- Petition for discharge of debts (21 April 1869) [pages 36-38]
- Orders on petition for discharge (26 April 1869 - 31 May 1869) [pages 39-45]
- Proof of publication of notice of orders on petition for discharge (20 May 1869) [pages 46-49]
- Examination by Assignee before Register (9 April 1869) [pages 50-54]
- examination before Register (20 May 1869 - 31 May 1869) [pages 55-57]
- Oath to Schedule B (31 December [1868]) [page 58]
- certification of copy by Clerk of the District Court (13 January 1869) [page 59]
- Statement of Gregory Ingalsbe + Co May 15 /55 [pages 60-61]
- Liabilities of E M Gregory as Co-partner + for accommodation paper [page 62]
- Oath of bankrupt to be taken before final discharge (31 May 1869) [page 63]
- certification by Register (31 May 1869) [page 64]
- summary by the court (14 June 1869) [pages 65-67]
- Decree of discharge of bankrupt (21 June 1869) [page 68]
[bankruptcy file, Edgar M Gregory, National Archives (Mid Atlantic Region), Record Group 21, US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, case #1042, 1869]
[see index to the bankruptcy file]
[page 36]
In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
In the Matter of Edgar M. Gregory Bankrupt
In Bankruptcy No. 1042
Eastern District of Pennsylvania ss.
To the Hon. John Cadwallader Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Edgar M. Gregory of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania in said District respectfully represents that on the fifteenth day of January last past, he was duly declared a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to establish a uniform System of Bankruptcy throughout the United States" approved March 2. 1867: that he has duly surrendered all his property and rights of
[page 37]
property, and fully complied with and obeyed all the orders and directions of the Court touching his Bankruptcy and is ready to submit himself to any other and further examinations, orders and directions which the Court may require - That no assets have come into the hands of his Assignee -
Wherefore he prays that he may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all his debts provable under said Bankrupt Act, and a certificate thereof granted according to the Act of Congress aforesaid.
Dated this Twenty first day of April A.D. 1869
Edgar M Gregory
United States of America
Eastern District of Pennsylvania ss.
I Edgar M. Gregory the Petitioner above named, do hereby make solemn oath that the statements contained in the foregoing Petition
[page 38]
subscribed by me are true, so far as the same are stated of my very own knowledge; and that those matters which are stated therein on information and belief, are true according to the best of my knowledge, information and belief
Edgar M Gregory
Subscribed + sworn to before me this Twenty first day of April A.D. 1869
J Mason
Register in Bankruptcy
[page 39]
In the District Court of the United States,
In the matter of Edgar M. Gregory - formerly of the firms of Gregory + Co, Gregory Malsh [?] + Co, Gregory + Burnet, Dusenberg, Wheeler, Gregory + Stowe, + Van Bergen, Ross Gregory + Company of Philadelphia in the County of Philadelphia in the said District, a Bankrupt.
The said Bankrupt having under the Act of Congress of 2d March, 1867, filed his petition for a discharge from all his debts proveable under the said Act, and for a certificate thereof, alleging that no assets have come to the hands of the Assignee, it is ordered that a meeting of creditors be held on the Twentieth day of May 1869 at 2 o'clock, P.M., before the Register, Joseph Mason, Esquire, at his office, at 500 [?] 131 South 5th Street Philadelphia to be continued by adjournments, if necessary, when and where the examination of the said Bankrupt will be finished and any business of the 2nd + 3rd meetings of creditors, required by the 27th + 28th Sections of said Act, may be transacted and that the Register certify to the Court whether the said Bankrupt has in all things conformed to his duty under the said Act, and if not, in what respects, which certificate, and the said examination when closed, with all other papers relating to the case, will be filed by the Register in the Clerk's Office.
[page 40]
It is further ordered that a hearing be had upon the said petition for discharge and certificate on Wednesday, the Second day of June 1869 before the said Court at Philadelphia, at ten o'clock, A.M., when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest may appear, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted.
[page 41]
It is moreover ordered that notice of the said petition, and of the foregoing orders, be published three times, at intervals of a week, in each of the following named newspapers: "The North American and United States Gazette" and The Philadelphia Inquirer" [sic] daily newspaper published in the City of Philadelphia and "The Cincinnati Commercial" a newspaper published in the City of Cincinnati Ohio, the first publication to be made forthwith, and the proof of such publications to be made before the Register, at the meeting above appointed, who will report thereon to the Court.
The Register will forthwith certify to the Marshal, as messenger, a list of all debts and claims duly proved in the case, with a transcript of so much of these orders as precedes the above order of publication. The messenger will thereupon, give notice of the said petition and orders to every such creditor whose place of residence is, or may be known, by serving a true copy of such transcript upon him, or her, personally or by mail, and will certify his execution of this precept to the Register, who will report thereon to the Court, and may, if the precept be in anywise unexecuted, or executed imperfectly, proceed in like manner as at a first meeting of creditors under the 12th Section of the said Act.
Witness The Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said District Court, and the seal thereof, at Philadelphia, the 26th day of April A.D. 1869
G. R. Fox Clerkper BY [??]
ATTEST: J. Mason Register.
[Note.--The Register will fill all blanks before attesting the above. It will not be considered as an act of the Court until attested by his signature. The time appointed for the hearing before the Court will not be less than 11 nor more than 18 days after the time at which he may expect to close the examination.]
[page 42]
To the Marshal of the United States,
I Certify, That certain Orders, of which the following is a transcript, have been made by the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to wit:
"In the matter of Edgar M. Gregory (formerly of the firms of Gregory + Co Gregory Ingalsbe + Co Gregory + Burnet Dusenberg, Wheeler, Gregor + Stowe, + Van Bergen Ross Gregory + Company ) of Philadelphia in the County of Philadelphia in the said District, a Bankrupt
The said Bankrupt having under the Act of Congress of 2d March, 1867, filed his petition for a discharge from all his debts proveable under the said Act, and for a certificate thereof, alleging that no assets have come to the hands of the assignee it is ordered that a meeting of creditors be held on the Twentieth day of May 1869 at 2 o'clock, P.M., before the Register, Joseph Mason, Esquire, at his office, at No 131 South Fifth Street (2d floor) Philadelphia to be continued by adjournments, if necessary, when and where the examination of the said Bankrupt will be finished; and any business of the 2nd + 3rd meetings of creditors required by the 27th + 28th Sections of said act, may be transacted, and that the Register certify to the Court whether the said Bankrupt has in all things conformed to his duty under the said Act, and if not, in what respects, which certificate, and the said examination when closed, with all other papers relating to the case, will be filed by the Register in the Clerk's Office.
[page 43]
It is further ordered that a hearing be had upon the said petition for discharge and certificate on Wednesday, the Second day of June 1869 before the said Court at Philadelphia, at ten o'clock, A.M., when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest may appear, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted.
I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the subjoined Schedule is a list of all debts and claims duly proved in the said case.
You are commanded to serve, personally or by mail, upon every creditor whose place of residence is or may be known, a true copy of the foregoing transcript, and to certify your execution of this precept at the meeting of creditors to be held under the above orders.
J. MasonRegister in Bankruptcy.
[page 44]
Francis Nattermann - Cincinnatti [sic] Ohio
[page 45]
Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, May 3d 1869
I, P. C. Ellmaker Marshal of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that as Messenger under the Act of Congress of March 2d 1867, I on the 27th day of April AD 1869, sent by mail or served personally on the creditors of Edgar M. Gregory a Bankrupt, who had proved their debts, a copy of the transcript of orders on petition for discharge, hereto annexed.
PC Ellmaker
Late US Marshall by Messenger
Docket--Case No. 1042 Page [blank]
District Court of the United States,
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Edgar M. Gregory
May 20
Returned served and filed
with Register May 4, 1869.
$[illegible] paid J Mason Register
P Hy Reg
May 31st 1869
JSD [?]
[page 46]
[the right portion of the affidavit is cut off on the copy I received]
Advertising Fees, [blank]
Affidavit, [blank]
STATE OF OHIO, Hamilton County, ss.
I, J. H. Kline being duly sworn, say that I am Book-keeper for the P[cut off] the Cincinnati Daily Commercial and the Cincinnati Weekly [cut off] Newspapers; that the said Newspaper are publishe[d in the] County of Hamilton, aforesaid, and are of general c[irculation] therein, and that the said circulation of the said Cincinn[ati Ohio] Commercial in the said county exceeds that of the said [Cincin]nati Weekly Commercial, and that Advertisement [of which (?)] the attached is a copy, was duly inserted and published in [the said (?)] Cincinnati Daily Commercial once a week, on the sam[e day] each week, to wit: on Thursday of each [cut off] 3 consecutive weeks on and after the 6th day of May A.D. 1869
I further say, that the cost of the said publica[tion does] not exceed the cost of the same in the said Cincinna[ti Ohio] Commercial.
J. H. KlineSworn to and subscribed before me, this 15[th] day of May 1869
E. F. Kli[cut off] Notary Public, Hamilton C[ounty Ohio][copy of the newspaper notice]
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Edgar M. Gregory, of Philadelphia, individually, and as a member of the firms of Gregory & Co., Gregory, Ingalsbe & Co., Gregory & Burnet, Dusenberry, Wheeler, Gregory & Stowe, and Van Bergen, Ross, Gregory & Co., bankrupt, having petitioned for his discharge, a meeting of creditors will be held on the 20th day of May, 1869, at 2 o'clock P.M., before the Register, Joseph Mason, Esq., at his office, No. 131 South Fifth st., (2d floor), Philadelphia, that the examination of said bankrupt may be finished, and any business required by Sections 27 and 28 of the act of Congress transacted. The Register will certify whether the bankrupt has conformed to his duty. A hearing will also be had on Wednesday, the 2d day of June, 1869, before the Court at Philadelphia, at 10 A.M., where parties interested may show cause against the discharge.
Attested by the Clerk and Register, in the name of the Judge, under the seal of the Court.
my6-3tTh*[page 47]
United States of America, Eastern District of Pennsylvania ss:
George H. Lugrin [?] being duly sworn according to Law doth depose + say that he is a clerk employed in the office of The North American + United States Gazette a daily Newspaper published in the City of Philadelphia. That the advertisement of which the hereunto annexed is a copy was published in the said Newspaper once a week for three successive weeks to wit on the 28th of April, the 5th of May + the 12th of May 1869.
Geo H LugrinSworn + Subscribed before me May 20th A.D. 1869
B. Franklin Fisher Register in Bankruptcy
[copy of the notice]
EDGAR M. GREGORY, of Philadelphia, individually and as a member of the firms of Gregory & Co.; Gregory, Ingalsbe & Co.; Gregory & Burnet; Dusenberry, Wheeler, Gregory & Stowe, and Van Bergen, Ross, Gregory & Co., bankrupt, having petitioned for his discharge, a meeting of creditors will be held on the twentieth day of May, 1869, at 2 o'clock P.M., before the Register, JOSEPH MASON, Esq., at his office, No. 131 South Fifth street, (second floor), Philadelphia, that the examination of said bankrupt may be finished, and any business required by Sections 27 and 28 of the act of Congress transacted.
The Register will certify whether the bankrupt has conformed to his duty.
A hearing will also be had on WEDNESDAY, the second day of June, 1869, before the Court at Philadelphia, at 10 A.M., where parties interested may show cause against the discharge.
Attested by the Clerk and Register, in the name of the Judge, under the seal of the Court.
ap28 w 3t[page 48]
United States of America Eastern District of Pennsylvania ss:
Wm. R. Thacher being duly sworn according to law doth depose and say that he is a Clerk employed in the office of The Philadelphia Inquirer a daily Newspaper published in the City of Philadelphia. That the Advertisement of which the hereunto annexed is a copy, was published in the said Newspaper once a week for three consecutive weeks to wit on the 28th of April, the 5th of May + the 12th of May 1869
Wm. R. Thacher
Sworn + Subscribed before me May 20th A.D. 1869
B. Franklin Fisher Register in Bankruptcy
[copy of advertisement]
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
EDGAR M. GREGORY, of Philadelphia, individually and as a member of the firms of GREGORY & CO., GREGORY, INGALLSBE & CO., GREGORY & BURNET, DUSENBERRY, WHEELER, GREGORY & STOWE, and VAN BERGEN, ROSS GREGORY & CO., bankrupt, having petitioned for his discharge, a meeting of creditors will be held on the twentieth day of May, 1869, at 2 o'clock P.M., before the Register, JOSEPH MASON, Esq., at his office, No. 131 South FIFTH street (second floor), Philadelphia, that the examination of said bankrupt may be finished, and any business required by Sections 27 and 28 of the act of Congress transacted. The Register will certify whether the bankrupt has conformed to his duty. A hearing will also be had on Wednesday, the second day of June, 1869, before the Court at Philadelphia, at 10 A.M., where parties interested may show cause against the discharge.
Attested by the Clerk and Register, in the name of the Judge, under the seal of the Court.
[page 49]
No 1042
In the matter of Edgar M. Gregory Bankrupt
Proof of publication of notice of orders on petition for discharge.
Filed with Register May 20. 1869.
J Mason
May 29 1869
Q.P.M. [?] JSD [??]
[page 50]
In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
In the matter of Edgar M. Gregory, Bankrupt.
In Philadelphia in said District on the Ninth day of April AD 1869
Examination by the Assignee, George Tucker Bispham, Esq.
The said Bankrupt being duly sworn says.
The firm of Gregory + Burnet was formed about the year 1843 to the best of my recollection. The business was the lumber business and was carried on at Cincinnati. The partners were William Burnet, myself, George [? the name is written over something else, and is hard to read; the initials 'JM' are written in the margin] Dusenberg and William F. Wheeler. I think the first paper of that firm went to protest about December or November 1849. At the time of the failure the firm was composed of myself and W Burnet the others having retired. We bought out Dusenberg + Wheeler about 1845 or 1846. The firm was solvent at the time they retired. We made arrangments by which they withdrew from the firm. We paid them something not much. I don't know whether a balance sheet was made
[page 51]
out at the time. We made it out every year. I don't know whether the dissolution was advertised or not. It was publicly known however.
The causes of the failure of that firm were losses of money in stocks and in business by bad debts. We borrowed money at high rates of interest to meet our indorsements and obligations.
We suspended payment in 1849 I think. We immediately however got up again and went untill [sic] 1854 or 1855 and then we broke. General commercial distress was the cause of our ultimate failure, nearly all the banks having suspended payment. We paid small debts and made partial payments of our confidential debts the acceptors of our paper. There was no assignment by Gregory + Burnet for the benefit of their creditors. I surrendered to my creditors all my private property except some household furniture and other small matters.
I was also a member of the firm of Gregory Ingalsbe + Co Bankers in Cincinnati, which was formed about the year 1850 or 1852. The members of that firm were myself and L. D. Ingalsbe.
I can't tell what amount of capital was put into that firm. I went to Cincinnati to get the books of that firm, and made diligent search for them. I went to Staten Island and to New
[page 52]
York also in search of them. I could not find them, but ascertained that they were in the possession of L. D. Ingalsbe who was also the bookkeeper of the firm. I understand he is now in California but I expect his return shortly when I expect to be able to get them to the assignee. I have a statement of these books made by Mr Ingalsbe which I believe to be correct and which I will furnish. The firm of Gregory Ingalsbe + Co failed about 1854 or 1855. The cause of the failure was the general commercial distress which I have mentioned. We realized all we could from our assets and paid it to our creditors.
I was also a member of the firm of Gregory + Company which was formed in the year 1860 in Philadelphia for the purpose of carrying on the lumber business. The partners were my daughter Mrs Sarah A Sheldon and myself. I put into the firm $4000 and Mrs Sheldon nothing. The profits were to be divided equally. I suppose our place of business was 924 Richmond St Philadelphia. That firm failed in July 1861. Payment however was suspended some time before that. I expected my daughter would receive money from her husband's estate. That was the reason of her becoming a partner in the business. She never received it and never put any money into that business.
[page 53]
I left the books of that firm in the office at the place of business in the safe. I subsequently sold the safe and the books were then left in the care of Uriah Gregory. I have inquired of him and also of Theodore Belding who were subsequently in business at the same place but was unable to obtain any knowledge of them.
The cause of the failure of that firm was the unprofitableness of the business. I left the business to go into the army. I think the business could have been carried on if I had not gone into the U.S. service. That firm owed very little.
My schedules contain all the outstanding liabilities of these three firms. They also contain a statement as far as I have been able to make out of all amounts due to said firms.
I meant to be understood when I said the firm of Gregory + Burnet immediately got up again that we did business again but never fully recovered from the time our paper first went to protest.
Edgar M Gregory
Sworn + Subscribed to this 9th day of April AD 1869, before me
J Mason
Register in Bankruptcy
[page 54]
No 1042.
In the matter of Edgar M Gregory a Bankrupt
['Depositors' is crossed out]
Examination by assignee
before Register
Filed with Register
April 9. 1869 J Mason Register
Filed May 31 1869
[illegible initials]
[page 55]
In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
In the matter of Edgar M. Gregory Bankrupt
At Philadelphia in said District in the Twentieth day of May AD 1869 2. P.M. before Joseph Mason Register in Bankruptcy
The above named bankrupt being duly sworn at the time and place above mentioned says in answer to
1. Is there as you know or have any reason to believe any omission in the schedule of your debts or inventory of your estate heretofore filed?
Answer. Not that I know of.
2. Have you made any disposition, transfer, payment or appropriation otherwise than for full and valuable consideration in the regular course of your ordinary business or in the expenses of living of yourself and family which has not been already fully stated?
Answer. I have made none.
3. State the causes of your insolvency and such on account of your losses as may suffice to explain the same.
Answer. In my examination by the assignee on the ninth day of April 1869 I have stated as fully as I can the causes of my insolvency. I might add that the firm of Gregory + Burnet paid
[page 56]
endorsements for others to a considerable amount. These were accommodation endorsements and the makers of the paper failed.
(Statement marked "A" by Register handed to Bankrupt.) This is the statement referred to in my examination by the assignee. It is a statement made by L.D. Ingalsbe on the 15th of May 1855 of the affairs of Gregory Ingalsbe + Co. I believe it to be a correct statement.
Examination adjourned to May 26 1869. 3 PM.
May 26. 1869. Examination further adjourned to May 27. 1869. 4 P.M.
May 27. 1869. 4 P.M. Examination further adjourned to May 31. 1869. 2 P.M.
May 31. 1869. 2. P.M.
(Statement marked B1 + B2 furnished by Bankrupt to be annexed and considered as part of his examination) These are statements of the liabilities of E.M. Gregory, Gregory + Burnett, and Gregory + Co. and also of assets of said firms. The difference between the amount of assets and liabilities as there set forth would be more than abundantly accounted for by the profit and loss accounts to be found in the several books in the possession of the assignee and consisting very largely in losses on stocks state bonds +c. These accounts of profit and loss amount to $141.551.21.
4 Is there as you know or have any reason to believe any fact not already disclosed as to your business debts or estate of which a knowledge may be material or in any wise useful to your assignee ['not' is added above the line, with '(J.M.)' written in the margin]
[page 57]
or to your creditors or to any one or more of them? If so state the same fully and particularly.
Ans. I know of none.
5 Have you done suffered or been privy to any act matter or thing specified in the Act of Congress of March 2. 1867 establishing a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States as a ground for withholding your discharge or as invalidating it if granted?
Ans. (Section 29th of the bankrupt act read to the bankrupt who answers) I have not.
E M Gregory
Sworn and subscribed to before me this 31st day of March A.D. 1869.
J MasonRegister in Bankruptcy.
[page 58]
U.S. Bankrupt Act, March 2, 1867.--Sec. 11.
Philp & Solomons, Government Stationers, Washington, D.C.
OATH TO SCHEDULE B.--(Inventory.)
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Eastern District of Penna ss:
On this 31st day of December, A.D. 18[blank], before me personally came Edgar M. Gregory, the person mentioned in, and who subscribed to the foregoing Petition, and to the schedule Marked B, thereto annexed, and who, being by me first duly sworn, did declare the said Schedule, to be a true statement of all his estate both real and personal in accordance with the Act of Congress entitled "An act to Establish a Uniform System of Bankruptcy throughout the Untied States," approved March 2, 1867.
Edwin P ChaseRegister
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by PHILP & SOLOMONS, in the Clerk's Office of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia.
[page 59]
United States of America, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, SCT.
No. 1042 - In Bankru[ptcy]
In Re Edgar M. Gregory Petitioning Debtor
I, GILBERT R. FOX, Clerk of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and faithful copy of the Petition and Schedules in Re Edgar M. Gregory in the above stated case, and now remaining among the records of the said Court in m Office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the said District Court at Philadelphia, this Thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and sixty nine and in the ninety-third [?] year of the Independence of the United States.
G. R. Fox
Clerk District Court, U.S.
by J.S.D. [?]
[page 60]
[the heading on this page is cut off on the copy I received]
F. W. Beck | 400 00 | |
I S Hill Due July 28 | 216 32 | |
Seyburn Atwood | 1200 00 | |
[a comment in the margin of the 'Seyburn Atwood' entry is very light and illegible] | ||
F Ratterman Feby 12 | 918 92 | |
Bernard " " [sc. Feby 12] | 405 00 | |
Jno Denman Mch 11 | 248.15 | |
Eliza Fordew Jany 16 | 197.75 | |
Thos Huston | 1772.16 | |
Geo Wallace | 170 00 | |
D B Ashcraft Treas | 330.03 | |
Jno. E. Belle July 1 | 224 64 | |
C Dial | 417.60 | $6662 28 |
[the actual total is $6500.57, but the entries are all clear] | ||
Due to Depositors | ||
[each entry has a '+' or an 'x' in the left margin; some are hard to distinguish] | ||
+ Ann Vallentine | 1.55 | |
+ Go L Weed Treas | 6.89 | |
+ W. S. Scarborough | 90.71 | |
+ Horton + Macy | 3.55 | |
+ Wm H Meiers | 1.23 | |
x [?] W Van Ham | 2.70 | |
+ G Ricker | 19.47 | |
x A. B. Holabird + Co [?] | 10.88 | |
+ Thos Barry | 24.64 | |
+ Hall + Doddy | 6.74 | |
+ Joseph Danby | 3.36 | |
+ Wm Stevenson | 6.20 | |
x Morris + Looker | 2.25 | |
+ I N Russell | 70.88 | |
x E. L. Rice | 4.50 | |
+ [?] Ann Anderson | 400.00 | |
x [?] E L Mintzer + Co | 71 | |
[given the total, and the position of the '71', this is 71 cents] | ||
+ Wm H Stewart | 16.58 | |
x [?] A H Hinkle + Co | 122.10 | |
x [?] A H Hinkle | 34.75 | |
+ John McMacken Treas | 5.50 | |
+ Laura A Grosvenor | 10.00 | |
+ [?] P. T. Bowman | 239.00 | |
+ [?] Conn + Bro | 2.18 | |
+ J H Gerard | 520.00 | |
x Bates + Scarborough | 1753.42 | |
x John Morehead Rent a/c [??] | 308.00 | |
+ [?] Edward Cox Treas | 1.28 | |
x J M Parks | 3.53 | |
+ S J John pd amt to EMG | 238.04 | |
[an illegible word in the left margin looks like 'Lottled'] | ||
+ F Ratterman | 150.00 | |
+ D. B. Ashcraft | 138.14 | 4.198.78 |
[this subtotal is correct] | ||
Bills Payable | ||
+ Wright + Co | 2000 00 | |
+ Hulbert note at 2 year | 2000 00 | |
+ Do past due | 165.00 | |
+ Jesse Lane due 22d Augt. | 1398 89 | |
+ Do Do " [sc. due] 22 Feby /56 | 1452.69 | Pd by EMG |
+ H. D. Chipman Indgt [?] | 2500.00 | |
x [?] D Goodhue - on Bonds | 2500.00 | |
+ OW Dunlap note collected | 2.400.00 | +pd am to EMG |
+ [?] Downs + Co for Haigh Donally Co | 147.21 | |
+ Jno Woolley + Co | 307.17 | |
+ [?] Wilbrith + Dunlap | 3000.00 | 17.870.96 |
[this subtotal is correct, including the amounts paid (apparently later) by EMG] | ||
amt we owe is | $28.732.02 | |
[the subtotals are added correctly] |
[page 61]
We have assetts [sic]
Claim against Sharp + Tate | 10.118.41 |
" " " " | 6.306.10 |
" " W Estatnote [?] | 2100 00 |
" Judgment T. M. Johnson | 2.500.00 |
Mad River + L. E. RR Stocks | 5.000.00 |
Bonds in hands of Goodhue | 2.500.00 |
Claims in hands of Kilbreth | 4.268.00 |
" " " Bates + Scarborough | 1.871.00 |
Note against E Ron | 1.110.00 |
Penmal Propt | 400.00 |
Claim against Van Bergen | 500.00 |
$36.673.51 | |
Amt we owe | -28.732 |
Surplus | 7.941.51 |
R. R. Stock in hands of Hulbut | 2000 00 |
$9.941.51 |
J Mason
Statement of Gregory Ingalsbe + Co
May 15 /55
[page 62]
J Mason Register
Liabilities of E M Gregory as Co-partner + for Accommodation Paper
For Gregory + Burnett | 39.022 64 |
For Accommodation Paper | 58.959 02 |
$97.981 66 | |
E. M. Gregory liabilities for Gregory + Co | 6.947 00 |
E. M. Gregory Personal liabilities | 2.625 00 |
E. M. Gregory for Accommodation Paper | 4.974.62 |
$112.528.28 |
[page 63]
U.S. Bankrupty Act, March 2, 1867.--Sec. 29.
Philp & Solomons, Government Stationers, Washington, D.C.
[No. 55.--Manual.--AS APPROVED.*]
In the District Court of the United States
For the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
IN THE MATTER OF Edgar M. Gregory, Bankrupt.
In Bankruptcy.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, ss.
I, Edgar M. Gregory, of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, upon my solemn oath, hereby declare, That I was, on the fifteenth day of January, One Thousand Eight Hundred and sixty nine, upon Petition of myself, duly adjudged, [sic] a Bankrupt within the purview of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to Establish a Uniform System of Bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved March 2, 1867; and that I have not done, or suffered, or procured to be done, or been privy to, any act, matter, or thing specified in the said Act, as a ground for withholding my final discharge thereunder or as invalidating the same if granted.
E M GregorySubscribed and sworn to, before me, at Philadelphia, this 31st day of May, A.D. 1869.
J. MasonRegister in Bankruptcy.
*See special note, page 218, Manual.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by PHILP & SOLOMONS, in the Clerk's Office of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia
[page 64]
In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
IN THE MATTER OF Edgar M. Gregory Bankrupt
In Bankruptcy.
Memoranda of Proceedings before JOSEPH MASON, Register in Bankruptcy.
1869. May 31.
I certify that the said Bankrupt appears to have conformed to his duty under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1867 establishing a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States.
J. MasonRegister in Bankruptcy.
[page 65]
Edgar M Gregory Bankrupt
By the Court 14 June 1869
The sum of the debt in the warrant
is, I am informed | $286789.00 | |
Sep accomodation paper | 63933.00 | |
Of the remaining | $222856.00 | |
An Item mentioned below of | 150,000.00 | |
being deducted, there will remain | $72856.00 | |
which, with reference to the disclosures on the last Examination may be approximately analyzed as follows | ||
Gregory + Burnet | $39022.64 | |
Gregory Ingalsbe + Co | 24879.33 | |
Gregory + Co | 14602.00 | |
E. M. Gregory | 2625.00 | |
$81128.97 | ||
But this includes, in the $14602, a disputed amount, in two items together | $7655.00 | |
$73473.97 |
[the arithmetic on this page is correct]
According to this analysis, the deficiency for the purposes of an unopposed case, may be considered sufficiently accounted for except as to the affairs of Gregory + Burnett. I have with some hesitation concluded that as
[page 66]
to their affairs, further disclosure may be dispensed with for special reasons. These reasons are not founded on lapse of time alone, because where a debtor asks to be discharged from old liabilities there must be an account of the other side [?] of his affairs. Nevertheless much may be excused on account of lapse of time. In this case, the Item above deducted of $150,000 is the amount claimed by this debtor's former partner as due to him on partnership account. The bankrupt denies any indebtment of such amount though he does not dispute that he is indebted to the claimant in some amount. Of course nothing can be so difficult of ascertainment as the balance between partners whose outstanding debts are unsettled. In this case there has been a long litigation; every thing must have been openly contested, or contestable, and the bankrupt states that a stock a/c had been taken yearly while the partnership continued. His creditors therefore know how they may, through the assignee obtain the deficient information, and the bankrupt's relations to his former partner who, I understand, resides in Georgia, may have
[page 67]
foreclosed the ascertainment of the present state of their affairs which would ordinarily be requirable.
If there is no opposition a discharge will be granted.
[page 68]
In the District Court of the United States FOR THE Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
IN THE MATTER OF Edgar M. Gregory
Whereas, Edgar M. Gregory of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly adjudged a Bankrupt, under the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to Establish a Uniform System of Bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved March 2, 1867, and appears to have conformed to all the requirements of the Law in that behalf: it is THEREFORE ORDERED by the Court, this Twenty First day of June, A.D. 1869, that said Edgar M. Gregory be forever discharged from all debts and claims which by said Act are made provable against his Estate, and which existed on the Thirty First day of December A.D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight on which day the petition for adjudication was filed by him excepting such debts, if any, as are by said Act excepted from the operation of a Discharge in Bankruptcy.