[see Sinex's letter of 10 Sep 1863, about Abraham Smith]
[source: regimental letters book]
Head Quarters Co F 91 Reg. P.v
Camp at Beverly Ford Va Sept 11. 1863
Lieut. B. J. Tayman
Adjt 91 Reg Pv
Since your inquiries of yesterday concerning "Abraham Smith", I have learned the following facts of "Able T Diehl a Private of Co F 91st Reg Pv who deserted on the 8th day of September 1862 while the Regiment was encamped near Fort Albany Va. To a certain extent this mans [sic] history and antecedents correspond with those of the man "Smith" about whom you inquired yesterday - "Diehl" was confined in the "slave Pen" as a deserter about the time Smith is alleged to have been confined was also without doubt interested in keeping a house of ill repute in Prince Street he was declared a deserter and dropped from the Rolls. every exertion has been made to recover him he has lately been seen in Washington City DC. thinking the man spoken of as "Abraham Smith" might be the man Abel T Diehl, I hand you this information hoping that this young and able bodied man may be returned to duty. The following is his description -- Age 21 -- Height 5.8 -- complection light Eyes dark - Hair light - was born in the Town of Milton [??] Pa by proffession [sic] a Boatman and enlisted for 3 years at Philadelphia Oct. 25 /61 his face is a little marked with Small Pox
I am Lt. very respectfully your
Henry Francis
1st Lieut Com. Co. F 91. Pa
The foregoing was referred to the Provost Judge Alex. Va. Sept 12th /63
B. J. Tayman Adjt.[source: regimental orders book]
[see consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 11 September 1863]
Head Quarters 91st Regt P.V.
Septbr. 11th 1863
Special Order No 77
The following Companies will furnish detail for picket to report at 8 1/2 oclock this Morning. precisely
Co "A" 1 Sergt 2 Corpl 15 Men
Capt H. B. Faust & Lieut Donnell will accompany the detail
By Order of
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
B. J. Tayman