
Loch Fleet
Ship: 713 tons
Captain: Robertson
Surgeon Superintendent:
Sailed London August 16th 1878 - arrived Auckland November 21st 1878

The Loch Fleet was a full-rigged iron ship of  713 tons, built at Glasgow in 1872. She began trading to New Zealand in 1877, andnmade her last voyage in 1886. This ship generally experienced unfavourable weather on the voyages out to New Zealand. She hada very rough time when bound for New Zealand in 1878, and was carried out of her course, sailing about 20,000 miles. The ship on that voyage left Gravesend on August 16, and passed Deal on the 19th. Variable winds detained her in the Channel until the 23rd, when she took her final departure from the Lizard. Two months later Captain Robertson had a most anxious time on the run from the Cape to Tasmania. The first storm started on October 14, and continued with unabated fury for two days. On the 15th a tremendous sea broke over the ship, smashing the captain's gig and doing other damage. The weather continued violent, and on the 20th heavy squalls came down, with snow and hail, and the vessel lost a stunsail boom and suffered other damage. The ship was driven before the wind, and travelled from 300 to 320 miles a day. Squally weather continued right along to the Leeuwin. On November 6the ship encountered another storm, which, said one of the pasengerson arrival in Auckland, "will live in our memories forever."The hurricane commenced at 4 pm, reached its climax about midnight, and caused much damageto the ship. About 7 pm a tremendous seastruck the ship, and two hourslateranother wave, fully 40ft high, broke over the poop andwashed the two men from the wheel.Oneman was carriedthe wholelength of the ship. The other, coming in collision with one of the hatches, was severely knocked about, and sustained a nasty wound in the head. Fortunately thesecond mate, Mr Montgomery, rushed to thewheel, otherwise the Loch Fleet might never have reached Auckland. The decks were completely filled with water, and the heavy seas broke the poop rails and carried everything movable overboard.
White Wings - Sir Henry Brett

Name Age County Occupation
Second Cabin Passengers
Butter Thomas Henry
Butter John
Drummond Robert
Steerage Passengers
Ambridge Arthur
Auston William
Bach Arthur
Cant Marian
Dilke Robert
Martin Edward
McCracken Alfred
McEntee Patrick
Walker Thomas H

Copyright Denise & Peter 2001

Auckland Newspapers
Terry Logan, Auckland

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