[source: regimental letters book]
Alexandria Va
September 24th 1863 (Mailed on Nov. 16th 1863)
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna Vols
Camp near Kellys Ford Va November 16th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
A. A. General
In Compliance with "Circular" from Corps Hd. Qrds. of this date I have the honor to report that upon inquiry no enlisted men [sic] in this command desires [sic] to enter the Artillery Arm of the Service.
I am Captain &c.
E. M. Gregory
Col. Commdg +c
[source: regimental orders book]
[see consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 25 September 1863]
Hd. Qrs. 91st Reg. Pa. Vols
September 24th 1863
Sp. Orders No. 93
Musician A. Stitzman Co. F is hereby detailed Regtl Butcher & will report to Lt. D. H. Lentz
By order of
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
H. W. Shipley
Actg. Adjt.