91st PA in June 1862

June 1862

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The 91st was attached to the defenses of Washington, and had duty at Alexandria Virginia, throughout this month. [Dyer, v.3 p.1604]

? W H Gorman tried by court martial
1 Thomas Aitken (A) died of exposure at Alexandria VA (perhaps 10th)
George Henhoffer (A) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate (perhaps 10th)
William Van Howden (F) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate (probably 12th)
William Clages (C) deserted at Washington DC (possibly 20 Apr)
David Lindsay (C) deserted at Washington DC (possibly 20 Apr)
Charles Lowery (C) deserted, at Washington DC
John McNickle (C) deserted at Washington DC (perhaps 25 Apr 62)
2 John Johnson (B) discharged
3 Ansel Hamburg (A) resigned on surgeon's certificate
Bob Miller (E) received a letter from his father, claiming that 'the girls' were eager to hear from them [see letter, H G Mathes to his mother, 4 June 1862]
4 Matthew McNamara (I) discharged on surgeon's certificate
Stephen Nice (I) discharged on surgeon's certificate
William H Johnson (K) wrote a letter to his parents from Alexandria VA; most of his company was near Manassas, guarding the telegraph and railroad
Henry G Mathes (E) wrote a letter to his mother from Alexandria, which had very little news, but a lot of optimism; he reported that Bob Miller had received a letter from his father the previous day, and 'the girls are greatly anxious to hear from us', and mentioned that he had sent $15 after they were paid on Saturday
5 William H Smith (C) deserted (perhaps 30th)
co. H had 17 men on picket duty at a bridge east of Springfield Station, on the Orange and Alexandria RR, about 7 miles from Alexandria, including Robert Armstrong, who claimed that during the day they simply slept, shot game, and picked strawberries (letter)
8 Frederick Heilman (I) deserted
10 Thomas Aitken (A) died of exposure at Alexandria VA (perhaps 1st)
Randolph Smith (A) promoted from 1st sgt to 2nd lt (possibly 11th or 12th)
Joseph Wright (A) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate (perhaps 18th)
James Manniess (E) discharged on surgeon's certificate
James Nugent (F) reduced to the ranks
George Henhoffer (A) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate (perhaps 1st)
George Ubil (I) discharged on surgeon's certificate
11 Randolph Smith (A) promoted from 1st sgt to 2nd lt (possibly 10th or 12th)
George Alcorn (F) deserted from Alexandria VA
William Giger (F) promoted to corp
Samuel Lamb (F) promoted to corp
Ralph B Montgomery (F) deserted from Alexandria VA
Michael S Snyder (E) discharged on surgeon's certificate
Oscar Foust (F) deserted from Alexandria VA
Kingsley Wyles (F) deserted from Alexandria VA
John Zehender (F) promoted from corp to sgt (possibly 11 Jan 62)
12 Randolph Smith (A) promoted from 1st sgt to 2nd lt (possibly 10th or 11th)
John Brass (A) promoted from sgt to orderly sgt
Simon Shannon (F) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate
William Van Howden (F) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate (probably 1st)
Henry McKnight (G) discharged on surgeon's certificate, at regimental hospital, Alexandria VA
14 Colonel Gregory ordered the Baptist Church taken for use as a military hospital, because the pastor was unwilling to pray for Lincoln and Union success
[see 'A secess church shut up']
16 Charles Clark (F) discharged from Philadelphia PA on surgeon's certificate (probably 16 Jan)
John Ennis (F) discharged from Philadelphia PA on surgeon's certificate (probably 16 Jan)
Andrew Brown (C) wrote a letter to his father and sister, from Alexandria, which (among other things) note two events 'yesterday' that showed Alexandrians as confederate sympathisers: some women from Alexandria started bringing Confederate prisoners 'fries cakes coffee and everything else the[y] wanted'. When they 'began to get sassy and talk for Jeff Davis', the regiment arrested two, but let them go when they promised not to do it again. Colonel Gregory also took possession of an Episcopal Church, during a service, since they had refused to pray for the president. Company C's flag was 'wav[ing] out of the Second Story'; it was destined to be used as a hospital.
18 Robert Caldwell mustered in co G at Philadelphia PA and deserted
Joseph Wright (A) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate (perhaps 10th)
Isaac Thomas (D) promoted to corp
Robert Boyd (F) reduced to the ranks (perhaps 16 Jul 62)
Cornelius Dougherty (F) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate (possibly 18 May)
19 John de Barry mustered in co G
Edwin Hause (F) promoted to corp
21 John McCann (F) deserted from Alexandria VA
Peter Van Buren (F) deserted from Alexandria VA (perhaps 27th)
James Stratton mustered in co G
Alvin Clark (G) transferred to 27th Mass Vol Inf (possibly 25th)
Newton Wallace (G) transferred to 27th Mass
22 Joseph Allison enlisted and mustered in co E, at Alexandria VA (possibly 23rd or 24th)
23 Colonel Gregory refused to return an escaped slave to a Maryland citizen, although the citizen had sworn a loyalty oath and had a warrant for the slave's arrest
Joseph Allison enlisted and mustered in co E, at Alexandria VA (possibly 22nd or 24th)
William M Weaver discharged at Philadelphia on surgeon's certificate
['Fugitive-slave case in Alexandria'. Philadelphia Press, Saturday 28 June 1862, page 1]
24 Thomas [sc. Joseph] Allison mustered in co E at Washington DC (possibly 22nd or 23rd)
25 Alvin Clark (G) transferred to 27th Mass Vol Inf (probably 21st)
26 in Prince-Street Hospital, Alexandria, Virginia: Michael Connelly (K) (wounded), Patrick Donnelly (H) (chronic diarrhea), John Evans (G) (wounded), John Groff (K) (sprained ankle), Edward Gillespie (H) (diarrhea), M McFettridge (I) (typhoid fever), William McCalla (G) (ruptured), Daniel O'Connell (F) (typhoid fever), and Robert Wooden (E) (fever)
['The sick and wounded Pennsylvania soldiers in Washington', Philadelphia Press Saturday 28 June 1862, page 1]
27 Robert McMullin mustered in co B
Peter Van Buren (F) deserted from Alexandria VA (perhaps 21st)
William Henderson (B) deserted, from Alexandria VA (perhaps 1 Jul 62)
28 Frederick Henhoffer (A) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate (perhaps 29th)
John Downey (C) discharged at Washington DC on surgeon's certificate
Adolph Bankerd mustered in 62nd PA (probably 28 Jan 62)
Charles Neide (D) deserted, at Alexandria, VA
29 Frederick Henhoffer (A) discharged at Alexandria VA on surgeon's certificate (perhaps 28th)
John McCann (F) returned to duty from desertion
the commissioned officers issued a "card" (later published in the Philadelphia Inquirer) denying "false and discreditable" accusations that the commissioned officers were nearly at open mutiny, that the regiment was reduced to 400 men, that Col. Gregory was excessively harsh to men in the regiment and excessively lenient to Confederates
30 James (William) Carpenter (B) dropped from rolls as deserter
John Haines (B) dropped from rolls
William H Smith (C) deserted (perhaps 5th)

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revised 16 May 15
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions