
From the New Zealand Gazette Wednesday May 31, 1871

Interim report of the War Medal commisssioners.


In accordance with the instructions conveyed by the Commission of the 3rd February, 1871, we have examined all the applications from officers and men of the Colonial Forces for the New Zealand War Medal, which have been referred to us by the HOn. Colonial Secretary, and have the honor to report as follows:-

1. On the accompanying Roll marked A we have included the names of those applicants who are entitled, under the terms of the Resolution of the House of Representives, to recieve the Medal for services performed during the years 1845, 1846, or 1847, or during the years from 1860 to 1866, both inclusive.

2. And on the Roll marked B the names of those who have established their claims to the Medal, if it is to be granted for services performed subsequent to the year 1866.

3. And in the Roll marked C we have given the names of those applicants whose claim we have rejected, and in each case have specified the reasons for such rejection.

4. We also transmit a Roll marked D, containing the names, rank and corps &c. of the officers and men of the Colonial Forces who have been killed in action, or who have died from wounds recieved in action since the 11th July 1868.

We have not yet been able to procure accurate retuns of those persons who were killed in action prior to 11th July 1868; and we have been obliged to defer the consideration of some of the applicants that have been transmitted to us until further proof of their correctness has been obtained. We are moreover aware that there are many persons who have not hitherto made application for the Medal, although they are entitled to claim it, and would invite attention to the fact that scarcely one of the friendly Natives who fought with our troops, and on whom it wa the intention of the Legislature that Medals should be conferred, have applied for the distinction.
We therefore submit this as an Interim Report for your Excellency's consideration, and would respectfully recommend that the accompanying Rolls should be published, and that notice should be given both to the Europeans and more particulary to the friendly Natives, that further applications will be recieved up to such date as your excellency may fix for this purpose.

Roll A Roll B Roll C Roll D

A - M     N - Z

A - Z A - Z A-Z