91st PA--detached service

91st PA--Details and detached service

[This, like all too many of my pages, is very incomplete. Stay tuned!]

See undated list of detailed men, probably from September 1864. (I've added the information to this page.)

Huge numbers of men were on details after the battle of Chancellorsville; see 13 May 1863 for a summary. Perhaps Colonel Gregory's being absent wounded made it easier to decimate the regiment for details.

A letter from Lt Col Sinex on 13 June 1863 lists 8 men on detached service away from the Army--2 at Camp Convalescent, Alexandria VA; 4 at the Provost Marshall's Office, Washington DC; 1 at the Quarter Master's Office, Washington DC; and 1 at the Provost Guard, Harrisburg PA. This letter does not request their return. His next letter about them, on 8 September 1863, does. Another letter by Sinex notes several men who had not returned from duty at Corps Headquarters. The next letter lists 8 officers and 35 enlisted men on detached service at Philadelphia or Chester PA, asking for their return. On 25 September 1863, brigade hq transferred men from brigade hq to division hq.

Gregory lists absent officers on 14 November 1863.

On 13 Mar 64, 9 officers and 61 enlisted men were on detached service [letter, Sinex to Marvin, 13 Mar 64).

Some men, serving in the Department of Washington, presumably on detached service, had not been remustered as veteran volunteers on 14 March 1864, when Sinex asked that the mustering officer remuster them (letter, Sinex to Marvin, 14 March 1864).

Some details were very short--Sinex complained on 25 September 1863 that two soldiers had not returned from being detailed as teamsters on 22 September! Other lasted for years; for example, James Diehl was Brig Gen'l Tyler's aide-de-camp from 4 Nov 62 until he resigned on 25 Jul 64.

On 1 and 2 March 1864, officers and enlisted men were detailed for draft and recruiting service. Questions were later raised about Col Gregory's authority to do that (letter, Sinex to Gregory, 26 Mar 64). On 25 March 1864, 17 men were detached within the army of the Potomac (letter, Sinex to Fowler, [25?] March 1864).

On 14 Mar 64, 21 enlisted men were reported on detached service within the army, but the report doesn't say what they were doing.

On 16 Apr 64, these men returned from detached service: Charles Coates (C), William Scheifer (C), George Stewart (C), John Wharton (C), William Care [?] (D), Thomas Christy (D), Cyrus Cartlege [?] (E), John Griffith (E), Joseph Jones (H), and Stephen Whinna (H). 4 veterans returned from detached service on 23 Apr 64.

Sometimes men did the work of details without being detailed. On 15 October 1864, Sellers reported that D B Buchananan & John O Dougherty were hospital attendants at the division hospital, but had not been regularly detailed. (On the other hand, special order 74, HQ 91st PA, 9 Sep 64, seems to detail Buchanan!)

On 13 July 1864, Frank Ford returned to the regiment from the Signal Corps--but the only change in the numbers on the consolidated morning report is that one fewer man is absent with leave (and one additional man is present for duty).

On 30 April 1865, company E had nine (9) men on special duty:
company E had 9 men on special duty: Robt C Gorby, Division Provost, Jno. Schaffer, 2nd Brig QM, Eli Leach, Orderly 5th Corps HQ, Oscar J. K. Prinszler, Division Hospital, William Norton, Division Hospital, Wm Shade, Division train, David McCandeless [?], Division Hospital, Matt McFetridge, 5th Corps Pioneer, Francis Kerer, 5th Corps Provost

People detailed

SEE ALSO officers' servants

as acting adjutant

at Camp Cadwalader

to collect conscripts

to work with conscripts

post-battle details

See letter, Gregory to Marvin, 3 October 1863, about the results of a burial detail and a musket-collection detail


to lead recruits to camp

recruiting officer

recruiting service

as aide-de-camp

in ambulance corps

ambulance drivers, stretcher bearers

assistant to physician

ammunition train

as brigade baker

brigade commissary department

for duty at 3rd brigade hq

for duty at brigade hq

as brigade hq guard

in brigade teams

brigade wagoners

with artillery batteries

in artillery brigade, quartermaster department

in artillery brigade, as teamster

to accompany baggage

in provost guard at brigade headquarters

regimental butcher

brigade butcher

as carpenter

as cattle guard

as clerk

as clerk, brigade hq

as clerk in corps AAG's office

as clerk in AGO's office, Washington DC

as clerk at division hq

as clerk for reg't qm

as clerk at regimental hq

"for Colonel Gregory"

extra duty at Colonel's headquarters

as cook

as cook at regimental hospital

as teamsters' cook

in corps hq

at division hq

at division hq, as guard

division guard

fatigue duty

as guard for [illegible word]

as guard for brigade commissary sales wagon

guard, hq

guard, supply train

as orderly at brigade hq

in commissary department

on a court martial

as hospital attendant

at Windmill Point Hospital

as stretcher bearer (see also ambulance corps)

as hostler

as nurse in division hospital

in division hospital

in corps hospital

as nurse in Frederick City, MD

as nurse

as orderlies etc. at a convalescent camp

as orderly

as mounted pioneer

duty at Philadelphia PA

as railroad guards

to make roads

as saddler

as skirmishers

as teamster

as regimental teamster

as teamster, in brig commissary

as teamster, in Brigade QM Dept

with brigade teams [?]

as teamster, in Corps HQ

as mounted messenger at corps headquarters

in brigade train

in division train

as assistant wagon master

as wagon master, division ordnance train

in ordnance pack train

as Chief of Ordnance, for Brigade

for picket duty

as pioneers

as private servant for an officer

in provost guard

in provost guard, brigade hq

in provost guard, div hq

in provost guard, corps hq

in provost marshals office

as acting assistant division quartermaster

as regimental quartermaster

in quartermaster dept

in quartermaster department, 5th army corps

in quartermaster department, 1st division, 5th corps

in quartermaster department, 3rd brigade, 1st division, 5th corps

in brigade quartermaster department

in quartermaster department, Washington DC

with regimental qm

in "Sub. Dept.", 3rd brigade, 1st division, 5th corps

wagon guard

absent on detached service when the regiment mustered out

superintendent of contraband

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revised 3 Jun 15
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions