91st PA--men in the National Home, 1896

91st PA--National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1896

'Report of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1896'. Serial Set volume 3516, session volume 40, 54th Congress, 2nd Session, House Document 46]
[see National Soldiers Home]
[I have proofread this page]

[page 606]

Descriptive list of members admitted to the Veteran's Home of California during the year ending June 30, 1896
Name.Company and regiment.Rank.Length of service.Nativity.Age.Pension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromOccupationMarried or singleRead and writeWhen admittedStatus
Lentz, David H E, 91st Pa. Inf2d lt.57Pennsylvania58...rheu do [sc. California]Plumberdo [sc. single]YesAug. 1, 1895[blank]
U.S. Vol.Capt.     

[page 632]

Descriptive list of members admitted to Pennsylvania Soldiers and Sailors' Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers during the year ending June 30, 1896.
NumberNameCompany and regimentRankLength of serviceNativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromOccupationMarried or singleRead and writeWhen admittedStatus
158Stillwagon, AugustH, 91st Pa. InfPvt.3do [sc. United States]508lumbagodo [sc. Reading, Pa]Stone masonSingleYesFeb. 18, 1896.Sum. dis. May 12, 96.
163Trost, HenryI, 1st N.Y. Cav.
C, 91st Pa. Inf.
Pvt.39Germany5910herPittsburg, PaLaborerWidowerYesAug. 29, 1895Sum. dis. Dec. 27, 95

[page 660]

Descriptive list of members admitted to the Wisconsin Soldiers' Home during the year ending June 30, 1896.
NumberNameCompany and regimentRankLength of serviceNativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromOccupationMarried or singleRead and writeWhen admittedStatus
60Stewart, ThomasD, 91st Pa. InfPvt.7Ireland6312her., deafnessWaushara CountyCarpenterWidowerYesJuly 24, 1895Dpd. Dec. 31, 95.

[page 840]

NameCompanyRankLength of service (months)NativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromWhen admittedStatus
91st Infantry:
Gillespie, EdwHP18Ire786g.s.w.a.Va.24, 2, 91S. dec. 14, 10, 95.
Goodman, IsaacFP49Pa586g.s.w. h'dPa.19, 10, 95S. pre.
Haas, SamlAP.17Ger.5512rheu.Pa.14, 7, 92C. dpd. 8, 10, 95.
Jacobs, Henry A.M.BP.6Pa.656rheu.Pa.25, 10, 95S. pre.
Lofft, Wm. HCP.15N.Y.5810g.s.w.hip.Iowa29, 7, 95NW. dis. 31, 1, 96.
Million, NichBP.11Fra.5712g.s.w.shld.Mo.24, 4, 94W. dis. 22, 1, 96.
McClure, John AAP.18Pa.4512lumbagoOhio17, 8, 89See 127 Pa. Inf.
McNamara, MathIP.9Ire.6717her.Pa.2, 7, 87See 116 Pa. Inf.
Smith, JamesFP.37Pa.62...deafness.Pa.12, 12, 95S. pre.
Trost, HenryCP.4Ger.5910rheu.Pa.29, 4, 96M. pre.
Vandever, BenjCP.47N.Y.736g.s.w.sclp.N.Y.2, 8, 95S. pre.
Wallace, J. A. B.AP.15Pa.5012g.s.w.th.Pa.21, 9, 95C. dis. 18, 5, 96.

[page 842]

NameCompanyRankLength of service (months)NativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromWhen admittedStatus
116th Infantry:
McNamara, MathAP.33Ire.6717her.Pa.2, 7, 87S. dec. 11, 3, 96.

[page 843]

NameCompanyRankLength of service (months)NativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromWhen admittedStatus
127th Infantry:
McClure, John AAP.8Pa.4512lumbagoOhio17, 8, 89See 20 Pa. Cav.

[page 851]

NameCompanyRankLength of service (months)NativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromWhen admittedStatus
20th Cavalry:
McClure, John AIP.6Pa.4512lumbago.Ohio.17, 8, 89C. pre.

[some abbreviations, from page 709]
dates are day, month, year

a = arm
gsw h'd = gunshot wound, head
hemhds = hemorrhoids
her = hernia
rheu = rheumatism
th = thigh

C = Central Branch
E = Eastern Branch
NW = Northwestern Branch
S = Southern Branch
W = Western Branch
P = Pacific Branch
M = Marion Branch

dec = deceased
dis = discharged
dpd = dropped
pre = present
GIA = Government Insane Asylum

dec = deceased
dis = discharged
pre = present

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revised 16 Sep 06
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions