91st PA--Deserters in Company I

Deserters in Company I

[I have proofread this page]
[source: Descriptive rolls of 91st PA; National Archives and Record Administration]
[related page: deserters]

Register of Deserters.

No.Names.Rank.When.From Where.Remarks.
1 Henry Buckly Privt April 17 /64 Warrenton Junct Philad city changed on Rolls May + June
[an illegible character, perhaps crossed out, is present between 'city' and 'charged'. He was reported deserted on 10 Apr 64]
2 Henry Bozher " " 27 /64 Philad Whereabouts not known
3 Henry Hall " " " " " " " "
4 Patrick Toner " March 2 /64 " " " "
5 William Miller " " " " " " " "
6 Edward Dempsey " March 9 /64 " " " "
7 Charles Baird Privt Jany 30 /64 Philad " " "
8 David Hampton " " " " " " " "
9 Henry Cooker " " " " " " " "
10 Smith John " March 24 /65 Norristown " " "
['March' seems to be written above a crossed-out 'April', but Bates has these men deserting in April]
11 Haly Patrick " " " " " " " "
12 Mullen Michael " " " " " " " "
13 Murray George " " " " " " " "
14 Bremen Henry " " " " " " " "
15 Howert George " " " " " " " "
16 James Graham " May 30 /65 [illegible] " " "
17 James Harris " " 30 /65 [illegible] " " "

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revised 4 Feb 15
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions