91st PA--men in the National Home, 1889

91st PA--National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1889

[source: Letter from the President of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, transmitting the report of the Board for the fiscal year 1889. Serial Set volume 2768, session volume 9, 51st Congress, 1st Session. House Miscellaneous Document 77]
[see National Soldiers Home]
[I have proofread this page]

Page 312

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
91st Infantry:
Beatty, Patrick BFP.15Ire.51...hemhds.Pa.3, 5, 69See 16 V.R.C.
Clark, JohnKP.12Pa.48...inj. head.Pa.9, 6, 88C. dis. 20, 9, 88.
Finley, WilliamFP.25Ire.44...g.s.w.hand.Pa.2, 8, 84See 192 Pa. Inf.
Gamble, EdwBS.42Ire.598w.l.arm.Pa.27, 7, 88C. pre.
Jacobs, J BEP.15Pa.546g.s.w. hand.Pa.21, 1, 88See U.S.M.C.
Kneedler, FreemanEP.17Pa.426g.s.w.th.Pa.17, 7, 88S. pre.
McDermott, AlexBP.36Pa.612w.l.th.Pa.9, 11, 86S. dec. 21, 7, 88.
Nice, StephenIP.6Pa.63...scia.Pa.27, 9, 88S. pre.
Pilkinson [sic], GeorgeGP.48Eng.5616chr.rheu.Del.14, 6, 89S. pre.
Schaffer, JohnKP.16Pa.70...paral.Kans.11, 10, 88W. pre.
Steadman, ThosFP.36Md.58...e.dis.Md.8, 12, 83S. pre.
Williams, JohnFP.44Pa.646g.s.w.legsPa.11, 11, 79E. dec. 30, 6, 88.

Page 307

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
24th Infantry:
Beatty, Patrick BDP.4Ire.51...hemhds.Pa.3, 5, 69See 91 Pa. Inf

Page 336

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
United States Veteran Reserve Corps
16th Vet. Res. Corps:
Beatty, Patrick BBP.28Ire.51...hemhds.Pa.3, 5, 69C. dec. 10, 2, 89.

Page 316

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
192d Infantry:
Finley, WilliamAP.13Ire.41...g.s.w.head.Pa2, 8, 84C. pre.

Page 339

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
United States Marine Corps.
Jacobs, Jerome B...P.96Pa.546g.s.w.hand.Pa.21, 1, 88S. pre.

[some abbreviations, from p.219]
dates are day, month, year

chr rheu = chronic [rheumatism]
e dis = eye disease
g s w = gunshot wound
hemhds = hemorrhoids
inj = injuries
paral = paralysis
scia = sciatica
w l arm = wound left [arm]
w l th = wound left thigh

C = Central Branch
E = Eastern Branch
S = Southern Branch
W = Western Branch

dec = [deceased]
dis = [discharged]
pre = [present]

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revised 5 Oct 06
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions