Early New Zealand History and Genealogy
Pre 1846 Database of European Contacts last updated July 2012
As a project I am developing a genealogical database to try and capture every known instance of Early European contact with New Zealand starting with the speculative arrival of the Portugese explorer Christopher Mendonca in 1521 and including information through to the end of 1845 when New Zealand had a European population of around 7,000 people. The database now has around 25,000 names although many of these are ancesors or descendants of people who had contact with NZ up to 1846..
Where known the database includes genealogical data such as parents, spouses, siblings, children etc.
In the process of gathering data I have also established a database of shipping arrivals and departures from NZ. (NZ SAD list).
I would appreciate corresponding with any other researchers who may be able to supply or correct information or who may wish me to provide information by "look up'' from the database. email me
I am grateful for all of the information that has already been gathered and which is available on a number of excellent web sites. In addition I am researching early papers and books and databases available in NZ libraries. I will acknowledge and refer to all source materials.
This is an ongoing project and therefore if you have an interest in the information I suggest you return periodically to check on this site for updated information. I will try and keep the information as up to date as possible.
Note: if you need sources for any material or events please check with me.
Whilst all care is taken researchers need to refer to original source material as far as possible.
Great Barrier Island, New Zealand
European Contact with New Zealand.
1521 - 1846
Prior to the organised settlement of New Zealand which began in earnest in late 1839 there were several phases of European contact with New Zealand beginning with Explorers and Visitors, Sealers and Whalers, Missionaries, Traders and Settlers. In addition there were a considerable number of people who 'jumped' ship, including convicts from the penal colonies in Australia, and who lived with local Maori tribes, the so called Pakeha Maori. From 1845 quite a large number of soldiers began to arrive as the NZ Land Wars started to occur. Many of these soldiers later chose to settle in NZ when they were offered this option.
Pre 1846 Database index
links to my other genealogy pages
FLORENCE / FLORANCE families of Scotland.
I have also undertaken a one name study of FLORENCE / FLORANCE families of Scotland. follw link above to obtain more information.
Personal Family History interests follow link.
I have interests in the following surnames :CHRISTIANSEN | COTTLE | DIAMOND | DUGALD/ DOUGALL | FLORENCE | FOX | FREW |
All of these interests relate to individuals and families who emigrated to New Zealand