Regimental orders, 21 October 1864

Regimental orders, 21 October 1864

[source: regimental orders book]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt Pa Vet Vols
October 21st 1864
Special Orders No 99

A regimental Court Martial is here by appointed to meet at the camp of the 91st Regt Pa Vet Vols on the day [sic; no day is mentioned] of October 1864 or as soon thereafter as is practicable for the trial of Private George W Justice Co "D" and such other cases as may be before them

Detail of Court
1 Capt John F Casner Co "K" 91st Regt Pa V Vols
2 Capt James H Clossen " H "
3 Lieut William E Michaels F Judge Advocate

No other officers than those mentioned can be assembled without manifest injury to the Service [Article 64 of the Articles of War requires that general courts martial consist of at least thirteen commission officers unless that number could not be convened "without manifest injury to the service". But Article 66 requires only three for a regimental court martial.]

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Capt Commdg
(sgd) Howard W Shipley
Lieut and Actg Adjt
[source: regimental orders book]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt Pa Vet Vols
Oct 21st 1864
Special Order No 100

Private Joseph M Johnson Co "D" is here by relieved from duty as hospital Attendant and will report to his company without delay

Private John Coster Co A is here by detailed as hospital attendant and will report for duty immediately

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Capt Commdg

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revised 8 Jan 02
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