[This list is incomplete.]
did not report when the regiment returned to the army from veterans' leave
veterans--men who went AWOL for more information
In a letter dated 20 April 1862, Henry Mathers reassured his mother that although some men were home on "french leave", he wasn't going to disgrace himself by doing that.
On 31 May 1864, company B reported 14 men absent without leave: John Baird, John Carrol, Ashman C Daballad, Philip Daly, Samuel Edward, Wm S Johnson, John Marshall, Wm McGevy, William McVeigh [?], John A Mootheart, William Sutton, James Sutton, John Thompson, and Henry Wilson [?].
- John Wood (H) [unknown date]
- William Henderson (B) awol since 27 Jun 62 or 1 Jul 62 (eventually reported deserted)
- Peter Kreamer (B) awol on the Jan-Feb 1862 muster roll
- James Gordon (A) and Thomas Walter (A) February 1862 (to see Mount Vernon) [reprimand only]
- Elias Swire (B) awol 18 Apr 1864 (having not returned from a day pass)
- Charles Henry (H) awol 9 Feb 63, having not returned from a 5-day leave starting 1 Feb; returned 10 Feb
- William Johnson (K) seems to be awol 7 Feb 63
- William Milligan (K) awol 7 Feb 63
- John Costello (K) awol 9 Feb 63
- Ambrose Baker (C) reported awol on 22 Feb 63, having not returned from a 10-day leave starting 10 Feb 63
- Marcus Ullman (A) reported awol on 3 Mar 1863
- Thomas Taylor (G) reported awol on 6 Mar 63, returned by 7th
- John Anorson (C) reported awol on 3 Jun 63 (late returning from leave), returned between 4th and 9th
- John Henry (E) reported awol 8 Aug 63, returned 26 Sep 63
- John Groff (K) reported awol on 13 Aug 63
- Andrew Friend (C) reported awol on 22 Aug 63 (probably late returning from leave), returned 26 Aug 63
- Henry Sinex (D) reported awol on 6 Sep 63
- Alpheus Bowman (B) reported awol on 9 Sep 63; leave expired 6 Sep
- John Keys (H) reported awol 22 Dec 63
- EJ Maguigan (C) 20 Feb 64, returned 21 Feb 64
- William Hagerman (D) reduced to ranks for being awol 20 Oct 64 (reported returned 23 Oct 64)
- Morris Kayser (B) February 1863, and July 1863; found guilty, lost 2 months pay and allowances
- Joseph H Smith (E) absent from battle of Wilderness, reduced to ranks
- John Wood (H) reduced to ranks for awol on 28 Mar 1864
- Mayberry Warntz (H) awol 2 Apr 63, deserted 27 Apr 63
- Isaac Tyson (H) awol 3 Apr 63
- Joseph Anten (B) awol 11 May 63, prob. returned by 28 or 29 May 63
- Henry Rodscheadt (I) awol 11 May 63
- Alpheus Bowman (B) after Gettysburg permitted to go to rear for treatment, ended up at Washington, discharged for disability and awol
- John Garrity (E) initially charged with absence without leave, then charged with and found guilty of desertion
- Joseph Green (E) found guilty of absence without leave and misbehavior before enemy; lost $10 per month for 6 months
- Michael Bergin (E) found guilty of absence without leave, lost pay due him, and served 3 months beyond original term
- Francis Donahue (E) found guilty of absence without leave, lost pay and allowances and had to make up time
- Robert Wooden (E) found guilty of absence without leave, lost $10 per month for 6 months and made up lost time
- Charles Smith (B) from 1 February 1864 through 10 March 1864 (when arrested at Philadelphia); forfeited pay and allowances for that time
- Samuel Edwards (B) on 15 Apr 64, returned 16 Apr 64
- James Thompson (H) returned from awol on 15 Apr 64
- Jacob Weinert (I) returned from awol on 15 Apr 64
- John Pomeroy [?] (C) returned from awol on 16 Apr 64
- Marcus Ullman (A) returned from awol on 17 Apr 64
- David Baird (E) reported awol on 18 Apr 64
- Charles King (A), James McLoon (A) reported awol 20 Apr 64, returned 22 Apr 64
- Henry Gorgas (A) reported returned from awol on 21 Apr 64
- Franklin Collison (A) reported awol 21 Apr 64, reported returned 23 Apr 64
- Samuel Edwards (A) reported awol 23 Apr 64
- John Baird (B), Ashman Deballed (B), William Johnson (B), John Marshall (B), William McGeevy (B) gained by enlistment, and absent without leave, reported 26 Apr 64
- Elisha Stoughton (62nd PA) returned from awol 12 July 64
- Peter Abbott (62nd PA) returned from awol 17 July 64
- Francis Ford (D) reported awol 20 Jul 64
- Samuel Conrad (E) reported awol 20 Sep 64 (late returning from leave)
- Samuel Laforge (B) 7 Oct 64
- James Clark (E) reported returned from awol on 11 Oct 64
- William Wilson (A) probably reported AWOL 10 Nov 64, probably returned 23 Nov 64
- Thomas Carrick (F) from 21 Feb 65 to 19 Mar 65
- Joseph Baker (A) at muster out
- John Wright (G) 8 to 12 Mar 65
- Joseph Gilbert (C) 31 Mar 65 to 23 Apr 65 (while waiting the verdict of a court martial)
- John Young (F&S) 5 March 1865 or 14 May 1863
- Thomas Thomas (F&S) for absence without "reason" [?], 14 May 1863 or 5 March 1863
- John McGinnis (C) 27 Oct 63
- Penrose Forsyth (A) reduced to the ranks for being awol and deserting from hospital, 11 Oct 64
- Asher Manning (G) returned to duty in his company on 1 Dec 64; had to forfeit pay for time awol, and do police duty around the campt for 1 month, in addition to his other duties
- John O'Neill (C) returned late from leave; declared awol 10 Mar 65; returned 11 Mar
- Albert Girard (E) returned late from leave; declared awol 10 Mar 65; returned 12 Mar
- capt John Donnell (I) returned late from leave; declared awol 11 Mar 65
- sgt George Souders (I) returned late from leave; declared awol on 15 Mar 65; returned 15 Mar 65
- Thomas Coyle (G) returned late from leave; declared awol 15 Mar 65; returned 15 Mar 65
- William H Andrews (H) was awol since 20 March 1865; apparently returned, but reduced to the ranks and fined $16
- corp William Hoffman (A) reduced to the ranks 28 Mar 65 for being awol
- corp Charles O'Connell (D) reduced to the ranks for being awol 27 May 65
- George Cross (A) awol on 10 Jul 65 when the regiment mustered out
Three men were reported AWOL in June 1865 on the company K monthly report: