91st PA--men in the National Home, 1890

91st PA--National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1890

[source: Report of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1890. Serial Set volume 2869, session volume 1, 51st Congress, 2nd Session. House Miscellaneous Document 38]
[see National Soldiers Home]
[I have proofread this page]

Page 497

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
91st Infantry:
Agnew, JohnsonAP.39Pa.49...rheu.N.J.27, 5, 90S. pre.
Bankard, Ephr'mDP.4Md.486g.s.w. leg.Pa.12, 9, 80S. pre.
Burnheimer, Sam'lHP.3Pa.57...ht dis.Ohio.23, 1, 86C. pre.
[I have not identified Burnheimer, but he seems to have served in the 91st OHIO, not Pennsylvania]
Donnell, John SICpt.46Pa.638rheu.Pa.28, 6, 90See 1 Va. Inf. Mex. War.
Fayman, Benj. JEP.36Md.73...rheu.Pa.5, 6, 88S. dec. 1, 7, 89.
Findlay, WilliamFP.25Ire.44...w.l. hand.Pa.2, 8, 84See 192 Pa. Inf
Gamble, EdwBS.42Ire.608g.s.w. arm.Pa.27, 7, 88M. pre.
Herzig, PhilipAP.16Ger.5950paral.Pa.15, 10, 87S. dec. 17, 7, 81.
Jacobs, Jerome B.EP.15Pa.558g.s.w.handPa.21, 1, 88See U.S. Mar. Corps
Kane, JohnK P.44 Ire.604 w.r. shld.Pa.27, 7, 71C. dec. 6, 9, 89
McCann, Merritt BP.30Ire.672gen. deb. Pa.20, 8, 82S. dec. 1, 10, 89
McClure, John AAP.18Pa.45...lumbagoOhio20, 8, 89See 127 Pa. Inf.
Pool, George H P.50Pa.476w. r. arm.Pa.24, 4, 85S. pre.

Page 499

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
127th Infantry:
McClure, John AAP.8Pa.45 ...lumbagoOhio.20, 8, 89See 20 Pa. Cav.

Page 500

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
192th Infantry:
Findlay, W ...AP.13Ire.44...w. l. hand.Pa.2,8, 84C. dis. 24, 6, 90.

Page 527

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
Jacobs, Jerome B...P. 96Pa.558g.s.w. h'd.Pa.21, 1, 88S. pre.

Page 536

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
1st Infantry.
Donnell, John SFP.30Pa.638rheu.Pa.28, 6, 90C. pre.

Page 493

NameCompanyRankLength of service, monthsNationalityAgePension per month, dollarsDisabilityAdmitted from.When admittedStatus
26th Infantry:
Donnell, John SDL3Pa638 rheu. Pa.28, 6, 90 See 91 Pa. Inf.

Pennsylvania Home

Descriptive list of members admitted to the Pennsylvania Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and Sailors from the 29th of December, 1888, to the 1st of June, 1890
Name. Company and regiment Rank Length of service, months Nationality Age Pension per month Disability Admitted from When admitted Occupation Married or Single Read and write Status
[pages 234-235]
Briggs, AmosA, 23d Pa. Vols;
B, 91st Pa. Vols
Pvt.39England67...rheumatismdo [sc. Philadelphia] Apr. 18, 89 DealerMarriedYesDo. [sc. Present]
[pages 238-239]
Haas, SamuelA, 91st Pa. VolPvt.28 do [sc. Germany]63 ... g.s.w. right groin Philadelphia July 18, 89 Butcher Single NoPresent
[pages 240-241]
McCauley, William G, 91st Pa. Vol. Pvt48 do [sc. United States] 696.00g.s. wound Philadelphia Feb. 23, 89 Farmer do [sc. Married] No Discharged.


Name. Company and regiment Rank Length of service, months Nationality Age Pension per month Disability Admitted from When admitted Occupation Married or Single Read and write Status
Descriptive list of members present at Massachusetts Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers on the 1st day of July, 1890
[pages 390-391]
Conlon, Michael E, 91st Pa. Inf. Pvt. ... Ireland 50 ... rheumatism do [sc. Massachusetts] 6, 18, 90Laborer SingleYesDo. [sc. M. Pre.]

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revised 17 Jan 15
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