[I have proofread and added links to these letters.]
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols
Camp near U.S. Ford Va June 13th 1863
Capt A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl
I have the honor in compliance with circular from Div. Hd. Qrs. of this date to furnish the following list of enlisted men of this Regiment on detached service without the limits of this army
Adrian Beaugerau Sergt Co "B" detailed as clerk in discharge Dept. of Convalescent Camp Alexandria Va. By Order of Saml McKelvy Lt. Col. commdg, Jan 27th/63
Charles Powell Private Co. "C" Clerk in Provost Marshals Office Washington By Order of Brig. Genl. Wadsworth dated April 8th/62
Charles H. Eckhart Private Co. "C" Clerk in Provost Marshals Office Washington By Order of Brig. Genl. Wadsworth dated April 8th/62
Daniel Doster Private Co. "C" Orderly in Provost Marshals Office Washington By Order of Brig. Genl. Wadsworth dated May 10 /62
Charles W. Roberts Private Co. "C" Clerk in Quarter Mr. Dept Office Washington By Order of Brig. Genl. Wadsworth dated March 4th /62
Albert W. Steelman Private Co. "K" Clerk in Provost Marshals Office Washington By Order of Brig. Genl. Wadsworth dated March 8th /62
Francis P. Donahue Private Co. "E" Orderly at Convalescent Camp Alex. Va By Order of Lieut Col. McKelvy dated Jany 1st /63
James O Kane Private Co. "I" Provost Guard Harrisburg Pa. By Order of Capt. Dodge dated March 25th /63
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lieut Col. Cmmdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols
Camp near Gum Springs Va. June 18th 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
I have the honor to report that Wm. G. Kier assigned to duty as Asst. Surg. in this Regiment by his Excellency Gov. Curtin of Penna. did report for duty June 12th 63 and assisted during the recent March from U.S. Ford. I respectfully request that he Be mustered into the Military service of the United States.
I am captain
Very Respectfully Your Obedt Servt
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col. Com
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols.
Camp near Gum Springs June 18th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
I have the honor to request that the following named Enlisted men be discharged to enable them to be mustered in as Commissioned Officers. They having received their commissions from the Governor of Pennsylvania March 26th 1863.
WM H Carpenter Sergt Co. "D" 91st Reg. P.V.
Joseph T. Jones " " "H" " " " "
Theodore A. Snyder " " H " " " "
The above named men where [sic] last mustered on the 10th of May to include the 30th of April /63 as Enlisted men.
Wm H. Carpenter and Theodore A. Snyder have both been acting since March 26th /63. Joseph T. Jones has not acted since his appointment. The following is the strength of the Regiment.
Field Officer | three | (3) |
Regt Staff Officers | " | (3) |
Line Officers | Nineteen | (19) |
Enlisted Men | Four hundred & seventy two | (472) |
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lieut Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols
Camp near Aldie June 22nd 1863
A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
I beg leave to call the attention of the General Commanding the Brigade to the fact that no provisions are Made for carrying the Officers [sic] Shelter tents now that the two (2) Pack Horses are turned over. These Horses were issued to this Reg. By the A.Q.M. of the 1st Brig. 3rd Division in Lieu of Mules (no Mules at that time could be obtained) believing that if we had Mules instead of Horses at this time we would be allowed to retain them. And if the Genl. Commdg was cognizant of that fact he would either permit us to retain the Horses or issue Mules instead. I therefore have the honor to submit the above statement for the consideration of the commanding Genl. believing he will make such provisions that will remove the difficulty at present existing in relation to the want of means to carry the tents &c [?] of the Officers of this regiment.
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Joseph H. Sinex
Lieut. Col. Commdg.
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols.
Camp near Beverly Ford Va. Aug 13th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
I have the honor to state that the delay in conforming to the directions contained in Special Order No. 79 this morning is that no Signal from Brigade Head Quarters was heard Between Reveille and a Signal sounded at ten (10) minutes before nine (9) which we understood to indicate the call for guard mounting. I immediately ordered the call to be made and when your note requiring an explanation was received the Guard was mounted.
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Joseph H. Sinex
Lieut Col. Commdg.
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols.
Camp near Beverly Ford Va. Aug 13th 1863
Lieut Bell 165th Reg. Pa. Vols.
Commanding Pioneer Corps 3rd Brig.
I am directed by the Lieut. Col. commdg to inform you that Sergt James Simpson Co. "A" of this Regt in charge of Pioneers, is this day relieved and Elisha Butt, Sergt Co. "I" has been detailed to report to you. this change is rendered necessary owing to the want of Sergts in the above named company.
I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Yours &c
B. J. Tayman 1st Lieut.
& Adjutant
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols
Camp near Warrenton Va. Aug 2nd [?] 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
I have the honor to make the following report in pursuance of instructions relative to the absence of Morris Kayse[r] 1st Lieut Co. "B" from his Company
On the 2nd day of July 1863 when near Gettysburg Pa I gave Lieut Kayser a pass to fall back to the rear of the regiment in consequence of Sickness the enclosed statement of Surg. Knight gives the nature of his disease. he rejoined the command at Purcerville [?] Va. on the 19th of July. I gave him no permission to go beyond the limits of the command and his absence in Washington was without my knowledge or authority
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lieut Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa Vols
Camp near Beverly Ford Va Aug 8th 1863
Capt A S Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl
I have the honor to report that two (2) Negroes are at present employed by officers in this Regt as Servants.
No other Negroes are employed either for public or private use.
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos H. Sinex
Lieut Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols.
Camp near Beverly Ford Va. Aug 5th /63
Capt. A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
In compliance with directions from Brig Head Quarters I have the honor to state that the following Enlisted men employed [sic] as Servants, Cooks +c.
Name | Co | With whom serving | In what capacity |
Fredk. Fraters | A | Capt. F. H. Gregory | as cook |
I am Captain Very Respectfully Your Obedt. Servant Jos. H. Sinex Lt. Co. Com.
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols.
August 21st 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
In compliance with circular of this date, I have the honor to report that no Enlisted men are acting in the capacity of Commissioned Officers in this command.
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Eli G. Sellers
Capt. Commdg.
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa. Vols.
August 22nd 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adj't. Genl.
In compliance with circular from Brig. Head Qr. of this date, I have the honor to report that the provisions of Genl. Orders referred to have been complied with in the case of the following named enlisted men.
John T. Lott Co. "H" |
James Gorman " "D" not Co "C" |
The name of Adolphus Smith was not previously reported to me. his descriptive list and military history will be furnished at once.
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Joseph H. Sinex
Lieut Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt. Pa. Vols.
August 28th 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
I have the honor to state for the information as directed by your note that:
1st Lieut James Delavan was wounded at the Battle of Fredericksburg Dec 13nt 1863 was taken to the Hospital from Stonemans Switch. (not been officially heard from since) reported to be in Philada
Capt. Matthew Hall was wounded at Gettysburg Pa. July 2nd /63 sent to Hospital. from thence to Philadelphia. received Surgeons Certificate dates Philada July 30th /63 and Aug 19nt /63 recommending his extension for 20 days time expires Sept. 7nt /63.
Lieut John S. Donnell wounded at Gettysburg July 3 /63 sent to Hospital from thence to Philada heard nothing officially from him
Capt A. H. Bowman had permission to fall to the rear of the Reg. by Lieut. Col. Jos. H. Sinex at Gettysburg Pa. July 2nd /63 received surgeons Certificate recommending an extension for 15 days from Aug 10nt 63
Lieut. James B. Diehl was detailed by order of Brig. Genl. Tyler as A. D. C. when in command of the 1st Brig. 2nd Div 5th Army Corps
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos H Sinex
Lieut Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa Vols
Septb 2nd 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst Adjt Gen'l
I have the honor to report to you that Private Robert Gray Co "C" is borne on the Rolls of the Company as "present for duty".
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Serv
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt. Pa. Vols.
Septbr 3rd 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst. Adjt. Gen'l.
At the request of Lieut. Yorke the following are the Names of Enlisted Men furnished to you to be detailed in Ambulance Corps.
Private | Robert Elingsworth | Co. "E" |
" | George W. Keever | Co. "E" |
" | William Collins | " "G" |
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Sev't.
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt. Pa Vols
September 3rd 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt. Gen'l
I have the honor to transmit herewith the descriptive List of Private E W Fox Co "A" Clerk at Division Hd Qrs in Compliance with Orders of this date.
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt. Pa. Vols.
Septbr 5th 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst. A. Gen'l
I have the honor to state that the picket detail of this morning was on the ground in front of 146th N.Y. Vols. at 8.20 - The Lieut [apparently Lt Shipley] was directed to report to the Asst. Adjt. Gen'l as soon as his detail arrived on the ground & his failing to so report is the result of his own neglect.
I [struck out: have] am CaptainVery Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commdg
B. J. Tayman
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Reg. P. V.
Septbr 7th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst. Adjt. Gen'l
I have the honor to submit the following report in compliance with circular of this day:
Capt. A. H. Bowman Co. "B" left the command while near Gettysburg Pa July 2nd by permission to retire to the rear has since reported to be in Philadelphia Pa received Medical Certificate for sick leave for fifteen days dated Phila Aug 15th Received another for 10 days dated Aug 27th recommending him for light duty a communication from Capt. Bowman enclosed with the certificate states that he was directed to report to the departmental Commander at Phila. for duty, leave expired 6th inst.
Surgeon I. D. Knight, left the Regt Aug 5th with Orders to report at Washington for Medical treatment dated Head Quarters Army of Potomac Aug 4th /63. Received Medical certificate dated Phila Aug. 24th recommending leave for 20 days leave expires 13th inst.
Lieut. E. J. Maguigan Co "C" was directed to report to Dr. Abbott Washington City for Medical treatment, by Order dated Head Quarters 5th Army Corps near Warrenton July 29th 1863 received Notice dated Adjt. Gen'ls Office Washington City D.C. August 19th 1863 that leave of Absence for 20 days was granted Lieut. E. J. Maguigan Co "C" 91st Regt Pa. Vols. leave expires the 8th inst.
I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commdg
B. J. Tayman
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa. Vols
Septbr 8th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst. Adjt. Gen'l.
I have the honor to report the following named Enlisted Men of this Command borne on the Rolls as "absent Sick" but from information received are located at the different Hospitals & Camps around Washington and other cities. "On duty", but some [??] should be with their Companies in the Field & respectfully request that if possible they be ordered to join their Companies.
In WashingtonPrivates Charles H. Eckhardt, Chas. C. Powell, Daniel Doster & Albert W. Steelman, on duty in Military Governors Office. Pvt Steelman is no doubt discharged yet no official information has been received of the fact
John & Thomas Whelan, nurses [?] in Haremont Hospital - John Williams Andrew Steinmetz, James McCormick, John McCahan & Thomas Wallace these men are all believed to be fit for duty in the field.
In Convalescent Camp Alex. VaSergts. Adrian Beaugereau, Lewis Brophy, Robert H. Sinex, Corpls. Augustine C. Montgomery, William D. Pentland & Joseph Everheart [?], Privates Henry C. Sinex, Chas. H. Neide, Lewis Hamilton, John Callahan, James Cartledge, Philip Peltz, Francis Donahue, Edwin Burr, William Lowry, Samuel Conrad, George Young, George F. Stroup, John Dougherty, William Kelly, William McMichail, Chas. Thomson, Samuel T. Reed, David McNealy, Ralph B. Montgomery & John G. Kerr. Nearly all the above Named men are said to be on duty at Camp Convalescent and from information derived from private Letters &q they are Employed in the various Departments as "Clerks" "Cooks" & "Orderlies" they are all able bodied men & should be returned to the Regiment. Some of whom merit severe punishment for past conduct they will no doubt dodge every Order sending them away, and manage by any means to remain in what they call "easy jobs". Ralph B. Montgomery & Chas Thomson sent by direction of Gen. Tyler to Appnia Creek to guard his private Baggage May 16th neither of whom is yet reported to the Company Commander. Thomson is Clerk [?], Montgomery is loafing about town, have been unofficially informed that Sergt. Robert H. Sinex is transfered [sic] to "Invalid Corps".
In Fairfax Seminary Hospital Alex VaPrivates Stephen Godfrey, Chas J King, Jervis W. Edes & Samuel Hause. The above Named men are all "on duty" and are able Bodied men, were sent from Manassas June 17th with sore feet and from private Letters, they consider themselves on "easy duty" for the balance of their term of service.
In Camp Parole Alexandria VaPrivates William H. Kintzle & Johnson Agnew The two men are paroled prisoners, heard they had been exchanged
In Baltimore MdSergt John Newton [?--perhaps Norton?] Davis, Privates Thomas Reed & Henry W McCool Sergt Davis is a strong able bodied man, he is said to be in Invalid Corps but nothing official - McCool "Nurse in Hospital"
Fredrick City, MdPrivates Franklin E. Clough & William Wilkinson. Private Clough is a Notorious "Shirk" he artfully finds it convenient to be absent when wanted, but manages to leave by some authority, he is now doing duty in the Provost Guard at Frederick City, he should by all means be sent to the regiment Wm. Wilkinson is "Nurse"
Philadelphia PaSergts Penrose Forsythe, John Goodwin, John Wood, Corpls James Gessler & Mettinger, Privates Jacob Geisenhoffer, James Dyson, Henry C Gorgas, Theophilus Palmer, Charles K. Willis, Francis P. Young, Wm. P. Graham, John Henry, James Nugent, Samuel H. Hess, Samuel Amey, Isaac Tyson, Noah Mallon, George L. Poole, Mathew McIlvany, John P. Delamator, Peter Van Buren, George Kitchenman, "this Man is reported to be working at his trade in a Dye House" George B. Kulp this man is said to be working at Brick Making, he is a Paroled Prisoner, Eugene L. Chemin & Augustus Eckheart--The foregoing 26 men are all know [sic] ("unofficially") to be able to rejoin the Command yet they are retained and the Regiment thus deprived of their services - some are openly at work at their trades, while others are spending their time in debauching - the time of their absence varies from 3 to 15 Months.
Anapolis MdPrivates William H. H. Dyke & Lewis Happy - these men are unofficially reported as able to rejoin their Company.
Portsmouth Grove, R. I.Corpl. Patrick B. Beatty & Private Jacob W. Bender. both the above men are acting in the capacity of "Nurses"
The foregoing List of 78 names are carefully selected from the number (141) now reported "absent Sick" & "Wounded" No injustice is done to any of the remainder in the remarks - those entitled are no doubt correctly reported and should not be identified with the men above referred to.I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Serv
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa Vols
September 10th 1863
Adjt Gen'l N. S. D. [???]
I have the honor to submit the following report with the accompanying papers in compliance with Orders from War Department, Washington D. C
A communication was received from Robert Clark Capt & Provost Judge Alexandria Va dated Aug 11th 1863 inquiring if one Abraham Smith did belong to the 91st Regt P.V., as no description was given, the only means of furnishing the information desired was to ascertain if the Name appeared on the descriptive Books. No such Name could be found, the answer was given accordingly & mailed to the Provost Judge, Alexandria, Sept 3rd 1863
On the receipt of the enclosed papers this day an inquiry was instituted to ascertain further and the result shows that the only Man, that enlisted in the Regt at Alex Va & now absent is one Jacob Fisher, this Mans history seems to agree substantially with the statement made concerning Smith.
He enlisted at Alex. July 3rd 1862 & deserted Aug. 26th 1862 while the Regt was at Clouds Mills.
Men who know him state that he was located in some business in Prince La. Alex., that he was in the slave pen for desertion, claimed as such by the 93rd Regt P.V., that he was proverbial for foot racing; an Enlisted Man belonging to Co "H" 91st P.V. named John Sommors, now at Camp Parole, or Convalescent Camp Alex. Va. is acquainted with this man Fisher and as he could easily be found, I respectfully request that he be used to identify the man, the following description of Jacob Fisher appears on the descriptive Book of Co "H"
DescriptionJacob Fisher Age 25 years, Height 5 feet 9 inches, Complexion Dark, Eyes Dark, Hair Black, Enlisted Alexandria Va July 3rd 1862. Mustered in by Capt. Dodge, received $29. Bounty - deserted from Camp near Clouds Mills Aug 26th 1862
The foregoing is all that can be obtained from the record of this Regt
I am Gen'l
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt. Pa Vols.
Septbr. 12th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin
Asst. Adjt. Gen'l
I have the honor to state in reply to the circular of this day, that this Regiment furnished a Sergeant in compliance with Orders of Circular dated Aug 30th. The 91st furnished a Sergt. on the 31st - their turn coming on the 4th 8th 12th 16th &qq - a Sergt was accordingly sent this day, we have we think complied with the Circular refered to
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Sert
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters Co F 91 Reg. P.v
Camp at Beverly Ford Va Sept 11. 1863
Lieut. B. J. Tayman
Adjt 91 Reg Pv
Since your inquiries of yesterday concerning "Abraham Smith", I have learned the following facts of "Able T Diehl a Private of Co F 91st Reg Pv who deserted on the 8th day of September 1862 while the Regiment was encamped near Fort Albany Va. To a certain extent this mans [sic] history and antecedents correspond with those of the man "Smith" about whom you inquired yesterday - "Diehl" was confined in the "slave Pen" as a deserter about the time Smith is alleged to have been confined was also without doubt interested in keeping a house of ill repute in Prince Street he was declared a deserter and dropped from the Rolls. every exertion has been made to recover him he has lately been seen in Washington City DC. thinking the man spoken of as "Abraham Smith" might be the man Abel T Diehl, I hand you this information hoping that this young and able bodied man may be returned to duty. The following is his description -- Age 21 -- Height 5.8 -- complection light Eyes dark - Hair light - was born in the Town of Milton [??] Pa by proffession [sic] a Boatman and enlisted for 3 years at Philadelphia Oct. 25 /61 his face is a little marked with Small Pox
I am Lt. very respectfully your
Henry Francis
1st Lieut Com. Co. F 91. Pa
The foregoing was referred to the Provost Judge Alex. Va. Sept 12th /63
B. J. Tayman Adjt.[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa Vols.
Sept. 13th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst Adjt Genl
I have the honor to report in compliance with circular of this date, that the deficiency "in Ammunition in this Command are fully supplied, 40 Round of Cartridges to each man"
No Arms or part of Arms or Accoutrements were condemned by the Inspector.
There is a deficiency of the following, which when furnished, this Command will be fully supplied with Arms & Ammunition
(2) Two Bayonets(1) One Led [?] Cartridge Box Tin's [?]
(1) One Cap Pouch
The Ordnance Officer declines to break full sets of Arms & Accoutrements without Orders from Brig. Hd Qrts.
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Comd'g
[edited version]
Head Quarters, 91st Regt. Pa. Vols
September 14th 1863
L. Thomas
Adjutant General U.S.A.
I have the honor to make the following Report in Compliance with Orders from Secretary of War dated Sept 5th /63 relative to a communication dated Philadelphia Aug. 31st /63 signed "J. Burnside" charging A. H. Bowman Captain Co. "B" 91st P.V. with disgraceful conduct.
The Author of the communication referred to, evidently knew all the Circumstances connected with Capt. Bowmans [sic] history in the Regt, and the sweeping denunciations, without stating some specific act, evinces a malicious intention to fasten disgrace on a Brother Officer, without producing some evidence, that the accuser himself is reliable, by failing to locate his address in Philadelphia and omitting to make some specific Charge.
By a close examination of this paper, it is found to give evidence of a disguised hand & the writer ashamed of his true Name adopted that of "J. Burnside".
I have no doubt that the communication was either dictated or written by a Brother Officer of Capt. Bowman's, these two Officers have for a long time been on unfriendly terms, & each would consider he had done good service, by having the other Cashiered.
As there is no specific Charge made against Capt. Bowman, I can only make a report as to the cause of his absence from the Regt.
Capt. Bowman did not run [?] for a doctor for Capt. Hall as aledged [sic] by the writer, he had permission from me to fall to the rear July 2nd 1863 at Gettysburg Pa on account of sickness, he was not heard from untill [sic] Aug 16th /63 when a Medical Certificate dated at Philada Aug 12th was received at these Hd. Qrs. recommending a leave of absence 15 days, on the 27th of Aug. another Medical Certificate extending the time ten days longer. The Surgeon also recommending Capt Bowman to be put on light duty. A communication from Capt. Bowman was enclosed (with the Certificate) informing me he had been ordered to report to the Department Commander for duty, another dated 9th [?] of Septbr. for 5 days. Capt. Bowman reported himself at Camp this day for duty, no information has been received by me officially or otherwise as to his conduct during his absence.
The foregoing is all that appears on the [illegible word, which appears to be crossed out] records of this Regiment, relative to the absence of Capt Bowman and his "disgraceful conduct" in Philadelphia as alledged [sic] by this Author of the Communication Signed "J. Burnside" Philada
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Sevt
Jos H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa. Vols
Sepember [sic] 21st 1863
Lieut MacLeod
Actg Asst Insp Genl
I have the honor to report the following as the deficiencies [crossed out: of] in this Command viz
3 | Three | Bayonets |
4 | Four | Bayonet Scabbards |
3 | Three | Cap Pouches |
3 | Three | Cartridge Box Belts & Plates |
2 | Two | Waist Belts |
2 | Two | Cartridge Box Tins |
Requisitions for the above will be sent this day
I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Serv
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
[edited version]
Hd. Qrs. 91st Reg. P.V. Camp Near Culpepeper [?] Va.
September 25th 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr.
I have the honor to report that Privates John C. Wharton Co. C & Edward Gamble Co. B detailed as teamsters Sept 22nd 63 have not yet returned.
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Signed Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col. Comd Regt.
[edited version]
Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. Pa. Vos.
September 29th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt. Genl
I have the honor in compliance with instructions received this day to forward the following List of Enlisted Men employed in this Regt as Servants, Cooks &qq
Name | Co | Rank | With whom Serving | In what Capacity | Since When |
Joseph Johnston | D | Private | Capt. Faust | Cook | September 20th 1863 |
Philipp Touhsant [sic] | I | " | Lieut Donnell | " | September 7th 1863 |
J. Jamison | H | " | Col. E. M. Gregory | Hostler | September 23th 1863 |
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
E. M. Gregory
Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt. Pa Vols.
Octbr 2nd 186[3]
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt. Genl
I have the honor to make the following Report in Compliance with Circular from Brig H. Qrs Oct 1st 1863, regarding loss of Public Property during Month of September & not accounted for
One Axe Capt. BowmanNo other property was lost in this Regiment during the Month of September.
I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
E. M. Gregory
Col. Comdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt. P V
October 3rd 1863
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adj't Genl
In Compliance with Circular dated October 2nd 1863, I have the honor to state, that Lieut Michael in charge of detail of this Command buried 2 Com. Officers & 62 Enlisted Men (Confederates) - Lieut Carpenter in charge of detail collected 225 Muskets
Very RespectfullyYours &c
E. M. Gregory
Col Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa Vols
Oct 7th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt Genl
I have the honor to report that this Regt is desirous of reenlisting for three years or during the War under the provision of Genl Orders No 191. 216 & 305 from War Department and Circular dated Hd. Qrs. Army of Potomac Octbr 2nd as respecting Veteran Vols
The Number of Enlisted Men present with the Regt is Two hundred & fifty (250) with Seventeen (17) Commissioned Officers. Two hundred of the enlisted men desire to reenlist under the above Orders, and I have no doubt should the Regt be accepted the remaining fifty will join their Comrades and be numbered in with them. The Com Officers are unanimous in favor of the measure.
Of the Two hundred ready to reenlist Ninety have less than one year to serve, Thirty four have one but [?] year, Forty three have less than Fifteen Months and Thirty three have over fifteen months to serve.
I am Capt
Very Respectfully
E. M. Gregory
Col Cmdg
[edited version]
Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.
November 1st 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Ass Adj't Gen.
I have the honor to report in compliance with Special Orders No 282 Hd. Qrs Army of the Potomac of Oct. 31. 63 that this Regt was accepted by the War Dept. Aug 2. 63 [sic] and the organization was complete Dec 4. 1862 [sic]. The total strength is 436. The Strenght [sic] Present 260. The Strength Absent 176.
I am Captain Very Respectfully
Signed E. M. Gregory
Col. Com 91st Regt. PV
[edited version]
Head Qurters [sic] 91st Regt. Pa. Vols.
November 14th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr
Ast. Adjt. Gen.
I have the honor to report that no change has occured [sic] in the Roster of Commission [sic] Officers in this Command since the last report of Nov 14 [sic, perhaps 1862?].
I am Sir,
Very Respectfully
E. M. Gregory
Col. Commanding
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna Vols 3" Brig 2" Div 5 Corps
Camp near Kellys Ford Va November 14 1863
L Thomas
Adjt General U.S.A.
In compliance with orders from the War Dept dated Oct 20th 1863 and recieved [sic] through the regular military channel from Brig Hd. Qrs dated Oct 31st 1863
I have the honor to make the following report in the case of Marcus Ullman a private of Co A 91st Regt Penna Vols
By reference to the Descriptive Book the name of Marcus Ullman appears with the following description
age 19 height 5 ft 4 in complexion dark eyes grey hair dark born in the County of Tyrol Germany occupation Watch Maker enlisted Aug. 21st 186 [last character illegible due to a blotch] at Philada Pa mustered by Col Reiff for 3 years
Ullman voluntarily called at the recruiting Office of Co A. 91st Regt Pa Vols Aug 20" 1861 entered his name on the books and on the following day with others was mustered into the Service of the United States
He is now and has been serving in the Regiment Since his enlistement--and faithfully performed his duties as a Soldier.
The accompanying paper is herewith returned
I am General &c
E. M Gregory
Col Commdg 91st Regt PV
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna Vols
November 14 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr
I have the honor to furnish the following list of absent officers, to this date
John D. Lentz | Major | In Philada for Conscripts since July 22 1863 |
Theo H. Snyder. | 2 Lieut | " " " " " " " " |
Jas. H. Delevean | 1st Lt | " " from wounds Recd at Fredericksburg Dec 13th 1862 |
James B. Diehl | " " | Aid [sic] to Genl Tyler since Nov 4th 1862 |
J. A. Gregory | 2 " | Detatched [sic] with Brig Amb since Sept. 23 1863 |
I am Captain &c
E. M. Gregory
Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna Vols
November 14th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr
A. A. G.
In pursuance of orders of this date I have the honor to report the following named enlisted men employed as cooks, Servants &c. by Commissioned Officers of this Regiment
Name | Co | with whom Serving | in what capacity | Since what time |
James Jameson | H | Col E. M. Gregory | Hostler | from Sept 29th to Oct 16th 186[3] |
Henry Schaefer | A | " " " " | " | " Oct. 17th 1863 |
Edw. Gamble | B | Lt. Morris Kayser | Cook | Oct. 28th 1863 |
Jos M Johnston | D | Capt. H. Faust | Cook | Oct. 1st " |
Jos Rementer | E | " M. Hall | Cook | Nov 6th " |
Philip Tousant | I | Lt. J. S. Donnell | Cook | Sept. 25th 1863 |
Your Most Obt. Servant
E. M. Gregory
Col. Commdg
[edited version]
Hd. Qrs. 91st Reg. Pa. Vols. 3 Brig 2 Div 5 Corps
Camp near Kellys Ford Va. November 16th [1863]
Commanding Officer
U. S. Arsenal
Washington D. C.
Enclosed is a copy of a paper giving a statement of Ord. Stores belonging to 91st Regt Pa. Vols that was [sic] shipped to you.
I am directed by Col. E. M. Gregory Commdg 91st Regt P.V to request that you will furnish a list of the Articles referred to contained in the Boxes also that a reciept [sic] be sent for them in order to enable him to make out his Ord. Return correctly with Vouchers.
I am Sir &c
B. J. Tayman
On the 11th of May 1863 I shipped per Steamer N. Jenkins to Washington the following Boxes of Guns +c belonging to 91st Regt Penna Vols
7 | Boxes Guns | M 1861 |
1 | Box Bayonet Scabbards | |
1 | Box Bayonet Sheaths | |
1 | Box Shoulder Straps | |
1 | Box Contents Unknown | |
11 | Boxes in all sent to U.S. Arsenal at Washington D.C. |
M. A. Hanley
Capt + A.Q.M.
Per. F. A. Hooker [illegible]
[edited version]
Alexandria Va
September 24th 1863 (Mailed on Nov. 16th 1863)
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna Vols
Camp near Kellys Ford Va November 16th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
A. A. General
In Compliance with "Circular" from Corps Hd. Qrds. of this date I have the honor to report that upon inquiry no enlisted men [sic] in this command desires [sic] to enter the Artillery Arm of the Service.
I am Captain &c.
E. M. Gregory
Col. Commdg +c
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna Vols
Camp near Kellys Ford Va. November 18th 1863
H A Fricke
Lieut Col + Provost Marshall
I am directed by the Col Commanding 91st Regt Pa Vols to state in reply to yours of the 13th inst that Charles Lowry was mustered in to Co "C" of this Regiment he was never discharged from the Service he frequently deserted is a worthless Soldier, has never been in action and has always shirked his duty he is a Slippery man and needs close watching the following is his description age 19 height 5 ft 9 in Complexion Fair Eyes Blue Hair Brown Born in Philadelphia Penna occupation wheelwright Enlisted in Philada Sept 20th 1863 [sic; sc. 1861] mustered by Captain Smith for 3 years date of last desertion June 14th while on the march, near Hartwood [?] Church
I am Col &c
E M. Gregory
Col Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa. Vols
Camp near Kellys Ford Va November 19th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
A. A. General
In reply to the inquiry of this day concerning the two men of this Regiment against whom charges have been preferred.
I have the honor to state that Burkett is under charge of the Provost Marshall Guard and has been since his arrest.
Hood was also under charge of the Provost Guard until ordered by the Doctor to the Regiment on account of Sickness neither have done duty since their arrest.
I am Captain &c.
E M Gregory
Col Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna Vols
Camp near Kellys Ford Va November 19th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
A. A. General
In compliance with Provisions of Special Orders No. 298 the undersigned Board of Inspection have the honor to make the following report.
Upon a thorough inspection 5 days rations are now in the Haversacks and Knapsacks of the men having a deficiency of 3 days this deficiency was caused partly by exposure to bad weather during the march from Culpepper + other unavoidable circumstances resulting from loss in carrying the rations in their Haversacks + Knapsacks.
We are Captain Very Respectfully &cE. M. Gregory
Col Commanding
Eli G Sellers Senior Captain
David Lentz Regtl Q. Master
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna Vols.
Lieut B. J. Tayman
Adjutant 91st Regt Penna Vols
I have the honor to submit the following report in the case of William T Pritchett who was mustered into Co "G" 91st Regt Penna Vols on the 2nd day of October 1861 by Captain Dye U.S.A. and who has been arrested at Philadelphia as a deserter.
He was enrolled in the Compy along with a few of his young friends by Lieut James H Closson of Co G and was mustered into the Service as above stated. He never reported himself at Camp nor could his friends of the Compy and Several Guard details who were sent for succeed in finding him Lieut Closson then called at his fathers [sic] house (Mr Pritchett) to see weather [sic] he could gain any clue to his whereabouts, the Lieut saw and conversed with Mrs. Pritchett who said she did not know his whereabouts and that he was unable to do Military Duty on account of weakness in the eyes and added something in reference to a substitute. A few days after the above visit Mr. Pritchett did appear at camp with a man who [sic] he offered as a substitute for his son. I spoke to the Colonel and Major on the subject both of whom advised the taking of the substitute providing he would pass the Surgeon the man was found capable and then he was regularly mustered into the Service.
I had no authority to drop the name of William T. Pritchett which had already been placed on the Muster Roll at the Office of the Mustering Officer (Lieut Col Reiff) and could not be erased unless by an order from the War Department.
I am now aware that the taking of the substitute was done very irregular [sic] but at that time I acted as I thought for the good of the Service as I had made every effort to find Pritchett and did not succeed Lately having been called upon for a list of the Deserters of my Compy and the name of William T Pritchett being among the number, I consequently forwarded it.
In regards to the paper given to Mr Pritchett I would say that it had refference [sic] entirely to publishing in the Public Newspapers as there had been several deserters from Col Rushs [sic] 6th Regt Pa Cav. published in the papers about that time.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Eli G Sellers
Cap. Commdg Co G
(Received the above Nov 21st 1863)
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna. Vols
Camp near Paole Mills Va November 21st 1863
L Thomas
A General U.S.A.
In compliance with orders dated Adjt Generals Office Washington DC Nov 10th 1863
I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of E. G. Sellers Captain of Co G of this command in the case of Foster [sic] Pritchett of Philadelphia
I am General &c
E. M. Gregory
Col Commanding
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa. Vols
December 8th 1863
Maj. Gen. L. Thomas
Adj't Gen. U.S.A
I have the honor to request that the Monthly Returns of this Regt. for the month of November 1863 be returned for correction; having received this day official notice of the discharge of Lieut. James Delavan, and being required to alter the return for Brigade Head Quarters
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commanding
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt P. Vols.
December 15th 1863
Capt A. S. Marvin
Ast. Adj't. Gen.
I have the honor to state in reply to Gen Orders No 120, Hd. Qrs. 3rd Brig 2nd Div 5th Corps. that Sergt. Hamill has been promoted to the first Sergeancy of his Compy. the warrant has been issued to him, and I do not think it in my power to revoke the order without some wrong doing of the Sergt. The Sergeant was appointed by the Capt. Comding the Compy, and approved by me in accordance with Par. 86. Art. 12. Revise [sic] Army Regulations of 1863
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Comding.
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st P.V.
Dec 21st 1863.
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
I have the honor to report that this Regiment is desirous of reinlisting [sic] for three years or the War under the provisions of Genl orders 191, 216, 305, and 376, and Circular dated Head Quarters Army of the Potomac Oct 2nd 1863 and Telegram dated Head Quarters Army of the Potomac Dec 17, 1863 Respecting Vetern [sic] Volunteers.
Total number present 292
Total number | Willing to reinlist | less than one year | 199 |
" " | Not Willing | " " " " | 50 |
" " | Willing | over one year | 33 |
" " | Not Willing | " " " | 10 |
292 |
I have the honor to state that there a [sic] number of those that have not reinlisted have manifested a desire to do so, and I believe that if the Regt is ordered home to recruit that they will join their comrades.
I am Respet [sic]
Jos H Sinex
Lt. Col Comdg.
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Pa. Vols.
Dec 22nd 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt. Genl
In compliance with Spe Orders No 329, Hd Qrs. Army of Potomac, dated Dec 21st 1863, I have the honor to state that this Regt is desirous of reenlisting for three years or the War, under the provisions of Gen Orders 191, 216, 305, 376 War Department and Circular dated Hd. Qrs. Army of Potomac Oct 2nd 1863 and Telegram dated Hd Qrs. Army of Potomac Dec 17th 1863 respecting Veteran Volunteers.
Total Number present 292
No willing to reenlist under one year to serve | 199 |
" not willing " " " " " " | 50 |
" willing " " " " " " | 33 |
" not willing " " " "" | 10 |
Total | 292 |
Since the above report was made there has [sic] been eleven (11) men who have less than one year to serve and two (2) who have over one year to serve and joined the Army prior to July 1863 [?] have reenlisted [sic], which would make the report up to date as follows
No willing to reenlist under one year to serve | 208 |
" not willing " " " " " " | 41 |
" willing " " " " " " | 35 |
" not willing " " " "" | 8 |
Total | 292 |
[The numbers clearly reflect a change of 9 men with less than one year to serve, not 11; the total is 11 men.]
I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servant
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Pa. Vols.
Dec 23rd 1863
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt. Genl
In compliance with Sp Order 330 Army of Potomac, dated Dec 22nd 1863, I have the honor to state, that as 3/4 of the Regiment as well as 3/4 of all Companies are willing to reenlist I have no Supernumerary Officers in this Regiment.
I am Capt &qq
Jos H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commdg
[edited version]
H [sic]
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr. A.A.G.
In Compliance with par. 4 Genl Order 359 [could be 369] War Department Nov 6th 1863 I have appointed 1st Lt W H Carpenter Co "H" Recruiting Officer, with the approval of the Commanding Officer of the Brigade
I am Capt.
Very Respectfully &qq
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Cl Comdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Regt P.V.
Dec 28th 1861 [sic]
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl
I have the honor to report in Compliance with Orders from Brig. Hd Qrs the following
Two hundred & Seventeen (217) | No that have enlisted that have less than one year to serve |
Fourty [sic] (40) | No that will not reenlist who have less than one year to serve |
Fourteen (14) | No that will reenlist who have less than 15 months to serve & who have affirmed to it in writing |
Four (4) | No that will not reenlist who have less than 15 months to serve |
Twenty Three (23) | No that will reenlist who have less than 20 months to serve |
Five (5) | No that will not reenlist who have less than 20 months to serve |
Total not willing to reenlist 49 | |
Com Off not willing to re. none | |
agg 49 |
Total Reenlisted | 217 |
" willing to reenlist | 37 |
254 | |
" Com Off Reenlisted | 20 |
Agg. | 274 |
This reenlistment is under the provisions of Genl Order 191 War Dept Series 1863 and if Compatible with the interest of the Service, would request to be sent home to recruit. The Number of Enlisted Men present with the army is 303.
I am Capt
Very Respectfully &qq
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Pa. Vols
Dec. 30th 1863
Capt A. S. Marvin
Asst Adjt Genl
In pursuance of orders of this date I have the honor to report the following named Enlisted Men employed as Servants, Cooks, &qq by Com Officers of this Regt.
Name | Co | Commd'g Off | With whom Serving | In what Capacity | Since when |
Henry Schaefer | A | Capt Gregory | Col. E. M. Gregory | Hostler [written over something illegible] | Octbr 17/63 |
John Coster | A | Capt Gregory | Capt Gregory | Cook [written over something illegible] | Dec 10 /63 |
Ed. Gamble | B | Lt Kayser | Lt Kayser | Cook [written over something illegible] | Octbr 28/63 |
Jos. M. Johnston | D | Lt. Carpenter | Lt. Col. J. H. Sinex | Cook | Dec. 16 /63 |
Jos. Rementer | E | Capt Hall | Capt Hall | Cook | Nov 6 /63 |
Henry Dunn | I | Lt. Donnell | Lt. Donnell | Cook | Dec. 18 /63 |
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Eli G. Sellers
Capt Commdg
[edited version]
Head Quarters 91st Pa. Vols.
Dec. 30th 1863
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst Adj't Genl
I have the honor to report the following in pursuance of Orders of this date viz. No. [crossed out: not] willing to reenlist who have over fifteen months to serve
[For legibility, I have changed the three columns in the manuscript to a single list.]
Chas E. France | A |
James Luffberry | " |
Edwin J. Burr | B |
Samuel Edwards | " |
Jos. L. Bowan | C |
Wm. T. Hoover | " |
Alex Keely | " |
Thomas Taylor | D |
Wm. Harvey | " |
James Nelson | D |
H. C. Sinex | " |
Sergt D. F. Mansfield | F |
John H. Denning | " |
Wm. Mooney | " |
George Fleming | " |
Harry H Zane | " |
Robert Wilkinson | " |
Jacob Afflerback | E |
John L. Keever | E |
Joseph Rementer | " |
John L. Lloyd | G |
George W. Kite | " |
Wm. Collins | " |
John W Bender | " |
Jacob Keesy | H |
Harry T. Angel | " |
Wm H H Dyke | " |
Louis Happy | "H" |
Hugh McLaughlin | "H" |
D G Leidheiser | 'K' |
Total 30 Men |
No not willing to reenlist who have less than 15 months to serve
[I have again replaced the three manuscript columns with a single column, for legibility.]
Jacob Geisenhoffer | A | |
Johnson Agnew | " | |
Edward Wood | " | |
Francis A Faires | " | |
Edward W. Fox | " | |
Alex McDermott | B | |
Segt Chas. Higgins | C | |
W. K. Beale | " | |
Pat. Campbell | " | |
Salathiel Cox | " | |
John Connelly | " | |
Michael Drew | " | |
Louis Kuert | " | |
Chas. Lowry | C | |
John Maginnis | " | |
Thomas O Neil | " | |
John J. Reynold | " | |
Corpl. Wm Burns | E | |
" Francis Harrigan | " | |
David Baird | " | |
Stephen Kelly | " | |
Aug. C. Montgomery | " | |
John Stotzenberg | " | |
William Dorsey | " | |
William Dougherty | " | |
Corpl. James Smith | F | |
Francis Higgins | G | |
Daniel Wolf | " | |
Daniel Foltz | " | |
Wm. Rookstool | " | |
Robert J. Rowan | H | |
Corpl Alex. Molloch | I | |
Henry P. Largay | " | |
Chas. Armstrong | " | |
Corpl Thomas Marple | K | |
Michael Keane | " | |
John McCarty | " | |
Wm H. Johnson | " | |
Total 38 |
No. not willing to reenlist who have over 15 months to serve
Israel Lazerus "D"No willing to reenlist over 15 months to serve | 30 |
" not " " " " " " | 1 |
" not willing less than 15 months to serve | 38 |
Total | 69 |
Very Respectfully &c
Jos H Sinex
Lt Col Commdg