The Merkle Funeral books were located at Hampton-Vaughn Funeral Home, Wichita Falls, TX
Page Name Age Date of Birth Date of Death Interment Additional Info from Records 1 Clark, Ruth 13 Mar. 24, 1924 Haskell, TX Charge to S.O. Clark, Place of D. - General Hospital, Physician - J.B. Nail, Cause of death - minngitis, Father - S.O. Clark 2 Carner, Gilbert 63 Mar. 12, 1924 Bartlesville, OK Order given by W.H. Bradstreet, Place of D. - General Hospital, Physician - Keil, Cause of D. - Diabetic Gar., Married 3 Seybert, Mrs. Enid 30 Mar. 13, 1924 Hereford, TX Charge to Mrs. R.H. McDonald, Place of D. - Assy. Crans., Physician - Houses, Cause of D. - Nemo Sypbolis, Divorced 4 Dodd, W.E. 50 Mar. 13, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Order given by McCurry & Amer. Ref. Co., Place of D. - County Farm, Physician - Meredith, Cause of D. - Tuberculoris, Married 5 Laws, Mrs. Nancy 63 Mar. 13, 1924 Place of D. - 2400 Kemp Blvd., Physician - S.D. Bullington, Cause of D. - Pnuemonia, Married 6 Crain, Infant of W.W. 1 Day Mar. 15, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Place of D. - E. of town, Physician - Fletcher, Cause of D. - Premature 7 Richard, G.E. ~50 Mar. 16, 1924 Sherman, TX Charge to John Daniel, Sherman, TX, Place of D. - General Hospital, Physician - Walkes, Cause of D. - Brain Abscess, Age - about 50 8 Taylor, James Mar . 17, 1924 Holliday Cemetery (After name: G Creed) Place of D. - Weslaco, Texas. 9 Vines, Jessie Eugene 2 Days Mar. 19, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D. - Parulyset.. Physician - Dr. Terrill. Place of D. - 303 1/2 Bluff. 10 Norman (Infant) 1 Day Mar. 19, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Father - Frank Norman. Mother - Verdie Suries. Cause of D. - Penumonia. Place of D. - 506 Front. Charge to Wichita County. 11 Hudman, Willie (Inf.) 1 Day Mar. 21, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Physician - Lynch. Cause of D. - Premature. 12 Shades, Stanley Earl 1Mo 1 Day Mar. 21, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Father - W.E. Shades. Mother - Olie Brown. Physician - West. Cause of D. - Pneumonia Place of D.- 404 1/2 Seymore. Charge to W.E. Shades. 13 Jarrott, (Infant) 0 Mar. 22, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Stillborn. Place of D. - 1811 Elizabeth. Father - Pat W. Jarrott; Mother - Hale. Physician - Terrell. 14 Thompson, Oma (Mrs) 46y, 2m, 4d Mar. 23, 1924 Mangum, Oklahoma Cause of D. - TB. Place of D. - Savoy Hotel. Physician - Gromn, JP. Married. Charge to A.E. Lassiter, Mangum, Okla. 15 Runebo, Loyd Earl 1y, 3m, 17d Mar. 23, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D. - Pneumonia. Physician - Nickel. Father - soru Runebo; Mother - Bessie Daughteraty. Place of D. - 5th & Patterson. Charge to Wichita County. 16 Scroggins, Anna 58 Mar. 23, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D. - Brights Disease. Place of D. - Hospital. Physician - Dr. Meredith. Father - Ned Stapleton; Mother - Popie Walden. Widowed. Charge to W.E. Scroggins. 17 Ellis, Talmage Mar. 27, 1924 Commanche, Texas Cause of D - Pneamonia. Physician - E.W. Stevenson. Place of D - General Hospital. Charge to Mr. Ellis. Body to be shipped to Commanche, Texas. 18 Beck, Christoplar 30 Mar. 28, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Pneomia. Place of D - General Hospital. Charge to: Committee from Glass Workers. 19 Kiel, John Sunday 4y, 12days Mar. 31, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Asphyzication Gas. Physician: Dr. Kiel. Place of D - Rt. 1, Iowa Park, Texas. Father - William H. Kiel; Mother - Lillie Sunday. 20 Crow, Frady Burniece 4 years Mar. 31, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Perecarditis Affrision. Physician - Dr. Leadford. Place of D - General Hospital. Father - R.E. Crow; Mother - Richardson. 21 McSpaddon, Cynthia Prina 84y, 11m, 6d Apr. 2, 1924 Decatur, Texas Cause of D - Senility. Physician - Dr. Hall. Widowed. Father - William C. Lee; Mother - Cynthia Carson. Place of D - Residence. Charge to: G.T. McSpadden. Body to be shipped to Decatur. 22 Presson, (Inf.) 0 Apr. 2, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Stillborn. Physician - Dr. Tyson. Father - Arthur K. Presson; Mother - Alice Vick. Place of D - 1658 Collins. 23 Aquirre, Fred 49 Apr. 3, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Pulmonary Tuberculoris. Physician - King. Place of D - 328 Lake. Father - ? Aquirre; Mother - Mary ?. Charge to: County of Wichita. 24 Woodruff, J.P. 29y, 7m, 1d Apr. 3, 1924 Holland, Texas Cause of D - Lobar Pneumonia. Physician - Dr. Gordan Clark. Place of D - Iowa Park, Texas. Father - K.E. Woodruff; Mother - Jane Owens. Charge to: Calhan Construction Co., City National Bank Bldg. Body to be shipped to Holland, Texas. 25 Fisher, Curtis 13 Apr. 3, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Physician - Walker. Place of D - 1718 Huff. Charge to: Jo Fisher. 26 Melugan, S.H. 41 Apr. 7, 1924 not given Cause of D - Knife wound in left side. Physician - Jones. Married. Place of D - Hospital. Charge to Mrs. S.H. Melugan. 27 Ermis, Louise 18 Apr 9, 1924 Megayle, Texas Physician - Leach. Place of D - General Hospital. Charge to A.A. Ermis. Body to be shipped to Megayle, Texas. 28 Cutberth, Robert Lee 1y, 15d Apr 13, 1924 Abilene, Texas Cause of D - Bronclial Pneamonia. Physician - Leach. Place of D - 1005 Third St. Father - H.H. Cutberth; Mother - Bessie Switzer. Charge to H.H. Cutberth. Body to be shipped to Abilene, Texas. 29 Woodruff, Fay D. Apr. 10, 1924 not given Order given by B.N. Paul. Charge to Emp. Liability Ins. Co., Dallas, Texas. 30 McIntyre, (Inf.) 5minutes Apr. 16, 1924 not given Cause of D - premature birth. Physician - Pastekard. Place of D - 1401 17th. Charge to H.A. McIntyre. 31 Ferguson, Virginia Sterling 3m 24days Apr 17, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Charge to J.B. Ferguson, 1304 Polk. 32 Young, J.L. 71 Apr. 18, 1924 Mineral Wells, Texas Physician - Leach. Place of D - 1402 Monroe, residence. Widowed. Date of funeral: April 18, 1924. Charge to: J.L. Young, Knox City, Texas. 33 Hammock, Beulah (Mrs) 57 Apr. 19, 1924 Rogers, Texas Cause of D - Acute Deletation Heart. Physician - Leach. Place of D - 1915 9th. Date of funeral: April 19, 1924. Married. Charge to Mrs. E.U. Morgan, Wichita Falls, TX. Body to be shipped to Rogers, Texas. 34 Carr, M.L. 63 Apr. 19, 1924 Seymour, Texas Cause of D - Pellegra. Place of D. - Assylum. Married. Physician - W.J. Pollard. Charge to Mrs. Annie Carr, Star Rt., Seymour, Texas. Body to be shipped to Seymour, Texas. 35 Caurfman, Sarah Jane 69 Apr. 21, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Physician - Hargrave. Widowed. Place of D - residence. Charge to George A. Caurfman, 2704 Sherman St. 36 Lasater, Fannie E. 12y, 6m, 7d Apr. 21, 1924 Lake Creek Cemetery Cause of D - Mennigatis. Physician - H & S. Place of D - General Hospital. Funeral services at Lake Creek. Date of funeral - April 22, 1924. Residence - Olney, Texas. Charge to J. B. Lasater, Olney, Texas. 37 Baby (unknown) ~1 day Apr. 2, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - possible drowning. Physician - Gibbs, JP. Place of D - Wichita Lake (found on bank of Lake). Charge to County. 38 Knowles, C.C. 32 Apr. 27, 1924 Wolf City, Texas Cause of D - Ruptured Abcess of Messintins. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Powers. Occupation - Lumberman. Married. Charge to D.R. Coulter, Avinger, Texas. 39 Bevering, M.L. (Mrs) 27 Apr. 30, 1924 Charlie, Texas Place of D - General Hospital. Residence - Charlie, TX. Physician - Lee. Clergyman - Powers. Married. Funeral services at 3:30pm. Date of funeral - May 3, 1924. Charge to A.L. Bevering, Henrietta, TX. 40 Lynch, Dovie Mae 12y, 1m, 8d May 3, 1924 Charlie, Texas Cause of D - Blood Poison Ruptured Finger. Physician - Lee. Place of D - General Hospital. Residence - Charlie, TX. Date of Funeral - May 4, Charlie, TX. Father - F.B. Lynch, b. TX; Mother - Mavice Childers, b. GA. Charge to F.B. Lynch, Charlie, TX. 41 Terrell, Thersa (Mrs) 65y, 1m, 21d May 3, 1924 Hamlin, Texas Cause of D - P.T.B. Chronic Fibroid. Physician - Collard. Place of D - 1621 Collins, residence. Widowed. Date of Birth - Feb. 10, 1859. Charge to E.E. Terrell, Wichita Falls, Texas. Body to be shipped to Hamlin, TX. 42 Wingo, Baby 1 day May 4, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Hemorage of Brain. Physician - Fletcher. Father - J.B. Wingo, b. AL; Mother - Ethel Moon, b. TX. Date of Birth - May 3, 1924. Date of Funeral - May 5, 1924. Charge to G.B. Wingo, 1723 6th - City. 43 Entrap, Diana 9y, 2m, 3d May 6, 1924 Catholic Cemetery Cause of D - Acute Cardic Delitation. Place of D - General Hospital. Date of Funeral - May 7, 1924. at 9:00am. Physician - Walker. Father - Henry Entrap, b. MO; Mother - Mary Gore, b. OH. Charge to Henry Entrap, Wichita Falls. 44 Martin, Cecil E. 3y, 7m, 29d May 6, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Pneumonia. Physician - Collard. Place of D - 709 Seymour. Date of Funeral - May t6, 1924 at Chapel. Father - W.D. Martin, b. Miss.; Mother - Mamie Gilmore, b. Okla. Charge to W.D. Martin, 708 Seymour. 45 Osbill, J.A. (Mrs) 34 May 6, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Tuberculous. Physician - Clark. Place of D - Iowa Park, Texas. Date of Funeral - May 7, 1924. Charge to County. 46 Norris, Bonnie Fay 3y, 8m, 6d May 7, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Measles. Physician - Vick. Place of D - Residence: Indiana Ave. & 1st St. Date of Funeral May 8, 1924. Father - B.F. Morris, b. TN; Mother - Della Smith, b. TX. Charge to B.F. Norris, Wichita Falls, Texas. 47 Morris, J.C. (Mrs) 73y, 6m, 27d May 7, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Inaciction (?). Physician - Parker. Clergyman - Powers. Widowed. Funeral services at 4:30pm at Residence - 1402 Austin. on May 8, 1924. Father - Jacob Penn. Charge to Fred Morris. 48 Gerock, J.S. (Mrs) 45 May 9, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Born in TX. Cause of D - Cardio Nephritis. Physician - A.F. Leach. Married. Place of D - Residence: 1202 Marshall. Funeral Services at residence at 3pm. on May 11, 1924. Father - John Allen, b. Sweden; Mother - Mary Moore, b. LA. Charge to J.S. Gerock, Wichita Falls, TX. 49 Bourland, B.C. 65 May 10, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Senility. Place of D - Asylum. Date of Funeral - May 11, 1924. Charge to J.O. Bourland, Goodnight, Texas. 50 Robinson, W.J. 65 May 10, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Pul. TB. physician - Mickel. Place of D - County Farm. Funeral Services at Cemetery on May 11, 1924. Married. 51 Brown, Ed L. 42y, 7m, 18d May 11, 1924 Sunset, Texas Cause of D - Trammac Shock. Place of D - General Hospital. Married. Physician - M.M. Walker. Father - B.G. Brown , b. TN; Mother - Graddock, b. AR. Charge to: Oilmen's Recefrocal Ass'n. Co., Houston, Texas. 52 Wiley, Donald E. 17y, 8m May 12, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Born in TX. Cause of D - Sarcoma. Place of D - Residence. Physician - Smith. Clergyman - Barnes. Funeral services at 2:30pm on May 15, 1924. Cahrge to D.W. Wiley. 53 Powers, Frances M. 93 May 13, 1924 Archer City, TX Cause of D - Senility. Widowed. Charge to Frank Powers, Archer City, TX. 54 Rambo, Floyd 1y, 1m, 20d May 14, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Pneumonia. Physician - Stevenson. Date of funeral - May 15, 1924. Father - George Rambo, b. TX; Mother - Pearl Nickolson, b. GA. Charge to George Rambo. 55 No #55 listed. 56 Orr, (Infant) 0 May 14, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Stillborn. Physician - Keyman. Mother - Emelia Orr. Charge to County. Date of funeral - May 16, 1924. 57 Higginbottom, Russell 10 May 15, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Drowned Accidental. Place of D - Lake Wichita. Physician - Gibbs, JP. Father - Charles Higginbottom; Mother - Maude Robinson, b. MS. Date of Funeral - May 16, 1924. 58 Scott, Maggie 20y, 2m, 3d May 16, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Single. Cause of D - Tubercalous. Physician - Amason. Place of D - 1208 Ohio. Funeral Services - 3:00pm on May 16, 1924. Charge to County. 59 Seawright, Nannie E. 21 May 17, 1924 Valley Mills, Texas Cause of D - Exhaustion Acute Mania. Place of D - Asylum. Father - J.F. Seawright. Body to be shipped to Valley Mills, TX. 60 Kestler, (Infant) 1 day May 17, 1924 Bowman Cemetery Stillborn. Physician - Mackichney. Father - A.J. Kestler, b. MS; Mother - Baker, b. TX. Place of D - County Lake Road. Date of funeral - May 17, 1924. Charge to A.J. Kestler. 61 Nail, Clive 32 May 18, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Single. Oil Field Worker. Cause of D - Tramatic Ruptured Pancreas. Physician - Lee. Place of D - General Hospital. Date of Funeral - May 22, 1924. Mother - McGee. Charge to F.E. Ard. & Maryland Car Co. 62 Duren, Seth H. 3y May 18, 1924 Archer City Cemetery Born in Archer City, TX. Cause of D - Acute Nephcites. Place of D - General Hospital. Date of funeral - May 19, 1924. Residence - Archer City, TX. Order given by Seth Duren. Physician - Hooper. Father - Seth P. Duren, b. TX; Mother - Dorothy Hooper, b. AR. 63 Allen, Dewey F. 24y, 11m, 18d May 19, 1924 Indell, Texas Married. Occupation: Mechanic. Date of birth, June 1, 1900. Cause of D - Cardiac Decompensation Myororditis. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Collins & Mackeckney. Father - W.P. Allen, b. GA; Mother - Emma Stephens, b. AL. Charge to W.P. Allen. 64 Aquirco, Atruro 6m, 8days May 23, 1924 Catholic Cemetery Mexican, b. TX. Cause of D - Tubercular Peritonitis. Place of D- 328 Lake. Physician - Walker. Father - Fidel Aquirco, b. Mexico; Mother - Judith Vilchey, b. TX. Funeral services at 328 Lake on May 23, 1924. Charge to Biarco Torres, 328 Lake. 65 Griswold, Stephen M. 57y, 6m, 26d May 23, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Married. Born Oct. 27, 1866 in TN. Cause of D - Heart Failure Angina Pectoris. Physician - Guest. Order given by George Griswold. Place of D - residence - 1722 Huff. Funeral services at residence on May 26, 1924 at 4 oclock. Married. Religion: Ch. Father - Norman Griswold, b. TN; Mother - Eliza Snialman, b. TN. 66 Thomason, (Infant) 9 days May 23, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Premature. Date & Place of birth - May 14, 1924 in Wichita Falls. Physician - Dr. Guest. Date of Funeral - May 23, 1924. Father - J.A. Thomason, b. TX; Mother - Browder, b. TX. Charge to J.A. Thomason, 2010 8th Street. 67 Killingsworth, J.B. 65y, 11m, 4d May 24, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Born in TX. Date of birth June 20. Cause of D - Pul. Hemorgia Chronic TB. Physician - Powers. Clergyman - Miller. Occupation: Doctor. Place of D - residence. Father - Jarvis Killingsworth, b. AL; Mother - Oden, b. AL. Funeral services at residence on May 25, 1924. Charge to Mrs. J.B. Killingsworth, 312 Brook. 68 Price, W. Sid J. 58 May 24, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Place of D - Stanford, Texas. Funeral services at Chapel. Clergyman - Trafton. Date of funeral - May 25, 1924. 69 Ragland, Infant 1 day May 26, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Date of birth - May 26, 1924 in Wichita Falls. Cause of D - Ateledosis Premature Birth. Place of D - General Hospital. Date of Funeral - May 27 at Chapel. Physician - Terrill. Father - S.W. Ragland, b. Graham, TX; Mother - Ada Cordell, b. TX. Charge to S.W. Ragland, 1807 7th. 70 Brown, M.J. (Mrs) 48 May 27, 1924 not given Cause of D - Heart Failure. Physician - Gibbs, JP. Clergyman - Datson. Place of D - Burk Road. Married. Born in Pennsylvania. Funeral services at Chapel. Charge to M.J. Brown, Usalls, Texas. 71 Persky, David 61 May 28, 1924 Ft. Worth, Texas Birthplace: Europe. Cause of D - Cardio Neplirctis. Physician - Walker. Clergyman - Rabbi. Funeral services at Chapel on May 28, 1924. Place of D - 1418 15th. Married. Date of birth - Oct. 15, 186? Father - Leonard Persky, b. Russia; Mother - b. Russia. Body to be shipped to Ft. Worth, Texas. 72 Curfman, J.A. 41y, 1m, 11d May 28, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Cause of D - Rheumatism with complications. Physician - Meredith. Place of D - Residence. Married. Date of Funeral May 29, 1924. Father - William Curfman, b. Ohio; Mother - Sarah J. Clements, b. TX. Charge to G.A. Curfman, 2712 Sherman. 73 Fortner, Infant 1day May 28, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Born - Wichita Falls, TX. Cause of D - Stillborn. Place of D - Lake Wichita. Physician - Pollard. Date of funeral - May 28, 1924. Father - J.B. Fortner, b. TX; Mother - Elsie Cherry. 74 Unknown Baby May28, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Place of D - 1709 Impeart (?). Date of funeral - May 28, 1924. Physician - Guinn, JP. 75 Hodges, Samuel H. 72y, 11m, 1d May 28, 1924 Montague Cemetery Cause of D - Arteriosclerosis Hypertension. Physician - Walford. Residence - 1302 9th St. Place of D - Residence. Religion: Presbyterian. Services at Presbyterian Church on May 30, by Clergyman - Grafton. Born - June 27, 1851. Father - Charles B. Hodges, b. KY; Mother - Danks, b. KY. Body to be shipped to Montague, TX. Charge to: Mrs. S.H. Hodges, 1302 9th St. 76 Rivefeldt, Evyln Marie 35 min. May 30, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Born West of Clara, TX. Cause of D - Mitial Insuficency. Place of D - West of Clara. Father - Earl Rivefeldt, b. OH; Mother - Daisy Marcum, b. TX. Charge to Earl Rivefeldt, Electra, TX. 77 Mitchell, Monte 29y, 2m May 30, 1924 Dallas, Texas Colored. Born in Texas. Cause of D - Gun Shot Wound. Place of D - Railroad Yards. Married. Father - Jebedn Mitchell, b. Don't Know; Charge to American Nat. Ins. Co. Body to be shipped to Dallas, TX. 78 Shuptrine, James 29 May 31, 1924 Texarkana, Arkansas Cause of D - Rup. Skull Dep. Married. Occupation: Rig Builder. Physician - Jones. Place of D - General Hospital. Father - D.R. Shuptrine, b. GA; Mother - Cara L. Goodlet, b. AR. Charge to R.H. Shuptrine, Texarkana, Arkansas. 79 King, Lavina (Mrs) 87y, 11m, 7d May 31, 1924 Willow Cemetery Born in South Carolina. Date of birth - June 23, 1836. Widowed. Cause of D - Hyperstatic Pnuemonia. Place of D - Residence. Physician - Lynch. Clergyman - Charles F. Parker. Date of funeral - June 2, 1924 at Residence, 2214 Kemp St. at 7:30pm. Father - Soloman Wood, b. NC; Mother - Nancy Rice, b. NC. Body to be shipped to Haskell, Texas. 80 Carroll, Mary E. 1y, 7m, 17d Jun. 1, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Bronical Asthma. Place of D - Residence, 309 Oriole St. Date of birth - Oct. 14, 1922 in Wichita Falls, TX. Physician - McKeckney. Clergyman - Miller. Date of funeral - Jun. 2, 1924. Father - George Carroll, b. TX; Mother - Opal Croxewell, b. TX. Charge to George W. Carroll, 309 Oriole St. 81 Beaty, Florence 36 Jun. 2, 1924 Clarksville, Texas Cause of D - Pul. TB. Colored. Born in LA. Residence - 811 Wood. Married. Father - Dan Carter, b. LA; Mother - Mat, b. LA. Body to be shipped to Clarksville, TX. Charge to Balard Beaty, 811 Wood. 82 Hill, Grace Agnes 19y, 3m, 18d Jun. 2, 1924 Devol, Oklahoma Cause of D - General Peritonitis. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Jones. Date of birth - Feb. 14, 1905 in TX. Married. Date of Funeral - June 3, 1924 at Devol, OK. Father - H.W. Wood, b. TN; Mother - Nancy Brayant, b. TN. Charge to R.L. Hill, Electra, TX. Body to be shipped to Devol, OK. 83 Howell, Frank 1y, 2m, 7d Jun. 4, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Born in TX on March 26, 1923. Cause of D - Whooping Cough. Physician - Ledford. Place of D - 511 Lamar. Funeral services at Chapel, June 4, 1924 at 4pm. Father - E.O. Howell, b. TX; Mother - Opal Cockran, b. TX. Charge to E.O. Howell, Holliday, Texas. 84 Frazier, Marion R. 8 Riverside Cemetery 84 Frazier, Thomas W. 9 Riverside Cemetery Marion R. & Thomas W. Frazier, ages 8 & 9 died of drowning at Worthove, Texas. Physician - Simpson. Charge to Frazier, 608 Lee St. Funeral - June 5, 1924. 85 Cook, Belmont 20 Jun. 5, 1924 Murray, Kentucky Born in TN. Cause of D - General Peritonitis. Physician - Jones. Single. Occupation: Oil Worker. Father - Frank Cook, b. TN; Mother - Sallie Thomas. Charge to B.J. Haynes, 1807 Fillmore. Body to be shipped to Murray, KY. 86 Barcue, Baby 13days Jun. 5, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Date of birth - May 24, 1924 in Wichita Falls, TX. Place of D - County Farm. Mother - Winnie Barcue. Charge to County. 87 Britton, Ruth 2m, 26d Jun. 6, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Place of D - Flood St. Funeral June 6, 1924 at Riverside Cemetery. Physician - Leadford. Father - Cecil Britton, b. OK; Mother - Ruby Mayes, b. TX. Order given by Capt. Peacock. 88 Neeb, Infant Jun. 7, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Born in Wichita Falls, TX. Place of D - General Hospital. Date of funeral - June 7, 1924. Physician - Macheckney. Father - J.B. Neeb, b. TX; Mother - Russell, b. TX. Charge to J.B.Neeb. 89 Guthrie, W.I. 43 Jun. 8, 1924 Paducah, Texas Cause of D - Mania Depresive Insanity. Physician - J. Pollard. Place of D - Asylum. Charge to J.E. Norris, Paducah, TX. Body to be shipped to Paducah, TX. 90 Griffin, Iona Pearl 8m, 25d Riverside Cemetery Date of Funeral - June 9, 1924. Date of birth - Sept. 14, 1923 in Wichita Falls, TX. Physician - Ledford. Father - S.L. Griffin, b. TX; Mother - Dora Elaw, b. TX. Place of D - Residence. Charge to S.L. Griffin, Box 78, Rt. 5, City. 91 Evans, Callie 24 Richland, Texas Black. Cause of D - Fractured Skull. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Jones. Charge to R.E. Evans, Electra, TX. Body to be shipped to Richland, TX. 92 Ponds, Effie 1y, 6m, 17d Jun. 11, 1924 Memphis, Texas Born Nov. 24, 1922 in Texas. Cause of D - Intercoletis. Physician - C.W. Stephenson. Place of D - General Hospital. Date of funeral - June 12, 1924. Father, J.M. Ponds, b. AL; Mother - Lizzie Martin , b. TX. Charge to J.M. Ponds, Holliday, Texas. 93 Hicks, Georgia B. 3 years Jun. 11, 1924 Dallas, Texas Cause of D - Acute Intestinal Toxaemia. Physician - R.B. Collins. Place of D - General Hospital. Father - G.F. Hicks; Mother - Lottyon. Charge to G.F. Hicks, 1815 Polk. Body to be shipped to Dallas, TX. 94 Pope, William not given Charge to: Neville Furn. Co., Heneretta, Oklahoma. 95 Aderbolt, Anna (Mrs) 52 Jun. 11, 1924 Cleburn, Texas Cause of D - Exhaustion from insanity. Physician - Housley, JP. Place of D - Lake Asylum. Charge to: Decring Used Co., Cleburn, Texas. Body to be shipped to Cleburn, Texas. 96 Allen, Edward 57 Jun. 14, 1924 Dallas, Texas Born in Pennsylvania. Cause of D - General Parisis. Physician - W.J. Pollard. Place of D - Asylum. Charge to G.A. Burver Undertaker Co., Dallas, Texas. Body to be shipped to Dallas, TX. 97 Patrick, Ada (Mrs) 32 Jun. 13, 1924 Grapvine, Texas Date of birth - August 3 in Texas. Place of D - General Hospital. Father - C.M. Kurley, b. AL; Mother - York. Charge to: A.G. Patrick, Holliday, Texas. Body to be shipped to Grapvine, Texas. 98 Hayward, Baby 0 Jun. 14, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Date of birth - June 14, 1924 in Texas. Physician - W.P. Lowery. Place of D - 1322 Harrison. Date of funeral - June 14, 1924. Father - George H. Hayward , b. TX; Mother - Bobbie Allen, b. TX. Charge to George H. Hayward, 1322 Harrison. 99 Harlan, E.R. 54 Jun. 16, 1924 Tulia, Texas Place of D - Asylum. Physician - Pollard. Widowed. Charge to W.S. Shaw, Tulia, Texas. 100 Nealcey, J.D. 74 Jun. 18, 1924 Gainesville, Texas Cause of D - Arterco Aclersis. Physician - Parker. Place of D - 1301 5th. Charge to M.B. Dickerson, 1301 5th. 101 Neece, J.G. 45 Jun. 18, 1924 Shamrock, Texas Cause of D - Parisis. Physician - Pollard. Place of D - Asylum. Occupation: Farmer. Married. Charge to Mrs. J.G. Neece, Brock, Texas. 102 Leslie, Frank 56y, 2m, 5d Jun. 18, 1924 not given Born in Canada. Cause of D - Acute Ditalation Heart. Place of D - General Hospital. Funeral services at Chapel on June 23, 1924. Occupation: Pipeline Foreman. Physician - Guest. Father - David Leslie. Charge to: Dwight Leslie. 103 Welliford, 2 Infants 1 day Jun. 18, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Two infants of Louise Welliford. Place of D - Hospital. Physician - Meredith. Charge to County. 104 Milton, Robert 73 Jun. 18, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - drowning. Place of D - County Farm. Physician - Gibbs, JP. Date of funeral - Jun. 19, 1924. Charge to County. 105 Whatley, Anna 1 day Jun. 20, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Place of D - 3110 Buchanan. Physician - Fletcher. Date of funeral - June 21, 1924. Charge to H.V. Whatley. 106 Clark, George William 53 Jun. 21, 1924 Houston, Texas Cause of D - General Paresis. Physician - W.J. Pollard. Place of D - Asylum. Occupation: Switchman Railroad. Married. Charge to: Sellagost & Kepp, Houston, TX. Body to be shipped to Houston, TX. 107 Lunsford, J.F. Jun. 21, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Place of D - 1922 7th (residence). Married. Physician - Hargrave. Funeral services at 1922 7th by Rev. Atkinson on Jun. 22, 1924. 108 Morton, Maurice Lee 23 Jun. 22, 1924 Ardmore, Oklahoma Cause of D - Acute Deletations of Stomach followed by Parrlami (?). Place of D - General Hospital. Single. Occupation: Bookkeeper. Charge to E.V. Morton, Ardmore, OK. Body to be shipped to Ardmore, OK. 109 Whittington, Infant 1 day Jun. 23, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Place of D - Hospital. Date of funeral - June 24, 1924 at Chapel by Rev. Powers. Physician - Stevenson. Charge to: R.C. Whittington, 1308 12th. 110 Cavner, Mildred 2 yrs. Jun. 24, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Stevenson. Funeral - at Chapel - 2:30pm on Jun. 24. Charge to M.B. Cavner. 111 McGehee, Clifford Carrol 3m, 6days Jun. 25, 1924 Burkburnett, Texas Date of birth - March 19, 1924. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Terrill. Funeral services at Burkburnet. Father - C.G. McGehee, b. OK; Mother - Brey, b. OK. Charge to G.H. McGehee. Body to be shipped to Burkburnett, TX. 112 Newby, Myrtle F. 30y, 2m, 2d Jun. 23, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Date of birth - April 21, 1894. Cause of D - Pul. TB. Place of D - Alberquercue, New Mexico. Date of funeral June 27, 1924 at First Baptist. Father - Monroe Newby, b. IL; Mother - Mary Epperson, b. IN. 113 Nelms, William 65 Jun. 26, 1924 State Cemetery Cause of D - Hyocardial Degerieration. Place of D - Asylum. Physician - W.J. Pollard. Date of funeral June 28, 1924. 114 Bartholomen, Roy 40y, 11m, 17d Jun. 26, 1924 Catholic Cemetery Date of birth - July 9, 1883 in Michigan. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Jones. Married. Residence - William Mary Hotel. Funeral services - Jun. 27, 1924 at Catholic Church. Father - Orlenzo Bartholomen, b. MI; Mother -- Evlyn Gates, b. MI. Charge to M.L. Martholomen, 2115 Elm St., Dallas, TX. 115 Crawford, Ilva 13 yrs. Jun. 26, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Physician - Fletcher. Date of funeral June 28, 1924 at Chapel by Rev. Simpson. Residence - 1410 16th. Single. Occupation - Sales girl. Charge to W.N. Crawford, Dallas, TX. 116 Nance, Alex 65 Jun. 25, 1924(?) State Cemetery Page dated June 23, 1924. Place of D - County Farm. Physician - Whitworth. Charge to County. 117 Dalton, William 11y, 1m, 28d Jun. 29, 1924 Holliday, TX Cemetery Date of birth - May 1, 1913. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Jones. Date of funeral - June 29, 1924 at Holliday. Father - R.J. Dalton, b. MS; Mother - Spencer, b. TN. Charge to R.J. Dalton, Holliday, TX - Box 45. Body to be shipped to Holliday, TX. 118 Teeter, L.G. 74y, 4m, 8d Jul. 7, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Place of D - Residence: 505 Virginia. Physician - Swartz. Funeral - Jul. 8, 1924 at residence, 505 Virginia, by Rev. Helson at 3:30pm. Married. Father - John Teeter, b. AL; Mother - Gances, b. AL. 119 Jones, Infant 17 days Jul. 1, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Place of D - County. Physician - Atkinson. Cause of D - Mardiducus. Funeral - Jul. 2, 1924 by Rev. Pinkston at 10AM. Father - W.E. Jones, b. TX; Mother - Alsua Wathcioson, b. TX. Charge to County. 120 Read, Ruth 2 days Jul 9, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Date of birth - Jul 7, 1924. Physician - Lowry. Date of funeral - Jul. 10, 1924. Father - R.H. Read, b. TX; Mother - Stella Phillips, b. OK. Charge to R.H. Read, 1208 Lamar. 121 Ashmore, Wesley 13y, 6m, 7d Jul. 9, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Date of birth - Jan. 6, 1911 in Wichita Falls, TX. Place of D - General Hospital. Date of funeral - Jul. 11, 1924 at First Baptist by Powers. Physician - Smith. Occupation: In School. Father - S.J. Ashmore, b. SC; Mother - Myrtle Gibson, b. TX. Charge to Save J. Ashmore, 1319 9th. 122 Weeks, Ada Lois 12y, 6m, 26d Jul. 10, 1924 Hico, Texas Date of birth - Dec. 24, 1911 in Texas. Cause of D - Fractured Skull - Accident. Physician - Wolford. Place of D - General Hospital. Occupation: In School. Father - David S. Weeks, b. TX; Mother - Dora Herrill, b. TX. Body to be shipped to Hico, Texas. Charge to D.S. Weeks, 1302 6th. 123 James, Thomas 11y, 2m, 12d Jul. 11, 1924 Archer City, Texas Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Walker. Funeral services at Archer City, July 12, 1924 at 3PM. Charge to O.C. James, Holliday, TX. 124 Mancill, Myrtle (Mrs) 47 Jul. 12, 1924 Cisco, Texas Cause of D - Pellegro. Physician - Howser. Place of D - Asylum. Widowed. Charge to J.C. Sherman, Cisco, TX. 125 Williams, Bessie (Mrs) 32 Jul. 12, 1924 not given Cause of D - Pelegro. Physician - Howser. Place of D - Asylum. Married. Charge to G.C. Williams, Sweetwater, TX. 126 Garner, Collin (Mrs) 21 Jul. 13, 1924 Iowa Park, Texas Married. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Machickney. Charge to Collin Garner, Iowa Park, TX. Body to be shipped to Iowa Park, TX. 127 Lancaster, Annie (Mrs) 67 Jul. 13, 1924 Stephenville, Texas Married. Place of D - 1108 Lamar (residence). Physician - Atkinson. Date of funeral - Jul 15, 1924. Charge to John Lancaster, City. 128 Carshan, Rebecca 22 Jul. 14, 1924 Ft. Worth, Texas Cause of D - Septhic Pyemia. Physician - Howser. Place of D - Asylum. Single. Charge to Robertson & Mueller. Body to be shipped to Ft. Worth. 129 Weatherly, S.W. 56 Jul. 18, 1924 Ft. Worth, Texas Married. Occupation: Farmer. Cause of D - Arterio Sclerosis. Physician - H.J. Pollard. Place of D - Asylum. Charge to Otis Weatherly, Panhandle, TX. 130 Brown, Robert Jr. 10 months Jul. 19, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Place of D - Home. Physician - West. Funeral - July 19, 1924 at Home, 4PM, Clergy: Voss. Charge to Robert Brown, 2406 Lawrence. 131 Martin, Beatrice 10 months Jul. 19, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Physician - Parnell. Funeral services Jul. 19, 1924 by Rev. Pinkston. Charge to W.D. Martin, 230 Bonner. 132 Massey, Frank 17 years Jul. 20, 1924 New Castle, Texas Cause of D - Tramatic Injury Medulla (Diving). Physician - Lee. Place of D - General Hospital. Date of funeral - July 24, 1924. Charge to C.W. Massey, 3114 Buchanan.. Body to be shipped to New Castle, TX. 133 Ragland, Infant 1m , 28d Jul. 24, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Cause of D - Innarcition. Physician - Terrell. Place of D - 1802 7th. Date of funeral - Jul. 24, 1924. Father - S.W. Ragland, b. TX; Mother - Ada Cordell, b. TX. 134 Jones, Homer Jr. 3 months Jul. 25, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Place of D - 2108 Harvard (Residence). Physician - Bedford. Date of funeral - Jul. 26, 1924 at residence - 2:30PM by Rev. Nelson. Charge to Homer Jones. 135 Cleveland, Lee 13 years Jul. 29, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Place of birth - Oklahoma.Cause of D - Dysentary. Physician - Beckman. Place of D - General Hospital. Funeral - July 30, 1929 at Cemetery, 4PM by Rev. Miller. Father - W.C. Cleveland, b. AR; Mother - Triffin, b. OK. Charge to County. 136 Hatten, Lillian 33 Jul. 30, 1924 Iowa Park, Texas Married. Cause of D - Gallstone operation. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Keil. Residence - Iowa Park, TX. Father - W.H. Crowe, b. TN; Mother - Minnie Tarkington, b. TN. Body to be shipped to Iowa Park, TX. 137 Newlin, M.O. 23 Jul. 30, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Born in Indiana. Cause of D - Accidental. Occupation - Mail Carrier. Single. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Gibbs, JP. Funeral services August 1, 1924 at Nazarene Church by Phillips, 2PM. Father - E.A. Newlin, b. Marshall, IN; Mother - Victoria Thomason, b. IN. 138 Amos, Earl 25 Aug. 9, 1924 Rising Star Cemetery Date of birth - June 21 in Texas. Single. Farmer. Cause of D - Typhoid. Place of D - Insane Asylum. Father - J.R. Amos, b. AR; Mother - Carmela Pewett, b. TX. Body to be shipped to Cisco, Texas. Charge to J.R.Amos, Rising Star, Texas. 139 Keen, Baby 1 day Aug. 9, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Cause of D - Premature. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Powers. Date of funeral - Aug. 10, 1924 at Cemetery, 4:30PM. Father - J.C. Keen, b. GA; Mother - Lillian Harrison, b. AL. Charge to J.C. Keen, 1609 Pearl. 140 Smith, H.I. 56 Aug. 9, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Place of birth - Texas. Occupation: Oil Operator. Married. Cause of D - Cerebral Hemorage. Place of D - Grenaille, New Mexico. Residence - 1812 10th. Funeral - at residence, 3PM on Aug. 11, by Rev. Holt. Physician - C.F. Milligan of Clayton, NM. Charge to Jno. O'Neil. 141 Jonas, Baby 0 Aug. 11, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Date of birth - Aug. 11, 1924 in Wichita Falls. Cause of D - premature. Physician - Guest. Place of D - Residence. Funeral - Aug. 12, 1924 at Cemetery, 3:30PM by Pinkston. Father - R.O. Jonas, b. TX; Mother - Inez Price, b. TX. Charge to R.O. Jonas, 1638 McGregor. 142 Brown, William H. 39y, 2m, 28d Aug. 12, 1924 Blue Grove Cemetery Date of birth - May 14, 1885. Married. Occupation: Stockman. Cause of D - General Peretonitis. Physician - Hargorve. Place of D - General Hospital. Funeral services at Blue Grove, Texas. Father - L.B. Brown, b. VA; Mother - Emily Miller, b. VA. Charge to Edw. I. Brown, Henrietta, TX. Body to be shipped to Henrietta, TX. 143 Snow, Will about 30 Riverside Cemetery Black. Single. Cause of D - Gun Shot Wound - Hemorage. Physician - Prickard. Place of D - General Hospital. Date of Funeral - Aug. 15, 1924. 144 Sheets, Robert F. 28y, 2m, 9d Aug. 13, 1924 Mansville, Oklahoma Single. Oil Worker. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Prictchard. Father - Alexander, b. AL; Mother - Sallie Waldrop, b. AL. Charge to Alexander Sheets, Maunsville, Okla. Body to be shipped to Mansville, Okla. 145 Zundelowitz, Rebecca 72 Aug. 15, 1924 Dallas, Texas Born in Poland, date unknown. Housewife. Married. Place of D - Residence. Physician - Walker. Funeral services at Tabernackle, Aug. 17, 1924. Father - Nosh (?) Zroginsky, b. Poland; Mother - Rachael ?, b. Poland. Charge to Albert Zundelowitz, 1104 P. Austin. 146 Miller, Jaunetta 5m, 10 days Aug. 20, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - Ileo Colitis. Physician - Collard. Place of D - Residence, 211 Bluff. Date of birth - March 10, 1924. in Oklahoma. Funeral services at 211 Bluff, 10AM on Aug. 21, 1924. Father - Ed Miller, b. OK; Mother - Gladys Johnson, b. TX. Charge to J.C. Johnson, 211 Bluff. 147 Scott, Anna Fern 11m, 13d Aug. 22, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Date of birth, Sep. 9, 1923. Residence, 403 Bridges. Date of funeral - Aug. 22, 1924 at Residence - 4:30PM. Physician - Mickle. Father - William A. Scott, b. TX; Mother Loraine Kimner, b. TX. Charge to W.A. Scott, 403 Bridges. 148 Adams, Elsie Orra 28y, 7m, 19d Aug. 21, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Date of birth - Jan. 2, 1896 in Arkansas. Married. Housewife. Cause of D - Acute Nephriticy. Place of D - General Hospital. Funeral services - Aug. 22, 1924 at Church of Christ, 3PM. Father - W.H. Forest, b. KY; Mother - Eliza Ballard, b. MO. Charge to Otis E. Adams. 149 Mellard, Baby Aug. 27, 1924 not given Place of D - General Hospital. Date of funeral - Aug. 27, 1924. Physician - Wolford. Father - J.S. Mellard, b. TX; Mother - Ruby Davis. Charge to J.S. Mellard. 150 Wade, John 31 Sep. 1, 1924 Whitney, Texas Widowed. Farmer. Cause of D - Perforation of Bowels. Physician - Pollard. Place of D - Asylum. Charge to G.A. Tennison, Whitney, TX. Body to be shipped to Whitney, TX. 151 Williams, Infant 1 day Sep. 2, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Cause of D - premature birth. Place of D - residence, 1306 Burnett. Physician - Smith. Funeral services at Cemetery, Sep. 2, 1924, at 4:30PM, by Simpson. Father - T.W. Williams, b. TX; Mother - Fern Dolling, b. OK. Charge to T.W. Williams, 1306 Burnett. 152 Denison, Virginia (Mrs) 53 Sep. 4, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Born in Tennessee. Married. Housewife. Cause of D - Gastritic. Physician - Amason. Place of D - Residence, 506 Scott. Date of Funeral, Sep. 5, 1924 at Chapel, 4PM, by Rev. Atkinson. Father - Newton Green, b. TN; Mother - Parker, b. TN. Charge to Mrs. Roy Taylor. 153 Rudder, James A. 69 Sep. 6, 1924 Rosemont Cemetery Married. Place of D - South of Town. Physician - Parrish, Holliday, TX. Order given by J.A. Rudder, Jr. Date of Funeral - Sep. 7, 1924 at Cemetery at 3:30pm by Rev. Crosby. 154 Reed, J.F. 68y, 11m, 23d Sep. 6, 1924 Riverside Cemetery Occupation: Physician. Widowed. Cause of D - Hemiplegia. Physician - Terrell. Place of D - 2014 10th. Funeral services - Sep. 7, 1924 at 2014 10th, 4PM, by Rev. Grafton. Father - Shipman Reed , b. TN; Mother - Lydia A. Campbell, b. TN. Order given by Judge Kay & C.C. Averill. 155 Stallings, Ida (Miss) 53y, 5m, 8d Sep. 9, 1924 Bowie, Texas Married. Date of birth - March 31 in Texas. Residence - Seymour, Texas. Cause of D - Cancer of Pancreas. Place of D - General Hospital. Physician - Lee. Date of funeral - Sep. 10, 1924.Charge to L.S. Stallings, Seymour, TX. Body to be shipped to Bowie, Texas. 156 Dove, John T., Jr. 8m3d Jan 7, 1924 Sep 10, 1924 Iowa Park, TX Born in Texas. Cause of death - Infectious Dyrehea. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician Ledford. Date of funeral Sep 11. Father J.T. Dove, b. MO; Mother Glazeous (?), b. TX. Body to be shipped to Iowa Park, services at cemetery. 157 Wortham, Rosa 38 Sep 11, 1924 Bassett, TX Born in Texas. Cause of death - Pneumonia. Place of death - asylum Physician Houser. Widowed. Charge to D. Wortham, Bassett, TX. 158 Flake, Lovey L.(Mrs) Sep 18, 1924 Seymour, TX Place of death - Ft. Worth, TX. Charge to Robertson & Mueller, Ft. Worth, TX. 159 Norris, Infant 1day Sep 17, 1924 Sep 17, 1924 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - died in Uterus. Place of death - General Hospital. Date of funeral Sep 18. Father Guy Norris, b. TX; Mother Ollie Clarkson, b. OK. Charge to Guy Norris. 160 Norris, Ollie 30y4m7d Sep 22, 1924 Riverside Cem. Born in Oklahoma. Cause of death - Puperial Infection. Place of death - hospital. Physician Smith. Residence 2128 Avenue J. Date of Funeral Sep 25. Father John Clarkson; Mother- Wright. Charge to Guy Norris. 161 Brown, Pearl 30 Sep 22, 1924 Riverside Cem. Colored. Charge to County. Married. Place of death General Hospital. Date of funeral Sep 26. 162 McClure, Margurett 17y9m24d Sep 25, 1924 Decatur, TX Single. Born in TX. Residence 1709 6th St. Physician McMerce. Date of funeral Sep 26. Father R.C. McClure, b. TN; Mother Gennie Murrel, b. TN. 163 Umberger, J.F. 60y7m4d Sep 26, 1924 Riverside Cem. Born in Virginia. Order given by O.C. Umberger, 208 Seymour, charge to same. Place of death - Residence - 208 Seymour. Funeral at Chapel - Rev. Miller, 3:30pm, Sep 29. Physician Walker. Cause of death - Aremia. Married. 164 Lewis, M.U. 40y1m22d Aug 8, 1884 Sep 30, 1924 Catholic Cem. Place of death - Iowa Park Road. Cause of death - Auto accident. Born in Kentucky. Married. Occupation - Cotton Man. Physician Gwinn, JP. Residence 1418 13th St. Funeral Oct 2 at Chapel - Rev. Hoyt, 3:30pm. Father H.B. Lewis, b. KY; Mother Paradine Haglit (?), b. KY. 165 Stewart, Mont 21y9m16d Dec 15, 1907 Oct 2, 1924 Stephenville, TX Single. Cause of death - Acute diletation of heart. Place of death - Asylum. Physician Howser. Charge to F.L. White. 166 Mullen, Infant 4 days Oct 3, 1924 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - Narasmelt (?) Physician Atkinson. Place of death - residence 2015 9th. Funeral Oct 3 at cemetery - Rev. Powers, 2pm. Father W.F. Mullen, b. MO; Mother Gladys Hardy, b. TX. Charge to W.F. Mullen. 167 Flannery, Sam 34 Oct 3, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Cause of death - burns. Place of death - residence, 1008 Virginia. Funeral at residence, Rev. Powers, 3:30pm Oct 4. 168 Kelsey, J.C.(Mrs) 48 Oct 3, 1924 Frisco, TX Cause of death - Lobar Pneumonia. Place of death - Asylum. Physician Howser. Married. Charge to J.C. Kelsey, Frisco, Texas. 169 Stewart, Baby 1day Oct 2, 1924 Riverside Cem. Stillborn. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician Guest. Mother Minnie Stewart, b. TX. Charge to County. 170 LeBlance, Heldud L. 9m22d Dec 13, 1922 Oct 4, 1924 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - pneumonia. Place of death - residence, 1616 Myrtle. Physician Meredith. Services at Riverside, Oct 7, 4pm, Rev. Holt. Father Dudley LeBlance, b. LA; Mother Nellie Wells, b. OK. Charge to Dudley LeBlance. 171 White, Baby Oct 6, 1924 Riverside Cem. Place of death 508 Mississippi. Physician Walker. Funeral Oct 6. Father G.W. White, b. TX; Mother Ruth Gawes, b. TX. Charge to G.W. White. 172 Holiman, Ora 24 Oct 6, 1924 Mexia, TX Colored. Born in Texas. Cause of death - gunshot in head. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician Singleton. Married. Father Henderson Right; Mother Ella Knox. 173 Jackson, Dave 40 Oct 7, 1924 Teague, TX Cause of death - gun shot in abdomen. Physician Lee. Place of death - General Hospital. Married. Charge to Express Co. 174 Knightstep, R.C. 4y9m11d Oct 9, 1924 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - Typhoid Fever. Place of death - General Hospital. Phyician Parker. Funeral Oct 10 at Chapel, 10:30am, Rev. Miller. Father R.L. Knightstep, b. TX; Mother Pearl Foy, b. TX. 175 Peacock, James B. 2days Oct 8, 1924 Oct 10, 1924 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - Illio Colitis. Place of death - home 1503 Myrtle. Physician Patillo. Funeral Oct 10 at home, 3pm. Father B.L. Peacock, b. TX; Mother - Parsons, b.TX. 176 Lovett, Harry 17y8m15d Jan 26, 1907 Oct 11, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Cause of death - Shock - Auto accident. Place of death - 7th and Adams. Physician Gibbs,JP. Funeral Oct 14 at Chapel. Residence 204 Seymour. Occupation - Messenger. Single. Father F.M. Lovett, b. New York; Mother Fannie M. Davidson, b. TN. Charge to F.D. Weaver, 306 Flood. 177 Elliott, Baby Oct 12, 1924 Riverside (?) Cause of death - premature. Place of death - residence, 1511 Smarsh. Funeral Oct 12 at Rosemont Cemetery, 3pm. Father C.Y. Elliott. Charge to father. 178 Hammock, Baby Oct 12, 1924 Cost of funeral - $25.00 179 Goodson, Baby Oct 12, 1924 Charge to T.E. Goodson, Grand Hotel. 180 Davis, John S. 34y11m2d Nov 11, 1889 Oct 13, 1924 Pilot Point, TX Cause of death - Urenia. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician Lowry. Funeral Oct 15. Single. Father J.B. Davis, b. TN; Mother Harriett Nolen, b. TN. Charge to Harry C. Davis. 181 Wright, Hallie (Mrs) 25y4m5d Jun 9, 1899 Oct 14, 1924 Cleburne, TX Born in Texas. Cause of death - General Septiamnia. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician Jones. Funeral Oct 16. Married, housewife. Father H.C. Duvall, b. MS; Mother Catherine Hartsfield, b. MS. Charge to J.C. Wright, Cleburne, TX. 182 Goolsbee, W.A. Oct 19, 1924 Pittsburg, KS Residence - 1500 Brittain. Cause of death - accidental. Occupation - Oil Man. Place of death - 6 miles South of Holliday, TX. Physician Lynch, Iowa Park, TX. 183 Sheilds, E.L. 35 Oct 19, 1924 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - gun shot in head. Place of death - 1601 9th. Occupation - dairyman. Married. Funeral at Chapel, 10:30am, Oct 21.Physician Gibbs, JP. Father Joe S. Shields, b. MS; Mother - Hendricks, b. MS. Charge to Dan Thornberry. 184 Carroll, Rebecca (Mrs) 79 Oct 25, 1924 Riverside Cem. Born in Georgia. Cause of death - cancer of uterus. Place of death - residence. Widowed. Funeral at residence, Oct 26, 5pm, Rev. White. Physician Kiel. Charge to L.N. Carroll, 1607 Elizabeth. 185 Thornberry, A.L. Sr. 79 Oct 26, 1924 Riverside Cem. Born in Kentucky. Cause of death - Bronclial Pneumonia. Place of death - residence, 1108 Polk. Physician Walker. Funeral Oct 27 at Methodist Church - Rev. Pellenger. Married. Order given by Harry Thornberry. 186 Colley Lilburn 81 Oct 26, 1924 Ft. Worth, TX Born in Missouri. Cause of death - shock from fracture of leg. Physician Meredith. Occupation - Doctor. Widowed. Funeral Oct 27 at Ft. Worth. Charge to A.W. Kelly. 187 Taylor, Clyde 19y9m5d Jan 21, 1905 Oct 26, 1924 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - drowned. Place of death - Diverson Dam. Occupation - school boy. Physician Guricun. Funeral Oct 28 at residence, 1304 Grant, 3pm - Rev. Loving. Father C.R. Taylor, b. IN; Mother Constance Goodwin, b. TX. Charge to father. 188 Shade, Garland 5y9m23d Jan 3, 1919 Oct 26, 1924 Riverside Cem. Born in Wichita Falls. Place of death - residence, 400 1/2 Seymour, at 4pm. Physician West. Father F.E. Shade, b. IL; Mother Ollie Brown, b. TX. Funeral Oct 27. Charge to father. 189 Smith, Clyde 31y8m28d Jan 29, 1893 Oct 27, 1924 Waurika, OK Born in Texas. Cause of death - run over by train. Place of death - railroad yards. Married. Occupation - railroad man. Physician Gwinn, JP. Father William Smith; Mother - Taylor. Funeral Oct 29. Charge to Mrs. Smith. 190 Gilbert, Walter 37 Oct 27, 1924 Houston, TX Cause of death - exhaustion from Psycasis. Place of death - Asylum. Physician - Pollard. Married. Charge to Togle West, Houston, TX. 191 Neusitis, Mary 35 Oct 29, 1924 Catholic Cem. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician Fletcher. Married. Charge to County. 192 McBright, Baby Nov 1, 1924 Riverside Cem. Stillborn. Physician Stevenson. Place of death - residence. Funeral Nov 2 at residence, 1707 24th. Father William R. McBright; Mother Ularey Pugle. Charge to father. 193 Holton, Annie 27 Nov 1, 1924 Riverside Cem. Colored. Cause of death - Pul. TB. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician Kiel. Funeral Nov 2 at 4pm. Married. Charge to A.D. Holton, Usalls, TX. 194 Duboy, Allen 34 Nov 3, 1924 Ennis, TX Cause of death - gun shot abdomen. Place of death - Ft. Worth & Denver RR train. Physician Gwinn, JP. Single. Father Frank Duboy, b. TX; Mother Annie McDaniel, b. AL. Charge to J.J. McDaniel, Ennis TX. Body to be shipped to Ennis. 195 Kelly, Baby 4 days Nov 4, 1924 Riverside Cem. Place of death - residence, 208 Janolick. Physician Tyson. Funeral Nov 5 at residence. Father S.S. Kelly, b. LA; Mother - Stout, b. TX. Charge to father. 196 McKinney, Mathe (Mrs) 74 Nov 5, 1924 Darry, TX Born in Georgia. Cause of death - Asthoma. Physician Gibbs, JP. Place of death - 1315 3rd. Father F.E. McCullock, b. GA; Mother Mary McCarrey, b. GA. Charge to Mrs. Mary Hawkins, Usalls, Texas. Body to be shipped to Darry, TX. 197 Conn, Samuel 61 Nov 7, 1924 Eden, TX Cause of death - Ternacions Anemia. Physician Guest. Place of death - 1504 Giddings. Occupation - farmer. Widowed. Father Issac Conn, b. Ireland. Charge to A.T. Conn, Eden, TX. 198 Shade, Infant Nov 11, 1924 Riverside Cem. Stillborn. Place of death - residence - 204 Seymour. Physician - Guest. Funeral Nov 11. Father T.E. Shade, b. IL; Mother Ollie Brown, b. TX. Charge to T.E. Shade. 199 Cocke, Ameleta Nov 11, 1924 Riverside Cem. Listed as Coke in index. Stillborn. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician Parker. Funeral Nov. 12, Rev. Johnson.Father C.V. Cocke, b. TX; Mother Areria Carcepbell, b. TX. Charge to C.V. Cocke. 200 Jones, W.R. 35 Nov 11, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Cause of death - gun shot wound of abdomen. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician Heyman. Funeral at Chapel, 4pm, Nov 13. Occupation - Farmer. Married. Father W.A. Jones, b. MS; Mother Martha Turpen b. TX. Charge to Mrs. Jones. 201 Owen, John W. 52y11m21d Nov 13, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Cause of death - Acute diletation of heart. Place of death - Galveston, TX. Physician Grafton. Funeral Nov 15 at residence, 1203 Polk. Occupation - Real Estate. Married. Charge to Mrs. Owen. 202 Herndon, James 75 Nov 17, 1924 State Cemetery Cause of death - Senility. Place of death - Assylum. Widowed. 203 Keesee, Wanda 2days Nov 17, 1924 Nov 19, 1924 Electra, TX Cause of death - Acute Chodangitis. Residence - 1615 Lucille. Funeral Nov. 19. Father Herman Keesee, b. TX; Mother Eva Owens, b. TX. Charge to Coca Cola Co. 204 Keesee, Juanita 4 days Nov 20, 1924 Electra, TX Cause of death - premature. Physician Collard. Residence 1615 Lucille. Father Herman Keesee, b. TX; Mother Eva Owens, b. TX. Charge to Coca Cola Co. 205 Enness, James E. 66y1m25d Sep 25, 1858 Nov 19, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Cause of death - fractured base of skull. Place of death - General Hospital. Occupation Bridge Carpenter. Married. Funeral Nov 21 at Chapel. Father William Enness, b. Scotland; Mother Mary Ann Karland, b. England. Charge to Mrs. J.E. Enness, 311 N. River St., Comanche, OK. 206 Green, John 1m9days Nov 21, 1924 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - heart failure. Place of death - Ball Park Add. Physician Gibbs, JP. Funeral Nov. 21. Charge to County. 207 Fuller, Henry Pierson 30y7m15d Apr 10, 1894 Nov 25, 1924 Iowa Park, TX Cause of death - struck by brake lever (accident). Occupation - Oil Driller. Physician J.W. Parrish. Funeral Nov 27 at Iowa Park, 3:30pm. Father I.J. Fuller, b. GA; Mother Ida Barron, b. TX. 208 Atkinson, Annie 30 Nov 18, 1924 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - Sypholes. Place of death - General Hospital. Funeral at Chapel. Physician - Leach. Charge to Rose Humphris. 209 Unknown, Baby No date Physician - Gibbs, JP. Place of death - Petrolia Road. Charge to County. 210 Jones, W.H. 35y6m Nov 29, 1924 Houston, TX Cause of death - Auto accident. Place of death - Seymour, TX. Physician - Gibbs, JP. Single. Father Sarus B. Jones, b. TX; Mother Kattie Hogan, b. TX. 211 Waggoner, Baby 3 days Nov 30, 1924 Riverside Cem. Case of death - Premature. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician - Guest. Funeral Nov 30 at Cemetery, 3:30pm - Pomus. Father J.L. Waggoner, b. TX; Mother Marie Paterson, b. TX. Charge to J.L. Waggoner, 1412 Hayes. 212 Davis, Baby Dec 1, 1924 Riverside Cem. Physician - Collard. Funeral Dec 2 at Cemetery. Mother May Davis. Charge to May Davis, Wichita Falls, TX. 213 Carrington, L.P. Dec 1, 1924 Charge to Mrs. L.P. Carrington, Archer City, TX. 214 Carpio, Juan 30 Dec 4, 1924 Catholic Cem. Physician - Lane. Funeral at Catholic Church, 10am, Dec 5. 215 Lisk, Wesley Dec 6, 1924 Dallas, TX Place of death - North Katy Yards. Physician - Gibbs, JP. Order given by Brown Undertaking Co., Dallas, TX. 216 Kounslar, Randolph 74 Dec 7, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Residence - 1209 Monroe. Married. Funeral at Rosemont, 4:30pm - Rev. Datson. Charge to C. Kounslar. 217 Price, Lucy (Mrs) 40 Dec 7, 1924 Boston, Georgia Married. Residence - Texas Hotel. Cause of death - heart failure. Physician - Guinn, JP. Charge to J.N. Price. 218 Buss, Frank 4yrs Dec 8, 1924 Catholic Cem. Physician - Tyson. Funeral at Catholic Church, 9am, Dec 10. Charge to C. Buss, 1410 6th. 219 McCorkle, Sallie 65 Dec 10, 1924 State Cemetery Single. Place of death - Assylum. Physician - Howser. 220 Campbell, Ed G. 38y3m3d Dec 11, 1924 Munday, Texas Residence - Electra, TX. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician - Parker. Occupation - Bookkeeper. Married. Order given by Homer Len. Funeral services at Munday, Texas. 221 Hudman, Will 21y 1day Dec 13, 1924 Riverside Cem. Place of death - General Hospital. Physician - Jones. Funeral at Riverside Cemetery, 5pm, Dec 14. Residence 406 Front St. Charge to County. 222 McCormick, Anna 13 Dec 13, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Residence - 1410 16th. Funeral at Baptist Church - Rev. Powers, Dec 14. Physician - Stevenson. Charge to O.L. McCormick. 223 Nance, Baby Dec 14, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Physician - Beckman. Place of death 1517 9th. Funeral Dec 14. Charge to J.D. Nance. 224 Craig, Fannie 19 Dec 14, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - General Hospital. Funeral at Baptist Church, Rev. Powers, Dec 15. Physician - Mackechned. Charge to John Craig 1507 12th. 225 Ormond, George L. No other information. 226 Abels, James B. No other information. 227 Basqug, Tony Dec 20, 1924 Riverside Cem. Single. Place of death - General Hospital. Funeral at Cemetery, 11am, Dec 21. 228 Dowell, S.L. 55 Dec 20, 1924 ?, Texas Occupation - Flour Mill. Married. Funeral at residence - 1407 16th at 3pm. Charge to Lee Dowell, same address. 229 Mann, W.G. 65 Dec 21, 1924 Waco, Texas Cause of death - Acteris Scluosis. Physician - Pollard. Place of death - Assylum. Married. Charge to Ollie Mann, 2524 Clay Ave., Waco, TX. 230 Savage, Rachael 52 Dec 23, 1924 Riverside Cem. Married. Place of death - residence, 408 8th. Funeral Dec 26 at Baptist Church, 3pm. Physician - Powers. Charge to Henry Savage. 231 Gelliland, L.F.? 38 Dec 23, 1924 Rosemont Cem. Name written in: Edward Franklin Gelliland. Single. Bricklayer. Place of death - 4th and Austin. Physician - Gibbs, JP. Funeral Dec 24, at 1509 Myrtle, 3pm, Rev. Turner. Charge to L.R. Gelliland, 1509 Myrtle. 232 Funston, Sarah (Mrs) 74 Dec 23, 1924 Riverside Cem. Widow. Physician - Powers. Funeral at residence - 2914 10th St. at 11am, Rev. White. Charge to H.M. Dockman same address. 233 Garrett, James Ruby Dec 24, 1924 San Angelo, TX Cause of death - Pentmihs(?). Residence - San Angelo, TX. Physician - Pollard. Charge to Jack Garrett, Los Angeles, CA. 234 Elliott, Ugnes 27 Dec 25, 1924 Riverside Cem. Single. Occupation - Bookkeeper. Place of death - residence - 305 5th St. Funeral at Baptist Church, Dec 30, Rev. Holt. Physicians Lee & Keil. Order given by Boys and Girls. 235 Rumbo, Sam 25 Jan 1, 1925 Riverside Cem. Married. Place of death - General Hospital. Funeral at Cemetery Jan 2. Charge to County. 236 Mumford, Baby Jan 1, 1925 Place of death - Holliday, TX. Charge to A.M. Carter of Holliday, TX. Funeral 1 Jan 1925. 237 Key, Roda (Mrs) 63 Jan 2, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Widow. Place of death - General Hospital. Residence: 1814 Polk St. Funeral at residence at 3pm on Jan 5. Charge to D.E. Key, 1920 10th Street. 238 Hanson, T.O. 55 Jan 2, 1925 Clifton, TX Cause of death - General Parisis. Place of death: Asylum. Married. Charge to Jacob Hanson of Clifton, Texas. Body to be shipped to Clifton. 239 Green, Robt. Jan 4, 1925 Riverside Cem. Place of death - General Hospital. Funeral on 5 Jan. Occupation: Labor. Married. 240 Lawrence, W.H. 62 Jan 6, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - 1606 Bluff. Funeral services at Chapel on 6 Jan by Powers. Charge to Mrs. Sam McCormick of Paris, TX. 241 Haskett, Lester E. 10 days Jan 8, 1925 Riverside Cem. Residence: 315 Adams. Charge to C.E. Haskett. 242 Laws, S.H. 71y5m12d Jan 10, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Widow. Place of death - residence, 1600 Elizabeth. Funeral at Chapel, 3:30pm by Miller on 12 Jan. 243 Phillips, Alice (Mrs) 67 Jan 10, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Widow. Place of death - General Hospital. Funeral srvices at Chapel, 3:30pm by Barnes on 10 Jan. 244 Dockel, Edmond 53y11m29d Jan 12, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - General Hospital. Married. Farmer. Funeral services Jan. 13 at residence (no address given). 245 Clary, R.T. (Mrs) 34 Jan 11, 1925 Cause of death - Broncliad Pnuemonia. Married. Funeral services at Res. 704 Wolford. Charge to R.T. Clary, Ft. Worth. 246 Moser, Homer 36 Jan 13, 1925 Haskell, TX Cause of death - Gen. Paresis. Place of death - Assylum. Charge to F.A. Moser, Haskell, TX, Farmers State Bank. Body to be shipped to Haskell. 247 Juanita Wimberly 1y10m19d Jan 15, 1925 Riverside Cem. Charge to County. 248 Kelly, Tom 69 Jan 13, 1925 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - Heart desease. Place of death: Woodward, OK. Married. Funeral services at Chapel, 10am by White on 15 Jan. Charge to Mrs. Tom Kelly, 708 Burnett. 249 Moots, C.S. 59 Jan 26, 1925 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - General Paresis. Place of death: Asylum. Funeral services at cemetery on Jan. 17. Occupation: RRM. Charge to Mrs C.S. Moots, Denson, Tex. 250 Holland, Katie (Mrs) 60 Jan 21, 1025 Pilot Point, TX Widow. Cause of death - Caninom of womb. Place of death: General Hospital. Funeral services at Chapel, 3:50pm by Barnes on 22 Jan. Charge to O.C. Moody, 1601 McTuzas St. 251 Towner, H.E. 34y5m11d Aug 12, 1889 Jan 23, 1925 Riverside Cem. Place of death - residence, 2308 Grant. Funeral services at residence, 2:30pm on 25 Jan. by Johnson. Married. Occupation: Grain Inspector. 252 Robert Allen Stone Jan 24, 1925 Riverside Cem. Order given by Jerome Stone. Charge to same. Funeral services at residence (not given) on Jan 25 by Johnson. 253 Wayne, Grover C. 39 Jan 25, 1925 Amarillo, TX Place of death - General. Married. Occupation: Traveling Man. Body to be shipped to Amarillo, TX. Charge to Mrs. G.C. Wayne, Ft. Worth, TX. 254 Fisher, J.W. 69y4m8d Jan 26, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Widowed. Place of death - 1718 Huff. Funeral services at Baptist church, 2:30pm by Poness on 27 Jan. 255 Hendrick, J.W. 74 Jan 26, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Married. Place of death - 1200 Travis. Occupation: R. Funeral services at Residence, 3pm by Arkmon on 28 Jan. Order given by Chella Hendrick. 256 Barnett, Vivian 34y6m15d Jan 18, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - County Farm. Married. Funeral at Chapel, 4pm on 29 Jan by Barnes. 257 Griffin, Cecil 23 Jan 30, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Single. Place of death - General Hospital. Funeral at Chapel, 3pm on Jan. 31. Charge to O.F. Griffin. 258 Wells, L.B. 70 Jan 30, 1925 Bartten, TX Cause of death - Fracture of Knee (auto acid.) Place of death: 6th and Austin streets. Occupation: Grocery Man. Widowed. Residence 502 Burnett. 259 White, Mattie (Mrs) Feb 1, 1925 Riverside Cem. Widow. Residence 1805 Filmore. Place of death: Residence. Funeral services at 3pm by Barnes. Charge to Mrs. T.B. White. 260 Ricks, Maggie (Mrs) 65 Feb 1, 1925 Riverside Cem. Place of death: Residence. Married. Funeral services at C. Chapel, 3pm on 2 Feb by White. Charge to J.F. Ricks, 708 Burnett. 261 Carroll, W.G. 1y11m20d Feb 8, 1925 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - Gastricks. Place of death: Lee Hotel. Funeral Feb. 9. Charge to County. 262 Sheegog, E.T. Feb 7, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - Dallas. Cause of death: Carsinom of Bladder. Occupation: Oil Man. Married. Funeral services at residence (not given)by A.F. Tolson. on Feb. 8. 263 Hansard, Inf. Feb 9, 1925 Catholic Cem. Infant of H.L. Hansard. Place of death, residence (not given). 264 Jazas, Frank 38 Feb 10, 1925 Riverside Cem. Place of death - Henrietta Road. Funeral 11 Feb. 265 Childers, L.P. 33 Feb 10, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - Residence, 1611 Lucille. Married. Funeral services at 3pm. Charge to Mrs. Jewell Childers. 266 Cannon, McAllen 18 Feb 11, 1925 Hugo, OK Cause of death - fracture skull. Place of death: 11th & Harmon. Occupation: Truck driver. Body to be shipped to Hugo, OK. 267 Cummings, Myrtle (Mrs) 40 Feb 11, 1925 Bowerston, OH Cause of death - Obstruction of bowel. Place of death - Hospital. Charge to W.J. Cummings, Breckenridge, Texas. Body to be shipped to Bowerston, Ohio. 268 Doran, Lee M. 50 Feb 12, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - Seymour. Cause of death: Gun Shot. Married. Funeral at Chapel, 3pm by Loving on 13 Feb. Charge to John O'Neill. 269 Covet, H.J. Sr. 55 Feb 13, 1925 Tulia, TX Cause of death - Cubriel Tuberoselerosis. Place of death: Assylum. Married. 270 Robertson, Elzie Feb 14, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Married. Funeral services at ME Church South by Johnson on 16 Feb. 271 unknown 46 Feb 15, 1925 Riverside Cem. Single. Place of death - Asylum. Cause of death - Pellagru. Funeral at Chapel, 10:30pm on 17 Feb. 272 Loe, Nellie A. Feb 16, 1925 Bomarten, TX Single. Cause of death - Ruptured Appendex. Place of death: Gen. Hospital. Charge to J.W. Loe, Bomartin, TX. 273 VOID 274 Smothers, Mammie (Mrs) 57 Feb 18, 1925 Hallitsville, TX Place of death - Asylum. Married. 275 Oates, J.N. 74y2m28d Feb 18, 1925 Polksville, AR Cause of death - Pneumonia. Place of death: General Hospital. Widowed. Charge to M.B. Oates, Usalls, Texas. 276 Stamey, C.L. 1m8d Feb 19, 1925 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - Asphialia. Residence: Stockyards. Place of death: Stockyards. Funeral services at cemetery, 5pm by Pinkston. 277 Brannon, Lela F. 4days Feb 19, 1925 Place of death - residence. Funeral services at cemetery, 4pm by Pinkstory. Charge to C.A. Brannon, 3304 Garfield. 278 Lee, Dava 13 Feb 21, 1925 Ada, OK Cause of death - Toxic Poison. Place of death: residence, 1904 Buchanan. Funeral services at Chapel, 4pm by Holt. Body to be shipped to Ada, OK. Charge to J.H. Lee, 1904 Buchanan. 279 Works, A.M. 74 Feb 23, 1925 Vernon, TX Widowed. Residence - 1304 Monroe. Funeral services at Vernon, TX, 11am by Barnes. Charge to Geo & A.M. Works. 280 Stewart, Bob (Mrs) 40 Feb 23, 1925 Charlie, TX Place of death - residence, Charlie, TX. Cause of death - Gun shot wound "self". Funeral services at Charlie, TX on 25 Feb at 3pm. Charge to Bob Stewart. 281 Wynn, Clarence 14 Feb 25, 1924 Frederick, OK Cause of death - suffocation. Place of death - Cotton seed oil mill. Charge to W.J. Wynn. 282 Lowe, Martha B. (Mrs) 33 Feb 25, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Married. Place of death - General Hospital. Residence 1408 Polk. Funeral services at 11am by Atkinson on 27 Feb. 283 Pate, Norma Nell 5y7m17d Feb 26, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - Residence, 1711 Collins. Funeral services at residence, 3pm on 28 Feb. by Arkmson. Charge to G.B. Pate, same address. 284 Yancy, Isabell 2 Feb 28, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Residence - Factory. Place of death - residence. Funeral March 1, 1925. 285 Dawell, Nettie (Mrs) 49 Feb 28, 1925 Amarillo, TX Cause of death - Gen. Paralysis. Place of death: Asylum. Married. Body to be shipped to Amarillo, TX. Charge to H.S. Griggs. 286 Tolbert, H.G. 38y10m27d Mar 3, 1925 Riverside Cem. Place of death -residence, 1311 14th St. Occupation: Oil Operator. Married. Funeral services at Chapel, 2pm by Datson on 4 March. Charge to W.V. Tolbert, Littlefield, Texas. 287 Porter, H.E. 33 Mar 5, 1925 Cause of death - Pulmonary Hemorrage. Place of death: General Hospital. Occupation: Salesman. Charge to J.E. Higgins, 2401 So. Harwood, Dallas, TX. (At bottom: A.M. Russel, 220 W. Jefferson, So. Bend, Indiana) 288 Sclafer, J.D. 68y11m11d Mar 6, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Cause of death - Pneumonia. Married. Place of death - residence, 1919 8th St. Funeral services at residence, 3pm by Powers on 7 March. Charge to Mrs. Sclafer. 289 Southern, J.H. Mar 6, 1925 Riverside Cem. Place of death - hospital. Charge to County. 290 Price, Inf. Mar 7, 1925 Burkburnett Cem. Infant of Lee Price. Place of death - General Hospital. Funeral March 7. 291 Price, Alice Bell (Mrs) 58y3m Mar 5, 1925 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - Carcinoma of Ecophagus. Widow. Funeral services at Chapel, 10:30am on Mar 7 by Powers. Residence: 1201 Clark. Charge to W.L. Price. 292 Braganier?, D.R. 42y4m15d Mar 7, 1925 Riverside Cem. Cause of death - Angina Pictouri. Place of death - 1310 13th. Funeral at Chapel, 3pm by Atkinson on 9 Mar. Married. Occupation: Oil Man. 293 Davis, Cora H. (Mrs) 53 Mar 10, 1925 Corsicana, TX Cause of death - Pelegra. Place of death: Asylum. Widow. Charge to Thomas J. Davis, Pond State Bank. Order given by W.W. Carter, Corsicana, TX. Body to be shipped to Corsicana. 294 Shafer, Willard 4 Mar 10, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - residence, 2708 Sherman. Funeral services at residence, Mar 11, 3pm by Barnes. Charge to Jack Shafer, same address. 295 Smith, Nellie, Mrs. 28 Mar 15, 1925 Sherman, TX Cause of death - Pelegra. Place of death - Asylum. Body to be shipped by Scott Und. Co. to Sherman, TX. 296 Wyatt, Baby 1day Mar 16, 1925 Charlie, TX Cem. Place of death - Charlie, TX. Charge to Jack Wyatt, Charlie, TX. 297 Bacheller, C. 34 Mar 16, 1925 Crowley, TX Place of death - General Hospital. Charge to O'Donohoe & Gates. Body to be shipped to Crowley, TX. 298 Watson, Cora (Mrs) 45 Mar 17, 1925 Woodbrine, TX Place of death - General Hospital. Married. Body to be shipped to Woodbrine, TX. Charge to R.N. Watson, Iowa Park, TX. 299 Bearden, Paul 8 Mar 18, 1925 Rosemont Cem. Place of death - Residence, 1634 Elizabeth. Funeral services at Chapel, 4pm on Mar 19 by Rice. Charge to O.A. Bearden. 300 Hawkins, J.W. 37 Mar 19, 1925 Amarillo, TX Cause of death - Gen. Parisis. Place of death - Asylum. Married. Occupation: RR Conductor. Charge to Mrs. J.W. Hawkins, address: Groom Tw. Body to be shipped to Amarillo, TX.