91st PA--men in the National Home, 1899

91st PA--National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1899

Report of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1899. Serial Set 3958, 56th Congress, session 1, House Document 106
[see National Soldiers Home]
[I have proofread this page]

[page 402]

NameCompanyRankLength of service (months)NativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromWhen admittedStatus
91st Infantry:
Burgess, ThomasGP.14Pa.4910g.s.w. l. ft.D.C.28, 6, 98See 183 Pa. Inf.
Carney, Wm.EP.16Ire.486her.Pa.14, 6, 94S. dis. 23, 1, 99
Flynn, ThomasDP.18Pa.5410g.s.w. r.a.Pa.2, 5, 99S. pre.
Hewitt, Wm. JCP.15Ire.5922w. h'd.Pa.3, 4, 79S. dis. 21, 7, 98
McCormick, JohnDP.45Md.478rheu.Md13, 4, 93C. dec. 27, 4, 99.
McCullough, JasCP.47Ire.6012w. l. shld.Pa. 21, 6, 88S. dec. 11, 10, 98.
Poole, Geo LHP.50Pa.4710w.a.Pa.25, 4, 85S. pre.
Seiler, PhilipGP.4Ger.586def. hear.Ohio.1, 7, 98C. pre.
Snyder, WilliamKP.36Pa.6412diarrh.Pa.6, 8, 85S. dpd. 20, 2, 99.
Steadman, ThomasFP.22Md.5312dis. eyes.Md8, 12, 83C. pre.
Trost, HenryCP.4Ger.5910her.Pa.29, 4, 96See 1 N.Y. Cav.
Wallace, John A BAP.17Pa.5012g.s.w. th.Pa.21, 9, 95NW. pre.
Wolfram, FredAP.14Ger.678deafness.Pa.27, 6, 99S. pre.
[I have not identified Wolfram, and he is not listed in the Civil War Veterans' Card File]

[page 401]

NameCompanyRankLength of service (months)NativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromWhen admittedStatus
81st Infantry:
Wallace, JohnGP.17Pa.5012g.s.w. th.Pa.21, 9, 95See 91 Pa. Inf.

[page 407]

NameCompanyRankLength of service (months)NativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromWhen admittedStatus
183th Infantry:
Burgess, ThomasKP.18Pa.4910g.s.w. l.ft.D.C.28, 6, 98S. dis. 4, 2, 99.

[page 370]

NameCompanyRankLength of service (months)NativityAgePension per monthDisabilityAdmitted fromWhen admittedStatus
1st Cavalry:
Trost, HenryIP.36Ger.5910her.Pa.29, 4, 96M. pre.

Abbreviations (page 285)

g.s.w. l.ft. = gun shot wound, left foot
her. = hernia
g.s.w. r.a. = gun shot wound, right arm
w. h'd = wound, head
rheu. = rheumatism
w. l. shld. = wound, left shoulder
w. a. = wound, arm
def. hear. = [deficient hearing?]
diarrh. = diarrhea
dis. eyes. = disease, eyes
g.s.w. th. = gun shot wound, thigh

C. = Central Branch
M. = Marion Branch
NW. = Northwestern Branch
S. = Southern Branch

pre.= present
dpd. = dropped
dis. = discharged
dec. = deceased

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revised 11 Sep 07
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions