
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, June 4th 1868

This barque, which arrived here from London on the 2nd instant, left Gravesend on the 12th of February, with fine weather; reached the Lizard on the 19th, and crossed the Equator on tho 18th of March; making a smart run from the Lizard in twelve days eight hours; thence to Cape Leeuwin the Algernoon experienced strong N.W. and S.W, winds, after which light winds and easterly weather until making Cape Farewell. The passage from land to land occupied 102 days. The Algernon brought the following passengers, who speak highly of tho treatment they received on board:— Mr. Tobin, Mr. Fennell, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay and eight children, John Finlay, James Fin- Jay, Elizabeth Ilannah Finlay, and Miss Bell.