[see courts martial]
WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 1862.--General Order, No. 256 [??], extract 22--A special commission will assemble in this city, at 11 o'clock A.M., on Thursday, the 25th inst., for the trial of such cases as may be brought before it. Detail for the Commission.--Major Gen. D HUNTER, U.S.A., Major Gen CADWALADER, U.S.V.; Brig. Gen. C.C. AUGER, U.S.V.; Major DON PLATT, Assistant Adjutant-General U.S.V., Captain BULL, Jr., A.D.C., Col J. HOLT [?], Judge Advocate General United States. By order of the Secretary of War.
E D. TOWNSEND, Asst. Adj. Gen.A court martial, recently held at Alexandria found Capt. ALPHEUS H. BOWMAN, Company B, Ninety first Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman, and Lieut. E. CARROLL BREWSTER, Company F, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, was found guilty of drunkenness on duty, and violation of the Eighty-first Article of War, and both officers are sentenced to be dismissed from the service of the United States.
Court-martial of Officers and Soldiers.
Captain ALPHEUS H. BOWMAN, Company B, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, has been dismissed from the service of the United States, for "conduct unbecoming a gentleman."
Lieutenant E. CARROLL BREWSTER, Co. F, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, also dismissed from same service for "drunkenness on duty."
Private JOHN CALLAHAN, Co. I, Ninety first Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, tried for "theft," ordered "That when discharged from the hospital he, the prisoner, be publicly reprimanded by the Colonel of his regiment at dress parade, and sentenced to fourteen days' confinement, with rations only of bread and water."
Private JOHN MANN, Company H, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, tried for "striking at a commanding officer," sentenced "to forfeit all pay and allowance due, or to become due, during his term of enlistment, and to be confined to hard labor during the remainder of his term of enlistment, at such place and in such manner as the Commanding-General shall direct."
Private JAMES DOUGHERTY, Company D, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, tried for "desertion." Sentenced "to forfeit all back pay and allowance due, or becoming due, up to the time of sentence, and that he be confined thirty days, with bail and chain attached, and to bread and water fourteen of said thirty days."
[the other men whose sentences are reported are not from the 91st Pennsylvania]