[transcribed 7 February 2015, from Newspapers.com]
[see Survivor's Association]
War Veterans Have a Jolly Time.
The third-first annual reunion of the survivors of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers was a jolly occasion last evening for those comrades who responded. A short business meeting was held at the hall of Post 2, G.A.R., on Twelfth street, above Wallace, at which the following officers were elected: President, Eli S. Sellers; vice president, William Faust; treasurer, Henry C. Sinex; secretary, A. D. W. Caldwell. At the close of this meeting the comrades proceeded in a body to Kertell's Cafe, where an elaborate luncheon was served. Addresses were made by Chaplain John W. Sayres, General Thomas J. Stewart, Charles Rodebaugh, Charles F. Kennedy, Adjutant of Post 2, G.A.R.; Ellis Pugh, bugler of the Citp [sic] Troop, and others.