The Will of Joseph Ollier, Surgeon of Westminster London (Dated 1830)
All names are in bold or large script for ease of reference.
This is the last Will and Testament of me Joseph Ollier of Little Charles Street in the Parish of St Margarets Westminster Surgeon as follows First I direct that all my just debts funeral expenses and the cost of proving this my will be paid as soon as convieniently may be after my decease and from and after the payment thereof then I do give and bequeath unto my wife Anne Ollier all my household furniture plate linen china ready monies and securities for money and all other my estate effects which I may be possesed of or entitled unto at the time of my decease to and for her own absolute use benefit and disposal And I do hereby appoint my said wife Anne Ollier sole executrix of this my will hereby revoking all former and other wills by me at anytime heretofore made and declaring this only to be my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament (contained in one sheet of paper and in my own handwriting) set my hand and seal this first day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty Joseph Ollier [signed] signed and sealed Witness John Archer [signed]
Appeared personaly in the goods of Joseph Ollier deceased Charles Hoghton [?] of John Street [?] in the County of Middlesex and made oath that he knew and was well aquainted with Joseph Ollier formerly of Charles Street but late of De La Hay Street in the Parish of St Margaret Westminster in the County of Middlesex deceased for several years before and to the time of his death that during such his knowledge and aquaintance with the said deceased he hath frequently seen him write and also write and subscribe his name whereby he this appeared hath become well aquainted with his style and character of handwriting and subscription and the appearer having now with care and attention [...?...] and inspected the paper writing hereunto annexed purporting to and contain the last Will and Testament of the said deceased the said will begining thus "this is the last Will and Testament of me Joseph Ollier of Little Charles Street in the Parish of St Margaret Westminster Surgeon as follows" Ending thus "in witness whereof I have to this my last will (contained in one sheet of paper and in my own handwriting) set my hand and seal this first day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty" and thus subscribed "Joseph Ollier" this appearer such that he really and in his concience believes the whole body [...?...] and contents of the said paper writing as also the said named Joseph Ollier set and subscibed thereto were and are of the perfect handwriting and subscription of the aforesaid Joseph Ollier deceased Charles Hoghton [signed] On the twenty fourth of June 1834 the said Charles Hoghton was duly sworn to the truth of the above affidavit before me Geo. Matsham Sur. [signed] & W. M. Pulley Note. Pub. [signed]
Proved at London the 26th June 1834 before the worshipful George Matsham Dr. of law and surrogate by the oath of Anne Ollier widow the relict the sole executrix to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to adm.
Names mentioned in the will of Joseph Ollier are shown below:
Sole beneficiary was Ann Ollier his wife.
Joseph Signed the will and the witness was John Archer who also signed.
The will was proved in 1834 to his widow Anne Ollier (nee Locke).
Note: Joseph married Anne Locke in 1829 after the death of his first wife Sarah in 1824. The marriage licence was for the 26th August 1829 at St Margaret's Church in the parish of Westminster, Middlesex, Joseph is shown as a widower on the Allegation, it is now known that his first wife was Sarah but as yet her surname is unknown. Anne was the daughter of John & Jane Locke (nee Ollier) Both Joseph & his wife Anne, were buried in the Locke family grave at Wylye in Wiltshire. There is a transcribed record for the baptism of a Joseph to Charles & Sarah Allier (sic) in 1786 at Bath, but as yet I have not obtained the original entry from the register to see if it is Ollier. John Archer was Anne's brother in law.
In the 1861 Census, Anne Ollier is shown as recieving a "Greenwich Pension" this pension has always been linked to Greenwich Hospital at Greenwich, and also the Royal Navy, perhaps Joseph was a Surgeon in the Royal Navy or that Hospital?