91st PA--post-war politics

Support for Jacob E Ridgway

[support for Jacob Ridgway for Pennsylvania state senator, Philadelphia Inquirer 9 October 1865, page 8]
[see elections for more information about the involvement of members of the 91st PA in elections]

THE UNDERSIGNED, HONORABLY discharged officers and privates of the Union armies, unite with their fellow-citizens in recommending Hon. JACOB E. RIDGWAY to the support of the electors of the Second District for State Senator. In doing so, they desire to express their grateful appreciation of his patriotic services in sustaining the Government at home while they and their gallant companions were following the flag and serving their country in the field. Residing in the district, and having participated in his nomination, they do not hesitate to express their undivided confidence in his honest, integrity and ability as a legislator, and his incomparable fitness in contrast with all in opposition to him. Believing that their duty is not yet discharged, they will do all that in their power lies to secure Mr. RIDGEWAY's election and warn their fellow-citizens against the machinations of Seceders and Copperheads, by which they expect to secure the election of a Southern sympathizer to the State Senate, in the place of a thorough-going, earnest and devoted supported of the Union and the laws.

James C. Pennypacker, -, 91st PV.

Richard T. McCarter, Jr., D, 91st PV.

Charles G. Swift, F, 91st PV [I have not identified him].

Second Lieut. John Q. Dyke, H, 91st PV.

Private Edwin H. Dyke, H, 91st PV.
Private Wm. F. McCoy, H, 91st PV.

First Sergeant Wm. H. Dyke, H, 91st PV.

George W. Baley, D, 91st PV.
William Baley, D, 91st PV.

Charles H. Baley, D, 91st PV.
Joseph Baley, D, 91st PV.

John H. Miller, 91st PV.

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revised 26 Mar 10
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions