
Ship: 623 tons
Captain: Thomson
Surgeon Superintendent:
Sailed London December 9th 1859 - arrived Wellington March 24th 1860

The Derwentwater, a barque of 522 tons (sic), built at Sunderland in 1852, was one of the first vessels chartered by the Shaw Savill Co., for New Zealand, and under Captain Thompson she brought out a large number of immigrants during the 'sixties. She sailed from London on the 9th December, 1859, and arrived at Wellington on the 24th March, 1860, making the passage in 104 days. She brought out 65 passengers.
White Wings - Sir Henry Brett

Name Age County Occupation
First Cabin Passengers
Argles Mr
Codrington Mr R H
Fernie Mr
Jones John
Langbridge Mr W B
Moore Mr W
Northwood Mr W
Turton Henry
Wilkinson Mr
3 children
Second Cabin Passengers
Bontor Miss E J
King Miss S
Manning Miss T
Taylor Mr J
41 passengers in steerage

Copyright Denise & Peter 2002

Evening Post March 28th 1860