, W.H.         L - Page 72
 Stokes, J.B.(?)        A - Vol. 1 Page 495
 Stokes, M.J.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 187
 Stokes, W.K.           K - Bondsman in 1890
 Stokes, Walter K.      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 538
 Stone, Alice           K - marr. Wm.C. Baker 5/17/1890
 Stone, F.A.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 280

 Stone, G.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 153 -
                        K - page 5 Item:
                        G.B. Stone was in the city Sunday
                        and honored the Democrat with a
                        call - Wichita County Democrat -
                        L - Page 21 - K - Page 4 Mr. &
                        Mrs. G.B.
                        Stone and 'baby Stone' were guest
                        at the Cameron last Sunday
                        - Iowa Park Texan
 Stone, G.W.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 33

 Stone, Gabriel         US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Last name may be Stine. Pvt. Co.
                        K 16th Reg. Ill. Cav. Service 3
                        Aug 1863
                        to 19 Sept 1864 1 yr 1 mo 16 dy
                        Disability Incurred: Measles.
                        on sergeons Certificate -
                        reenlisted - P.O. Iowa Park

 Stone, George B.       K - Made dep. at City Nat. Bank
                        Mar. 6, 1890
 Stone, H.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 315
 Stone, J.A.            A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Stone, J.E. (Mrs)      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 522
 Stone, J.R.            A - Vol. 1 Page 531
 Stone, Jacob           H - Vol. 1 Page 67

 Stone, James A.        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 141 -
                        N - Deed Record
                        Vol. Q Page 569
 Stone, Jessie E.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 301

 Stone, John Williams   K - Wife: Florence Seymour -
                        Married in Denton in 1889
                        & moved to WF soon after
 Stone, Margaret (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 569
 Stonecipher, Everett   K - Bought 705 Indiana June 14,
 B.                     1884 - Dau.: Maude
                        (grad HS 1899) - Son: Everett B.,
 Stout, C.              F- Vol. 1 Page 2
 Stowe, G.B.            N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 261

 Strange,               K - Page 4 Ad: Strange &
                        Waltermire, Proprietors,
                        "Favorite Saloon"

 Strange, A.P.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 191 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 496,
                        497, 517, 531
 Strange, Ben F.        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 165

 Strange, C.Q.          H - Vol. 1 Page 71, 73 - L - Page
 Strange, C.Z.          H - Vol. 1 Page 46
 Strange, L.E. (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 191
 Strange, L.F. (Mrs)    N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 192

 Stringer, J.W.         K - Marr. Nov. 13, 1890 in Bell
                        Co. Shortly after marr.
                        came to Wichita Co. about 2 1/2
                        miles NE of present sire of
                        Electra. To WF
                        in 1913 after oil.
 Stuart, W.             F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Stuckbers, S.W.        A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Sturm, George          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 631
 Suddeth, W.H.          G - Vol. 2 Page 59
 Suddith, A.H.          A - Vol. 1 Page 474

 Suddith, W.H.          K - (1834-1911) Son: E.D. - Here
                        in WF 1885, Alderman
                        in 1894 - N - Deed Record Vol. Q
                        Page 353 - G - Vol. 2 Page 44

 Suddith, William H.    US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. F Reg. 39 Ind.
                        (Illegible) - Service Aug 1861 to
                        Feb 1863 1 yr
                        6 mo. P.O. WF

 Sullivan, Frances      K - marr. J.M. Cunningham

 Sullivan, John         F- Vol. 1 Page 3 - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. Q Page 173 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 61, 62
 Swasey, Chas.          H - Vol. 1 Page 72
 Sweeney, John          F- Vol. 1 Page 2

 Tackett, G.W.          A - Vol. 1 Page 533 - B - Vol. 1
                        Page 7
 Talley, L.H.           A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 Tammen, ____           K - Arr. Oct. 1890 settled on
                        Petrolia Road - Son: R.W.
                        & family - Dau.: Jennie (marr.
                        Frank T. Jenna 1901); two other
                        one named Margaret.

 Tankersley             K - Page 6 Ad: Ferguson &
                        Tankersley, Grocers

 Tankersley, A.R.       K - In business here well after
                        1900 - Wife: Julia
                        Ferguson marr. 1887. - N - Deed
                        Record Vol. R Page 325 - G - Vol.
                        Page 46, 47, 59, 62 - K - page 8
                        Ad: for County Treasurer
 Taskett, G.W.          A - Vol. 1 Page 538
 Taugeman, John G.      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 533
 Tayler, A.J.           G - Vol. 2 Page 56

 Taylor, ____           K - To WF about 1880 - Son: W.J.
                        (1876-Mar. 1898)

 Taylor, A.J.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 59 -
                        A- Vol. 1 Page 488,
                        501 - G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57, 59,
                        60, 61, 62, 63

 Taylor, Andrew J.      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. K 42nd Reg. Ind. Inf.
                        Service 23 Sept 1861 to 23 Sept.
                        1864 3 yr.
                        P.O. WF

 Taylor, Andrew Jackson K - (1839-1903) To WF 1876, near
                        Electra 1881, still in
                        Co. 1890 - 2nd Wife: Mary Walston
                        marr. in '84 - Children: David P.
                        Physician marr. in 1892; Benjamin
                        F. (15); Eddie B. (13); Charles
                        E. (11);
                        Clara (8)
 Taylor, H.J.           G - Vol. 2 Page 60

 Taylor, J.W.           K - (1865- ) worked for Burnetts
                        off & on 1876 -
                        B - Vol. 1 Page 9

 Taylor, John William   K - (1877-1946) To Wichita Co.
                        1876, to near Electra
                        1881 - son of A.J. - Wife: Opal
                        Adams marr. 4/21/1884

 Taylor, Thomas J., Sr. K - (1864-1922) WF in 1889,
                        Grocery, oil & bank - Wife:
                        Ella Erwin (1867-1938) - Son: Roy
                        A. (1887-1955), Three other boys
                        three girls.

 Tayman, Robert         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 253 -
                        K - Page 3 Ad:
                        Wichita Drug House, 7th St.,
 Templeton, Josie B.    N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 183
 Templeton, L.          G - Vol. 2 Page 64
 Templeton, L.N.        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 295
 Templeton, Lil         H - Vol. 1 Page 58

 Templeton, M.M.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 282 -
                        J - Vol. 1 Page 188
                        K - Page 2, M.M. & Co. - Ad: Real
                        Estate, P.O. Box 41, WF
 Templeton, Phebe G.    N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 98

 Templeton,             K - along with Ballow & Pennock -
                        These names were on a
                        petition for sidewalks in front
                        property on Indiana
 Thayes, Ed             F- Vol. 1 Page 3
 Theis, Herman          F - Vol. 1 Page 5

 Thomas, C.K.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 499 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 50 -
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 55, 68 - K - Page
                        5 Item: C.K. Thomas & Son have
                        a new delivery wagon from the
                        Wichita Implement Co. It is a
                        neat vehicle.
                        Also K - Son: Oda marr. in 1903;
                        Two dau.: Lenna & Emma - Merchant
                        1888 -
                        still in WF in 1896
 Thomas, David E.       A - Vol. 1 Page 492

 Thomas, J.A.           K - marr. Eva Flowers 11/4/1890
                        by John C. White, M.G.

 Thomas, L.M.           D - Vol. 1 Page 210 - K - Page 8
                        Item: L.M. Thomas went
                        to Vernon on Tuesday's train. -
                        Also K - Page 8 Ad: Dealer in
                        candies, fruits, cigars and
                        tobacco. Choice fresh candy made
                        every day.
                        Next door to the Herald Office in
 Thomas, M.             L - Page 18
 Thomas, M.A. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 499

 Thomas, M.T.           K - hired to grade streets of WF
                        11/11/1890 for several

 Thomas, S.B.           K - J.P. Jan. 1891 Pct. #1 Dec.
                        1890 - A - Vol. 1
                        Page 531, 534
 Thomas, Samuel B.      N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 282
 Thomas, Scott          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 253
 Thompson, Cora         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 576

 Thompson, John W.      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. C 73rd Reg. Ill. Inf.
                        Service 2 Aug 1862 to 23 Feb 1863
                        6 mo.
                        21 dys. Disability chronic
                        diarrhea, rheumatism 27 years -
                        P.O. Iowa Park
 Thompson, Lelia Ann    K - marr. J.W. Case 3/16/1890

 Thompson, T.C.         H - Vol. 1 Page 48, 50, 51, 53,
                        58, 60
 Thompson, T.D.         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 576
 Thompson, Thos. C.     N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 349
 Thomson, Elizabeth J.  N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 255

 Thomson, John T.       US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. G 136th Reg. Ill. Inf.
                        Service 13 May 1864 to 8 Oct 1864
                        5 mo.
                        15 dys. P.O. WF
 Thomson, Mary Isabella N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 384

 Thomson, T.C.          G - Vol. 2 Page 54 - K - Page 4
                        Ad: Surveyor, Land &
                        Collecting Agent. Office over
                        Panhandle National Bank. - Also K
                        - Page 5
                        Item: Another Building & Loan
                        Assc. Organized, T.C. Thomson
                        president &
                        member of the board
 Thomson, Thos. C.      N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 264

 Thornton, J.A.         K - (1867-1951 in WF) Has son &
                        dau. - 1888-1890
                        railroad to 1919, retired.
 Tileman, Mike          F- Vol. 1 Page 5
 Timmons, H.            A - Vol. 1 Page 520
 Timpleton, M.M.        E - Vol. 1 Page 126

 Tompkins, M.J.         N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 248 -
                        L - Page 33, 50

 Tompkins, Milton S.    US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. G 89th Reg. N.Y. Inf.
                        Service 3 Oct 1861 to 2 June 1863
                        1 yr.
                        3 mo. Disability Shot in shoulder
                        & face. P.O. WF
 Toohey, R.J.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 2
 Toomy, William         F - Vol. 1 Page 2
 Townsend, Fannie       H - Vol. 1 Page 84

 Tracy, Amajiah         US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. E 1st Reg. N.Y. inf.
                        Enlisted 25 Nov 1861 to 25 Nov
                        1865 3 yrs. -
                        Alias: Henry A. Tracy served Pvt.
                        Co. A 5th Reg. US (illegible)
                        2 Feb 1865 to 2 Feb 1866 1 yr.
                        Disability Shot in left thigh -
                        P.O. WF -
                        NOTE: Error noted in time of
                        first dischage and 2nd
                        enlistment. The
                        correct date must be 25 Nov 1864.
 Tracy, N.A.            A - Vol. 1 Page 505

 Trader, C.W. (Dr)      K - arr. June 1883 - In August,
                        hired by Commissioners
                        Court, brought J.E. Duncan to
                        drive for him.
 Travis, W.D.           A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Trent, Jeff            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 459
 Trimble, A.B.          K - P.C. 10/1890
 Trimble, F.R.          N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 316

 Troutman, Leonard      K - In 1886 settled Specht Colony
                        (Clara Comm.) In 1891
                        to Iowa Park, one of 2 families
                        of the original 13 who stayed -
                        Dau.: Mina
                        Louise (1871-1965); Sons: Noel;
                        G.L.; Carl Edgar (1884-1964)
 Tucker, J.T.           N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 362
 Tucker, Julia A.       N - Deed Record Vol. T Page 198

 Tucker, Kimbell F.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. M 12th Reg. Tenn. Cav.
                        Service 4 Aug 1864 to 7 Oct 1865
                        1 yr.
                        2 mo. 3 dys. P.O. Iowa Park

 Tucker, T.A.           K - marr. Jennetta Hale 8/3/1890
                        by W.D. Beverly, M.G.
 Tuggles, Tom           H - Vol. 1 Page 57, 58, 61
 Tully, H.              L - Page 53

 Turner, ___            K - To WF east of town 1885 -
                        There several years thru
                        1890 - Dau.: Effie

 Turner, Dan            F - Vol. 1 Page 2 - H - Vol. 1
                        Page 64
 Turner, H.C.           G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57, 58

 Turner, Henry C.       US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        He is listed - nothing more.
 Turner, Thos. F.       E - Vol. 1 Page 101

 Ulen                   K - pg. 4 Ad: Palace Market,
                        Frieburg & Ulen prop.
 Ulen(?), James A.      G - Vol. 2 Page 54

 Ulen, J.A.             G - Vol. 2 Page 44 - J - Vol. 1
                        Page 179

 Ulen, James A.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 397 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 54

 Ulen, Jim              K - Page 1 is taller than ever
                        now over the possession
                        of a fine baby boy at his home.
                        Mother & child doing well.
 Ulers(?), James A.     G - Vol. 2 Page 54
 Underwood, Earl        H - Vol. 1 Page 62, 64

 Van Dyke, ___J.        K - Page 5 Item: see Myron

 Van Dyke, J.J.         N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 265 -
                        E - Vol. 1 Page 118

 Van Dyks, John Jay     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        2nd Leut. Co. C 1st Reg. Ill.
                        Art. Service 1 Aug 1861 to 16
                        July 1863 1yr.
                        11mo. 15 dys. Disability: Chronic
                        diarrhea - P.O. WF

 Vanderslice, W.H.      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 324 -
                        K - Page 4 Ad: Paper
                        hanging, house & sign painter. -
                        L - Page 64
 Vanderslice, Wm.       L - Page 69
 VanDyke, J.J.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 202
 Vanhorn, Jas. V.       M -
 Varley, J.W.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 284

 Vaughn, Frank          Marr. Rec. Wichita Co. Vol. 1
                        Page 106 marr. Miss
                        Nellie Du Val Nov. 25, 1890
 Veach, J.P.            A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Veach, J.T.            M -
 Viney, S.R.            A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Vining, George M.      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 325
 Vining, John           H - Vol. 1 Page 56
 Vogel, Theo. O.        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 173
 Vogel, Theo.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 595
 Waggoner, Dick         H - Vol. 1 Page 57

 Waggoner, Jeff         Wichita Falls Times Vol. LXVI No.
                        134 Dated Sept. 24,
                        1972 Page 1 - New item conserning
                        the death of Merl T. Waggoner of
                        Falls who died Sept 23, 1972 in a
                        local hospital. He was the son of
                        Jeff &
                        Mary Frances Waggoner who came to
                        Wichita County in 1889. He worked
                        Dan Waggoner. Mr. Merle
                        Waggoner's mother returned to
                        Decatur, Texas to be
                        near a doctor for his birth on 23
                        March 1890. He was brought to
                        Co. ranch only a few days later.
 Waggoner, Mary Frances
 (Mrs)                  See: Waggoner, Jeff
 Waggoner, Merle T.     See: Waggoner, Jeff
 Waggoner, Thomas       K - (1861-1943) to Wichita Co.
 Jefferson              1879 - Wife: Mary
                        Frances Gose (1863-1948) marr.
                        Feb. 1888 - home Gilbert Creek

 Waggoner, W.T.         K - (Father - Dan died 1905)
                        Probably at headquarters
                        (near present site of Electra) in
                        1890. Established in 1878.
                        Employees of
                        store at Beaver Switch. - Dau.:
                        Electra; Sons: Paul; Guy - also N
                        - Deed
                        Record Vol. S Page 211
 Wait, J.M.             A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Wait, Wm.              A - Vol. 1 Page 517, 518
 Waite, J.D.            A - Vol. 1 Page 496, 521
 Waite, Wm.             A - Vol. 1 Page 496
 Walker, A.L.           G - Vol. 2 Page 49, 50, 51, 52

 Walker, A.M.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 341 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 520
                        K - (1848-1909) Wife: ___
                        (1867-1954) Two dau. & one son -
                        to WF 1889,
                        merchant - G- Vol. 2 Page 59, 61,
 Walker, C.             G - Vol. 2 Page 54
 Walker, Earl (Miss)    K - marr. Mike F Koch 1/30/1890
 Walker, J.B.           A - Vol. 1 Page 520
 Walker, J.W.           A - Vol. 1 Page 522

 Walker, R.J.B.         K - (1846-1909) - Two children -
                        To Wichita Co. 1889
                        four miles NW of WF
 Walker, R.M. (Mrs)     N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 478

 Walker, Samuel W.      K - (1854-1936) Wife: Mary
                        Elizabeth (1859-1943) marr.
                        in 1882 - there were several
                        children, one son M.M. (Mike)
                        doctor in WF 1908. To Wichita Co.
                        Oct 1890 - farm near WF for about
                        years, then to nearer WF.
 Walker, Wiley, W.      N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 478

 Walkup, J.W.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 483 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 483,
                        531, 532 - also K - Justice of
                        Peace early 1891 probably Beaver
                        Creak Area

 Walkup, John W.        K - Justic of Peace Pct 7
                        11/27/1890 Postmaster
                        Beaver Switch (Electra) May 3,
                        1890 - Nov. 18, 1904.
 Waller, C.             A - Vol. 1 Page 488, 498
 Waller, Clem.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 175

 Waller, Columbus       N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 175 -
                        K - Wife: Salina C.
                        ( -1922) Dau.: Seffie marr. 1896;
                        Sallie; ____ (Mrs J.W. Bentley -
                        in 1932) Sons: Henry; Mack; &
                        Byron - arr. in WF 1884 - On
                        Pension List here in 1908, left
                        in 1910.
 Wallermire, J.W.       H - Vol. 1 Page 47

 Walsh, E.P.            K - ( - 1930 in WF) To WF 1889
                        Dry Goods Store -
                        1917 County Auditor
 Walston, G.C.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 351

 Waltermire,            K - Page. 4 Ad: Strange &
                        Waltermire, Proprietors,
                        "Favorite Saloon"
 Waltermire, Eliza A.   N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 280

 Waltermire, W.J.       G - Vol. 2 Page 51, 60 - H - Vol.
                        1 Page 71, 73 -
                        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 280

 Waltermire, William J. US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. A 133rd & 47th Reg. Ohio
                        Inf. Service last of 64 or 65 ?
                        June 1865 1 yr. P.O. WF
 Walters, Dellar M.     N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 174
 Walters, H.N.          K - To Specht Colony Nov. 1888

 Walters, W.B.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 174 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 532

 Walton, F.P.           G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57, 58, 59,
 Waltz, Frank           F- Vol. 1 Page 4
 Ward, C.M.             H - Vol. 1 Page 56

 Ward, C.W.             G - Vol. 2 Page 44, 45, 62 - L -
                        Page 15, 37

 Ward, J.C.             A - Vol. 1 Page 527 - K - Page 1
                        - G - Vol. 2 Page 44 -
                        Also K - (1854-1940), Wife: Amie
                        Estelle Coon (1861- ) marr. Dec.
                        1885; Dau.: Nellie (1888-1961) -
                        Arr. in WF Aug. 27, 1882 - L -
                        Page 73

 Wardell, Andy          K - Page 8 Frank & Andy Wardell
                        of Seymour were in town
                        last week.

 Wardell, Frank         K - Page 8 Frank & Andy Wardell
                        of Seymour were in town
                        last week.

 Warner, W.H.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 179 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 533

 Warner, William H.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Capt. Co. H 15th Reg. Ill. Cav.
                        Service 20 Aug 1861 to 1 July
                        1865 3 yr.
                        10 mo. 12 dys. - P.O. Iowa Park
 Warren, A.             G - Vol. 2 Page 63

 Warren, Alvin          K - marr. Mary E. Preston
                        11/6/1890 - N - Deed Record
                        Vol. P Page 190
 Warren, C.C.           K - Dep. CN Bank March 1890

 Warren, E.P.           N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 52 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 44 -
                        K - E.P. & Co. Page 7 Ad: Real
                        Estate Agent, P.O. Box 143.

 Warren, F.P.           K - (1861- ) 1888 to Specht
                        Colony - 1917 to WF
 Warren, M.E. "Mollie"  K - To Specht Colony 1884 - Had
 (Mrs)                  four daughters -
                        marr. J.B. Evans 1894

 Warren, Mattie E.      K - marr. W.A. Culbertson
 Watson,                K - To WF in 1883 - Son: Robert
 ___(Mrs)(Widow)        J. (1880-1958 in WF) a

 Watson, ______         K - to WF about 1882 - Dau.:
                        Mollie marr. 1898

 Watson, Robert J.      K - to WF in 1884 -had birthday
                        party in WF 1952
 Watts, Nevie (Miss)    K - Page 1
 Weaver, Walson         F - Vol. 1 Page 1, 5

 Webb, C.R.             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 301 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page
                        59, 60
 Webb, M.E. (Mrs)       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 301
 Webster, Samuel        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 562
 Weeks, Minnie          K - marr. J.W. Hopkins 2/5/1890

 Weeth, Andrew          K - In 1889 to Specht Colony -
                        Wife: Gertrude - Dau.:
                        Nellie & Emma marr. 1911 - Son:
                        Albert J. marr. in 1904.
 Weldon, G.T.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 193
 Weldon, George         E - Vol. 1 Page 70
 Wells, John E.         N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 36
 West, C.P. "Sallie"    K - Widow To WF in 1883 and her
 (Mrs)                  brother - Mother
                        of Mrs. J. Frank Elliott - marr.
 West, Exie             H - Vol. 1 Page 73
 West, Tom              F - Vol. 1 Page 2, 4
 Wheeler, J.V.          G - Vol. 2 Page 56, 57
 Wheeler, John V.       G - Vol. 2 Page 44
 Wheeler, John          K - (1853-1940) Farm 1875, tract
 Valentine              near present Coyote
                        Stadium, left in 1890's - Wife:
                        Nancy (33 yrs old in 1890 - d.
                        Children in 1880 census: William
                        (3); Sidney (2); baby (4 mo.)

 Wheeler, R.P. (Dick)   K - ( -1913) probably 60 yrs of
                        age - To WF in 1880's
                        - Stage driver west Texas. For a
                        time was proprietor of Princess
                        Bar on
                        Indiana Ave.
 Wheelock, C.B.         H - Vol. 1 Page 55
 Wheelock, Rob          H - Vol. 1 Page 55

 White, C.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 110 -
                        K - ( -1896) - Wife:
                        Mahale Catherine, widow of David
                        Avis - Bank, grocery - A - Vol. 1
                        Page 516 - G - Vol. 2 Page 54 -
                        also K - C.C. & Co. Page 2 Ad:
                        or retail Groceries and Dry
                        Goods, Ohio Ave.

 White, Cora            K - marr. W.T. Anderson
                        12/26/1890 by J.C. White, M.G.
 White, J.C. (Rev)      K - Page 2 Pastor, Baptist Church
 White, J.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 23
 White, J.F.            G - Vol. 2 Page 48, 60

 White, John C.         K - M.G. Oct, Nov, Dec 1890 - N -
                        Deed Record Vol. S
                        Page 223

 White, John J.         K - Farm one mile west of Iowa
                        Park in 1891 moved to
                        Iowa Park for schools - Son: J.J.
                        (1879-1963); Dau.:____ now Mrs.
                        Blalock of Iowa Park; _____ now
                        Mrs. O.H.K. Ross.

 White, John            K - & White, M. (Mrs) Charter
                        members of Presbyterian
                        Church of Iowa Park in 1890. -
                        also N - Deed Record Vol. S Page

 White, M.T.            K - Marr. Miss E.J. Hawkins
                        8/17/1890 by F.H.
                        Stamps, M.G.
 White, Margaret        N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 30
 White, Mary            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 223
 White, Minnie          K - marr. W.A. Lloyd 10/3/1890
 Whittson, Frank        F - Vol. 1 Page 5

 Wicham, C.J.           K - Page 4 Ad: C.J. Wicham
                        solicits orders from all who
                        want painting of any kind done.
                        He understands all branches of
                        the art.

 Wichan, John           US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. J 7th Reg. Cal. Inf. -
                        Service 5 Nov 1863 to June 1865 1
                        5 mo. P.O. WF
 Wickham, W.C.          H - Vol. 1 Page 59
 Wigham, George         To WF in 1890, In Wichita Co. to
 Washington             1915, In Burk.
                        Several Children

 Willard, C.C.          K - (1870) - 1890 Jan 5, employed
                        by Moore & Richalt
                        Lumber Co., later a contractor -
                        one of first alderman for several

 Willett, J.            K - Page 1 Has about completed
                        his neat residence on
                        the hill and will move in it
 Willett, J.W.          N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 137

 William, Fisher        See: Fisher, William - Fisher
                        appears to be the corect
                        last name but it is listed
                        differently than the others in
                        the 1890 census.
 Williams, Henry T.     M -

 Williams, J. Eddie     K - In Wf in 1890, photo taken
 Williams, L.           L - Page 21

 Williams, Lon          L - Page 45 - K - Nov. 1889 paid
                        for hauling dead dogs.
 Williams, Maggie E.    K - Arr. in WF 1879 - Age 38,
 (Mrs)                  widow of Thomas J.
                        Williams who died in 1887 -
                        Children 1890: Benjamin C. (19);
                        Lulu (17);
                        Maggie (15); Ellie (14); Thomas
                        (11) - In 1899 marr. Pete
 Williams, S.J.         H - Vol. 1 Page 62

 Williams, Wick         G - Vol. 2 Page 48, 60 - L - Page
 Williamson, A.L.       L - Page 32
 Williamson, P.C.       N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 207

 Willis, Andrew J.      K - July 4, 1890 to farm on
                        Gilbert Creek Also in Burk
                        area - Seven Children: Hiram "Hi"
                        (1876-1948) marr. Mattie T.
                        12/24/1893; Ethel (1884-'64)
                        marr. 1900 to A.B. Wofford;
                        Jessie (dau);
                        T. Guy; D.B.

 Willis, B.F.           A - Vol. 1 Page 532 - G - Vol. 2
                        Page 54
 Willis, Benjamin       K - bro. of A.J. Willis - In 1889
 Franklin               was farming in
                        Gilbert Creek area

 Willis, Hiram          Wichita Daily Times Thur., Nov.
                        25, 1948 pg 1 Obit: He
                        was a Wichita Co. farmer rancher
                        since 1890. He settled on a Red
                        farm not far from present Burk.
                        On Dec. 24, 1893 he marr. Miss
                        Hawkins who died in WF July 3,
                        1948. He bought farm in Cashian
                        in 1897. He moved to WF in Oct.
                        1918. One daughter is Mrs. Bryan
                        of WF.

 Willitt, J.W.          G - Vol. 2 Page 47 - K - Wife:
                        ____ d. Aug. 7, 1890 -
                        Sons: Wm. P. (14); Robert L. (7);
                        James (2) - Dau.: Maggie L. (16);
                        Mamie (11)

 Wilson, _____          K - to WF in 1883 - Sons: Lloyd
                        A. (1880-1960), Guy;
 Wilson, A.B.           H - Vol. 1 Page 62, 65
 Wilson, Bertha (Miss)  K - Page 1
 Wilson, E.P.           A - Vol. 1 Page 532
 Wilson, Ed             G - Vol. 2 Page 62
 Wilson, J.A.           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 177
 Wilson, Peet           F - Vol. 1 Page 2, 4

 Wilson, T.H.           N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 623 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 59 -
                        L - Page 65
 Wilson, T.M.           A - Vol. 1 Page 501
 Wilson, W.A.           A - Vol. 1 Page 487

 Windle, Alex           K - (d. Feb 1909 age 71) In 1889
                        from Iowa, located in
                        Iowa Park in hardware business.
                        Later established Iowa Park
                        Register and
                        published until late 1908. Dau.:
                        Alta b. March 1880 in Iowa

 Windle, Alexander      US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Sgt. Co. A 146th Reg. Ill. Inf.
                        Service 10 Aug 1864 to 25 July
                        11 mo. 15 dys. P.O. Iowa Park
 Windle, Sabina A.
 (Mrs)                  N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 445
 Winfrey, G.H.          A - Vol. 1 Page 523

 Winfrey, Giles H.      Wife: Frances (1862-1944) Had 5
                        children - in area 55
 Winfrey, J.B. (?)      G - Vol. 2 Page 63

 Winfrey, J.B.          A - Vol. 1 Page 521 -G - Vol. 2
                        Page 61, 62
 Winfrey, J.B.          G - Vol. 2 Page 62

 Winslow, Thomas B.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        This name added to census as a US
                        Soldier, nothing more. P.O. WF
 Wisdom, (Mrs)          A - Vol. 1 Page 525
 Wisdom, J.W.           G - Vol. 2 Page 44, 45
 Wise, Joe              H - Vol. 1 Page 57, 58
 Wiseman, E.S.          N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 113
 Wiseman, Ed. S.        N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 258

 Withers, Nellie B.     K - marr. G.H. Ewell, Jr.
 Withers, W.P.          G - Vol. 2 Page 59
 Withers, W.P.          G - Vol. 2 Page 59, 60, 61
 Wlson, T.H.            K - Page 4 Ad: Grocer, 7th St.

 Wolf, D.T.             K - Page 3 Ad: Is still in the
                        city attending to the
                        filling of orders for poisoned
                        wheat same as ever. This
                        excellent prairie
                        dog exterminator can be found on
                        sale at R.F. Simpson & Co. and
                        left at C.C. White & Co's. will
                        also receive prompt attention.
 Wolf, John             N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 463

 Wood, Margareth S.     US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Widow of Cpl. Co. R 5th Reg. Ala.
                        Cav. Service 1864 to 1865. On
                        this page
                        there was an "X" next to this
                        name. All others had a check
                        mark. P.O. WF.
 Woodhausr, John T.     G - Vol. 2 Page 63
 Woodhouse, Bessie
 (Miss)                 K - Page 1
 Woodhouse, I.T.        A - Vol. 1 Page 471

 Woodhouse, J.T.        N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 307 -
                        A - Vol. 1 Page 537 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 64 - L - Page 19,

 Woodhouse, Jno. T.     A - Vol. 1 Page 488 - L - Page
                        45, 64

 Woodhouse, John T.     A - Vol. 1 Page 477 - K -
                        (1844-1932) March 6, 1890
                        made deposit in CNB - Wife: Sarah
                        Price (1854-1948) - Dau.: Addie
                        ( -1965); Bessie (1876-1966)
                        (grad. 1892, later Mtrs. J.E.

 Woodhouse, John        K - Page 5 Ad: Sole agent for
                        Chicosa, Franceville &
                        Trinadad coals.
 Woodhouse, S.E. (Mrs)  N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 307
 Wootan, Henry          H - Vol. 1 Page 68
 Wooten, Henry          A - Vol. 1 Page 474, 496, 521
 Word, C.W.             N - Deed Record Vol. Q Page 53

 Word, Charles W.       K - Came about 1886 - Home 1886
                        at present site of
                        Clinic Hospital - Left in 1890's
 Worley, J.P.           M -
 Worley, R.H.           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 588

 Worttun, Richard J.    US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Name may be Wortton: Pvt. Co. A
                        83rd Reg. Ill. Inf. 1862 to 1863
                        1 yr.
                        P.O. Iowa Park

 Wyatt, F.B.            K - CNB open 3/6/1890 stockholder
                        Jan. 1891 board of
 Wyatt, Maud            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 263

 Wyatt, Wiley           N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 97 -
                        K - Wife: Maud Ballow
                        marr. 2/22/1886 - Built Wyatt
                        Hotel, large property owner.
 Yarbo, R.Z.            G - Vol. 2 Page 59, 60
 Yauger, W.L.           N - Deed Record Vol. R Page 82

 Yeager, M.F.           K - To WF in 1887 - Lawyer &
                        County Judge - Wife: Alice
                        Brown (1884 or '86) - had ten
                        children, one son: R. Ambrose

 Young, C.A.            K - To WF in 1889 - Two sons &
                        three daughters - one
                        son: Lloyd S. (May 1889 - to WF
                        when 2 mo. old)

 Young, C.E.            G - Vol. 2 Page 44, 45, 59, 61,
                        62 - J - Vol. 1 Pg 179

 Young, Chas. E.        US Census Wichita Co, 1890 R.102
                        B. 176
                        Pvt. Co. C 33rd Reg. Wis. Inf. 5
                        Jan 1863 to 29 Sept 1865 2 yr. 8
                        24 dys - P.O. WF
 Young, H.C.            N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 310
 Young, P.E.            G - Vol. 2 Page 44
 Young, W.S.            A - Vol. 1 Page 505
 Zachary, May B. (Mrs)  K - marr. W.S. Cannon 8/19/1890

 Zeigler, J.C.          A - Vol. 1 Page 493, 538 - E -
                        Vol. 1 Pg 79 - L - Page
                        15, 54
 Zendelowitz, A.        G - Vol. 2 Page 46

 Ziegler, J.C.          N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 462 -
                        K - Page 1 Ad:

 Ziegler, John C.       K - (1855-1953) To WF 1888 -
                        Three dau. & one son -
                        tinsmith & inventor
 Ziegler, Minna (Miss)  K - Page 1
 Ziegler, Minna         N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 462

 Ziegler, Wilhelmina    K - To WF 1888 - Musician - Frau
                        Von der Lippe - Sister
                        of John C.
 Zigler, J.C.           A - Vol. 1 Page 501
 Zimmerman, Charles
 Olin                   N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 303

 Zundelowitz, A.        N - Deed Record Vol. P Page 337 -
                        G - Vol. 2 Page 47 -
                        H - Vol. 1 Page 59 - K - One of
                        original CNB openers 3/6/1890 -
                        Many rent
                        houses - L - Page 70
 Zundelowitz, Rebecca   N - Deed Record Vol. S Page 272


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