91st PA--newspaper articles, 24 August 1863

24 August 1863

['An interesting service', Philadelphia Inquirer Monday 24 August 1863, page 2]
[source: ActivePaper Archive, Penn State University (viewed 8 November 2008)]

AN INTERESTING SERVICE.--On yesterday morning Rev. A. Manship, past of Hedding M.E. Church, Sixteenth and Coates streets, preached faithfully from "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" In addition to the ordinary congregation, there were quite a number of soldiers and officers present, by special invitation. A part of Captain Nevin's Lancaster Battery and a part of the 19th Pennsylvania Cavalry were present; among the officers we observed Major Hess, Colonel Cummings, and Colonel Gregory, of the old 91st Pennsylvania regiment. By request of the pastor, Col. Gregory made the opening prayer, which was very appropriate and earnest. The trustees of the church presented to every soldier and officer present a copy of the Patriot's Hymn-Book, which was used on this occasion throughout the congregation, the soldiers joining most heartily in this delightful part of the exercises. All seemed highly pleased with the pointed, earnest services, and none more so than the military in attendance. At a quarter before twelve, the soldiers, in fine order, returned to their camp opposite Odd Fellows' Cemetery.

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