[see Survivor's Association]
The Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg Remembered.
Regimental Reunions of Those Who Supported the Red, White and Blue in the Battle Famous in History.
The thirty-fourth anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg was celebrated by the surviving veterans in the city last night in fitting style.
Those who had fought in the old Ninety-first met at the hall of Post 2, G.A.R., Twelfth and Melon streets, where a reunion was held. Officers for the year were elected as follows: President, Colonel E. G. Sellers; vice-president, William H. Faust; treasurer, Henry C. Sinex; secretary, A. D. W. Caldwell. After the business meeting the veterans adjourned to Kertell's restaurant, on Spring Garden street, where they had a dinner.
Among those in attendance were Col. E. G. Afletts, Colonel Thomas J. Stewart, Chaplain J. W. Sayers, Captain Nathaniel Banes, Captain Nathan Hall, Captain Joseph Whitaker, Captain John N. Weeks, and Dr. C. W. Houghton.
The Survivors' Association of the One-hundred-and-fourteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, known during the war as Collis' Zouaves, held their annual reunion and election of officers last evening at the hall of Post 46 [? perhaps 40?], G.A.R., 730 South Broad street.
A banquet was served immediately after the business meeting, at which informal speeches were made among others by Colonel E. K. Bowen, General Leiper and William B. Grew. Mr. Grew, at the conclusion of his talk, read a telegram of congratulation from the regiment's old commander, Colonel Collis, who is now in Paris. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Robert J. McConith; first vice-president, H. C. Mackie; second vice-president, H. C. Kelly; adjutant, W. E. Hoffman; corresponding secretary, B. L. Myers; treasurer, A. C. Brown; chaplain, G. W. Given.
The local survivors of the One hundred and twenty-first Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, celebrated the thirty-fourth anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg in the rooms of U. S. Grant Post, G.A.R., 1706-08 [?] South street, last evening.
In addition to celebrating the anniversary of the battle, the veterans held their annual meeting and elected Thomas Simpson, president; Captain William W. Strong and Charles Barlow, vice-presidents; John Galbraith, secretary, and Joshua Jarsed, treasurer. Following the business meeting a banquet was served, a number of extemporaneous speeches made and a general good time enjoyed. Of the two hundred survivors of the regiment ninety reside in Philadelphia. The remainder live in Venango county, where they, too, celebrated last evening.
The 119th Regiment did not celebrate in ostentatious style, but many members gathered around the table at the Lafayette last night. The dinner was informal, but the speeches and songs all told of the event the veterans were gathered to celebrate.