'Funerals of Pennsylvania Volunteers'
['Funerals of Pennsylvania Volunteers', Philadelphia Inquirer 13 January 1862 page 8]FUNERALS OF PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS.--The funeral of Sergeant ROBERT GORDON, Company E, Twenty-third Regiment, Col. BIRNEY, who died last Wednesday, of typhoid fever, at the Pennsylvania Hospital, took place yesterday afternoon, from No. 1921 South Street. Company D, Capt. SINEX, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. GREGORY, acted as guard of honor.
That of ADAM FITZGERALD also took place yesterday afternoon, from McIlvaine street, near Fifth, and was attended by many members of the Scott Legion, to which he belonged.
WILLIAM AUNER, of Company G, Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, was buried at the same time, from No. 1219 Ogden street.
[death notice, Philadelphia Inquirer 13 January 1862 page 5; also printed in Public Ledger 13 January 1862 page 2 with '11th inst.' instead of '10th inst.']DUNLAP--On the 10th [sic] inst., at Camp Observation, Corporal Charles Dunlap, of Company I, Baxter's Fire Zouaves, son of James A. and Catharine Dunlap, aged 22 years and 1 day.
The relatives and friends of the family, also, Company G, Capt. Sellers, Col. Gregory's Regiment, and Company E, Scott Legion, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 1026 Olive street. To proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery.