
Evening Post, December 1st 1874

The ship Howrah, Captain Greeves, arrived in this harbour at 5:30 last evening, in tow of the p.a. Manawatu, after a rather long passage of 97 days. She sailed from London on the 26th August, and experienced rough weather in the Channel, taking her final departure from the Lizard 3rd September; crossed the Equator on 26th September, and passed the Cape of Good Hope on 24th October. The easting was run down with generally fair weather, and the Snares were sighted on the 26th November, the passage from land to land thus being made in 84 days. The Howrah brings 380 souls, equal to 317 statute adults, under the charge of Dr J A Easton as Surgeon Superintendent. There were 10 deaths (9 being infants) and four births on the voyage. The Board of Health at once passed the ship as clean, and she was brought to an anchorage within 200 yards of the wharf. She was consigned to Messrs Johnston and Co., and will load for London after discharging cargo.

Also from the Evening Post, December 1st 1874

Very flattering testimonials from the passengers by the Howrah have been presented to Captain Greaves and Dr Easton. The skill and attention of both is referred to in the most laudatory terms, and the conduct of the officers and crew of the ship is also acknowledged as having been excellent. The length of the testimonials prevents us from publishing them in full.