91st PA--letters and orders, 24 September 1864

Regimental letters and orders, 24 September 1864

[sources: company E orders book, and regimental orders book. They differ in minor ways.]

Head Quarters 91st Regt P.V.V.
September 24th 1864
Special Order No 84

The following named officers hereby Constitute a Board of Survey to ascertain & report the Amount of Government property in Co "D" for which Lt John Hamill is responsible

CaptJames H ClossonCo. H
LieutTheo A Hope" E
"Edwd J Maguigan" CRecorder

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Capt Commandg [?]

Howard W Shipley
Lieut and Act Adjt.
[source: regimental orders book]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt Pa Vet Vols
Sept 24" 1864
Special Order No 85

The following named Officers here by constitute a Council of Administration

CaptJohn F CasnerCo "K"
"Matthew Hall" E
"F H Gregory" A

By command of
Eli G Sellers
Capt Commdg.
(Sgd) Howard W Shipley
Lieut & A Adjt
[source: regimental letters book]
[related file: another list, of 10 Nov 64, which is not identical]

Hd Qurs. 91st Regt Penna Vet Vols.
September 24" 1864
Capt E C Bennett
Actg Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report in compliance with Circular from Hd Qrs 1 Div 5th Corps of Sept 21st 1864 as follows:--

Antietam Md.Sept 18" 1862
Leetown VaOct 16 & 17 "
Fredericksburg "Dec 13 "
Chancellorsville "May 1st & 3 1863
Gettysburg PaJuly 2nd & 3 "
Wapping Heights Va" 23 "
Brandy Station "Oct 11th "
Bristow Station "" 14 "
Rappahannock " "Nov 7th "
Mine Run "" 30th "
Wilderness "May 5", 6", & 7" 1864
Laurel Hill " " 8 & 12 "
Spotsylvania "" 14" & 16" "
North Anna River "" 23 & 25 "
Old Church "" 29" & 30" "
Bethesda Church "June 1st & 2nd "
Norfolk Rail Road "" 18th "
Jerusalem Plank Road "" 21" & 23rd "
Weldon Rail RoadAug 18" 21" "
Seige [sic] of Petersburg 

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Eli G Sellers
Capt Commdg
[source: regimental orders book]

Hd Qrs 91st P.V.V. Sept 24 1864
Special Order No 83

The following promotions are here by ordered in Cos B & K to take effect from this date

PrivateDonald KnoxCo "B"to beCorporal
"William Vance" K" ""
"Samuel B Tipton" "" ""

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Capt Commdg
(Sgd) Howard W Shipley
Lieut & A Adjt

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revised 4 Jun 02
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions