91st PA--Orders book, Jan-July 1865

1865 Orders, January to July

[source: regimental orders book]
[I have proofread and edited this transcription.]

[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt Pa V Vols
January 1" 1865
Special Orders No 1

1st Lieut Adam Murphy is hereby relieved from the Command of Co "K." He will turn over the Public Property in his possession to 1st Lieut George G Coster taking his receipts for the same

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lt Col Commdg
(Sd) J R Allen
Lt & Act. Adjt.
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
Jany 4" 1865 [the '5' is written over a '4']
Special Orders No 2

1st Lieut (John Edgar Jr [written above this name is:] Joseph Everhart) is here by relieve[d] from the Command of Company (B [written above this is:] H) he will turn over the Public property in his possession to Capt (Jno C Partenheimer [written above this is:] Geo P Finney) taking his receipts for the same

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lt Col. Commdg
sgd J R Allen
Lieut & Act Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
January 7" 1865
Special Orders No 3

The following promotions are hereby ordered in this Regiment to take effect from the date set opposite their names

1CorporalEdward GambleCo "B"to beSergtJanuary 1 [?]
2"Donald Knox" "" """ "
3PrivateJohn Graham" "" """ "
4SergtFranklin WolfingerCo "A"" "1st SergtJany 7 [???]
5"Robert Boyd" "A" [?]" "Regt Com. SergtJa [illegible end of line]
6PrivateGeo B Kenworthy" C" SergtJany 1 [??]
7SergtWm Letourneau" G" "1st Sergt" 1 [??]

[no signature]
[the ends of the lines of the table are very hard to read]

[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
January 9" 1864
Special Orders No 4

Musician Geo Black Co H 91st Pa V Vols being [?] discharged by reason of Expiration of Service, Private John Fall of same Co is hereby ordered to fill ['fill' appears to be lightly crossed out] the vacancy

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
sgd J R Allen
Lt. & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols.
January 13" 1865
Special Orders No 5

The Lieut Col. Commdg finds it necessary to call the attention the attention [sic] of Company Commanders to the prevailing Custom of Applicants for furlough applying personally to these Hd Qrs

Here after all applications must be made thro [sic] the Company Commander who will forward none but those he considers urgent cases, and those only where the applicant can be recommended for punctually good conduct. and Soldierly qualities

By Commd of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
(sgd) John R Allen
1s Lieut & Act Adjt
[The company E orders book has a circular dated 16 January, not present in the regimental orders book, according to which company commanders were not to allow their men to leave camp.]
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s P.V V
January 16' 1865
Special Orders No 6

1s Lieut Adam Murphy is hereby assigned to the duties of Actg Adjt relieving 1s Lieut J R Allen

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg.
sgd JR Allen
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
January 25" 1865
General Orders No 1

The following calls will be observed in this Command until further orders

Reveille6 1/2A.M.
Breakfast7 1/2" "
Surg's Call8" "
Police8 1/4" "
1s Sergt Reports8 1/2" "
Guard Mounting9" "
Company Drill10 to 11" "
Non Com. Off. School1 to 2P.M.
Compy or Battl. Drill3 to 4" "
Dress Parade4 1/2" "
Tattoo7 1/2" "
Taps8" "
Com. Off. School8 1/4 to 9" "

Company Commanders will make a report of their Commands to Regimental Hd Qrs at Reveille, Retreat & Tattoo

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
(sgd) A H Murphy
Lt & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
January 25" 1865
Special Orders No 7

Company Commanders will at once proceed to have their Company Streets and quarters thoroughly policed

Each Company will have a pit dug on Parade ground on a line with chimneys two feet from the trench and partially covered

All the wood used by the Company will be cut at one place namely on parade ground opposite the Company tents and within 6 paces of the trench

Here after no privileges will be granted to Companies who neglect to Comply with the above order

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
(sgd) A H Murphy
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s P.V.V
January 29" 1865
Special Orders No 8

In the temporary absence of Lieut Col Eli G Sellers, Capt John S Donnell will assume Command of this Regiment

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
sgd A H Murphy
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
February 17" 1865
Special Orders No 9

The following promotions are here by ordered in this regiment to take effect from the date set opposite their respective names

SergtJohn F Casnerto be1s SergtCo "K"January 1st 1865
CorplWilliam Cloud" "Sergt" "" 1st 1865
"George H Gash" "" " "" 1st 1865
"Samuel B Tipton" """ "" 1st 1865
PrivateWilfred Bywater" "Corpl" "" 1st 1865
"David Baughman""" "" 1st 1865
SergtJames Simpsonto be1st SergtCo A." 1st 1865
PrivateJohn T Jester" "Corpl" "1st 1865
Serg.Edwin Hause" "1st Sergt" F1st 1865
CorplGeorge Flemming" "Sergt" "1st 1865
PrivateJohn Denning" "Corpl" "1st "
CorplWm Chapman" "Sergt" F1st "
PrivtGeorge Keller" "Corpl" "" "
[note: the last six lines don't have a ditto mark for the month because Simpson's Co ran into the next column, and the subsequent lines give the company in the month column]
[note: no signature]

[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
February 26' 1865
Special Orders No 10

Capt Joseph Gilbert will assume Command of Co "C" and will receipt to Lieut Joseph Everhart for all ordnance & Ordnance Stores & other property in his Company

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
(Sgd) J L Graham
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
Feby 28' 1865
Special Orders No 11

I Lieut Joseph Everhart is hereby assigned the command of Co "H" and will be obeyed and respected accordingly

II Capt Wm E Michael is hereby assigned the Command of Co "G" and will be obeyed and respected accordingly to take Effect from Feb 7" 1865

This not to be construed to relieve the officer of his present Command

III Lieut George G. Coster is here by assigned to the Command of Co "D" and will receipt to Lieut A Murphy for all Ord. & Ord Stores & other property. This to take effect from the 1st of March 1865

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
J L Graham
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs. 91s Pa Vet Vols
March 4" 1865
Special Orders No 12

Corporals Charles O Connell and Thomas Taylor Co D" 91s Pa V Vols are here by reduced to the rank [sic] for Drunkness [sic]

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
(sgd) J L Graham
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Regt P V. Vols
March 10th 1865
Special Order No 13

Company Commanders will send immediately to this Office a list of all deficiencies in Camp & Garrison Equipage, Clothing etc etc

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lt. Col. Commdg
J L Graham
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs. 91st Regt P. V V.
Mar 10th /65
Special Orders No 14

Company Commanders will send in immediately to this Office a list of all deficiencies in Ordnance & Ordnance Stores, also a list of Surplus Ordnance, & Ordnance Stores that they have on hand, if any

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lt. Col. Commding
J. L. Graham
Lieut and Actg. Adjt.
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 14th 1865
Special Orders No. 27 [sic]

The following named enlisted men are hereby detailed for duty in the Provost Guard at 3rd Brig Hd. Qrs. & will report accordingly without delay

PrivateGeorge F. Stroup [?]Co F
"John R. McClintockCo H.

By Command of
Eli G. Sellers
Lieut Col. Commdng
John L. Graham
Lt. and Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt P.V.Vols
March 15th 1865
Special Order No 15

Private Joseph Rementer is hereby detailed as Hospital attendant, & will report to these Hd. Qrs. with out delay

By command of
Eli G Sellers
Lt Col Commding.
J L Graham
Lieut & Actg. Adjt.
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt P.V.V.
March 15th 1865
Special Ord No 16

The following promotions are hereby ordered to take place in the Regiment

"Viz." Sergt. Donald Knox to be 1st Sergt Co B. to date from March 1st 1865

By command of
Eli G. Sellers
Lieut Col Commding.
J. L. Graham
Lieut & Actg Adjt.
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt P.V. Vols
March 17th 1865
Special Orders No 30 [sic]

The following named enlisted men are detailed for duty in the Pioneer Corps of the 3rd Brig and will report accordingly

Corp.John H. KennedyCompI
PrivateNicholas Everats"H
"Hiram Perdew"F
"William Kiger"A
"James Deffenbaugh"G
"Anthony Toland"B

By command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col. Commding
(Sgd) John L. Graham
Lieut. and Actg. Adj
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 18th 1865
Special Order No 17

The following promotions are hereby ordered to take place in the Regiment to date from March 1st 1865

Sergt. William C. Chandler Co D to be 1st Sergt.
Private William Bailey Co D to be Corporal

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commding
(Sgd) John L. Graham
Lieut. and Actg Adjt.
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt. P V.V.
March 20th 1865
Special Order No 18

1st Lieut Jos. Everhart is hereby assigned to the Command of Co C. this not to be construed to relieve Lt. Everhart of his present command

By order of
Eli G. Sellers
Lieut Col. Commding
{Sgd{ John L. Graham
Lieut and Actg Adjt.
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt. Pa V. Vols
March 22nd 1865
Special Order No 19

A Regimental Court Martial is hereby appointed to meet at the Camp of the 91st Regt. Pa Vet. Vols on the [blank] day of March 1865 or as soon thereafter as may be practicable for the trial of Private John Wright Co "G"

Detail of Court
1st Capt John S. Donnell Co "I" 91st Regt. Penn. Vet. Vols
2nd " Theodore A Hope " "E" " " "
3rd 1st Lieut. Joseph Everhart " "C" " " " Judge Advocate.

No other Officers than those mentioned can be assembled without manifest injury to the service

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lt. Col. Commdng.
(Sgd) John L. Graham
Lt. and Actg. Adjt.
[edited version]
Hd Qrs 91st Regt P.V. Vols
March 22nd 1865
Special Orders No 20

Capt William Spangler is hereby assigned to the command of Co "G" and will reciept [sic] to Capt. William L Michael for all Ordnance & Ord. Stores and other property in his Company [Michael is written over a crossed-out name, which appears to be 'Tourneau']

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lt. Col. Commdg
(Sgd) John L. Graham
Lt. and Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt P. V. Vols.
March 23rd 1865
Special Order No 21

Capt. William H Carpenter is hereby assigned to the command of Co "D" and will reciept [sic] to Lieut. George Coster for all Ordnance & Ord. Stores & other property in his company

By Command of
Eli G. Sellers
Lt. Col. Comding
(Sgd) John L Graham
Lt and Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa Vet Vols
March 26" 1865
Special Orders No 22

The following promotions are here by ordered in this regiment to take effect from the date set opposite their respective names

SergtArchibald NimmoCo "C"to beregimental Qr Mr Sergtto dateMar 1st [?] 65
PrivateJames Healy" I" "Corporal" "" "
"Enos B Heckman" " " "" " "" "
SergtJohn McGinnisCo "C"to be1st Sergtto dateMarch 1st 65
CorplThomas Deveraux" "" "Sergt" "" " "
"Andrew J Friend" "" """ "" " "
Privts Charles C Powell. John Harvey. John Pomeroy to be Corpls to date March 1st 65

[no signature]
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
March 28" 1865
Special Orders No 23

Corporal Hoffman Co A is hereby reduced to the ranks for being absent without leave

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
(sgd) John L Graham
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
March 28 [written over "Eli G Sellers Lieut Col Commd", which is erased]
Special Orders No 24

Capt. John C Partenheimer will turn over all Surplus ordnance & Stores to Capt Wm H Carpenter who will give him receipts for the same

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
Lieut & Actg Adjt [sic; Graham's name is not recorded here]
[edited version]
[This repeats special order 21, 23 March 1865. Perhaps it was inserted by mistake; the company E orders book includes an order dated 31 March that is not copied in the regimental orders book, assigning John Graham to command company E.]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa Vet Vols
March 31st 1865
Special Orders No -- [sic; no number is listed]

Capt Wm H Carpenter will assume Command of Co "D" and receipt to Lieut Geo G Coster for all Ord & Stores & other property belonging to said Co

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Comdg
(Sgd) J L Graham
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
April 27" 1865
Special Orders No 25

The following promotions are hereby ordered in this regiment to take effect from the 1st of April

CorporalJames ChismCo Bto beSergt
"Samuel Leforge" "" ""
PrivateEdwd C Sykes" "" "Corpl
"Herman Kurtz" "" ""
"Japhet Warren" "" ""
"Alexd Ickes" "" ""
"Imanuel Long" "" ""
[the next line is crossed out]
SergtWilliam Cloud" K" "1st Sergt
CorplWilliam Vance" "" "Sergt
[the next line is crossed out]
"Wilfred Bywater" "" "Sergt
PrivatePhillip Demmel" "" "Corpl
"Peter Herdenbaugh" "" ""
"John Doring" "" ""
"Martin Murray" "" ""
"John Schwartz" "" ""
"Ruben [crossed out:] Berger" "" ""
SergtJohn A Langerbartel" G" "1stSergt
CorplThomas Taylor" "" "Sergt
"Franklin Osborne" "" ""
PrivateHarry Abbett" "" ""
"George Werkiser" "" "Corpl
"William Kilburn" "" ""
"Daniel Shumber" "" ""
CorplJohn Denning" F" "Sergt
PrivtIsaac Goodman" "" "Corpl
"Absalam Shell" "" ""
"James Nugent" "" ""
CorplWilliam Bailey" D" "Sergt
MusicianWalter W Widdifield" "" "Corpl
PrivtCharles O Connell" "" ""
CorplCharles Lafferty" I" "Sergt
PrivateGeorge Miller" "" "Corpl
Thomas [sic]G Walker" "" ""
PrivtCharles Smith" "" ""

[no signature]
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
May 1st 1865
Special Orders No 26

Lieut William Letourneau will assume Command of Co A and receipt to Lieut John L Graham for all Ord & Stores & other property belonging to said Compy

II Lieut John L Graham will assume Command [sic; this ends here]
[no signature]

[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
May 20" 1865
Special Orders No 27

I Lieut & Adjt John R Allen [crossed out: to] is hereby relieved from the duties of Acting R.Q.M. & will turn over all public property for which he is responsible to Qr Mr Archd Nimmo taking his receipt for the same

II Qr Mr Archd Nimmo is hereby authorized to receive & issue Ordnance & Ordnance Stores

III Corpl Charles Powell Co "C" is hereby detailed as Clerk in Regt Qr Mr Dept and will report accordingly

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Comdg
91st Pa V Vols
Lieut & Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
May 21st 1865
Special Orders No 28

Private David Buchanan Co "D" is hereby detailed as Regimental Hospital Attendant and will report accordingly

By Command of
John L Casner
Maj Comdg
(sgd) J R Allen
Lieut & Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
May 27" 1865
Special Orders No 29

Corporal Charles O Connell Co "D" is hereby reduced to the ranks for being Absent without leave

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
(sgd) J R Allen
Lieut & Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
May 30" 1865
Special Orders No 30

A Field Officers [written over a crossed-out 'Regimental'] Court Martial is hereby appointed to meet at the Camp of the 91s Pa V Vols on the 31st day of May or as soon there after as may be practicable for the trial of Privt George W Sweed Co "D" and such other cases as may be brought before it

Detail of Court
1 Major John F Casner 91 Pa V Vols
[sic; no other name is listed]
By Command of
Lieut Col Eli G Sellers
sgd J R Allen
Hd Qrs 91st Regt P.V.V.
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt P.V.V.
May 31st 1865
Special Orders No 31

The following changes are hereby ordered in this command to take effect from date set opposite the respective names

Corpl Thomas Carrick Co "F" Reduced to ranks May 31st 1685
Corp Benj F Fredericks Co "K" Reduced to ranks May 31st 1865
Private Reuben Burger Co "K" to be Corpl May 31st 1865
Mus Wm C Reiff Co "H" to be Sergeant May 31st 1865
Corpl John Sommers to be Sergeant May 31st 1865
Privates Geo L Pool & J Deerr to be corporal May 31st 1865
Sergt Saml Conrad to be 1s Sergt Co E May 26" 1865

By Order
E G Sellers
Lt Col Comdg
J R Allen
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
June 1st 1865
Special Orders No 32

1st Lieut Wm Beaver is hereby assigned to the Command of Co "A" and will receipt to Lieut Wm Letourneau for all Ordnance, Ordnance Stores & other property belonging to said Company

By Command of
John F Casner
Major Commdg
sgd J R Allen
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
June 6" 1865
General [written over another word, probably "special"] Orders No 2

Company Commanders will drill their Commands (unarmed men included) two (2) hours each day (Sundays excepted) viz from 7 to 8 o clock A.M. & from 4 to 5 oclock P.M.

The Officer of the Day will hereafter report all officers not Complying with this order

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
J R Allen
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt Pa V.V.
June 8th 1865
Special Orders No 33

I Captain Joseph Gilbert Co "C" 91st Pa. V. V. will assume command of his company and receipt to Lieut Joseph Everhart for all Ordnance & Ordnance Stores Clothing Camp & Garrison Equipage appertaining to said company.

II Lieut Joseph Everhart is hereby relieved from the duty of commanding Co "C" 91st Pa. V. V. and will turn over all public property for which he is responsible to Capt Joseph Gilbert Co "C" 91st Pa. V. V.

By command of Eli G Sellers
Lt Col Commdg
J R Allen
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
June 13" 1865
Special Orders No 34

I Capt Bell formerly of the 118" Pa Vols & transferred to this regiment per S.O. 138 Hd Qrs A of P June 1st 1865 is hereby assigned to the Command of Co "A" and will receipt to Lieut Beaver for all ordnance Ord. Stores and other property belonging to said company

II Lieut Donnelly formerly of the 118" Pa Vols & transferred to this regiment per S.O. 138 Hd Qrs A of P June 1st 1865 is hereby assigned to [crossed out: the] Company "H" 91s Pa V Vols

By Command of Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg
sgd John R Allen
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
June 15 1865
Special Orders No 35

The following promotions are hereby ordered in this regiment to take effect from the date set opposite their respective names

SergtWilliam Cloudto be1st SergtCo KJune 7" 1865
CorplWilfred Bywater" "Sergt" "" " "
PrivateConrad Eisenhart" "Corporal" G" " "

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Comdg
Wm Letourneau
1st Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
June 16" 1865
Special Orders No 36

The following promotions are hereby ordered in this regiment to take effect from the date set opposite their respective names

CorporalIsaac Goodmanto beSergtCo FJune 16 1865
"James Nugent" """ "" 16 "
"William Jones" """ "" 16 "
"George A Keller" """ "" 16 "
PrivateCharles Megonigal" "Corpl" "" 16 "
CorplJohn Fenn" "Sergeant" E" [blank] "
"George Young" "" " "" [blank] "
PrivateCharles Yost" "Corporal" "" [blank] "
"Michael McCartney" """ "" [blank] "
"Oscar J K Printzler Co K" "Hospital Steward 91s P.V.V.June 5

By Command of
Lieut Col E. G. Seller [sic]
sd Wm Letournea [sic]
Lt & A. A.
[edited version]

Head Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
June 26' 1865
Special Orders No 37

2" Lieut Wm H Carpenter Co "D" 91st Pa V Vols is hereby detailed as Acting Regt Qr Mr vice Lt Archd Nimmo RQM. appointed A.A.Q.M. 5 Corp

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Comdg
John L Graham
Lt & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Head Qrs 91s Pa V Vols
June 27th 1865
Special Orders No 38

The following promotions are hereby ordered in this regiment to take effect from the date set opposite their respective names

CorplSimeon L Zaneto be SergtCo "A"to dateMay 1st 1865
PrivateLouis P Young" """ "" "June 1st "
"Franklin G Clough" "Corpl" "" "May 1st "
"Samuel Peberty" """ "" "" 1st "
"Thomas Hannan" """ "" "" 1st "
"John A McClure""" "" "" 1st "
"Benjamin Yeager""" "" "" 1st "
"William Volkmar""" "" "" 1st "

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Comdg
sd J L Graham
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
July 3" 1865
Special Orders No 39

The following promotions are here by ordered in this regiment to take effect from July 1st 1865

SergtGeo B Kenworthyto be 1s SergtCo "C"
CorplAlbert Morgan" "Sergt" "
PrivateDaniel Doster" "Corpl" "
"John P Worl" """ "
CorplWalter W Widdifield" "Qr Mr Sergt" [crossed out: D] 91s P.V.V
SergtIsaac Thomas" "1s SergtCo "D" 91s P.V.V.
CorplGeary William H" "Sergt" "
"Robert Anderson" "Sergt" "
PrivateJesse Vance" "Corpl" "
"William Kushner [?]" """ "
"George Scott" """ "
"William Irving" """ "
"Preston H Hoops" """ "
"Cornelius Mahoney" """ "
SergtWm C Reiff" "1s Sergt" H
Private Wm Kresler, Isaac Kressler, Valentine Housewor[th]
William Lane, Deitrick Pentzell
CoplGeorge Hamptonto beSergtCo E
PrivateGeorge W Keever" "Corpl" "
PrivateSamuel Seybert Co K" ""Co K [written over another letter]

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Comdg
sd J L Graham
Lieut & Actg Adjt
[note: the line beginning "William Lane" is the last line of a page; it does not list a new rank for those privates]
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Pa V Vols
July 6" 1865
Special Orders No 40

I 2" Lieut Wm H Chandler is hereby relieved from duty as Actg Regt Qr Mr Qr Mr Nimmo will receipt to him for all public property for which he is responsible

II 2 Lieut Wm H Chandler is hereby authorized to receive & issue Ordnance & Ordnance Stores

By Command of
Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col. Comdg
sd JR Allen

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revised 27 Jan 02
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions