91st PA--men in the National Home, 1886

91st PA--National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1886

[source: National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Report of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, transmitting the report of the said board for the year ending June 30, 1885. January 7, 1886. Serial Set volume 2415, session volume 10, 49th Congress, 1st Session, House Miscellaneous Document 38, page 173]
[I have proofread this page]
NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNativityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityWhen admittedStatus
Brown Conrad RCP.36Pa.4614w. side.31, 7, 83 S. pre.
Cooper, William R.*KP.37Pa.554w. r. side.23, 5, 85C. pre.
Findley alias Campbell, William.FP.25Ire.45....w. l. hand.2, 8, 84See 192d Pa. I.
Holcomb, Charles*HP.17Pa.544heart dis.16, 1, 85S. pre.
Nimmd [sic], Archibald*CLt.42Pa.466w. r. l.22, 9, 84S. pre.
Pool, George L.*HP.50Pa.436w. r. a.24, 4, 85S. pre.
Thomas, D. B....H.S.42Pa.6530rheu.18, 7, 76S. dec. 21, 5, 85.
Trost, HenryCP.4Ger.48...her.7, 5, 84C drp. 7, 3, 85.
1st Cavalry [New York]
Frost, HenryIP.36Ger.48...hernia.7, 5, 84See 91st Pa. Inf.
[the report contains no entry for Frost in 91st PA; I have also not been able to identify him]
25th Infantry [Pennsylvania]
Cooper, Wm. R.*...P.3Pa.554w.l. side.23, 5, 85See 91st Pa. I.
192d Infantry:
Findley alias Campbell, William.AP.13Ire.45...w.l. hand.2, 8, 84C. dis. 16, 3, 85.

[relevant abbreviation, from page 129]
dates are day, month, year

* = first admission

dis e = disease eye
epilep = [presumably epilepsy]
gen deb = general debility
her = hernia
rheu = rheumatism
var v = varicose veins
w body = wounds body
w l a = wounds left arm
w l l = wounds left leg
w l s = wounds left s [perhaps shoulder?]
w l th = wounds left thigh

C = Central Branch
E = Eastern Branch
S = Southern Branch
dec = deceased
dis = discharged
drp = dropped
pre = present

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revised 3 Feb 06
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions