91st PA--men in the National Home, 1893

91st PA--National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1893

Report of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893. Serial Set volume 3151, session volume 1, 53rd Congress, 1st Session. House Miscellaneous Document 35.
[see National Soldiers Home]
[I have proofread this page]

[page 717]

Name.Company.Rank.Length of service (months).Nativity.Age.Pension per month.Disability.Admitted from.When admitted.Status.
91st Infantry:
Bergen, Mich'lEP.39Pa.50...rheu.Wis.26, 12, 92N.W. dis. disc. 17 6, 93
Donnell, John SICpt.46Pa.6312rheu.Pa.28, 6, 90See 1 Va. Inf. Mex. War.
Fringer, John [sic, presumably John Eringer]CP.4Ger.548chr. diarrh.Pa.25, 7, 92C. pre.
Frazier, AlexEP.4Scot.58...frac. leg.Mass.9, 12, 92E. pre.
Gamble, EdwBS.42Ire.5912wnd. o.Pa.21, 7, 88C. pre.
Haas, SamuelAP.17Ger.6512gen. deb.Pa.14, 7, 92S. pre.
Hawks, John NDC.13Pa.5412rheu.Ohio.9, 8, 92See U.S. Navy.
Kneedler, FreemanEP.17Pa.426g.s.w.th.Pa.17, 7, 88S. dec. 11, 8, 92.
Lafferty, ChasIS.17Pa.486ht. dis.Pa.20, 8, 92C. pre.
Lowe, HenryDP.15Eng.554g.s.w.hnd.Pa.1, 2, 93S. pre.
Mallon, JamesCP.38Ire.586rheu.Pa.8, 4, 93S. pre.
McCalla, WmGP.42Pa.808wnds.N.J.13, 4, 92S. dis. 1, 4, 93.
McCord, Chas. T.FP.26Md.50...rheu.Pa.28, 9, 92P. pre.
McCormick, JohnDP.45Md.47...rheu.Md.13, 4, 93S. pre.
McNamara, MIP.9Ire.6717hernia.Pa.2, 7, 87See 116 Pa.Inf.
Nimmo, Arch'dCL.42Pa.466wnd. leg.Va.22, 9, 84S. dis. 23, 1, 93.
Pool, Geo. L.HP.50Pa.4710wnd. arm.Pa.24, 4, 85S. dis. 12, 4, 93.
Schaffer, JohnKP.16Pa.7012paral.Kans.11, 10, 88W. dec. 22, 11, 92.
Steadman, ThosFP.36Md.5312eye dis.Md.8, 12, 83N.W. dis. 17, 3, 93.
Woolson, John LIP.35Del.57...rheu.Pa.26, 7, 85S. dec. 1, 8, 92.
Young, Wm GDP.18Pa.52..ht. dis.Pa.13, 7, 92See 8 Pa. Cav.

[page 711]

Name.Company.Rank.Length of service (months).Nativity.Age.Pension per month.Disability.Admitted from.When admitted.Status.
26th Infantry:
Donnell, John SDL.3Pa.6312rheu.Pa.28,6, 90See 91 Pa. Inf.

118th Infantry:
Name.Lourmillion [sic], Wm
Length of service (months).35
Pension per month.12
Admitted from.Pa.
When admitted.24, 5, 84
Status.S. dec. 21, 10, 92.

[page 771]

Mexican War
Name.Company.Rank.Length of service (months).Nativity.Age.Pension per month.Disability.Admitted from.When admitted.Status.
Donnell, J. S.FP.30Pa.6312rheu.Pa.28, 6, 90S. dec. 21, 9, 92.

[page 762]

U.S. Navy
Name.Rank.Length of service (months).Nativity.Age.Pension per month.Disability.Admitted from.When admitted.Status.
Hawks, John NFireman.9Pa.54$12rheu.Ohio.9, 8, 92C. pre.

[page 719]

116th Infantry:
Name.CompanyRank.Length of service (months).Nativity.Age.Pension per month.Disability.Admitted from.When admitted.Status.
McNamara, MAP.33Ire.6717her.Pa.2, 7, 87S. pre.

[page 726]

8th Cavalry:
Name.CompanyRank.Length of service (months).Nativity.Age.Pension per month.Disability.Admitted from.When admitted.Status.
Young, Wm. GDP.11Pa.52...ht. dis.Pa.13, 7, 92S. dis. 5, 11, 92.

[page 496]

Descriptive list of members present at the Veterans' Home of California during the year ending June 30, 1893
NameCompany and regimentRankLength of serviceNationalityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromWhen admittedOccupationMarried or singleRead and writeStatus
Bailey, JohnI, 91st Pa. InfPvt.6do [sc. England]46...rheu.Santa Cruzdo [sc. May 16, 92]MinerSingleYesDied Sept. 4, 92

[page 167]


The following applications for readmission are denied:

William Finley, alias Campbell, late Company F, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, and Company A, One hundred and ninety-second Pennsylvania Volunteers.

[some abbreviations, from p.584]
dates are day, month, year

chr.diarrh. = chronic diarrhea
eye dis. = eye disease
frac. leg. = fracture, leg
g.s.w.hnd. = gunshot wound, [hand]
g.s.w.th. = gunshot wound, thigh
gen. deb. = general debility
ht. dis. = heart disease
paral. = paralysis
rheu. = [rheumatism]
wnd. arm. = [wound, arm]
wnd. leg. = [wound, leg]
wnd. o. = [probably a mistake for wound, arm]
wnds. = [wounds]

C = Central Branch
E = Eastern Branch
NW = Northwestern Branch
P = Pacific Branch
S = Southern Branch
W = Western Branch

dec = deceased
dis = discharged
pre = present

dec = deceased
dis = discharged
pre = present

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revised 24 Mar 11
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions