Robert Small1858

Robert Small
Ship: 723 tons
Captain: J W B Darke
Surgeon Superintendent:
Sailed London June 30th 1858 - arrived Wellington October 13th 1858

A fine vessel ofthe old school thatmadea most tedious passage was the Robert Small, Captain J W B Darke, which dropped anchor in Auckland harbouronJune 20th, 1862, 131 days out from London. Leaving London on February 8th, it wasthe 9th May before she reached the Meridian of the Cape of Good Hope, the ship being then 88 days out. Up to May 9th the ship had only averaged 96 miles a day, or four knots an hour. From the Cape to Auckland took43 days. The Robert Small was a ship of 794 (sic) tons. She brought out 70 passengers. In 1858 the Robert Small made a voyage to Wellington in 104 days. She sailed on the 30th June, and arrived on the 12th October, landing 95 passengers. The following year this ship sailed from London on the 7th October,and arrived at Lyttelton on the 29th January, 1860. Captain Darke was in command on all voyages made to New Zealand
White Wings - Sir Henry Brett

Arrival of the Robert Small

Name Age Comments
Cabin Passengers
Bartlett Mr
Beitt Miss F
Beirt Miss Sarah
Dartnall Miss A
Fyson Mr
Gray Mr
Hadfield Mr
Harris Mr
Horne Miss E
Johnstone His Honour Mr Justice
Marr Miss Eliza
Meluish Mr
Orchard Miss C
Orchard Mr
Skelton Mr
Wilson Mr
Skelton Mr
Steerage Passengers
Andrew Mr J
Barr Mr D
Bealey Mr G
Besley Mr W
Mr G
Bradfield Mr R
Carpe Mr W
Carpe Miss S
Cleland Mr R
Mr J
Cooper Mr W
Mr G
Crease Mr E
Durand Miss M
Faulkner Mr A
Ford Mr W
Ford Mr R
Mr E
Ford Miss M
Francis Mr S
Francis Miss A L
Miss E
Freeman Mr T
Griffin Mr J
Grinderry Mr R
Hadfield Mr W C
Mr H
Handfield Mr
Harper Mr G
Lawson Mr E
Merrin Mr
Palmer Mr
Perry Miss M
Pethgrew Miss M
Price Mr E
Rees Miss M
Miss J
Robinson Mr R W T
Mr R
Robinson Miss M
Miss R
Shipworth Mr F
Small Mr
Southby Mr H
Mr J
Telford Mr P
Waddell Mr J
Warren Mr T
Mr R

Copyright Denise & Peter 2001

The Wellington Independent October 16th 1858

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