Hines Funeral Home, Wichita County, TX

Hines Funeral Home, Wichita County, TX - Starts 1922

The Hines Undertaker books were located at Hampton-Vaughn Funeral Home, Wichita Falls, TX

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Page Name                  Age  Date of Birth Date of Death   Interment
           Additional Info from Records

   1  Mary Isabell Collins                      Jan 1, 1922   Catholic Cemetery
           Residence 1402 1/2 Kemp; place of d., hosp.; Father, J.C. Collins, b. TX;
           Mother,(Pohliman), b. LA.
  2  Eva B. Stratton (Miss)                    Jan 2, 1922   Riverside Cemetery
           Residence 1301 Austin;  Single; Baptist; Occupation: Schoolteacher; Father,
           M.H. Stratton, b. TX.
  3  James W. Jeffers                          Jan 2, 1922
           Charged to C.H. Jeffers; Cause of d. unknown.
  4  J.K. Scroggins                            Jan 4, 1922
           Residence 1302 Britton.
  5  Mrs. U.V. Thomas     24   Aug 6, 1898    Jan 12, 1922   Newport, TX Cem.
           Married; Father, E.J. Jones, b. TN; Mother, Ada Eldier, b. TX.
  6  W. Brauman           69   Mar 4          Jan 12, 1922   Byers, TX Cemetery
           Single; Res. Rt. #4; Place of death, 10 miles north;  Father, J.B. Brauman,
           b. TN; Mother, (Ourus), b. SC; 
           Charged to J.M. Brauman.
  7  Mrs. Z.E. Coates                         Jan 13, 1922   Snider Cemetery
           Widow; Residence 800 Austin; Charged to James R. Welch , Son-in-Law.
  8  (Inf.) A.J. Vaughn    0                  Jan 14, 1922   Thornberry Cem.
           Stillborn; Father, A.J. Vaughn, b. TX; Mother, Willie Horn, b. TX; 
           Residence Thornberry, TX.
  9  J.E. Williams        45   Nov 17, 1876   Jan 16, 1922   Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d. Pneumonia; Father, T.J. Williams, b. TN; Mother, Maggie Davis, b. AL;
           Charged to Mr. H.H. Davenport.
 10  B.M. Furger               Jan 23, 1886   Jan 20, 1922   Rosemont Cemetery
     & Son, Joe                Oct 30, 1919   Jan 20, 1922   Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d., burned; Place of d: at residence, 204 Burnett; Father, B.M. Furger,
           b. TN; Mother, Ret Jacobs, b. TN; Charged to wife.
 11  Mrs. E.J. Shumake   60   Aug 30, 1861    Jan 23, 1922   Riverside Cemetery
        Residence 1607 10th; Place of d., residence.
 12  (Inf.)Son & Daughter 0   Jan 24, 1922    Jan 24, 1922   Riverside Cemetery
       of M.J. Scott
           Stillborn; Father, M.J. Scott, b. TX; Mother, Maud Corbett, b. TX.
 13  (Inf.) Dau. of George 4m7d Sep 19, 1921  Jan 26, 1922   Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d. Pneumonia; Father, George Baker, b. CO; Mother, Hulemina Cain, 
           b. TX; Residence Stock Yards Addition.
 14  Hugh Keinginham     34     Apr 4         Jan 28, 1922   Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., TB; Residence, 611 Michigan; Father, J.C. Keinginham, b. TX; Mother,
           Alice Snider, b. KY.
 15  John A. Whitakes    72     Mar 9         Jan 28, 1922   RosemontCemetery
           Cause of d., Murdered; Residence, 1216 20th; Father, John Whitakes;
           Charged to: T.L. Whitakes, Marlow, OK.
 16  Versella Baker         Sep 19, 1921      Jan 31, 1922   Rosemont Cemetery
        Cause of d, pneumonia; Father, George Baker, b. CO; Mother, (Cain), b. TX;
        Residence, Stock Yards Addition.
 17  Mrs. Max Shumake    35  Apr 4, 1886       Feb 1, 1922   Riverside Cemetery
        Place of d, hospital; Residence, 1607 10th; Father G.W. Hawkins, b. MO; Mother,
        (Thomas), b. VA; Charged to: Max Shumake. 
 18  M (W) O. Lamb                                           Riverside Cemetery
        Place of d, Gilmer, TX; Charged to: B.L. Lamb, RFD #1.
 19  M.J. Robinson       73  Aug 8, 1848       Feb 2, 1922   Riverside Cemetery
        Place of d, Wichita Falls, TX; Father, Robinson, b. GA; Mother, (Jones), b. MS.
 20  John Seibert                              Feb 3, 1922
        Residence, Dundee, TX; Order given by: Mrs. Barnes
 21  G.N. Smith          53 May 15, 1868       Feb 7, 1922   Rosemont Cemetery
        Occupation: RR Conductor; Residence 201 Travis; Married; Father, G.N. Smith,
        b. MO; Mother, Miss Sparn; Charged to: W.O.W.
 22  (Inf.) Fancher       0 May 17, 1924      May 17, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Stillborn; Father, D.O. Fancher, b. TX; Mother, Elvira Fox; Residence, 200 Bluff.
 23  James H. Parker     67 Oct 27, 1856      May 18, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Cause of d, Paryliss; Father, William Parker, b. IL; Mother Katherine Hutchins; 
        Charged to: Mrs. Sherrill, 1720 9th.
 24  Ruby Reaves         18                   May 20, 1924   Holliday, TX Cem.
        Residence, Holliday, TX; Father, Earl Reaves, b. OK; Mother, Mabel Deaton, b. OK;
        Charged to S.T. Reaves, Holliday, TX.
 25  (Inf.) Willie Boyd                       May 20, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Colored; Charged to: Willie Boyd, 514 Lake.
 26  Turessa Gant        71  Feb 19           May 21, 1924   Mexia, TX Cemetery
        Cause of d, hernia; Widow; Residence 1205 Indiana; Father, George Gant, b. TN;
        Mother, Turessa Walden, b. AR; Charged to W.S. Hendrix, 1205 Indiana.
 27  Mrs. Alma B. Doss   81                   May 21, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Cause of d., Old Age; Residence 806 4th; Father, Henry Burham; Charged to: H.W. Doss, 
        825 N. Broadway, Shawnee, OK.
 28  (Inf) Gullihorn      0                   May 25, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Stillborn; Father, S.J. Gullihorn, B. AL; Mother, Ida Pauline Burris, b. AR;
        Residence 1632 Lucillel
 29  Alice E. Sparks      3yr                 May 27, 1924   Holliday Cemetery
        Cause of d, Measles; Father, Albert Sparks, b. TX; Mother, Mamie Patterson, b. GA;
        Residence, Holliday, TX.
 30  B.H. Dennison        1yr                  Jun 1, 1924   Childress, TX
        Father, B.H. Dennison, b. TX; Mother, (McConnell), b., TX; Residence, Holliday, TX.
 31  Mrs. J.H. Young     44 Jul 11, 1881       Jun 3, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Cause of d, Pellagra; Residence 2809 Ave. R; Father, Dave Jarries; Mother,
        Lon Fountain, b. AL.
 32  Estella Robertson (C)  4m                 Jun 4, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Colored; Father, Rosvett Robertson; Mother, Willie Leonard, b. TX.
 33  George A. Prentis   56                    Jun 4, 1924   Canon City, CO
        Cause of d, Carbunicle; Residence, 705 11th; Father, Dr. George Prentis.
 34  Mrs. Edward Lane    75                    Jun 4, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, M.M. Lane, b. NC; Mother, Elizabeth Brown, b. TN.
 35  Lena May Evans       8yr                  Jun 7, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, A. Evans, b. TX; Residence, 404 1st.
 36  R. H. Miller        34                    Jun 7, 1924   De Kalb, TX
        Cause of d., Pistol Shot; Residence 1309 N. 3rd; Father, Fox Hall, b. TX; Mother, 
        Ella Heldon; Charged to: R.H. Miller, Oilton, OK, Masonic Lodge #467 % Mrs. Finck.
 37  Matibidad Rodriguy  45                    Jun 9, 1924   Catholic Cemetery
        Residence, 316 Flood; Charged to: M. Mega.
 38  Fred Von Luterman   46 Jul 28, 1877      Jun 12, 1924   Iowa Park, TX
        Cause of d., Sunstroke; single; farmer; Lutheran; Residence Iowa Park, TX;
        Place of d. 1808 Elizabeth; Father, Gottfried Von Luterman, b. Switzerland; Mother,
        Bertha Morrell; Charged to Mrs. Lillis Morgan, 1808 Elizabeth.
 39  Daniel James Woodall 2yr                 Jun 14, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, J.C. Woodall, b. TX; Mother, Gertrude Smith; Residence 604 Bridge St.
 40  Celso Lopaz, Jr.  2m15d                  Jun 15, 1924   Sacred Heart Cem.
        Father Celso Lopaz, b. TX; Mother, Roselia Rodrig.; Residence, end 5th Street.
 41  (Inf.) J.Q. Bass     0                   Jun 28, 1924   Electra, TX
        Stillborn; Father, J.Q. Bass, b. TX; Mother, Qula Birdwell, b. TX; Residence 1300 8th.
 42  Ula May Neel         8m                  Jun 28, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Father, Alvin Neel, b. AR; Mother, Ocie Knight; Residence, 1206 N. 6th.
 43  J.V. Williams     1yr6m                  Jun 30, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Father, J.V. Williams, b. TX; Mother, Addie Cordray, b. TX; Residence 1512 Harrison;
        Charged to W.M. Summers, 1512 Harrison.
 44  (Inf.) L.B. Wilcox   0                    Jul 1, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Stillborn; Father, B.L. Wilcox, b. TX; Mother, Lena Hawkins, b. TX; Residence, 1410 Sibley.
 45  Mrs. J.R. Moore     43 Jun 23, 1881       Jul 4, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Married; Methodist; Father, G.M. Spence, b. AL; Mother (Whitley), b AR.
 46  Morris Brock         2m                   Jul 7, 1924   Holliday Cemetery
        Father, L.F. Brock, b. TX; Mother, Mabel Hollins, b. OK; Residence, Holliday, TX.
 47  (Inf.) Roach         0                   Jul 12, 1924   Holliday Cemetery
        Stillborn; Father, J.F. Roach, b. TX; Residence, Holliday, TX; Charged to:
        C.H. Brock, Holliday, TX.
 48  (Inf.) C.D. Hare                         Jul 12, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Place of d., General Hospital; Father, C.D. Hare, b. TX; Mother, Zula Stokes,
        b. TX; Residence, 909 Denver.
 49  S.L. Ward                                Jul 12, 1924   Dean, TX
        Stillborn; Father, Carl Wright, b. TX; Mother, Verna May Ward;
        Residence 309 Seymour Rd; Charged to: S.L. Ward.
 50  T.E. Bettes, Jr.  11m Aug 10, 1923     Jul 14, 1924   Thornberry, TX
        Residence, Thornberry, TX; Charged to Mrs. J.L. Maxwell.
 51  (Inf.) J.E. Gillam   0                   Jul 15, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Stillborn;  Father, J.E. Gilliam; Mother, Ira Adams, b. TN; Residence, 2109 Polk.
 52  (Page Blank) 

 53  Mrs. I.G. Preissinger 67                 Jul 17, 1924   Denton, TX
        Cause of d., Gotre; Residence, Rt. 4; Father, H.A. Anderson; Charged to: F.E. Erwin.
 54  Mrs. C.A. Johnson   71                   Jul 19, 1924   League City, TX
        Cause of d., Jaundice; Married; Residence, 400 Austin; Father, Aaron Trimble, b. KY;
        Mother, (Whitman), b. TN; Charged to Frank Crispliver.
 55  Emma Duren          29                   Jul 20, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, C.A. Duren, b. TN; Mother, Mary Forgy, b. TX; Residence, Call Field;
        Charge to: G.C. Duren, Call Field.
 56  Mrs. Ted Bayer      28   Jun 10          Jul 23, 1924   Duncan, OK
        Place of d., General Hosp.; Residence, Duncan, OK; Father, T.E. Lilly, b. TX;
        Charge to: Edwin B. Walker, Duncan, OK.
 57  Betty Lee Robinson  16                   Jul 22, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, Rev. H.C. Robinson, b. TX; Mother, Willie Lambert; Residence 310 Dallas Street.
 58  Mr. C. Short        63                   Jul 24, 1924   Chico, TX
        Cause of d., Gall Stones; Residence, 500 Burnett; Father, William Bradford, b. IL;
        Charged to C. Short, 500 Burnett.
 59  Oscar Fay Tucker     0                   Jul 24, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Stillborn; Father, J.A. Tucker, b. TX; Mother, Walzie Olive, b. TX; Residence 908 5th.
 60  Mrs. S. E. Helburns 72                   Jul 24, 1924   Corsicana, TX
        Cause of d., Acute Indigestion; Residence, Thornberry, TX; Father, George Rutherford, b. GA;
        Mother, Luvenia Crume (?), b. MS; Charged to T.A. Hilburns, Thornberry, TX.
 61  Hellun G. Fore       6m                  Jul 26, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, C.P. Fore, b. TX; Mother, B. Moore, b. TX; Residence, Thornberry Road.
 62  W.Z. McAbee         73   Sep 1           Jul 28, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Residence 512 Burnett; Methodist; Father, William McAbee, b. NC; Mother, (Hersom), b. SC;
        Charged to: Walter McAbee, 512 Burnett.
 63  (Inf.) Opal Sissum   2wks Jul 7, 1924    Jul 25, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Place of d., General Hosp.; Residence, Burkburnett, TX; Charged to: Miss Hendrick, Wichita Falls, TX.
 64  Charles Moore                            Jul 28, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Place of d., Depot Hotel.
 65  W.M. Bridges        70                   Jul 25, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Residence, Elm St.; Charged to Mrs. W.M. Bridges, Elm St.
 66  M.W. Jones          68                   Jul 29, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Residence, 1906 7th; Father, Sam Jones; Charged to J.A. Carlton, 1906 7th.
 67  Miss Lonese Johnson 21                   Jul 30, 1924
        Father, H.L. Johnson, b. TX; Funeral services at Yale Evangelical Church;
        Charged to H.L. Johnson, 1502 Blonde St.
 68  M.C. Dean           46  Dec 2, 1876       Aug 1, 1924   Henrietta, TX
        Residence, Dean, TX; Charged to: C.Dean, Rt. 2.
 69  Mrs. Jessie Hart    83 Feb 12, 1851       Aug 1, 1924   Weatherford, TX
        Father, -- Clements; Charged to: Mrs. W.A. Fruar, 1627 10th.
 70  Wilburn Campbell     0                    Aug 2, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Charged to W.E. Campbell, 408 4th.
 71  Mrs. Lula Tetters   55                    Aug 4, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Residence 312 Houston St.; Charged to: H.W. Tetters, Littlefield, TX.
 72  Leonard Hartsfield  4m 19d                Aug 6, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Charged to; E.L. Hartsfield, 410 Brook St.
 73  Homer Clements, Jr.                      Aug 15, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, Homer Clements; Charged to Homer Clements, Sr., Oak Street Riverbank.
 74  Jack Dyer        2y 8m Dec 14, 1921      Aug 12, 1924   Sunset, TX
        Place of d.,2210 Yale; Residence, Sunset, TX; Charged to: Jess A. Dyer, 2210 Yale.
 75  C.O. Combs          40                   Aug 15, 1924   Boyd, TX
        Cause of d, Gunshot; Place of d., General Hospital; Father, W.C. Combs, b. AR; Mother,
        Adeline Lewis; Charged to: Jess Combs.
 76  Mrs. F. S. Rigsby   38  Feb 4, 1886      Aug 16, 1924   Beaumont, TX
        Place of d., General Hospital; Father, -- Bennett, b. TX; Charged to:
        F.S. Rigsby, 1605 Lucille.
 77  Ruel Oren Mussler   6m Feb 16, 1924      Aug 17, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, Walter L. Musler, b. MO; Mother, Onie Moore; Residence, 2511 Ave. Q.
 78  A.B. Womack         54  Mar 7, 1870      Aug 18, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Oil Operator; Baptist; Residence, 2113 10th; Father, James Womack, b. TN; Mother,
        Sophia Allen, b. TN; Charged to Mrs. A.B. Womack.
 79  Yearold Golden     15y Apr 14, 1909      Aug 19, 1924   Goree, TX
        Place of d., General Hospital; Residence, Bomartin, TX; Father, H.A. Golden; Mother,
        Minnie Price, b. TN.
 80  Mrs. C.M. Vernon    22    Dec 16         Aug 22, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, Jack Davis, b. MD; Mother, (Chambers), b. TN; Charged to C.M. Vernon, 109 E. 17th.
 81  J.L. Baggett        66  Oct 5, 1857      Aug 22, 1924   Archer City, TX
        Residence, Archer City, TX; Place of d., Dundee, TX; Charged to; Mrs. J.L. Baggett.
 82  (Inf.) Earl M. Baker                     Aug 26, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Stillborn; Father, Earl Baker, b. MO; Mother, Pheobe Van Horn, b. IL;
        Residence, 1305 Giddings.
 83  Elzora May Jones    18   May 23          Aug 26, 1924   Brownwood, TX
        Suicide; Residence 400 Seymour; Father, Jack Horton, b. TX; Mother, Mary Mannig, b. TX;
        Charged to Jack Horton, 400 Seymour.
 84  W.B. Hampton        59  Sep 7, 1864      Aug 29, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Father, William Hampton, b. TN; Charged to: C.P. Hampton, 2002 Pearl.
 85  J.W. Cromeaus ?     52  Feb 8, 1872      Aug 31, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Place of d., General Hospital; Father, A.J. Cromeaus ?, b. MS; Mother, 
        Nancy Woods, b. TX; Charged to: J.A. Cromeaus ?, 311 Swallow St.
 86  (Inf.) Norwood                            Sep 2, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Stillborn; Father, F.R. Norwood; Mother, Oda Blackwell; Residence 3303 Garfield.
 87  (Inf.) Lola May Dunn 0                    Sep 3, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Stillborn; Mother, Lola May Martin, b. TX; Charged to; W.M. Martin, Rt. 2, Box 31.
 88  (Inf.) Elnora Casey                       Sep 4, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Stillborn; Father, -- Casey; Mother, Elnora Harris; Charged to: Westy Harris.
 89  Blanche Powell (C)  28                    Sep 7, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, Wilton King; Charged to: Mrs. Fleming, 1706 10th.
 90  Abe Davis           58 Jun 30, 1866       Sep 7, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Residence, 101 Patterson; Occupation: Texoma Refinery; Father, A.G. Davis,
        b. Brownwood, TX; Mother, Marley Brown, b. TX; Charged to Mrs. Abe Davis.
 91  (Inf.) E.H. Holder   0                   Sep 10, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Stillborn; Father, E.H. Holder, b. TX; Residence, 500 Denver.
 92  W.D. Vernon         39    Dec 6          Sep 11, 1924   Haskell, TX
        Place of d., General Hospital; Residence, Rule, TX; Father, O.O. Vernon, b. MS;
        Mother (Harris), b. MS; Charge to W.D. Vernon, Rule, TX.
 93  (Inf.) W.L. Cadle                        Sep 17, 1924   Holliday, TX
        Stillborn; Father, W.L. Cadle, Holliday, TX.
 94  Z.E. Brown, Jr.  2m 6d                 Sep 17, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, Z.E. Brown, Sr., 1301 20th St.
 95  Mrs. Blanche Harrison 31   Jul 17        Sep 18, 1924   Rosemont Cemetery
        Cause of d., Gun Shot; Residence, 112 Galveston; Father, W.A. Moore, b. TX; Mother,
        M.E. Gregg; Charged to W.S. Moore, 123 Jalonic St.
 96  Fletcher Marion Dwight 1y Nov 11, 1922   Sep 25, 1924   Riverside Cemetery
        Father, F.M. Dwight, b. TX; Mother, M. Austin, b. AR; Residence, 306 Burnett.
 97  Margaret E. Lambreth (C) 9               Sep 26, 1924   Paris, TX
        Cause of d., Convulsions; Residence, 1416 Hayes; Father, Sam Lambreth, b. TX;
        Mother, Jessie Petty, b. TX; Charged to T.J. Waggoner, 1416 Hayes.
 98  S.P. Blackbourn     63     Jun 1859      Jun 23, 1922   Sherman, TX
        Cause of d., Tubucolis; Farmer; Father, William Blackbourn, b. Ireland;
        Mother, Mary Blackbourn; Charged to: B.E. Blackbourn, 111 Galveston.
 99  J.M. Fuller         65   Oct 2           Jun 24, 1922   Grand Saline, TX
        Cause of d., Nephritis; Address, 2710 Grant.
100  Martha Eliz. Browning 1y Apr 2, 1921    Jun 25, 1922
        Cause of d., Natural Causes; Father, W.E. Browning, b. AL; Mother,
        Ivy Bell Davis, b. Mexico; Residence, 2nd & Lake St.
101  Mrs. C.M. Dodgen      Aug 29, 1870      Jun 27, 1922   Rosemont Cemetery
        Baptist; Father, O.B. Hester, b. AL; Mother, Margaret Lee, b. AL; 
        Charged to C.M. Dodgen, 406 Lamar.
102  Mrs. J.J. Hooper   41 Oct 29, 1880      Jun 30, 1922   Henrietta, TX
        Place of d, Lee & Jones Hosp., Henrietta, TX; Father, P.A. Brown, b. TN; 
        Mother, Mattie M. Williams, b. AL; Charged to: J.J. Hooper, 406 Adams.
103  William Sellers       Jan 27, 1884      Jun 30, 1922   Riverside Cemetery
        Cause of d., Abcess; Baptist; Farmer; Residence, 1310 4th; Father, F.M. Sellers, b. TX;
        Mother, (Scuggs), b MO; Charged to F.M. Sellers, 707 Cherry, Abilene, TX. 
104  M.E. Ramsey        29  Oct 2, 1892      Jun 30, 1922   Carterville, MO
        Cause of d., Fell from Derrick; Place of d., hospital; Occupation: Well Driller;
        single; Father, Mark Ramsey, b. MO; Mother, Victor Baker, b. MO; Body shipped to
        Webb City, MO; Order given by Hampton & Freeman, Charged to; W.P. Glades, Adm.
105  Mrs. Alice Jones   56 Mar 13, 1866       Jul 1, 1922   Seymour, TX   
        Cause of d., Apoplexy; Place of d., Wichita Falls; Father, J.C. McKeehan, b. TN;
        Mother, Susan L. Wilcox, b. TN; Charge to J.O. Jones.
106  (Inf.) J.I. Lesh                         Jul 5, 1922   Bellevue, TX
        Stillborn; Place of d., Petrolia, TX; Father, J.I. Lesh, b. PA; Mother, Ocie McGuire, b. OK.
107  Mrs. Louise E. Baker  Dec 14, 1905       Jul 7, 1922   Riverside Cemetery
        Cause of d., Dyph.; Housewife; Methodist; Residence, 305 Austin; Place of d.,
        209 Bluff; Father, T.P. George; Mother, Fannie Graves; 
        Order given by Husband, F.W. Baker, 209 Bluff. 
108  J.O. Calvin        39  Oct 5, 1883       Jul 6, 1922   Burkett, TX
        Cause of d., Gunshot; Place of d., 503 Holliday; Body to be shipped to
        Cross Plains, TX; Funeral at Burkett, TX; Father, H.F. Calvin, b. TX.
109 (Inf.) E.A. Griswill	0	Jul 8, 1922	Jul 8, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Stillborn; Residence, 512 Burnett; Father, E.A. Griswell, b. TX; Mother, Butah Mullins, b. TX; 
           Order given by: Mrs. Benson.

110 Julian F. Zeplin		Oct 17, 1867	Jul 8, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Accident; Place of d., Barker residence; Funeral: Masonic; Occupation: Sabion ?; 
           Father, John Zeplin; Charged to: Masonic.

111 Mrs. F.A. Skiles	84	Jul 26, 1838	Jul 9, 1922	Plano, TX
           Cause of d., Paralysis; Place of d., Holliday, TX; Father, George Drake, b. TN; Mother, Mary Carson, b. TN

112 B.L. Wilcox	0		Jul 9, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Stillborn; Residence, 1617 Myrtle; Father, B.L. Wilcox, Sr., b. TX; Mother, Lena Hawkins, b. TX.

113 Rodger C. Gladis	2m 15d		Jul 8, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Residence, 204 Diggs; Father, Grove Gladis, b. TX; Mother, B. Barney, b. TX.

114 W.C. Browning	67	Apr 7	Jul 9, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Heart Failure; Place of d., 5 miles east; Farmer; Baptist; Order given by: Daughter.

115 Frances Nell Stauiforth			Jul 4, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Stillborn; Place of d., Denver, CO; Father, Mr. Stauiforth, b. TX; Mother, Margaret Light, b. TX; 
           Residence, 1100 Alma.

116 Dorothy Frances Sauls		Mar 7, 1922	Jul 12, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Summer Complaint; Place of d., 130 3rd; Father, T.C. Sauls, b. TX; Mother, Edna Taylor, b. TX.

117 Mrs. Nettie Lammers	64	Dec 31, 1858	Jul 17, 1922	Bronte, TX
           Cause of d., Heart Failure; Order given by Dr. Parnell; Charged to Bryant & Blane Lammers, 300 Scott; 
           Residence, J.C. Lammers, Bronte, TX.

118 (Inf.) W.S. Boatwright			Jul 18, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Stillborn; Father, W.S. Boatwright, b. TX; Mother, Cora May Duty, b. TX.

119 Mrs. M.C. Livermore	78	Oct 28, 1844	Jul 18, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Epileptic; Place of d., 6 miles north of town; Order given by husband.

120 Sam A. Morris	32	Dec 30, 1890	Jul 21, 1922	Natchez, MS
           Cause of d., Auto Accident; Place of d., Wichita Falls; Occupation: Drug Clerk; 
           Father, Dave Morris, b. West Prussia, GA; Mother, Mary Lewis, b. MS; Charge to Sid Heine, Burkburnett, TX.

121 (Inf.) J.S. Gullahorn			Jul 22, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Stillborn; Residence, 1627 Lucille; Father, J.S. Gullahorn, b. AL; Mother, Pauline Buous, b. AR.

122 A.A. Vincent		78	Jun 1, 1844	Jul 22, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Widow; Baptist; Father, W.F. Vincent, b. NC; Charged to (son) D.L. Vincent, 1604 Austin.

123 Mrs. Matilda Veach	75	Feb 5, 1847		Riverside Cemetery
           Residence, 202 Cliff; Widow; Baptist; Father, J.H. Shelton; Order given by: daughter.

124 Robert N. Dees	54	Jul 8, 1868	Aug 1, 1922	Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d., Heart Failure; Occupation, Carpenter; Methodist; Residence, 2302 Ave. Q; Father, S.A. Dees, b. KY; 
           Mother, Jane Reynolds, b. AR; Order given by: IOOF; Charged to: Mrs. Dees.

125 Mrs. F.K. Maness	25			Riverside Cemetery
           Funeral Aug 6, 1922; Residence, Brick Plant; Married; Father, J.M. Castill, b. TX; Order Given by A.B. Brooks; 
           Charged to: Wichita Co.

126 Hellen Hickman	9		Aug 5, 1922	Clarendon, TX
           Cause of d., Typhoid Fever; Place of d., Call Field Hospital; Father, James Hickman, b. TX; Mother, Jane McCracken; 
           Charge to: James Hickman, Electra, TX.

127 Eliz. Hall Pitman	5		Aug 6, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Scarlett Fever; Father, J.S. Pitman, b. TX; Mother, Dorothy hall, b. IN; Resicence, 1707 Austin; 
           Funeral at 1st Presbyterian.

128 Alice Brandt			Aug 6, 1922
           Place of d., 12 miles east of City; Charged to H.G. Brandt, Rt. 6, Wichita Falls.

129 M.M. Duncan			Aug 6, 1922
           Cause of d., Heart Failure; Place of d., Wichita Falls; Charged to: V.A. Wallace, Hughes Spring.

130 P.H. Johnson	42		Aug 7, 1922	Grandbury, TX
           Cause of d., Typhoid Pneumonia; Residence, 304 Scott; Laborer; Married; Order Given by: R.M. Johnson; 
           Charged to P.M. Johnson, Rt. 1, Grandbury, TX.

131 Louie Jackson	17		Aug 6, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Gun Shot Wounds; Place of d., Call Field Hospital; Single; Baptist; Father, Ed Jackson, b. TX; 
           Charged to Jessie Jackson, 1404 9th-Scotland Add.

132 (Inf.) Speake			Aug 7, 1922
           Stillborn; Father, G.T. Speake; Charge to G.T. Speake, 101 New York Ave., Ft. Worth, TX.

133 Mabel Hackman	6	Apr 22, 1916	Jul 25, 1922	Clarendon, TX
           Cause of d., Typhoid; Father, James Heckman, b. TX; Mother, (McCracken), b. AL; Place of d., Wichita Falls; 
           Order given by: Mother.

134 William B. Garneny	26		Aug 10, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Tuburolis; Place of d., Houston, TX; Occupation: RR Car Inspector; Methodist; Order given by: Mother; 
           Charged to RR Shop Craft, Labor Temple.

135 Jessie L. Smith	30	Nov 17, 1892	Aug 14, 1922	Eldorado Spr., MO
           Cause of d., Auto Accident; Place of d., Lee & Jones Hospital; Occupation; Taylor ?; Father, W.L. Smith, b. IL; 
           Mother, Bettie A. Jennings, b. MO; Order given by Hospital.

136 Mrs. J.C. White	30	Jul 1, 1892	Aug 18, 1922	Maud, TX
           Cause of d., Pneumonia; Place of d., Charlie, TX; Father, W.K. Fisher, b. GA; Mother, Nora Formby, b. GA; 
           Charged to: J.C. White, Charlie, TX.

137 Floyd Payne	6		Aug 20, 1922	Mill Creek, OK
           Cause of d., Accident Automobile; Place of d., Call Field Hospital; Father, R.C. Payne, b. TX; 
           Mother, Miss Newton, b. TX; Residence, 3 miles east of City.

138 M.F. Tidwell	21		Aug 21, 1922	Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d., Pistol Shot; Occupation, Service Car Driver; place of d., Call Field Hosp.; Single; 
           Residence, 2513 Grant St.; Father, F.M. Tidwell, b. TX; Mother, Miss Robertson, b. TX; Charged to W.T. Tidwell.

139 Mrs. J.T. Cassie	45			Riverside Cemetery
           Funeral Aug 22, 1922; Cause of d., Heart Failure; Residence, 206 Chester St.; Father, J.S. Belknap, b. England; 
           Mother, Miss Davis, b. IL; Charge to: Husband.

140 Mrs. Lovella Fogles	60	Jul 5, 1862	Aug 22, 1922	Vandalia, IL
           Cause of d., Pneumonia; Place of d. Call Field Hosp; Residence, 1608 Bluff; Father, William Causey, b. TN; 
           Mother, Elizabeth Abel, b. KY; Order given by: Mrs. Lena Ward-Olathe, KS.

141 Park Swanson	62		Aug 24, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Place of d. Call Field Hosp; Residence, 1602 Travis; Father, W.G. Swanson, b. GA; Mother, Annie Parks; 
           Charge to W.M.S. McKeckney.

142 Mrs. J.M. Cramer	53		Aug 24, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Place of d. Call Field Hosp; Residence, St. Francis Hotel; Father, Nat Cramer; 
           Order given by: Miss Lorane Cramer.

143 E. Hackworth			Aug 24, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Place of d. Call Field Hosp; Order given by; O. E. Sterns; Charge to Texhoma Oil Co.

144 Amelia E. Lindsey	17	Apr 23, 1905	Aug 25, 1922	Riverside Colored
           Cause of d., Dropsy; Single; Father, Feliz Lindsey, b. Wichita Falls; 
           Mother, Mary Tillman, b. TN; Residence 801 Jalonic St.

145 Esthur Stephens	25		Aug 27, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Automobile Accident; Funeral at Presbyterian Church; Single; Father, E.D. Stephens-Abilene, TX; 
           Charge to Mr. Warfield, 1002 Burnett.

146 Willie E. Ellis	1d	Aug 16, 1922	Aug 17, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Father works at Moore Sheet Metal; Father, Martin E. Ellis, b. TX; Mother, Nettie Huff, b. TX; 
           Residence 1811 Buchanan.

147 Aubrey Anderson(C)			Sep 6, 1922	San Antonio, TX
           Cause of d., Gunshot; Place of d., 1806 Elizabeth.

148 Volitta Nichols	9	Mar 5, 1913	Sep 20, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Blood Poison; Father, Pleas Nichols; Residence, 305 Travis.

149 Mrs. Mabel Dowell	26		Sep 10, 1922	Burkburnett, TX
           Cause of d., Tuberlosis; Residence, 2110 Fillmore; Order given by: J.M. Morrow & Jim Hataway.

150 Jane Frances Wilson	3	Jul 25, 1919	Sep 11, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Infantile Paralysis; Father, Luther Wilson, b. TX; Mother, Anna Lila Gage, b. TX; 
           Residence 1301 18th; Funeral at: ME Church South.

151 Mrs. G.B. Johnson	40	Dec 26, 1881	Sep 12, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Tumor of brain; Place of d., Hospital; Residence, 2213 9th St.; Father, M.F. Broson, b. NC; 
           Mother, Cath Crompton, b. KY; Order given by: husband.

152 J.W. Johnson	77	Jun 13, 1845	Sep 20, 1922	Pilot Point, TX
           Cause of d., Apoplexy; Residence, Holliday, TX; Order given by: Mrs. Morrison (daughter).

153 T.J. Melton			Sep 21, 1922	Byars, TX
           Place of d., Call Field Hosp.; Residence, Charlie, TX; Charged to: Mr. Wolf.

154 Emily Jane Osborn	12	Dec 27, 1911	Sep 29, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Dyptheria; Place of d., Call Field Hosp.; Charged to; T.B. Osborn, Newton, TX.

155 (Inf.) John Bohart	18hrs.		Sep 29, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Premature Birth; Father, John Bohart; Residence, West City Limits.

156 G.A. DeMoss	29		Sep 30, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Gun Shot Wound; Place of d., Call Field Hosp; Occupation: Driller; Divorced; Father b., LA; 
           Charged to; B.L. DeMoss, Ranger, TX.

157 Joe Abel	3	Apr 25, 1919	Sep 30, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Pneumonia; Father, J.R. Abel; Residence 1407 Sibley.

158 Laura Buford	26		Oct 4, 1922	Paris, TX
           Cause of d., Gun Shot Wound; Occupation: Servant; Place of d., Wichita Falls; Residence, 1720 Collins; 
           Charged to; Bessie Floyd, 1319 10th.

159 W.J. Cunningham	62		Oct 7, 1922	Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d., Tuberlosis; Address, 1906 Buchanan.

160 Edna Cave			Oct 7, 1922	Rosemont Cemetery
           Stillborn; Charged to; W.C. Cave, 1910 Buchanan.

161 J.A. Eichilberger	54	Jun 10, 1868	Oct 11, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Place of d., Jones & Lee Hosp.; Occupation: Oil Operator; Charged to: Mrs. J.A. Eichilberger, 1507 Polk. 

162 Madeline Taylor	11m		Oct 12, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Pneumonia; Father, Wade Taylor, b. TX; Mother, Lucy Copeland; Residence, 210 Bluff.

163 Lon C. Moss	72	Sep 14, 1850	Oct 13, 1922	New Boston, TX
           Cause of d., Cancer of Bladder; Place of d., 1704 Austin; Charged to: Mr. Moore, 1704 Austin.

164 Jim Thompson	5		Oct 14, 1922	Charlie, TX
           Father, J.G. Thompson; Residence, Charlie, TX.

165 D.J. Saunders	83	Aug 30, 1839	Oct 18, 1922	Albion, WI
           Cause of d., Old Age; Funeral at Salvation Army Hall; Father, Jessie Saunders, b. NY; 
           Charged to: Mrs. F.O. Burdick, 1412 8th St.

166 Jewel Thornberry	1m		Oct 21, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Mother, Ethel Byron; Charge to Mr. Byron, 1704 Travis.

167 C.E. Williams	38	Jun 10, 1884	Oct 22, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Tuberlosis; Residence, Poor Farm; Charge to Captain Velma Hicks, 208 Burnett.

168 M.O. Giles			Oct 17, 1922	Marion, NC
           Place of d., General Hospital.

169 L.D. Pierce	40	Jul 21, 1882	Oct 22, 1922	Ponta, TX
           Charged to: Mrs. L.D. Pierce, 1508 Elizabeth.

170 J.M. Dossett	41	Mar 13, 1881	Oct 29, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Auto Accident; Place of d., hospital; Occupation: Carpenter; Residence, 131 3rd; 
           Father, J.W. Dossett, b. KY; Mother, Elizabeth Sullivan, b. KY; Order given by: Mrs. Dossett; 
           Charged to; T.J. Dossett, 3929 Simpson, Dallas, TX.

171 H.E. Reid	24	Dec 8, 1898	Oct 29, 1922	Ralls, TX
           Cause of d., Auto Accident; Place of d., hospital; Father, E.A. Reid, b. TX; Charged to E.A. Reid, Ralls, TX.

172 (Inf.) M.C. Turner	1d	Nov 3, 1922	Nov 4, 1922	Everts Cemetery
           Father, M.C. Turner, b. TX; Mother, Blanch Morrison, b. OK; Residence, 5 NW Route #1.

173 Mrs. Wade Mathew	23	Sep 11, 1899	Nov 4, 1922	Petrolia, TX
           Cause of d., Childbirth; Place of d., Dale Ranch; Father, Sam Cooksey, b. TX; Mother Emma Davidson, b. TX; 
           Charged to Wade Mathews, Dale Ranch, Rt. 6, P.O. Box 63.

174 Edwin N. Easton	21	Apr 2, 1901	Nov 7, 1922	Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d., TB; b. MO; Place of d., Hosp; Father, C.N. Easton, b. MO; Mother, Jessie George, b. TN; 
           Charged to; Mrs. Marshall, Coleman Hotel.

175 Henry Schuster	54	Nov 8	Nov 8, 1922	Oak Grove Cemetery
           Cause of d., Suicide; Place of d., Wichita Falls; Race: German; Married; Father, Henry Schuster; 
           Body shipped to Graham, TX.

176 Earl Pippin (C)	28		Nov 12, 1922	Altus, OK
           Cause of d., Pistol Shot; Place of d., 1104 Alma; Father, Dewey Pippin, b. TX; Mother, Gene Thomas, b. TX; 
           Order given by; Colored IOOF Lodge; Charged to Rose Park Cook St.

177 Fannie Wilmut	16		Nov 15, 1922	Holliday, TX
           Cause of d., Appendicitis; Father, H. Wilmut; Residence, Holliday, TX.

178 Jack Dimmock			Nov 20, 1922	Iowa Park, TX
           Charged to: Ella Dimmack, 1614 McGregory St.; March 14, 1972, 
           Mr. Lloyd Dimmock added to name: Charlie Jack Dimmock.

179 Carl W. Fogleson	4	May 25, 1918	Nov 26, 1922	Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d., Dyptheria; Father, B.E. Fogleson, b. MO; Mother, Maud Crow, b. OK; Residence, 1521 Myrtle St.

180 Mrs. W.D. Screy	23	Nov 6	Dec 1, 1922	Munday, TX
           Cause of d., Abcess of Brain; Place of d., General Hospital; Married; Methodist; 
           Charged to: Father, J.E. Edwards, Munday, TX.

181 Harrold C. Howard	5m	Jun 22, 1922	Dec 3, 1922	Charlie, TX
           Place of d., Wichita Falls, TX; Father, J.D. Howard, b. TX; Mother, Emma Proctor, b. TX; 
           Residence, Charlie, TX, Rt. 1.

182 Marylu Davis	9d		Dec 5, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Mother, Ollie Davis; Charged to; A.D. Davis, 109 Walnut St.

183 Mrs. N.S. Edwards	56	Dec 29, 1866	Dec 7, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Pneumonia; Methodist; Father, J.S. Burney; Charged to: Husband, N.S. Edwards, 1008 7th.

184 Mrs. Teresia Galaske	75	Mar 12	Dec 8, 1922	Sacred Heart Cem.
           Cause of d., Heart Failure; Catholic; Single; Birth place of father, Germany; 
           Charged to Mrs. Lena Buss, 502 Holliday. 

185 Leonard Helms	23	Jun 7, 1899	Dec 9, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Leaky Heart; married; Residence, 1719 5th; Father, R.E. Helms, b. KY; Mother, Amy Coleman, b. KY; 
           Charged to: Boys.

186 Mrs. E.A. Harris	56	Nov 8	Dec 8, 1922	Indianapolis
           Cause of d., Heart Failure Paralysis; Place of d., Kemp City; Married; Father, P.P. Whils, b. OH; 
           Charged to: Clarence Lemmen, Kemp City.

187 Mrs. Carrie Gorman			Dec 10, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Place of d., El Paso; Residence, Hunt Chap; Charged to: J.L. Jackson.

188 Clinton A. Rice	2m	Sep 23, 1922	Dec 11, 1922	Rosemont Cemetery
           Father, G.C. Rice, b. TX; Mother, Maud Green, b. TX.

189 Sarah A. Sides	64	Aug 21, 1858	Dec 11, 1922	Bowie, TX
           Cause of d., Apoplexy; Married; Father, John Rice, b. NC; Charged to: W.W. Sides, 2900 Ave. N.

190 Jaoyce Goodner White	1	Oct 31, 1921	Dec 13, 1922	Iowa Park, TX
           Cause of d, Burns; Place of d., Hospital; Father, R.W. White, b. TX; Mother, Rose Cramer, b. TX.

191 James Stipe	73		Dec 15, 1922	Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d., Heart Failure; Charged to: Arthur Stipe, 1507 Smarsh St.

192 (Inf) Brank Box				Dec 17, 1922	Holliday, TX
           Stillborn; Charged to: J.M. Howard, Holliday, TX.

193 J.W. Robinson			Dec 17, 1922	Paris, TN
           Address, 2508 Fillmore.

194 Henry Egginton			Dec 18, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Place of d., Hospital General; Charged to: Robert Houtuck, Route 1.

195 Emmit Allen	2		Dec 19, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Charged to; H.L. Allen, 1701 Brook St.

196 O. McCaslin			Dec 19, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Residence, Thornberry, TX.

197 E.L. McConnell			Dec 18, 1922	Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d., Pneumonia; Residence, Tulsa, OK; Charged to: Mrs. Woodhouse.

198 Mrs. J.D. Parnell		Apr 6, 1892	Dec 19, 1922	Vernon, TX
           Cause of d., Sipt;Place of d., Wichita General; Married; Father, J.T. Barksdall, b. TX; Mother, (Cecil), b. AR; 
           Order given by: Dr. Parnell. 

199 (Inf.) I.M. Bowling		Dec 22, 1922	Dec 26, 1922	Holliday, TX
           Stillborn; Father, I.M. Bowling, b. MO; Mother, (Davis), b. TX; Residence, Rt. 3-8 miles west.

200 James Richard White		Aug 9, 1922	Dec 27,1922	Maud, TX Cemetery
           Cause of d., Acute Indigestion,; Place of d., Charlie, TX; 
           Father, J.C. White, b. TX; Mother, __ Fisher, b. TX

201 Virginia R. Gwinn	2	Apr 23, 1920	Dec 30, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Street car accident; Father, R.V. Gwinn, b. WV; 
           Mother, __ Allen, b. MS

202 Mrs. Dora Lueckie	28	Sep 10, 1894	Dec 31, 1922	Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d. Septcomia; Father, W.C. Calhoun, b. TX; Mother, Erma Reeves, b. TN; 
           Charge to A. Lueckie, 211 Patterson.

NOTE: Pages 203 thru 213 are marked out and recopied in Book 2

214 Melvin Tollett	2	Apr 28, 1922	Sep 28, 1924	Cow Creek Cemetery
           Residence, 106 Adams; Father, W. Tollett, b. TX; 
           Mother, __ Owen, b. TX

215 Maggie Lee Johnson	0		Sep 28, 1924	Riverside Cemetery
           Stillborn; Colored; Father, __ Johnson, b. TX; Mother, Julia Harris; 
           Charged to Mary Johnson, 106 Lake St.

216 Ellen Pool	19	Dec 4, 1924 ?		Iowa Park Cemetery
           Cause of d., Rhumatism; Father, W.M. Poole, b. IL; 
           Mother __ Boatman, b. KS; Charged to W.M. Pool, 611 Michigan.

217 (Inf) Tom Underwood	0			Riverside Cemetery
           Stillborn; d of funeral, Sep 30, 1924; Father, Tom Underwood, b. TX; 
           Mother, Octavia Zetzache, b. TX; Charged to Tom Underwood, 1711 Giddings.

218 H.D. Jobe	24	Mar 13, 1900	Sep 29, 1924	Terrell, TX Cemetery
           Cause of d., Gun wound; Occupation, fireman; Residence, Fire Station; 
           Father, R.C. Jobe, b. TX; Mother, Zora Bell Able, b. TX; 
           Charged to J.L. McClure, Central Fire Station.

219 Mary Lucille Thompson	3m	Jul 11, 1924		Riverside Cemetery
           D. of funeral, Oct. 7, 1924; Father, J.T. Thompson, b. TX; 
           Mother, Marie Wood, b. TX; Charged to J.T. Thompson, 100 Front.

220 (Inf) S.H. Helms			Oct 11, 1924	Riverside Cemetery
           Stillborn; Father, S.H. Helms, b. KY; Mother, Katy James; 
           Charged to S.L. Helms, 1103 23rd.

221 Mrs. T.E. Goodson	22	Nov 23, 1902		Chicago, IL Cemetery
           Cause of d., Typhoid Fever; Father, b. Germany; Place of d., General Hospital; 
           Funeral service, Oct 21, 1924 at Chicago, IL; 
           Charged to T.E. Goodson, 2nd and Oak St.

222 Mrs. Robbie Bellew	18	Jun 10	Oct 20	Devol, OK
           Father, D.P. Taylor; Residence, Devol, OK; Date of funeral, Oct 20, 1924; 
           Charged to C.C. Dunn, Devol, OK.

223 C.E. Johnson	42	Aug 5	Oct 22, 1924	Marlow, OK
           Cause of d., Cancer; Father, R.W. Johnson, b. MO; Mother, __ Bingham; 
           Charged to Mrs. C.E. Johnson (IOOF Lodge, 1217 N. Ninth St.)

224 J.D. Amos	19	Mar 3		Waurika, OK
           Cause of d., accident; Father, J.D. Amos; Residence, Tulsa St.; 
           Charged to Texas Employers.

225 Mrs. W.M. McKimbie	43	Feb 4	Oct 25, 1924	Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d, cancer; Father, Benjamin Ogle, b. IL; Mother __ Stanley; 
           Residence, 1006 Indiana; Charged to W.M. McKimbie.

226 (Inf) Benton McDowell				Riverside Cemetery
           Place of d., Abilene, TX; Date of funeral Oct 24, 1924, 
           at Hill's residence - Wichita Falls; 
           Charged to J.B. McDowell, Abilene, TX.

227 Mrs. Sarah E. McHorn				Riverside Cemetery
           Charged to McHorn Brothers, 708 Austin; 
           Date on certificate, Oct 25, 1924.

228 James M. Williams	71			Vashti, TX
           Father, W.W. Williams, b. KY; Mother __ Chaney, b. KY; 
           Charged to S.E. Fisher, 2016 Wilson; date of funeral, Oct 30, 1924.

229 H. Leon Hayes	17		Oct 30, 1924	Riverside Cemetery
           Father, H.B. Hayes, b. TX; Charged to N.B. Hayes, 1206 18th.

230 Roy E. Graham				Rosemont Cemetery
           Place of d., Phoenix, AZ; date of funeral, Oct 31, 1924; 
           Charged to Walter Graham, 1616 Magnolia.

231 (Inf) C.P. Hampton	0			Rosemont Cemetery
           Stillborn; Father, C.P. Hampton, b. KY; Mother, Allie Gramaium?, b. TX; 
           Charged to J.S. Foster, 2002 Pearl St.; date of funeral, Nov 1, 1924.

232 John L. White	67			Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d, Pneumonia; Father, J.H. White, b. GA; Mother, Frances Grimes; 
           date of funeral, Nov 2, 1924; Charged to W.H. White, 1405 Travis.

233 Earnest Andrew Thorton	2m	Sep 3, 1924		Thornberry Cemetery
           Cause of d., Eresplis; Father, N.A. Thorton, b. OK; Mother, Freda Zeretski, b. TX; 
           Date of funeral, Nov 2, 1924; Place of d., 1319 14th; Residence, Thornberry; 
           Charged to N.A. Thorton, Rt. 4, Wichita Falls.

234 Thomas H. Scott	54			Rosemont Cemetery
           Residence, 1632 Pearl; Date on certificate, Nov 3, 1924; 
           Charged to Mrs. Kittie King.

235 Mrs. S.R. Rachel	72			Rome, TX
           Cause of d., heart failure; Father, Joe Carter, b. MO; 
           Mother, Sarah Spicer; Date of funeral, Nov 5, 1924; 
           Charged to Mrs. John Rachel, 2100 Yale St.

236 J.J. Lary	85	Jan 3, 1839	Nov 7, 1924	Platteville, WI
           Father, Richard Lary, b. England; Mother, Nancy Jose, b. England; 
           Charged to Mrs. J.J. Lary, 1302 11th St.

237 Robert Lewis	48		Nov 17, 1924	Ft. Worth, TX
           Colored; Cause of d., Cebelral Hemorrage; 
           Place of d., on train; Residence, Ft. Worth, TX; 
           Charged to __, 650 S. Calhoun St.

238 J.W. Hutson	76			Dickens, Tx
           Father, Thomas Hudson; Mother, __ Cagle; 
           Date of funeral, Nov 23, 1924; Body shipped to Spur, TX; 
           Charged to J.R. Robinson, 1814 11th.

239 J.W. Mozley	62			
           Body shipped to Quanah, TX; Cause of d., heart failure; 
           place of d., Hearn Hotel; Date of funeral, Nov 23, 1924; 
           Father, J.W. Mozley, b. MO; Under deceased's name: Kilpatrick Filling Station; 
           Charged to J.C. & E.T. Mozley, 808 5th.

240 William Harper	61			Rosemont Cemetery
           Date of funeral, Nov 25, 1924; Father, b. Denmark; 
           Charged to Mrs. Harper, 1308 Travis.

241 Mrs. John Krebs	
           Date on certificate, Nov 22, 1924; No other information given.

242 (Inf) H.E. Lobdell	0			Riverside Cemetery
           Father, H.E. Lobdell, b. TX; Mother, Mary Paplee, b. St. Joe, MO; 
           Date of funeral, Nov 24, 1924; Charged to H.E. Lobdell, 506 Lee.

243 J.E. Gilbreath	61	Dec 19, 1863		Riverside Cemetery
           Father, James Gilbreath, b. TN; Residence, 2201 Austin, City; 
           Date of funeral, Nov 27, 1924; Charged to G.M. Gilbreath, Sweetwater, TX.

244 Fernal Hodges	4			Holliday, TX
           Father, B.S. Hodges, b. GA; Mother __ Harper; 
           Date of funeral, Nov 27, 1924; 
           Charged to B. Noble, 6 miles Seymour Road.

245 A.C. Fowler	31	Nov 21	Nov 29, 1924	Rosemont Cemetery
           Father, T.J. Fowler, b. MS; Mother, Freda Burton; 
           Charged to Mrs. A.C. Fowler, 2712 Forest Ave.

246 Babe Rollins	20			Rosemont Cemetery
           Father, H.B. Rollins; Mother, Etta Baker; 
           Charged to Mrs. Etta Rollins, 508 Scott Ave.; 
           Date of funeral, Nov 30, 1924.

247 (Inf) C.C. McGuire				Newcastle, TX
           Stillborn; Father, C.C. McGuire; Date of funeral, Nov 30, 1924; 
           Charged to Y.C. Keene, 2200 Holliday St.

248 Dr. O.E. Hays	55			Denton, TX
           Place of d., General Hospital; 
           Charged to Mrs. O.E. Hays, Denton, TX.

249 O.B. Hodge	12			Holliday, TX
           Father, B.S. Hodge, b. GA; Mother __ Hopper; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 4, 1924; Place of d., General Hospital; 
           Charged to T.B. Noble, Rod & Gun Club.

250 William Zeretzki	25			Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., heart failure; Father, M. Zeretzki, b. Russia; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 7, 1924; 
           Charged to M. Zeretzki, Thornberry, TX.

251 F.C. Miller	40			Dennison, TX
           Father, Henry Miller; Mother __ Tearfelder; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 9, 1924; Place of d., General Hospital; 
           Order given by J.B. Bridendolph, Dennison, TX; 
           Charged to Mrs. F.C. Miller, Dennison, TX.

252 J.C. Foster	7			Archer City, TX
           Father, F.J. Foster; Mother, Lola Wallace, b. TX; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 9, 1924; Residence, near County Farm; 
           Charged to J.F. Foster, Archer City, TX.

253 Mrs. Sarah F. Seeds	69	Jan 11, 1855		Ringgold, TX
           Father, __ Sartin; Place of d., at residence; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 14, 1924; Charged to Robb Seeds, 
           Ringgold, TX.

254 R.B. Reynolds	33	Jan 31, 1924?		Germyn, TX
           Father, Thomas Reynolds, b. GA; Mother, Ley Ogetree, b. GA; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 14, 1924; Place of d., Newcastle, TX; 
           Occupation, fireman; Charged to Mrs. R.B. Reynolds, 3112 Grant.

255 (Inf) T.C. McLister	0			Riverside Cemetery
           Stillborn; Charged to T.C. McLister, 1802 Taylor; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 16, 1924.

256 Mrs. B.S. Hodge	44			Holliday, TX
           Cause of d., Typhoid Fever; Father, Whitt Hopper, b. GA; 
           Place of d., General Hospital; Date of funeral, Dec 20, 1924; 
           Charged to T.B. Noble, Rod & Gun Club.

257 Mrs. E.C. Harkey	73	Jul 3		Madill, OK
           Father, __ Wrems; Residence, 102 Galveston; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 24, 1924; 
           Charged to Mrs. E.H. Knonse, 102 Galveston.

258 Bonnie Rea Henderson	4			Riverside Cemetery
           Cause of d., Dyptheria; Father, C.A. Henderson, b. IA; 
           Mother, Nellie Brittendall, b. OK; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 21, 1924; 
           Charged to C.A. Henderson, 2 1/2 miles North of city.

259 Mrs. Sarah Oneel	29			Riverside Cemetery
           Father, William Andrews, b. IA; Mother, Ellen Rodman, b. TX; 
           Place of d., General Hospital; Date of funeral, Dec 23, 1924; 
           Charged to Salvation Army, 1408 5th St.

260 Mrs. L.G. Kestler				Rosemont Cemetery
           Date of funeral, Dec 24, 1924; Place of d., residence; 
           Charged to L.G. Kestler, Scotland Addition.

261 T.J. Spalding	71	Mar 3, 1853		Stephenville, TX
           Cause of d., Pneumonia; Date of funeral, Dec 29, 1924; 
           Place of d., General Hospital; Charged to Mr. Jarrott, 1707 9th St.

262 J.W. Boyd	69	Jul 19, 1855		Rosemont Cemetery
           Residence, 2412 Pennsylvania Ave.; 
           Date of funeral, Dec 28, 1924; 
           Charged to S.B. Boyd, 2602 Forest St.

263 Thomas Morley				Rosemont Cemetery
           Cause of d., accident; Place of d., City Laundry; 
           Residence, 400 Austin; Charged to Bricklayer's Union; 
           Date on certificate, Dec 23, 1924.

264 Mollie Slopansky				Riverside Cemetery
           Place of d., Mexico; Date of funeral, Dec 31, 1924; 
           Charged to Mrs. Slopansky, Archer City, TX.


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