91st PA--men in the National Home, 1884

91st PA--National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1884

[source: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Report of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, transmitting the report of the said board for the year ending June 30, 1884. January 5, 1885. Serial Set volume 2310, session volume 1. 48th Congress, second session. House Miscellaneous Document 11]
[I have proofread this page]
[see also [other relevant pages from this volume]

[page 37]

The following applications for the effects of deceased members are granted, and the treasurer is ordered to make payment accordingly to the duly-appointed administrators of the deceased, upon proof of their apppointment as such, taking therefor the necessary vouchers:

William J. Lowry, brother, for effects of William Lowry, late Company E, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers.

[page 212]

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNativityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityWhen admittedStatus
24th Infantry:
Beatty, Patrick BDP.3Ire.65...hemhds.3, 5, 69See 91st Pa. I.
[Beatty is not listed in the 91st Pennsylvania table]

[page 317]

[preceded by this title: "Record of Disabled Volunteer Soldiers who now are and have been members of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, from July 1, 1883, to July 1, 1884." (p.245)]
NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNativityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityWhen admittedStatus
Bozier, HenryKP.15Ger.4030l.r.a.10, 10, 67E. dis. 11, 7, 83.
Brown, Conrad RCP.36Pa.4510w. side31, 7, 83E. pre.
Cohen, JosephEP.12Ire.428w. body.15, 7, 83S. pre.
Detterline, Geo. WHP.34Pa.464w. r. h.2, 2, 84S. pre.
Gray, RobertCP.48Pa.62...rheu.9, 2, 82S. dec. 27, 12, 83.
Hewitt, William JCP.15Ire.634w.3, 4, 79S. pre.
Lowery, WilliamEP.22Eng.678her.23, 9, 74C. dec. 28, 12, 83.
Steadman, ThomasFP.36Md.53...e. dis.8, 12, 83S. dis. 28, 5, 84.
Stephens, Joseph JDP.15Pa.60...rheu.2, 6, 84S. pre.
Wood, MansfieldCP.27Pa.594w.r.h.25, 12, 71S. pre.

[relevant abbreviation, from page 251]
dates are day, month, year

* = first admission

dis = disease
e = eye
hemhds = hemorrhoids
her = hernia
l r a = loss right arm
rheu = rheumatism
w = wounds
w r h = wounds [right hand?]

C = Central Branch
E = Eastern Branch
S = Southern Branch
dec = deceased
dis = discharged
pre = present

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revised 14 Sep 06
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions