Consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 3 November 1863

Consolidated morning report, 3 November 1863

[previous report (2 Nov) | next report (4 Nov) | search & display multiple days]

[I have proofread this page.]
[I have changed the format to improve legibility.]
[Numbers in square brackets and with grey shading are missing or illegible in the manuscript.]

CONSOLIDATED MORNING REPORT of The Ninety First Regiment of Penna. Vol. Infantry commanded by Colonel Edgar M. Gregory

NOTE.--Regimental and Battalion Staff Officers, when belonging to companies, will be reported in such companies as "on detached service," and be accounted for in "Field and Staff." They will, however, be dropped from aggregate of "Present and Absent" in Field and Staff, and be accounted for in the aggregate of their respective companies.

Date November 3 1863.[blank]
Companies Field, Staff, and Band A B C D E F G H I K Unas-
For duty Field Officers 2 2
Assistant Surgeon 1 1
Regimental Staff Officers 1 1
Battalion Staff Officers 1 1
[in some reports, including 23 Oct 63, 'Battalion Staff' is crossed out, and something is written over it, perhaps 'Surgeon']
Captains 1 1 1 1 1 5
First Lieutenants 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Second Lieutenants 1 1 1 1 4
Regt'l Non-comm'd Staff 2 2
Batt'n Non-Comm'd Staff
Hospital Stewards 1 1
First Sergeants 1 1 1 1 1 5
Company Q.M. Sergeants
Sergeants 4 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 19
Corporals 6 3 2 5 4 1 2 1 4 28
[some morning reports--including 3 September's--have 'Bugler' written in.]
Wagoners 1 1
Field Music 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 15
Artificers & Blacksmiths 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 15
[In some morning reports, 'Artificers & Blacksmiths' is crossed out and 'Pioneers' written in]
Privates 2412321722 1214129 6 160
Recruits 1 1 1 3
Special dutyCommissioned Officers 1 1
[Howard Shipley (G)]
Extra and daily dutyNon-commissioned Officers 1 1
Privates 1 1 1 1 2 6
SickCommissioned Officers
Non-commissioned Officers 1 1 1 3
Field Music
Artificers, Blacksmiths, Saddlers &c.
[some morning reports, including 10 March 1863's, have "In Hospital"]
Privates 1 1 3 2 7
[some morning reports, including 10 March 1863's, add "in quarters".]
In arrest or confinementCommissioned Officers
Non-commissioned Officers
Field Music
Artificers, Blacksmiths, Saddlers and Wagoners
Privates 2 2 2 6
[Franklin Clough (A), Henry Gorgas (A), William Adams (D), Steward (probably Robert R Stewart; possibly George Stewart)]
Horses Serviceable
[some morning reports have 'Unserviceable' crossed out and 'Mules' written in]
Total commissioned 5 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 21
Total enlisted 3 4317433036 2319261616 272
[the co.F entry is written over another number and is very hard to read]
Absent Field, Staff, and Band A B C D E F G H I K Unas-
On detached serviceCommissioned Officers 1 1 1 1 4
Enlisted Men 4 2 6 5 9 3 2 3 2 4 40
[The co.E entry is written over another number and is very hard to read]
With leaveCommissioned Officers
Enlisted Men 1 1
[Martin Blake (E)]
Without leaveCommissioned Officers
Enlisted Men 1 1
SickCommissioned Officers 1 1 2
[Benjamin Tayman (F&S), James Delavan (C)]
Enlisted Men 1 7 6 133 17 15119 5 10 97
In hands of civil authorityCommissioned Officers
Enlisted Men
In arrest or confinementCommissioned Officers
Enlisted Men 1 1
Total commissioned 2 1 1 1 1 6
Total enlisted 1 118 198 27 1813137 15 140
Present & absent Field, Staff, and Band A B C D E F G H I K Unas-
Commmissioned officers 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 27
Total enlisted 4 5425623863 4132392331 412
Aggregate 115627644065 4335402434 439
Aggregate last report 115527643865 4335402434 436
Total of horses
Alterations since last report
Commis'd officersBy Promotion or Appoint
By Transfer
Enlisted menRecruits from Depots
Enlisted in the Regiment
By Transfer
From Missing In Action 1 1
From Desertion 2 2
Commis'd officersResigned or Disbanded
Missing In Action
Died in action or of wounds received there
Died of Disease &c.
Enlisted menDischarged Expiration of service
Discharged For Disability
Discharged By Sentence G.C.M.
Discharged By Order
Discharged By Civil Authority
Died In action or of wounds received there
Died Of Disease, &c.
Missing In Action
MemorandaWounded In Action
No. of Recruits required 4473366033 5766597567 570
No. of Horses required 4213442332 1815201210 232
[total = 229. In some reports, "Guns" is written over "Horses required"]

Remarks (Alterations since last Report to be accounted for by name.)
[co.A] Priv [Henry] Gorgas gained fm Miss in Campaign + under arrest
[co.D] Priv [William] Adams + Steward [probably Robert R Stewart; possibly George Stewart] gained fm Desertion + under arrest

Howard W. Shipley
Lieut and Act. Adjutant.

E M Gregory
Col Commanding the Regiment

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revised 9 Sep 03
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions