91st PA--survivor's association in 1871

Ninety-first regiment

['Ninety-first regiment', Philadelphia Inquirer 5 December 1871 page 3]


A meeting of the surviving members of the Ninety-first Regiment P.V. was held last evening in District Court room No. 1, for the purpose of perfecting an organization, the primary objects of which shall be to promote social intercourse among the members and to secure and preserve a burial place for and to erect and maintain a monument to those of its members who may die in the city. A constitution and by-laws similar in purpose to those governing the Scott Legion were adopted.

An election of officers to serve for the ensuing year was then held, with the following result:--

President--Colonel Joseph H. Sinex.
Vice President--Lieutenant-Colonel Eli G. Sellers.
Recording Secretary--Private George Hampton.
Corresponding Secretary--Capt. John G. Brass.
Treasurer--Captain Matthew Hall.
Trustees--A. D. W. Caldwell, George F. Stewart and Walter W. Widdifield.

The meeting then adjourned.

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revised 18 Nov 06
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