[transcribed 7 February 2013, from the Library of Congress, Chronicling America]
News From the Departments--New Posts, etc.
Another Philadelphia Post has lost all its worldly possessions by the fire fiend. This time it is E. D. Baker Post, No. 8. The Post is one of the largest in this Department, and its members have already made arrangements, I am informed, to build quarters of their own. The fire which destroyed the Post room broke out on Monday evening, March 4. The Post was located in a building adjoining a large markethouse at Broad and Columbia avenue, in that city. When the flames, which originated in the markethouse, were discovered they were leaping fiercely from the roof, and by the time the firemen reached the scene the fire had gained much headway. It was necessary to sound a second alarm, and by the time the additional fire-engines responded the flames had spread with alarming rapidity. The entire northern section of the city was brilliantly illuminated by the flames, and it was thought for a time that it would prove one of the most disastrous fires which have occurred in the Quaker City for many years. "The Razors," as the members of Post No. 8 are better known to many comrades, had many valuable war relics and numerous battleflags, which, of course, it will be impossible to replace. Among these were the headquarters flag of the Fifth Corps, commanded by Gen. G. K. Warren; the colors of the 1st Pa. carried in the Mexican war, and presented to the Post by Mrs. Col. William F. Small; the flag which waved over the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon during the late war; one of the battleflags of the 91st Pa., and the Signal Corps flag used during the rebellion by that branch of the service, and presented to the Post by the late Gen. Hazen. All the books, records of the Post and a library containing over 800 volumes were also consumed. The guard of the Post also lost all its property. The money value of the Post property is plaed at about $5,000, upon which there is an insurance of $4,000. On last Friday evening the members held a meeting in the hall of Anna M. Ross Post, No. 94. Letters of sympathy were read from a number of Posts, who also offerd [sic] the homeless comrades the use of their respective quarters. They decided to make temporary use of the quarters of the Silver Spring Rifles, an organization of cadets attached to the Post, at Tenth street and Montgomery avenue. It is a matter of much regret that I write of the disastrous fire, but I feel assured that the "Razors" will not long be homeless.